If you don't know how to say no than stop complaining about people's asking you for money's. The problem is that you keep giving and act like you are super rich!
Wow kuv yog nkauj hmoob nplog ib yam tab si kuv tsi kam ua li koj poj niam ua lawv cov nyob tim nlpog lawv pab tsi tau yus thuam yus tsi muaj noj muaj huas lawv pab tsi tau yus
Koj hais yog lawm os tus me txiv tsev thiab koj txiav txim siab rov los yuav tus hmoob nkauj nrab tim no ces koj twb ua yog kawm, ua tsaug rau koj zaj neej neeg uas koj tseem coj los qhia kom peb cov txiv neej txhob yuam kev ntxiv lawm ! Ua koj tsaug ntau ntau.
Glad you were able to recover and start a new chapter of your life. Not all brides and grooms from laos are bad. You were just the unlucky one. Thanks for sharing your story.
Good learning lesson for Hmong Americans…She did tell you her purpose clearly why she married you and came to US for…she came because of her family and not to help build your life in America…😩!
I don’t get why Hmong mekas keep come on live tell their stories n send messages to the world say don’t do this don’t do that but it seems like the more messages send out the more Hmong mekas purpose do so they have a story to tell later in life smh
Muaj ib cov neej tsa yeej zoo li koj cov ko ho muaj ib co viv naus lawv tuaj tiv tuaj ce lawv tseem hlub lawv niam thiab lawv txiv tshaj lawv lub neej lawm yog leej twg tau tus poj niam hlub neej tsa tshaj cas koj lub neej kawv pluag kom nawv hmoob
Us og shouldn’t complain. We got a spouse younger than our kids. Imagine sleeping with a spouse older than your parents. Money shouldn’t be an issue if you’re willing to marry a baby spouse
She ua plu so much!! For her family!. My husband do the same as her bc them family ! Never married over girl or boy!.u have to save your own $$when she running away u not broke financial
Vim cov niam nkauj mos ab lam yuav koj cov nyiaj pab lawv cov neeg nyob tom qab xwb na...lawv nim khe txog lub nyiag neej nrog koj li os. Hmoob os hmoob aw, laus li laus los tseem pheej xav mus ua vauv mos li os.
I'm single so I dated a few Hmong Lao girls. Yes, most of them told me they wanted to come to the US so they can help their family (parents, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, the works) back in Laos. They don't want me the person, they only want the $ and green card that I can give them. They didn't like it when I said I marry a wife to help me, her, our kids and kwvtij first then neej tsa last. If I'm still renting, why would I send money to buy a house for neej tsa. 1 even said that if we're married and if I don't allow her to send My money to her family in Laos, then she'll send HER money. All want money, money and more money. Most don't even know my name and they already asked for money. 1 even said that if Hmong Americans don't give her money, there's no point in talking to Hmong Americans because it'll be a waste of her time.
majority 98% young person will not marry an old person for love. If they do marry, they are sacrificing themselves for something else. Wake up old people!!!! Geez
Nyia muaj nyia kev xav thiab os tsi yog nkauj hmoob nplog ce yuav xa nyiaj ib yam nawb ua ib lub neej yu yeej xav kom yu muaj nyiaj thiab thaum yu txom nyem lawm neej tsa yeej tsi pab yu nawb yu yuav tsum saib yu lub neej xa thiab ma tsi yog muaj tsawg dua lo yuav xa kom tag laiv viv ncau hloov siab ua neej nawb.
Ua cas ntu no tsuas pom Hmoob tuaj cem niam Ntsuab Teev nkawv ob niam txiv hauv You Tube ua ntu zus xwb puas yog nkawv muaj tej yam tsis zoo yav dhau los ne? Kuv ib txwm tsis mloog nej cov dab neeg hnub no tsuas yog tuaj cuav zos yuam kev thiab tuaj sau kho meeb( comment) xwb. 😅😅
You got what you wanted. Anyone who marries overseas will be in debt for that person’s family for as long as you’re married to him or her. Better never marry anyone from overseas!
