Annamarie Seaman also, I heard he was a drunk. NEVER heard he cheated. And if he did, why would he stay with her then? She stopped him from drinking AND made him be faithful to her? Seems like he would’ve left if he wanted either. Please cite some evidence/sources (not from national enquirer) that says he cheated
I am a life long Democrat however I truly admire and want to thank President Bush for his accomplishments that he achieved in Africa and I truly think this is one of his greatest achievements. Fantastic Job Mr. President.
God bless him. Sure, he made a doozy of a mistake when he got us in Iraq, but other than that he was a great president. Took so much abuse with class and grace. Got a lot accomplished and provided strong leadership when we needed it most. His legacy will be favorable.
Look at it this way, when President Bush was in office, there was no questions asked when it came to the Rules of Engagement, when President Obama came into office, it changed from shoot anything that was a threat to letting the HVT's through VCPs no questions asked.
Okay, dead soldiers of our country or dead civilians in a third world country in which it's been the same way since the beginning of time... Oh well, you can't change anyone's mind over the internet or expect someone else to see your point of view...
Kev A mistake really a million and maybe more is no mistake it's mass cold murder he should be in prison for war crimes , you yanks need to get out of the bubble yous like in, this man has to face god almighty ,
Did you ever see ONE rescue helicopter make any attempt to drop a rope and pull any trapped occupants from the World Trade Center? Did you ever wonder why Brat Bush Junior took out $5 trillion loans from China - who now buys more cars than any nation on Earth - which all have to have oil and gasoline to make them go - so who was that Oil Barron who made that deal? Did you ever wonder why Banks and Mortgage companies were Too Big to Fail? Did you ever wonder that of the 55 million foreclosures - 69% were wealthy builders who built too much inventory - 21% were wealthy tax shelter buyers - 9% were wealthy banks foreclosing on other wealthy banks - and only 4-5% were actually residential owners - yet they claimed that Scamericans bought more home than they could afford. Yet they put the banks and mortgage companies on socialism and left the rest of us on Crapitalism. Did you ever wonder why they got away with the lie regarding weapons of mass destruction. Did you ever wonder why in the 2000 campaign he stated Land for Peace want work - yet once he is elected hatched the Bush Doctrine to divide Israel to her 1967 border - and then the UN voted on the Bush Doctrine on 9/10 of 2001 - and the next day 9/11 we were under attack - and then all the democratic nations that voted for the Bush Doctrine began in the order of their vote to be hit with natural disasters and the Arab Dictators that voted for it began to lose control of their nations. Did you ever once consider the wolf in sheep's clothing?
Aaron Harvey: Not criticizing Obama was admirable of Bush. Furthermore, since Bush has been out of office I have begun to really respect him. I really like what he and his wife Laura have done in Africa. God Bless the Bush’s foe their work in Africa.
@@stevelovesgod no she doesn't. She's got make up on. Maybe a touch too much which may give you that thought. But she's a beautiful, classy woman who looks damn good for 72 yrs old!
Funny that. Its almost like once he was out of power the Democrat controlled MSM stopped demonizing him non stop and moved on to the next Republican threat. And now they love him because he's said the odd negative thing about Trump.
***** ooh another left right bitch right here. oil? Bush was one of the biggest Patriots in U.S History not like Obama. He supported our allies and American citizen more than he does.
Americans for some reason hated Bush for few mistakes he made, but he was leading not just the states but the world. I remember leaders spending their personal time with Bush and they still do. That shows that he is very likable person.
True American, arrogant, naive, and cocky if you don't know them but once you past the appearance, they are warm and kind hearted people, who help without wanting any return.
well USA is the land of immigrant and many immigrant are an oppress people who run to US to begin is natural when this people are rich and pay US taxes, they want US government to deal with the country that oppress them before.
