😂😂😂 opinion matters 😂😂😂gospel is a process of storytelling, embellishing the story so the facts have no power in the story. . .It's false....the power placebo,is controlling...and controlled by the Teller...
Faith in Jesus Christ, God the Father and the Holy Spirit is not based on objects or things! It is based on the Words of Christ and witnesses of his resurrection. Words are of much more importance than pieces of cloth, bones, so called ‘relics’. Why are we so anxious to drag the spiritual realm into the detritus of the physical realm?
@@susannewargo3184 carefully I offer my position...as a knowledgeable skeptic,if we research we find that stage names are used in manuscripts since the beginning ,and unraveling the recorded legal documents in the last 2024 years I find that the Hearsay of the masses,hides the evidence of control documents to keep the sheep powerless,so they cower in fear at the Earthly Kings manuscripts without using the intelligence Given by our Bodies at Birth to ask why...so the believers of Christ are not speaking as authority of fact or evide nce but as Hearsay,story tellers...I am an Un BELIEVE er...
Respectfully I Disagree on the premise ,of Hearsay,has powerful placebo value for the masses and the people who own the land and air,who while they benefit...they are laughing at those who believe...
The Veil of Veronica shows absolute errors. IF this was a cloth that wiped Prince/Rabbi Jesus' face, then his eyes WOULD BE CLOSED. As this is an open-eyed depiction of the whites of the eyes and the pupils, ... you ever wiped your wet eyes on a dry towel ??? This is not an actual historical biblical event artifact. It ~could be~ something later taken as an artist's rendition.
The Veil of Vernoica would have shown, the bloodied and battered face, lips, eyebrows, and torn out beard fragments. None of these many pictures and paintings show this other than what appears more-likely with the Shroud of Turin of a puffy beaten faced person.
The Shroud of Turin, and "the face towel (being the Veil of Veronica)" said to be with the Shroud (the Sindon), it STILL WOULDN"T HAVE OPEN EYES. So if there is another byssus cloth that was with the Sindon, then this remains elusive and not in any known collection - as it would show blood, plasma, and a battered face, crown of thorns forehead bleeding spots ....
@@Legrascestlavie88 most religions pray on people’s fear of the unknown, promising heaven, with no proof, in return for following the cult rules. The eternal scam.
They actually aren't as intelligent as you are giving them credit for. But it bothers me as well. Why? They have way too much influence on peoples' lives.
It should be not too difficult to carbon date it to see if it's really 1st century matieral or not. The catholic church has never claimed the Turin Shroud is authentic either. What is interesting though is there is some controversy over the carbon dating from 1988 and some of the historical evidence suggesting an earlier date.
@@lw3646 A team of scientists equivalent to the STuRP team could easily find out if the image is composed of paint or watercolor. It looks like a medieval painting.
Same here. It bothers me that so-called intelligent people somehow disregard the 1978 investigation of the Turin Shroud that was conducted by a team of 24 scientists using four tons of equipment. That team made a very serious attempt to determine how the images of a human corpse were imprinted on the Shroud. they failed to do that despite taking three years to analyze their evidence. They were forced to conclude that the images were not paintings of any kind and were not the work of an artist. How those images were created remains a mystery to this day. Currently, there is a standing reward offer of one million dollars to anyone who can accurately reproduce the Shroud images.
@@lw3646 The Shroud cannot be dated by carbon fourteen because the dematerialization of Jesus' dead body had side effects. One was the imprinting by radiation of the image of the corpse, and the other was a neutron flux that enhanced the radiocarbon content of the cloth. Until one can prove a naturalistic mechanism of image formation on the Shroud, one cannot use radiocarbon readings to date the Shroud. See: "The Carbon Dating of the Shroud is Explained by Neutron Absorption," Rucker, 2020.
Unlike the monochome image on the Turin Shroud, this color image has not been investigated by a team of scientists using tons of equipment. It has the style of a medieval painting. The idea that it is the Veronica is only a conjecture. "Veronica" is not a Jewish name, and that legend seems to be based on a Byzantine icon of the Mandylion which was exported to the West under the guise of vera iconica or true icon. According to Wilson, several so-callled "Veronicas" were extant in the West at the same time, and the Pope had to decide which one would be regarded as authentic. The image presented here is not a Byzantine icon and was most likely created in Western Europe.
@@betty5064in this case I think yes. As they mentioned it certainly helped attract pilgrims. The Shroud of Turin is an interesting one, i see points both for and against it being more than a 14th centuy forgery. Going back to the actual gospel though a face cloth and burial linen would have been used for the burial. If an image of Jesus was really imprinted onto these then why doesn't the bible mention this? Seems like a pretty interesting detail to leave out. The Sudarium of Oviedo for me is probably the most worthwhile one to look at. There seem to be some problems again though with the carbon dating and it can only be traced back historically to 570AD. Its so hard to know, in the 4th century according to tradition Helen mother of Constantine the Great is said to have brought back to Rome what she believed were the marble steps of the place of Pilot, but how could she have been sure?
I don't believe in any of them they all want make dollars and that is false , it happened in Fatima with the little shepperds the secrets they learned from Our Lady , she Appear to them , they never told any one .
I was raised Jehovah's witness for a few years in foster care. I was taught that I shouldn't care what God and Jesus look like.🤔.. I don't practice anymore but, ... 🤷
Jesus's images, aka icons of all sorts, are not for the purpose of knowing what he looked like. The point of them is so you are visually reminded of his presence, to make eye contact as if with the actual Jesus, not get distracted by anything else, focus on him as in meditation (FYI there's even breathing and prayer associated with it much like Buddhist meditation) and to make your prayer conversation with him all the more real and deep.
God shouldn’t have made us such vain, shallow and judgmental creatures…. Oh wait the Christian god is a vain, shallow, judgmental god and “we’re created in his image”
Its not the image of a man whos been flogged and beaten, its not even a good image, looks like a kid drew it. Plus the legend of Veronica has been disproven, or at least her name was not Veronica.
