This might be one of the most effective and easy to understand guides on league I've ever watched. Fantastic job simplifying such a complex subject into something this digestible.
As a jungle main for like 5 years now. I'm acutely aware of how little laners know about what I do or why I do it 😥 if laners knew how important it was for me to cycle my camps they might actually stop taking terrible trades when I'm half way through taking my buffand prepping to gank thwir lane. Honestly, being patient and waiting for your jungler to gank while keeping your opponent engaged to prevent them from warding will win you soo many games you have no idea my friend. ALSO RECOGNIZING WARDING MOVEMENTS AND PINGING VISION TO YOUR JUNGLER.
@@Infinite_War I'm an adc main and most of my map movements and wave manipulation is fully based on where both junglers are, game in unplayable from my role otherwise xD
@@vincentvindevogel2368 You my friend are playing league correctly. Gold star! However, if it seems unplayable then there is something you are doing incorrectly. 9/10 times it's positional error. I.E. You don't see talon on the minimap and you are standing in vision. Sometimes sitting back and doing nothing is the correct play. By you not being in vision you might not be doing anything, but you are also opening the window for talon to blow his load on a tank throwing the game. Seems counter intuitive, but this way of thinking has completely changed my win rate when playing adc. I call myself a jungle main, but truthfully I have mained every role except mid seriously, and have a base line of familiarity on all champs except like 3 aphelios (Playing him to me feels like doing a Rubik's cube while trying not to die, Katarina because fuck kat players, and qiyana since they nerfed her ability to jungle into the ground and I'm just bad at her.
This is the answer for me who full clears and is unable to gank. Now I realize, vision and tempo is important. In a way, you are actively fighting each other without direct confrontation. Very education video. Thank you😊
Holyyyyy shiiiiit, this is game changing for me thank you, I was really struggling to understand tempo, this is so clear and helpful, appreciate it so much bro
That was a really good explanation. I'm a beginner to this game and am trying to implement your advice slowly, one piece at a time. I rebinded my ally camera buttons from the f keys to 1, 2, 3, 4 and have gotten used to that (I use them now basically every time I do a camp) and am now trying to do some basic jungle tracking for the first five minutes of the game (trying to identify where the enemy jungler started, pinging what camps they're on in their first clear as well as pinging when they're likely to gank during or just after their first clear, as well as keeping the 4:20 timer in mind). Starting in iron. Let's fucking get it
important thing to know if you want to get offensive tempo is the wave state of the laners for example if midlane slow pushes into your laner and and botlane is shoved in aswell the enemy support/mid gets the first move and easily hover/cover the camp of your enemy that you wanted to invade in most of the times the best option here is to just clear your camps to get them respawned asap and is also the safer option
if you can easy kill the enemy jungler then no you don’t need to worry about lanes unless they are super behind…be patient, wait for your champs to be able to move and ez
At 17:00 I believe the reason graves decides to path back bot because his botlane are coming out of base at the exact same time, leaving him a high chance for a repeat gank after no sums and if not he can still farm. High reward low risk
Hey Coach! This video helped me so much. It made my jg experience so much better, I've had some mistakes here and there like not knowing my limits or when I'm doing an attack tempo but didn't realize enemy was coming back from base. But being there everytime the enemy jungle is making a play feels so good, and big bonus for teammates loving it when i'm always there. Thank you again!
This video is definitely addressing my blind spot as a evelynn main. My tempo suuuuucks, I spend too much time delaying recalling. I like to steal enemy jungle camps first thing, but then I end up pushing thru my full clear with no recall. By the time I finish 9 camps, Im not that much further ahead of enemy jungle in xp, I have no item lead, and end up even (or worse) if I run into the enemy jungler at scuttles/lanes. Im thinking after stealing camps I should recall after the 6th camp, buy, and then finish my remaining camps while heading to a lane for gank. Typing this makes me feel like such a noob because its so simple but I dunno I guess my bad habits got ingrained over time lol. Great video!
Really good advice here on "trading camps". I find myself in a lot of situations where I think I 'should' be pulling ahead of the enemy because I'm taking his camps, but I'm not considering them doing the same to me, so I end up confused as to how he has the same farm + exp as me.
your videos are getting better by the time coach. more insight/ more in game examples= more understandable and appliable for lower elo players. sad to see that 14k views and not even 1k likes.
@coacheagz Amazing content as always. This concept and others you have reviewed had brought me from hardstuck gold to diamond. I honestly think the biggest change to keep climbing is more consistency with this and practice of concept in both winning and losing scenarios 🙏 Thank you so much, I think a video reviewing the concept of pre-game lobby game planing/identifying win conditions and decision making for selection of champion to facilitate the “win condition” would be huge and is not well discussed in many other education content creators
Bro this video pushed me 3 ranks in 5 days (Silver - Plat). I always noticed that I have 2k 3k- on my bank before I was going back. I always thought if I go back later I will have the advantage because I don't waste time recalling, what a missunderstanding I had lol.
I dont usually comment on youtube but yet here I am thanking you for the (and mark my words) INCREDIBLE content I just saw here, made me want to go back to my first main, Viego, after more than a year of being a piggy and being an otp singed, as a "former" youtuber you have all my gratitude for the time you've put to deliver such a digestible content! Much love
That first clip when you ask us what would we do? When you killed hecarim. I’m an aggressive jungle and my tempo is super aggressive up to the point I will full clear enemy jungles after they die regardless what side of the map they are on. This sets us up for objective control and warding because a clear jungle means no jungles farming which makes it easier to ward and control objectives. Thus your pushing a lead and taking recourses making it a 4v5 by mid game start.
