Mark Steel-Hammered it. As regards Toby Young and his staggering ignorance as Homer Simpson said "It's Funny 'Cause it's True". 10-0 Nil to Decency and a witty argument.#Young your free to Piss Off at any time, that rings true for me. And I imagine many others.
What has always struck me about Toby Young is what a miserable sod he seems to be - a man with a perpetual sour face. A bit like that other right-wing misery-guts Simon Heffer. Okay, nature may not have been particularly kind to either of them, but surely they can manage the occasional grin.
Good for you Mark! Creeps like Toby Young are privileged, entitled individuals who have no concept of the lives of ordinary people in 21st century Tory ruled Britain. I have watched I Daniel Blake and it brought me to tearsI I have tried to help friends who have needed to claim benefits and the system is appalling. Trying to complete the forms is a nightmare, almost certainly designed to dissuade people from claiming. After a life changing illness I had to claim disability benefits and again the application forms were very difficult to complete, even for people like myself and my partner, both intelligent, well educated and literate individuals. For many people who really need help, like Daniel Blake, the application process is an impassable barrier to getting the help they need. Toby save your invective for the tax cheats within and without your beloved Tory party. If they paid their fair share of taxes there would be more funds available to help those in society who really need help. Rather than 'Benefits street' the next TV show should be 'tax cheats terrace' ! Name and shame these scum.
Pip is a disgrace. The people doing the assessments are on targets to get people off it. I filmed my assessment and when you point this out to them and that the person who did the assessment lied, they threaten you with going to the police for recording them without their permission in your home. The fact you can prove they are lying about what was said or done it is irrelevant. You filmed them and that is not allowed as it exposes them for lying. The whole system is in shit state and proper ill people are being killed because of this wilful neglect and inability to meet targets.
Toby young...he was on the Radio recently ...taking about how difficult it is getting his life back together...empathising with other great figures in Public life who had made errors of judgement and paid a heavy price. What an absolute knob he sounded. And what was the producer of the programme thinking of??? If only some of these elite toss pots had a modicum of self awareness...remember Profumo? Now know more for discretion and charity work...who would have thought he'd be a role model for shutting ones gob...
Toby young seems to wear an expression that's been honed in front of a mirror, like a teenager who wants to see himself as James Bond. I just think of him as a nasty cruel thoughtless excuse for a human being. He makes this world a worse place.
1/2 The ART of DEFLECTION and RELATIVISM: How to talk down/belittle the plight of the afflicted and to discredit them. - Homo sapiens is a DEEPLY SOCIAL being. The Tories, New Labour (and all other Champaign Socialists worldwide) must not be ashamed of having to go the extra (argumentative) mile. The effor needed to battle their inclinations towards compassion and empathy. - It is a "survival of the species" thing, hundreds of thousands of years of evolution formed us to be deeply caring and solidaric beings - towards our TRIBE members. Good thing is: Evolution prepared us to function - and behave very well, socially and generously and with empathy - in a small group of 10, 20, maybe 100 people. Our TRIBE ! And being shamed by our PEERS is still one of the most effective means to get people in line and behave themselves. However, the instinctive definition of PEERS has changed in the history of mankind. Your PEERS were the TRIBE members in the Ice Age (and you bet they kept good relations with their neighbours, they did not have time or energy for nonsense like war). Same is true for the Inuit and the Aborigines in Australia: if survival is hard and keeps folks really busy, humans find PEACEFUL and AGREEABLE and COOPERATIVE ways to co-exist. These days the PEERS of the Tory leadership are the neighbourhood (all in cushy homes), their fellows in the City of London, aka the rentier / financier / speculator class, the former school collegues (expensive private education of course), the fraternity, ..... Your party members, the lobbyists, the pals of the media (educated in the same schools), the members of the (Country) Club, the gang of fox hunters, .... The inconvenient bouts of compassion are effectively counteracted with a solid base in ideology. Mainstream media, academia, and of course all important institutions, have been infiltrated with TRIBE members (especially since the 80s) to assist in that noble effort. So you only have to find a reason to a) dismiss the plight of the afflicted (they not really THAT bad off), they are lying or exaggerating b) to make them the "other" (they are really disgusting, hardly humans, they talk "in an unpleasant manner", have uncough habits, they drink, smoke, swear, they are not as knowledgeable as we are, they do not have a posh accent. They are RIDICULOUS - or potentially CRIMINAL - in short UNDESERVING of COMPASSION. This is the function of "othering". If the "other" is hardly "human" than the instinctive rules of compassion and FAIRNESS do no apply. It is also used in war, "collateral damage", soft targets (meaning HUMANS), the "enemy". It is almost impossible for a Homo Sapiens to see another human being as "someone like me" - and then go and treat them unfairly. Our evolutionary setup (Under all circumstances treat a tribe member well !) prevents that. Like I said, this is a survival of the species thing. c) victim blaming -which is a variety of b) - we are wired to really, really feel bad when we see another human suffering - the solution: live in your bubble, make sure you must never endure to see beggars and poor people (even middle class people can get VERY UPSET when they see beggars, even if they do "quiet" begging, just sitting there, and even if they are not smelly or dirty - it is the unconscious attempt to BLOCK OUT the knowledge that others have it not as good as them. The normal human reaction is to either help and if you do not help, uneasyness, shame, guilt. In intimate situations - in groups where people know each other - it usually makes Homo Sapiens DO SOMETHING to help his fellows and avoid those uncomfortable feelings. In our anonymous, fractured society (not the tribe of 20 or 100 anymore !) that is not always possible. So folks developed strategies to deflect and SUPPRESS and transfrom the urge to help fellow humans. If it is THEIR FAULT then you do not have to feel (that) bad about their plight. Although that strategy is not completely effective - SUPPRESSION works better, so most people usually make very sure they do not have to SEE or KNOW to much about the misery of others. (That is even true for folks who want to remain open and compassionate: There is so much misery on the world - and modern means of communication let us know about them if we want to know - that all of us must censor as self-protection. We simply would be overwhelmed especially if we stay true to our human nature.) People like the Tory establishment do not use their intellect and education to KNOW - they use it to UN-KNOW and to twist and to deflect. d) claim things are unfortunate but the world cannot be altered so the wealthy have to resign themselves to the fact that others are suffering (and usually they can resign themselves just fine from the comfort of their own position). The argument goes like this: God meant it that way, that there would be some doing well or very well and most would be miserable. God also made some people better and wiser than others - they are all born in the same aristocratic families - so the unwashed masses must obey them. They deserve positions of leadership and unearned wealth. - That line of argumentation does not work so well anymore - now it is the "realities of the markets", "we need to appease the financial sector and Capital - Capital is a shy deer and flees the moment it senses danger "- Danger meaning less profit of course. The "invisible hand of the markets", globalization is "inevitable" - No, it is a manmade invention. * (see next post)
Now that really does ring true to me!! That great saying, do not judge unless u have walked in someone else's shoes. Being kind and compassionate is so good for you too! No amount of money and expensive education can teach you this. Just good common sense and heart.
I was told, in good faith, that Toby Young delights in unemployed Northerners approaching him, patting his bald spot and shouting "Slapsies!" This is not true. If anything, he seemed to resent it.
A great job of showing up ignorant bigotry. I wonder how these fools think they are helping society or whether they hate themselves and are merely lashing out nastily at people who are already disadvantaged in life
Dear me x compassion and caring for others doesn't take as much effort as these ludicrous assumptions he makes. Wake up and see the truth. Talk about burying head in sand as reality too painful and must be their fault. Nothing to do with us!
Mark Steel, a Liberal worrying about a clever Conservative voting Toby Young what a surprise! The worst thing about Toby Young is he's a clever Conservative and that's what they hate the most he knows what he is talking about.
Mark Steel is a Socialist, not a Liberal, not that I would expect someone to dense to spell " clever" several times to even know the difference. Dunce.
@@barfly946 Socialists and the far-left woke brigade make up most Liberals these days especially anyone supporting Jeremy Corbyn or Liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, a lot of ordinary Labour supporters are going along with Socialism and the far-left. I would not expect anyone who supports a left-sided party to agree with me but I'm hoping I'm wrong and people will see sense.
Hmmm - Toby Young & Mark Steel two sides of the same dangerous exaggerated extremist divide. At least Toby Young has opened new schools in London that are open to anyone. Gawd 'elp us - as Mark might have said if he believed in any "gawd" or even any being that might be (crazy but...) superior to him. Mark Steel - Funny but fucking depressing. Toby Young - not funny, also depressing but at least he does more than just talk about "stuff 'e don' like. Like."