I'll admit, I was not a fan of Bush in the least during his 2 terms as president, and yes he made a ton of mistakes, but I think it's important to differentiate the "president" from the "person". He seems to be a genuine human being, down to earth, and I find it quite honorable of him as a republican to refrain from bashing Obama and the democrats, and kudos to him and his wife for getting involved in this project. They could have chosen instead to chill on their ranch in their vacation home. Also keep in mind, the mistakes he made can't all be placed on his shoulders, the entire republican government was to blame for that. He was just 1 of many involved.
yeah,tell THAT to the poor fucks who died in iraq and afghanistan (on both sides) just so that a bunch of unbelievably rich fucks can get even more unbelievably may be tempted to differentiate the president from the person but you also have to be objective and mindful of the facts! its like watching centenarian Nazis on trial...when they look all helpless,meek ,demented and innocent old men...but you should never forget what they did when THEY were the ones running the game...the fact remains,it was a FOR PROFIT war,under false pretenses and based on blatant and transparent fear-mongering ...AND THEY DIDNT EVEN GET THE FUCKIN OIL!!!!!!!!!!
He laughs at his mistakes. No WMDs? Hundreds of Thousands Dead? Trillions wasted? Bush laughed about it at the 2005 White House Correspondents Dinner. He thinks it's hilarious.
I am doing a video drive down memory lane . . . . when Presidents represented our Country so well. I am neither Democrat or Republican - I just enjoy seeing past Presidents helping others around the world and asking, "How can I help you?" Love that.
I'm soooo proud of you President George bush for everything you have done for others... May God Bless You and Your entire family as you are showing and being such a great role model for how everyone should act in the richest country in the entire world... I love you all and God loves you too. In the name above every name, our lord and savior, YAHWEH...
Everyone will hate my comment, but I like Mr Bush so very much, his honesty is sooo refreshing and now excuse me, his wife Mrs Laura Bush is just about the most beautiful lady I've seen, not to say the others are not, but its a delight to look at her, so feminine just gorgeous, they are a beautiful couple ❤
I love George W’s sense of humor. This is how we should be, find a common ground with those you may not agree with. Obama wasn’t my choice as a President, but I like him as a person, and I certainly respect him for his service to our country.
Good interview by our former President and First Lady. Ive always liked the Bush family. Dont agree with everything theyve done but theyre a good family. No ones perfect.
Laura is his rock and responsible for transforming an alcoholic Oil Executive into a sober, hard-working politician who rose to be President of the United States. He made mistakes but shows integrity, honesty and humility in his retirement. He openly acknowledges all the time his wife Laura who is an amazing person in her own right and prove that two is better than one.
Africa genuinely loves the Bushes. Personally, my best first lady is Mrs Bush, if i could be half simple and loving, i will be happy. George Bush is the funniest man and I love hm.🌷
God bless you Pre. Bush for helping the need the good African people. God bless you again. I am proud to be an American citizen of African descent from poor but hard-working African parents who thought me a lot of perseverance.
You're having spasms miss spaz. Obama is socializing everything. Obamacare is a mess. He did double the damage thAt Bush did in half the amount Of time
This is guy is a murderer who invaded countries under false pretenses , he should be incited for war crimes. I don't understand the stupidity of some of you Americans.
I am in absolute shock to hear him refuse to comment on same-sex marriage on the grounds of not feeling it's right to judge or condemn other people. I am in absolute shock to hear a president speak so humbly about his own accomplishments. I am in absolute shock to hear a former president speak well of a current president from an opposing party. I am in absolute shock to hear a former president wish the best for and offer to support a current president of an opposing party. I'm in absolute shock to hear a Republican speak of people who want to immigrate to the United States as human beings and not "illegals" and suggest that they are all violent criminals and less than human. This country has degraded itself to such a base level that basic civility and the notion that we all all citizens of one nation and share pride in it is shocking to witness from a political leader. And it's only been a decade. Just devastating.
I must say, sometimes during his precidency he made a real fool out of himself and also alot of his decisions during that time were wrong. But he does seem like a good man. I suppose politics should never really define a person.
I think he just shouldn't have gone into politics at all, but lets be honest he did what lots of the republican donors wanted so he is favourable in their eyes...
God bless America forever. KOREA US Alliance Forever. KEEP AMERICA GREAT FOREVER. Greetings from S. Korea Street person . I love Jesus and Jesus LOVES me.