That's the most complete free content I have ever seen, congratz, I need to watch some few times, cause im not a english native speaker, but this content is really really nice!
Thank you for this, it's really high quality and well explained. Personnaly I would like to have guides focused on defensive playstyle in general for tank junglers like maokai/poppy. Most of the content on YT is for carry junglers and since it's already hard to play a more teamplay dependant champion in soloQ, the lack of elite elo content for these make it even more difficult. Maybe with more offtank builds in mind to have more impact in the early mid / game.
I've been doing a bit of it in Emerald but I've been messing it up calling it wrong making things confusing, lead and predicting the pathing, coldowns for camps, Ss, Ults, items downtime etc were my ways of thinking and the tempo concept is way better Also deffensive tempo really opened my eyes, I gotta learn the basic tempo of me and enemy jg then I combine it with tracking enemy laners and my laners then crds, levels to solidify my game knowlage and better read my oponents to make better educated guesses when needed instead of taking Coinflips and gut feeling 😂 I can already predict moves on my enemy jg And I ping my teammates sadly they rarely listen, sometimes I lose it then game goes wrong so Learning Tempo properly will fix most of my issues I've been ethier stomping or getting stomped and I gotta work on playing defrensive and reducing my loses to build back up a losing match
Tempo is not just recalling, roam timers and ganks are a massive part of it. If you and your laner are pushing then basing/roaming (on alternating timers) then you are not interacting with one another and instead are both getting tons of free time to do stuff - you both have high tempo relative to the other players on the map, but equal tempo to each other. If instead you force interaction with the laner by meeting at the same time, then say force them to back while you roam, you can get some tempo on them. But if they come back to lane while you're roaming and push, you have to return to lane and THEY get a free tempo advantage while you handle the wave. Junglers can both gank opposite lanes, having a lot of agency on the map, but then you aren't getting an ADVANTAGE over the other jungler, ideally you want to force them to do something small while you do something big, e.g. they farm a camp while you gank, or even better, they walk to a quadrant which is already taken while you gank. This is why stealing camps from underneath somebody is so big in the jungle with someone like Kayn/Talon, you insta clear the camps and the enemy jungler is missing them by a couple of seconds, so they are doing NOTHING else on the map, these are the highest tempo plays.
at 10:35 is it not better to recall/stay on the map and farm top to bot clear? just a question can you explain why it is better to kill rengar again on red?
I would define tempo as 'time you have to do something on the map without losing resources'. In my opinion this definition makes much more sense from a laners perspective. I feel like your definition is from the perspective of a jungle main.
Hey eagz, love the vid. I am a master viego OTP and got a question. I know you’re a big advocate of the aggressive attacking tempo play style and I have tried it a lot. One problem that I have is that when i go for an invade, higher elo junglers seem to know how to navigate those sort of situations and leave, which give time for the enemy lamer to rotate. In doing so, I then have to back off on the play. This then allows the enemy jungler to pick up his own camps meanwhile so have to fall back to mine, which means I end up losing tempo on the map since I am wasting more time with my camps up. What are your thoughts on this?
thank you for watching the vid bro ok so if you're playing viego you can't really ambush like a Shaco or a champ with a dash like Graves/Nid/Kindred, so your invades are more telegraphed (easier to react to because they're not as quick) so unless you're super fed/your laners are on a recall then it's probably not worth, it really depends though but you have to know where your laners will be when you show
This video is amazing! Also it’s extremely fast paced. If you play it back a 75% speed it’s a lot easier to follow 😂. Thanks for the amazing video Coach!
This was interesting. My tempo is all over the place and my mid-game is absolutely horrible, so I'm trying to improve upon those aspects, especially since now in Diamond it feels like I'm lagging behind sometimes, but I have a question. In my experience, sometimes the laners will move in and try to defend the jungler's camps, basically playing a defensive tempo for them. If this happens, the jungler arrives there as well and you're sometimes in a 2v1 situation where you'll lose or have to go back, which ruins the tempo because you already wasted time. How to deal with this kind of situations?
hey bro great question, you have to know where the enemy champs have been and especially if they’re in fog where that might be…basically needa see their footprints the entire game - get a sweeper if youre attacking and if you walk over vision it becomes much riskier 👍
@@Eagzv9thank you so much for taking your time to reply and give advice. After watching your video I jumped straight into a match and I did my best to be self aware of my tempo and it did wonders. I stopped overextending to get one more extra camp and went back to base which allowed me to get ahead of the curve and win it with a wonderful 14-2 score! Keep it up with all those wonderful guides.
Just wanted to say I gave this a try while playing Belveth right after watching this video. I absolutely STOMPED the other jungler with the constant attack tempo I learned from this video. Thank you for making this one! Would you say in general, maintaining an attacking tempo is preferable if you have strong early champs/happen to get an early lead, and defensive tempo is more appropriate when going even/playing from behind? I ran into an "issue" of I was able to kill the jungler, base, run to his next jungle, kill him again and take his 1-2 camps, base then rinse and repeat. I barely touched my own jungle compared to how I normally play. Was that the right thing to do or should I also try to clear my own spawning camps, even though I know exactly where I can find him?
hey man great to hear you used this to stomp haha yeh i would keep attacking the enemy jungler the only thing you need to worry about is if you CAN'T kill them before their lanes get there, so if a fight breaks out who wins a 3v3, 4v4 etc?
