Well actually Peter Capaldi doctor someone did try to stop you her name Rose Adelaide Donna Rose's mother Captain Jack at that point will have tried to stop you have they succeeded that's a miss
That was more of a statement that I comment Peter Capaldi's Peter Capaldi's doctor was the one that said that nobody has stopped him that there was nobody could stop him I disagree women have tried. Rose's mom Rose Martha Adelaide even Clara and Amy at some point outside I guess they all that one point just gave up take the blame on
Very good at talking but very lousy at listening he went Stephan he was in a parallel universe would rose that he talks too much yeah I actually agree one hundred percent he needs to stop talking and listen more that's what guys do they don't listen and they talk too much I also got sick and tired of the doctor saying sometimes the time lord lives too long sometimes the time Ward won't shut up do me a favor shut up shut it down shut it off just shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up
I wish someone would make a River Song version of this. Too many Clara’s.
This is nicely put together
Omg I love it
Song sounds like it's from the POV of my ex...
Well actually Peter Capaldi doctor someone did try to stop you her name Rose Adelaide Donna Rose's mother Captain Jack at that point will have tried to stop you have they succeeded that's a miss
That was more of a statement that I comment Peter Capaldi's Peter Capaldi's doctor was the one that said that nobody has stopped him that there was nobody could stop him I disagree women have tried. Rose's mom Rose Martha Adelaide even Clara and Amy at some point outside I guess they all that one point just gave up take the blame on
Very good at talking but very lousy at listening he went Stephan he was in a parallel universe would rose that he talks too much yeah I actually agree one hundred percent he needs to stop talking and listen more that's what guys do they don't listen and they talk too much I also got sick and tired of the doctor saying sometimes the time lord lives too long sometimes the time Ward won't shut up do me a favor shut up shut it down shut it off just shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up