Absolutely not. The Veil of Veronica doesn't even appear until the 11th century it seems in references, there is no reference to the story of Veronica and her veil in the canonical Gospels.
The Gospel of Nicodemus aka "Acta Pilati" describes exactly how Jesus looked like. It confirms the existing images found around that time. Like the holy image of Edessa or the Shroud of Turin. Every Historian has confirmed the authenticity of that document.
For me it all looks a hoax. The image is clearly drawn/painted. It’s not an imprint at all. The Shroud of Turin looks much more like an imprint. I consider the Shroud as the real possible face of Jesus, and the Veil of Veronica (both versions) as medieval or earlier hoaxes.
Correct. It isn't an imprint. They said she gave him the cloth which he used to wipe off the blood and sweat. Then he gave it back to her and a face 'magically' appeared on it. Unlike the Shroud of Turin, which was said to actually be an imprint from being laid over his body and it absorbed the ointments they used on his body during his burial.
It’s a fabricated description made up by European Christians long after the fact, Jesus would’ve looked like an average 1st century middle eastern man with a dark complexion, brown eyes and curly dark hair that was likely cropped short in the typical men’s style of the time he spoke Aramaic and was likely a stone mason not a carpenter
The Manopello image is a medieval watercolor painting on a transparent fabric. Any similarities to the actual face of Jesus that is depicted on the Holy Shroud have to be due to the artist having used the Shroud as a model.
My problem with this is: venerating a holy relic is tantamount to worshipping a cloth,a cup, or a piece of fabric. In a way, its idol worship, a violation of one ofbthe 12 commandments. I do underdtand why this developed, as people needed something to connect to Jesus and God the Father. Abstract concepts generally are hard for people to comprehend. But it still is just a cup, or a piece of cloth. The fact that Jesus may have touched it, or may not have, shouldn't make it divine. His divinity is in his sacrifice and his healing of the sick, and his teachings. He came to give us a way to the father. So we can have a relationship with God,, this has been lost. Lost in the mire ofv relics, although it's nice to have the knowledge, and archaeology, I appreciate it from that point of view.
Remember that Jesus appeared to Thomas and allowed that disciple to touch his wounds so that Thomas could believe in the resurrection. In this skeptical era, many say that Jesus never existed, or, if he did exist, that Jesus was only one of many street-corner preachers and that he did not actually perform any miracles. Jesus promised a sign for an unfaithful generation, and that sign is the miraculous image of his dead body on his burial cloth. It proves that the skeptics are wrong, that Jesus was a real first century person and that he did perform miracles. It is what the Pharisees asked for in Matthew 12: a sign from himself. See: "The Enigma of the Sign of Jonah," BSTS Shroud Newsletter, Summer 2023, pp. 42-46.
@@jeffreyerwin3665 The unbelief of Thomas is not a matter of relics, but of unbelieving he was crucified, and seeing the real thing. Whether the shroud is sign Jesus spoke of, remains to be seen. It is the opinion of one person or a group that this is the sign. The sign......may not be a material item at all. Signs usually were not material things, but of something in the heavens, like the burning bush in Exodus. And the plagues. These were also signs. I still believe we must have total faith in Jesus and God the Father. I have no doubt whatsoever in the power of the Father, he has clearly shown me in my own miracle of faith. I witness to this all the time to those that need to hear of it. I have total faith and trust in the Father without the veneration of relics. He is taking care of me.
@@duchessstudioband7896 Jesus predicted a sign for an unfaithful generation and he defined this sign as his burial of less than 72 hours. Forensic study of the images on the Shroud confirm Jesus' prediction of a short time of burial. That is why the images are the sign that Jesus promised the world. The Shroud is the seal of the Gospels. It is scientific proof of the authenticity of Jesus' ministry. No one tries to say that the cloth is divine or should be worshipped. Where do you get that idea? Maybe you just don't like the Shroud for unspoken reasons?
@@jeffreyerwin3665No one says you should worship the Shroud of Turin, as a Christian you'd be committing the most severe sin against God if you did worship it, or any image for that matter. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in Heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth. So EVERY Christian even remotely worshiping anything apart from God is not really taking God THAT seriously.
@@evertjan9479 Exodus 20:22-23 YHWH said to Moses, "tell the sons of Israel this, 'You have seen for yourselves that I have spoke to you from heaven. You shall not makes gods of silver or gods of gold to stand beside me; you shall not make things like this for yourselves. 'You are to make me an altar to earth, and sacrifice on this the holocausts and communion sacrifices from your flocks or herds. .. .You shall not go up to my altar by steps for fear you expose your nakedness.'" Jews, and only Jews, are bound by the Laws that YHWH gave to Moses. Those who are not of the children of israel are not, and never were, bound by these laws.
The Archko Volume has the most-stated depiction of Jesus .. as being of a smaller than normal stature with the population size of that time (Roman Centurions and Legionairres were considered the tallest at 5 ft 4 inches - 5 ft 6 inches), and he had red streaks (auburn) in his brown hair, or what would be a dark light brown strawberry blond hair and beard feature.
@@Dragonette666as mucvh as you say that, I would have to agree. The Archko volume, taken from Vatican archives, mentions Jesus as being of the same size or minutely smaller than the local population. The height at that time was ~ 4 ft 8 inches - 5 ft 3 inches. Roman soldiers and legionairres (it is said) were ~ 5 ft 6 inches. The same for colonial Americans were said to be in the 5-6 - 5-10 height, while some biggies like George Washington was 6-0. So these comments would invalidate the Shroud, but it had a very consuming image of what would appear to be a crucified person wrists and feet, blood, beaten up face, spear thrust into rib cage, etc.
@@johnlord8337 that would also allow his followers to get him out of dangerous situations like flipping over tables of the moneychangers. He vanishes in the crowd. same thing for Judas having to ID him. If he was massively tall , he'd just have to tell the Romans to arrest the tallest person they can find.