Tus brother es, she's here in the USA to build her family back In Laos. I dont think she's here to help you build your life and hers. Like, she mentioned many times to you that she's their foe her parents n family. You should of married someone who's here in the USA !
tus txiv neej uas tus poj niam khwv2 lub neej zoo kiag tus niam tsev thiaj tuag kiag lawm mas nim ntshai tus niam tsev MAs nim ntshai ciaj ntshai tuag mas muaj siab ntxiag maj nroos mus yuav tus hluas2 mas ntshe yuav zoo siab heev cuag li rov yug dua tshiab lawm MAs ntshe yuav kaj siab tag ib sim neej no tab sis txoj kev siab phem yeej yuav tsis tau lub neej zoo ib zaug vim lub neej tsis yog koj niag poj laib xyob khwv tau es neb yuav muab tej nyiaj nchuav cuag li dej ntws mus ces nyuam qhuav ntxim xwb nawb mog cog niag yawg ntsuag thiab cov niag poj ntsuam aw
Es nej cov txiv neej es tsi hlub cov Poj niam nrog lawv cov me nyuam ces kawg zoo in yam li koj mam li puab ces lig lawm o!!! Txhob ntshaw 22 cov mos22 ces kawg mob stroke.
tsis hais yuav poj niam los yog yuav txiv los yog cov niam txiv yug ib plab hu ua hmoob nplog xwb lawv yeej tsis hlub koj tias koj muaj los tsis muaj nyiaj li lawv xav tau nyiaj ces lawv yeej dag tias lawv muaj nug nqis li ub li no xwb os lawv
Yawg thaub aw koj ces ua neej rov qab lawm os cas pheej tsis muaj neeg to taub hmoob nplog tej siab uas lawv xav tuaj siv yus kom tuag kiag xwb lawv yeej tsis hlub txog tus neeg laus2 uas lawv tuaj yuav li os nej ces xiam tiam li os.
Nej mus yuav tsevneeg pluag2, vam nyob noj dawb xwb ces khwv2 tuag kiag los yeej tsis pom nej txiaj ntsig. Zoo ces txhob mus coj tuaj los yog xa rov qab thaum tsis tau ntawv nyob USA. Ntxov tso ces ntxov zoo xwb.
Tsis tau taub tias cas cov txiv neej no es ib tug poj niam twb tsis hlub yus lim hiam siab phem xav kaus yus kom yus kob huab xwb es tseem nco ua luaj thiab cov txiv neej no ntshe tsis zoo nraug thiaj ruam npaum no ho
Yog leej twg mus yuav poj niam tim nplog hnub yuav tau kiag xwb twb pib nrhiav ub nrhiav no rau yus kom ua niam tais yawm txiv tus no los dhau ces nrauj koj qhov nyiaj them rau nws niam lawv tias ntiab meb cab xwb yog koj tseem tos tuaj ces zoo kiag li koj tus no tiag tus neeg xyob txhiaj li ko nrauj yus ces ua tsaug xwb mas
Txiv neej hmoob ces tsom daim prescription iav xwb es tsis kam txo hwjchim li es thiaj pheej qhib bank account to qab xwb mas. Tsis pab hlub tsis pab tu siab li os
Leej twg kom nej ntshaw2 hmoob nplog cov niag ntxhais mos2 ab ne, nej yeej paub zoo lawm tias hmoob nplog ces tsis yog nej yuav lawv tus ntxhais xwb hos nej yuav tag nrho lawv cov neeg es thaum twg lawv xav tau nyiaj ces nej yuav tau xa mus no los ma. Nyuam qhuav ntxim xwb tau zoo nyob tsis nyob ces kav tsij mus tsa hmoob nplog ua neej.
You need to understand that you are a product of their bridge here!! They only married for their family not yours!! It’s a lesson learned brother, stop going overseas for love because you will only be disappointed.
Mus yuav poj niam mos ab teb chaws nplog ces ib txhia thiaj khwv rau yus lub neej ib txhia ces yeej khwv rov qab rau neej tsa xwb los mas, tsis tag li los koj ces yog lawv lub Bank xwb los mas me tub aw.
