or.... it means that you've asked for an answer that requires detailed information that sits in the minds of the people doing the work, so I need to check with them. Sometimes things mean what they seem to mean.
Hi I’m a business consultant for a major bank. I have to check with the team means I have not been granted say stake in this issue. It’s not my problem so I will escalate to someone who has stake. Fixed it for you.
or.... it means that you've asked for an answer that requires detailed information that sits in the minds of the people doing the work, so I need to check with them. Sometimes things mean what they seem to mean.
Hi I’m a business consultant for a major bank. I have to check with the team means I have not been granted say stake in this issue. It’s not my problem so I will escalate to someone who has stake. Fixed it for you.
That's another good translation!