What I've learned living in New York City

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @DrewJoiner
    @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому +5

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  • @dansplaining
    @dansplaining Місяць тому +15

    creativity in NYC feels like a battle tower arc in anime. no matter what level you get to there's something above you that's ready to humble you! always lots to learn.

  • @CodeDusq1
    @CodeDusq1 Місяць тому +45

    The chaos of NYC has a way of making you find your own sense of calm.

  • @TimothySerafin
    @TimothySerafin Місяць тому +6

    Sup drew, 2024 has been a year of learning and growth for me. Started rough and now I've reached my goals. I'm living by myself in the biggest city in the world, Tokyo. Life is crazy but it goes on and gets better. Always enjoy the vids, keep it up brother.

  • @teddy_seymour
    @teddy_seymour Місяць тому +8

    I just moved to NYC at the end of August and I couldn't be happier or agree more with every single thing you said about the city. it is truly magical 🙌

  • @nadaypuesnada
    @nadaypuesnada Місяць тому +6

    So happy to see you and your GF doing so well!! Your commitment to positivity and love make your keen fashion eye all the more powerful. So grateful for creators like you.

  • @bradweston6342
    @bradweston6342 Місяць тому +4

    Looking to move to NY in about a year and this is really comforting in a funny way. Cheers for making it.

  • @BlackFlashDrive
    @BlackFlashDrive Місяць тому +11

    Thanks for sharing, Drew. Re #3, it sounds like you're feeling the competitive nature of the city. The word "competition" has roots in "coming together and getting better."
    There is a reason why people get better at their crafts here. Unfortunately, it comes with stress, but as the trite saying goes-- no pain no gain.

    • @BlackFlashDrive
      @BlackFlashDrive Місяць тому

      Also, I have the same shot @6:25 from couple years back. The colors are super vibrant irl and caught my eyes as well!

  • @404atlbb
    @404atlbb Місяць тому +1

    Just moved to NYC a month ago, and I agree with all your points. In a city that is so abundant, it feels so much easier to lean into curiosity in an almost child-like way, which in turn makes me feel like I'm regaining parts of that childlike wonder we so often lose as adults. Next step personally: to not get too caught up in the amplitude of opportunities and expectations to be constantly creating. Thanks for sharing this one !

  • @9yannnnnn
    @9yannnnnn Місяць тому +17

    Make a video on knitwear for the winters

  • @adie__44
    @adie__44 Місяць тому +3

    2024 has been a year of profound lessons and personal growth, bringing challenges and insights each month. There were times when the pace slowed, giving me space to reflect on my future, consider my next steps, and make plans. In these quieter moments, I faced many questions about my path, choosing to tackle them individually.
    In between, I found a powerful outlet in fashion, which allowed me to express myself, explore my identity, and better understand who I am. Recently, I graduated from college-a milestone that has made me pause and appreciate just how far I've come. Graduation is more than a ceremony; it's a testament to my commitment to showing up every week despite the obstacles. It reminds me of my strength and resilience as I look forward to the next chapter with confidence and determination.
    Thank you Drew for the story !!

    • @DrewJoiner
      @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому

      I love this for you! Congratulations on graduation and I wish you the best moving forward

  • @archwrestler
    @archwrestler Місяць тому +2

    Keep making these great video!!! So inspiration and the Jazz in the background definitely sets the vibe.

  • @dimplesd8931
    @dimplesd8931 Місяць тому +4

    Two things: 1. If you can spend a few months in Sydney and
    Melbourne I know you’ll love them. Cool fashion and culture. I’m Af American but my hubby is a Aussie. I love when we go visit Oz. Best months to visit May(fall), August (winter)or October(spring). 2. I love NYC! I wish I could visit more often because I love that I can wear what is a bit loud, a bit over the top in my southern city, in NYC and feel like I fit in. Love your channel even though I probably skew your demographics. Long live the 50+ fashion ladies!!! ❤

    • @DrewJoiner
      @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому

      ❤❤❤ I’ll make it out there one day!

