Navigating a Career Turning Point | Management Tip: Unpacked

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • When you're at an inflection point in your career, how do you assess and understand what you’re looking for? How can you leverage your strengths? What’s the best way to plot your next move?
    HBR editor Amy Gallo gets tips and advice from executive coach Muriel Wilkins to help you when you're ready for a career change.
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  • @ET76001
    @ET76001 2 роки тому +9

    Great hypothetically. Reality is that most people dont remember (chose not to or genuinely dont) favours and helps they received from others. There is always exception of course but largely people dont do reciprocity unless they are in a really good and directly advantageous relationship with the other person.

    • @ourcollectivewisdom8769
      @ourcollectivewisdom8769 2 роки тому +1

      That’s consistent with my experience too.

    • @taronyoung5768
      @taronyoung5768 2 роки тому +1

      Totally disagree with this comment. If you are not a taker, people always reciprocate.

  • @teresascott1666
    @teresascott1666 2 роки тому +2

    This was such a great topic! I have enjoyed listening to both podcasts; Coaching Real Leaders and Women at Work. Thank you for such powerful insights and expert advice. I wish you both the very best!

  • @arnoldkee117
    @arnoldkee117 Рік тому

    I was thinking that I would lean into friendships to get this kind of insight. But here it is. Thank you.

  • @NoLiesWereTold
    @NoLiesWereTold Рік тому

    Muriel is a top top coach! Absolute legend

  • @atinele1986
    @atinele1986 7 місяців тому

    That gut feeling, its Gods still small voice. Always listen to it and do what hes telling you and you will never go wrong 😊

  • @naomiyousefi2006
    @naomiyousefi2006 2 роки тому

    Really admire and enjoy listening to you Muriel, your podcast has helped me alot in my d2d's

  • @user-mf4zi5do9u
    @user-mf4zi5do9u Рік тому

    Great video thanks

  • @lifeofdifferenceld7484
    @lifeofdifferenceld7484 2 роки тому

    Good Morning this is very guiding irrespective how long/ old one is in a Career and Thanks

  • @montaellis900210
    @montaellis900210 2 роки тому

    Thank you HBR for creating this content!

  • @trinityotero468
    @trinityotero468 2 роки тому

    What a great video, thank you both for your wisdom!

  • @naveenswarnkar4180
    @naveenswarnkar4180 2 роки тому

    Thank you ma'am for loving Book. Keep it up dear ma'am. Love from India. Have you taught in Harvard Business School?

  • @vishwasnarayan
    @vishwasnarayan 2 роки тому

    please interview eric brechner

  • @analo6433
    @analo6433 2 роки тому +2

    Guys, you should use better hashtags or promote your video better, you have so few views on an excellent topic :/

  • @giorgosneoptolemou1960
    @giorgosneoptolemou1960 2 роки тому +1

    Sorry i go to like

  • @JaybayJay
    @JaybayJay 2 роки тому

    Help me Harvard.. I just kind of came up with a new field that's technically not a field yet. Under utilized in this specific field. Nobody offers these services, they doesn't exist. Can I like patent that? I wanna get paid for my idea's. And it's a field that's going to require government certified training from a creditted school. I guess I'd have to research exactly the fields I'd require to say that that field, the person trained in it is an approved specialist.. I just don't know where to begin. World changing idea's.. No problem. Implementing them is procedure. That's boring to me. I just wanna get paid for it and move on the next invention lol..

    • @JaybayJay
      @JaybayJay 2 роки тому

      So I was just checking and I found a video from the Patent Guy and he says I can definitely Patent a Service. I guess it wouldn't be hard if I'm also the only person creating this new medical field of technicians for this particular service. So, since I have little means I guess I'd have to create the Mission Statement, my strategy is to offer a new service at a loss lead to develop our client foundation and offer more specified professional services at a reasonable cost and trained technicians ready to offer advice in this field. Also, provide training services to said new field. Goal: My goal is to establish a Franchise around this service and anyone who wants to open it's like would have to secure franchise rights from us. I don't know how that works, I'm still studying what I can and can't do as the law is always changing..

  • @wardashimon-australia33
    @wardashimon-australia33 2 роки тому

    The Gospel:
    Plain and
    “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent
    beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your
    minds should be corrupted from the simplicity
    that is in Christ.” - 2 Corithians 11:3
    Ask someone today if they are saved and
    you will most likely hear responses like these:
    “I have accepted Jesus into my heart.” Or “I
    have made him Lord of my life.” “I’ve been
    baptized.” “I said a prayer.” Sounds all good
    and churchy don’t it; but it is difficult to de-termine whether or not a person actually
    knows the gospel that saves them. These use￾less phrases don’t describe a thing about what
    the gospel is and has left a devastating effect
    of people not knowing what it is that they are
    saved from nor how they are saved; which
    leaves a more serious effect of people ques￾tioning their salvation.
    Let’s not muddy the simplicity of salva￾tion that is in Christ with vague church
    sounding phrases that do not communicate
    anything. But rather present God’s word with
    clarity and assuredness. So here is the gospel:
    plain and simple.
    Sin was passed upon all men by one man
    Adam, and death is a consequence of this sin
    (Rom 5:12). Mankind has an eternal destiny of
    condemnation and wrath - Hell - because of
    this sin (Rom 6:23). No matter what good
    works one might do we are still found sinners
    in the sight of our Creator God. And all un￾righteousness and those who follow get in￾dignation and wrath. We cannot be found
    righteous for by God’s law we are found sin￾ners (Rom 3:19-20). If we have broken even
    one law we are found guilty.
    It is for this reason of not being able to
    create our own righteousness and being born
    in a sinful flesh that we need a savior (Titus
    3:5). Christ is that Savior, God manifested in
    the flesh, sinless, died in our place on a cross
    2000 years ago. Taking upon him the wrath
    and judgement that was intended for us sin￾ners. And it is through his bloodshed, burial,
    and resurrection on our behalf that we are
    able to have peace with God and forgiveness
    of our sins (1 Cor 15:1-4, Col 3:14). This good
    news is unto all but only those that believe in
    it are made righteous in Christ (Romans
    It is then after we have heard this good
    news of Christ’s righteousness available to us freely, that we are sealed with the Holy Spirit
    and we are now part of Christ’s body the
    church (Eph 1:13)
    There is nothing that we need to do, no
    good works that are required, and no bad
    works that can separate us from our new po￾sition in Christ (Romans 8:35-39).
    Faith and belief in this information from
    God’s word is the gospel.
    The gospel is not accepting Jesus into your
    heart. The gospel is not making him lord of
    your life, it is not saying a prayer and it is not
    being baptized with water.
    So next time someone asks you if you are
    saved. Give them the clear assured answer
    “Yes! And let me tell you why!”
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