Not sure if you’re paying attention to comments on this video still, but I have a question.. what should the hecarim do to recover and avoid dying (the second time) to your invade in that example?
that's the 20% of all the effort we need to put in to play jungle while mid/top/ad just kill minions, trade and recall after shove and call the jungle role unskilled. jungle is by far the hardest role and jungle players are definitely smarter
in the attacking tempo , I was saying you should go to his red side cause he's gonna clear up, then you went to his blue side to kill rengar and then said "I shoulda went to his red side" ?
So attacking tempo is to insta recall for an offensive play for example killing enmy jungle on his camps or objective or contergank or whatever u expect him to do But deffensive tempo is to insta recall or bait not recalling to scure ur camps or a neutral objective
What are your thoughts on valuing the exp over the buy power of something like two long swords on someone like sett if you're still relatively healthy after killing someone? I feel like in some scenarios its not worth backing if its going to cost you exp if youll still be stronger than your laner
@@Eagzv9 Yeah I practiced with Lillia to fast clear my stuff, today I got into the jungle and ended up carrying 3 games out of 4 having between 10.0 to 20.0 kda lol and this is def thanks to your jungle guides and some other people on youtube.
I have two thing to say: the ennemy in your clip doesnt seems to help there jg when he get invading, therfore might be because he didnt ask for help by going on his top side so they might not be able to come, but they also never resetting their back timer together. This is something that happen often and one of the reason of why going deep in jg could result in a death and in that case lost of tempo + gain of gold and exp for the ennemy. Also, I would find it more interesting to follow the POV because a lot of decision come from the angle of you looking at it. You might be top side and invading top jg but actually looking at mid and top to see if you could have a kill angle. That said its good to be aware of this because this is soloQ nightmare. Not having teamate and bad matchup...
The only issue that I have with tempo as a concept- what is the term/definition? If I'd watch this guide, then watch some others, I'd hear different explanations for the same concept a lot of the times, describing it differently
@@Eagzv9 And is there no other idea or thought process related to it that is involved in this concept? Such as when other people play mid for example, and they say "I have to play for tempo" and then make certain decisions. Because for whatever reason, this concept of tempo (backing to run at something) is hard to make sense of it in my head. In other words- what does it mean to have a good tempo? To play on tempo? What's good/bad in this concept? Besides that, these videos are trully a gold mine
Sorry for the longwinded response, but I wanted to share my understanding here in case somebody else would chime in, seeing if there are gaps in my jungle tempo understanding based on the video and my understanding in general. Tempo = action of recalling to then move somewhere else on the minimap (which also involves reseting HP/MANA and purchasing items (turning gold into actual improvement in strength of your league character) as a benefit, because simply recalling and not having these resets/purchases would almost always be useless to do). Tempo is used to convert acquired gold into the actual items (if you have more gold=you create a bigger lead (in terms of items)). The tempo decision can be used to then defend your side of the map, attack enemy's side of the map (resources), defend/attack objectives or even set up ganks. For example- playing blue side, you start at blue, full clear to bott and then scuttle, attempt to gank and failed (or simply showed yourself on vision), and you see the enemy jungler path blue to red to top gank as well (mirror pathing). This gives you an idea that they could potentially try and steal your gromp. For this reason, there can be a defensive tempo decision made to recall asap and run as fast as possible to gromp to defend it just in case they try to steal it and then continue farming/look for ganks/set up objectives and what not.
I dont know if I get this 100% because as a jungler I was taught to use the window of opportunity created by killing the enemy jungler to take more resources (objectives, kills, etc) without being contested, but I cant do that if I look to recall as soon as possible. So which one should I do in each case? Take the objective or recall?
@Eagzv9 Sure, thats why Im trying to learn, like from the lee sin at 15:17 so guaranteeing the objective every single time you cant isnt the right thing to do?
I apply the attacking tempo in my games when I have the chance. However, I rarely do it more than once in a row. The reasoning... wouldn't killing the jungle on repeat give you less experience than doing your camps? It's true the enemy jungler would be even more behind, but the moment you fail to kill him in his jungle, you get greatly behind.
As a tank jungler like Sejuani (who I've picked up recently because she just clicks with me), what then? I don't have a ton of offensive pressure after my first Permafrost. Do I just have less opportunities to attack?
hey bro great question, you’re depending much more on lane states (you having prio) for sure, but if you have bami’s and are a level ahead for example you can definitely be super aggressive unless your lanes are giga gapped
@CoachEagz Thanks for getting back to me so soon! I've been mostly trying to keep my lanes gapped in our favor as opposed to invading most of the time, but against super farmy junglers today, I had good results by constantly taking their jungle. I even punished Vi for hitting my lanes but just outright taking her jungle. I definitely feel most people in my elo underestimate Sejuani since she's not picked very often so I've been leveraging that. Love the vids. Really helped me compartmentalize jungle timing with the spawn to inhib is 10 seconds rule.
This is the difference in Korean servers. Every streamer and pro in Korea is always putting focus on tempo and I've rarely seen NA players heavily take it into account
In the current meta (14.2), i have been doing blue, wolves, red, gank top, kill top laner then base on certain jungle and top matchups. Is this a good tempo lead? It’s very successful as i have option to invade, solo enemy jungler when they are still trying to get scuttle, gank bot with item advantage etc. Edit: i normally do this on khazix, trundle, maybe graves if its like a bruiser match up top where they skirmish lvl 2-3 and usually are both low already.
