Aisha RA is young Islamic Scholar Sunan Ibn Majah 2053 It was narrated that Aishah said: "When the following was revealed: 'But if you desire Allah and His Messenger, (ﷺ) the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) entered upon me and said: 'O Aishah I want to say something to you, and you do not have to hasten (in making a decision) until you have consulted your parents."' She said: "He knew, by Allah, that my parents would never tell me to leave him." She said: "Then he recited to me: ' O Prophet (Muhammad)! Say to your wives: " If you desire the life of this world, and its glitter.'" I said: 'Do I need to consult my parents about this? I choose Allah and His Messenger."' حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَحْيَى، حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الرَّزَّاقِ، أَنْبَأَنَا مَعْمَرٌ، عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ، عَنْ عُرْوَةَ، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ، قَالَتْ لَمَّا نَزَلَتْ {وَإِنْ كُنْتُنَّ تُرِدْنَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ} دَخَلَ عَلَىَّ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ فَقَالَ " يَا عَائِشَةُ إِنِّي ذَاكِرٌ لَكِ أَمْرًا فَلاَ عَلَيْكِ أَنْ لاَ تَعْجَلِي فِيهِ حَتَّى تَسْتَأْمِرِي أَبَوَيْكِ قَالَتْ قَدْ عَلِمَ وَاللَّهِ أَنَّ أَبَوَىَّ لَمْ يَكُونَا لِيَأْمُرَانِي بِفِرَاقِهِ . قَالَتْ فَقَرَأَ عَلَىَّ {يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ قُلْ لأَزْوَاجِكَ إِنْ كُنْتُنَّ تُرِدْنَ الْحَيَاةَ الدُّنْيَا وَزِينَتَهَا } . الآيَاتِ . فَقُلْتُ فِي هَذَا أَسْتَأْمِرُ أَبَوَىَّ قَدِ اخْتَرْتُ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ
Excuse me, please have some respect. I just don’t understand some people! First they stumble upon a video, idk if they even watch it or not, than come in the comment section, say something unkind and disrespectful, then leave! Really guys? Really!? What are you gonna gain upon doing this!? Maybe some hate or some backup, that’s it. If you don’t like a video, then just simply scroll away or leave. Everyone is allowed to have opinions of course, but there’s a difference between having an opinion and saying something disrespectful. If you have questions or don’t understand, you can research more. Don’t come and say such things you have no knowledge of. Please understand everyone. Thank you.
@@BrightRubywhy is it disrespectful to say a leader of a religion was hypocritical? You really expect people to really believe one man who saw an angel that no one else saw, had a revelation that only now it was ok to marry 4 wives, but except for him it was ok to marry 11 wives?!? Really? Is the cognitive dissonance that high you can't even see how Islam and your prophet hates and looks down upon women? When you're able to think clearly then you'll see how disrespectful that truly is. But don't come at normal thinking people and ask us not to call out hypocrisy as clear as day
the age of AYSHA: "The Messenger of Allah [ﷺ] married me when I was six years old, and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine, and I used to play with dolls." Aisha [RA], in Sunan an-Nasa'i 3378; Vol. 4, Book 26, Hadith 3380. Don't put flowers in dry land because the land doesn't bloom, but the flowers die: Not even the physiology of a girl who still played with dolls (an immature girl, because human figures are not allowed to mature/adult Muslims) is prepared to receive the physiology of an adult man. This is disturbing....but the most disturbing thing is to see apparently ''educated'' people defending obvious barbarities. And I imagine how many children suffered because of this dark example...
How do you know that Aisha was an immature girl tho? In the Quran it says she was an intelligent Woman. Life expectancy was like 40 yrs. Also even young women stills plays with action figures. You don’t need to be a kid to play with toys.
@@Dutch_Engineer_Piff_Dahnk so because you enjoy playing with the things you like you’re immature? Sounds like you don’t like to have fun or see people having fun.
The Surah 53 in the the Qur'an is called An - Najam ( which means the star) and in the ayah (verse)( 49) Allah says : And he Allah Alone is the lord of Sirius(53:49) ( this is the first time the name of the star is mentioned aka Sirius) Now let's go back to first verse of this surah ayah 1 (by the stars, when they fade away) the word star is written on the first verse and in the ayath / verse 32 as you can observe it has the word (Earth ) these two words Star - Earth are seperated by exactly 861 letters, Now Google the distance between Earth and the Star Sirius , they are seperated by 8.611 light years. Subhanallah. Also sureh Tariq , which means the Star ✨ It means star and in other translation of its root letters means knocking, hard or to bang , and we know that these stars make a knocking sound when an object is close to it. It is heard! How could Mohammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam ) know this, when none had been to soacstor even existence of space 1400 years ago. Indeed Allah is Knower of unseen , and is aware of everything, Allah knows what has happened and what will be going to happen by his infinite ilm.