Thaub lau dev liam nyuam qhuav haum xwb. Pheej yuav mus tos cov niag poj hmoob nplog txiv hmoob nplog tuaj rau teb chaw mekas no ua luaj li nyob zoo zoo ces twb tsi tshuav leej twg nqi.
Tseem twb tsis tau txaus rau cov niag thaub laus uas pheej mus yuav cov poj hmoob nplog os lawv….yuav tsum tham tej zaj li no es peb cov poj niam hmoob meskas thiaj li muaj siab rov qab ua neej dua thiab hahaha 🤣 😊
Nej cov txiv neej hmoob ruam tsab ntse es twb paub tias yuav poj niam hmoob nplog ces yuav kob huam thiab yuav tsaug xa nyiaj rau lawv los cas pheej mus yuav lawv tuaj li as. Nej cov txiv neej tim meska no yeej tsis mloog lus thiab kawm cov neej neeg zoo li no los ua neej. Nej ua neej nrog cov nkauj mos daim av luaj 3 nti xwb.
Nyob zoo os tus me txiv tsev leej twg yuav mus yuav tus poniam hmoob nplog teb tej zaum yog koj niam loj ua phem rau es poniam tus los muaj tus zoo los muaj koj twb laus2 lawm koj yuav mus.xaiv pojhmoob nplog hluas2 lawv tuaj txog ces tsuas yog lawv tuaj siv kom tuag si me ntsis kuv tsis paub hais tias nej laus2 ua luaj li es nej pheej xav mus yuav koj cov pojhmoob nplog ces lawv siv koj kom koj tuag kiag mas lawv thiaj yuav zoo siab os
Koj niag poj niam ntaw ko es nws twb tsis yog tus neeg yuav tuaj ua lub neej kom zoo, tuaj tsa koj lub neej, nws twb tsis xav tias nws yuav tuaj khwv kom nws lub neej zoo2 nyob mekas teb ne. Nws tuaj thau koj lub neej, nes tuaj khw rau nees tsev neeg tim nplog xwb. Nws mus nws os nws yeej khwv tsis tau rau nws lub neej tim ntej os.
Tus pog ko yog niam ntiav xwb tsis yog niam tsev os tus me kw tso ntxov ces kj lub neej kaj siab xwb cov neej tsa ko yog tsa nees xwb tsis yog neej tsa zoo mog neejbtsa kaus kj xwb hmoob nplog yeej tsis hlub leej twg lawv hlub lawv tus kheej xwb tso mus sai li sai tau tus poj dab ko na.
Koj yeej paub tias yuav poj hmoob npog es ham tsis tau yug lawv tsev neeg hos koj txaus koj siab ne txhob tawm22 tsam o koj yog yus ua yus tus yob qhev xwb
Nej cov pog lau yawg lau na nej txhob khib g tia nkauj mo ab tub mo ab dag nej tuam choj lawb yeem swb lawv cev hlua g rau nej yog tsi yog neeg nyab teb chaw vam meej lawv yeej tsi pub lawv lub cev rau nej chwv na
Twb mj cov uas tuaj ua neej zoo tag thiab sav g yg txhua tu os mog yg tia phem npaum ne hai ko txhua tu ces nej yeej g los ua hnub ua hmoblos yuav li os yeej mj tu zoo tu phem sav
100% cov neeg yuav poj niam sab nplog teb ces yog tshuav lawv nqi thiab yuam kev. Qhov no muaj tseeb.
Hmongs Mika know that but instead they still send money money there 😂
If you don't know how to say no than stop complaining about people's asking you for money's. The problem is that you keep giving and act like you are super rich!
