🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:15 📜 Early Christian Bishop Ignatius of Antioch wrote about some first-century Christians who believed Jesus was not crucified, which aligns with a belief in Islam. 03:03 🕊️ Ignatius' writings provide evidence that some first-century Christians disagreed about whether Jesus was crucified, even though Ignatius condemned these beliefs. 05:29 🤯 There's an irony in early Christianity where some leaders, like Ignatius, rejected Jewish practices and beliefs, despite Jesus himself upholding Jewish laws. 09:48 🏛️ The head of the early Church in Jerusalem, James (Jesus' brother), and the believers there were zealous for the Jewish Torah, emphasizing a connection between early Christianity and Judaism. 17:45 📖 The Quran's belief in the non-crucifixion of Jesus aligns with the views of some early Christians, as testified by Ignatius, providing an early Christian perspective on the matter. 18:13 🌐 Early Christianity discusses the belief in Jesus' non-crucifixion, which is also found in the Quran.
What's you didnt cover @TheMuslimApologist is that the people Ignatius of Antioch was responding were Docetists, they didn't believe jesus has a physical body and was only a Spirit. Since you can't crucify a Spirit they denied Jesus was crucified. They also denied Mary gave birth to Jesus for the same reason. Stop practicing Taqiyya🙄
@@BloggingTheology We all need to learn about imam hossain and lady zainab and the events of karbala and the aftermath. Prophet Muhammad PBUH predicted this. Prior to his death prophet Muhammad PBUH told us to follow 2 things. The holy quran and hos ahlul bayt. His family. His progeny.
Oh, folks, come on … . Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water! The important aspects of Jesus’ life are his teachings re: love, caring, peace and humanity. When he said “through me” one will come to recognize eternal life, many interpretations based on the more original languages (not the English transcripts) explain that it means “by me,” as in ‘by the behaviors I am demonstrating.’ All stories are humans’ interpretations of their understandings of their experiences.
@@maxotat yeah, good messages. We should definately retain the more positive aspects of religion... and just do away with the negative stuff that divides us all.
Ignatius of Antioch, an early Christian writer and bishop, wrote seven letters (also known as the Ignatian Epistles) that are considered some of the earliest Christian writings outside the New Testament. In his letters, Ignatius refers to Jesus and various aspects of Christian theology. Regarding the crucifixion of Jesus, Ignatius alludes to it in his letter to the Trallians. In his Letter to the Trallians, Ignatius writes in Chapter 9: "I give glory to Jesus Christ the God who bestowed such wisdom upon you; for I have perceived that ye are established in faith immovable, being as it were nailed to the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, in flesh and in spirit, and firmly grounded in love in the blood of Christ..."
I had so many questions growing up as a christian. Many of them you are covering and Im glad. It makes me feel my questions were legitimate. I’m was at times ostracized because I had questions. The biggest one was regarding the question of why Christians split from Judaism when Jesus himself said that he upheld the law and we should not forsake it. I couldn’t get past that dichotomy. Eventually - 69 years later I walked away from Christianity because the questions kept coming with no real answers. Thank you for your voice of reason.
@@jige1225 - I have been studying the ‘old’ religions. Specifically Animism which is not a religion but a way of living spiritually as the Creator created us to be. But that is for me. Each must find their own oath. I don’t know where I will end up.
Be careful following his channel. I realize he only quote things that support his new faith in Islam and would ignore the same sources that contradict his arguments. You should get this books and read yourself and do extensive research.
In that case, let this be your first refutation today: It is not about St. Paul, because he didn’t die for you, and he did not carry your sins to the cross. You will not be baptized in the name of St. Paul either. It’s all about Christ-He’s the one who bled and died for us, even for you who doubt Him. Everything St. Paul said and did points to Him. We’ve seen His power, we’ve heard His voice, and we know He lives. That’s why we’re willing to face anything, even death, for His sake. But you? You think you make an original point? You just join a group that has been around since the early church. Your pride leads to darkness, I know it well. I was once in darkness too. If you continue in this unbelief, you’ll stay in that darkness, never knowing the light of Christ. And if you deny Him now, He will deny you before the Father when it matters most. But even now, He’s calling you with this message-turn to Him, believe, and find the life He offers before it’s too late. Remember these, His words when darkness and unclean spirits come for you. They may save you.
Uncle Paul, Alhamdulillah! You have reached 300k subs! Subhaan Allah I've been following your work for nearly three years and have seen this channel grow. Congratulations!
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
@@BloggingTheology You will regret for saying falsehood ! Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
I agree with a lot of the things this man said however he takes Augustine out of context: When he said “though some deny it” there is no reference that those who deny it were Christian’s notice how this man adds that part in. He also talks about Judaism following Christianity is Contradicting Jesus. This is not true Augustine is talking about where your priority im should be he’s not saying that the law doesn’t matter in fact the law is better followed when Christian’s follow Jesus.
What is the meaning of SOME? When he reads it from the book, there was clearly mentioned that only some denie that Jesus died on the cross. Of course it is not easy to believe, that somebody died, and was risen from the death. So it might have been very well that some people did not believe this. Some means, that the others believed, that Jesus died on the cross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So what? So there is the proof that Jesus returned from death! Question: When 10 people say, that they doubt that Jesus died. And 10 other people tell Jesus died. Whom to believe? Are the 10 people who state: I see him dieing to be ignored, to be called liars, or may we believe them? Whom will you believe: When 10 people say, we did not see him dieing, or the other 10 people who say, I SAW HIM DEATH? But when we consider that there is God involved into this. It was for sure easily possible, that Jesus died on the cross and was brought back from the death - by God (Will someone doubt here that God can do this?). Something is for sure: God protected Jesus. For sure Jesus was no sinner. For sure Jesus knew long time before, that he will die on the cross, you can find it in the New Testament, which was approved by Allah! Contrary Mohammed, Where we have to doubt that Mohammed was protected by God (God did not warm him for not eating the poisoned lamb), we even have to assume that Mohammed punished for his sins, by eating the poison and giving him big pain during his last years!. But when we consider that there is God involved into this. It was for sure easily possible, that Jesus died on the cross and was brought back from the death - by God (Will someone doubt here that God can do this?).
Subhan Allah. An excellent documentary evidence, a letter by St Ignatius and matching references from the Bible of new religion. This phenomenon of new faiths / innovations / بدعت being made by people repeatedly is highlighted in Quran Sura 45, especially 45:28. Paul, your ‘Metacognition’ is a blessing for us. You have repeatedly brought evidence from Bible n historical documents in support of Quran’s self-referentiality! Jazak Allah.
This guy is unimpressive, and the book shelf doesn't make him look smarter. He took one simple line from Ignatius to say that early Christians didn't believe that Jesus died. Ignatius writing in the late first century/ early second century was writing during a time of Docetism and early stages or Gnosticism. In fact, the reason why John's writings are unique to the synoptics is because John was specifically battling later developing heresies such as Docetism and Gnosticism, which did not exist in the earliest days of Christianity. We know that Muhammad and the Quran was influenced by these views because exact stories are copied and brought into the Quranic material....Gnosticm was a heretical quasi-Christian movement during the late first and into the second century. The infancy gospel of Thomas was written in the mid 2nd century and someone slapped Thomas's name on it, but it's a forgery. That is where you get the clay bird story of Isa in Surah 5:110 of the Quran- and in chapter 1 of the Arabic Infancy Gospel of Thomas, we find this account: “When Jesus was five, he went out one Saturday to play with other boys. Jesus took some clay and made twelve birds out of it." This story is only found in the Gnostic gospels. The denial of the crucifixion of Isa on the cross found in Surah 4:157-158, is based off the Gnostic leader named Basilides. The late 2nd-century Christian writer Irenaeus wrote about the teachings of Basilides, who claimed: “He did not himself suffer death, but Simon, a certain man of Cyrene, being compelled, bore the cross in his stead; so that this latter being transfigured by him, that he might be thought to be Jesus..." The Nag Hammadi library is a collection of Gnostic documents that were preserved in a jar in Egypt from the 4th century AD, and Jesus's denial by death on the cross can be linked back to these. One example found has Jesus saying: “I was not afflicted at all, yet I did not die in solid reality but in what appears, in order that I not be put to shame by them,” (The Second Treatise of Great Seth). There are other examples of Jesus not dying in these late Gnostic sources as well. The Qur'an has a story about Abraham which is not found in the Bible, in Surah 37:91-98, when Abraham breaks all the idols. This is an obvious reproduction of a story found in the Midrash Rabbah, an old Jewish book containing much folklore embellishing Biblical material. There's another story about Cain and Abel in the Quran that isn't found in the Bible but in the Midrash, about how God sent a raven to help hide the body. It's obvious that Muhammad through together a bunch of stories that he had heard. One last point. Matthew 5 doesn't mean what this dude implied. In that verse, Jesus said that He came to "FULFILL" the law, not that He came to deliver or declare the law.....How does one individual FULFILL the entire requirements of the law? Early Islam acknowledged Paul as a true disciple also. Paul taught nothing different than James, and in Acts, James is pleased with Paul.
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
@rudycataldo3653 "We know that Muhammad and the Quran was influenced by these views because exact stories are copied and brought into the Quranic material." > That is mere presumption on your part #without_evidence 🔬, because #correlation_does_NOT_imply_causation #LOGICAL_FALLACIES
Hi, if you are not saved, and would like to be included in the rapture of the church. Believe that Jesus's death on the cross, was enough to pay for ALL your sins , yes ALL ,(past, present and future) That is what the Gospel is about. We are saved by GOD'S amazing grace, through our faith in Jesus's sinless life, death on the cross and resurrection 3 days later . No additional works needed. It is literally that simple. Ephesians 2:8-9 Romans 10:9-10 Romans 4:5
New to your channel, found it very enrapting and educational, without the monotony that has infiltrated the clergy these days, basically what I believe a proper sermon should be. Keep it up and I'll continue to follow.
In 1870, an Aramaic manuscript entitled "The Gospel of the Nazirenes" was discovered, translated and published. This ancient scripture, hidden away for centuries in a Tibetan monastery, was known as the Gospel of the Nazirenes, later to be known as "The Gospel of the Holy Twelve," The Gospel of the Holy Twelve declares that in order to achieve eternal life, "The Law" must be fully obeyed, meaning that Jesus indeed, had shown his unequivocal focus on Torah that must be obeyed. Torah of the Jews is not the Old Testament but it refers to Tanakh which is the canonical collection of Hebrew scriptures. It's interesting to note that Quran speaks about the Injeel and Torah as follows: And in their footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law that had come before him: We sent him the Gospel: therein was guidance and light, and confirmation of the Law that had come before him: a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah. (Chapter 5:Verse 46)
@XanderMarshall good question. This Gospel record is the recovered document from which the Four Gospels as we have them today were built upon. It was the first formulated life of the Christ and was written by St. John about the year 70 AD., when he was imprisoned in Rome and given page by page to one whom he could trust. When the scroll was completed and after its contents had been made known to the Apostles, it was taken to Tibet by the same disciple, who left it in the care of a unnamed lama. Here, it remained until a friar, named Placidus, visited the monastery in the eighteen seventies and asked if he might show it to the Church Authorities in Rome.
So you accept a document discovered in 1870 in Tibet as accurate but reject the New Testament documents which were written within decades of Jesus' death and resurrection which contain the testimony of persons who met Jesus, witnessed his death and resurrection?
@kwamegordon1448 You have a reasonable doubt that requires detailed answer. Gospel of the Holy Twelve was written before 70AD in Aramaic, the spoken language of Jesus and his Apostles. Bible scholars believe that this is the Q-source for the Greek Gospels Mathew, Mark and Luke. In the second century AD different churches were using various Gospels including the Gospel of the Holy Twelve. Emperor Constantine created the Nicene Creed, also called Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, in 325AD. a Christian statement of faith that defined the status of Jesus as the only begotten son and equal to the Father. Even though the 27-book New Testament were first formally canonized during the councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397) in North Africa, the council of Nicaea removed five principal "fringe" books later omitted from the canon proper. They are: the Didache (or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles), the Shepherd of Hermas, the Apocalypse of Peter, the Epistle of Barnabas and the Epistle of Clement. In the above Didache was a Greek manuscript of early Jewish Christianity somewhat closer to the Aramaic Gospel of the Holy Twelve. The major reason for the removal of above books is that they didn't conform to the Constantinopolitan Creed of Christian faith. Not only they were removed but ordered to be destroyed. It was at this time someone had taken it to Tibet for a safe custody of the manuscripts. Until it was discovered in 1870, Gospel of the Holy Twelve was known as 'Lost Gospel' by the Catholic Church. The scroll from the Tibetan monastery was translated in Latin and read to the assembly of Cardinals in Rome. At first they were impressed, but as it proceeded to reveal the contents they realised that to make it known would discredit the Church which had, during the Council of Nicea, eliminated from the Gospels the Master's teaching and it was contradictory to the established Constantinopolitan Creed so the scroll was hidden away in the archives of the Vatican, where it remains to this day. The reason this Gospel contains much that is in Matthew, Mark and Luke is because there were many Gospels written about this time containing the true teaching of Jesus, but this was the only one that escaped the pen of the `correctors', because they did not know of its existence. My apologies for such long discourse because it was a heavy subject that Catholic Church doesn't want the Christians to know about. Please feel free to ask if you need any further clarification.
@@nakeebissadeen1606 I have no doubts and I need no clarification when it comes to anything you have typed above. I know Islamic nonsense propaganda when I see it. Let me ask you something. Your Qur'an calls Christians people of the Book and they are required to hold firm to this Book. This Book predated the Qur'an and was in the possession of Christians at the time of Muhammad. Which Book is the Qur'an talking about?
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
I agree with a lot of the things this man said however he takes Augustine out of context: When he said “though some deny it” there is no reference that those who deny it were Christian’s notice how this man adds that part in. He also talks about Judaism following Christianity is Contradicting Jesus. This is not true Augustine is talking about where your priority im should be he’s not saying that the law doesn’t matter in fact the law is better followed when Christian’s follow Jesus.
Allah does not exist !!! He didn’t suffer, die and resurrect to satisfy Jesus’ Heavenly Father against sin !! Jesus suffered, died and resurrected to save us from eternal damnation !!!!
He misquotes the text. The text never says believers deny the death of Jesus. The next sentence of the texts debunks what this guy tries to promote and he goes on to confuse the ten commandments with the mosaic law.
It makes sense from biblical texts that Jesus pbuh would be saved, too. He was promised that his foot would not even dash a stone without angels coming to catch him.
Matthew 4:6 “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: “ ‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’ ” Matthew 4:7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’ ” Devils will always try to use falsehood
@@SacredWarrior999jesus in this passage talked to not test god the father promise lmao 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I dont know why you think jesus here is a god or meant himself
There are the original 12 disciples who died, many tortured to death because they would not recount their testimony that they witnessed firsthand that Jesus died and was resurrected. Why would I believe the opinions of those who came decades later and were not tortured to death for their beliefs?
Yup and the docetians seem to not have believed that Jesus died either and they seemed to of composed a large early Christian community. In the gospel of Peter (John Dominic Crossan dates it's passion source as early as the 40's) Jesus' cry from the cross, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" is reported in the Gospel of Peter as "My power, my power, thou hast forsaken me". Immediately after, Peter states that, "when he had said it, he was taken up", suggesting that Jesus did not actually die. This, together with the claim that on the cross Jesus "remained silent, as though he felt no pain", has led many early Christians to accuse the text of docetism. F. F. Bruce writes: The docetic note in this narrative...carefully avoids saying that he died, preferring to say that he 'was taken up', as though he - or at least his soul or spiritual self - was 'assumed' direct from the cross to the presence of God. (We shall see an echo of this idea in the Qur'an. Bruce, F.F. (1974). Jesus and Christian Origins Outside the New Testament
@@BloggingTheologyYou do realise Paul the Dosetics believed Jesus was God and that he also didn't have a physical body right? The noncanan Gospel that idiot quoted has Jesus watching the illusion of his crucifixion because he is a Spirit.
He misquotes the text. The text never says believers deny the death of Jesus. The next sentence of the texts debunks what this guy tries to promote and he goes on to confuse the ten commandments with the mosaic law. You really gave him money for that?
And what did Jesus say to the educated religious leaders of His day? Matthew 22:29 “Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.”
The disciples ran when Jesus was arrested. But something happened, just as Jesus said it would happen. They walked with him for three years, the believed that he was the Messiah, but they ran. why? How can a bunch of scared men become this roaring Lion that no persecution can silence ? How? Why? They saw the resurrected Jesus who was crucified on the cross of calvary, died, and was buried, only to leave a now empty tomb. John 03:16 -17 Praise God !
@@Thirdday71 They ran because it was the plan. He prayed for none of them to be lost that had been given to Him. Therefore, Had they not ran, they could have been put to death as well, and only The Messiah could do the work required to become the once for all offering. He worked while everyone else was resting. That is a good part of what the Sabbath was designed to be pointing to, and why Scripture says He is the Lord of the Sabbath.
@@charliewhon6548 Well; yes that much is true. The whole story was prophesied. And it came to pass just as Jesus and the Old Testament prophets said that it would. " I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall scatter" My point was that" Jesus said "not one dot nor tittle shall by no means will pass from the law until all is fulfilled. Jesus totally fulfilled the law. If we say that he was never crucified, then we Blaspheme God by calling him a liar, thus saying that the Bible is not true, and that God does not exist...
@@Thirdday71 There is only one God. His name is Allah. He is the God of all the Prophets including Jesus (peace be upon him) who said, “The Father is greater than I” (John 14:28). And in John 17:3 in the Jesus himself states, "And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God," He also states in John 5:30, "I can do nothing on my own." Clearly, Jesus is not God and he was sent for a very specific people, the lost sheep of Israel, not you. If you don't believe me, please look up Jesus' encounter with the Canaanite woman with the demon-possessed daughter in Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7:25-30. In Gethsemane, his prayers to God were rejected by God and according to Christianity, he was crucified. His will is subservient to the will of God. Matthew 6:9-10: Jesus said, "Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven". In fact, the Bible condemns him as a curse for dying on the cross. Galatians 3:13 says, "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole'". God cannot be a curse. Who is cursing God? Finally if indeed he died on the cross, then Jesus is not God because God according to the Bible is immortal. First Timothy 6:16 says, "Who alone has immortality, dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see; to him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen". In Islam, our Prophet Jesus is revered and is not considered a curse. If indeed God is cursing Jesus, that would not be fair since he was an innocent Prophet (p).