Well, one thing is to have such beautiful teachers such as yourself. Another is applying that knowledge being the *great* student that I'm. Bronze 2 here we go?
How come people are saying its the best guide if it literally covered only 50% of jungling? This shows how to jungle when you are stronger. What about when you are weaker early? Do you just lose? Or even if you die once early or lose a camp. How to recover from this? Playing when ahead is always easy. But how do you play when behind?
why does tempo have to exist when you're ahead? you can use this to beat players when behind (unless you're playing in challenger) because they will be late to objectives/plays - if you're weaker and you can't make that play, let's say doing Grubs you have to give them up because you can't win, then you do something bot
@@Eagzv9 first of, ty for answer! second of, you mentioned in the video multiple times. that you do those attacks or defenses since you can beat enemy jungler, that's why I asked. Third of, if we go by your example and give the camp, the enemy jungler will keep getting stronger and he might just ignore the camp of clear it faster then you and follow you bot or wherever you go. If he's ahead, he will use your tempo tactic and be wherever I am and counter me. Lets say I give up Grubs, run to gank bot. He thinks where will I go, figures out it's bot and follows me. Then we end up meeting again and I fall back. And this continues untill I get starved and lose. For a concrete example, I just had a xin game vs shaco. He invaded me on blue with ignite, I fell back, but still lost 50% of hp so couldn't contest. I went B and rushed to gank bot. Well in the middle of the gank, he predicted what I'll do and came bot too and coutnered me. Then Whenever I tried to do a camp, he was there, countering me. I ended up behind 2 lvls ( 5 to 7) and the game was pretty much over from there. Whereve I would gank, he used his tempo to match me. Whereve I tried to clear a camp, he was there to steal it. That's why I'm confused. If this is the best technique and both side use it, then the weaker one early will eventually lose.
1000+ coaching sessions:
What an insane video, thank you!
As an Iron III jungler, I found this to be extremely detrimental to my mental health.
Same, lets just enjoy the game and let all this tryhard bullshit go
I wish I was iron III
@@Flibbytibbyno u dont, you literally play with disabled players, you could not even imagine how bad players at lvl 30+ could be
I Just Lost my rank up game and now i Lost 7 games on streak...i have to get Better or my already unstable mental health Is going to be worst
relax, now that you know jg moreless, try another lane and play around jg
This might be one of the most effective and easy to understand guides on league I've ever watched. Fantastic job simplifying such a complex subject into something this digestible.
great to hear man thank you
effective? 19min.... is effective? effective?!
don't ge me wrong tho, video is excellent. but could have been 10min
As a gold top laner I found this really insightful. Didn’t think this much thought went into jungling macro
as a jgler, 90% of jungling is conceptual. you could have the hands of a baby but if you know the theory you'll do fine
As a jungle main for like 5 years now. I'm acutely aware of how little laners know about what I do or why I do it 😥 if laners knew how important it was for me to cycle my camps they might actually stop taking terrible trades when I'm half way through taking my buffand prepping to gank thwir lane. Honestly, being patient and waiting for your jungler to gank while keeping your opponent engaged to prevent them from warding will win you soo many games you have no idea my friend. ALSO RECOGNIZING WARDING MOVEMENTS AND PINGING VISION TO YOUR JUNGLER.
I’m GM and his videos still help me a lot!
@@Infinite_War I'm an adc main and most of my map movements and wave manipulation is fully based on where both junglers are, game in unplayable from my role otherwise xD
@@vincentvindevogel2368 You my friend are playing league correctly. Gold star! However, if it seems unplayable then there is something you are doing incorrectly. 9/10 times it's positional error. I.E. You don't see talon on the minimap and you are standing in vision. Sometimes sitting back and doing nothing is the correct play. By you not being in vision you might not be doing anything, but you are also opening the window for talon to blow his load on a tank throwing the game. Seems counter intuitive, but this way of thinking has completely changed my win rate when playing adc. I call myself a jungle main, but truthfully I have mained every role except mid seriously, and have a base line of familiarity on all champs except like 3 aphelios (Playing him to me feels like doing a Rubik's cube while trying not to die, Katarina because fuck kat players, and qiyana since they nerfed her ability to jungle into the ground and I'm just bad at her.
This is the answer for me who full clears and is unable to gank. Now I realize, vision and tempo is important. In a way, you are actively fighting each other without direct confrontation. Very education video. Thank you😊
that's a really good way of putting it, 'actively fighting each other without direct confrontation'...exactly
This is so helpful as an iron jungler where after i clear my camps my team is already 0/5 flaming me for not ganking their lanes while over extending
Would love more videos in this style. The coachings are amazing but for me this is where the money is at.
have some more in the pipeline bro stay tuned 😎
Exacly, i prefer "raw" information.