Also to sendforth the domestic life of prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, how you treat your family, and his sunnahs. It was a command of Allah Subhanahuta'aala tho
First of all, God 👉NEVER👈 commanded Solomon to marry many women. Now, what happen to Solomon after he married MANY WOMEN? Let's read the Bible: "SOLOMON . . . loved many foreign women . . . He had SEVEN HUNDRED WIVES, PRINCESSES , and THREE HUNDRED CONCUBINES, and HIS WIVES TURNED HIS HEART AWAY [FROM GOD] . . ." (1 Kings 11:1-4, Amplified Bible). That's the consequence of marrying MANY WOMEN. REMEMBER: The command of God is very clear: "You shall most certainly set a KING over you whom the Lord your God chooses . . . HE SHALL NOT ACQUIRE MULTIPLE WIVES FOR HIMSELF, OR ELSE HIS HEART WILL TURN AWAY [FROM GOD] . . ." (Deuteronomy 17:15-17, Amplified Bible).
These mental slaves of Mohammad will say Satan was a liar and Allah also lied so whats the big deal? Pedos in America have sex with 9 years old so what is wrong If Mohammad had sex with a small kid mental slaves 😅😅
Whether Mohammud married someone to look after his kids or for political reason is not the main concern. Mohammud was marrying more than 4 wives esp after receiving revelation from Allah that one should not more then 4. Its either means he dont respect the revelations or Allah as he nearly 3 times over the limit. Mohammud really couldnt find men he knew or in his followers to whom he could get the widows or women married to?? he had to go over the limit to marry them?? He didnt marry his first wife for political reason! He didnt marry Aisha or Sawda for political reason! He didnt marry Zaynad for political reason! As if his wives werent enough he had woven won from various wars and a slave with whom he had a son from. Mohammud was far from being a good example or for others men!
I am a lifelong atheist who recently has felt the pull to god. It would be so much easier where I’m from to be a Christian, but I keep feeling the pull to Islam. This issue of multiple wives has been one of the few big things keeping me on the fence
Have you got your answer my brother / sister ? Have you try to read the Quran ? The Quran states that for males, they can have one, two, three, or four wives, BUT if they cannot do justice between them, they should MARRY ONLY ONE. No other books or scriptures tell you 'marry only one.' It's important to note that while having the option to marry multiple wives, the majority of Muslim men choose to have only one wife. Marrying another woman requires permission from the first wife, and marrying a third one needs permission from both the first and second wife, making it a complex process , if the husband treated his wives unjustly he will be held accountable in front of God on the day of judgment , it's not as easy as people might think it is Let's talk about some real stuff , I'd say having multiple wives ( according to Islamic teaching where the husband have to provide for his family , children & treat all his wives equally ) is much much better than to cheating on one's wife, committing adultery, having multiple partners outside of marriage or having a one night stand with a strangers . Would you disagree ? Which one do you prefer ? In some countries and places, the female population is much higher than the male population. If one man can only have one wife, there are millions of women who may not be able to find a husband. What solutions do other religions has to offer for this situation? Theologically , none of them would have the answer . Islam is not just a religion , it's a way of life , may God guide us to the truth my brother / sister .
@@OktaVian-m8g indeed muhammad allowed up to 4 so how can he be "the best example" to follow when he himself had more than 10 wives making him a hypocrite because he couldn't practice what he preached
@@trxln6587 please provide evidence of what you are saying because there are quranic verses that says girls can offer themselfs to muhammad and he may choose whoever he wants. theres also hadith where aisha complained about it, she was jealous that girls could give themselfs to muhammad so aisha said to muhammad "it seems that your lord/allah hastens to satisfy your desires" hahaha the hadith reference is Sahih Muslim 1464a
@@trxln6587 theres also a hadith where it mentions a man who had 10 wives from pre-islamic period and he and his wives ended up accepting islam and muhammad told him to keep 4 of them and seperate from the rest yet muhammad kept all his wives? hmm sure
Most of his marriages were for political gain and for the spread of Islam. In Arabia, no one could carry on the work of reform and upliftment unless he belonged to, or was related to some specific and respectable tribe. Thus, in the interest of his mission, the Prophet (pbuh) needed inter-tribal relationships.
Would it be justified for Isreal to kill Palestenians for political gain? M K Gandhi said "I have often said that if one takes care of the means, the end will take care of itself", for Mohammed it was reverse.
Allah says this life is a test,even though he married aisha age 9 it's all a test, in this life test will come in many ways? eventually hopefully when we go heaven (jannah) we will be all same age 33.
Excuse me, please have some respect. I just don’t understand some people! First they stumble upon a video, idk if they even watch it or not, than come in the comment section, say something unkind and disrespectful, then leave! Really guys? Really!? What are you gonna gain upon doing this!? Maybe some hate or some backup, that’s it. If you don’t like a video, then just simply scroll away or leave. Everyone is allowed to have opinions of course, but there’s a difference between having an opinion and saying something disrespectful. If you have questions or don’t understand, you can research more. Don’t come and say such things you have no knowledge of. Please understand everyone. Thank you.