@@cc-cy instead of talking nonsense, maybe it is time to follow the early Christian practising Jew who were on the right track ? Islam is the only logical path after that weither you like it or not.
@EmperorDawn Islam is all lies, if allah made to appear to the Jews that Jesus was crucified but in reality he didn't, all has deceived the Jews, hence allah is a deceiver... why do allah has to put an innocent person who look like Jesus on the cross,,, who was that innocent person allah pit on the cross.. allah is not all merciful,, he is a murderer.
@@cc-cy of course, because whom God sent must be truth just like all previous prophets. But what do the bible tell you? That prophets commit sins. How come can prophets commits sins if they are the epitome of moral. Don't argue if you don't even look into Islam sincerely.
[Quran:- 5:72]:- “Jesus has said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." [Quran:- 19:30]:- “Jesus has said, "Indeed, I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet.” [Quran:- 4:171]:- “Christ Jesus the son of Mary was no more than a messenger of Allah…..So believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not "Trinity" desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah:
Let's do a bit of history here. Flavius Josephus (AD 37-100) recorded Pilate's condemnation of Jesus to be crucified. Lucian (AD 125-180) found it amusing that Christians worshipped a crucified man. Celsus (2nd century) described Jesus proclaiming himself God and being nailed to a cross. Thallus (AD 50) referred to the darkness during the crucifixion as an eclipse. Pliny the Younger (AD 61-113) mentioned Christians worshipping Christ as God. The Babylonian Talmud (5th century) stated Jesus practiced sorcery, was hanged before Passover, and his body couldn't be found after resurrection.
@@markhalpin9711 No I don't think so we can't even get our secular history right and recently they've made so much advancement in science they are even rewriting the science books or at lesst they admit they should but what good would that do in a few decades they'll probably have to revise it again Getting so you don't know who to belivie.
@@nwelll its the church and the father's of Christianity who fooled you guys by distorting and manipulating the Bible. As you might know the errors of the Bible is clearly visible!. Now the question is after knowing and acknowledging That you guys have been fooled by Peter/Paul or the early church fathers?. Why won't you come towards a scripture that is Pur and unchanged like the Quran. That is my Sincere question to you? Unless your an illogical person and insincere to your Self.
Those 1st Cent. A.D. who denied the Crucifixion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ Jesus were the AGNOSTIC (Skeptic) would-be followers of Christ Jesus... They Pretend to be Christians but never follow the WILL of His Father God/YHWH who is in Heaven... Praise be to God in Christ... Amen.
@@Nouh1216 There is no such definite pronunciation to the Name of God, it was lost in time... the Holy Scripture wrote YHWH in Hebrew-Aramaic Alphabeth, without vowels, it could be YoHeWuH, YaHoWeH, YeHoWaH, YaHWeH, etc...
@jvlp2046 Ive researched religion for a long time now, and I know for a fact Yahweh is Lucifer. Jesus said no one has ever heard or seen the Father (John 6:46, John 1:18), but yet Yahweh showed his back to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus 33:12-23). When Jesus was talking to the pharisees (who were worshipping Yahweh at the time), he said, "You are of your father the devil, and you choose to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:41-45). I should also mention that Yahweh killed over 2 million people in the Bible. And not once did Jesus call God Yahweh or anything close to that. Jesus actually spoke against Yahweh. For example, the Israelites asked Yahweh for food and water, but instead, Yahweh sent snakes that killed them, (Numbers 21:5, 21:6-9). Jesus spoke about this and said, "Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for fish, will give him a snake?" (Matthew 7:9-12). I should also mention that Yahweh and the israelites were defeated by Chemosh, the god of the Moabites. In 2Kings 3:18-19, the prophet Elisha prophesied to the king of israel that Yahweh would help them defeat the Moabites. But 2Kings 3:26-27 says that Moab took his firstborn son and sacrificed him to the wall (Chemosh) , and then great wrath came upon israel, so they withdrew. God cannot be defeated therefore Yahweh is not God. In Hosea 13:7-8, Yahweh said, "So I will be like a lion to them, like a leapord I will lurk by the path. Like a bear robbed of her cubs. I will attack them and rip them open; like a lion I will devour them a wild animal will tear them apart." Now In Revelations 13 it says, "And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had 10 horns and 7 heads , with 10 crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leapord, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion." I could go on for hours on how Yahweh is Satan and not God, especially the Father of Jesus, because Jesus and Yahweh are nothing alike.
@@Nouh1216 - Let's simplify the above by stating - Yahweh / Jehovah is better known as "Yaldaboath" or "Saklas" which means "blind fool." He is the head of the satanic regime and creator of the material world ruled by the Demiurge. All those who claim to be Theocrats are part of the great Satanic body oversighted by the Cabal. A Theocrat is any individual, Human or Spirit, with broken or imperfect software. This "Yaldabaoth" is not the Beast of Rev 13 - that is the Bright Morning Star - Jesus - the "SUN OF MAN" or Sun God ( whose number is 666 ) Lucifer, or Antichrist; a totally different individual to Satan.
*“… his death, which some deny,”* is nebulous and sounds as tho “some” people denied either that Jesus had died at all or that their lives shone forth due to him. It doesn’t say the deniers were Christians, even considering that the letter is to Christians. One translation had “whom some deny,” meaning they deny Jesus (as savior?). Most people at the time did not think Jesus was “the savior”, so that would render the phrase superfluous.
Agree. It's easy, if you're not properly trained in empirical critical thinking to jump from thinking a speculation is a fact because it makes you feel good.
In addition it doesn't say that those people didn't believe that he was crucified, buried and rose from the tomb, only that he didn't die. Maybe because he was taken down so quickly and his legs weren't broke to asphyxiate him as the others were in order to take them down before Passover , as some still believe to this day.
@@Bryan-Paul Then you would need an explanation for why he was removed from the cross. Romans rarely let anyone go. The point of crucifixion was a drawn-out, painful death.
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isas said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
@@doreenfernandes2431 Bible narratives are 3rd hand account which means gotten from hearsay. They are filled with error, discrepancies, inconsistencies, contradictions. These are all signs of lies.
@@PolyglotfootballerHoly Quran said what you say. But you don't know the Holy Quran . Quran says Jesus never died on the cross But he died and Almighty God took his soul to haven.
@@AliLee-kn3vd You lie! It is said Jesus was taken up to allah! Not to heaven but why was a man taken up to allah if no man can be with Allahs presence!
Mat 28:12-13 KJV 12 And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, 13 Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept. The soldiers who guarded the tomb of Jesus were given money to lie about the resurrection of Jesus. No wonder people are blatantly lying about His death today.
The Shroud Of Turin recorded the resurrection and the dating was flawed. There is far more evidence on the shroud that it comes from the region and time of Jesus.
Why don’t you quote from the first verse of Mathew 28.. 28 Now after the Sabbath, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. 2 And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat on it. 3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow. 4 And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men. 5 But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here, for he has risen, sas he said. Come, see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee;
@@jerichosales3489 Don't worry! Justice is served. *Qur'an 3:151* “We will cast t____r into the hearts of those who deny the Truth” *Qur'an 39:60* “On The Day of Resurrection you shall see those who LIED against Allah with their faces turned *black.* Is Hell not vast enough to provide a room to the vainglorious?” *Qur'an 3:106:* “On The Day, some faces will turn _white,_ some faces will turn *black.* Those whose faces turn black, Did you disbelieve? Then taste the punishment for what you rejected." *Qur'an 7:166* “When they persisted in violation, We said, “Become disgraced APES!’” *Qur'an 5:60* "Those whom Allah has cursed He made them APES, PIGS, slaves.'"
I love the parallel between James and Abu Bakr, both were the 1st caliphs (successors) of their ummah and both having the same nickname HaTzaddiq and as-Siddiq respectively. Nice video as always Sidi Paul 🎉
Isaiah 45:23 Philipians 2:10-11 Romans 14:11 Hebrews 6:13 "For it is written,As I live,says the Lord,every knee shall bow to me,and every tongue shall confess to God [acknowledge Him to His honour and to His praise].
Yes , and the people who bow down and even prostrate themselves before God are the Muslims so what is your point ? Jesus himself said God is one & that the Father is greater than him. But you Christians says otherwise , God is a Trinity & the three are co equal. So who's telling the truth , you or Jesus ???
What discovery? The church has known from the beginning there were heretics that came into the church. All the Apostles, Apostolic Fathers, Church Fathers, Saints of the Church, all taught Christ crucified. The heretics like Arian, Nestorius, Gnostics and others were anathematized from the church but then reappeared in Islam, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons and others. As the saying goes ‘there’s nothing new under the sun’.
Ah like the sun setting in a muddy pool, yeah and allah saying he is the greatest of deceivers this means allah is satan for satan is the greatest of deceivers for he is the father of lies
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isas said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
This is a video about the law, not the crucifixion. You mentioned a very short passage at the beginning that suggested Jesus didn’t die, but said nothing about the crucifixion.
That is what I noticed. He posted a title and went to talk about other things. I was really curious to hear what he would said to justify his title. It is just to deceive people. Empty talk
The truth is that Muslims have nothing convincingly to say about that. All they will say is trust me bro. Mohammed said it so let's believe 😂. The majority of the followers are Muslims so he will get the like even if he says nothing really. 😁 In Islam it's normal to divert the conversation when you can't answer.
In the first century and the early years of Christianity, there were several sects and groups with diverse beliefs about Jesus and his crucifixion. The only reason they believe that Jesus died on the cross is cuz it's the mainstream Christianity now and the early Christians were killed and prosecuted for having a different belief. 1: Gnostic Christians were a diverse group with varying beliefs, but some Gnostic sects had distinct views on the crucifixion. Some Gnostics believed that Jesus was a purely spiritual being who did not possess a physical body and therefore could not have been crucified in a literal sense. They often saw the crucifixion as a symbolic or spiritual event rather than a historical one. 2: Docetism was a belief held by certain early Christians and Gnostics. Docetists claimed that Jesus only appeared to have a physical body and that his crucifixion was an illusion. According to this view, Jesus' physicality was not real, and his suffering on the cross was a mirage. 3: The Basilideans were followers of Basilides, an early Christian teacher. Some Basilidean beliefs included the notion that Simon of Cyrene, not Jesus, was crucified in Jesus' place. This represents a departure from the traditional Christian understanding of the crucifixion. 4: Cerinthus was an early Christian leader who held views distinct from mainstream Christianity. According to some accounts, Cerinthus believed that the divine Christ descended upon the human Jesus at his baptism but left him before the crucifixion, suggesting that it was the human Jesus who was crucified. 5: The Ebionites were a Jewish-Christian sect that had a different interpretation of Jesus. Some Ebionites rejected the divinity of Jesus and may have had alternative views about the crucifixion, although their beliefs varied among different branches of the sect.
@@johnbrzykcy3076 😊 John, do you know what Jesus said to Nicodemus in the Gospel of John ? Jesus said... that he must be BORN AGAIN to enter into the kingdom of God. 😊 My family and l were baptised in the River Jordan at Yardenit, the Baptismal Site in Israel in November 2016. 👍AND what a wonderful experience that was ! 🤔
@@doreenfernandes2431 The Ganges River is the most sacred river in Hinduism. Hindus believe that bathing in the Ganges will wash away their sins and deliver them from the cycle of birth and death. Your experience holds the same weight as a Hindus experience and that's not the only thing you guys have in common with polytheists.
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
@@PolyglotfootballerIsa Ibn Maryam was save from being killed by the pagan Romans and still alive until today and he will come back in his second coming to defeat the Dajjal/Antichrist. وَاِنَّهٗ لَعِلْمٌ لِّلسَّاعَةِ فَلَا تَمْتَرُنَّ بِهَا وَاتَّبِعُوْنِۗ هٰذَا صِرَاطٌ مُّسْتَقِيْمٌ (Surah Az-Zuhruf 43:61) And indeed, he [i.e., Jesus] will be [a sign for] knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path. After that, he will live the rest of his life as a human being and die just as anyone else. And when the passage says "the day I will be raised back to life", he is referring to the Day of Judgement as he and just like everybody else will being resurrected back by the Almighty Creator. اللَّهُ لَآ إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ لَيَجْمَعَنَّكُمْ إِلَى يَوْمِ الْقِيَمَةِ لَا رَيْبَ فِيهِ وَمَنْ أَصْدَقُ مِنَ اللَّهِ حَدِيثاً (Surah An-Nisa 4:87) Allah, there is no god but He - He will most certainly gather you together on the Day of Resurrection, there is no doubt in it; and who is more true in word than Allah? The passage you quoted is an affirmation that he is a creature created by Allah. He will live, die and be resurrected, just like other creatures that Allah has created.
I agree with a lot of the things this man said however he takes Augustine out of context: When he said “though some deny it” there is no reference that those who deny it were Christian’s notice how this man adds that part in. He also talks about Judaism following Christianity is Contradicting Jesus. This is not true Augustine is talking about where your priority im should be he’s not saying that the law doesn’t matter in fact the law is better followed when Christian’s follow Jesus.
@@kh7688 I agree that Paul seems to have a tremendous "thirst for knowledge". I don't know how he keeps up with so much reading of books and the Blogging Theology channel. I'm not Muslim but respectfully...
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
The epistles of John speaks of the gnostics. Paul wrote to the Galatians and Corinthians warning them of preachers who rejected the death and resurrection of Jesus.
@jessicaras4540 They don't mean Jesus, ask a Rabbi? Jesus isn't the Jewish Messiah so why on earth would they mean Jesus? It's simply shameful that Christians would appropriate the Torah.
There were people back then (a few decades to a few centuries after Jesus's alleged death) who believed that Jesus did not die or wasn't crucified. And there were people who believed he did and that he rose again, also around the same time. So why should we take either belief as true or one more likely to be true over the other? (apart from the notion of miracles being inherently less likely than natural explanations, a notion which would probably not bode well for Islam or the Quran either)
Well we all can agree that the first ”Christians” followed the law and was abiding by the law and there is a change after Jesus passing where people stopped following the law, and it has to do with the paul doctrine people follow paul not jesus, Paul claimed he saw Jesus in a vision. But as we know Paul was a liar and not reliable!
@@funnynotfunny6984 if Paul was a "liar", why would he honestly have said that he wanted to kill Christians? I believe he did kill Christians, the first followers of Jesus? I'm just curious about your views. No disrespect intended.
@@funnynotfunny6984 We know shit about whether Paul lied or not, don't assume things simply because it is convenient for you. Remember the Jesus worship didn't get started by Paul yet was not in the old law either so don't simply pin it all on him.
@jabbieforthetruth8757 And? Many witnesses? You mean the Gospels passages that were written decades after Yeshua supposedly died, were likely not first hand accounts, copied from each other and took from older scripture like the Talmud? These text mentioned people being witnesses within the story they tell therefore it is true that there are witnesses? The Islamic claim seems to be that Jesus didn't die from his crucifixion, something that can't be verified anyway.
Aisha: "But, I'm _only_ nine." Allah's Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him): "You're just _FINE!"_ Roses are red, violets are blue, Aisha was 9 and Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was 52. *Sahih al-Bukhari vol 5 bk 58:236* “Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married Aisha when she was 6 years old, and _consummated_ when she was 9” *Qur'an 65:1, 4* "When divorcing women, know their waiting period. For women past the age of menstruation, their waiting period is 3 months - and those who have _NOT_ menstruated yet as well." *Sahih al-Bukhari vol 7 book 62 number 64:* “Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married her when she was 6 years old and he _consummated_ his marriage when she was 9 years old” *Sahih Bukhari Vol 7, Book 62, Nr 16* "The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, 'Did you marry a virgin or a matron?' I replied, 'A matron.' He said, “Why didn’t you marry a young girl so that you may play with her and she with you?'"
@@theoriginalkilox7592 a lie cannot contain nuggets of truth because it's based on the LIE I would suggest that you stick to the truth that's based on truth for a lie is water and the truth is a rock you can't stand on water but you can stand on the rock of the truth
˹Jesus˺ declared, “I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet. He has made me a blessing wherever I go, and bid me to establish prayer and give alms-tax as long as I live, and to be kind to my mother. He has not made me arrogant or defiant. Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” - Surah Maryam 19:30-33[8]
It is Written: "(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that THEY ARE THE ENEMIES OF THE CROSS OF CHRIST: whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.) " (Philippians 3:18,19)
@@jumpingjack5651 - O K., Here is what Jesus said, " You know that after two days is the feast of the passover, and the Son of man is betrayed TO BE CRUCIFIED". (Matthew 26:2). Does that make you feel any better ?? I didn't think so.....
Notice the owner of the channel didn’t give you the love ❤️ icon. The love of God through Jesus the Christ is all that matters. Ignatius seems to be the new authority on scripture .. may the Lord Jesus have mercy on this fellow.
@@jumpingjack5651- Your theory that "Everyone is a Liar" doesn't hold water. Jesus Himself declares 4 TIMES that he will "specifically" be CRUCIFIED, which is Matthew's testimony, who walked with Jesus. (Matthew 20:19) (Matthew 23:34) (Matthew 26:2) (Luke 24:7). Peter, who also walked with Jesus, CONFIRMS the Crucifixion 3 TIMES in (Acts 2:23,36) (Acts 4:10). An "Angel" CONFIRMS the Crucifixion 2 TIMES in (Matthew 28:5) (Mark 16:6)
The disciples said to Jesus, "We know you're going to leave us. Who will lead us then?" Jesus said to them, "Wherever you are, you'll go to James the Just, for whom heaven and earth came into being." Saying 12 | Gospel of Thomas Saul : You are saved by faith. James : Faith without action is dead.
The Gospel of Thomas is a second century Gnostic gospel, that actually influenced Muhammad and the Quran. Paul and James were not at odds with eachother. Romans 4 and James 2 are speaking both about Abraham's faith. Paul said that Abraham was justified by his faith, and James is saying that Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac was the proof that he was saved, but Abraham was justified long before that event. Deeds are the fruit of salvation, not the cause of it.