Wow kuv yog nkauj hmoob nplog ib yam tab si kuv tsi kam ua li koj poj niam ua lawv cov nyob tim nlpog lawv pab tsi tau yus thuam yus tsi muaj noj muaj huas lawv pab tsi tau yus
Koj hais yog lawm os tus me txiv tsev thiab koj txiav txim siab rov los yuav tus hmoob nkauj nrab tim no ces koj twb ua yog kawm, ua tsaug rau koj zaj neej neeg uas koj tseem coj los qhia kom peb cov txiv neej txhob yuam kev ntxiv lawm ! Ua koj tsaug ntau ntau.
Glad you were able to recover and start a new chapter of your life. Not all brides and grooms from laos are bad. You were just the unlucky one. Thanks for sharing your story.
Good learning lesson for Hmong Americans…She did tell you her purpose clearly why she married you and came to US for…she came because of her family and not to help build your life in America…😩!
Txiv yawg aw qhov ko yoj koj txaus koj siab .zoo kawg uas koj muab koj lub neej tham qhia peb cov niam tsev nyob Meskas paub os zoo peb siab kawg .😢😢
Brother, you need to take away all her paperwork and send her back to her parents. Divorce her. But damn you created that drama
Koj kawm tiav lawm tij laug, zoo siab nrog koj
Zoo qhov koj kawm tias lawm los mas.
Living in America is not easy as these Hmong Laos pepo think.. 🤦🏻♀️
Marrying people from oversea is a money making business only and not really a true marriage relationship.
I don’t get why Hmong mekas keep come on live tell their stories n send messages to the world say don’t do this don’t do that but it seems like the more messages send out the more Hmong mekas purpose do so they have a story to tell later in life smh
Lol 😂
Koj tus poj niam Lis hiam rau rau dhau rau koj chuav nws nqi xwb
It's an addiction and every (or almost) OG wants to try it so they can say they've done it too.
Muaj ib cov neej tsa yeej zoo li koj cov ko ho muaj ib co viv naus lawv tuaj tiv tuaj ce lawv tseem hlub lawv niam thiab lawv txiv tshaj lawv lub neej lawm yog leej twg tau tus poj niam hlub neej tsa tshaj cas koj lub neej kawv pluag kom nawv hmoob
Same story…different person…😂😂😂
Lawv nyob lawv yus tshuav lawv nqe yus mus thab yus ces txhob nroo nroo os. Tsawg sawm xwb os. Cov ua los tseem niaj hnub ua quj qees ces tsis thas hais hais yeej yuav tsis muaj cov mloog li os. Ua ntej yuav mus mas saib iav kom zoo zooooo tso mam txiav txim siab nawb cov uas tseem npaj npaj siab na 😂😂😂😂😂
Nrog koj tu siab rau koj tus niam loj, hos koj tus niam mos ab xyob txhiaj nrauj mus lawm los zoo
Kuv twb tuaj tim ub tuaj thiab tab sis Kuv ho tsis xa heev li thiab cov tiv ces lawv tsuas hlub thaum yus xa nyiaj rau xwb es txhob k lawv heev heev
Ib tus Poj niam es nws twb Tsis pub muaj me nyuam ces nws yeej Tsis Npaj siab yuav Koj. Tuam choj xwb.
Laus lawm pheej xav hluas tus hluas ces haum xwb os tij
Us og shouldn’t complain. We got a spouse younger than our kids. Imagine sleeping with a spouse older than your parents. Money shouldn’t be an issue if you’re willing to marry a baby spouse
Nrhiav txij nkawm mas txhob maj nawb. Siv sijhawm ntev kom Paub tus neeg ntawd lub siab saib puas haum yus thiab puas Hlub yus tiag7. Yog muaj qee yam ntawm txoj kev xav yus tsis nyiam ces tso tseeg kiag xwb thiaj li tsis mob hlwb thiab tu siab.
Ntshaw poj Hmoob Nplog ces niam qhuav ntxim
Koj hais yog kawg, tab sis ualine koj ho puas muaj neej tsa sab tim un thiab na!
She ua plu so much!! For her family!. My husband do the same as her bc them family ! Never married over girl or boy!.u have to save your own $$when she running away u not broke financial
Pab koj tu siab mog tej zaum yuav g gog txhua leej li koj hai po peb twb yog niam tai hmoob nplog tab sis peb ho g xav li koj hai thiab na.