  • @kliewersimon
    @kliewersimon Місяць тому +1

    Thanks for all the positivity you spread! Love following the journey

  • @daniel5472
    @daniel5472 29 днів тому

    Welcome to NYC! Happy to have you apart of the culture. In 2024 I lost my father in law but was blessed with a beautiful baby girl.
    Life is beautiful.
    The beauty is out there, it’s up to you to find it.

  • @therootofjesse286
    @therootofjesse286 Місяць тому

    Was just talking to my cousin who lives in NYC about how its really a place like no other. I am personally always inspired by the people I meet and see when going to the city. I live in DC, I am trying to master being content and present. I complain a bit too much. There are positives about my area but sometimes it feels.. lukewarm. I would enjoy Nyc for sure and this video is encouraging as it addressed some of my concerns such as it being crazy hectic or unaffordable/unsustainable.

  • @Rap1stt
    @Rap1stt 17 днів тому

    Man I’m from Denver Colorado as well, and been here my whole life. The other day I was thinking how I wanted to get the fuck out and move to NYC (always loved it there when I traveled). Seeing you with a similar story has me ready to take that next step. Thanks fella

  • @richmind1228
    @richmind1228 Місяць тому +1

    Loved this year soo much but a message for everyone out there that no matter what the situation is all you need to do is to be brave and smart to handle it.All it would take you to chase your dreams will be some effort and intelligence to make things workout smoothly just be happy all you have is just 20 to 30 years full of energy just for motivation I'ma a full time culinary student even though it's not my passion as fashion is that's why I'm here watching this masterpiece and had manage to take editing classes after that exhausting day 7 hours of standing in front of hot stove even though i still try my best to also enjoy this struggle because life is too short to be sad and the credit goes to my late dad to make me think out of box at 17 and just stay strong my dear human

  • @geinos1470
    @geinos1470 Місяць тому +1

    Visited the city last summer and absolutely loved it! I’m hoping to get into Columbia for my PhD next year and I’m so sure of thriving in New York City !

    • @DrewJoiner
      @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому

      I hope you get in!! Congrats on pursuing your phd

  • @austinwatts7016
    @austinwatts7016 Місяць тому +1

    hey drew, your videos always seem to inspire me. thank you ☺️
    I live in Hollywood, CA and I can safely say that every day is never dull out here. Granted, it doesn‘t have the community-based living that NY has, but there is always a fun day party or something trendy releasing near by.
    As for my 2024; this year has shown me my appitite for life.

    • @DrewJoiner
      @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому

      I love that you have an appetite for life!!

  • @PooMuncher-q1l
    @PooMuncher-q1l Місяць тому +4

    It’s a very good day when drew posts

  • @CodeDusq1
    @CodeDusq1 Місяць тому +52

    Living in NYC teaches you that patience isn’t about waiting, it’s about adapting.

    • @austinwatts7016
      @austinwatts7016 Місяць тому

      oooo 🙂‍↕️ I always love visiting out there and I‘m always learbibg that lesson

    • @alreadydead024
      @alreadydead024 Місяць тому +1

      Teach me

    • @daseapickleofjustice7231
      @daseapickleofjustice7231 Місяць тому +4

      No no, patience means waiting. Adapting is good too. Why do Americans not know their language?

    • @Stylinugly
      @Stylinugly Місяць тому

      bro are mahoraga

    • @camquest6108
      @camquest6108 Місяць тому +2

      @@daseapickleofjustice7231because we’re obsessed with wholistic talk that sounds good in quotes rather than actual grounded advice. That’s the answer

  • @keystosuccess565
    @keystosuccess565 Місяць тому +2

    What’s up Drew , thanks for appreciating my city and giving some great feedback 🙌🏽

  • @ImTiffanyNicole
    @ImTiffanyNicole Місяць тому

    Saw was definitely scary but I loved them. The original “It” scared me as a child. I don’t think I have a fav though. Great video and great meeting you at the UA-cam event. I learned a lot from you.