*Respect for those who spend time searching to realize that prophet Isa (peace been upon him) didn't die but got saved by God after he answered his prayers ❤*
Regarding Paul supposedly saying that God's food laws do not need to be followed... God defines what "food" is in Leviticus 11. Not all animals are called "food". No Jew would consider bats, pig, dog, mice, reptiles, etc to be food. So when Paul says all "FOOD" is clean, he means according to God's definition. What he is speaking against are many Talmudic manmade rules regarding food worthy animals bought from certain people or places and deemed 'unclean' by man for various reasons.
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
Ignatius was writing in the early 2nd century ce not in the 1st century. Gnostic and Marcionite Christians in the late first and second centuries claimed that Jesus only appeared to be crucified bc they followed a theology that despised anything of the physical world...however, the info you give abt the Jesus movement centered around James is quite correct.
Saying that Gnostics all believed that I’d like saying all Protestants believe the same thing. They all had different opinions and beliefs for sect to sect and all get lumped into one system which they are not.
˹Jesus˺ declared, “I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet. He has made me a blessing wherever I go, and bid me to establish prayer and give alms-tax as long as I live, and to be kind to my mother. He has not made me arrogant or defiant. Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” - Surah Maryam 19:30-33[8]
God has Moses write the mosaic law right after exodus 20 mentions the 10 commands but he wrong that law in a scroll/book when the 10 commandments where carved in stone. This was to symbolize the durability of one from the other The mosaic law was suppose to hold the ppl until Jesus came and the 10 commandments where for ever
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
He misquotes the text. The text never says believers deny the death of Jesus. The next sentence of the texts debunks what this guy tries to promote and he goes on to confuse the ten commandments with the mosaic law.
I appreciate the scholarly approach to distinguish 1st Century Christian beliefs from one another. You only mention the 1st century believers who didn’t believe in the crucifixion briefly in your summary.
He misquotes the text. The text never says believers deny the death of Jesus. The next sentence of the texts debunks what this guy tries to promote and he goes on to confuse the ten commandments with the mosaic law.
@@babisbabinos8075This is the problem dealing with Muslims. They lie too much! Even when you try to listen with an open mind, you’d realize they are hiding the whole information. Early Christians had a lot of different arguments. But last time I checked, Ignacio’s in not a disciple of Jesus.
Are you sure about your discussion of James in Acts? My understanding is there are two people named James in Acts, but neither of them is James the brother of Jesus. One of them was James the "son of Alphaeus" (Acts 1:13). He is obviously not the brother of Jesus. The other one was James the brother of John (who were both "Pillars" according to the other Gospels). This James is distinguished from the brothers of Jesus in Acts 1:13-14. He was later beheaded by Herod Agrippa (Acts 12:1-2). So neither of the two men named James in Acts is the brother of Jesus.
Love your research and efforts to clear the man made fabrication about crucifixion of Jesus Christ and spreading the truth to the people who are still oblivious to the fact.
fabrication? its islam fabricated when it say allah made it appear to them that he got crucified. How comes you muslims attack your own book now days just to be anti christ. 🤣😂 Its islam wrong and allah wrong when he made it appeared to be crucified?
But why do you think the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a "man made fabrication"? I also respect Paul of Blogging Theology but I'm not going to base my understanding and faith on the research of one man ! I won't base my understanding and faith regarding Christianity on one man either! And I won't base my faith regarding the Quran on one man ! So I prefer to listen and learn from various scholars, including Christian and Muslim. And although I find it difficult to understand and learn the historical facts regarding Christianity and Islam, I want to better understand the holy books such as the New Testament Gospels and the Quran. Regarding the crucifixion, I don't find it unreasonable that some early Christians ( and Jews and others ) regarded the crucifixion of Jesus as false. Especially considering that the crucifixion happened 2,000 years ago. So people could have spread rumors by word of mouth that Jesus was not crucified. But the Jewish leaders wanted Jesus to remain buried and dead. So obviously if Jesus was dead, He must have been crucified. And the Roman soldiers were commanded by Pontius Pilate to make sure Jesus was dead on the cross ! And many people witnessed Jesus' crucifixion, including his own mother ! And also John the apostle, the Roman soldiers, and probably some of the women followers of Jesus including Mary Magdalena. So to negate the crucifixion of Jesus, we have to negate almost the entire history as written in the Gospels. If we negate the historical facts of Jesus' crucifixion, I should then become a Muslim ! I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful to you. I try to respect Muslims because I don't know it all. I don't know all the Truth. Peace of God to you and your family..
@@johnbrzykcy3076 Jesus cruficixion is the most known fact in history even outside bible. If you deny that, that means you deny all history all together because if you go by the historians they see it as a fact now. Im sure muslims do not care any of it anyways they go by what quran say anyways who have no witness nor anything to that event.
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
@@Polyglotfootballer thats so out of context my friend. Dying and coming back to life isnt something exclusive to jesus pbuh. İts a requirement of the muslim faith to believe in resurrection for everybody on the day of judgement
SALaM, SHLAMa, SHLOMo, SHALoM, NAMASTe, PEACe. 1. Both Mother Teresa & Gandhi, Had Their Dark Sides, They Most Probably Dark Empaths. 2. The Dark Empath personality has high levels of Narcissism, Psychopathy, Machiavellianism, Dark Triad, and Cognitive Empathy, With superficial Attractive Charm. 3. The Gospel Verses State One God, Thus All The Paul Verses, Added The Trinity In 325AD. 4. The Vedas Are Monotheistic, But The Guru Books Are Polytheistic, Which Were Added Later Too. 5. Original Christianity And Hinduism Were Both Purely Monotheistic, But Later Both Added The Trinity, Into Their Scriptures, Along With Zoroastrianism And Buddhists.
Look at the life of Mohammed: warlord, commanded massacre, had slaves even for sex, married a child, had many wives for his pleasure, etc. How dark was he? And all Muslims need is the word of this man, who said an Angel told him this. Come on,... Mohammed did not like the idea, that a "prophet" can be killed. That's it.
That specific verse is the anonymous author of Mark saying something. The author is not quoting Jesus (AS). He is putting words into the mouth of Jesus (AS) without providing evidence.
Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart (Deuteronomy 6:4,5). And the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus 19:18).
I always wondered this and asked many Christians (who would not respond): If Jesus came to uphold The Law (of Judaism), as written in the NT, and if that Law states not to consume the swine, then are Christians upholding or abolishing The Law when they've made consumption of the swine permissible?
No in christianity it is anderstood as the law is accomplished. Meaning there is no more need to the law. All the laws were there to get the jews together until a messiah to save the world. So the law is considered fulffilled. Meaning it has ended and not being abolished.
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
What're you trying to bring out,hw isn't dead now, he'll come to earth to complete his mission and then he'll die also,and be resurrected to talk about how the ruled his people and make account of what God has sent him for....😂😂😂 Just keep crying @@Polyglotfootballer
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
His point at 8:49 about Ignatius supposedly abandoning the old covenant law, again is an aspect of verbal sleight of hand. Ignatius was criticising Jewish custom, not the law. Jesus also highlighted the hypocrisy of some Jewish customs. Ignatius fought heretics of the time including Judaizers, who did not accept the authority of the New Testament and clung to such Jewish practices as observing the Sabbath, and (2) docetists who held that Christ had suffered and died only in appearance. Which one is Paul Williams do you think? Ignatius untiringly affirmed that the New Testament was the fulfillment of the Old Testament and insisted upon the reality of Christ’s human nature. For him, Christ’s Passion, death, and Resurrection were a vital guarantee of “life everlasting” in the risen Christ. Had Christ died only in appearance, Ignatius believed that his own suffering and his readiness to sacrifice his life for Christ would have no meaning. Nothing much Islamic in all of that. Don’t forget to close the gate.
They were called Docetists. I attended a lecture on St. Ignatius in my church not that long ago, its viewed as an early heresy. I just looked up another excerpt from Ignatius Epistles " He truly assumed a body; for the word was made flesh" (may be alluding to John 1). "He really, and not merely in appearance, was crucified, and died, in the sight of beings in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth."
You are committing the unforgivable sin. Speaking against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. I pray, before you agree with this blasphemy, that you will reject the teaching of a false religion.
He misquotes the text. The text never says believers deny the death of Jesus. The next sentence of the texts debunks what this guy tries to promote and he goes on to confuse the ten commandments with the mosaic law.
My brother got into an accident a few years ago.. nearly lost his life... he had to go six hours of surgery. Keep in mind that my brother was an Atheist at that time. He did not believe in Jesus or in anything... a few days after his surgery, when he was in a clear state of mind, he started telling us what he witnessed when he was nearly dead... he wasn't a religious person what so ever, and he knew nothing about christ. so he started telling us he saw when he was getting surgery. He was standing by the door watching all the doctors working on him, but can nobody see him nor hear him... he said he didn't feel pain or nothing, but he did feel a relaxing peace that he couldn't explain ... it just felt so good... but in the blink of an eye, he was in a different place. All he saw was a very bright light, so bright that the human eyes can't see because it will blind them, but he could see it, and out of nowhere, a voice spoke to him, it was the most beautiful voice he has ever heard.. he couldn't tell if the voice was a man or a woman. It was that enticing. But somehow, he knew exactly who the light was. He had all this knowledge that he never had b4. He knew it was Jesus christ talking to him and right in front of him... he said, he couldn't see his face because the light was too bright, but the only thing he saw was his two beautiful hands, and the one thing he noticed about his hands was he had a hole in the middle of his two hands, telling him is not your time. As soon as he said that to him, he woke up in the hospital recovering bed in so much pain... but all he can think of is what he just experienced ... my brother became a follower of christ, and he spreads his testimony whenever he can, so be careful from people like this man deceiving deceiving on believing that Jesus Christ wasn't crucified or ross from the dead... he saw the proof with his own eyes.... not a single person can tell him otherwise... We are all going to find out the truth one day, the only question is if you are going to be on the right side or not... are you going to spend eternal life with or without christ.. that choice is up to you
Cornelius Tacitus who live at same time of jesus also Record about it 115 AD . he not even christian. the truth is hard to swallow mate. Crucifixion what symbolise as reborn of the dead and union with God and symbol of the dead save by grace of God in order to be born again . muhammad missunderstood it as the crucifixion was fake.
@@kiroro961 if Jesus died on the cross, he is definitely not a God. God don't die. If u're saying He's both Human and God, why did he pray to Father to save him? Why don't he ask permission to turn into his Godhood and flee? If he agreed to be sacrificed, why did he accuse the Father forsaking him on the cross?
Lev. 19:2 ‘You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.' Rom. 3:23-26 'for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified [g]freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set forth as a [h]propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. Jesus came to the law of God. He is the only one capable of that. Some early 'christians' may started to doubt (and wrote about it?), that does not make the crucifixion a myth.
A. Jesus showed he did not die on the cross. Three days after the crucifixion Jesus said in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning Jesus has not yet died because Jesus has not yet ascended to God meaning God saved the life of Jesus.
B. Jesus showed he was not resurrected from the dead. Paul said Jesus gave him the following revelation. 1 Corinthians 15:35 “How are the dead raised (resurrected) in what kind of body will they (the resurrected dead) come? . 1 Corinthians 15:44 It is raised (resurrected) a spiritual body (however 3 days after the crucifixion Jesus showed that his body was a physical body which Mary could touch and by eating food and showing nail marks on his hand and a wound on his side to his disciples meaning Jesus showed he was not a resurrected spiritual body but was saved from death on the cross by falling into sleep on the cross and waking up after 3 days in his physical body in the same way as other people who appeared to be dead were only sleeping in their physical body in Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..." and the Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping". ” … and Gospel of Luke 8:54 - 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned). . Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:35 and 1 Corinthians 15:44 said that the resurrected come in a spiritual not a physical body meaning the physical body of Jesus 3 days after the crucifixion shows Jesus was not resurrected from death but woke up from sleep in his physical body as foreshadowed before the crucifixion in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52 where sleep looked like death to everyone.
C. How did God save Jesus from death when everyone saw Jesus die on the cross? Mary in Gospel of John 20:15 asks a man if he has seen the body of Jesus and she does not recognise that she is talking to Jesus which shows how God can make people see and believe whatever God wants people to see and believe and explains how God saved the life of Jesus by making everyone believe Jesus was dead on the cross To make Jesus fall asleep on the cross so that everyone believes Jesus was dead is the same thing that happened to Jonah when everyone believed Jonah was dead but Jonah was also saved by God. God saved Jesus from death like God saved Isaac from death and like God saved Jonah from death.
D. What is the message Jesus delivered after God saved Jesus from death on the cross? Jesus was saved on the cross with sleep and woke up in his physical body after 3 days to tell everyone that he has not yet ascended to God meaning he has not yet died meaning he was not sacrificed for anyone’s sins and Jesus in this same verse continues explaining that he is not God in Gospel of John 20:17 when Jesus says he will go to "my Father (The creator) and your Father (The creator); to my God (my Lord) and your God (your Lord)," meaning Jesus is teaching that he is human like every human and he is not God like every human is not God.
E. Why did God make Jesus, Jonah and Isaac believe they would die and then save them? Every human is tested by God. In the Gospel of Mark 15:34 and Gospel of Matthew 27:46 Jesus showed that he did not lose his trust in God when Jesus on the cross said “My God my God why have you forsaken me?’ and this is when God saved Jesus with sleep and woke up Jesus 3 days later to show that God does not forsake people who put their trust in God in the same way as Jonah was saved because he did not lose his trust in God and in the same way as Isaac was saved because he did not lose his trust in God.
@@thedemocraticrepublicofbot3941 What’s Christs real name? Because it isn’t Jesus. Or Yeshua. You don’t know it because the version you were told is altered and fake. It’s a fairy tale. Also Christ didn’t write a single world of the Bible.
He misquotes the text. The text never says believers deny the death of Jesus. The next sentence of the texts debunks what this guy tries to promote and he goes on to confuse the ten commandments with the mosaic law.
Do not be fooled BRETHREN in Christ Jesus!... Nobody in the 1st Cent. A.D. were called CHRISTIANS if they had not believed that Christ Jesus died on the Cross, Resurrected, and Ascended back to Heaven to redeem Mankind from their SINS against Father God (YHWH), that whoever believes in HIM (Christ Jesus) will not perish but have eternal life... (ref. John 3:16)... If some people did not believe that Christ Jesus died on the cross, they are not Christians, logically speaking... They were either Pagans, Agnostics, Heretics, and Atheists of the 1st Cent. A.D.... St. Ignatius of Antioch said, some PEOPLE (not Christians) in the 1st cent. A.D. did not believe that Christ Jesus was crucified and died on the cross... Take Note: DEATH on the Cross, RESURRECTION from the tomb, and ASCENSION to Heaven are the Basic FOUNDATION of Christianity... Amen.
The first Christian’s (unitarians) were the true Christians, gospel of John was written by UNKNOWN author. Jesus while he was alive, NEVER said he was God. NEVER said anything about the trinity. These concepts were added post 33 AD, by UNKNOWN authors of the New Testament. You follow Paul and Terretius, not Jesus.
@@presmokan Those who claimed in the 1st Cent. A.D. that Christ Jesus was NOT Crucified, Died, and Resurrected... they were HERETICAL AGNOSTIC (Skeptic) People pretending to be Christians... the great DECEIVER of CHRISTIANITY in the 1st Cent. A.D.... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
Thank you for your relentless effort to bring twisted fact about Jesus!!! Because of some people, called themselves followers of Jesus, hasmd started to follow their whimes and demagogues !!! It is wake up call before the Judgement day comes !!! No joke with the sentence of God !!!
@@mbahpayaman7672Virtually all of the bible was written over hundreds of years later. All the "eyewitnesses" and the original Christians were monotheistic, they were persecuted and most were killed. We, the Muslims follow the prophet they called the messiah pbuh more than than any Christian, whereas they follow Paul not the man they worship.
@@aribrahim1898 which explains why nothing in the NT mentions the deaths of Petere or Paul and nothing records 70 AD as a done deed .....very puzzling ???
@@aribrahim1898 the New Testament was written from 20 to 80 years after Jesus’ death. It was written by predominantly by Greeks. But, there is no doubt he was crucified
Ayam Maryam 19:33 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” Isa said this in your Quran. Keep following demons
@@Polyglotfootballer and this proves your point... How exactly? He said peace be upon him the day he was born, the day he dies (after his second coming), and the day he gets raised back to life (i.e. the day of judgement where all humanity will be raised back to life). You've only proved his humanity with this verse you bsolute buffoon
omg, you are the random person who found out the one text in the Qur'an that no other scholar found since 14 centuries, are you joking your self???? muslims have read and memorized the quran, torah and bible over and over more than any of your false priests, of course we know what Isa said!! every human being will die and will be raised back to life on judgment day so what's your point?? @@Polyglotfootballer
Hardly an explosive quote (Ignatius). I think Paul was saying that the penalty of the law was abolished. Furthermore, the vision showe to Paul with kosher and unkosher food was to illustrate that he wasn't to consider gentiles unclean. There's also a distinction to be made between ceremonial law and the commandments. The ceremonial law with its sacrifices, etc., was no longer necessary with the sacrifice of the Lamb of God.
@@ruudboy7800 If he was fighting some deniers, there must be some christians lie James the just, who thought otherwise. You don't make any sense at all.
Historical fact does show that crucifiction was common. But is the Bible a book of faith or a history book? It's absolutely one. And its barely the other.
The cross was a holy symbol even at that time. Nobody in their right mind would defile it by nailing a perceived criminal to it. People were nailed to poles, trees whatever. Only at the time of constantine two distinct punishments were combined: 'walking the yoke' + nailing to a pole = crucifixion as we perceive it. Yeah, that constantine.