The face on the Shroud looks like a Christian Crusader knight. There are mosiacs that survive from the 1st centaury and they show Jews with short cropped hair due to lice. They were more likely to have roundish faces with short hair, not long faces with long hair like the face on the Shroud. Yeshua Ben Yuseph/Iesous Cristos/Jesus Christ was a relative nobody when he was crucified on an X shaped cross. His face would not have been a celebrated feature at the time. There were no Polaroids! Fudging a religious icon was not considered to be a sin during the 13th centaury since it generated love & interest in Christ & God. That's how how you generate cash & people to build the faith and that's what God wants, so go for it!!!
@@lajinmark2084 I'm also not sure about the Shroud, it looks too much like how artists in the centuries before chose to show him, long hair, beard. The very earliest images of Jesus from the 200s are clean shaven and short hair.
1 Corinthians Chapter 15 1Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
No one is going to address how big that giant head is on the cloth? Thousands of years ago people were substantially smaller. Even now, that size of head on the cloth would be bigger than Rocky Dennis. Not to mention the fact that sweat and blood doesn’t paint a picture, and that picture certainly wouldn’t look like his making grilled cheese at night.
This is all BS. If you want to know what Jesus looked like, look at any rendition of a Jew two thousand years ago. They look very similar today. Look at Bob Dylan with long hair for example. As for being the face of God, no one knows what lies behind this existence of ours as we perceive it.
Look at pictures of Jesus in the cathacombs: young , short toga, short hair, beardless. Or pictures of the synagogue in Syria, now in a museum. Same thing. The image of Christ is more a reflexion of Sol invictus in the 4th century
There are two separate issues deceptively equated here. Is this an image of Jesus Christ and is it created by the contact with the living Jesus Christ. Of course the Pope venerated it, just like he would kneel and venerate all painted icons of Jesus in any of the churches he visited. The science behind the authentication of the creation process of the image is a separate issue that doesn't change how the Pope or the faithful behave in reaction to it.
Funny thing i have been to every single book store and BIBLE store, and I have NEVER EVER heard of this VEIL OF VERONICA! I have studied the scriptures more than GOD HIMSELF, and i am absolutely DUMBFOUNDED why this relic just APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE! If this was TRUE, we would have surely heard of it or seen it before now!
“It was said to have borne a miraculous image of Christ” The whole point is it’s a miracle. Not a face-print 🤦🏼♀️😂 I don’t believe in any of it, but maybe that’s why I can hear what’s actually being said.
No if he was real, he was white. He was not from Africa, he was from Asia, and the same region today is still filled with the same white people. No doubt if Jesus was real, anybody would look at him and say he was white. Also, Jesus has been pictured as white for over a thousand years, nobody is trying to push his race on to anybody. For heaven sakes, Da Vinci pained him in the most famous Jesus painting ever, and he pained him as a white man over 500 years ago. I assure you, he was not trying to push the race of Jesus on to anybody. Even in Africa they paint Jesus a white man. Some of the most well know pictures of Jesus come from Africa, and he is white in those pictures. You know wh?ecause they know Jesus did not come from Africa, and was from Asia, and they know the race of the people in the region he came from. Jesus was as white as King Tut. The same King Tut who's DNA shows not only was he white, but over 50% of all living Europeans are related to him. Not bad for a Black Egyptian LOL. The best part about this, is you are the only on here that wants to push the race of Jesus on us, and it is because you are the biggot you claim others are. Get over it, race is meaningless. Grow up!
many scholars, Revelation 1:14-15 offers a clue that Jesus's skin was a darker hue and that his hair was woolly in texture. The hairs of his head, it says, "were white as white wool, white as snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined as in a furnace.”Feb 20, 2019
@@RichardBaker-wt8wm many scholars, Revelation 1:14-15 offers a clue that Jesus's skin was a darker hue and that his hair was woolly in texture. The hairs of his head, it says, "were white as white wool, white as snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined as in a furnace.”Feb 20, 2019
@@sheroldpruitt8328 I read your wonderful text! But I come across some what confused?? If you say that Christ Jesus was, black than I would have to disagree with you! Christ Jesus, would come across more as a Palestine living in today Gaza or the west bank! Jesus Christ did not look northern Europe! As you read from the book of revelation,the book of revelation,was written 150 years after the death of Christ Jesus! And it was not written by the apostle John! It was supposed written by a disciple, John divine! He was exiles or l, believe he was beening punishment? Another fun fact,martin Luther as he was writing the bible in German, he was deciding if the book of revelation, should be allowed in bible he was writing. He took two other books,that is still in the Catholic bible! And let not go to the Ethiopian Orthodox bible! Far more books!
Apsolutely HILAROUS! Its like you are told this is a photo of Abraham Lincon and then seeing a cartoon of Bart Simpson or spong Bob square pants! Lol i see these guys again in one of your programs and i'm turning it off immediately.
The image looks flat, probably even looks like a crude sketch. But if light shines from behind and depending on the angle, the image will look three-dimensional.
Giorgio Vassari reported that Raphael Sanzio painted an image of his face on a transparent byssus fabric. The description of this portrait fits exactly the one venerated as the "Veronica" in Manopello.
e Book of Deuteronomy, were spoken by God to the Israelites and then written on stone tablets by the Finger of God.[1] It continues, "... any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them."
what was Jesus wearing when he came out of the tomb? who sawJesus rise from the dead? Why did no one recognise him? where did all his wounds go except the ones in his hands and sides? Jesus was already prpared for burial when he was taken from the cross we even have the price and the wight of the herbs and unguents used bought by Ji=oseph of Arimathea. Do you know what a dead corpse would be like three days after death? whi si the earthquake not mentioned in all the gospels? why is the scene at the tomb diffrent in all gospels ref=garding the number of angels the location where they were seen what they said. who entered the tomb.
40.26 "Quietly forgotten," another non-believer talk. Just because it is not on display in a major Cathedral, they call it forgotten, completely overlooking the elaborate display where it is offered to the faithful for veneration, away from spectical-driven unbelieving crowd of tourists.
how do Christian’s believe this nonsense. We can’t find the ark, but some Semitic chick named Veronica got this and pass3d it through the years? No one is suspicious of even her name?