  • @Whodnl
    @Whodnl Місяць тому +5

    Sunday should be named drew day

  • @lucatubee
    @lucatubee Місяць тому +1

    NYC, best place to be!!

  • @mixmachels
    @mixmachels Місяць тому

    yo Drew would you consider covering the best jackets etc for winter in a video?

  • @styleoverinfluence
    @styleoverinfluence 29 днів тому

    I literally never rode my bike near a sewage drain when I was a kid bc of the move IT. So yeah that scene got me too😅

  • @faziriamako4355
    @faziriamako4355 24 дні тому

    Hey Drew, I was just in Japan for about 19 days with my GF and your vlogs really helped us. We’re planning to go NY in March, do you have a vlog for things to do do for 5-7 days?

  • @JakeBodenhamer
    @JakeBodenhamer Місяць тому

    another great vid, very insightful, as someone who's never lived inna big city

  • @Justmebeee
    @Justmebeee Місяць тому +6

    6:45.. i feel the exact same way recently. I always loved fashion and had big dreams in high school to move to New York and do fashion.. never happened. Never went back to school after “a year break”. Now 16 years after graduating high school, just turning 35 in October.. I’m finding that same love I had as a teenager for fashion and everything about it. Obviously I’m too old to go to fashion school and be a fashion student so those dreams are d3ad but it just feels AMAZING to love and find joy in something I’ve loved my entire life. And your videos help so thank you Drew.💜🫶🏼

    • @dimplesd8931
      @dimplesd8931 Місяць тому +3

      I thought I was gonna move to NYC after college. I have lots of family there and then life…life’d. I’m glad I didn’t for many reasons but I still wonder what if…. PS true story. I’m from a southern city. I’m 18 in Central Park with my cousins watching a fashion shoot and a guy comes up and says “you ever do any hand/feet modeling?” I ran from him so fast. I had no idea that was a thing. I have long thin hands,fingers and feet but in the south that’s weird not something people would pay to look at. My cousins had to explain it to me. We laughed so hard. Missed my big break. 😂

    • @DraconicEnergyX
      @DraconicEnergyX Місяць тому +2

      It is never too late to get educated. Go to fashion school if you so please.

    • @maverickbull1909
      @maverickbull1909 Місяць тому +2

      No one is too old to learn so that’s wrong but if you don’t want to just say that

    • @dimplesd8931
      @dimplesd8931 Місяць тому

      @@maverickbull1909 Maybe she’s at a place in life where she can’t just go to fashion school. Good fashion institutes, like FIT, are in very specific cities and are not cheap. Maybe you can do some courses online but there will be practical work that will have to be done at the school in that city. 35 usually means you have a full time job, a mortgage, maybe a partner and/or kids, or you’re helping to care for elderly parents. I was moving to NYC after graduate school, until my mom had a major stoke. I cared for her for 20 years. Sometimes life just happens and you can’t go back and live your dreams. Sometimes you can.

    • @maverickbull1909
      @maverickbull1909 Місяць тому +2

      @@dimplesd8931 no. You can always go to school regardless of age.

  • @kudachimuti2886
    @kudachimuti2886 Місяць тому +2

    Hello! Shout out all the way from Zimbabwe ❤

  • @MichaelThomasFrazier
    @MichaelThomasFrazier Місяць тому

    Yoo I just saw you on 5th ave shooting a video. That was me yelling out of the cab! Lol you were in the zone recording but I’m a huge fan

  • @pjl-dh9me
    @pjl-dh9me Місяць тому

    Great as always Drew

  • @mohd.azharuddinmultani2182
    @mohd.azharuddinmultani2182 Місяць тому

    2:58 Lauren was laughing at him showing the most normal thing in any garden in awe of nyc.