I just watched the first minutes of your video, and from what I was able to hear from your reading of the book you had in your hand, I came to the conclusion that the title you gave your video is incorrect, and therefore unfortunately misleading. Instead of saying: 'Jesus was not crucified according to 1st Century Christians', you should say: 'Jesus was not crucified according to SOME 1st Century Christians' Or am I wrong? I hope you correct it. Greetings (Google translated from Spanish)
19. Maryam Mary 98 Verses With the name of Allâh, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful, 1Kâf Hâ Yâ `Ain Sâd - Allâh is sufficient for all, and He is the True Guide, Bestower of mercy and security and blessings, the All-Knowing, the Supermost, Truthful. 2(This is) an account of the mercy of your Lord (shown) to His servant Zachariah, 3When he called upon his God, crying aloud (in humble supplication). 4He said (praying), `My Lord! now the very bones within me have waxed feeble and the hair of (my) head are all gray and hoary, my Lord! never have I been (hitherto) deprived of a favourable response to my prayer to You. 5`I fear (for the unrighteousness of) my kinsfolk after me, and my wife is barren. Grant me by Your (special) grace a (pious and righteous) successor, 6`Who may be an heir to me and inherit (the divine blessings promised to) the House of Jacob and make him, my Lord! well-pleasing (to You).´ 7(God accepted his prayer and said,) `Zachariah! We give you the glad tidings of (the birth of) a son, named Yahyâ (- John, - who will live long). We have made none like him (in your house) before this.´ 8He (- Zachariah) said, `My Lord! how shall I beget a son when my wife is barren and I have (already) reached the extreme (limit of) old age?´ 9(The Lord) said, `So shall it be,´ and (the angel bearing the revelation) said, `Your Lord says, "It is easy for Me, and behold, I have created you before this whereas you (too) were nothing".´ 10He (- Zachariah) said, `My Lord! appoint for me a commandment.´ (The Lord) said, `The commandment for you is that you shall not speak to people for three successive (days and) nights, being in sound health. 11Then he (- Zachariah) went forth to his people from the Sanctuary and told them in a low voice and by signs, to glorify (their Lord) morning and evening. 12(We said to John,) `Yahyâ! hold fast the (divine) Book.´ And while he was yet a child We gave him wisdom, 13And tenderheartedness and purity by Our (special) grace. He was one who carefully guarded against evil. 14And (he was) dutiful towards his parents and he was neither arrogant nor rebellious. 15Blessed was he the day he was born and the day he died and (peace will be upon him) the day he will be raised to life (again). 16And give an account of Mary in this Book when she withdrew from her people to an eastern spacious place (of the temple). 17Then she screened herself off from them. Then We sent to her Our (angel of) revelation and he presented himself to her in the form of a perfect and well-proportioned man. 18Mary said, `I invoke the Most Gracious (God) to defend me from you. If you guard the least against evil (leave me alone).´ 19He said, `I am but a messenger of your Lord. I give you (glad tidings of) a most pure son.´ 20She said, `How can I bear a son while no man (has married me and) has yet touched me, nor have I been unchaste.´ 21(The angel) said, `So the fact is (just as you describe). Your Lord has said, "It is easy for Me. (We shall do it) so that We make him a sign and a (source of) blessing from Us for the people. It is a matter ordained".´ 22She (- Mary) conceived him (- the child) and withdrew with him to a remote place. 23(At the time of the delivery of the child) the throes of child birth drove her to the trunk of the palm-tree. She said, `Oh! would that I had become unconscious before this and had become a thing gone and forgotten.´ 24Then a voice called her from the side of the slope by her (saying), `Do not grieve, your Lord has placed a rivulet on the side of the slope by you (and a chief of the nation has born to you).
The last chapters of the lost "Book Of Barnabas" ( Apostle Paul's offsider ) also says "Jesus did not die on the cross but Judas Iscariot did." Too many sources claim this to be a fact.
John 15:13 - "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends" - Jesus John 7:38 - "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” - Jesus Matthew 7:15 - "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." - Jesus John 7:37 - "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." - Jesus
Hope you Christians are gonna be ok with wearing a white robe like mentioned in the Bible verse below that Jesus is gonna give them, looking like a Jew or Muslim wearing a white body covering like that of a Burkqa 👇 Revelation 7:9-11 After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Jesus. They were wearing WHITE ROBES and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Jesus (whom is sitting at God's right hand as mentioned in Hebrews 1:3... Hebrews 1:3 Jesus Who being the brightness of his (God's) glory, and the express image of his (God's) person, and upholding all things by the word of his (God's) power, when he (God) had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. )” Issa means Christ. It comes from Greek word Iesus which means Christ. Even the name Jesus was written as Iesus before the letter J was introduced to the English alphabet. Iesus means Christ. Therefore Jesus means Christ. Jesus' real name is Yahusha Also "Allah" is from Genesis 35:7 Jacob calls the place Beth-El, El is short for Elaha in Aramaic language. Elaha is Alaha ( Allah) in Abraic. Paul said opposite of what Jesus said. Therefore all 13 books of Paul should not have been added to the Bible, and therefore should be removed! Please Google what Paul said if you don't believe me. Bible has been edited many times over many decades by Bible publishers in Western countries. The modern Bibles don't have the 16 verses that are in the King James version. They are missing. Here's the list if the verses that were obmitted 👇 en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_New_Testament_verses_not_included_in_modern_English_translations About the Bible, on "The Father and I are one". If i said my mother and I are one, does that mean I am my mother? No! It means I'm like my mother. Jesus is like his Father, same image. If Jesus is the Father, why does Bible say Jesus sat at the right side of God? Why didn't Jesus sit on God's throne if he is God? Hebrews 1:3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty Is Jesus under God's curse? Because Deuteronomy 21:3 says the body shall not remain all night on the tree (cross) , but you shall bury him the same day, for a hanged man is cursed by God. Is Jesus Christ really the Son of God? Because in Luke 3:38 it says Adam is son of God. "Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God." In Exodus 4:22 Israel is God's firstborn son. " Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord, Israel is my firstborn son "
Too many unsubstantiated claims to address here. When this guy emphatically states " Jesus came to teach Torah" he leaves out how Jesus quotes Torah as some obscure oral tradition he disagrees with when saying " you have heard an eye for an eye...... But I tell you....". In John Jesus says Moses wasn't given true bread from heaven but" to distinguish his father from the Hebrew God, says " rather my father (Grk patermoo) gives true bread"
@user-lm7bg6ws4z - Proof is the scientific realm while faith is the religious realm. Unfortunately, many of those faith-based sects think we should ALL think the way they do and are willing to legislate or even kill to force us to. Not all, but some very vocal sects will never accept a reality that differs from their world view.
There is proof ! The damnded Catholics (romans) , kept records of the meetings and edicts where they intentionally changed the bible ! It's all an open secret. It's always been known. It's not a conspiracy theory ! The burned the old copies , and killed anyone who kept the originals ! It's all recorded . They took out 2 gospels that they did not like (Mary and Thomas). They took out the books they did not like and made them "apocryphal " . None of this is disputed or secret ! But, you can't fathom the power of willingly ignorant people and their faith ! Also , it was really, really, easy to LIE to people 100 years ago ! None of this info was available unless you studied history and theology or READ extensively around those topics. But thanks to the INTERNET , it's ALL available NOW. They question is : " what are you going to do, now that you know ? " . (Knowing fully well that your parents could not have known).
@jessicaras4540 The gospels were not written thousands of years before Jesus. Perhaps a few decades before, but nobody knows for sure.There are no writings that go back so far.
So when St Paul wrote to the Philippians (chapter 2, verse 8) "And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death- even death on a cross! " he was lying?
Sir, Salamunalaikum. Kudos to you for all your commendable efforts.. Alhamdulillah indeed. However is not the Law of Usury/RIBA were consistent in all the scriptures prior Quran. Yet we seldom discuss it. When all of mankind today had upheld RIBA and worshipped Usury/ RIBA when we accepted it as our way of live.
If the burden of historical evidence that we have to prove the the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is not sufficient, then no other event from antiquity can be proven. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is by far the best documented event of ANY figure in antiquity, from kings, queens, war lords, etc…
Mention such documentation if you are truthful. Even the disciples of Jesus were not eyes witness to the so called crucifixion. The Bible at the hour of need ALL THE DISCIPLES fled.
The earliest historian saying He was crucifed was Josephus in like 95 AD, and the first Religious Motivated Texts about Him crucified are by paul in 50 AD, A NON eye witness
That doesn’t go against the Quran, it rather approves it because the Quran tells us that it was made to appear as if he was crucified, if nobody recorded that he was crucified this verse would essentially be wrong
The group mentioned in passing by St. Ignatius, brought forward here, could be the early seed of gnosticism, which itself denied the crucufixion of Jesus.
Christ is the Logos, the Alpha and Omega, He is the only way to eternal life. (John 14:6 KJV) If you are not saved by the blood of the lamb, please remember that He waits at your door until the very end. (Revelation 3:20 KJV) God bless!
@@davidbradberry7637 Matthew 26:28 "For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." Romans 3:25 "Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;" Ephesians 1:7 "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;" Hebrews 10:10 “By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.”
Thank you Jesus! Jesus please save us come soon I’m holding on and keeping faith. Waiting for the rapture. I keep faith even as I constantly struggle to provide for my kids and I constantly struggle to buy groceries. My husband is with you God. At times I feel so alone especially as a single mom. Since suffering a heart attack two years ago and my on going battle with lupus I’m overwhelmed. Both of my sons are autistic but because of you Lord they are thriving. I’m now homeschooling them so my hours to work are limited. Thankfully I have you Lord!The love of others have grown so cold. I know you will continue to provide you have this far. Faith over fear! Praise God and his son Yeshua! Hear my prayers.
@TiffMiller1234 🤔 You’re “praying to God” through the UA-cam comment section?… Surely this isn’t orthodox? Best to make your prayers directly to your Maker and not give scammers ideas for how to swindle others. 🙏 Best wishes
@@apostlelem It doesn't matter, whether you admit it or not, there will be no influence, God will not feel any loss, still God is God and only one God from beginning to end..We call our God Allah...If you think there are other Gods besides Him that's your problem...
@@endunsudan1437 You call your god Allah. Christians and Jews serve one God but not Allah. You think Christians worship 3 Gods which is the problem with you. The concept of Trinity in Christianity is Father, His word and His Spirit, but Quran says Trinity is Father, Mary, and son. Right there the Quran is lying. If man was created in the Image of God, and Man has a body, soul(mind) and Spirit, why can't you grasp if God refers to His physical existence as His Son, and refers to His soul(mind) as my Holy Spirit, and Refers to His Spirit as God the Father. Since God is complex, these Nature of God appears to be 3 distinct entities but in reality they are but one God. As a man, you are one man, yet have soul , spirit and body. The Godhead is Father ( Spirit of the Godhead) , the Son( his word and body of the Godhead) and the Holy Spirit ( the soul and mind of the Godhead) You were created in the image of God. If Allah doesn't have a soul, it means you are worshipping a wrong god. That is an idol.
Problem here is that we don't know when Ignatius of Antioch died. Eusebius says c. 108 but he's generally not very reliable. Later authors have proposed a date around 135-140. And thus we don't know whether Ignatius refers to 1th or 2th century Christians.
Doctor Bart Ehrman states, “One of the most certain facts of history is that Jesus was crucified by Pontius Pilate. First century Jewish historian Josephus and Roman historian Tacitus RECORDED THE CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS...
I do have bible printed in 1976 in papyrus paper in original copy from Hebrew, translated in my language in deep language. Like 47 years now. Maybe probably of u guys are early teens by that time. He is another false follower of Islam, he do it for the views from arab world. He should live in one of arab countries if he really a believer of Islam.
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
00:15 📜 Early Christian Bishop Ignatius of Antioch wrote about some first-century Christians who believed Jesus was not crucified, which aligns with a belief in Islam.
03:03 🕊️ Ignatius' writings provide evidence that some first-century Christians disagreed about whether Jesus was crucified, even though Ignatius condemned these beliefs.
05:29 🤯 There's an irony in early Christianity where some leaders, like Ignatius, rejected Jewish practices and beliefs, despite Jesus himself upholding Jewish laws.
09:48 🏛️ The head of the early Church in Jerusalem, James (Jesus' brother), and the believers there were zealous for the Jewish Torah, emphasizing a connection between early Christianity and Judaism.
17:45 📖 The Quran's belief in the non-crucifixion of Jesus aligns with the views of some early Christians, as testified by Ignatius, providing an early Christian perspective on the matter.
18:13 🌐 Early Christianity discusses the belief in Jesus' non-crucifixion, which is also found in the Quran.
Many thanks!
What's you didnt cover @TheMuslimApologist is that the people Ignatius of Antioch was responding were Docetists, they didn't believe jesus has a physical body and was only a Spirit. Since you can't crucify a Spirit they denied Jesus was crucified. They also denied Mary gave birth to Jesus for the same reason. Stop practicing Taqiyya🙄
I'm not Muslim but appreciate your key points.
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 Allah didn't say Jesus died Allah said that it was made to appear so
@@BloggingTheology We all need to learn about imam hossain and lady zainab and the events of karbala and the aftermath. Prophet Muhammad PBUH predicted this. Prior to his death prophet Muhammad PBUH told us to follow 2 things. The holy quran and hos ahlul bayt. His family. His progeny.
So... basically... if Jesus wasn't crucified, and 'didn't die for our sins'... Christianity fundamentally falls right apart...
Absolutely the more info I come across the more lies are revealed
Oh, folks, come on … . Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water! The important aspects of Jesus’ life are his teachings re: love, caring, peace and humanity. When he said “through me” one will come to recognize eternal life, many interpretations based on the more original languages (not the English transcripts) explain that it means “by me,” as in ‘by the behaviors I am demonstrating.’
All stories are humans’ interpretations of their understandings of their experiences.
IGNORE this lost clown.
@@maxotat yeah, good messages. We should definately retain the more positive aspects of religion... and just do away with the negative stuff that divides us all.
Ignatius of Antioch, an early Christian writer and bishop, wrote seven letters (also known as the Ignatian Epistles) that are considered some of the earliest Christian writings outside the New Testament. In his letters, Ignatius refers to Jesus and various aspects of Christian theology.
Regarding the crucifixion of Jesus, Ignatius alludes to it in his letter to the Trallians. In his Letter to the Trallians, Ignatius writes in Chapter 9:
"I give glory to Jesus Christ the God who bestowed such wisdom upon you; for I have perceived that ye are established in faith immovable, being as it were nailed to the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, in flesh and in spirit, and firmly grounded in love in the blood of Christ..."
Jesus was nailed but NOT CRUCIFIED
@@abdar-rahman6965 How do you know that??
@@abdar-rahman6965 Nailed to what? does the koran provide any information about Jesus nailing?
@@y.cschmidlin8172its more logiclly then the god came earth and killed by his creations i guess.
@@rajew5356 It is because you do not understand the concept of hypostatic union
I had so many questions growing up as a christian. Many of them you are covering and Im glad. It makes me feel my questions were legitimate. I’m was at times ostracized because I had questions. The biggest one was regarding the question of why Christians split from Judaism when Jesus himself said that he upheld the law and we should not forsake it. I couldn’t get past that dichotomy. Eventually - 69 years later I walked away from Christianity because the questions kept coming with no real answers. Thank you for your voice of reason.
"I walked away from Christianity" - Please where did you walk +into+ ?
@@jige1225 - I have been studying the ‘old’ religions. Specifically Animism which is not a religion but a way of living spiritually as the Creator created us to be. But that is for me. Each must find their own oath. I don’t know where I will end up.
@@catherineprater1485🙏I wish you a nice journey on that path.
It was Judaism that split from Christianity because the did not accept Jesus as their Messiah.
Be careful following his channel. I realize he only quote things that support his new faith in Islam and would ignore the same sources that contradict his arguments. You should get this books and read yourself and do extensive research.
Brilliant work ! Wow thank you I've been waiting for the 3rd confirmation fom a 3rd source to confirm it all about Paul bless !
In that case, let this be your first refutation today:
It is not about St. Paul, because he didn’t die for you, and he did not carry your sins to the cross. You will not be baptized in the name of St. Paul either. It’s all about Christ-He’s the one who bled and died for us, even for you who doubt Him. Everything St. Paul said and did points to Him.
We’ve seen His power, we’ve heard His voice, and we know He lives. That’s why we’re willing to face anything, even death, for His sake.
But you? You think you make an original point? You just join a group that has been around since the early church. Your pride leads to darkness, I know it well. I was once in darkness too.
If you continue in this unbelief, you’ll stay in that darkness, never knowing the light of Christ. And if you deny Him now, He will deny you before the Father when it matters most. But even now, He’s calling you with this message-turn to Him, believe, and find the life He offers before it’s too late.
Remember these, His words when darkness and unclean spirits come for you. They may save you.
Uncle Paul, Alhamdulillah! You have reached 300k subs! Subhaan Allah I've been following your work for nearly three years and have seen this channel grow. Congratulations!
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
@@BloggingTheology You will regret for saying falsehood !
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
I agree with a lot of the things this man said however he takes Augustine out of context:
When he said “though some deny it” there is no reference that those who deny it were Christian’s notice how this man adds that part in.
He also talks about Judaism following Christianity is Contradicting Jesus. This is not true Augustine is talking about where your priority im should be he’s not saying that the law doesn’t matter in fact the law is better followed when Christian’s follow Jesus.
great work, Paul. From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
What is the meaning of SOME?
When he reads it from the book, there was clearly mentioned that only some denie that Jesus died on the cross.
Of course it is not easy to believe, that somebody died, and was risen from the death. So it might have been very well that some people did not believe this. Some means, that the others believed, that Jesus died on the cross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So what? So there is the proof that Jesus returned from death!
Question: When 10 people say, that they doubt that Jesus died. And 10 other people tell Jesus died. Whom to believe? Are the 10 people who state: I see him dieing to be ignored, to be called liars, or may we believe them?
Whom will you believe: When 10 people say, we did not see him dieing, or the other 10 people who say, I SAW HIM DEATH?
But when we consider that there is God involved into this. It was for sure easily possible, that Jesus died on the cross and was brought back from the death - by God (Will someone doubt here that God can do this?).
Something is for sure: God protected Jesus. For sure Jesus was no sinner. For sure Jesus knew long time before, that he will die on the cross, you can find it in the New Testament, which was approved by Allah!
Contrary Mohammed, Where we have to doubt that Mohammed was protected by God (God did not warm him for not eating the poisoned lamb), we even have to assume that Mohammed punished for his sins, by eating the poison and giving him big pain during his last years!.
