I've been driving a 2024 740 li for a year now, it's a good car, there are some drawbacks, the rear curtain, when you lift it, you can't see anything, there are no buttons to turn on or stop the engine
Wow disappointing, lots of little extras are gone, no front dash storage what's that about, where's the chrome, the glitz. Fish net storage holders. Divided consol gone, and the extras added will all be outdated in a few years, resale extra second life tougher
Yes good car and appropriate thanks.
Thanks for watching! 🙏
I've been driving a 2024 740 li for a year now, it's a good car, there are some drawbacks, the rear curtain, when you lift it, you can't see anything, there are no buttons to turn on or stop the engine
thank you so much
Wow disappointing, lots of little extras are gone, no front dash storage what's that about, where's the chrome, the glitz. Fish net storage holders. Divided consol gone, and the extras added will all be outdated in a few years, resale extra second life tougher
thank you so much
Insanely ugly car, how is this even possible.