Your videos are literally the best jungle content ever. This is exactly what I’ve been wanting . THANK YOU SO MUCH.
so nice to hear man tyty
Give him money then
One of the best jungle videos i've ever seen, hat's off. You are the GOAT.
tysm bro haha
Having played only lanes for years, it's fascinating learning how much theory there is to jungling. Great breakdown, very much enjoyed the video.
ayyy thanks bro
Man, thanks for putting out such valuable content for free. Another Banger, buddy!!
np denim i got you 👊
Holyyyyy shiiiiit, this is game changing for me thank you, I was really struggling to understand tempo, this is so clear and helpful, appreciate it so much bro
After learning this, I went to watch some videos of others playing and am practicing identifying the tempo in those games 👍🏻
That was a really good explanation. I'm a beginner to this game and am trying to implement your advice slowly, one piece at a time. I rebinded my ally camera buttons from the f keys to 1, 2, 3, 4 and have gotten used to that (I use them now basically every time I do a camp) and am now trying to do some basic jungle tracking for the first five minutes of the game (trying to identify where the enemy jungler started, pinging what camps they're on in their first clear as well as pinging when they're likely to gank during or just after their first clear, as well as keeping the 4:20 timer in mind). Starting in iron. Let's fucking get it
lets get it 🔥
This is really insightful and high-quality content that's clear to understand. Thank you so much for making these videos.
no worries bro glad you found it helpful 🙏
important thing to know if you want to get offensive tempo is the wave state of the laners for example if midlane slow pushes into your laner and and botlane is shoved in aswell the enemy support/mid gets the first move and easily hover/cover the camp of your enemy that you wanted to invade in most of the times the best option here is to just clear your camps to get them respawned asap and is also the safer option
if you can easy kill the enemy jungler then no you don’t need to worry about lanes unless they are super behind…be patient, wait for your champs to be able to move and ez
you are incredible, ive started lol a week ago and this is so good knowing lol is gonna be my next game to get good in
thanks man haha
Such a good video. This series is the most comprehensive and digestible guide I've seen yet. Keep up the good work!
appreciate that bro
At 17:00 I believe the reason graves decides to path back bot because his botlane are coming out of base at the exact same time, leaving him a high chance for a repeat gank after no sums and if not he can still farm. High reward low risk
I'm not a jungler, but I found this very helpful. I've always heard of 'tempo' from others, but I don't really know what it is. Thank You!
they dont either bro, ty for the comment
Hey Coach! This video helped me so much. It made my jg experience so much better, I've had some mistakes here and there like not knowing my limits or when I'm doing an attack tempo but didn't realize enemy was coming back from base. But being there everytime the enemy jungle is making a play feels so good, and big bonus for teammates loving it when i'm always there. Thank you again!
pleasure bro ty for the kind words
I know what tempo is but sometimes I forget how important and game changing it can be. Good video
This video is definitely addressing my blind spot as a evelynn main. My tempo suuuuucks, I spend too much time delaying recalling.
I like to steal enemy jungle camps first thing, but then I end up pushing thru my full clear with no recall. By the time I finish 9 camps, Im not that much further ahead of enemy jungle in xp, I have no item lead, and end up even (or worse) if I run into the enemy jungler at scuttles/lanes.
Im thinking after stealing camps I should recall after the 6th camp, buy, and then finish my remaining camps while heading to a lane for gank.
Typing this makes me feel like such a noob because its so simple but I dunno I guess my bad habits got ingrained over time lol. Great video!
Really good advice here on "trading camps". I find myself in a lot of situations where I think I 'should' be pulling ahead of the enemy because I'm taking his camps, but I'm not considering them doing the same to me, so I end up confused as to how he has the same farm + exp as me.
your videos are getting better by the time coach. more insight/ more in game examples= more understandable and appliable for lower elo players. sad to see that 14k views and not even 1k likes.
@coacheagz Amazing content as always. This concept and others you have reviewed had brought me from hardstuck gold to diamond. I honestly think the biggest change to keep climbing is more consistency with this and practice of concept in both winning and losing scenarios 🙏
Thank you so much, I think a video reviewing the concept of pre-game lobby game planing/identifying win conditions and decision making for selection of champion to facilitate the “win condition” would be huge and is not well discussed in many other education content creators
for sure can do a video like that bro, thanks for the comment ❤️
Bro this video pushed me 3 ranks in 5 days (Silver - Plat). I always noticed that I have 2k 3k- on my bank before I was going back. I always thought if I go back later I will have the advantage because I don't waste time recalling, what a missunderstanding I had lol.
I dont usually comment on youtube but yet here I am thanking you for the (and mark my words) INCREDIBLE content I just saw here, made me want to go back to my first main, Viego, after more than a year of being a piggy and being an otp singed, as a "former" youtuber you have all my gratitude for the time you've put to deliver such a digestible content! Much love
wow thanks for such a nice comment bro 😊
been using your videos all this week and am 9/10 since doing so
you got this bro ez
That first clip when you ask us what would we do? When you killed hecarim. I’m an aggressive jungle and my tempo is super aggressive up to the point I will full clear enemy jungles after they die regardless what side of the map they are on. This sets us up for objective control and warding because a clear jungle means no jungles farming which makes it easier to ward and control objectives. Thus your pushing a lead and taking recourses making it a 4v5 by mid game start.
thanks for the video and the content eagz
i've learnt a lot from you boss
ayy np bro
I wondered when I'd start seeing these more. GJ !
i always thought tempo was clearing you camps right when they spawn until you get fed, never knew what defensive or offensive tempo was! thank you
That's the most complete free content I have ever seen, congratz, I need to watch some few times, cause im not a english native speaker, but this content is really really nice!
thank you man 🙏
brother i just realised how clueless i was when i was getting fed early geez
nice way to wake up i guess
holy, this is one best in depth but still simple to understand guides on more advance jungling that i have seen
Glad you think so xD I think id find advanced calculus easier to understand then this.
UNDERRATED CHANNELL!!!! Can’t wait to see you blow up
ayy thanks bro
Dude you have amazing skill as a teacher and you even play my beloved shaco, mate you deserve more subs
thank you bro haha, shac for life
Thank you for this, it's really high quality and well explained.