But when we consider that there is God involved into this. It was for sure easily possible, that Jesus died on the cross and was brought back from the death - by God (Will someone doubt here that God can do this?).
Subhan Allah. An excellent documentary evidence, a letter by St Ignatius and matching references from the Bible of new religion. This phenomenon of new faiths / innovations / بدعت being made by people repeatedly is highlighted in Quran Sura 45, especially 45:28.
Paul, your ‘Metacognition’ is a blessing for us. You have repeatedly brought evidence from Bible n historical documents in support of Quran’s self-referentiality! Jazak Allah.
This guy is unimpressive, and the book shelf doesn't make him look smarter. He took one simple line from Ignatius to say that early Christians didn't believe that Jesus died. Ignatius writing in the late first century/ early second century was writing during a time of Docetism and early stages or Gnosticism. In fact, the reason why John's writings are unique to the synoptics is because John was specifically battling later developing heresies such as Docetism and Gnosticism, which did not exist in the earliest days of Christianity. We know that Muhammad and the Quran was influenced by these views because exact stories are copied and brought into the Quranic material....Gnosticm was a heretical quasi-Christian movement during the late first and into the second century. The infancy gospel of Thomas was written in the mid 2nd century and someone slapped Thomas's name on it, but it's a forgery. That is where you get the clay bird story of Isa in Surah 5:110 of the Quran- and in chapter 1 of the Arabic Infancy Gospel of Thomas, we find this account: “When Jesus was five, he went out one Saturday to play with other boys. Jesus took some clay and made twelve birds out of it." This story is only found in the Gnostic gospels.
The denial of the crucifixion of Isa on the cross found in Surah 4:157-158, is based off the Gnostic leader named Basilides. The late 2nd-century Christian writer Irenaeus wrote about the teachings of Basilides, who claimed: “He did not himself suffer death, but Simon, a certain man of Cyrene, being compelled, bore the cross in his stead; so that this latter being transfigured by him, that he might be thought to be Jesus..."
The Nag Hammadi library is a collection of Gnostic documents that were preserved in a jar in Egypt from the 4th century AD, and Jesus's denial by death on the cross can be linked back to these. One example found has Jesus saying: “I was not afflicted at all, yet I did not die in solid reality but in what appears, in order that I not be put to shame by them,” (The Second Treatise of Great Seth). There are other examples of Jesus not dying in these late Gnostic sources as well.
The Qur'an has a story about Abraham which is not found in the Bible, in Surah 37:91-98, when Abraham breaks all the idols. This is an obvious reproduction of a story found in the Midrash Rabbah, an old Jewish book containing much folklore embellishing Biblical material. There's another story about Cain and Abel in the Quran that isn't found in the Bible but in the Midrash, about how God sent a raven to help hide the body. It's obvious that Muhammad through together a bunch of stories that he had heard.
One last point. Matthew 5 doesn't mean what this dude implied. In that verse, Jesus said that He came to "FULFILL" the law, not that He came to deliver or declare the law.....How does one individual FULFILL the entire requirements of the law? Early Islam acknowledged Paul as a true disciple also. Paul taught nothing different than James, and in Acts, James is pleased with Paul.
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
@rudycataldo3653 "We know that Muhammad and the Quran was influenced by these views because exact stories are copied and brought into the Quranic material."
> That is mere presumption on your part #without_evidence 🔬, because #correlation_does_NOT_imply_causation
Hi, if you are not saved, and would like to be included in the rapture of the church. Believe that Jesus's death on the cross, was enough to pay for ALL your sins , yes ALL ,(past, present and future) That is what the Gospel is about. We are saved by GOD'S amazing grace, through our faith in Jesus's sinless life, death on the cross and resurrection 3 days later . No additional works needed. It is literally that simple. Ephesians 2:8-9 Romans 10:9-10 Romans 4:5
New to your channel, found it very enrapting and educational, without the monotony that has infiltrated the clergy these days, basically what I believe a proper sermon should be. Keep it up and I'll continue to follow.
So UR are a god?
In 1870, an Aramaic manuscript entitled "The Gospel of the Nazirenes" was discovered, translated and published. This ancient scripture, hidden away for centuries in a Tibetan monastery, was known as the Gospel of the Nazirenes, later to be known as "The Gospel of the Holy Twelve,"
The Gospel of the Holy Twelve declares that in order to achieve eternal life, "The Law" must be fully obeyed, meaning that Jesus indeed, had shown his unequivocal focus on Torah that must be obeyed. Torah of the Jews is not the Old Testament but it refers to Tanakh which is the canonical collection of Hebrew scriptures.
It's interesting to note that Quran speaks about the Injeel and Torah as follows:
And in their footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law that had come before him: We sent him the Gospel: therein was guidance and light, and confirmation of the Law that had come before him: a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah. (Chapter 5:Verse 46)
TIbet? What's that doing in Tibet?
@XanderMarshall good question.
This Gospel record is the recovered document from which the Four Gospels as we have them today were built upon. It was the first formulated life of the Christ and was written by St. John about the year 70 AD., when he was imprisoned in Rome and given page by page to one whom he could trust.
When the scroll was completed and after its contents had been made known to the Apostles, it was taken to Tibet by the same disciple, who left it in the care of a unnamed lama. Here, it remained until a friar, named Placidus, visited the monastery in the eighteen seventies and asked if he might show it to the Church Authorities in Rome.
So you accept a document discovered in 1870 in Tibet as accurate but reject the New Testament documents which were written within decades of Jesus' death and resurrection which contain the testimony of persons who met Jesus, witnessed his death and resurrection?
@kwamegordon1448 You have a reasonable doubt that requires detailed answer.
Gospel of the Holy Twelve was written before 70AD in Aramaic, the spoken language of Jesus and his Apostles. Bible scholars believe that this is the Q-source for the Greek Gospels Mathew, Mark and Luke.
In the second century AD different churches were using various Gospels including the Gospel of the Holy Twelve.
Emperor Constantine created the Nicene Creed, also called Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, in 325AD. a Christian statement of faith that defined the status of Jesus as the only begotten son and equal to the Father.
Even though the 27-book New Testament were first formally canonized during the councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397) in North Africa, the council of Nicaea removed five principal "fringe" books later omitted from the canon proper. They are: the Didache (or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles), the Shepherd of Hermas, the Apocalypse of Peter, the Epistle of Barnabas and the Epistle of Clement. In the above Didache was a Greek manuscript of early Jewish Christianity somewhat closer to the Aramaic Gospel of the Holy Twelve.
The major reason for the removal of above books is that they didn't conform to the Constantinopolitan Creed of Christian faith. Not only they were removed but ordered to be destroyed. It was at this time someone had taken it to Tibet for a safe custody of the manuscripts. Until it was discovered in 1870, Gospel of the Holy Twelve was known as 'Lost Gospel' by the Catholic Church.
The scroll from the Tibetan monastery was translated in Latin and read to the assembly of Cardinals in Rome. At first they were impressed, but as it proceeded to reveal the contents they realised that to make it known would discredit the Church which had, during the Council of Nicea, eliminated from the Gospels the Master's teaching and it was contradictory to the established Constantinopolitan Creed so the scroll was hidden away in the archives of the Vatican, where it remains to this day.
The reason this Gospel contains much that is in Matthew, Mark and Luke is because there were many Gospels written about this time containing the true teaching of Jesus, but this was the only one that escaped the pen of the `correctors', because they did not know of its existence.
My apologies for such long discourse because it was a heavy subject that Catholic Church doesn't want the Christians to know about. Please feel free to ask if you need any further clarification.
@@nakeebissadeen1606 I have no doubts and I need no clarification when it comes to anything you have typed above. I know Islamic nonsense propaganda when I see it.
Let me ask you something. Your Qur'an calls Christians people of the Book and they are required to hold firm to this Book. This Book predated the Qur'an and was in the possession of Christians at the time of Muhammad. Which Book is the Qur'an talking about?
Jazakamu Allahu khairan - May Allah reward you immensely!
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
I agree with a lot of the things this man said however he takes Augustine out of context:
When he said “though some deny it” there is no reference that those who deny it were Christian’s notice how this man adds that part in.
He also talks about Judaism following Christianity is Contradicting Jesus. This is not true Augustine is talking about where your priority im should be he’s not saying that the law doesn’t matter in fact the law is better followed when Christian’s follow Jesus.
you mean Mohamed .... a self confessed pedophile and murderer
Allah does not exist !!!
He didn’t suffer, die and resurrect to satisfy Jesus’ Heavenly Father against sin !!
Jesus suffered, died and resurrected to save us from eternal damnation !!!!
He misquotes the text. The text never says believers deny the death of Jesus. The next sentence of the texts debunks what this guy tries to promote and he goes on to confuse the ten commandments with the mosaic law.
It makes sense from biblical texts that Jesus pbuh would be saved, too. He was promised that his foot would not even dash a stone without angels coming to catch him.
That’s in the psalm true it was promised the angels will raise him up
Salam are you a Muslim? 😊
Matthew 4:6
“If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: “ ‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’ ”
Matthew 4:7
Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’ ”
Devils will always try to use falsehood
@@SacredWarrior999jesus in this passage talked to not test god the father promise lmao 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I dont know why you think jesus here is a god or meant himself
There are the original 12 disciples who died, many tortured to death because they would not recount their testimony that they witnessed firsthand that Jesus died and was resurrected. Why would I believe the opinions of those who came decades later and were not tortured to death for their beliefs?
Yup and the docetians seem to not have believed that Jesus died either and they seemed to of composed a large early Christian community. In the gospel of Peter (John Dominic Crossan dates it's passion source as early as the 40's)
Jesus' cry from the cross, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" is reported in the Gospel of Peter as "My power, my power, thou hast forsaken me". Immediately after, Peter states that, "when he had said it, he was taken up", suggesting that Jesus did not actually die. This, together with the claim that on the cross Jesus "remained silent, as though he felt no pain", has led many early Christians to accuse the text of docetism. F. F. Bruce writes:
The docetic note in this narrative...carefully avoids saying that he died, preferring to say that he 'was taken up', as though he - or at least his soul or spiritual self - was 'assumed' direct from the cross to the presence of God. (We shall see an echo of this idea in the Qur'an.
Bruce, F.F. (1974). Jesus and Christian Origins Outside the New Testament
Fascinating! Thanks @1dawah
@@BloggingTheologyYou do realise Paul the Dosetics believed Jesus was God and that he also didn't have a physical body right? The noncanan Gospel that idiot quoted has Jesus watching the illusion of his crucifixion because he is a Spirit.
@@X23Ninjahuman worship human dead is crazy🤦♂️
@@Tarzanjesusisdeadok stone kisser
@@Tarzanjesusisdeadthe lack of response to his argument is crazy
Great research and analysis!
He misquotes the text. The text never says believers deny the death of Jesus. The next sentence of the texts debunks what this guy tries to promote and he goes on to confuse the ten commandments with the mosaic law.
You really gave him money for that?
@@babisbabinos8075All this guy is doing is lying its discussing.
And what did Jesus say to the educated religious leaders of His day? Matthew 22:29 “Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.”
Are you a muslim ?
The disciples ran when Jesus was arrested. But something happened, just as Jesus said it would happen. They walked with him for three years, the believed that he was the Messiah, but they ran. why? How can a bunch of scared men become this roaring Lion that no persecution can silence ? How? Why? They saw the resurrected Jesus who was crucified on the cross of calvary, died, and was buried, only to leave a now empty tomb. John 03:16 -17 Praise God !
They ran because it was the plan. He prayed for none of them to be lost that had been given to Him.
Therefore, Had they not ran, they could have been put to death as well, and only The Messiah could do the work required to become the once for all offering.
He worked while everyone else was resting. That is a good part of what the Sabbath was designed to be pointing to, and why Scripture says He is the Lord of the Sabbath.
@@charliewhon6548 Well; yes that much is true. The whole story was prophesied. And it came to pass just as Jesus and the Old Testament prophets said that it would. " I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall scatter" My point was that" Jesus said "not one dot nor tittle shall by no means will pass from the law until all is fulfilled. Jesus totally fulfilled the law. If we say that he was never crucified, then we Blaspheme God by calling him a liar, thus saying that the Bible is not true, and that God does not exist...
@@Thirdday71 There is only one God. His name is Allah. He is the God of all the Prophets including Jesus (peace be upon him) who said, “The Father is greater than I” (John 14:28). And in John 17:3 in the Jesus himself states, "And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God," He also states in John 5:30, "I can do nothing on my own." Clearly, Jesus is not God and he was sent for a very specific people, the lost sheep of Israel, not you. If you don't believe me, please look up Jesus' encounter with the Canaanite woman with the demon-possessed daughter in Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7:25-30.
In Gethsemane, his prayers to God were rejected by God and according to Christianity, he was crucified. His will is subservient to the will of God. Matthew 6:9-10: Jesus said, "Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven".
In fact, the Bible condemns him as a curse for dying on the cross. Galatians 3:13 says, "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole'". God cannot be a curse. Who is cursing God?
Finally if indeed he died on the cross, then Jesus is not God because God according to the Bible is immortal. First Timothy 6:16 says, "Who alone has immortality, dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see; to him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen".
In Islam, our Prophet Jesus is revered and is not considered a curse. If indeed God is cursing Jesus, that would not be fair since he was an innocent Prophet (p).
Brother Paul. Your videos are always very informative. Alhamdulillah
Thanks for revealing the hidden truths. I wish more people see your work.
InshaAllah 😊
@@cc-cy instead of talking nonsense, maybe it is time to follow the early Christian practising Jew who were on the right track ? Islam is the only logical path after that weither you like it or not.
@EmperorDawn Islam is all lies, if allah made to appear to the Jews that Jesus was crucified but in reality he didn't, all has deceived the Jews, hence allah is a deceiver... why do allah has to put an innocent person who look like Jesus on the cross,,, who was that innocent person allah pit on the cross.. allah is not all merciful,, he is a murderer.
@@cc-cy of course, because whom God sent must be truth just like all previous prophets. But what do the bible tell you? That prophets commit sins. How come can prophets commits sins if they are the epitome of moral. Don't argue if you don't even look into Islam sincerely.
[Quran:- 5:72]:-
“Jesus has said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord."
[Quran:- 19:30]:-
“Jesus has said, "Indeed, I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet.”
[Quran:- 4:171]:-
“Christ Jesus the son of Mary was no more than a messenger of Allah…..So believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not "Trinity" desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah:
Let's do a bit of history here.
Flavius Josephus (AD 37-100) recorded Pilate's condemnation of Jesus to be crucified. Lucian (AD 125-180) found it amusing that Christians worshipped a crucified man. Celsus (2nd century) described Jesus proclaiming himself God and being nailed to a cross. Thallus (AD 50) referred to the darkness during the crucifixion as an eclipse. Pliny the Younger (AD 61-113) mentioned Christians worshipping Christ as God. The Babylonian Talmud (5th century) stated Jesus practiced sorcery, was hanged before Passover, and his body couldn't be found after resurrection.
Genius… We can all have complete faith and trust in what is written in the history books???
You are free to not believe to nothing but many people have confirmed it....the doubf is possible but the death in crux was a fact @@markhalpin9711
No I don't think so we can't even get our secular history right and recently they've made so much advancement in science they are even rewriting the science books or at lesst they admit they should but what good would that do in a few decades they'll probably have to revise it again
Getting so you don't know who to belivie.
@@markhalpin9711"History?" Big word for no contemporary evidence.
So a bunch of claims, all by people who NEVER met Jesus, or were alive during his lifetime?
these are key documents which
the church is hiding from the public.
Very informative dear Paul.
Thanks for the sharing.
What an amazing god you served. He tricked Jesus's followers he tricked Christians for 600 years into believing Jesus died.
@@nwelll Reference?
@@nwelll its the church and the father's of Christianity who fooled you guys by distorting and manipulating the Bible.
As you might know the errors of the Bible is clearly visible!.
Now the question is after knowing and acknowledging
That you guys have been fooled by Peter/Paul or the early church fathers?.
Why won't you come towards a scripture that is Pur and unchanged like the Quran.
That is my Sincere question to you?
Unless your an illogical person and insincere to your Self.
@@nujhat16Gospel of Barnabas
@@nwelllkeep making excuses for your human worship
Those 1st Cent. A.D. who denied the Crucifixion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ Jesus were the AGNOSTIC (Skeptic) would-be followers of Christ Jesus... They Pretend to be Christians but never follow the WILL of His Father God/YHWH who is in Heaven... Praise be to God in Christ... Amen.
Yahweh is Satan, and is not the father of Jesus. Jesus spoke against Yahweh many times. Research who Yahweh really is, and reread your bible
@@Nouh1216 There is no such definite pronunciation to the Name of God, it was lost in time... the Holy Scripture wrote YHWH in Hebrew-Aramaic Alphabeth, without vowels, it could be YoHeWuH, YaHoWeH, YeHoWaH, YaHWeH, etc...
@jvlp2046 Ive researched religion for a long time now, and I know for a fact Yahweh is Lucifer. Jesus said no one has ever heard or seen the Father (John 6:46, John 1:18), but yet Yahweh showed his back to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus 33:12-23). When Jesus was talking to the pharisees (who were worshipping Yahweh at the time), he said, "You are of your father the devil, and you choose to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:41-45). I should also mention that Yahweh killed over 2 million people in the Bible. And not once did Jesus call God Yahweh or anything close to that. Jesus actually spoke against Yahweh. For example, the Israelites asked Yahweh for food and water, but instead, Yahweh sent snakes that killed them, (Numbers 21:5, 21:6-9). Jesus spoke about this and said, "Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for fish, will give him a snake?" (Matthew 7:9-12). I should also mention that Yahweh and the israelites were defeated by Chemosh, the god of the Moabites. In 2Kings 3:18-19, the prophet Elisha prophesied to the king of israel that Yahweh would help them defeat the Moabites. But 2Kings 3:26-27 says that Moab took his firstborn son and sacrificed him to the wall (Chemosh) , and then great wrath came upon israel, so they withdrew. God cannot be defeated therefore Yahweh is not God. In Hosea 13:7-8, Yahweh said, "So I will be like a lion to them, like a leapord I will lurk by the path. Like a bear robbed of her cubs. I will attack them and rip them open; like a lion I will devour them a wild animal will tear them apart." Now In Revelations 13 it says, "And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had 10 horns and 7 heads , with 10 crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leapord, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion." I could go on for hours on how Yahweh is Satan and not God, especially the Father of Jesus, because Jesus and Yahweh are nothing alike.