No valid reason except for forced excuses like these. He broke his own self-claim rule, and took in 11 wifes instead of max 4 Then his claim about houri angels for men in Jannah His sexual activities , sex slaves and so on Yes, more than enough proof Mohammed is a pervert and pedophile especially so when he has gained the power to do so
Reasons girls were married at way younger age than now are because of social acceptance/norm at the time. If you look at certain countries in the world nowadays, there are countries that do not put limit of girl's age to get married. You not able to accept it now just that the way majority of people views are different. Adding feminism view as well where girls need to be involved in society and not just keep at home cooking, etc. So girls go to school to finish higher education level like men do and it is expected for girls to marry late than before. Also, life expectancies of people during old time are low because of lack medical researches, hard to get medicine/doctor (usually accessible to rich people). So, when the girl get married at the age, it already 1/3 of their whole life. Not only view on marriageable age change, also number of wives a man can have at the same time. Years ago men can have many wives. Three of many reasons are because of low no. of men due to wars so many widow women / unmarried women marry a man for protection/ to live because men usually is a bread winner in family, royalty/ rich people often have many wives and teaching of Islam that allow (optional choice) a man to marry up to 4 wives with conditons that the man could give protection, justice for all the wives, able to support financially, emotionally, etc. This applies to the children from the wives as well. Apologies for my english language proficiency as this is not my primary language.
So, are you saying life expectancy for little Aisha was only 27 years? Many little girls die giving birth to babies because their tiny little pelvis can't handle it and they bleed to death. If that little baby lives when it's young mother dies, then it is given to some other woman to take care of it, resenting it all along, and then it is given in marriage to some other lusting old man. What a beautiful life.
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him marriages(after Aisha ra)were for political reasons or for social reform. Special exemption was given to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)One of his wives was from a Jewish tribe who later became Muslim which set the example to people that people can change and that just because someone’s had a past that’s not Islamic., that does not mean that they can never be a Muslim.
He did not have a son... who reached the age of puberty hence none of his sons were married. Please do your research throughly before making false accusations. Thanks
Muhammad "married" the matron Sawda after his first wife, Khadijah died, for the purpose to look after his daughters, he then went off to marry the 6 yr old Aisha to fondle and "play" with her. He was despicable.
here some proves he was a lusty man: Sunan an Nasai 3205: "IT was narrated that Aisha sayd: the messanger of Allah did not die, until Allah permitted him to marry every women he wanted." Sunan an Nasai 3199: It was narrated that Aisha said: I used to feel jealous those (women) who offener them self (in marriage) to the Prophet and I said: "Why would a free woman offer herself? Then Allah, the mighty and sublime revealed: you can postpone whom you will of them and receice whom you will. I said: By Allah, I See your lord is Quick to Respond to your wishes. Aisha even verifies it. 😂
the pagan quraish offered him wealth and kingship in return for him to cease his monotheistic mission, and he refused their offer and endured persecution
@@islamicclips2103 Because at some point people become suspicious. For a given situation you can frame as disadvantageous, abusing a component is still seen as fairly realistic. If we had all the wealth and women for himself, that would have raised an eyebrow. He merely exploited the situation.
Please no Sorry as a Muslim, this question cannot be answered if the person asking it is an unfair person, a biased person, or someone who offends my religion I cannot answer. When we say how a 53-year-old man marries a nine-year-old girl, you shouldn't take it in terms of the standards we have today, you should look at it from a historical perspective. The heart of the desert
Ask your grandmother or her mother when they married at what age? Didn't you listen it was the order of Allah and it was to share his domestic life with us to teach us , for it to reach us how he sallallahu alaihi wasallam was at home. Do not b disrespectful, and her age is not mentioned, it's just mentioned that she's young, And he sallallahu alaihi wasallam guarded, and was best with his family/ wifes , he was an orphan, and following islam was not easy that time people were executed, there were wars, crisis, hypocrites, blood shed, torture on muslims , and men went to war, they were steadfast, skilled, disciplined and were believers , Strong followers of Allah. And Qur'an is preserved for years to years. And it's not a random book.
@@Syedafathima7182 well my grandma was 16 and her mother was 17 at marriage . It was never normal to marry 9 years old to 50 year old man and the cultures who do child marriages also choose bridegroom of the same age group. Only a brainwashed follower of a cult leader will give his 6 year old daughter in marriage to his cult leader
@@Syedafathima7182 her age is mentioned, Muhammad is disgusting he should marry a girl his own age why a little girl yet she hasn't reached puberty she was playing toys with her girlfriend, you are saying Allah is allowing this then what kind of God allah is?
@@Syedafathima7182 how is it preserved when many muslim scholars and the founder of the Qur'an complain about the Qur'an not properly preserved missing the documents that are not recovered. The one with the breastfeeding verse
Question to yourself why do we believe in allot of the things that Aisha said and we d9ntbhave much from hiw own daughter fatima, who knows you better your own family does
@user-yv2vi7lz3v imaging worshipping a guy that said to have no more than 4 wives, but god told him to have as many as he wants. Than telling others they're lost
who are we to compare with the prophet SAW the most beloved by Allah and the greatest of All Creation , even how hard we try we can never come close to his perfect character and conduct. the fact we dare question the blessings and Favour that Allah has bestowed upon him is just scary . may Allah forgive us for our lack of knowledge and understanding.
prophet muhammed peace be upon him was a father, grandfather, husband, warrior, leader and the most successful human being in history while jesus p.b.u.h was one of the greatest prophets, it's not a lie to say that the prophet muhammed peace be upon him is a better role model and has more influence than prophet jesus/isa peace be upon him has
@user-wb1gs1jy5r so then having 10 wives and 100s of sex slaves is the most righteous thing to do. You were just talking about truth, that's what you believe?