Zoo li koj kuj kawm tau lawm thiab os thaub
Pojniam teb chaws no coob kawg li. Txhob tos2 tej poj niam tim ub tuaj os! Ntuj aws!! Nyuam qhuav ntxim xwb os thaub laus aws
Dab laug lawv teev tau txhiaj meej zoo dua yawm yij lawm. Thiab yawm txiv lawv Tuam tau tus choj nyiaj hla hiav txwv ntag lau😢😢😢😢 tu siab kawg😂😂
Thaub aw koj ces rog npam lawm os
Vim cov niam nkauj mos ab lam yuav koj cov nyiaj pab lawv cov neeg nyob tom qab xwb na...lawv nim khe txog lub nyiag neej nrog koj li os. Hmoob os hmoob aw, laus li laus los tseem pheej xav mus ua vauv mos li os.
Npaum no lo cov me txiv neej no twb tsis zeem li os
I'm single so I dated a few Hmong Lao girls. Yes, most of them told me they wanted to come to the US so they can help their family (parents, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, the works) back in Laos. They don't want me the person, they only want the $ and green card that I can give them. They didn't like it when I said I marry a wife to help me, her, our kids and kwvtij first then neej tsa last. If I'm still renting, why would I send money to buy a house for neej tsa. 1 even said that if we're married and if I don't allow her to send My money to her family in Laos, then she'll send HER money. All want money, money and more money. Most don't even know my name and they already asked for money. 1 even said that if Hmong Americans don't give her money, there's no point in talking to Hmong Americans because it'll be a waste of her time.
majority 98% young person will not marry an old person for love. If they do marry, they are sacrificing themselves for something else. Wake up old people!!!! Geez
Nyia muaj nyia kev xav thiab os tsi yog nkauj hmoob nplog ce yuav xa nyiaj ib yam nawb ua ib lub neej yu yeej xav kom yu muaj nyiaj thiab thaum yu txom nyem lawm neej tsa yeej tsi pab yu nawb yu yuav tsum saib yu lub neej xa thiab ma tsi yog muaj tsawg dua lo yuav xa kom tag laiv viv ncau hloov siab ua neej nawb.
Tus txiv tsev no xav pom ntawm qho muag kom lub siab thiaj nqig. Zoo kawg! Nhub no mus tshaj tawm rau cov zoo li koj lo yog koj cov phooj ywg.
Koj mas very smart men xas nyiaj kom ntau2 mas npawg,xas koj xwb tsis tau txau nawb
Cov poj niam zoo li ko ces kawg pluag xwb os thaub aw
Nej yuav g ncaj peb cov no ne ncaj peb mas nej g muaj nej g mj hnub tu siab li tiag
Yuav poj niam hmoob nplog ces zoo li nuav tiag Haha
I don’t feel sorry for you, you put yourself into this situation with your overseas wife.
Ua cas ntu no tsuas pom Hmoob tuaj cem niam Ntsuab Teev nkawv ob niam txiv hauv You Tube ua ntu zus xwb puas yog nkawv muaj tej yam tsis zoo yav dhau los ne? Kuv ib txwm tsis mloog nej cov dab neeg hnub no tsuas yog tuaj cuav zos yuam kev thiab tuaj sau kho meeb( comment) xwb. 😅😅
Peb ua neeg nyob yeej tsis muaj leej twg perfect os yav los lawm xwb tsuav yog nkawv txawj hloov nkawv tus kheej ua lub neej zoo xwb
Yus twb tsis 6 luag sab khau es yus tsis paub luag qhov kev nyuaj siab li os
@@AiJaiDeeSaMer Tus khos meeb no tsis yog cem niam ntsuab nkawv os. Nws tsuas hais rau tus faj zaj neej neeg no xwb.
Leej twg thab tau cov j muag noj loj haus ntau sab ub ces kawg kob huam tuag ua ntej hmoob nplog xwb mas lawv 😊
Good story, thanks for sharing your pain, glad you have new start.