@@Nouh1216 - Let's simplify the above by stating - Yahweh / Jehovah is better known as "Yaldaboath" or "Saklas" which means "blind fool." He is the head of the satanic regime and creator of the material world ruled by the Demiurge. All those who claim to be Theocrats are part of the great Satanic body oversighted by the Cabal. A Theocrat is any individual, Human or Spirit, with broken or imperfect software. This "Yaldabaoth" is not the Beast of Rev 13 - that is the Bright Morning Star - Jesus - the "SUN OF MAN" or Sun God ( whose number is 666 ) Lucifer, or Antichrist; a totally different individual to Satan.
*“… his death, which some deny,”* is nebulous and sounds as tho “some” people denied either that Jesus had died at all or that their lives shone forth due to him.
It doesn’t say the deniers were Christians, even considering that the letter is to Christians.
One translation had “whom some deny,” meaning they deny Jesus (as savior?). Most people at the time did not think Jesus was “the savior”, so that would render the phrase superfluous.
Agree. It's easy, if you're not properly trained in empirical critical thinking to jump from thinking a speculation is a fact because it makes you feel good.
In addition it doesn't say that those people didn't believe that he was crucified, buried and rose from the tomb, only that he didn't die. Maybe because he was taken down so quickly and his legs weren't broke to asphyxiate him as the others were in order to take them down before Passover , as some still believe to this day.
@@Bryan-Paul Then you would need an explanation for why he was removed from the cross. Romans rarely let anyone go. The point of crucifixion was a drawn-out, painful death.
@@scienceexplains302 I already said, because it was Passover which starts at Sunset, as it explains in the Bible
Great content Paul, May Allah reward you for your efforts in this world and the next
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isas said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
The BIBLE is the TRUTH. Those who contradict and ridicule it will REAP WHAT THEY SOW ! Why worry ?
@@doreenfernandes2431 Bible narratives are 3rd hand account which means gotten from hearsay.
They are filled with error, discrepancies, inconsistencies, contradictions.
These are all signs of lies.
@@PolyglotfootballerHoly Quran said what you say. But you don't know the Holy Quran .
Quran says Jesus never died on the cross But he died and Almighty God took his soul to haven.
You lie!
It is said Jesus was taken up to allah! Not to heaven but why was a man taken up to allah if no man can be with Allahs presence!
Mat 28:12-13 KJV 12 And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, 13 Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.
The soldiers who guarded the tomb of Jesus were given money to lie about the resurrection of Jesus.
No wonder people are blatantly lying about His death today.
Yea the chief priests, elders and the higher ups paid them off to lie. I advise everyone to resd the full chapter to see what happened
The Shroud Of Turin recorded the resurrection and the dating was flawed. There is far more evidence on the shroud that it comes from the region and time of Jesus.
Why don’t you quote from the first verse of Mathew 28.. 28 Now after the Sabbath, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. 2 And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat on it. 3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow. 4 And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men. 5 But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here, for he has risen, sas he said. Come, see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee;
@@jerichosales3489 Don't worry! Justice is served.
*Qur'an 3:151* “We will cast t____r into the hearts of those who deny the Truth”
*Qur'an 39:60* “On The Day of Resurrection you shall see those who LIED against Allah with their faces turned *black.* Is Hell not vast enough to provide a room to the vainglorious?”
*Qur'an 3:106:* “On The Day, some faces will turn _white,_ some faces will turn *black.* Those whose faces turn black, Did you disbelieve? Then taste the punishment for what you rejected."
*Qur'an 7:166* “When they persisted in violation, We said, “Become disgraced APES!’”
*Qur'an 5:60* "Those whom Allah has cursed He made them APES, PIGS, slaves.'"
Talk about taking a verse out of context. Read the chapter.
At 2:57, it's not clear what "they" are denying. Your putting words in people's mouths.
I love the parallel between James and Abu Bakr, both were the 1st caliphs (successors) of their ummah and both having the same nickname HaTzaddiq and as-Siddiq respectively. Nice video as always Sidi Paul 🎉
Bro I appreciate your love for hazart Abu Bakr (RA) but can you please not compare a companion of the Prophet (SAW) to a mighty prophet (Jesus (PBUH))
@@black-dj9mrhe didn't, he compared to James, the apostle, one of the hawaariyyoon radiyAllahu ta'ala anhum.
Not true. Jesus Pbuh didn't have any brothers or sisters. Don't compare a great Sahaba like Abu Bakr RA to the lies of the Christians.
@@husnainkhalil2554 oh my bad I read Jesus as I have bad eyesight.
@@hamadalkhalifa2323 😮May Yahweh have mercy on you 👍
Isaiah 45:23
Philipians 2:10-11
Romans 14:11
Hebrews 6:13
"For it is written,As I live,says the Lord,every knee shall bow to me,and every tongue shall confess to God [acknowledge Him to His honour and to His praise].
are these edits and forgeries lol?
Every Tounge shall confess That Yahuwah Allahu la ilaha illahuwah 🙂
Not Fake Jesus Christ
Yes , and the people who bow down and even prostrate themselves before God are the Muslims so what is your point ? Jesus himself said God is one & that the Father is greater than him.
But you Christians says otherwise , God is a Trinity & the three are co equal.
So who's telling the truth , you or Jesus ???
Alhamdulillah excellent presentation great discovery. The Quran is stating the truth which witnessed by early true christians regarding crucifixion.
What discovery? The church has known from the beginning there were heretics that came into the church. All the Apostles, Apostolic Fathers, Church Fathers, Saints of the Church, all taught Christ crucified. The heretics like Arian, Nestorius, Gnostics and others were anathematized from the church but then reappeared in Islam, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons and others. As the saying goes ‘there’s nothing new under the sun’.
Ah like the sun setting in a muddy pool, yeah and allah saying he is the greatest of deceivers this means allah is satan for satan is the greatest of deceivers for he is the father of lies
@@georgiacap9294 was Jesus crucified on the cross or he was hung on a tree ? Was he crucified before Passover or after Passover?
Thank you for your positive message 🙏👌🙏 love from Holland Anna Catharina Drop 🙏🙏
Brilliant, Masha’Allah. We have to bring this information to the German community my dear brother 🤲🏻😘 Insha’Allah
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isas said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
@@BloggingTheologyprophet Isa is not crucified Almighty Allah give him natural death according to Quren surah 3 verse 55 & 144
This is a video about the law, not the crucifixion.
You mentioned a very short passage at the beginning that suggested Jesus didn’t die, but said nothing about the crucifixion.
True. All I heard is some people didn't believe. That mean what? Nothing really
That is what I noticed. He posted a title and went to talk about other things. I was really curious to hear what he would said to justify his title. It is just to deceive people. Empty talk
The truth is that Muslims have nothing convincingly to say about that. All they will say is trust me bro. Mohammed said it so let's believe 😂.
The majority of the followers are Muslims so he will get the like even if he says nothing really. 😁
In Islam it's normal to divert the conversation when you can't answer.
@@Zoe-bb1fkThanks for the heads up, as a result ive only wasted about two minutes watching this pointless clickbait.
He’s well aware that Ignatius is referring to the gnostics but he’s withholding that on purpose to appease his muslim fanbase.
In the first century and the early years of Christianity, there were several sects and groups with diverse beliefs about Jesus and his crucifixion.
The only reason they believe that Jesus died on the cross is cuz it's the mainstream Christianity now and the early Christians were killed and prosecuted for having a different belief.
1: Gnostic Christians were a diverse group with varying beliefs, but some Gnostic sects had distinct views on the crucifixion. Some Gnostics believed that Jesus was a purely spiritual being who did not possess a physical body and therefore could not have been crucified in a literal sense. They often saw the crucifixion as a symbolic or spiritual event rather than a historical one.
2: Docetism was a belief held by certain early Christians and Gnostics. Docetists claimed that Jesus only appeared to have a physical body and that his crucifixion was an illusion. According to this view, Jesus' physicality was not real, and his suffering on the cross was a mirage.
3: The Basilideans were followers of Basilides, an early Christian teacher. Some Basilidean beliefs included the notion that Simon of Cyrene, not Jesus, was crucified in Jesus' place. This represents a departure from the traditional Christian understanding of the crucifixion.
4: Cerinthus was an early Christian leader who held views distinct from mainstream Christianity. According to some accounts, Cerinthus believed that the divine Christ descended upon the human Jesus at his baptism but left him before the crucifixion, suggesting that it was the human Jesus who was crucified.
5: The Ebionites were a Jewish-Christian sect that had a different interpretation of Jesus. Some Ebionites rejected the divinity of Jesus and may have had alternative views about the crucifixion, although their beliefs varied among different branches of the sect.
Only no 3 have some logics & make senses.
@@ahmadzakiadnan99005 too
Btw arius christians didnt have trinity r7bbish too and many others
I appreciate your time and effort in listing numbers 1 to 5. I need to research these. Thanks.
@@johnbrzykcy3076 😊 John, do you know what Jesus said to Nicodemus in the Gospel of John ? Jesus said... that he must be BORN AGAIN to enter into the kingdom of God. 😊 My family and l were baptised in the River Jordan at Yardenit, the Baptismal Site in Israel in November 2016. 👍AND what a wonderful experience that was ! 🤔
@@doreenfernandes2431 The Ganges River is the most sacred river in Hinduism.
Hindus believe that bathing in the Ganges will wash away their sins and deliver them from the cycle of birth and death. Your experience holds the same weight as a Hindus experience and that's not the only thing you guys have in common with polytheists.
Subscribed Sir , ur explaination were great ❤
Nearly 300K subscribers!
Most have more for cats.
Subhanallah, you are a gem of the ummah brother! Thank you for sharing this knowledge with us.❤ May Allah Subhanahu Wataala bless you abundantly.
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
@@PolyglotfootballerIsa Ibn Maryam was save from being killed by the pagan Romans and still alive until today and he will come back in his second coming to defeat the Dajjal/Antichrist.
وَاِنَّهٗ لَعِلْمٌ لِّلسَّاعَةِ فَلَا تَمْتَرُنَّ بِهَا وَاتَّبِعُوْنِۗ هٰذَا صِرَاطٌ مُّسْتَقِيْمٌ
(Surah Az-Zuhruf 43:61)
And indeed, he [i.e., Jesus] will be [a sign for] knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path.
After that, he will live the rest of his life as a human being and die just as anyone else. And when the passage says "the day I will be raised back to life", he is referring to the Day of Judgement as he and just like everybody else will being resurrected back by the Almighty Creator.
اللَّهُ لَآ إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ لَيَجْمَعَنَّكُمْ إِلَى يَوْمِ الْقِيَمَةِ لَا رَيْبَ فِيهِ وَمَنْ أَصْدَقُ مِنَ اللَّهِ حَدِيثاً
(Surah An-Nisa 4:87)
Allah, there is no god but He - He will most certainly gather you together on the Day of Resurrection, there is no doubt in it; and who is more true in word than Allah?
The passage you quoted is an affirmation that he is a creature created by Allah. He will live, die and be resurrected, just like other creatures that Allah has created.
I agree with a lot of the things this man said however he takes Augustine out of context:
When he said “though some deny it” there is no reference that those who deny it were Christian’s notice how this man adds that part in.
He also talks about Judaism following Christianity is Contradicting Jesus. This is not true Augustine is talking about where your priority im should be he’s not saying that the law doesn’t matter in fact the law is better followed when Christian’s follow Jesus.
Brother Williams' thirst for knowledge will never be quenched, and we are the beneficiaries of such dedication. MashAllah.
@@BloggingTheology 🤲🏾
@@kh7688 I agree that Paul seems to have a tremendous "thirst for knowledge". I don't know how he keeps up with so much reading of books and the Blogging Theology channel.
I'm not Muslim but respectfully...
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
@@BloggingTheology Paul you are a demon possessed man !!
One question. Why do christians observe on Sunday and not the Sabbath? Or should i ask Constatine??
The epistles of John speaks of the gnostics. Paul wrote to the Galatians and Corinthians warning them of preachers who rejected the death and resurrection of Jesus.
@jessicaras4540 They don't mean Jesus, ask a Rabbi? Jesus isn't the Jewish Messiah so why on earth would they mean Jesus? It's simply shameful that Christians would appropriate the Torah.
There were people back then (a few decades to a few centuries after Jesus's alleged death) who believed that Jesus did not die or wasn't crucified.
And there were people who believed he did and that he rose again, also around the same time.
So why should we take either belief as true or one more likely to be true over the other? (apart from the notion of miracles being inherently less likely than natural explanations, a notion which would probably not bode well for Islam or the Quran either)
Well we all can agree that the first ”Christians” followed the law and was abiding by the law and there is a change after Jesus passing where people stopped following the law, and it has to do with the paul doctrine people follow paul not jesus, Paul claimed he saw Jesus in a vision. But as we know Paul was a liar and not reliable!
@@funnynotfunny6984 if Paul was a "liar", why would he honestly have said that he wanted to kill Christians? I believe he did kill Christians, the first followers of Jesus?
I'm just curious about your views. No disrespect intended.
@@funnynotfunny6984 We know shit about whether Paul lied or not, don't assume things simply because it is convenient for you. Remember the Jesus worship didn't get started by Paul yet was not in the old law either so don't simply pin it all on him.
@jabbieforthetruth8757 And? Many witnesses? You mean the Gospels passages that were written decades after Yeshua supposedly died, were likely not first hand accounts, copied from each other and took from older scripture like the Talmud?
These text mentioned people being witnesses within the story they tell therefore it is true that there are witnesses?
The Islamic claim seems to be that Jesus didn't die from his crucifixion, something that can't be verified anyway.
"Some deny it". Where does Ignatius say that it is believers that deny it? He could be reffering to non - believers denying it. 2:36
non-believers don't believe anything. You are wrong.
"The best lies contain within them nuggets of truth, enough to give a listener pause".
Aisha: "But, I'm _only_ nine."
Allah's Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him): "You're just _FINE!"_
Roses are red, violets are blue, Aisha was 9 and Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was 52.
*Sahih al-Bukhari vol 5 bk 58:236* “Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married Aisha when she was 6 years old, and _consummated_ when she was 9”
*Qur'an 65:1, 4* "When divorcing women, know their waiting period. For women past the age of menstruation, their waiting period is 3 months - and those who have _NOT_ menstruated yet as well."
*Sahih al-Bukhari vol 7 book 62 number 64:* “Allah's Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married her when she was 6 years old and he _consummated_ his marriage when she was 9 years old”
*Sahih Bukhari Vol 7, Book 62, Nr 16* "The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, 'Did you marry a virgin or a matron?' I replied, 'A matron.' He said, “Why didn’t you marry a young girl so that you may play with her and she with you?'"
@@theoriginalkilox7592 a lie cannot contain nuggets of truth because it's based on the LIE I would suggest that you stick to the truth that's based on truth for a lie is water and the truth is a rock you can't stand on water but you can stand on the rock of the truth
@@jerrytoro4739 "A single lie destroys a thousand truths.
@@theoriginalkilox7592Islam is all one big lie. No Mecca, No Mohammad, No book.
@@jerrytoro4739And water can flow over and under a rock.
A very important video. Thanks Paul!
˹Jesus˺ declared, “I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet.
He has made me a blessing wherever I go, and bid me to establish prayer and give alms-tax as long as I live,
and to be kind to my mother. He has not made me arrogant or defiant.
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
- Surah Maryam 19:30-33[8]
It is Written: "(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that THEY ARE THE ENEMIES OF THE CROSS OF CHRIST: whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.) " (Philippians 3:18,19)
This is not what Jesus said. They are not the words of Jesus. They are the words of Paul. You obviously are a follower of Paul.
@@jumpingjack5651 - O K., Here is what Jesus said, " You know that after two days is the feast of the passover, and the Son of man is betrayed TO BE CRUCIFIED". (Matthew 26:2). Does that make you feel any better ??
I didn't think so.....
Notice the owner of the channel didn’t give you the love ❤️ icon.
The love of God through Jesus the Christ is all that matters.
Ignatius seems to be the new authority on scripture ..
may the Lord Jesus have mercy on this fellow.
@@menmustchangebeforekingdoms That doesnt mean he did get crucified.
@@jumpingjack5651- Your theory that "Everyone is a Liar" doesn't hold water. Jesus Himself declares 4 TIMES that he will "specifically" be CRUCIFIED, which is Matthew's testimony, who walked with Jesus. (Matthew 20:19) (Matthew 23:34) (Matthew 26:2) (Luke 24:7). Peter, who also walked with Jesus, CONFIRMS the Crucifixion 3 TIMES in (Acts 2:23,36) (Acts 4:10). An "Angel" CONFIRMS the Crucifixion 2 TIMES in (Matthew 28:5) (Mark 16:6)
As always, great video Paul
Never new that, thank you brother Paul. As always excellent content.
The disciples said to Jesus, "We know you're going to leave us. Who will lead us then?"
Jesus said to them, "Wherever you are, you'll go to James the Just, for whom heaven and earth came into being."
Saying 12 | Gospel of Thomas
Saul : You are saved by faith.
James : Faith without action is dead.
The Gospel of Thomas is a second century Gnostic gospel, that actually influenced Muhammad and the Quran.
Paul and James were not at odds with eachother. Romans 4 and James 2 are speaking both about Abraham's faith. Paul said that Abraham was justified by his faith, and James is saying that Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac was the proof that he was saved, but Abraham was justified long before that event. Deeds are the fruit of salvation, not the cause of it.
@@rudycataldo3653The Gospel of Thomas wasn't even translated to Arabic in the 6th century 💀🤦♂️
@@rudycataldo3653how does it influence Muhamad? Muhammad was illiterate.
@@rudycataldo3653When God told Abraham to sacrifice his son, it was a foreshadow of God sacrificing his only begotten son for mankind.
