Opie is the add on and you configure it, you can add any item or spell to it. I throw most of the not so urgent totems in there then bind the rest like tremor and grounding
on the run up I use way of earth+riptide, then before pulling princess the important ones are burn,overload,powersurge,shammy rage,lavaburst and riptide, at the left of the side screen you can see the rune icons from RuneEngraver
Bro, what addon is the one that appears at min 3:37 when you paste the flame that appears on the screen?
It's Weakauras addon with a weakaura to track powersurge procs made this one my self but there are loads on wago.io
Thanks for the guide, amazing video! Though, what is the reason she resets threat and turns to searing totem from time to time?
Beautiful UI, nice vid
possible to solo goblinboss in mara too?
What is the name on that addonwheel to put out totems?
Opie is the add on and you configure it, you can add any item or spell to it. I throw most of the not so urgent totems in there then bind the rest like tremor and grounding
@@blimey5822 ye that was my plan too..very nice! Thanks :)
Nice, was looking for this! Was wondering if you could share you lava burst proc weakaura:)
What runes did you use?
on the run up I use way of earth+riptide, then before pulling princess the important ones are burn,overload,powersurge,shammy rage,lavaburst and riptide, at the left of the side screen you can see the rune icons from RuneEngraver