Jesus had the bluest eyes you have ever saw, the day they find an image showing this, then little me will believe ,till then its like finding a needle in a hay stack happy hunting
this looks so cartoon-like...it's so obvious that it's man -made. just look at the teeths, looks completely painted. and the beard type doesn't match with the shroud of turin..The man of the turin shroud had a long beard. the man of the manopello picture only a short beard. they cannnot both true. by the way...look at his moustache, clearly looks like a spanish man, not a man from the near-east region
There were 6 veils, a cardinal just chose one to be used as the veil. This is the one chosen. It's not likely to have been Veronica's. Rather one that touched it and was then painted.
44.25 What a silly thing to say, "Having Veronica in your church," is a benefit. What a non Catholic, materialistic thinking. It doesn't matter the location of the real Veronica, it is all One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Even in Antarctica, even on Mars, even buried and hidden, Veronica is part of our Church. The material Veronica can disappear, the spiritual Veronica will not.
Look at pictures of Jesus in the cathacombs: young , short toga, short hair, beardless. Or pictures of the synagogue in Syria, now in a museum. Same thing. The image of Christ is more a reflexion of Sol invictus in the 4th century. Anyway photografic textiles were not an item.
Hebrews 11:1 you all have been here before Soul check time believe change for good turn filthy sites Off be kind give help each other Holy Spirit knows you your ❤ make the Cut .Amen settme Forgive every one
It doesn't matter for a single second what Jesus looked like. This is the most pointless video I've ever seen on you tube or anywhere else. Jesus Christ is my savior and salvation.
It absolutely matters. People need an image, a symbol. Something to visualize. Humans are like that. Jesus was in the form of man. Have a blessed day. 😊 No replies will be seen
So there are actual photos of Jesus? Good grief what a bunch of ridiculous conjecture. As ignorant as saying Jesus was white when he was a Middle Eastern Jewish man who would be dark-skinned, dark-haired and dark-eyed.
This is rubbish click bait. I only came here to say this. I love Time Team Classic, but I’ll be removing Odyssey from my YT feed. What utter nonsense, if the National Enquirer had a history video channel, Odyssey would be it.
Sorry to say but that is not real face of Jesus. The Turin shroud is 95 % look like Jesus face and he has curly hair shoulder level the creator father both of them having same face cut like a twins two body but their mind is one. In spirit Jesus has no color because his body full of bright light but the great creature father has color like the native Ethiopian jews.
‼️31:00 “could this be the face of God” I almost spit my food out when they cut to the portrait 🤣 oh geez. Anybody that thinks this artifact is legit must think God has the artistic ability of a toddler. Good. God. Catholics are so happy to gobble their dogma. 🤡
‘But one man has a shocking revelation; he believes that it is fake’. Shocking 😂 😂😂
😂😂😂 opinion matters 😂😂😂gospel is a process of storytelling, embellishing the story so the facts have no power in the story. . .It's false....the power placebo,is controlling...and controlled by the Teller...
Faith in Jesus Christ, God the Father and the Holy Spirit is not based on objects or things! It is based on the Words of Christ and witnesses of his resurrection. Words are of much more importance than pieces of cloth, bones, so called ‘relics’. Why are we so anxious to drag the spiritual realm into the detritus of the physical realm?
@@susannewargo3184 carefully I offer my position...as a knowledgeable skeptic,if we research we find that stage names are used in manuscripts since the beginning ,and unraveling the recorded legal documents in the last 2024 years I find that the Hearsay of the masses,hides the evidence of control documents to keep the sheep powerless,so they cower in fear at the Earthly Kings manuscripts without using the intelligence Given by our Bodies at Birth to ask why...so the believers of Christ are not speaking as authority of fact or evide nce but as Hearsay,story tellers...I am an Un BELIEVE er...
Respectfully I Disagree on the premise ,of Hearsay,has powerful placebo value for the masses and the people who own the land and air,who while they benefit...they are laughing at those who believe...
The Veil of Veronica shows absolute errors. IF this was a cloth that wiped Prince/Rabbi Jesus' face, then his eyes WOULD BE CLOSED. As this is an open-eyed depiction of the whites of the eyes and the pupils, ... you ever wiped your wet eyes on a dry towel ??? This is not an actual historical biblical event artifact. It ~could be~ something later taken as an artist's rendition.
The Veil of Vernoica would have shown, the bloodied and battered face, lips, eyebrows, and torn out beard fragments. None of these many pictures and paintings show this other than what appears more-likely with the Shroud of Turin of a puffy beaten faced person.
The Shroud of Turin, and "the face towel (being the Veil of Veronica)" said to be with the Shroud (the Sindon), it STILL WOULDN"T HAVE OPEN EYES. So if there is another byssus cloth that was with the Sindon, then this remains elusive and not in any known collection - as it would show blood, plasma, and a battered face, crown of thorns forehead bleeding spots ....
Did you watch this ?
No it's a fake that pulled in shit loads of money for the priests
KING Jesus, not “prince” 🤯
Who cares what Jesus looked like, black, white brown, he was a good caring soul. Why cant people just have a good soul 🙏🙏🙏
He was/is a cult leader nothing more
@@pork-techpty3078what do you think of muhamed? Prophet of islam?
@@Legrascestlavie88 Another cult leader?
I care. He also had significantly more than just a good soul.
@@Legrascestlavie88 most religions pray on people’s fear of the unknown, promising heaven, with no proof, in return for following the cult rules. The eternal scam.
"Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen." (1John 5:21 )
a basic painting on some fabric, no wonder they wanted to forget about it and replace it with a less obvious face smudge
Faith is important.. Since ages questions are asked.. But.. answer❤ is within you...
It bothers me that so called intelligent people actually believe these images to be genuine.
They actually aren't as intelligent as you are giving them credit for.
But it bothers me as well. Why? They have way too much influence on peoples' lives.