*Respect for those who spend time searching to realize that prophet Isa (peace been upon him) didn't die but got saved by God after he answered his prayers ❤*
Regarding Paul supposedly saying that God's food laws do not need to be followed... God defines what "food" is in Leviticus 11. Not all animals are called "food". No Jew would consider bats, pig, dog, mice, reptiles, etc to be food. So when Paul says all "FOOD" is clean, he means according to God's definition. What he is speaking against are many Talmudic manmade rules regarding food worthy animals bought from certain people or places and deemed 'unclean' by man for various reasons.
the god of the jews is a demon creator of the devil
Thanks for sharing Paul! Love your videos.
Dr Loay fatuhi , Dr Ali Atae and now this for a great compliment, may Allah bless you all for such redeeming scholarly works .
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
Peace be upon Islamic scholars lying 😂😂 You believe this dude who runs away from debate and sits in a bubble feeding you all lies 😂😂
Scholarly? 😂
Ignatius was writing in the early 2nd century ce not in the 1st century. Gnostic and Marcionite Christians in the late first and second centuries claimed that Jesus only appeared to be crucified bc they followed a theology that despised anything of the physical world...however, the info you give abt the Jesus movement centered around James is quite correct.
Saying that Gnostics all believed that I’d like saying all Protestants believe the same thing. They all had different opinions and beliefs for sect to sect and all get lumped into one system which they are not.
@jmiahrealone Gnosticism or Christian Gnosticism? Former has great variety, latter much less. Ty for comment BTW. Excellent pt.
@@Steve-u9k4p absolutely thanks for the clarity. When we get into all these concepts their are so many variations.
Thanks bro Paul.
Salam from Indonesia
wa alaikum assalam
No he's aware of people who denied Jesus death. He doesn't say they were Christians.
˹Jesus˺ declared, “I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet.
He has made me a blessing wherever I go, and bid me to establish prayer and give alms-tax as long as I live,
and to be kind to my mother. He has not made me arrogant or defiant.
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
- Surah Maryam 19:30-33[8]
He doesnt say they were not christians either, you're just doing argument from silence fallacy.
@@Fresh_1288Islam 500years too late, created to take empty romen empire lands,
If they are not identified as Christian then they are not Christians… lol
Spot on. You just summed up the great big hole in his argument that this "intellectual scholar" conveniently glossed right over. Lol
Lovely analysis rich enough to contemplate over!
JAZAKALLAH KHAYR for sharing ❤❤❤
It says in the Old Testament, God gave them the 10 commandments. Where does it tell them that God gave them the other 603.
God has Moses write the mosaic law right after exodus 20 mentions the 10 commands but he wrong that law in a scroll/book when the 10 commandments where carved in stone. This was to symbolize the durability of one from the other
The mosaic law was suppose to hold the ppl until Jesus came and the 10 commandments where for ever
Thankyou brother Paul for highlighting this very important point. May Allah swt preserve you. ❤
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
Simply well said, not a lot would understand that quote Mashallah 💯☝🏽👌🏽✨☪️☝🏽💯
He misquotes the text. The text never says believers deny the death of Jesus. The next sentence of the texts debunks what this guy tries to promote and he goes on to confuse the ten commandments with the mosaic law.
I appreciate the scholarly approach to distinguish 1st Century Christian beliefs from one another. You only mention the 1st century believers who didn’t believe in the crucifixion briefly in your summary.
He misquotes the text. The text never says believers deny the death of Jesus. The next sentence of the texts debunks what this guy tries to promote and he goes on to confuse the ten commandments with the mosaic law.
@@babisbabinos8075he seems to choose what he feels alligns with his narrative.
@@Outofanightmeer Exactly
@jessicaras4540it said his days will be prolonged. Jesus had no kids.
@@babisbabinos8075This is the problem dealing with Muslims. They lie too much! Even when you try to listen with an open mind, you’d realize they are hiding the whole information. Early Christians had a lot of different arguments. But last time I checked, Ignacio’s in not a disciple of Jesus.
Are you sure about your discussion of James in Acts? My understanding is there are two people named James in Acts, but neither of them is James the brother of Jesus. One of them was James the "son of Alphaeus" (Acts 1:13). He is obviously not the brother of Jesus. The other one was James the brother of John (who were both "Pillars" according to the other Gospels). This James is distinguished from the brothers of Jesus in Acts 1:13-14. He was later beheaded by Herod Agrippa (Acts 12:1-2). So neither of the two men named James in Acts is the brother of Jesus.
Love your research and efforts to clear the man made fabrication about crucifixion of Jesus Christ and spreading the truth to the people who are still oblivious to the fact.
its islam fabricated when it say allah made it appear to them that he got crucified. How comes you muslims attack your own book now days just to be anti christ.
Its islam wrong and allah wrong when he made it appeared to be crucified?
But why do you think the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a "man made fabrication"? I also respect Paul of Blogging Theology but I'm not going to base my understanding and faith on the research of one man !
I won't base my understanding and faith regarding Christianity on one man either!
And I won't base my faith regarding the Quran on one man !
So I prefer to listen and learn from various scholars, including Christian and Muslim. And although I find it difficult to understand and learn the historical facts regarding Christianity and Islam, I want to better understand the holy books such as the New Testament Gospels and the Quran.
Regarding the crucifixion, I don't find it unreasonable that some early Christians ( and Jews and others ) regarded the crucifixion of Jesus as false. Especially considering that the crucifixion happened 2,000 years ago. So people could have spread rumors by word of mouth that Jesus was not crucified. But the Jewish leaders wanted Jesus to remain buried and dead. So obviously if Jesus was dead, He must have been crucified. And the Roman soldiers were commanded by Pontius Pilate to make sure Jesus was dead on the cross !
And many people witnessed Jesus' crucifixion, including his own mother ! And also John the apostle, the Roman soldiers, and probably some of the women followers of Jesus including Mary Magdalena.
So to negate the crucifixion of Jesus, we have to negate almost the entire history as written in the Gospels. If we negate the historical facts of Jesus' crucifixion, I should then become a Muslim !
I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful to you. I try to respect Muslims because I don't know it all. I don't know all the Truth.
Peace of God to you and your family..
Jesus cruficixion is the most known fact in history even outside bible. If you deny that, that means you deny all history all together because if you go by the historians they see it as a fact now.
Im sure muslims do not care any of it anyways they go by what quran say anyways who have no witness nor anything to that event.
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
@@Polyglotfootballer thats so out of context my friend. Dying and coming back to life isnt something exclusive to jesus pbuh. İts a requirement of the muslim faith to believe in resurrection for everybody on the day of judgement
Hamza Den uses this argument very successfully in speakers corner in London. I'd love more information like this. Definitely gonna follow
Talking about speaker's corner, you should check Bob and the 26 Qurans.
I like Hamza trying to debunk the Trinity inside a minute.
It's a hilarious video he never should have uploaded.
Then why in Mark 8:31 does it say that Jesus was talking about his death and rising again in three days?
1. Both Mother Teresa & Gandhi, Had Their Dark Sides, They Most Probably Dark Empaths.
2. The Dark Empath personality has high levels of Narcissism, Psychopathy, Machiavellianism, Dark Triad, and Cognitive Empathy, With superficial Attractive Charm.
3. The Gospel Verses State One God, Thus All The Paul Verses, Added The Trinity In 325AD.
4. The Vedas Are Monotheistic, But The Guru Books Are Polytheistic, Which Were Added Later Too.
5. Original Christianity And Hinduism Were Both Purely Monotheistic, But Later Both Added The Trinity, Into Their Scriptures, Along With Zoroastrianism And Buddhists.
Look at the life of Mohammed: warlord, commanded massacre, had slaves even for sex, married a child, had many wives for his pleasure, etc.
How dark was he? And all Muslims need is the word of this man, who said an Angel told him this.
Come on,...
Mohammed did not like the idea, that a "prophet" can be killed. That's it.
Mark said that Not Jesus (as)
That specific verse is the anonymous author of Mark saying something. The author is not quoting Jesus (AS). He is putting words into the mouth of Jesus (AS) without providing evidence.
Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart (Deuteronomy 6:4,5). And the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus 19:18).
I always wondered this and asked many Christians (who would not respond): If Jesus came to uphold The Law (of Judaism), as written in the NT, and if that Law states not to consume the swine, then are Christians upholding or abolishing The Law when they've made consumption of the swine permissible?
No in christianity it is anderstood as the law is accomplished. Meaning there is no more need to the law. All the laws were there to get the jews together until a messiah to save the world. So the law is considered fulffilled. Meaning it has ended and not being abolished.
Same thing with drinking wine.
@@RyadMax It was never forbidden only adviced not to overdrink it.
Assalamualaikum 🇵🇭 Thank you paul!! May ALLAH grant highest jannah
Wa alaykumu s-salam
Great job brother ,Jazakallahul khair.
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
What're you trying to bring out,hw isn't dead now, he'll come to earth to complete his mission and then he'll die also,and be resurrected to talk about how the ruled his people and make account of what God has sent him for....😂😂😂
Just keep crying @@Polyglotfootballer
Alhamdulillah for Brother Paul. May Allah keep him strong, steadfast, and help him bring many English people to Islam.
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
His point at 8:49 about Ignatius supposedly abandoning the old covenant law, again is an aspect of verbal sleight of hand. Ignatius was criticising Jewish custom, not the law. Jesus also highlighted the hypocrisy of some Jewish customs. Ignatius fought heretics of the time including Judaizers, who did not accept the authority of the New Testament and clung to such Jewish practices as observing the Sabbath, and (2) docetists who held that Christ had suffered and died only in appearance. Which one is Paul Williams do you think? Ignatius untiringly affirmed that the New Testament was the fulfillment of the Old Testament and insisted upon the reality of Christ’s human nature. For him, Christ’s Passion, death, and Resurrection were a vital guarantee of “life everlasting” in the risen Christ. Had Christ died only in appearance, Ignatius believed that his own suffering and his readiness to sacrifice his life for Christ would have no meaning. Nothing much Islamic in all of that.
Don’t forget to close the gate.
They were called Docetists. I attended a lecture on St. Ignatius in my church not that long ago, its viewed as an early heresy. I just looked up another excerpt from Ignatius Epistles " He truly assumed a body; for the word was made flesh" (may be alluding to John 1). "He really, and not merely in appearance, was crucified, and died, in the sight of beings in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth."
Exactly HERESY! Not believing in the truth of the gospel of Jesus.
Jesus had to die otherwise our sins would not be wiped away,That is what a ransom is.
@@truthhearit1471 Heresy indeed, now flagellate yourself and repent!!! your fairytale book commands it!
Heresy,shmeresy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who gets to decide if something is a heresy?
Jazak Allahu khairan kaseera for this wonderful sharing .ustadh nouman Ali Khan 's series on Hikma has explained the same problem in very easy words .
You are committing the unforgivable sin. Speaking against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. I pray, before you agree with this blasphemy, that you will reject the teaching of a false religion.
Thank you for this wonderful commentary!
He misquotes the text. The text never says believers deny the death of Jesus. The next sentence of the texts debunks what this guy tries to promote and he goes on to confuse the ten commandments with the mosaic law.
My brother got into an accident a few years ago.. nearly lost his life... he had to go six hours of surgery. Keep in mind that my brother was an Atheist at that time. He did not believe in Jesus or in anything... a few days after his surgery, when he was in a clear state of mind, he started telling us what he witnessed when he was nearly dead... he wasn't a religious person what so ever, and he knew nothing about christ. so he started telling us he saw when he was getting surgery. He was standing by the door watching all the doctors working on him, but can nobody see him nor hear him... he said he didn't feel pain or nothing, but he did feel a relaxing peace that he couldn't explain ... it just felt so good... but in the blink of an eye, he was in a different place. All he saw was a very bright light, so bright that the human eyes can't see because it will blind them, but he could see it, and out of nowhere, a voice spoke to him, it was the most beautiful voice he has ever heard.. he couldn't tell if the voice was a man or a woman. It was that enticing. But somehow, he knew exactly who the light was. He had all this knowledge that he never had b4. He knew it was Jesus christ talking to him and right in front of him... he said, he couldn't see his face because the light was too bright, but the only thing he saw was his two beautiful hands, and the one thing he noticed about his hands was he had a hole in the middle of his two hands, telling him is not your time. As soon as he said that to him, he woke up in the hospital recovering bed in so much pain... but all he can think of is what he just experienced ... my brother became a follower of christ, and he spreads his testimony whenever he can, so be careful from people like this man deceiving deceiving on believing that Jesus Christ wasn't crucified or ross from the dead... he saw the proof with his own eyes.... not a single person can tell him otherwise...
We are all going to find out the truth one day, the only question is if you are going to be on the right side or not... are you going to spend eternal life with or without christ.. that choice is up to you
Jesus can’t even stop baby cancer. That proves free will is a myth
Do not change history.Ask the people who witness the cruxification not the 1st century christians.
Cornelius Tacitus who live at same time of jesus also Record about it 115 AD . he not even christian. the truth is hard to swallow mate. Crucifixion what symbolise as reborn of the dead and union with God and symbol of the dead save by grace of God in order to be born again . muhammad missunderstood it as the crucifixion was fake.
How the fuck are we supposed to do that?!?!?!?! Hard to talk to DEAD people
@@kiroro961 if Jesus died on the cross, he is definitely not a God. God don't die. If u're saying He's both Human and God, why did he pray to Father to save him? Why don't he ask permission to turn into his Godhood and flee?
If he agreed to be sacrificed, why did he accuse the Father forsaking him on the cross?
Lev. 19:2 ‘You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.'
Rom. 3:23-26 'for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified [g]freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set forth as a [h]propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
Jesus came to the law of God. He is the only one capable of that.
Some early 'christians' may started to doubt (and wrote about it?), that does not make the crucifixion a myth.
Brother Paul, u r proving to be a real asset for the Muslim ummah. My abundant prayers for u.
A. Jesus showed he did not die on the cross.
Three days after the crucifixion Jesus said in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning Jesus has not yet died because Jesus has not yet ascended to God meaning God saved the life of Jesus.
B. Jesus showed he was not resurrected from the dead.
Paul said Jesus gave him the following revelation.
1 Corinthians 15:35 “How are the dead raised (resurrected) in what kind of body will they (the resurrected dead) come?
1 Corinthians 15:44 It is raised (resurrected) a spiritual body (however 3 days after the crucifixion Jesus showed that his body was a physical body which Mary could touch and by eating food and showing nail marks on his hand and a wound on his side to his disciples meaning Jesus showed he was not a resurrected spiritual body but was saved from death on the cross by falling into sleep on the cross and waking up after 3 days in his physical body in the same way as other people who appeared to be dead were only sleeping in their physical body in Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping", Gospel of Matthew 9:24 "... For the maiden meaning the girl has not died but sleeps ..." and the Gospel of Luke 8:52 "... She is not dead but sleeping". ” … and Gospel of Luke 8:54 - 8:55 “…"Damsel meaning girl, wake up!" And her spirit returned).
Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:35 and 1 Corinthians 15:44 said that the resurrected come in a spiritual not a physical body meaning the physical body of Jesus 3 days after the crucifixion shows Jesus was not resurrected from death but woke up from sleep in his physical body as foreshadowed before the crucifixion in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52 where sleep looked like death to everyone.
C. How did God save Jesus from death when everyone saw Jesus die on the cross?
Mary in Gospel of John 20:15 asks a man if he has seen the body of Jesus and she does not recognise that she is talking to Jesus which shows how God can make people see and believe whatever God wants people to see and believe and explains how God saved the life of Jesus by making everyone believe Jesus was dead on the cross
To make Jesus fall asleep on the cross so that everyone believes Jesus was dead is the same thing that happened to Jonah when everyone believed Jonah was dead but Jonah was also saved by God.
God saved Jesus from death like God saved Isaac from death and like God saved Jonah from death.
D. What is the message Jesus delivered after God saved Jesus from death on the cross?
Jesus was saved on the cross with sleep and woke up in his physical body after 3 days to tell everyone that he has not yet ascended to God meaning he has not yet died meaning he was not sacrificed for anyone’s sins and Jesus in this same verse continues explaining that he is not God in Gospel of John 20:17 when Jesus says he will go to "my Father (The creator) and your Father (The creator); to my God (my Lord) and your God (your Lord)," meaning Jesus is teaching that he is human like every human and he is not God like every human is not God.
E. Why did God make Jesus, Jonah and Isaac believe they would die and then save them?
Every human is tested by God.
In the Gospel of Mark 15:34 and Gospel of Matthew 27:46 Jesus showed that he did not lose his trust in God when Jesus on the cross said “My God my God why have you forsaken me?’ and this is when God saved Jesus with sleep and woke up Jesus 3 days later to show that God does not forsake people who put their trust in God in the same way as Jonah was saved because he did not lose his trust in God and in the same way as Isaac was saved because he did not lose his trust in God.
The whole book is a fairytale Jesus was a man that was deified as a god The Roman Catholic Church is the worst thing that has happened to mankind
Typically the writers of fairy tales don’t give up their past lives to follow said fairy tales tho
And your opinion of Orthodox?
@@thedemocraticrepublicofbot3941yes they do
@@l05tw0bbl3 name one fiction author. Did Tolkien? Did Lewis? If you asked Rowling would she say Harry Potter is nonfiction?
@@thedemocraticrepublicofbot3941 What’s Christs real name? Because it isn’t Jesus. Or Yeshua. You don’t know it because the version you were told is altered and fake. It’s a fairy tale.
Also Christ didn’t write a single world of the Bible.
Ma'Sha'Allah Alhumdullilah Allahu-Akbar. Jazakallah Khair my Ustad for sharing.
He misquotes the text. The text never says believers deny the death of Jesus. The next sentence of the texts debunks what this guy tries to promote and he goes on to confuse the ten commandments with the mosaic law.
Do not be fooled BRETHREN in Christ Jesus!... Nobody in the 1st Cent. A.D. were called CHRISTIANS if they had not believed that Christ Jesus died on the Cross, Resurrected, and Ascended back to Heaven to redeem Mankind from their SINS against Father God (YHWH), that whoever believes in HIM (Christ Jesus) will not perish but have eternal life... (ref. John 3:16)...