Becoming president is probably the easiest way to get about half the country to be against you - comes with the jobs - I always try to stay as neutral as possible and yes mistakes are being made - big mistakes are part of making big decisions - however I can't help to see a very natural and real guy that seemingly cares for others - although I think I know different - yet knowing is not thinking - I don't feel I know enough facts to understand 100% of the political game - however people do change and if somebody does good no matter who that is important and should be appreciated without letting our emotions get in the way -
Shut the fuck up. Please tell me... What sainted land do you come from??? Have you ever heard the old saying, those without sin cast the first stone? Hiroshima and Nagasaki was awful beyond imagination, but the US were not the aggressors and that act no matter how barbaric ended the war in a matter of days and there is no way to estimate how many countless lives that saved, and Japan is now a strong ally of the US and a peaceful nation. And Iraq, really??? You want to go there?? Suddam Hussein was a murderous tyrant who executed hundreds of thousands of his own people, who not only possessed chemical weapons but had used them to slaughter his own people numerous times. The torture and murder spree committed by Iraq and it's leaders is beyond scope and scale. And Vietnam, the South Vietnamese government begged for US involvement. Again, it wasn't a war that the US started, it was a war that was already in progress as North Vietnam was at war with South Vietnam... You word things as if President Johnson just woke up one day and said "lets attack Vietnam"... it isn't true. What was done to the Native Americans was a travesty and is disgusting and unimaginable. There were savage Natives who slaughtered other Natives for no particular reason other than to gain land and so forth, but the savagery of the US governments treatment of Natives was far more savage in my opinion. Does that mean that I hate the US? Hating an entire Nation because of decisions of a few people over a century ago would be pointless. I know that the number of good and decent people living here far outnumber the bad. I do advocate however that the US should take far better care of Native Americans as this is their land. They should pay no taxes in my opinion... no federal income taxes, or any taxes period on or off of the reservations. All nations on this earth have a bloody history beyond the scale of human imagination, but all nations on earth also have countless citizens who are good and decent people, who just want to live their lives in peace. Do I hate another nation because the decisions of their leaders? No, that would be senseless and pointless.
Often when I almost finished my feed back of the videos. The Google service will suddenly disconnected and I end up have to rewrite. It is funny and not sure why will this be happened. Because the Google service supposed to be very reliable, but... maybe because it is the wireless tablet. when I revisited this interview, the most interested to me is the former President Bush's answer: Before your overly critical, examine your own heart first. Because this is very reasonable, wise and logic answer. It really makes good sense. I believe the idiom of put your feet into other one's shoes came from this way. President Bush is not an African, an African-American or an Eurasian African. He's a former President of the United States of a White people. He went to Africa for his own concerns and caring for the ADIS African women to better conquer with the ADIS and encourage their dreams of helthy life establishment. I am sure they are very happy for his help and will appreciate and remember him forever. This is why I believe President Bush is a great President with his decency and loving-kindness nature from the spirit of the bibles. This has nothing to do with the Iraq war mistakes. It was the inaccurate comments on Iraq war. Because the important Iraq war decision was made by unanimous support between the Congress, high ranking Generals and President Bush together for the necessity of the threatening by a crazy and vicious dictator Saddam Hussein constantly for his nuclear weapons capabilities. I deeply blieve that there's serious motivations behind the threatening from either dictator or the terrorists. Because only two reasons for the constant vicious threatening. 1. They are fully prepared and ready to attack us. 2. They are testing the water from us for their goals either ready to engage into the nuclear weapons capabilities development or to purchase the nuclear weapons capabilities to attack us. It obviously not just kidding with us for funs. If we ignored his endless threatening and aggressiveness, if we showed the weakness, he was smart enough to know. Why? The Binghazi tragedy will certainly taught us a meaningful lesson to learn. Many true facts from our domestic or international histoty will teach us many good lessons too. The crazy dictator Saddam Hussein would rather chose the war by lighting the fires to burn himself, think about what else he wouldn't be dared enough to do? This is why we must tell the crazy dictator Saddam Hussein, put down your agressiveness and surrender, or either we have to kill you in stead let you to kill us. This is why often towards the enemies or potential enemies, often killing a chicken to show bad money's are important. This is why I believe Congress, high ranking Generals and President Bush 43 made a good decision of the Iraq war. Only mistake of the Iraq war is that we brought our troops back much too early, that created the gaps as the loopholes for ISIS to grow and expand. If we left the troops there long enough for Iraqis to establish their own strong forces without