It should be not too difficult to carbon date it to see if it's really 1st century matieral or not. The catholic church has never claimed the Turin Shroud is authentic either. What is interesting though is there is some controversy over the carbon dating from 1988 and some of the historical evidence suggesting an earlier date.
@@lw3646 A team of scientists equivalent to the STuRP team could easily find out if the image is composed of paint or watercolor. It looks like a medieval painting.
Same here. It bothers me that so-called intelligent people somehow disregard the 1978 investigation of the Turin Shroud that was conducted by a team of 24 scientists using four tons of equipment. That team made a very serious attempt to determine how the images of a human corpse were imprinted on the Shroud. they failed to do that despite taking three years to analyze their evidence. They were forced to conclude that the images were not paintings of any kind and were not the work of an artist.
How those images were created remains a mystery to this day. Currently, there is a standing reward offer of one million dollars to anyone who can accurately reproduce the Shroud images.
@@lw3646 The Shroud cannot be dated by carbon fourteen because the dematerialization of Jesus' dead body had side effects. One was the imprinting by radiation of the image of the corpse, and the other was a neutron flux that enhanced the radiocarbon content of the cloth. Until one can prove a naturalistic mechanism of image formation on the Shroud, one cannot use radiocarbon readings to date the Shroud.
See: "The Carbon Dating of the Shroud is Explained by Neutron Absorption," Rucker, 2020.
Looks like something from a 9 year old’s art class
I gagged from laughing 😂
Unlike the monochome image on the Turin Shroud, this color image has not been investigated by a team of scientists using tons of equipment. It has the style of a medieval painting. The idea that it is the Veronica is only a conjecture. "Veronica" is not a Jewish name, and that legend seems to be based on a Byzantine icon of the Mandylion which was exported to the West under the guise of vera iconica or true icon. According to Wilson, several so-callled "Veronicas" were extant in the West at the same time, and the Pope had to decide which one would be regarded as authentic. The image presented here is not a Byzantine icon and was most likely created in Western Europe.
lol that is a badly drawn portrait. : X
Interesting video- I always wondered why there was more than one
Interesting documentary, which i find hard to believe. 🤔
Too many what ifs and speculating for me....
just like I am with religion in general
Thanks for sharing this OL.
There were , and still are, markets in the Holy Land where you can buy all sorts of holy relics, carefully made yesterday and absolutely genuine.....
That was the issue at hand when a cardinal chose this one over the other 5. Having those destroyed. Most likely including the actual veil.
There never was a "real" veil of any sort. It's a much later legend. People made veils to match the legend.
@@betty5064in this case I think yes. As they mentioned it certainly helped attract pilgrims.
The Shroud of Turin is an interesting one, i see points both for and against it being more than a 14th centuy forgery. Going back to the actual gospel though a face cloth and burial linen would have been used for the burial. If an image of Jesus was really imprinted onto these then why doesn't the bible mention this? Seems like a pretty interesting detail to leave out. The Sudarium of Oviedo for me is probably the most worthwhile one to look at. There seem to be some problems again though with the carbon dating and it can only be traced back historically to 570AD.
Its so hard to know, in the 4th century according to tradition Helen mother of Constantine the Great is said to have brought back to Rome what she believed were the marble steps of the place of Pilot, but how could she have been sure?
I don't believe in any of them they all want make dollars and that is false , it happened in Fatima with the little shepperds the secrets they
learned from Our Lady , she Appear to them , they never told any one .
sorry but these look like poorly painted western icons
I was raised Jehovah's witness for a few years in foster care. I was taught that I shouldn't care what God and Jesus look like.🤔.. I don't practice anymore but, ... 🤷
Jesus's images, aka icons of all sorts, are not for the purpose of knowing what he looked like. The point of them is so you are visually reminded of his presence, to make eye contact as if with the actual Jesus, not get distracted by anything else, focus on him as in meditation (FYI there's even breathing and prayer associated with it much like Buddhist meditation) and to make your prayer conversation with him all the more real and deep.
I speak from Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Tradition.
God shouldn’t have made us such vain, shallow and judgmental creatures…. Oh wait the Christian god is a vain, shallow, judgmental god and “we’re created in his image”
31:14 Why do the eyes look like they're looking off to the side?
Turn up the volume, I can barely hear.
Its not the image of a man whos been flogged and beaten, its not even a good image, looks like a kid drew it. Plus the legend of Veronica has been disproven, or at least her name was not Veronica.
Think that’s my mate Dave 👍
Absolutely not. The Veil of Veronica doesn't even appear until the 11th century it seems in references, there is no reference to the story of Veronica and her veil in the canonical Gospels.
The Gospel of Nicodemus aka "Acta Pilati" describes exactly how Jesus looked like. It confirms the existing images found around that time. Like the holy image of Edessa or the Shroud of Turin. Every Historian has confirmed the authenticity of that document.
For me it all looks a hoax. The image is clearly drawn/painted. It’s not an imprint at all. The Shroud of Turin looks much more like an imprint. I consider the Shroud as the real possible face of Jesus, and the Veil of Veronica (both versions) as medieval or earlier hoaxes.
Correct. It isn't an imprint. They said she gave him the cloth which he used to wipe off the blood and sweat. Then he gave it back to her and a face 'magically' appeared on it. Unlike the Shroud of Turin, which was said to actually be an imprint from being laid over his body and it absorbed the ointments they used on his body during his burial.
The Shroud was dated to about 1300.
To me it looks not particularly well done. Some art from this period is beautiful but this looks quite badly done.
The shroud has also been proved to be from the Middle Ages🤷♂️
Why is the face of Jesus always questioned. You can look up Pontious Pilate said when he talked to Jesus. He clearly gives a description.
It’s a fabricated description made up by European Christians long after the fact, Jesus would’ve looked like an average 1st century middle eastern man with a dark complexion, brown eyes and curly dark hair that was likely cropped short in the typical men’s style of the time he spoke Aramaic and was likely a stone mason not a carpenter
😂 🫵🏻
There is the very telling sentence in this story..."A GREAT SOURCE OF REVENUE"
The Manopello image is a medieval watercolor painting on a transparent fabric. Any similarities to the actual face of Jesus that is depicted on the Holy Shroud have to be due to the artist having used the Shroud as a model.