  • @Jay-Kay-Buwembo
    @Jay-Kay-Buwembo Місяць тому

    Maybe you need to visit London UK 🇬🇧 in regards to culture, heritage & diversity.

  • @arko9151
    @arko9151 Місяць тому

    I love the big apple, got family there, Cheers from Stockholm

  • @BobRoberts2504
    @BobRoberts2504 Місяць тому +1

    Another great video Drew! As an American you must be biased to think New York City is the best city in the world! As someone who is British and must be biased also I’d say London is the best city in the world! New York is just London with Skyscrapers afterall. In rankings it’s always New York and London competing so who really knows! 2024 has been about new beginnings for me, quit university and started focusing on art, so who knows where this journey will take me! Have a good day! ✌️

    • @DrewJoiner
      @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому +1

      Hopefully I make it to London next year to compare the two cities!!

  • @bangarth4865
    @bangarth4865 Місяць тому

    It's a good thing to compare to others whenever you're a competitor. It puts you on a positive mode if your are benevolent. Being also in a big city (Paris) I feel like NYC is far better concerning creation, it's more meritocracy than Paris which is only about contact. I've planned years ago to move to NYC when I'll be 35, kind of dream achievement for my creative work. I also feel more confident in personal style in NYC than Paris, there's more character in NYC than Paris. Everyone here is kinda the same, from a french guy, NYC has a reaaaally different vibes, so many different culture and community lives better than here in Paris.
    Thanks for this video, I keep chasing my dream of coming in NYC, and one day we will work together, mark my words haha

    • @DrewJoiner
      @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому

      Based simply off this comment I would love to work together! Let’s make it happens. Email or dm me when you make it over

    • @bangarth4865
      @bangarth4865 Місяць тому

      @@DrewJoiner Done on instagram

  • @edd1e.13
    @edd1e.13 Місяць тому

    I’ve always felt some unexplainable connection to the State of New York as a whole. Super weird and idk what it’s from, but ever since I’ve been very young I’ve always felt special in New York.

  • @richardottley4611
    @richardottley4611 Місяць тому

    my favorite Scary Movie/Scary Movie Franchise is Nightmare on Elm Street. I enjoy the comedy aspect of Freddie Kruger playing mind games with his victims & then the kills.. ahh man I love the kills 😂

    • @DrewJoiner
      @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому +1

      😂😂 nightmare on elm street was too much for me

    • @richardottley4611
      @richardottley4611 Місяць тому

      @DrewJoiner okay 😂

  • @Davferguson
    @Davferguson Місяць тому

    From someone in the south, we say "Lou-Casey" for those at @6:40

    • @DrewJoiner
      @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому

      I keep messing up the name of these haha thank you

  • @lucialaluce2221
    @lucialaluce2221 Місяць тому +1

    Ldn baby. Massive cultural mix.

  • @lorenzodevallier
    @lorenzodevallier Місяць тому +1

    Where is the white hat from?

  • @MarcoGarcia-et7zw
    @MarcoGarcia-et7zw Місяць тому

    What’s the ID on that grey sweater you’re wearing??

  • @juliusagen
    @juliusagen Місяць тому +1

    Toronto is like New York

    • @DrewJoiner
      @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому

      True! Toronto is an impressive place

  • @Leeknows_Iris777
    @Leeknows_Iris777 24 дні тому

    What are some local New York bag brands to buy like Verafied, Jei Pei, Telfar and ? I'm like super into bags so I want to know more..... Tell us more on bags? I feel bags are something (even more than shoes) does something delicious to anyone's outfit.