the dictator, ISIS would be impossible to seep in and got supported by Iran. We might can even get back the compensations of the war cost. Because the crazy dictator Saddam Hussein forced us into the war by his repeated threatening and ignoreing our warnings and choose the war. This is why I believe for any war decisions must be decided by Congress and the high levels of the Generals and President together in order to make the most accurate judgement of the correct decisions and the insurance for the success. Because only more top experienced and wise brains can ensure the best decisions for our country's benefits and safety by their strong America's patriotism. I also believe Gov.Bush will stand by our country's patriotism to make sure the high alurt attitude will be always most important things to face the dictator like Saddam Hussein's or terrorists' endless threatening. Waiting for being killed, would rather kill them first for our country's and people's safety. I believe his economic policies will work, since his successful governing experiences which created more than 9 billions dollars of the surplus for his successor's raining days. His foreign policies will work, since he came from the family of the former President Bush 41, who's the world renowned foriegn policy expert President. Gov.Bush's own views of the foreign policies makes great sense. Since he speaks fluent Spanish and understands the Spanish Speaking cultures, most likely the Spanish Speaking people who loves our country's spirit of the freedoms and entrepreneurship, they will vote for him. His understanding and being able to communicate and make the best decisions, his loving-kindness nature, his honesty, sincereness, responsibility and capabilities of making our country's goodness and success, people will vote for him. Because most Americans understand that only country's goodness will make Americans live happily. His America's patriotism and dignity, the principals of the America's foundation of the liberty and entrepreneurship systems, people will vote for him, because most Americans love the America's spirit of the freedoms and entrepreneurship and constitutions. Most of the immigrant Americans, newer or brand new ones also love the freedoms and entrepreneurship and constitutions, this is the reason for them to be here. They will vote for him too. Because people vote for what they believe in, for the right doings for our country's goodness, for more freedoms and entrepreneurships, for their honesty and principles and responsibilities to America and Americans, for the respectful recognitions of the constitutions, for the continous world leadership, for our country's safety and security. This is why I believe Gov.Bush will be a great President for our country's future.
“No chronic or metabolic disease has ever found cure or prevention, that is, real cure and real prevention--except through factors essential to an adequate diet and/or normal to animal economy.” -- Dr. Ernst Krebs, Jr.
Alan C. Nixon Ph.D., past president of the American Chemical Society writes, "As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good."
Kindness is from nature, family influences and learning experiences. The former President Bush and the former 1st Lady Laura Bush have been always very kind as the fact. They don’t like ideologies as well as don’t like to criticize others or gossips, but tries his very best to help others as much as he can and governed by principles of Foundation and Constitution himself and helping others to learn more to understand more and do better things quickly together instead of seeing others to be doomed. Let’s forgive each other this time and unite together again by our own generosity forgiveness and kindness nature toward each other’s service and mistakes, govern by our country America’s own established laws afterwards together for greatness again together from learning experiences.
Teleprompter-reader Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: "We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?"; Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it." - "60 Minutes" (5/12/96)
I was not a fan of Mr. Bush during what most would agree was one of the most difficult periods in which to be President. I am still not in agreement with his party's platform but my opinion of him as a person has changed. I believe he is a decent man who did his best during difficult times. Read his autobiography. It is very interesting.
I was never a critic of his. I'm not for his party because there are too many racists, however I believe the Democratic party has probably as many patronizing minorities by failing to criticize them when necessary. And for those crowing on the Iraq war, remember 75% of the public was for it. I was always neutral about it, since I believe there were many who wanted to do it from selfish/evil motives, and I still am.
"Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red."
One thing I love about bush, his sentence always begins with “Laura and I...” it’s so great to see a husband so committed to his wife.
Annamarie Seaman more power to her then for civilizing him. It definitely shows
Annamarie Seaman also, I heard he was a drunk. NEVER heard he cheated. And if he did, why would he stay with her then? She stopped him from drinking AND made him be faithful to her? Seems like he would’ve left if he wanted either. Please cite some evidence/sources (not from national enquirer) that says he cheated
couple goals
Christopher Ibarra not sure if they’re couple goals, but something definitely to look up to that’s for sure!
I am a life long Democrat however I truly admire and want to thank President Bush for his accomplishments that he achieved in Africa and I truly think this is one of his greatest achievements. Fantastic Job Mr. President.