My problem with this is: venerating a holy relic is tantamount to worshipping a cloth,a cup, or a piece of fabric. In a way, its idol worship, a violation of one ofbthe 12 commandments. I do underdtand why this developed, as people needed something to connect to Jesus and God the Father. Abstract concepts generally are hard for people to comprehend. But it still is just a cup, or a piece of cloth. The fact that Jesus may have touched it, or may not have, shouldn't make it divine. His divinity is in his sacrifice and his healing of the sick, and his teachings. He came to give us a way to the father. So we can have a relationship with God,, this has been lost. Lost in the mire ofv relics, although it's nice to have the knowledge, and archaeology, I appreciate it from that point of view.
Remember that Jesus appeared to Thomas and allowed that disciple to touch his wounds so that Thomas could believe in the resurrection. In this skeptical era, many say that Jesus never existed, or, if he did exist, that Jesus was only one of many street-corner preachers and that he did not actually perform any miracles.
Jesus promised a sign for an unfaithful generation, and that sign is the miraculous image of his dead body on his burial cloth. It proves that the skeptics are wrong, that Jesus was a real first century person and that he did perform miracles. It is what the Pharisees asked for in Matthew 12: a sign from himself.
See: "The Enigma of the Sign of Jonah," BSTS Shroud Newsletter, Summer 2023, pp. 42-46.
@@jeffreyerwin3665 The unbelief of Thomas is not a matter of relics, but of unbelieving he was crucified, and seeing the real thing.
Whether the shroud is sign Jesus spoke of, remains to be seen. It is the opinion of one person or a group that this is the sign. The sign......may not be a material item at all. Signs usually were not material things, but of something in the heavens, like the burning bush in Exodus. And the plagues. These were also signs. I still believe we must have total faith in Jesus and God the Father. I have no doubt whatsoever in the power of the Father, he has clearly shown me in my own miracle of faith. I witness to this all the time to those that need to hear of it. I have total faith and trust in the Father without the veneration of relics. He is taking care of me.
@@duchessstudioband7896 Jesus predicted a sign for an unfaithful generation and he defined this sign as his burial of less than 72 hours. Forensic study of the images on the Shroud confirm Jesus' prediction of a short time of burial. That is why the images are the sign that Jesus promised the world. The Shroud is the seal of the Gospels. It is scientific proof of the authenticity of Jesus' ministry. No one tries to say that the cloth is divine or should be worshipped. Where do you get that idea? Maybe you just don't like the Shroud for unspoken reasons?
@@jeffreyerwin3665No one says you should worship the Shroud of Turin, as a Christian you'd be committing the most severe sin against God if you did worship it, or any image for that matter.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in Heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth.
So EVERY Christian even remotely worshiping anything apart from God is not really taking God THAT seriously.
Exodus 20:22-23 YHWH said to Moses, "tell the sons of Israel this, 'You have seen for yourselves that I have spoke to you from heaven. You shall not makes gods of silver or gods of gold to stand beside me; you shall not make things like this for yourselves.
'You are to make me an altar to earth, and sacrifice on this the holocausts and communion sacrifices from your flocks or herds. .. .You shall not go up to my altar by steps for fear you expose your nakedness.'"
Jews, and only Jews, are bound by the Laws that YHWH gave to Moses. Those who are not of the children of israel are not, and never were, bound by these laws.
The Archko Volume has the most-stated depiction of Jesus .. as being of a smaller than normal stature with the population size of that time (Roman Centurions and Legionairres were considered the tallest at 5 ft 4 inches - 5 ft 6 inches), and he had red streaks (auburn) in his brown hair, or what would be a dark light brown strawberry blond hair and beard feature.
that would rule out the shroud , as the figure on the shroud is well over 6 feet tall. 6' 4"+ I think
@@Dragonette666as mucvh as you say that, I would have to agree. The Archko volume, taken from Vatican archives, mentions Jesus as being of the same size or minutely smaller than the local population. The height at that time was ~ 4 ft 8 inches - 5 ft 3 inches. Roman soldiers and legionairres (it is said) were ~ 5 ft 6 inches. The same for colonial Americans were said to be in the 5-6 - 5-10 height, while some biggies like George Washington was 6-0. So these comments would invalidate the Shroud, but it had a very consuming image of what would appear to be a crucified person wrists and feet, blood, beaten up face, spear thrust into rib cage, etc.
@@johnlord8337 that would also allow his followers to get him out of dangerous situations like flipping over tables of the moneychangers. He vanishes in the crowd.
same thing for Judas having to ID him. If he was massively tall , he'd just have to tell the Romans to arrest the tallest person they can find.
Is it possible that the suderium of Oviedo was the actual Veronica’s veil. That is why it was laid and sown into the hair??
It's a pity they don't show any non religious historians to balance the story
Probably not but let’s make a hour long documentary about it anyway .
This legend is taken from the shroud of Turin, the name Veronica comes from Vera Icon, the true likeness of Christ, which is imprinted on the shroud.
Highly doubt there was a homeless preacher wandering around the desert looking like a young Leonardo da Vinci in first century Nazareth 😂
I don’t think that is the face of Jesus, it doesn’t look at all like The Shroud which I think is the real face of Jesus.
there are videos showing the faces are compatible - a question of angles.
The face on the Shroud looks like a Christian Crusader knight. There are mosiacs that survive from the 1st centaury and they show Jews with short cropped hair due to lice. They were more likely to have roundish faces with short hair, not long faces with long hair like the face on the Shroud. Yeshua Ben Yuseph/Iesous Cristos/Jesus Christ was a relative nobody when he was crucified on an X shaped cross. His face would not have been a celebrated feature at the time. There were no Polaroids! Fudging a religious icon was not considered to be a sin during the 13th centaury since it generated love & interest in Christ & God. That's how how you generate cash & people to build the faith and that's what God wants, so go for it!!!