  • @daniel9107
    @daniel9107 Місяць тому

    Would appreciate more personal insight, reflection or future reflection on point #3, how you deal with the pressure to stand out. thanks

    • @DrewJoiner
      @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому +1

      Yeah. I think my background in sports has always pushed me to be a very competitive person. Maybe to a fault. There are something’s (talents, natural inclinations, etc.) that give other people advantages and you should recognize that those advantages can’t always be overcome. That’s the unhealthy part of comparison, letting the things that can’t be changed bother you

  • @shane9536
    @shane9536 Місяць тому

    2024 has honestly been one of the harder years of my life, it felt like nothing really went right no matter how hard I’ve tried. It’s been very ruff recently by applying to jobs as a recent college graduate, I’ve been applying to 15+ jobs every day for the past 5 months while having 2 other server jobs to try to make some money to help pay off my loans. I honestly feel so burnt out, especially the last couple of weeks. I just hope I’ll get a stroke of luck soon and find a professional job so I can be with all my friends in DC

    • @shane9536
      @shane9536 Місяць тому

      If anyone has a good connection in DC for data analysis or market research, or just have any advice, lmk id appreciate anything

    • @sj-el4lu
      @sj-el4lu Місяць тому

      ​@@shane9536 join a job search council and read Never Search Alone, good luck

    • @DrewJoiner
      @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому

      @@shane9536I’m sorry to hear that your 2024 has been a bit rough. I’ve had friends also struggling to get work but they just kept at it and eventually landed an opportunity. Wishing that for you too

  • @IntellectualNPC
    @IntellectualNPC Місяць тому

    I moved here same time 🙂

  • @IlIllIlIIlIII
    @IlIllIlIIlIII 25 днів тому

    broo were you in an advertisement for this meta website. i swear i saw you

  • @henrygrace138
    @henrygrace138 Місяць тому

    I just clocked that drew is stoned

  • @maverickbull1909
    @maverickbull1909 Місяць тому +10

    I would live in NYC if I made a very high salary. You, as an influencer with a BS job, can afford to live there while doing essentially nothing, which is great. Love that for you. Emma chamberlain had a mansion in LA from making coffee videos and other nonsensical junk. That’s life ig. For the rest of us who actually have to study and work for a living… NYC has some high barriers to entry which I personally am not willing to deal with. Good for you, though. It is my favorite city in America for sure. I visit once a year and it’s always like coming home.

    • @Ebuka.MP4
      @Ebuka.MP4 Місяць тому +13

      hey guy, i can feel your frustration through your text, of the discrepancy between where you want to be, newyork, and where you actually have due to a financial barrier. its a valid frustration that i think everyone on earth has had, one of not being where you want or not having what you like due to money. Something that ive been taught and really focusing in on is really making a game plan to lock in and close the gap between where i am and where i want to be. and i would like to encourage you to do that as well! obviously it wont be an overnight change, but making small intentional decisions every day to get to where you want to be will be really cool. it could be finding a higher paying job, which could require saving up some money over time to be able to take some courses. or it could be becoming an influencer with a "BS job" lol, just finding a niche in an area you are passionate about and sharing it on social media! which ever route you end up going on i believe in you! we all only get one life, and i believe its important to actually enjoy it, and not just wish it was different! much love! peace be with you!!

  • @Thisguyecm
    @Thisguyecm Місяць тому

    It’s definitely more community oriented.

  • @yanikjayaram
    @yanikjayaram Місяць тому

    5:30 - what criteria do you compare yourself to others with? View count?

    • @DrewJoiner
      @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому +1

      Yeah I would say mostly view count and total followers/subscribers

  • @dean25
    @dean25 Місяць тому

    Was in NYC two weeks ago and I have the bug now to move over for good 😢

  • @ronaldyeo99
    @ronaldyeo99 10 днів тому

    2024 ups and down but overall gotta love life

  • @YTJasonWang
    @YTJasonWang 15 днів тому

    I Live in NYC

  • @nhyirabaasumadu1017
    @nhyirabaasumadu1017 17 днів тому

    Monster house

  • @JafacaksWasTaken
    @JafacaksWasTaken Місяць тому

    There are a couple other cities that have what NYC does

    • @DrewJoiner
      @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому +1

      Where else? I would love to add them to my (to-go) list

    • @foggycraw6758
      @foggycraw6758 22 дні тому

      What cities?