Trying to make up for the mess he created in the Middle East lol
@@JayJay5244 wars happen for a reason. Blame Bin Laden
@@DSkehan2004 Bin Laden wasn’t responsible for the way we destroyed nations and conducted ourselves illegally… That’s still on us and we failed.
God bless him. Sure, he made a doozy of a mistake when he got us in Iraq, but other than that he was a great president. Took so much abuse with class and grace. Got a lot accomplished and provided strong leadership when we needed it most. His legacy will be favorable.
Look at it this way, when President Bush was in office, there was no questions asked when it came to the Rules of Engagement, when President Obama came into office, it changed from shoot anything that was a threat to letting the HVT's through VCPs no questions asked.
Okay, dead soldiers of our country or dead civilians in a third world country in which it's been the same way since the beginning of time... Oh well, you can't change anyone's mind over the internet or expect someone else to see your point of view...
A mistake really a million and maybe more is no mistake it's mass cold murder he should be in prison for war crimes , you yanks need to get out of the bubble yous like in, this man has to face god almighty ,
Did you ever see ONE rescue helicopter make any attempt to drop a rope and pull any trapped occupants from the World Trade Center? Did you ever wonder why Brat Bush Junior took out $5 trillion loans from China - who now buys more cars than any nation on Earth - which all have to have oil and gasoline to make them go - so who was that Oil Barron who made that deal? Did you ever wonder why Banks and Mortgage companies were Too Big to Fail? Did you ever wonder that of the 55 million foreclosures - 69% were wealthy builders who built too much inventory - 21% were wealthy tax shelter buyers - 9% were wealthy banks foreclosing on other wealthy banks - and only 4-5% were actually residential owners - yet they claimed that Scamericans bought more home than they could afford. Yet they put the banks and mortgage companies on socialism and left the rest of us on Crapitalism. Did you ever wonder why they got away with the lie regarding weapons of mass destruction. Did you ever wonder why in the 2000 campaign he stated Land for Peace want work - yet once he is elected hatched the Bush Doctrine to divide Israel to her 1967 border - and then the UN voted on the Bush Doctrine on 9/10 of 2001 - and the next day 9/11 we were under attack - and then all the democratic nations that voted for the Bush Doctrine began in the order of their vote to be hit with natural disasters and the Arab Dictators that voted for it began to lose control of their nations. Did you ever once consider the wolf in sheep's clothing?
This is why I love Bush. Although Obama has completely different ideas from him, he is respectful enough to not criticize him.
Aaron Harvey: Not criticizing Obama was admirable of Bush. Furthermore, since Bush has been out of office I have begun to really respect him. I really like what he and his wife Laura have done in Africa. God Bless the Bush’s foe their work in Africa.
I like the look of Laura Bush..very classy
I have always liked to look at Mrs. Bush she is dashing...very pretty lady, and I think both she and former president Bush like a pea in a pad
@@stevelovesgod no she doesn't. She's got make up on. Maybe a touch too much which may give you that thought. But she's a beautiful, classy woman who looks damn good for 72 yrs old!
Fine FEATHERS do not make fine BIRDS ,
He's a lot more intelligent than the media painted him to be during his presidency.
Yep he’s highly intelligent, but also very self deprecating which I particularly like.
Never been a fan of George W Bush but I have to admit, he's a lot more likable now that he's out of office.
Funny that. Its almost like once he was out of power the Democrat controlled MSM stopped demonizing him non stop and moved on to the next Republican threat.
And now they love him because he's said the odd negative thing about Trump.
I love GW.
He is such a great man who lead the best country of all time
no longer anymore though... thanks to Obama... everyone hates us now
Allison Christ I don't fucking care. Should they hate us. We hate them. we own this planet.
you are joking,right?
***** ooh another left right bitch right here. oil? Bush was one of the biggest Patriots in U.S History not like Obama. He supported our allies and American citizen more than he does.
Are you fuckin serious man?
One of my favorite Presidents I don't believe he was ever wrong. People just criticize presidents
i belive your birth is wrong you sack of dog shit
AMEN ! I want to punch all the critics in the nose, ha ha.
@@jackgigandos3314 someone is easily triggered
Americans for some reason hated Bush for few mistakes he made, but he was leading not just the states but the world. I remember leaders spending their personal time with Bush and they still do. That shows that he is very likable person.
more respect for bush after this
Watch him laugh about not finding WMDs in Iraq - 2005 White Hourse Correspondents dinner speech. It's on UA-cam.