Lawv ces kaus koj tuag nthi xwb lawv yuav hlub koj li os
Lawv ntshaw koj li nyiaj xwb
Cov ruam thiaj mus yuav poj niam sab ntuj tim ub xwb nawb lawv aw...
Wow G yog tag nro ib txhias xwb pob 😅
You got what you wanted. Anyone who marries overseas will be in debt for that person’s family for as long as you’re married to him or her. Better never marry anyone from overseas!
Tus brother es, she's here in the USA to build her family back In Laos. I dont think she's here to help you build your life and hers. Like, she mentioned many times to you that she's their foe her parents n family. You should of married someone who's here in the USA !
He's not serious about building a real relationship either. Otherwise he wouldn't go do a business transaction oversea.
Twb ntse li nej es tseem ntshai ib tug poj niam twb tsis muaj kev txawj ntse Li naw!
Congratulations 🍾 on graduating! Maybe the next person will take notes.
tus txiv neej uas tus poj niam khwv2 lub neej zoo kiag tus niam tsev thiaj tuag kiag lawm mas nim ntshai tus niam tsev MAs nim ntshai ciaj ntshai tuag mas muaj siab ntxiag maj nroos mus yuav tus hluas2 mas ntshe yuav zoo siab heev cuag li rov yug dua tshiab lawm MAs ntshe yuav kaj siab tag ib sim neej no tab sis txoj kev siab phem yeej yuav tsis tau lub neej zoo ib zaug vim lub neej tsis yog koj niag poj laib xyob khwv tau es neb yuav muab tej nyiaj nchuav cuag li dej ntws mus ces nyuam qhuav ntxim xwb nawb mog cog niag yawg ntsuag thiab cov niag poj ntsuam aw
Nco nroov tias yuav poj niam los hlub kwvtij tsis yog yuav poj niam los hlub neej tsa
Thaub no mas nplaum tiag2 li os zoo qhov tsi lo ntsib peb o
Es nej cov txiv neej es tsi hlub cov Poj niam nrog lawv cov me nyuam ces kawg zoo in yam li koj mam li puab ces lig lawm o!!! Txhob ntshaw 22 cov mos22 ces kawg mob stroke.
Dag ua luaj hmoob mi ka ma ntshaw hmoob nplog tshaj li ho
Aub koj paub txog kuv txiv ntxawm nab, kuv txiv ntxawm hais tias yog niam loj tuag lawm ces muaj nyiaj kav tsij siv yog khaus rho nyiaj nplawm tas tsis nyuaj siab. Tsis yog tsis pub koj mus tim nplog, pub kawg tab sis txhob cia lawv muab yus tuam choj rau lawv tuaj. Kuv txiv ntxawm hais tias yog yus khaus ces muab hlob rau ntsaum noj es kwv ntog kwv ntog. Rau yus saib mas zoo saib tshaj.
OMG kuv muaj ib tug sister tuaj mekas lawm tab sis peb tsev neeg kuj tsis coj li no thiab os nyob ntawm qee tsev hmoob coj xwb os mog
Peb cov hmoob mes kas nej yeej paub hais txoj kev yuav niam mos ab yesj yog txoj kev xa nyiaj li nyiaj xwb los tsem ua quj qees yeej tsis zeem li na
I love the lack of motivation may put into this boring story. 🤣
😅😂😂😂koj ncu nwg dlaim aav 3 nti xwb mas!😢
tsis hais yuav poj niam los yog yuav txiv los yog cov niam txiv yug ib plab hu ua hmoob nplog xwb lawv yeej tsis hlub koj tias koj muaj los tsis muaj nyiaj li lawv xav tau nyiaj ces lawv yeej dag tias lawv muaj nug nqis li ub li no xwb os lawv
I glad you graduate for wife oversea
Kj tus poj niam twb tsis yog ib tus neeg xav ua neej zoo kj tsis yauv lawm zoo o
Nej mus yuav hmoob nplog tuaj ces nej tivnib mus tag tiam no😂
Yawg thaub aw koj ces ua neej rov qab lawm os cas pheej tsis muaj neeg to taub hmoob nplog tej siab uas lawv xav tuaj siv yus kom tuag kiag xwb lawv yeej tsis hlub txog tus neeg laus2 uas lawv tuaj yuav li os nej ces xiam tiam li os.