    @D4VIDFL4GS Місяць тому

    #PVV Been watching Caroline like once a year around Halloween. it scared me when I was 12 and it still scares me at 19… def recommend giving it a watch 🕷️

  • @josephvesagas2199
    @josephvesagas2199 Місяць тому

    Can anyone ID those ASICS for me? Thank you

  • @ThatWave
    @ThatWave Місяць тому

    Making your hometown cooler > moving to be another NYer

    • @DrewJoiner
      @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому +1

      I felt this way back in Denver when I was there but now living in New York, no one person can make their home town like New York City!
      I don’t control the fashion industry in either city! But hopefully I inspired some Coloradans to get more into fashion

  • @NewUser12345-i
    @NewUser12345-i Місяць тому

    do you prefer new york or tokyo as the best city?

    • @DrewJoiner
      @DrewJoiner  Місяць тому

      New York City! I speak English and the culture gap in Japan is somewhat of a negative if I was in Japan for a long time

  • @london8615
    @london8615 15 днів тому

    London is NYC

  • @ChiefLA
    @ChiefLA Місяць тому

    Mexico City

  • @heyitsLizzy
    @heyitsLizzy 27 днів тому

    When I lived in nyc I felt like an ant. It definitely makes you feel invisible and highlights how irrelevant and just the same as everyone else you are lol. It’s too chaotic there for me personally

  • @The4SK02
    @The4SK02 Місяць тому +1

    Texas chainsaw massacre (1974)

  • @elecow17
    @elecow17 Місяць тому

    4:32 love your content and all but ted x and ted talk are completely different..

  • @joshualikeorange
    @joshualikeorange 25 днів тому

  • @maverickbull1909
    @maverickbull1909 Місяць тому +3

    NYC is the best city in America. I’m not sure about the world. That’s an arrogant take as you clearly have not lived in or even visited all the other major cities in the world… you haven’t even lived in all the major cities in America alone lol… but, yes, it’s the coolest and best city in America which is mostly a trash country.

    • @noisynumbuh4
      @noisynumbuh4 Місяць тому +1

      this yo second comment paragraph on some negative shit get yo corny ass on

  • @annakavan1869
    @annakavan1869 8 днів тому

    Please do not wear cowboy boots.

  • @CaptainWillard830
    @CaptainWillard830 Місяць тому +1

    Never lived in NYC, visited often on business. Probably would have been cool to live there in my 20s, if I was single. My son, a GenZ 1L in Law School lived there pre-COVID and plans to return to work in Big Law. Today, in my mid 50s, and having achieved a high level of success, I prefer the quiet of our homes in Virginia and West Texas. I like the convenience of being on awesome mountain bike trails, and horse country in Virginia. The Franklin Mountains 🏔️ in West Texas - endless hiking and mountain bike trails. Plus I get to wear my Luccesse cowboy boots, authentically…and drive my 1990 BMW 325i convertible dressed in Ivy Style in the fall with the top down, while wearing a vintage 1970 U.S. Army field jacket, fast in beautiful Virginia, south of DC, West of Quantico 🎉

    • @maverickbull1909
      @maverickbull1909 Місяць тому +1

      Yes you’re boring so you want to live somewhere boring

    • @CaptainWillard830
      @CaptainWillard830 Місяць тому

      @ Son, I’m far from boring. I served in the U.S. Marine Corps for 22+ years. Lived in Japan for 6 years with my family. Traveled extensively to Thailand and the Philippines. Spent a lot of in Tokyo. Had big fun facilitating the demise of a lot of people who needed to be sent to hell; and helping people who couldn’t help themselves at scale. I’ve worked for Uncle Jeff Bezos in Seattle, and lived in Lower Queen Anne for a couple of years. Spent a good chunk of time doing very interesting things in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, and at your mother’s house. By the way, your mom wasn’t half bad. She is a dirty old broad in the sack. Do you still think I’m boring, son?