Nope, he failed. And do you defend him calling disabled children functionally illiterate troglodytes? And all the other vile comments he has made about anyone and everyone who has not had a charmed life? His oafish comments about women's anatomy - frequently? If this is your idea of a good thing perhaps you need to check your own standards.If Mark Steel is depressing it is because he is reporting on a country the Tories are systematically destroying.
Comedians are truth tellers unlike politicians and Mark does know the facts whereas Toby young just guesses from watching channel 5's appalling biased programmes that depict all people on welfare in a poor light when not true!!
Complete nonsense ! He is reviewing a film which is a work of fiction so it is a valid criticism if it does not strike the reviewer as authentic. Not like criticising Ellen Macarthur on sailing. Fact/Fiction very different things .
God, I'm fucking loving Mark Steel ... the one he did on Teresa Mays snap election literally had me gasping for breath. Absolute wry comic gold.
Brilliant and shared.
Mark Steel-Hammered it. As regards Toby Young and his staggering ignorance as Homer Simpson said "It's Funny 'Cause it's True". 10-0 Nil to Decency and a witty argument.#Young your free to Piss Off at any time, that rings true for me. And I imagine many others.
Love it!
Toby Young constantly reminds me just how nasty the Tories are 👿 that's because he's never off the telly for some unknown reason 🤢
alex odonnell yeah, that’s profound
What has always struck me about Toby Young is what a miserable sod he seems to be - a man with a perpetual sour face. A bit like that other right-wing misery-guts Simon Heffer. Okay, nature may not have been particularly kind to either of them, but surely they can manage the occasional grin.
mark Steel. a national treasure
A national arsehole, to be fair.
Better to have a heart and empathy than being a fascist
Didn't know Phil Mitchel wore glasses.
I was on the dole for 16 years and found Avengers Endgame more grounded in reality than I Daniel Blake
Good for you Mark! Creeps like Toby Young are privileged, entitled individuals who have no concept of the lives of ordinary people in 21st century Tory ruled Britain. I have watched I Daniel Blake and it brought me to tearsI I have tried to help friends who have needed to claim benefits and the system is appalling. Trying to complete the forms is a nightmare, almost certainly designed to dissuade people from claiming. After a life changing illness I had to claim disability benefits and again the application forms were very difficult to complete, even for people like myself and my partner, both intelligent, well educated and literate individuals. For many people who really need help, like Daniel Blake, the application process is an impassable barrier to getting the help they need. Toby save your invective for the tax cheats within and without your beloved Tory party. If they paid their fair share of taxes there would be more funds available to help those in society who really need help. Rather than 'Benefits street' the next TV show should be 'tax cheats terrace' ! Name and shame these scum.
The trouble with people like Toby young is there education surpasses there intelligence
Pip is a disgrace. The people doing the assessments are on targets to get people off it. I filmed my assessment and when you point this out to them and that the person who did the assessment lied, they threaten you with going to the police for recording them without their permission in your home. The fact you can prove they are lying about what was said or done it is irrelevant. You filmed them and that is not allowed as it exposes them for lying. The whole system is in shit state and proper ill people are being killed because of this wilful neglect and inability to meet targets.
Toby young...he was on the Radio recently ...taking about how difficult it is getting his life back together...empathising with other great figures in Public life who had made errors of judgement and paid a heavy price. What an absolute knob he sounded. And what was the producer of the programme thinking of??? If only some of these elite toss pots had a modicum of self awareness...remember Profumo? Now know more for discretion and charity work...who would have thought he'd be a role model for shutting ones gob...
Amazingly witty. Spot on!👍
Mark Stell gets it right again. Brilliant summary of the arse that is Toby Young
Did Toby Y give any reasons for saying the film didn't ring true?
Toby young seems to wear an expression that's been honed in front of a mirror, like a teenager who wants to see himself as James Bond. I just think of him as a nasty cruel thoughtless excuse for a human being. He makes this world a worse place.
Toby has a point. Now, as Oxygen doesn't right true to me, I am off to live under the sea.
Toby Young looks like a John Culshaw impression.
Brilliant and truthful.