Nej mus yuav tsevneeg pluag2, vam nyob noj dawb xwb ces khwv2 tuag kiag los yeej tsis pom nej txiaj ntsig. Zoo ces txhob mus coj tuaj los yog xa rov qab thaum tsis tau ntawv nyob USA. Ntxov tso ces ntxov zoo xwb.
U got the rotten tomato 🍅.
Tsis tau taub tias cas cov txiv neej no es ib tug poj niam twb tsis hlub yus lim hiam siab phem xav kaus yus kom yus kob huab xwb es tseem nco ua luaj thiab cov txiv neej no ntshe tsis zoo nraug thiaj ruam npaum no ho
Txiv Neej ces ntshaw tus mos xwb ces nyav ntxim xwb 😂
Yog leej twg mus yuav poj niam tim nplog hnub yuav tau kiag xwb twb pib nrhiav ub nrhiav no rau yus kom ua niam tais yawm txiv tus no los dhau ces nrauj koj qhov nyiaj them rau nws niam lawv tias ntiab meb cab xwb yog koj tseem tos tuaj ces zoo kiag li koj tus no tiag tus neeg xyob txhiaj li ko nrauj yus ces ua tsaug xwb mas
Cov uas pheej sij mus yuav poj niam tim nplog ces tshuav hmoob nplog nqe xwb
twg kom koj mu yuav cov neeg thov khawv na tsi muaj qhov muag xaiv poj niam nev xaiv tu zoo2 nkauj xwb es
Txiv neej hmoob ces tsom daim prescription iav xwb es tsis kam txo hwjchim li es thiaj pheej qhib bank account to qab xwb mas. Tsis pab hlub tsis pab tu siab li os
Leej twg kom nej ntshaw2 hmoob nplog cov niag ntxhais mos2 ab ne, nej yeej paub zoo lawm tias hmoob nplog ces tsis yog nej yuav lawv tus ntxhais xwb hos nej yuav tag nrho lawv cov neeg es thaum twg lawv xav tau nyiaj ces nej yuav tau xa mus no los ma. Nyuam qhuav ntxim xwb tau zoo nyob tsis nyob ces kav tsij mus tsa hmoob nplog ua neej.
You learned, didn't you. Good for you.
You need to understand that you are a product of their bridge here!! They only married for their family not yours!! It’s a lesson learned brother, stop going overseas for love because you will only be disappointed.
It is now the year 2024.
Why do we still have these problems and stories? 🙄 Do people still not know about the main motive of Hmoob Nplog?
Life is short.
Cia nws khw2 rau lawv lwm hnub nws tuag tsis mj nyiaj npam nws nws thiaj paub os nawj thiab kov g yog nws tsis hlub kj os yog nws tsis hlub nws xb
Koj yeej txaus koj siab tsuav tau yav nrav ces txhob coj tuaj ntuas sawv daws. Yog ntuas yav pev mas yooj yim, ntuas yav nrav mas nyuaj npauj li lwm tus hais tsis tau koj thiab tiag.
Mus yuav poj niam mos ab teb chaws nplog ces ib txhia thiaj khwv rau yus lub neej ib txhia ces yeej khwv rov qab rau neej tsa xwb los mas, tsis tag li los koj ces yog lawv lub Bank xwb los mas me tub aw.
Thaub lau dev liam nyuam qhuav haum xwb. Pheej yuav mus tos cov niag poj hmoob nplog txiv hmoob nplog tuaj rau teb chaw mekas no ua luaj li nyob zoo zoo ces twb tsi tshuav leej twg nqi.