If some people did not believe that Christ Jesus died on the cross, they are not Christians, logically speaking... They were either Pagans, Agnostics, Heretics, and Atheists of the 1st Cent. A.D....
St. Ignatius of Antioch said, some PEOPLE (not Christians) in the 1st cent. A.D. did not believe that Christ Jesus was crucified and died on the cross...
Take Note: DEATH on the Cross, RESURRECTION from the tomb, and ASCENSION to Heaven are the Basic FOUNDATION of Christianity... Amen.
Christian means follower of the Christ, meaning follower of Jesus as. Your entire heresies etc. hadn’t even been made up yet
Did he say so? Christ?
The first Christian’s (unitarians) were the true Christians, gospel of John was written by UNKNOWN author.
Jesus while he was alive, NEVER said he was God. NEVER said anything about the trinity.
These concepts were added post 33 AD, by UNKNOWN authors of the New Testament.
You follow Paul and Terretius, not Jesus.
@@presmokan Those who claimed in the 1st Cent. A.D. that Christ Jesus was NOT Crucified, Died, and Resurrected... they were HERETICAL AGNOSTIC (Skeptic) People pretending to be Christians... the great DECEIVER of CHRISTIANITY in the 1st Cent. A.D.... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
@@presmokan They were called in the Bible... the "WOULD-BE FOLLOWERS" of Christ Jesus... or the "DOUBTING THOMAS" of/to Christianity... Amen.
Thank you for your relentless effort to bring twisted fact about Jesus!!! Because of some people, called themselves followers of Jesus, hasmd started to follow their whimes and demagogues !!! It is wake up call before the Judgement day comes !!! No joke with the sentence of God !!!
Spiritual blindness and ignorance is the greatest sickness ever. Whosoever hath not the Son of God is a walking dead person.
@@danielukpong4675 🧠🧼🫧
Many thanks for this invaluable insights. Allah keeps you steadfast and grants you the highest paradise level. Ameen 🤲🏼
I believe only eye witness testimony not people that come several hundred years later
It is up to you whether to use your logic or not.
@@mbahpayaman7672Virtually all of the bible was written over hundreds of years later. All the "eyewitnesses" and the original Christians were monotheistic, they were persecuted and most were killed. We, the Muslims follow the prophet they called the messiah pbuh more than than any Christian, whereas they follow Paul not the man they worship.
@@aribrahim1898 which explains why nothing in the NT mentions the deaths of Petere or Paul and nothing records 70 AD as a done deed .....very puzzling ???
That’s what the Jews would say to🤤
@@aribrahim1898 the New Testament was written from 20 to 80 years after Jesus’ death. It was written by predominantly by Greeks. But, there is no doubt he was crucified
A great analysis video, showing clear testimonies
Ayam Maryam 19:33
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Isa said this in your Quran.
Keep following demons
@@Polyglotfootballer and this proves your point... How exactly?
He said peace be upon him the day he was born, the day he dies (after his second coming), and the day he gets raised back to life (i.e. the day of judgement where all humanity will be raised back to life).
You've only proved his humanity with this verse you bsolute buffoon
omg, you are the random person who found out the one text in the Qur'an that no other scholar found since 14 centuries, are you joking your self???? muslims have read and memorized the quran, torah and bible over and over more than any of your false priests, of course we know what Isa said!! every human being will die and will be raised back to life on judgment day so what's your point?? @@Polyglotfootballer
@@mase826 So ISA will come back again and die ??
@@mase826 please answer me and clear my mind
Hardly an explosive quote (Ignatius). I think Paul was saying that the penalty of the law was abolished. Furthermore, the vision showe to Paul with kosher and unkosher food was to illustrate that he wasn't to consider gentiles unclean. There's also a distinction to be made between ceremonial law and the commandments. The ceremonial law with its sacrifices, etc., was no longer necessary with the sacrifice of the Lamb of God.
Ignatius literally fought against the belief that jesus wasn't crucified the guy making this video is a liar and lost credibility after this video
@@ruudboy7800 If he was fighting some deniers, there must be some christians lie James the just, who thought otherwise. You don't make any sense at all.
Why then does the Bible clearly mention the CROSS more than once and why then does historical fact show that this was a common method of execution?
You made an idol from the cross.
Spartacus also went on the cross?
IT WASN'T JESUS peace be upon him
Historical fact does show that crucifiction was common. But is the Bible a book of faith or a history book? It's absolutely one. And its barely the other.
The cross was a holy symbol even at that time. Nobody in their right mind would defile it by nailing a perceived criminal to it. People were nailed to poles, trees whatever. Only at the time of constantine two distinct punishments were combined: 'walking the yoke' + nailing to a pole = crucifixion as we perceive it. Yeah, that constantine.
I just watched the first minutes of your video, and from what I was able to hear from your reading of the book you had in your hand, I came to the conclusion that the title you gave your video is incorrect, and therefore unfortunately misleading.
Instead of saying: 'Jesus was not crucified according to 1st Century Christians', you should say: 'Jesus was not crucified according to SOME 1st Century Christians'
Or am I wrong?
I hope you correct it.
(Google translated from Spanish)
The words on the street is, Without Lies, Islam dies.
19. Maryam
Mary 98 Verses
With the name of Allâh, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful,
1Kâf Hâ Yâ `Ain Sâd - Allâh is sufficient for all, and He is the True Guide, Bestower of mercy and security and blessings, the All-Knowing, the Supermost, Truthful.
2(This is) an account of the mercy of your Lord (shown) to His servant Zachariah,
3When he called upon his God, crying aloud (in humble supplication).
4He said (praying), `My Lord! now the very bones within me have waxed feeble and the hair of (my) head are all gray and hoary, my Lord! never have I been (hitherto) deprived of a favourable response to my prayer to You.
5`I fear (for the unrighteousness of) my kinsfolk after me, and my wife is barren. Grant me by Your (special) grace a (pious and righteous) successor,
6`Who may be an heir to me and inherit (the divine blessings promised to) the House of Jacob and make him, my Lord! well-pleasing (to You).´
7(God accepted his prayer and said,) `Zachariah! We give you the glad tidings of (the birth of) a son, named Yahyâ (- John, - who will live long). We have made none like him (in your house) before this.´
8He (- Zachariah) said, `My Lord! how shall I beget a son when my wife is barren and I have (already) reached the extreme (limit of) old age?´
9(The Lord) said, `So shall it be,´ and (the angel bearing the revelation) said, `Your Lord says, "It is easy for Me, and behold, I have created you before this whereas you (too) were nothing".´
10He (- Zachariah) said, `My Lord! appoint for me a commandment.´ (The Lord) said, `The commandment for you is that you shall not speak to people for three successive (days and) nights, being in sound health.
11Then he (- Zachariah) went forth to his people from the Sanctuary and told them in a low voice and by signs, to glorify (their Lord) morning and evening.
12(We said to John,) `Yahyâ! hold fast the (divine) Book.´ And while he was yet a child We gave him wisdom,
13And tenderheartedness and purity by Our (special) grace. He was one who carefully guarded against evil.
14And (he was) dutiful towards his parents and he was neither arrogant nor rebellious.
15Blessed was he the day he was born and the day he died and (peace will be upon him) the day he will be raised to life (again).
16And give an account of Mary in this Book when she withdrew from her people to an eastern spacious place (of the temple).
17Then she screened herself off from them. Then We sent to her Our (angel of) revelation and he presented himself to her in the form of a perfect and well-proportioned man.
18Mary said, `I invoke the Most Gracious (God) to defend me from you. If you guard the least against evil (leave me alone).´
19He said, `I am but a messenger of your Lord. I give you (glad tidings of) a most pure son.´
20She said, `How can I bear a son while no man (has married me and) has yet touched me, nor have I been unchaste.´
21(The angel) said, `So the fact is (just as you describe). Your Lord has said, "It is easy for Me. (We shall do it) so that We make him a sign and a (source of) blessing from Us for the people. It is a matter ordained".´
22She (- Mary) conceived him (- the child) and withdrew with him to a remote place.
23(At the time of the delivery of the child) the throes of child birth drove her to the trunk of the palm-tree. She said, `Oh! would that I had become unconscious before this and had become a thing gone and forgotten.´
24Then a voice called her from the side of the slope by her (saying), `Do not grieve, your Lord has placed a rivulet on the side of the slope by you (and a chief of the nation has born to you).
Im pretty sure he did say that in the video..
The last chapters of the lost "Book Of Barnabas" ( Apostle Paul's offsider ) also says "Jesus did not die on the cross but Judas Iscariot did." Too many sources claim this to be a fact.
@@kimbal1958 so a lost book isn’t lost?
John 15:13 - "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends" - Jesus
John 7:38 - "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” - Jesus
Matthew 7:15 - "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." - Jesus
John 7:37 - "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." - Jesus
Hope you Christians are gonna be ok with wearing a white robe like mentioned in the Bible verse below that Jesus is gonna give them, looking like a Jew or Muslim wearing a white body covering like that of a Burkqa 👇
Revelation 7:9-11 After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Jesus. They were wearing WHITE ROBES and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice:
“Salvation belongs to our God,
who sits on the throne,
and to the Jesus (whom is sitting at God's right hand as mentioned in Hebrews 1:3...
Hebrews 1:3
Jesus Who being the brightness of his (God's) glory, and the express image of his (God's) person, and upholding all things by the word of his (God's) power, when he (God) had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. )”
Issa means Christ. It comes from Greek word Iesus which means Christ. Even the name Jesus was written as Iesus before the letter J was introduced to the English alphabet. Iesus means Christ. Therefore Jesus means Christ. Jesus' real name is Yahusha
Also "Allah" is from Genesis 35:7 Jacob calls the place Beth-El, El is short for Elaha in Aramaic language. Elaha is Alaha ( Allah) in Abraic.
Paul said opposite of what Jesus said. Therefore all 13 books of Paul should not have been added to the Bible, and therefore should be removed! Please Google what Paul said if you don't believe me.
Bible has been edited many times over many decades by Bible publishers in Western countries. The modern Bibles don't have the 16 verses that are in the King James version. They are missing. Here's the list if the verses that were obmitted 👇 en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_New_Testament_verses_not_included_in_modern_English_translations
About the Bible, on "The Father and I are one". If i said my mother and I are one, does that mean I am my mother? No! It means I'm like my mother. Jesus is like his Father, same image. If Jesus is the Father, why does Bible say Jesus sat at the right side of God? Why didn't Jesus sit on God's throne if he is God? Hebrews 1:3
He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty
Is Jesus under God's curse? Because
Deuteronomy 21:3 says the body shall not remain all night on the tree (cross) , but you shall bury him the same day, for a hanged man is cursed by God.
Is Jesus Christ really the Son of God? Because in
Luke 3:38 it says Adam is son of God. "Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God."
In Exodus 4:22
Israel is God's firstborn son.
" Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord, Israel is my firstborn son "
Which god need jesus blood.
Is it your god is so weak.??
Without jesus blood he is not able to forgive sin.
What kind of god he is??
@@naseeruddinsk346Majestic One
Very interesting
They were the "WOULD-BE FOLLOWERS" of Christ Jesus... as the "DOUBTING THOMAS of/to CHRISTIANITY... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
Too many unsubstantiated claims to address here. When this guy emphatically states " Jesus came to teach Torah" he leaves out how Jesus quotes Torah as some obscure oral tradition he disagrees with when saying " you have heard an eye for an eye...... But I tell you....". In John Jesus says Moses wasn't given true bread from heaven but" to distinguish his father from the Hebrew God, says " rather my father (Grk patermoo) gives true bread"
Why are people still arguing about this when there will never be any PROOF of what happened after over 2000 years?
@user-lm7bg6ws4z - Proof is the scientific realm while faith is the religious realm. Unfortunately, many of those faith-based sects think we should ALL think the way they do and are willing to legislate or even kill to force us to. Not all, but some very vocal sects will never accept a reality that differs from their world view.
There is proof ! The damnded Catholics (romans) , kept records of the meetings and edicts where they intentionally changed the bible !
It's all an open secret. It's always been known. It's not a conspiracy theory !
The burned the old copies , and killed anyone who kept the originals ! It's all recorded .
They took out 2 gospels that they did not like (Mary and Thomas). They took out the books they did not like and made them "apocryphal " .
None of this is disputed or secret !
But, you can't fathom the power of willingly ignorant people and their faith !
Also , it was really, really, easy to LIE to people 100 years ago ! None of this info was available unless you studied history and theology or READ extensively around those topics.
But thanks to the INTERNET , it's ALL available NOW.
They question is : " what are you going to do, now that you know ? " . (Knowing fully well that your parents could not have known).
Religion was used to separate us from each other
@jessicaras4540 The gospels were not written thousands of years before Jesus. Perhaps a few decades before, but nobody knows for sure.There are no writings that go back so far.
Why should we stop arguing about those, it decides between hell and paradise for some People..
Alhamdulilah 🤲 for Islam May Allah swt bless you brother Paul
Love your work brother
So when St Paul wrote to the Philippians (chapter 2, verse 8) "And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death- even death on a cross! " he was lying?
Sir, Salamunalaikum.
Kudos to you for all your commendable efforts.. Alhamdulillah indeed.
However is not the Law of Usury/RIBA were consistent in all the scriptures prior Quran. Yet we seldom discuss it. When all of mankind today had upheld RIBA and worshipped Usury/ RIBA when we accepted it as our way of live.
If the burden of historical evidence that we have to prove the the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is not sufficient, then no other event from antiquity can be proven. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is by far the best documented event of ANY figure in antiquity, from kings, queens, war lords, etc…
literally cant even prove jesus AS existed like Muhammad SAW is the only documented and proven prophet ALHAMDULILAH
Mention such documentation if you are truthful. Even the disciples of Jesus were not eyes witness to the so called crucifixion. The Bible at the hour of need ALL THE DISCIPLES fled.
The earliest historian saying He was crucifed was Josephus in like 95 AD, and the first Religious Motivated Texts about Him crucified are by paul in 50 AD, A NON eye witness
@@yusufshaibu418what do you mean? Several disciples were there as was the apostle John.
That doesn’t go against the Quran, it rather approves it because the Quran tells us that it was made to appear as if he was crucified, if nobody recorded that he was crucified this verse would essentially be wrong
The group mentioned in passing by St. Ignatius, brought forward here, could be the early seed of gnosticism, which itself denied the crucufixion of Jesus.
gnosticism evolved into islam
Christ is the Logos, the Alpha and Omega, He is the only way to eternal life. (John 14:6 KJV)
If you are not saved by the blood of the lamb, please remember that He waits at your door until the very end. (Revelation 3:20 KJV)
God bless!
Amen! ☦️
Hosea 6:6 No sacrifice needed.
Matthew 26:28
"For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins."
Romans 3:25
"Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;"
Ephesians 1:7
"In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;"
Hebrews 10:10
“By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.”
@@davidbradberry7637It was needed always
Amen 🙏
Thank you Jesus! Jesus please save us come soon I’m holding on and keeping faith. Waiting for the rapture. I keep faith even as I constantly struggle to provide for my kids and I constantly struggle to buy groceries. My husband is with you God. At times I feel so alone especially as a single mom. Since suffering a heart attack two years ago and my on going battle with lupus I’m overwhelmed. Both of my sons are autistic but because of you Lord they are thriving. I’m now homeschooling them so my hours to work are limited. Thankfully I have you Lord!The love of others have grown so cold. I know you will continue to provide you have this far. Faith over fear! Praise God and his son Yeshua! Hear my prayers.
Pray to Allah, the one God, because I can do nothing on My own. I do not obey My own will, but the will of him who sent Me,,,
You’re “praying to God” through the UA-cam comment section?…
Surely this isn’t orthodox?
Best to make your prayers directly to your Maker and not give scammers ideas for how to swindle others.
Best wishes
@@endunsudan1437 Allah is not the God of Christianity. Allah is not even found in the Hebrew language. So completely false God to the Jews.
@@apostlelem It doesn't matter, whether you admit it or not, there will be no influence, God will not feel any loss, still God is God and only one God from beginning to end..We call our God Allah...If you think there are other Gods besides Him that's your problem...
@@endunsudan1437 You call your god Allah. Christians and Jews serve one God but not Allah.
You think Christians worship 3 Gods which is the problem with you.
The concept of Trinity in Christianity is Father, His word and His Spirit, but Quran says Trinity is Father, Mary, and son.
Right there the Quran is lying.
If man was created in the Image of God, and Man has a body, soul(mind) and Spirit, why can't you grasp if God refers to His physical existence as His Son, and refers to His soul(mind) as my Holy Spirit, and Refers to His Spirit as God the Father.
Since God is complex, these Nature of God appears to be 3 distinct entities but in reality they are but one God.
As a man, you are one man, yet have soul , spirit and body.
The Godhead is Father ( Spirit of the Godhead) , the Son( his word and body of the Godhead) and the Holy Spirit ( the soul and mind of the Godhead)
You were created in the image of God.
If Allah doesn't have a soul, it means you are worshipping a wrong god. That is an idol.
Problem here is that we don't know when Ignatius of Antioch died. Eusebius says c. 108 but he's generally not very reliable. Later authors have proposed a date around 135-140. And thus we don't know whether Ignatius refers to 1th or 2th century Christians.
Thank you Allah swt for allowing us to meet our elder brother Paul❤❤
Doctor Bart Ehrman states, “One of the most certain facts of history is that Jesus was crucified by Pontius Pilate.
First century Jewish historian Josephus and Roman historian Tacitus RECORDED THE CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS...
Bro skips the 300 documents which report about Jesus his crucifixion 💀Thanks for the video tho, just made me more confident in my faith in Christ ☦️
Excellent comments. No disrespect intended to Paul of Blogging Theology.
Which ones?
@@mcshakatar9866i know right wheres those 300 texts id like to read them...
@@patrickjohnson195 300 texts of second hand witnesses that 99/100% of the time are probably interpolation.
I do have bible printed in 1976 in papyrus paper in original copy from Hebrew, translated in my language in deep language. Like 47 years now. Maybe probably of u guys are early teens by that time. He is another false follower of Islam, he do it for the views from arab world. He should live in one of arab countries if he really a believer of Islam.