@@lajinmark2084 I'm also not sure about the Shroud, it looks too much like how artists in the centuries before chose to show him, long hair, beard.
The very earliest images of Jesus from the 200s are clean shaven and short hair.
It's odd that no one questions why these relics never appear for hundreds of years after the death of jesus.
“Jesus H Christ.”-Quint in Jaws
There is a troubling asymmetry to that illustration... eyes are not lined up correctly.
1 Corinthians
Chapter 15
1Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
No one is going to address how big that giant head is on the cloth? Thousands of years ago people were substantially smaller. Even now, that size of head on the cloth would be bigger than Rocky Dennis.
Not to mention the fact that sweat and blood doesn’t paint a picture, and that picture certainly wouldn’t look like his making grilled cheese at night.
This is all BS. If you want to know what Jesus looked like, look at any rendition of a Jew two thousand years ago. They look very similar today. Look at Bob Dylan with long hair for example. As for being the face of God, no one knows what lies behind this existence of ours as we perceive it.
Look at pictures of Jesus in the cathacombs: young , short toga, short hair, beardless. Or pictures of the synagogue in Syria, now in a museum. Same thing. The image of Christ is more a reflexion of Sol invictus in the 4th century
Jesus looked like Bob Dylan? Ok, lol
@@breadwojak Yeah. Like Jewish, what would anyone expect him to look like.
There are two separate issues deceptively equated here. Is this an image of Jesus Christ and is it created by the contact with the living Jesus Christ. Of course the Pope venerated it, just like he would kneel and venerate all painted icons of Jesus in any of the churches he visited. The science behind the authentication of the creation process of the image is a separate issue that doesn't change how the Pope or the faithful behave in reaction to it.
Funny thing i have been to every single book store and BIBLE store, and I have NEVER EVER heard of this VEIL OF VERONICA! I have studied the scriptures more than GOD HIMSELF, and i am absolutely DUMBFOUNDED why this relic just APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE! If this was TRUE, we would have surely heard of it or seen it before now!
If he had wiped his face it would not produce an image but instead a smudge
How could he give it back in the first place if his hands where nailed to the cross.
@@Odder-BeingThey weren’t nailed until AFTER.
“It was said to have borne a miraculous image of Christ”
The whole point is it’s a miracle. Not a face-print 🤦🏼♀️😂 I don’t believe in any of it, but maybe that’s why I can hear what’s actually being said.
@@jessiewhitman8688 he was carrying the cross! and I would imagine she would have wiped his face herself not pass the veil to him to do it himself!
700 years later it pops up in Rome.....in the 'hands' of the RCC....color me surprised.
Spoiler Alert: Jesús was not White as Europeans would want us to believe
I agree with you! Not black either! Brown skin! Green,or brown eyes! About maybe 5 ft in height at the most!
No if he was real, he was white. He was not from Africa, he was from Asia, and the same region today is still filled with the same white people. No doubt if Jesus was real, anybody would look at him and say he was white. Also, Jesus has been pictured as white for over a thousand years, nobody is trying to push his race on to anybody. For heaven sakes, Da Vinci pained him in the most famous Jesus painting ever, and he pained him as a white man over 500 years ago. I assure you, he was not trying to push the race of Jesus on to anybody. Even in Africa they paint Jesus a white man. Some of the most well know pictures of Jesus come from Africa, and he is white in those pictures. You know wh?ecause they know Jesus did not come from Africa, and was from Asia, and they know the race of the people in the region he came from. Jesus was as white as King Tut. The same King Tut who's DNA shows not only was he white, but over 50% of all living Europeans are related to him. Not bad for a Black Egyptian LOL. The best part about this, is you are the only on here that wants to push the race of Jesus on us, and it is because you are the biggot you claim others are. Get over it, race is meaningless. Grow up!
many scholars, Revelation 1:14-15 offers a clue that Jesus's skin was a darker hue and that his hair was woolly in texture. The hairs of his head, it says, "were white as white wool, white as snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined as in a furnace.”Feb 20, 2019
@@RichardBaker-wt8wm many scholars, Revelation 1:14-15 offers a clue that Jesus's skin was a darker hue and that his hair was woolly in texture. The hairs of his head, it says, "were white as white wool, white as snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined as in a furnace.”Feb 20, 2019
@@sheroldpruitt8328 I read your wonderful text! But I come across some what confused?? If you say that Christ Jesus was, black than I would have to disagree with you! Christ Jesus, would come across more as a Palestine living in today Gaza or the west bank! Jesus Christ did not look northern Europe! As you read from the book of revelation,the book of revelation,was written 150 years after the death of Christ Jesus! And it was not written by the apostle John! It was supposed written by a disciple, John divine! He was exiles or l, believe he was beening punishment? Another fun fact,martin Luther as he was writing the bible in German, he was deciding if the book of revelation, should be allowed in bible he was writing. He took two other books,that is still in the Catholic bible! And let not go to the Ethiopian Orthodox bible! Far more books!
Yet another reason not to play PEEKABOO at the Vatican.
Apsolutely HILAROUS! Its like you are told this is a photo of Abraham Lincon and then seeing a cartoon of Bart Simpson or spong Bob square pants!
Lol i see these guys again in one of your programs and i'm turning it off immediately.
The image looks flat, probably even looks like a crude sketch. But if light shines from behind and depending on the angle, the image will look three-dimensional.
Giorgio Vassari reported that Raphael Sanzio painted an image of his face on a transparent byssus fabric. The description of this portrait fits exactly the one venerated as the "Veronica" in Manopello.
Maybe instead of keeping it she paid her respects in the burial process and wrapped his head with the extra cloth
- If you believe, you need no proof. But if you do not believe,all the proof will not change your mind - .
I believe in Santa 🎅 I need no proof either
Yes people believe all sorts of things with no good reason. A god would know what proof would be needed to make non believers believe.
That’s a cop out.
It's actually the other way around. I'm quite happy to believe with proof. It's perfectly rational.