Tseem twb tsis tau txaus rau cov niag thaub laus uas pheej mus yuav cov poj hmoob nplog os lawv….yuav tsum tham tej zaj li no es peb cov poj niam hmoob meskas thiaj li muaj siab rov qab ua neej dua thiab hahaha 🤣 😊
Nej cov txiv neej hmoob ruam tsab ntse es twb paub tias yuav poj niam hmoob nplog ces yuav kob huam thiab yuav tsaug xa nyiaj rau lawv los cas pheej mus yuav lawv tuaj li as. Nej cov txiv neej tim meska no yeej tsis mloog lus thiab kawm cov neej neeg zoo li no los ua neej. Nej ua neej nrog cov nkauj mos daim av luaj 3 nti xwb.
Nyob zoo os tus me txiv tsev leej twg yuav mus yuav tus poniam hmoob nplog teb tej zaum yog koj niam loj ua phem rau es poniam tus los muaj tus zoo los muaj koj twb laus2 lawm koj yuav mus.xaiv pojhmoob nplog hluas2 lawv tuaj txog ces tsuas yog lawv tuaj siv kom tuag si me ntsis kuv tsis paub hais tias nej laus2 ua luaj li es nej pheej xav mus yuav koj cov pojhmoob nplog ces lawv siv koj kom koj tuag kiag mas lawv thiaj yuav zoo siab os
Koj niag poj niam ntaw ko es nws twb tsis yog tus neeg yuav tuaj ua lub neej kom zoo, tuaj tsa koj lub neej, nws twb tsis xav tias nws yuav tuaj khwv kom nws lub neej zoo2 nyob mekas teb ne. Nws tuaj thau koj lub neej, nes tuaj khw rau nees tsev neeg tim nplog xwb. Nws mus nws os nws yeej khwv tsis tau rau nws lub neej tim ntej os.
Tus pog ko yog niam ntiav xwb tsis yog niam tsev os tus me kw tso ntxov ces kj lub neej kaj siab xwb cov neej tsa ko yog tsa nees xwb tsis yog neej tsa zoo mog neejbtsa kaus kj xwb hmoob nplog yeej tsis hlub leej twg lawv hlub lawv tus kheej xwb tso mus sai li sai tau tus poj dab ko na.
Ua neeg nyob ces nyias nti nyias kaub puab xwb os 1 leeg yug tsis tau 10 leej😂
Thank you for sharing your story. It's a good lesson to learn.
Nej tshuav hmoob nlog nqi thiaj ua hmoob nplog qhev os hmoob tau zoo nyob tsis nyob ne poj NiAm muaj ntau teb chaws no na
Vim nej twb tsi mu yuav cov neeg muaj neej zoo . Pheej yuav cov txom txom nyeem tos tus nyob meka yug ib tse xwb
Cov niam nkauj mos ab ces yeej siab phem li no ntag nawb lawv aw...
Don’t feel sorry at all. He knows exactly what he’s going through and he enables her to do what she wants.
He wanted young cow so he got one. 😂😂😂
Koj yeej paub tias yuav poj hmoob npog es ham tsis tau yug lawv tsev neeg hos koj txaus koj siab ne txhob tawm22 tsam o koj yog yus ua yus tus yob qhev xwb
Thaub aw koj tus poj niam hmoob nplog nws tsis hlub koj nws xav siv koj xwb
Peb hmoob tshuav hmoob nplog nqi os.
Nej cov pog lau yawg lau na nej txhob khib g tia nkauj mo ab tub mo ab dag nej tuam choj lawb yeem swb lawv cev hlua g rau nej yog tsi yog neeg nyab teb chaw vam meej lawv yeej tsi pub lawv lub cev rau nej chwv na
A lesson for those man that go marry overseas,
Nev paub tab zoo kawg lawm kav tsij yuav poj niam hmoob meskas xwb thiaj pab tau koj lub neej zoo os mog 😂
Twb mj cov uas tuaj ua neej zoo tag thiab sav g yg txhua tu os mog yg tia phem npaum ne hai ko txhua tu ces nej yeej g los ua hnub ua hmoblos yuav li os yeej mj tu zoo tu phem sav