Personnaly I would like to have guides focused on defensive playstyle in general for tank junglers like maokai/poppy.
Most of the content on YT is for carry junglers and since it's already hard to play a more teamplay dependant champion in soloQ, the lack of elite elo content for these make it even more difficult.
Maybe with more offtank builds in mind to have more impact in the early mid / game.
Tip for poppy - don't play too defensively early. You're way too strong for that.
Youre a great educator and presenter. Subbed
I've been doing a bit of it in Emerald
but I've been messing it up calling it wrong making things confusing, lead and predicting the pathing, coldowns for camps, Ss, Ults, items downtime etc were my ways of thinking and the tempo concept is way better
Also deffensive tempo really opened my eyes, I gotta learn the basic tempo of me and enemy jg then I combine it with tracking enemy laners and my laners then crds, levels to solidify my game knowlage and better read my oponents to make better educated guesses when needed instead of taking Coinflips and gut feeling 😂
I can already predict moves on my enemy jg And I ping my teammates sadly they rarely listen, sometimes I lose it then game goes wrong so Learning Tempo properly will fix most of my issues
I've been ethier stomping or getting stomped and I gotta work on playing defrensive and reducing my loses to build back up a losing match
Tempo is not just recalling, roam timers and ganks are a massive part of it. If you and your laner are pushing then basing/roaming (on alternating timers) then you are not interacting with one another and instead are both getting tons of free time to do stuff - you both have high tempo relative to the other players on the map, but equal tempo to each other.
If instead you force interaction with the laner by meeting at the same time, then say force them to back while you roam, you can get some tempo on them. But if they come back to lane while you're roaming and push, you have to return to lane and THEY get a free tempo advantage while you handle the wave.
Junglers can both gank opposite lanes, having a lot of agency on the map, but then you aren't getting an ADVANTAGE over the other jungler, ideally you want to force them to do something small while you do something big, e.g. they farm a camp while you gank, or even better, they walk to a quadrant which is already taken while you gank.
This is why stealing camps from underneath somebody is so big in the jungle with someone like Kayn/Talon, you insta clear the camps and the enemy jungler is missing them by a couple of seconds, so they are doing NOTHING else on the map, these are the highest tempo plays.
This was awesome and I'm shocked I haven't seen this concept before.
appreciate it bro
at 10:35 is it not better to recall/stay on the map and farm top to bot clear? just a question can you explain why it is better to kill rengar again on red?
because i get there in time and get his whole bot side while mine is still chilling, but i cant because riven chases haha
Fantastic info mate thanks, take care
Easily the best educational content for jgl out there now its just practice and watch the LP go up
thank you bro
Thank u ur the best jungle content creator on UA-cam ❤
I would define tempo as 'time you have to do something on the map without losing resources'. In my opinion this definition makes much more sense from a laners perspective. I feel like your definition is from the perspective of a jungle main.
well it’s a good job the video is a jungling course then ay
"I would struggle to 1v1 a caster minion" XDXDXD really got me
Hey eagz, love the vid. I am a master viego OTP and got a question.
I know you’re a big advocate of the aggressive attacking tempo play style and I have tried it a lot. One problem that I have is that when i go for an invade, higher elo junglers seem to know how to navigate those sort of situations and leave, which give time for the enemy lamer to rotate. In doing so, I then have to back off on the play. This then allows the enemy jungler to pick up his own camps meanwhile so have to fall back to mine, which means I end up losing tempo on the map since I am wasting more time with my camps up.
What are your thoughts on this?
thank you for watching the vid bro
ok so if you're playing viego you can't really ambush like a Shaco or a champ with a dash like Graves/Nid/Kindred, so your invades are more telegraphed (easier to react to because they're not as quick) so unless you're super fed/your laners are on a recall then it's probably not worth, it really depends though but you have to know where your laners will be when you show
bro is killing it with the dont be $hit .. thanks for this video so much
dont be sh*t
This what every jungle role main has been waiting for but on other level 💯
very well said. i never understand what tempo is until now :>
This video is amazing! Also it’s extremely fast paced. If you play it back a 75% speed it’s a lot easier to follow 😂. Thanks for the amazing video Coach!
np bro
Qrow on Yi 😂 Great vid and insights as usual 👌
This was interesting. My tempo is all over the place and my mid-game is absolutely horrible, so I'm trying to improve upon those aspects, especially since now in Diamond it feels like I'm lagging behind sometimes, but I have a question. In my experience, sometimes the laners will move in and try to defend the jungler's camps, basically playing a defensive tempo for them. If this happens, the jungler arrives there as well and you're sometimes in a 2v1 situation where you'll lose or have to go back, which ruins the tempo because you already wasted time. How to deal with this kind of situations?
hey bro great question, you have to know where the enemy champs have been and especially if they’re in fog where that might be…basically needa see their footprints the entire game - get a sweeper if youre attacking and if you walk over vision it becomes much riskier 👍
@@Eagzv9thank you so much for taking your time to reply and give advice. After watching your video I jumped straight into a match and I did my best to be self aware of my tempo and it did wonders. I stopped overextending to get one more extra camp and went back to base which allowed me to get ahead of the curve and win it with a wonderful 14-2 score! Keep it up with all those wonderful guides.
super useful, thank you
i know, and np
10:20 you couldnt immediately recall though. riven was running at you
Just wanted to say I gave this a try while playing Belveth right after watching this video. I absolutely STOMPED the other jungler with the constant attack tempo I learned from this video. Thank you for making this one!