Love your rant you should do more of these thanks barbs
1/2 The ART of DEFLECTION and RELATIVISM: How to talk down/belittle the plight of the afflicted and to discredit them. - Homo sapiens is a DEEPLY SOCIAL being. The Tories, New Labour (and all other Champaign Socialists worldwide) must not be ashamed of having to go the extra (argumentative) mile. The effor needed to battle their inclinations towards compassion and empathy. - It is a "survival of the species" thing, hundreds of thousands of years of evolution formed us to be deeply caring and solidaric beings - towards our TRIBE members.
Good thing is: Evolution prepared us to function - and behave very well, socially and generously and with empathy - in a small group of 10, 20, maybe 100 people. Our TRIBE ! And being shamed by our PEERS is still one of the most effective means to get people in line and behave themselves. However, the instinctive definition of PEERS has changed in the history of mankind.
Your PEERS were the TRIBE members in the Ice Age (and you bet they kept good relations with their neighbours, they did not have time or energy for nonsense like war). Same is true for the Inuit and the Aborigines in Australia: if survival is hard and keeps folks really busy, humans find PEACEFUL and AGREEABLE and COOPERATIVE ways to co-exist.
These days the PEERS of the Tory leadership are the neighbourhood (all in cushy homes), their fellows in the City of London, aka the rentier / financier / speculator class, the former school collegues (expensive private education of course), the fraternity, ..... Your party members, the lobbyists, the pals of the media (educated in the same schools), the members of the (Country) Club, the gang of fox hunters, ....
The inconvenient bouts of compassion are effectively counteracted with a solid base in ideology. Mainstream media, academia, and of course all important institutions, have been infiltrated with TRIBE members (especially since the 80s) to assist in that noble effort.
So you only have to find a reason to
a) dismiss the plight of the afflicted (they not really THAT bad off), they are lying or exaggerating
b) to make them the "other" (they are really disgusting, hardly humans, they talk "in an unpleasant manner", have uncough habits, they drink, smoke, swear, they are not as knowledgeable as we are, they do not have a posh accent. They are RIDICULOUS - or potentially CRIMINAL - in short UNDESERVING of COMPASSION.
This is the function of "othering". If the "other" is hardly "human" than the instinctive rules of compassion and FAIRNESS do no apply. It is also used in war, "collateral damage", soft targets (meaning HUMANS), the "enemy".
It is almost impossible for a Homo Sapiens to see another human being as "someone like me" - and then go and treat them unfairly. Our evolutionary setup (Under all circumstances treat a tribe member well !) prevents that. Like I said, this is a survival of the species thing.
c) victim blaming -which is a variety of b) - we are wired to really, really feel bad when we see another human suffering - the solution: live in your bubble, make sure you must never endure to see beggars and poor people (even middle class people can get VERY UPSET when they see beggars, even if they do "quiet" begging, just sitting there, and even if they are not smelly or dirty - it is the unconscious attempt to BLOCK OUT the knowledge that others have it not as good as them. The normal human reaction is to either help and if you do not help, uneasyness, shame, guilt. In intimate situations - in groups where people know each other - it usually makes Homo Sapiens DO SOMETHING to help his fellows and avoid those uncomfortable feelings. In our anonymous, fractured society (not the tribe of 20 or 100 anymore !) that is not always possible. So folks developed strategies to deflect and SUPPRESS and transfrom the urge to help fellow humans.
If it is THEIR FAULT then you do not have to feel (that) bad about their plight. Although that strategy is not completely effective - SUPPRESSION works better, so most people usually make very sure they do not have to SEE or KNOW to much about the misery of others. (That is even true for folks who want to remain open and compassionate: There is so much misery on the world - and modern means of communication let us know about them if we want to know - that all of us must censor as self-protection. We simply would be overwhelmed especially if we stay true to our human nature.)
People like the Tory establishment do not use their intellect and education to KNOW - they use it to UN-KNOW and to twist and to deflect.
d) claim things are unfortunate but the world cannot be altered so the wealthy have to resign themselves to the fact that others are suffering (and usually they can resign themselves just fine from the comfort of their own position).