@@Noname-u5h9e here is some of your truth for you buddy: here some proves he was a lusty man: Sunan an Nasai 3205: "IT was narrated that Aisha sayd: the messanger of Allah did not die, until Allah permitted him to marry every women he wanted." Sunan an Nasai 3199: It was narrated that Aisha said: I used to feel jealous those (women) who offener them self (in marriage) to the Prophet and I said: "Why would a free woman offer herself? Then Allah, the mighty and sublime revealed: you can postpone whom you will of them and receice whom you will. I said: By Allah, I See your lord is Quick to Respond to your wishes. Aisha even verifies it. 😂
“None the less…” Seems the response to downplay Mohammad’s questionable sexual behavior that crossed the line of child abuse and perversion. Sounds like Mohammad shared the same sinful lust for little girls with Joseph Smith. I can hear Mormon leadership responding, “none the less”.
If Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him married because of pure lust then he would have married many young virgins but he married widows instead. He housed them cared for them etc
What is wrong in having more than four wives?, My each brother has more than 15 wives and also many concubines. It is a man's choice how many he needs and according to his requirements he will have women as many as he can. Who is somebody to limit a man to have only four wives? If you limit a man to only few wives then he will go and sleep with other men's wives and the society becomes polluted with adulterous children.
Bottom line is that GOD whom we must use as a guide has given Muslims allowance to marry up to 4 wife' However GOD did not give permission for Gay Marriages , lesbianism Incest and abortion. Hereupon many comply with the aforesaid not to forget prositution However
@@diyaaaa7030 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆i mean how dumb are you..... prabhu sri krishna had 16108 wives... read narakasura vadha... and prabhu krishna is called as askalankitha brahmachaari... you still have to take atleast a million lifetimes to understand even the meaning of the word Sri Krishna... have fun laughing....jai shree krishna
Aisha RA is young Islamic Scholar
Sunan Ibn Majah 2053
It was narrated that Aishah said:
"When the following was revealed: 'But if you desire Allah and His Messenger, (ﷺ) the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) entered upon me and said: 'O Aishah I want to say something to you, and you do not have to hasten (in making a decision) until you have consulted your parents."' She said: "He knew, by Allah, that my parents would never tell me to leave him." She said: "Then he recited to me: ' O Prophet (Muhammad)! Say to your wives: " If you desire the life of this world, and its glitter.'" I said: 'Do I need to consult my parents about this? I choose Allah and His Messenger."'
حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَحْيَى، حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الرَّزَّاقِ، أَنْبَأَنَا مَعْمَرٌ، عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ، عَنْ عُرْوَةَ، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ، قَالَتْ لَمَّا نَزَلَتْ {وَإِنْ كُنْتُنَّ تُرِدْنَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ} دَخَلَ عَلَىَّ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ فَقَالَ " يَا عَائِشَةُ إِنِّي ذَاكِرٌ لَكِ أَمْرًا فَلاَ عَلَيْكِ أَنْ لاَ تَعْجَلِي فِيهِ حَتَّى تَسْتَأْمِرِي أَبَوَيْكِ قَالَتْ قَدْ عَلِمَ وَاللَّهِ أَنَّ أَبَوَىَّ لَمْ يَكُونَا لِيَأْمُرَانِي بِفِرَاقِهِ . قَالَتْ فَقَرَأَ عَلَىَّ {يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ قُلْ لأَزْوَاجِكَ إِنْ كُنْتُنَّ تُرِدْنَ الْحَيَاةَ الدُّنْيَا وَزِينَتَهَا } . الآيَاتِ . فَقُلْتُ فِي هَذَا أَسْتَأْمِرُ أَبَوَىَّ قَدِ اخْتَرْتُ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ
A man who cannot lead by example is not worth following
But a lot of fools are following the hypocrite
Exactly and Mohammad is definitely not a lead by example kind of guy.
Excuse me, please have some respect. I just don’t understand some people! First they stumble upon a video, idk if they even watch it or not, than come in the comment section, say something unkind and disrespectful, then leave! Really guys? Really!? What are you gonna gain upon doing this!? Maybe some hate or some backup, that’s it. If you don’t like a video, then just simply scroll away or leave. Everyone is allowed to have opinions of course, but there’s a difference between having an opinion and saying something disrespectful. If you have questions or don’t understand, you can research more. Don’t come and say such things you have no knowledge of. Please understand everyone. Thank you.
@@BrightRubywhy is it disrespectful to say a leader of a religion was hypocritical? You really expect people to really believe one man who saw an angel that no one else saw, had a revelation that only now it was ok to marry 4 wives, but except for him it was ok to marry 11 wives?!?
Really? Is the cognitive dissonance that high you can't even see how Islam and your prophet hates and looks down upon women? When you're able to think clearly then you'll see how disrespectful that truly is. But don't come at normal thinking people and ask us not to call out hypocrisy as clear as day
@BrightRuby muslims lie about other religions all the time, why can't we tell the truth about you
Let be clear... Call evil what is evil and good as what is good.
the age of AYSHA:
"The Messenger of Allah [ﷺ] married me when I was six years old, and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine, and I used to play with dolls."