@@williamdebruin2838 As i said, it is an individuals choice.
e Book of Deuteronomy, were spoken by God to the Israelites and then written on stone tablets by the Finger of God.[1] It continues, "... any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them."
If this cloth and the shroud are images of Christ, why do they look like different people?
Jesus is dark
what was Jesus wearing when he came out of the tomb? who sawJesus rise from the dead? Why did no one recognise him? where did all his wounds go except the ones in his hands and sides? Jesus was already prpared for burial when he was taken from the cross we even have the price and the wight of the herbs and unguents used bought by Ji=oseph of Arimathea. Do you know what a dead corpse would be like three days after death? whi si the earthquake not mentioned in all the gospels? why is the scene at the tomb diffrent in all gospels ref=garding the number of angels the location where they were seen what they said. who entered the tomb.
I laughed through this vid.
40.26 "Quietly forgotten," another non-believer talk. Just because it is not on display in a major Cathedral, they call it forgotten, completely overlooking the elaborate display where it is offered to the faithful for veneration, away from spectical-driven unbelieving crowd of tourists.
Wow, a scammer ads just popped up
how do Christian’s believe this nonsense. We can’t find the ark, but some Semitic chick named Veronica got this and pass3d it through the years? No one is suspicious of even her name?
The Ark was found. On Mt Aarat.
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Well short answer is they mostly don't, Catholic Church has never claimed its genuine.
The Veil of Veronica is not even mentioned in the Bible.
It's so obviously a painting of some kind. Real faces don't look like that. Looks like it was painted by someone that could really paint faces
Jesus had the bluest eyes you have ever saw, the day they find an image showing this, then little me will believe ,till then its like finding a needle in a hay stack happy hunting
People will say anything on the internet. Is this intended to be a serious channel?
God only knows.
No one has a face like that anatomically speaking
this looks so cartoon-like...it's so obvious that it's man -made. just look at the teeths, looks completely painted. and the beard type doesn't match with the shroud of turin..The man of the turin shroud had a long beard. the man of the manopello picture only a short beard. they cannnot both true. by the way...look at his moustache, clearly looks like a spanish man, not a man from the near-east region
It looks ljke a 5th graders self portrait .
There are times when opl doe with open eyes....coroners shut the eyes.
There were 6 veils, a cardinal just chose one to be used as the veil. This is the one chosen. It's not likely to have been Veronica's. Rather one that touched it and was then painted.
Yeshua was not white
Late the haters hare...Behold the face of Jesus Christ
Though shalt not lie
44.25 What a silly thing to say, "Having Veronica in your church," is a benefit. What a non Catholic, materialistic thinking. It doesn't matter the location of the real Veronica, it is all One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Even in Antarctica, even on Mars, even buried and hidden, Veronica is part of our Church. The material Veronica can disappear, the spiritual Veronica will not.
Look at pictures of Jesus in the cathacombs: young , short toga, short hair, beardless. Or pictures of the synagogue in Syria, now in a museum. Same thing. The image of Christ is more a reflexion of Sol invictus in the 4th century. Anyway photografic textiles were not an item.
This is outright fake. Veronica was never mentioned in the four gospel.
Jesus was the only white man around 😂😂😂
😂😂😂 so Jesus is white!? Yeah, sure 🙄 lol 😂
Hebrews 11:1 you all have been here before Soul check time believe change for good turn filthy sites Off be kind give help each other Holy Spirit knows you your ❤ make the Cut .Amen settme Forgive every one
It doesn't matter for a single second what Jesus looked like. This is the most pointless video I've ever seen on you tube or anywhere else. Jesus Christ is my savior and salvation.
It absolutely matters. People need an image, a symbol. Something to visualize. Humans are like that. Jesus was in the form of man.
Have a blessed day. 😊
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So there are actual photos of Jesus? Good grief what a bunch of ridiculous conjecture. As ignorant as saying Jesus was white when he was a Middle Eastern Jewish man who would be dark-skinned, dark-haired and dark-eyed.
I don't thinks that's jessus face😮
This is rubbish click bait. I only came here to say this. I love Time Team Classic, but I’ll be removing Odyssey from my YT feed. What utter nonsense, if the National Enquirer had a history video channel, Odyssey would be it.
_Jesus is one of the most famous men from the ancient world, but what did he look like?_
Who is more famous than Jesus Christ?
Ronald Mcdonald
A rather brown man with a big honk
All you need do is look at the Shroud.
Oh my !!! Porcine and Oysters 🤦
Sorry to say but that is not real face of Jesus. The Turin shroud is 95 % look like Jesus face and he has curly hair shoulder level the creator father both of them having same face cut like a twins two body but their mind is one. In spirit Jesus has no color because his body full of bright light but the great creature father has color like the native Ethiopian jews.
‼️31:00 “could this be the face of God” I almost spit my food out when they cut to the portrait 🤣 oh geez.
Anybody that thinks this artifact is legit must think God has the artistic ability of a toddler. Good. God.
Catholics are so happy to gobble their dogma. 🤡
How does it relate to the turin shroud image also? ( it clearly doesn't)
No to the picture. I know i seen jesus he had blond to light brown hair almost a golden coler and next to god and their was no other 🧝
Ha! Yeah man, if you can't handle metaphor, spiritual beliefs should be off limits to you :)
Do Sauron next, then Goofy. I'd love to see if you can find the easter bunny and the tooth fairy too.
Jesus was the son of God.. That's what I was taught.
So are we all!
How many gods are there?
@@flipflopski2951 one according to the 3 books.
@@marcot4863 Which one is god?..
@@flipflopski2951 Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Christianity and Islam derived from judiasm.
Let's pray that it is not
nope!... what's next?...
WHY THE HELL was the history hit ad so freaking loud??!!!
Wait a minute. Now Jesus is Black/Brown ?
He always was, white people just made him white when he never was. He’s literally from the Middle East
I beleive this is jesus !
there are errors jesus eye's were closed they would be wide open it is not a orginal artifact
Sensationalist dribble. Fake.
Sephirot,Sephirot interesting music choice.