Valerio Rossi Albertni - Fusione nucleare: l'energia delle stelle

  • Опубліковано 7 жов 2024
  • Le centrali nucleari attualmente in funzione nel mondo producono energia utilizzando metalli pesanti (uranio e plutonio) e spezzandone il nucleo. Si parla per questo di 'fissione nucleare'. Vantaggi e svantaggi della fissione sono ben noti, ma i nuclei atomici consentono di ricavare energia anche in un altro modo. Anziché 'romperli', i nuclei atomici infatti si possono 'fondere' tra loro, ricavando da due elementi leggeri, come il deuterio e il trizio, il nucleo di un elemento più pesante. Si parla in questo caso di 'fusione nucleare', la stessa energia che tiene acceso il Sole e le altre stelle.
  • Наука та технологія


  • @sandustanBrasov
    @sandustanBrasov 4 роки тому +3

    Stan Sandu
    A short autobiography, to give you the confidence that in this life, up to 77 years old, in 2019, I have managed to accumulate a good general culture, to know and understand things in the seen and unseen world. I was born on October 10, 1943, in a family of peasants, neither rich nor poor, that is, with a house, with birds and animals in the yard, with a garden, with trees and a few hectares of field work. I did the primary school classes 1 ... 4 in the village Lacu-Sarat near Braila, grades 5 ... 7 in the commune of Chiscani, then the professional school for 3 years as a laminator worker in the city of Braila. The 4 high school classes 8 ... 11 I did in the evening, I did a year and a half army.
    I started working at the factory at 18 years and worked until I was 60 years. I did 6 years faculty in the evening at the specialty of the Technology Construction of Machines , and in the last 30 years until retirement in 2002 I worked as a technological engineer. Since 1967, I have been pursuing scientific research and scientific research in the world regarding the construction possibilities of a controlled thermonuclear reactor and I understood things as a participant in the research activities.
    So what I'm telling you are things that almost 100 percent have been proven and researched. Because of this I have been drafting a project for the controlled thermonuclear reactor since the 1970s, I even submitted it as an invention in 1969, and in 1971 it was rejected. But over time I have improved it as a project, but after 2010, after taking a 3-year Theology course, I discovered that the scheme of the controlled thermonuclear reactor project corresponds to the description of Patriarch Enoch in the "Book of Enoch" ”Chapter 68. And the device for producing and propagating a strong electromagnetic flux, indispensable for the creation and operation of the magnetic trap in the reactor, coincides with the diagram on the tombstone of Pacal from Palenque-Mexico.
    I understand that the projects of controlled thermonuclear reactor proposed and realized in the world during the last 60 years of type: tokamak, stelerator, laser and many other types, have nothing to do with the working model of the Sun, and analyzing their constructive problems. and of the operating technology, we understand that these so-called controlled fusion reactors are worse than nuclear fission reactors, and let's see some very difficult problems.
    1). The internal surface of the nuclear combustion chamber in a Tokamak or a stelator is directly exposed to millions of degrees plasma, that is to the flux of radiation and heat that melts and erodes the internal surface of the combustion chamber, which must be replaced by more. many times during the life of the reactor. But this internal surface of the combustion chamber is also linked to the lithium blanket (tritium breeder), which, though, must be irradiated with neutrons from the plasma. This results in the irradiation of all components, their deterioration, and their maintenance and replacement must be done with robots by manipulating them from a distance.
    2). Tritium is radioactive, the half-life is 12.3 years, and the lithium blanket must be one meter thick. Tritium is difficult to maintain, can penetrate concrete, rubber and some types of steel. It turns out that deuterium-tritium technology is not good, and the power plant would work INTERMITENTLY, and it is difficult to protect against radiation: coils that produce the magnetic field, diagnostic and control equipment, humans and the environment. So far, the technology of tritium production has been made only by computer modeling without experimental data.
    3) .The superconducting magnets are INEFFICIENT allowing the fusion plasma instability. The superconducting coils produce a magnetic field only around the coil, and the distance to the thermonuclear plasma area is about 1.5 meters, due to the thickness of the vacuum vessel, due to the lithium blanket of one meter thick (lithium blanket) and plus the coil housing that produces the magnetic field. The only reasonable RECIPIENT for a plasma with millions of degrees is an electromagnetic field in continuous circulation stratified and interwoven as a rigid and mobile wall. Let us not forget that the Sun has a strong electromagnetic trap, that otherwise the solar radiation from the nuclear fusion of the Sun would have spread throughout the solar system and the Sun would have gone out.
    4). Plasma neutrons degrade the structures, and molten lithium is at risk of fire and explosion. Bombardment with fusion neutrons removes atoms from their structural positions, making them radioactive and weakening the structure that must be replaced periodically and "buried" for several decades. Biological screening is also required when the reactor is not running. Remote handling equipment and robots are required. There will be extended downtime for repairs, even minor repairs.
    5). At the fission reactors 500 people are hired in four weekly shifts (permanently), and at a fusion reactor 1000 people should be employed. The harsh realities of thermonuclear fusion with such installations and technologies: tokamak, stellerator and laser deny the praise of fusion supporters with: unlimited, clean, safe and cheap energy!
    6). Plasma fusion combines three parameters: temperature, particle density and time, which at certain values start the reaction and self-maintain, and in the case of the tokamak or the stellerator, respectively, the particle density is extremely low. If we don't have particle density, we don't have a magnetic trap, then we don't have nuclear fusion. We must not forget that even in a hydrogen bomb, there is first a fission reaction produced by a small atomic bomb to heat the hydrogen bomb's contents to the temperature required for fusion and at the same time provide the required particle density. So in our controlled fusion, we must ensure the strictly necessary: temperature, concentration and duration.
    There are many SCIENTIFIC and TECHNICAL OBSTACLES! The sun works easily because it has good technology and a powerful electromagnetic trap. All studies show that the stars are composed almost entirely of hydrogen and helium (92% hydrogen and 7.8% helium). And the surface temperatures of the observed stars decrease with the decrease of the solar mass, some reaching 2900 Kelvin degrees. Which shows that at a smaller fusion reactor with a spherical combustion chamber the fusion temperature will be lower.
    There are too many orders and many coincidences in the workings of the stars, that we must believe that the stars are created and overseen as artificial bodies of God with His angels and His extraterrestrial people, as the Patriarch Enoch tells us in his book. Current fusion facilities are just projects that cannot be connected to the mains to provide electricity. These installations have only worked for a second or a little longer, while a fusion power station must operate continuously all the time!
    In order to make it less difficult to make a compatible fusion reactor, we must really understand what MATERIAL and ENERGY is, what is the MAGNETIC FIELD and the ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD, so that we can re-engineer an appropriate magnetic trap, without modeling on the computer with data. theoretical. We must understand that nuclear fusion is not just a source of heat, but that it TRANSFORMS a part of the mass into a certain form of energy, according to the relation in which the Energy (E) equals the mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light at square.
    But be careful! Missing mass as a result of fusion, we say that it is transformed into energy, which is in fact the ELECTRIC ETER, also a material mass with other characteristics, with energy particles many thousands times smaller than electrons. We collect these particles of electric ether with the electric generators and they hand us the domestic and industrial electrical equipment.
    These particles of electric ether, if they bond to one another, can form a portion of a magnetic field, respectively a bond between certain particles. And with this electric and magnetic ether, certain actions can be performed. Because of this, magnetic fields can be transformed into electromagnetic fields that can move in space, and which in between can space thermonuclear plasma, which is not yet a completely decomposed matter.
    The condensed ether particles form the seen matter: protons, neutrons and electrons, which in turn when they form a visible body no longer manifest their electric field or magnetic field as in the component ether particles. The path to a fusion power plant is through the reaction of the proton-proton and deuterium-deuterium respectively.