Aisha [RA], in Sunan an-Nasa'i 3378; Vol. 4, Book 26, Hadith 3380.
Don't put flowers in dry land because the land doesn't bloom, but the flowers die: Not even the physiology of a girl who still played with dolls (an immature girl, because human figures are not allowed to mature/adult Muslims) is prepared to receive the physiology of an adult man. This is disturbing....but the most disturbing thing is to see apparently ''educated'' people defending obvious barbarities. And I imagine how many children suffered because of this dark example...
How do you know that Aisha was an immature girl tho? In the Quran it says she was an intelligent Woman. Life expectancy was like 40 yrs. Also even young women stills plays with action figures. You don’t need to be a kid to play with toys.
@@firststep4645 because it is forbbiden figures in islam!!… unless if it used by immature, children, understand or no?? Basic…!!!
@firststep4645 if you're not a kid and play with dolls than you're immature.
Thinking and Islam doesn't mesh
@@Dutch_Engineer_Piff_Dahnk so because you enjoy playing with the things you like you’re immature? Sounds like you don’t like to have fun or see people having fun.
@@TheSaramontano no explain please
The Surah 53 in the the Qur'an is called An - Najam ( which means the star) and in the ayah (verse)( 49) Allah says : And he Allah Alone is the lord of Sirius(53:49) ( this is the first time the name of the star is mentioned aka Sirius) Now let's go back to first verse of this surah ayah 1 (by the stars, when they fade away) the word star is written on the first verse and in the ayath / verse 32 as you can observe it has the word (Earth ) these two words Star - Earth are seperated by exactly 861 letters, Now Google the distance between Earth and the Star Sirius , they are seperated by 8.611 light years. Subhanallah.
Also sureh Tariq , which means the Star ✨ It means star and in other translation of its root letters means knocking, hard or to bang , and we know that these stars make a knocking sound when an object is close to it. It is heard! How could Mohammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam ) know this, when none had been to soacstor even existence of space 1400 years ago. Indeed Allah is Knower of unseen , and is aware of everything, Allah knows what has happened and what will be going to happen by his infinite ilm.
he had them as quran recorders
Also to sendforth the domestic life of prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, how you treat your family, and his sunnahs. It was a command of Allah Subhanahuta'aala tho
Solomon, third king of Israel (reigned c. 968-928 B.C.E.), is said to have had a harem that included 700 wives and 300 concubines
First of all, God
👉NEVER👈 commanded Solomon to marry many women. Now, what happen to Solomon after he married MANY WOMEN? Let's read the Bible:
"SOLOMON . . . loved many foreign women . . . He had SEVEN HUNDRED WIVES, PRINCESSES , and THREE HUNDRED CONCUBINES, and HIS WIVES TURNED HIS HEART AWAY [FROM GOD] . . ." (1 Kings 11:1-4, Amplified Bible).
That's the consequence of marrying MANY WOMEN. REMEMBER: The command of God is very clear:
"You shall most certainly set a KING over you whom the Lord your God chooses . . . HE SHALL NOT ACQUIRE MULTIPLE WIVES FOR HIMSELF, OR ELSE HIS HEART WILL TURN AWAY [FROM GOD] . . ." (Deuteronomy 17:15-17, Amplified Bible).
And he was rebuked by God for it.
That's allowed during that period then Jesus made the correction by biblical law a man to cling to one wife. Lol
@@kristiyanongkatoliko9525FACTS. Solomon had fallen to a group of wicked women who believed in many Gods and worship the stars. Lol
These mental slaves of Mohammad will say Satan was a liar and Allah also lied so whats the big deal? Pedos in America have sex with 9 years old so what is wrong If Mohammad had sex with a small kid mental slaves 😅😅
Whether Mohammud married someone to look after his kids or for political reason is not the main concern. Mohammud was marrying more than 4 wives esp after receiving revelation from Allah that one should not more then 4. Its either means he dont respect the revelations or Allah as he nearly 3 times over the limit.
Mohammud really couldnt find men he knew or in his followers to whom he could get the widows or women married to?? he had to go over the limit to marry them??
He didnt marry his first wife for political reason! He didnt marry Aisha or Sawda for political reason! He didnt marry Zaynad for political reason! As if his wives werent enough he had woven won from various wars and a slave with whom he had a son from.
Mohammud was far from being a good example or for others men!
You can say anything,because No one read coran, hadith etc......
