Paris Riots (1968)

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • No title. Strikes paralyse France and demonstrators clash with police in Paris and provincial towns.
    Various shots locked gates and empty buildings. L/S trains idle in stations. Panning shot deserted airport and buildings. L/S idle docks. Various shots traffic blocking streets. Various shots big piles of rubbish in street. L/S people queuing outside the National Bank. Various shots people panic buying food in market. L/S French assembly building, various shots ministers arriving. Various shots Prime Minister Georges Pompidou speaking in the Assembly.
    Panning shot demonstrators crowded in street. L/S crowd marching waving flags. Night shots as demonstrations turn to riots; M/S demonstrators in burning street waving flags. M/S another demonstrator throws more rubbish onto fire. Panning shot fires burning in street. C/U M. Pompidou arriving at building. Various shots ministers arriving. Zoom in to L/S lines of riot police. C/U ditto. Panning shot two crowds of demonstrators in street. Various C/Us Alain Seismar (less militant activist) talking to demonstrators through loudspeaker. Panning shot as Seismar walks over to speak to police. C/U Seismar speaking to policeman.
    L/S policemen with shields, pan to crowd throwing stones. L/S demonstrators throwing stones. Night shots demonstrators break up paving stones. A tree is felled to make blockade. L/S policeman firing tear gas shell. L/S rubbish being piled up for burning. L/S demonstrators throwing stuff onto fires. L/S police throwing stones back at demonstrators. L/S firemen running through burning street. L/S crowd of policemen marching along street. Panning shot fire burning. L/S ditto. M/S injured demonstrator being helped away. L/S fire burning. M/S ditto.
    L/S demonstrator waving flag from statue, zoom back to L/S of car workers outside building in provincial town. C/U old man in crowd. Panning students in street near Forbach on the French-German border waiting for communist student leader Daniel Cohn-Bendit ("Red Danny"). L/S frontier guard with barbed wire. C/U frontier sign. C/U Red Danny in crowd of supporters. Panning shot students sitting in road around the border. C/U Red Danny addressing the students. C/U ditto. L/S the crowd. C/U Red Danny with policemen round him. Panning shot as he is driven away in van, back into Germany.
    Panning shot members of the trade union movement marching in Paris. L/S ditto. C/U man carrying flag, pan to crowd behind. C/U people in the crowd marching. C/U man listens to wireless as President Charles De Gaulle speaks. L/S massed crowd as De Gaulle speaks. C/U De Gaulle speaking. Panning shot policemen throwing missiles back at demonstrators in streets. L/S as policemen fire tear gas shells at demonstrators. L/S police in pursuit of demonstrators. Panning C/U demonstrator with blood streaming from face. C/U injured policeman being helped away. L/S police outside burning building. M/S fire burning on stairs in building. Panning shot demonstrator being arrested by policemen. L/S fires burning in streets of Latin Quarter. L/S demonstrators digging up cobble stones with pickaxes. C/U ditto pan to fire burning. L/S police milling about. L/S as hordes of police charge demonstrators. L/S police running past camera. L/S as they attack the demonstrators, ditto. C/U police beating a demonstrator. Panning C/U policeman standing by two demonstrators laying in road. L/S medical teams helping injured demonstrators. L/S demonstrator throwing missile at police. L/S police throwing stones back. L/S police firing tear gas shells. L/S confused crowd amongst cloud of smoke. C/U injured man being taken away on stretcher. M/S another injured man being helped to car. L/S pile of rubbish burning. L/S cars burning. L/S bulldozer clearing blockade of wrecked cars. L/S police pursuing demonstrators. L/S police firing tear gas shells into crowd. L/S bulldozer clearing blockade of felled trees. L/S scene as police fire tear gas shells into crowd.
    Aftermath of the riots: L/S scene next morning in the streets, barricades of trees laying around. C/U tree stump. Pan to L/S tree laying in road. Panning shot morning traffic trying to get past rubble in the streets. C/U Jacques Sauvageot (UNEF) speaking to reporters. L/S Government building. Various shots of people arriving for the talks between government, employers and unions. C/U M. Pompidou arriving. L/S strikers locked inside factory gates. C/U ditto. Angle shot idle cranes on dockside. L/S ditto. L/S empty railway lines.
    FILM ID:2061.12
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