The argument goes like this: God meant it that way, that there would be some doing well or very well and most would be miserable. God also made some people better and wiser than others - they are all born in the same aristocratic families - so the unwashed masses must obey them. They deserve positions of leadership and unearned wealth. - That line of argumentation does not work so well anymore - now it is the "realities of the markets", "we need to appease the financial sector and Capital - Capital is a shy deer and flees the moment it senses danger "- Danger meaning less profit of course.
The "invisible hand of the markets", globalization is "inevitable" - No, it is a manmade invention. * (see next post)
Now that really does ring true to me!! That great saying, do not judge unless u have walked in someone else's shoes. Being kind and compassionate is so good for you too! No amount of money and expensive education can teach you this. Just good common sense and heart.
I was told, in good faith, that Toby Young delights in unemployed Northerners approaching him, patting his bald spot and shouting "Slapsies!" This is not true. If anything, he seemed to resent it.
Hard geezer that Toby Mitchell.
If only the Toby youngs of this life only had a fraction as much intelligence as they had ignorance .!!
Oh please off mark you sound like a first year politics undergrad... you really need to grow up
mark , you're not funny .................... WAIT ............... yes you are ........ hilarious (cwl)
funny. on point and totally true
''MASK OFF: Conservatives Push Eugenics to deal with Economic Fallout from Covid-19'' the 16min video by The Kavernacle
very funny! Toby it doesn't ring true Young.
No wonder people rejected Corbyn...
A great job of showing up ignorant bigotry. I wonder how these fools think they are helping society or whether they hate themselves and are merely lashing out nastily at people who are already disadvantaged in life
Me and mark are probably opposites on the politics front ...but he has good patter on him where its due
Dear me x compassion and caring for others doesn't take as much effort as these ludicrous assumptions he makes. Wake up and see the truth. Talk about burying head in sand as reality too painful and must be their fault. Nothing to do with us!
Mark Steel, a Liberal worrying about a clever Conservative voting Toby Young what a surprise! The worst thing about Toby Young is he's a clever Conservative and that's what they hate the most he knows what he is talking about.
Mark Steel is a Socialist, not a Liberal, not that I would expect someone to dense to spell " clever" several times to even know the difference. Dunce.
@@barfly946 Socialists and the far-left woke brigade make up most Liberals these days especially anyone supporting Jeremy Corbyn or Liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, a lot of ordinary Labour supporters are going along with Socialism and the far-left. I would not expect anyone who supports a left-sided party to agree with me but I'm hoping I'm wrong and people will see sense.
Toby Young is a bit of a eunuch jelly thou!
Mark - you are brilliant. Despite this, after scrutiny, Toby has some valid points. Some disgustingly wrong but some with validity.
Every Loach film is depressing.....
Did Toby coment on a fictional story. That's hardly the same a the Savile NIGHTMERE or the war.
about as blue pilled as they come
Hmmm - Toby Young & Mark Steel two sides of the same dangerous exaggerated extremist divide. At least Toby Young has opened new schools in London that are open to anyone. Gawd 'elp us - as Mark might have said if he believed in any "gawd" or even any being that might be (crazy but...) superior to him. Mark Steel - Funny but fucking depressing. Toby Young - not funny, also depressing but at least he does more than just talk about "stuff 'e don' like. Like."
Pinco Palino Using tax payers money that was wasted because he failed.
Nope, he failed. And do you defend him calling disabled children functionally illiterate troglodytes? And all the other vile comments he has made about anyone and everyone who has not had a charmed life? His oafish comments about women's anatomy - frequently? If this is your idea of a good thing perhaps you need to check your own standards.If Mark Steel is depressing it is because he is reporting on a country the Tories are systematically destroying.
And what exactly do you know Mark? Your just a comedian.
I bet he can spell better than you though....
I'm guessing your not familiar with marks material and the fact he does his homework. Apparently you don't
Comedians are truth tellers unlike politicians and Mark does know the facts whereas Toby young just guesses from watching channel 5's appalling biased programmes that depict all people on welfare in a poor light when not true!!
Wondered what happened to mark steel now I see why he isn't on the telly anymore usual unfunny left wing comedian
Complete nonsense !
He is reviewing a film which is a work of fiction so it is a valid criticism if it does not strike the reviewer as authentic.
Not like criticising Ellen Macarthur on sailing.
Fact/Fiction very different things .
The bible isn't authentic either but that doesn't stop people from believing in the nonsense it spouts.