You did not explain about Safiya.they killed her father, and her husband Kinana at rabi.Mohamed married her few days on the way back
I am a lifelong atheist who recently has felt the pull to god. It would be so much easier where I’m from to be a Christian, but I keep feeling the pull to Islam. This issue of multiple wives has been one of the few big things keeping me on the fence
Have you got your answer my brother / sister ? Have you try to read the Quran ? The Quran states that for males, they can have one, two, three, or four wives, BUT if they cannot do justice between them, they should MARRY ONLY ONE. No other books or scriptures tell you 'marry only one.' It's important to note that while having the option to marry multiple wives, the majority of Muslim men choose to have only one wife. Marrying another woman requires permission from the first wife, and marrying a third one needs permission from both the first and second wife, making it a complex process , if the husband treated his wives unjustly he will be held accountable in front of God on the day of judgment , it's not as easy as people might think it is
Let's talk about some real stuff , I'd say having multiple wives ( according to Islamic teaching where the husband have to provide for his family , children & treat all his wives equally ) is much much better than to cheating on one's wife, committing adultery, having multiple partners outside of marriage or having a one night stand with a strangers .
Would you disagree ? Which one do you prefer ?
In some countries and places, the female population is much higher than the male population. If one man can only have one wife, there are millions of women who may not be able to find a husband. What solutions do other religions has to offer for this situation? Theologically , none of them would have the answer .
Islam is not just a religion , it's a way of life , may God guide us to the truth my brother / sister .
@@OktaVian-m8g indeed muhammad allowed up to 4 so how can he be "the best example" to follow when he himself had more than 10 wives making him a hypocrite because he couldn't practice what he preached
@@trxln6587 please provide evidence of what you are saying because there are quranic verses that says girls can offer themselfs to muhammad and he may choose whoever he wants. theres also hadith where aisha complained about it, she was jealous that girls could give themselfs to muhammad so aisha said to muhammad "it seems that your lord/allah hastens to satisfy your desires" hahaha the hadith reference is Sahih Muslim 1464a
@@trxln6587 the hadith doesn't prove anything? yes it does and its very clear what aisha meant. it even says she felt jealous
@@trxln6587 theres also a hadith where it mentions a man who had 10 wives from pre-islamic period and he and his wives ended up accepting islam and muhammad told him to keep 4 of them and seperate from the rest yet muhammad kept all his wives? hmm sure
Most of his marriages were for political gain and for the spread of Islam. In Arabia, no one could carry on the work of reform and upliftment unless he belonged to, or was related to some specific and respectable tribe. Thus, in the interest of his mission, the Prophet (pbuh) needed inter-tribal relationships.
Which marriages were for political gain?
Would it be justified for Isreal to kill Palestenians for political gain? M K Gandhi said "I have often said that if one takes care of the means, the end will take care of itself", for Mohammed it was reverse.
Allah says this life is a test,even though he married aisha age 9 it's all a test, in this life test will come in many ways? eventually hopefully when we go heaven (jannah) we will be all same age 33.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was best to all his wives. and said the best of you are those who are best to their family.
@@Syedafathima7182was he also good to his 9yo baby wife ?
@@sonnyblc7287 yep
@@sonnyblc7287according to them. Yes. 😢
A test, as in don’t lust after children, test. To think otherwise is disturbing and disgusting!
Safia , yeah, love is in the story , when they killed all her people....
He was a lusty man
Muhammad pbuh married 11 wives
Is The Voice window and divorce but Krishna is God lusty 160,000 wives
Very true
Completely true
Do you even watched the whole video?and stop being rude
Peace be upon him..😅😅😅😅😅😅😅is a joke. People below him on earth are fighting....abd killing innocent 😅😅😅😅😅
Hafza and virginity example cracked me up😂😂 what about widowed khadjia 😂 excuses excusessss
Islam is da only space we can find comfort
one of the ways to hell...
at this point islam should be considered more of a sport and less of a religion, considering all the mental gymnastics involved
Excuse me, please have some respect. I just don’t understand some people! First they stumble upon a video, idk if they even watch it or not, than come in the comment section, say something unkind and disrespectful, then leave! Really guys? Really!? What are you gonna gain upon doing this!? Maybe some hate or some backup, that’s it. If you don’t like a video, then just simply scroll away or leave. Everyone is allowed to have opinions of course, but there’s a difference between having an opinion and saying something disrespectful. If you have questions or don’t understand, you can research more. Don’t come and say such things you have no knowledge of. Please understand everyone. Thank you.
@BrightRuby why do muslims have no respect for other religions
One of the best explanations so far it was explained so beautifully you can’t deny it ❤❤😊
Subhanallah EVERYTHING in Islam had a valid reason!
No valid reason except for forced excuses like these.
He broke his own self-claim rule, and took in 11 wifes instead of max 4
Then his claim about houri angels for men in Jannah
His sexual activities , sex slaves and so on
Yes, more than enough proof Mohammed is a pervert and pedophile especially so when he has gained the power to do so
Exactly, no double standards here.
Even the sex slaves he kept for his amusement 😅
@@Harshreality298 You are misquoting verses about captured prisoners of war
Reasons girls were married at way younger age than now are because of social acceptance/norm at the time. If you look at certain countries in the world nowadays, there are countries that do not put limit of girl's age to get married. You not able to accept it now just that the way majority of people views are different. Adding feminism view as well where girls need to be involved in society and not just keep at home cooking, etc. So girls go to school to finish higher education level like men do and it is expected for girls to marry late than before.
Also, life expectancies of people during old time are low because of lack medical researches, hard to get medicine/doctor (usually accessible to rich people). So, when the girl get married at the age, it already 1/3 of their whole life.