Would you say in general, maintaining an attacking tempo is preferable if you have strong early champs/happen to get an early lead, and defensive tempo is more appropriate when going even/playing from behind?
I ran into an "issue" of I was able to kill the jungler, base, run to his next jungle, kill him again and take his 1-2 camps, base then rinse and repeat. I barely touched my own jungle compared to how I normally play. Was that the right thing to do or should I also try to clear my own spawning camps, even though I know exactly where I can find him?
hey man great to hear you used this to stomp haha
yeh i would keep attacking the enemy jungler the only thing you need to worry about is if you CAN'T kill them before their lanes get there, so if a fight breaks out who wins a 3v3, 4v4 etc?
Not sure if you’re paying attention to comments on this video still, but I have a question.. what should the hecarim do to recover and avoid dying (the second time) to your invade in that example?
maybe do krugs first but it doesnt matter, hes already lost the game making that horrific play mid, if he just clears that doesn’t happen
that's the 20% of all the effort we need to put in to play jungle while mid/top/ad just kill minions, trade and recall after shove and call the jungle role unskilled. jungle is by far the hardest role and jungle players are definitely smarter
in the attacking tempo , I was saying you should go to his red side cause he's gonna clear up, then you went to his blue side to kill rengar and then said "I shoulda went to his red side" ?
really good video, well explained, no bullshit. thanks!
thank you man 🙌
Thank you so much for this video and I learned alot since I want to become a better jungler. 😀
np bro i got you, thanks
So attacking tempo is to insta recall for an offensive play for example killing enmy jungle on his camps or objective or contergank or whatever u expect him to do
But deffensive tempo is to insta recall or bait not recalling to scure ur camps or a neutral objective
yes bro exactly that
Amazing video
i think this guide really did something
Absolute banger. Now give me the talon jg guide Master class next haha
hahahah omw Dylan
Are there any examples you know of with Karthus? I tend to get nervous about invading with him and wind up defaulting back to full clearing.
can invade on Karthus you just have to be much further ahead
@@Eagzv9 Sweet. Are there any specific champs you'd recommend for low elo to practise the perma invade?
What are your thoughts on valuing the exp over the buy power of something like two long swords on someone like sett if you're still relatively healthy after killing someone? I feel like in some scenarios its not worth backing if its going to cost you exp if youll still be stronger than your laner
yeh definitely dont miss xp
fantastic guide.
thank you bro
Thanks for this video, amazing content! really usefull :)
ay you're welcome bro
if u can make a guide comparing farming jglers and ganking jglers and how to decide if gank or farm when u play as a tank jgler
As a brand new player and starting to jungle i feel like I'm gonna need to know the matchups and the timings between camps next.
clear your camps to perfection first
@@Eagzv9 Yeah I practiced with Lillia to fast clear my stuff, today I got into the jungle and ended up carrying 3 games out of 4 having between 10.0 to 20.0 kda lol and this is def thanks to your jungle guides and some other people on youtube.
I see a lot of what to do with tempo but how do you play with messed up tempo? like you find you camps missing or you fail a gank
dont mess it up lol
this def shows how jg is way harder than it looks, my brain is in shambles even tho i apply these concepts somewhat well
ok i understood the assignment, ill go lethal tempo rune every game , on every lane, on every champ!
i was very impressed with your explanation of jungler resources, but when you mentioned the river resources you forgot about the scuttle crabs :(
yeh you don't really tempo for crabs though so i dont mention them
I have two thing to say: the ennemy in your clip doesnt seems to help there jg when he get invading, therfore might be because he didnt ask for help by going on his top side so they might not be able to come, but they also never resetting their back timer together. This is something that happen often and one of the reason of why going deep in jg could result in a death and in that case lost of tempo + gain of gold and exp for the ennemy. Also, I would find it more interesting to follow the POV because a lot of decision come from the angle of you looking at it. You might be top side and invading top jg but actually looking at mid and top to see if you could have a kill angle. That said its good to be aware of this because this is soloQ nightmare. Not having teamate and bad matchup...
Every time I invade, my laners never rotate, but the enemy team will group up as 5 and give up 50 cs to orbital strike me.
The only issue that I have with tempo as a concept- what is the term/definition? If I'd watch this guide, then watch some others, I'd hear different explanations for the same concept a lot of the times, describing it differently
backing to run at something
@@Eagzv9 And is there no other idea or thought process related to it that is involved in this concept? Such as when other people play mid for example, and they say "I have to play for tempo" and then make certain decisions.
Because for whatever reason, this concept of tempo (backing to run at something) is hard to make sense of it in my head. In other words- what does it mean to have a good tempo? To play on tempo? What's good/bad in this concept?
Besides that, these videos are trully a gold mine
Sorry for the longwinded response, but I wanted to share my understanding here in case somebody else would chime in, seeing if there are gaps in my jungle tempo understanding based on the video and my understanding in general.
Tempo = action of recalling to then move somewhere else on the minimap (which also involves reseting HP/MANA and purchasing items (turning gold into actual improvement in strength of your league character) as a benefit, because simply recalling and not having these resets/purchases would almost always be useless to do).
Tempo is used to convert acquired gold into the actual items (if you have more gold=you create a bigger lead (in terms of items)). The tempo decision can be used to then defend your side of the map, attack enemy's side of the map (resources), defend/attack objectives or even set up ganks.