  • @cloe8292
    @cloe8292 8 місяців тому +1

    Affinché ciò accada serve molta energia e tale energia previene dall'esterno tra materia ed elettricità attraverso la cosiddetta termodinamica. Tale meccanismo.è stato pianificato negli ospedali gia qualche anno prima dell'emergenza covid- 19 in ambienti in cui ci sono più persone inserendo dei microchip inseriti nei camici che a contatto con sostanze elettrochimiche nelle mascherine e nei tamponi molecolari e con campi magnetici provocavano attrito ed energia. Ma ancora nessuno se ne rende conto di ciò che è accaduto e che sta ancora accadendo. Spero solo che se ne rendano ma sono distratti dalla loro stupidità. Non esiste stato se non è un grado di tutelare i lavoratori di cui i primi responsabili sono gli incompetenti sindacati che girovagando negli ospedali e che hanno solo interesse a fare cassa ma che anche loro coinvolti. Sono attratti dalla intelligenza artificiale senza capirne il limite.

  • @cloe8292
    @cloe8292 8 місяців тому +1

    Siamo stelle. Ciò che è accaduto riguardo il progetto europeo sulla fusione mitocondriale ha provocando una reazione a catena enzimatica.

  • @selvaggione1
    @selvaggione1 3 роки тому +2

    Prendere in considerazioni le scoperte di Nikola Tesla? Lui si che aveva risolto il problema energetico ma è stato snobbato.

    • @vidharr17
      @vidharr17 Рік тому

      Si abbe, adesso basta dire Tesla e abbiamo risolto tutti i problemi

    • @selvaggione1
      @selvaggione1 Рік тому +1

      @@vidharr17 io ho detto riguardo quello energetico. Hai ragione sul fatto che non è l unico e secondo me nemmeno il più importante.

    • @robertafogli7671
      @robertafogli7671 Рік тому +1

      Quando si da fastidio al potere criminale...😏😏