Not only view on marriageable age change, also number of wives a man can have at the same time. Years ago men can have many wives. Three of many reasons are because of low no. of men due to wars so many widow women / unmarried women marry a man for protection/ to live because men usually is a bread winner in family, royalty/ rich people often have many wives and teaching of Islam that allow (optional choice) a man to marry up to 4 wives with conditons that the man could give protection, justice for all the wives, able to support financially, emotionally, etc. This applies to the children from the wives as well.
Apologies for my english language proficiency as this is not my primary language.
So, are you saying life expectancy for little Aisha was only 27 years? Many little girls die giving birth to babies because their tiny little pelvis can't handle it and they bleed to death. If that little baby lives when it's young mother dies, then it is given to some other woman to take care of it, resenting it all along, and then it is given in marriage to some other lusting old man. What a beautiful life.
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him marriages(after Aisha ra)were for political reasons or for social reform. Special exemption was given to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)One of his wives was from a Jewish tribe who later became Muslim which set the example to people that people can change and that just because someone’s had a past that’s not Islamic., that does not mean that they can never be a Muslim.
Even married his son's wife, is that Godly really????
He did not have a son... who reached the age of puberty hence none of his sons were married. Please do your research throughly before making false accusations.
@@nady2265he had an adopted son called Zayd. He took his wife from him, after he saw her half naked. Isn't that the Definition of lusty?
@raho500 his adopted son was not zayd... can you show evidence for that... do you research before trying to criticise.
@@nady2265 Oh. So, boys have to reach puberty to marry, but girls don't?
Didn't mention sawda(pbuh) was also a widow with children
Muhammad "married" the matron Sawda after his first wife, Khadijah died, for the purpose to look after his daughters, he then went off to marry the 6 yr old Aisha to fondle and "play" with her. He was despicable.
So true 👍
'Battle ignorance'
here some proves he was a lusty man:
Sunan an Nasai 3205:
"IT was narrated that Aisha sayd: the messanger of Allah did not die, until Allah permitted him to marry every women he wanted."
Sunan an Nasai 3199:
It was narrated that Aisha said: I used to feel jealous those (women) who offener them self (in marriage) to the Prophet and I said: "Why would a free woman offer herself? Then Allah, the mighty and sublime revealed: you can postpone whom you will of them and receice whom you will.
I said: By Allah, I See your lord is Quick to Respond to your wishes.
Aisha even verifies it. 😂
Because he bullshitted himself through world history.
"I see your lord hastens to fulfill your desires" - Aisha.
Why would he pretend to be a prophet to have multiple wives even though he could've done that before...?
@@islamicclips2103 That's the point. Even Abu Jahl proposed Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to have the most beautiful woman of Makkah in the Meccan period.
the pagan quraish offered him wealth and kingship in return for him to cease his monotheistic mission, and he refused their offer and endured persecution
@@islamicclips2103 Because at some point people become suspicious.
For a given situation you can frame as disadvantageous, abusing a component is still seen as fairly realistic.
If we had all the wealth and women for himself, that would have raised an eyebrow.
He merely exploited the situation.
@@afiemon He could not have obliged as his followers would have seen him for what he was, just a mere greedy man. So he exploited and worked around.
Muslims killed the husband of Al Jawariah,Moustapha
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
My wife is 9,
And I am 52
Please no Sorry as a Muslim, this question cannot be answered if the person asking it is an unfair person, a biased person, or someone who offends my religion I cannot answer. When we say how a 53-year-old man marries a nine-year-old girl, you shouldn't take it in terms of the standards we have today, you should look at it from a historical perspective. The heart of the desert
Ask your grandmother or her mother when they married at what age?
Didn't you listen it was the order of Allah and it was to share his domestic life with us to teach us , for it to reach us how he sallallahu alaihi wasallam was at home.
Do not b disrespectful, and her age is not mentioned, it's just mentioned that she's young, And he sallallahu alaihi wasallam guarded, and was best with his family/ wifes , he was an orphan, and following islam was not easy that time people were executed, there were wars, crisis, hypocrites, blood shed, torture on muslims , and men went to war, they were steadfast, skilled, disciplined and were believers , Strong followers of Allah. And Qur'an is preserved for years to years. And it's not a random book.
@@Syedafathima7182 well my grandma was 16 and her mother was 17 at marriage . It was never normal to marry 9 years old to 50 year old man and the cultures who do child marriages also choose bridegroom of the same age group.
Only a brainwashed follower of a cult leader will give his 6 year old daughter in marriage to his cult leader
@@Syedafathima7182 her age is mentioned, Muhammad is disgusting he should marry a girl his own age why a little girl yet she hasn't reached puberty she was playing toys with her girlfriend, you are saying Allah is allowing this then what kind of God allah is?
@@Syedafathima7182 how is it preserved when many muslim scholars and the founder of the Qur'an complain about the Qur'an not properly preserved missing the documents that are not recovered. The one with the breastfeeding verse
Question to yourself why do we believe in allot of the things that Aisha said and we d9ntbhave much from hiw own daughter fatima, who knows you better your own family does
Aisha was 6 years old.🤷🏽♂️
At least the prophet waited until she turned 9 before consummating the marriage.