For example- playing blue side, you start at blue, full clear to bott and then scuttle, attempt to gank and failed (or simply showed yourself on vision), and you see the enemy jungler path blue to red to top gank as well (mirror pathing). This gives you an idea that they could potentially try and steal your gromp. For this reason, there can be a defensive tempo decision made to recall asap and run as fast as possible to gromp to defend it just in case they try to steal it and then continue farming/look for ganks/set up objectives and what not.
I dont know if I get this 100% because as a jungler I was taught to use the window of opportunity created by killing the enemy jungler to take more resources (objectives, kills, etc) without being contested, but I cant do that if I look to recall as soon as possible. So which one should I do in each case? Take the objective or recall?
then you weren’t taught properly
@Eagzv9 Sure, thats why Im trying to learn, like from the lee sin at 15:17 so guaranteeing the objective every single time you cant isnt the right thing to do?
@@EremitaUrbano is the objective going anywhere? no, are your camps? yes
@@Eagzv9 makes sense, thank you
Thank you!
yw shaun 😘
top, thanks!
I apply the attacking tempo in my games when I have the chance. However, I rarely do it more than once in a row. The reasoning... wouldn't killing the jungle on repeat give you less experience than doing your camps? It's true the enemy jungler would be even more behind, but the moment you fail to kill him in his jungle, you get greatly behind.
Yeh so you need to know you kill them 100% because you're right, you will keep falling behind in terms of camps if the invades fail 👍
As a tank jungler like Sejuani (who I've picked up recently because she just clicks with me), what then? I don't have a ton of offensive pressure after my first Permafrost. Do I just have less opportunities to attack?
hey bro great question, you’re depending much more on lane states (you having prio) for sure, but if you have bami’s and are a level ahead for example you can definitely be super aggressive unless your lanes are giga gapped
@CoachEagz Thanks for getting back to me so soon! I've been mostly trying to keep my lanes gapped in our favor as opposed to invading most of the time, but against super farmy junglers today, I had good results by constantly taking their jungle. I even punished Vi for hitting my lanes but just outright taking her jungle. I definitely feel most people in my elo underestimate Sejuani since she's not picked very often so I've been leveraging that. Love the vids. Really helped me compartmentalize jungle timing with the spawn to inhib is 10 seconds rule.
Do u ever played in Iron in server BR, Brasil? Sometimes I think its another game here. :)
you’re one of them bro 😈
This is it boys.
Thanks eagz
np mate
This is the difference in Korean servers. Every streamer and pro in Korea is always putting focus on tempo and I've rarely seen NA players heavily take it into account
tempo is time in portuguese, glad to help...
The goat 🐐
id trade this for your swing bro
In the current meta (14.2), i have been doing blue, wolves, red, gank top, kill top laner then base on certain jungle and top matchups. Is this a good tempo lead? It’s very successful as i have option to invade, solo enemy jungler when they are still trying to get scuttle, gank bot with item advantage etc.
Edit: i normally do this on khazix, trundle, maybe graves if its like a bruiser match up top where they skirmish lvl 2-3 and usually are both low already.
sounds good if you actually kill top which is all jungling is, farming camps optimally until you can kill enemy champ
Well, one thing is to have such beautiful teachers such as yourself. Another is applying that knowledge being the *great* student that I'm. Bronze 2 here we go?
you got this bro
After watching this, League feels much more like Poker
there's no luck involved though
As a Rengar main In diamond what match-ups should I invade early?
if you hard-win 1v1, so Evelynn, Ekko...low DPS champs...can also late invade because your level 1 is strong
As a baby brand new jungler who played Kha'zix last night, i absolutely need to get educated and stop feeding.
Good to know that but i'm nunu otp so it doesn't matter that much for me, maybe in defensive way
yep some champs are way more limited in terms of attacking tempo because of their early game lack of strength
Isn't ur voice used on gameleap too ?
used to be yeh but i had to save myself
@@Eagzv9 subscribed immediately. You’ve always had great tutorials!
How come people are saying its the best guide if it literally covered only 50% of jungling?
This shows how to jungle when you are stronger. What about when you are weaker early? Do you just lose? Or even if you die once early or lose a camp. How to recover from this? Playing when ahead is always easy. But how do you play when behind?
why does tempo have to exist when you're ahead? you can use this to beat players when behind (unless you're playing in challenger) because they will be late to objectives/plays - if you're weaker and you can't make that play, let's say doing Grubs you have to give them up because you can't win, then you do something bot
@@Eagzv9 first of, ty for answer!
second of, you mentioned in the video multiple times. that you do those attacks or defenses since you can beat enemy jungler, that's why I asked.
Third of, if we go by your example and give the camp, the enemy jungler will keep getting stronger and he might just ignore the camp of clear it faster then you and follow you bot or wherever you go. If he's ahead, he will use your tempo tactic and be wherever I am and counter me. Lets say I give up Grubs, run to gank bot. He thinks where will I go, figures out it's bot and follows me. Then we end up meeting again and I fall back. And this continues untill I get starved and lose.
For a concrete example, I just had a xin game vs shaco. He invaded me on blue with ignite, I fell back, but still lost 50% of hp so couldn't contest. I went B and rushed to gank bot. Well in the middle of the gank, he predicted what I'll do and came bot too and coutnered me. Then Whenever I tried to do a camp, he was there, countering me. I ended up behind 2 lvls ( 5 to 7) and the game was pretty much over from there. Whereve I would gank, he used his tempo to match me. Whereve I tried to clear a camp, he was there to steal it. That's why I'm confused. If this is the best technique and both side use it, then the weaker one early will eventually lose.