@@bruno6919 IM SORRY WHAT? 9 is a whole kid
That's what the prophet (pbuh) did.@@rosyclozyfan
That's what the prophet (pbuh) did.@@rosyclozyfan
@@bruno6919 rapred a 9 year old who played with dolls
Well explanation!!
Can this abdool give any reference from the Qur'an or sahih Hadiths or like all other abdool's just keep cooking up stories without any references
Abdool means Servant of God , much much better than 'the lost sheep of Israel' at least we're still a human , and we're not lost , LOL
@user-yv2vi7lz3v imaging worshipping a guy that said to have no more than 4 wives, but god told him to have as many as he wants.
Than telling others they're lost
who are we to compare with the prophet SAW the most beloved by Allah and the greatest of All Creation , even how hard we try we can never come close to his perfect character and conduct. the fact we dare question the blessings and Favour that Allah has bestowed upon him is just scary . may Allah forgive us for our lack of knowledge and understanding.
Our Father is our creator. Jesus our Saviour. The Holy Spirit our santificator.
prophet muhammed peace be upon him was a father, grandfather, husband, warrior, leader and the most successful human being in history
while jesus p.b.u.h was one of the greatest prophets, it's not a lie to say that the prophet muhammed peace be upon him is a better role model and has more influence than prophet jesus/isa peace be upon him has
Hahahahah....!!!!! What have you been smoking 🚬????
@@hdl135605 it's called truth, you should try too
Isa (pbu) was the best rolmodel for the people of his time, where as Muhammad is the best rolmodel for the people of his time and so on.
@user-wb1gs1jy5r so then having 10 wives and 100s of sex slaves is the most righteous thing to do.
You were just talking about truth, that's what you believe?
@@Noname-u5h9e here is some of your truth for you buddy:
here some proves he was a lusty man:
Sunan an Nasai 3205:
"IT was narrated that Aisha sayd: the messanger of Allah did not die, until Allah permitted him to marry every women he wanted."
Sunan an Nasai 3199:
It was narrated that Aisha said: I used to feel jealous those (women) who offener them self (in marriage) to the Prophet and I said: "Why would a free woman offer herself? Then Allah, the mighty and sublime revealed: you can postpone whom you will of them and receice whom you will.
I said: By Allah, I See your lord is Quick to Respond to your wishes.
Aisha even verifies it. 😂
Wow! Need 2 CHRISTIAN authors to defend mo-ham-mad. allah the matchmaker had nothing better to do than to look for wives for mo-mad!
He had 11 because he couldn't count to 4!
And you had to comment something like this having no brain!
“None the less…” Seems the response to downplay Mohammad’s questionable sexual behavior that crossed the line of child abuse and perversion. Sounds like Mohammad shared the same sinful lust for little girls with Joseph Smith. I can hear Mormon leadership responding, “none the less”.
Brillant !
Please be respectful
He can count better than your father at home.
He took his sons wife and slept with!!
Islam saved a lot of women and no one can say otherwise
What a life.
Debate Cristian Prince or Ahmad ex Muslim on their UA-cam channel and proof all the rubbish you are talking is right
mohamad nabi is very good example of elder muslims
Jesus is (no sinner), not Muhammad
😎👉your wife? 😯😩👉👉 പൊതി 😮
If Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him married because of pure lust then he would have married many young virgins but he married widows instead. He housed them cared for them etc
Awww. Isn't that a knight in shining armor?
How dare you depict the wife in the thumbnail
because in the beginning GOD gave ADAM multiples EVES .....but Muhammad knows more then God...
Bla, bla, bla only bla, bla, bla😂😂😂
I believe ❤❤❤
👉🥚? 🤔
To fulfill his lustful desires. Like he married his son Zaids wife.
Muhammad had more privilege than his underlings.
What is wrong in having more than four wives?, My each brother has more than 15 wives and also many concubines. It is a man's choice how many he needs and according to his requirements he will have women as many as he can. Who is somebody to limit a man to have only four wives? If you limit a man to only few wives then he will go and sleep with other men's wives and the society becomes polluted with adulterous children.
This proves a man cannot be faithful and pure. He is ruled by lust, depravity and addiction to his selfish desires.
Bottom line is that GOD whom we must use as a guide has given Muslims allowance to marry up to 4 wife' However GOD did not give permission for Gay Marriages , lesbianism Incest and abortion.
Hereupon many comply with the aforesaid not to forget prositution
Exmuslims are laughing 😅
Nice profile! But Krishna ke bhi 100 se zyda wives the if I am not wrong ..... Now Muslims are laughing
@@diyaaaa7030 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆i mean how dumb are you..... prabhu sri krishna had 16108 wives... read narakasura vadha... and prabhu krishna is called as askalankitha brahmachaari... you still have to take atleast a million lifetimes to understand even the meaning of the word Sri Krishna... have fun laughing....jai shree krishna
@@diyaaaa7030 😆😆😆 you need take atleast 1 million more births to understand prabhu Krishna... all the best...
@Darwin-santos 😄😄wow...
@@Introverthindu Tu ek janam mai fir kaise samajh gyi😂