He is a good man I do not care what the woman say about him.
True American, arrogant, naive, and cocky if you don't know them but once you past the appearance, they are warm and kind hearted people, who help without wanting any return.
The problem is that they live in a fascist state exercising terrorism throughout the world.
well USA is the land of immigrant and many immigrant are an oppress people who run to US to begin is natural when this people are rich and pay US taxes, they want US government to deal with the country that oppress them before.
Putera Usman
So if a citizen is not happy, just get obomber to sort out the country, is that what your saying.
I'll admit, I was not a fan of Bush in the least during his 2 terms as president, and yes he made a ton of mistakes, but I think it's important to differentiate the "president" from the "person". He seems to be a genuine human being, down to earth, and I find it quite honorable of him as a republican to refrain from bashing Obama and the democrats, and kudos to him and his wife for getting involved in this project. They could have chosen instead to chill on their ranch in their vacation home. Also keep in mind, the mistakes he made can't all be placed on his shoulders, the entire republican government was to blame for that. He was just 1 of many involved.
yeah,tell THAT to the poor fucks who died in iraq and afghanistan (on both sides) just so that a bunch of unbelievably rich fucks can get even more unbelievably may be tempted to differentiate the president from the person but you also have to be objective and mindful of the facts! its like watching centenarian Nazis on trial...when they look all helpless,meek ,demented and innocent old men...but you should never forget what they did when THEY were the ones running the game...the fact remains,it was a FOR PROFIT war,under false pretenses and based on blatant and transparent fear-mongering ...AND THEY DIDNT EVEN GET THE FUCKIN OIL!!!!!!!!!!
He laughs at his mistakes. No WMDs? Hundreds of Thousands Dead? Trillions wasted? Bush laughed about it at the 2005 White House Correspondents Dinner. He thinks it's hilarious.
Laura has such a nice smile...very infectious
I am doing a video drive down memory lane . . . . when Presidents represented our Country so well. I am neither Democrat or Republican - I just enjoy seeing past Presidents helping others around the world and asking, "How can I help you?" Love that.
A great president
Murder or killer
I am very glad to see both of President George W. Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush.
I'm not mad at you, Mr. President! You are my president still!!
Praise the Lord for former President George W Bush and his wife Laura and the good works they continue to do.
Bush is the best president ever ;) god bless you all.
God bless President Bush and the American people.
You're not very intelligent, are you?
Let the Dew Drops Fall great to see two President's together.
“we both represent great country"
I'm soooo proud of you President George bush for everything you have done for others... May God Bless You and Your entire family as you are showing and being such a great role model for how everyone should act in the richest country in the entire world... I love you all and God loves you too. In the name above every name, our lord and savior, YAHWEH...
Good for them! I think it's great that they've helped so many people, and continue to do so.
لا تنسى ان بوش قتل اطفال الشعب العراقي بوش مجرم حرب
Its simple, aviators cannot be stupid people.
Let the Dew Drops Fall appreciates how Ms. Bush helped the African people.
Everyone will hate my comment, but I like Mr Bush so very much, his honesty is sooo refreshing and now excuse me, his wife Mrs Laura Bush is just about the most beautiful lady I've seen, not to say the others are not, but its a delight to look at her, so feminine just gorgeous, they are a beautiful couple ❤
I love George W’s sense of humor. This is how we should be, find a common ground with those you may not agree with. Obama wasn’t my choice as a President, but I like him as a person, and I certainly respect him for his service to our country.
he is a qwar criminal
I agree with you 100% my friend.
Miss the Bush couple!
bush is the most understood man. it's great he's proactively doing something great.
I love you're mothers comments about your fathers socks. I see Jen came back, and I see you can make your grandson laugh. Precious.
I have not always agreed with Bush's policies, but I really and truly believe he's a decent man.
Good interview by our former President and First Lady. Ive always liked the Bush family. Dont agree with everything theyve done but theyre a good family. No ones perfect.
This is wonderful.
the world need the prerident like bush!
@@vankk7356 - Must you put people down in order to make your point?
Laura is his rock and responsible for transforming an alcoholic Oil Executive into a sober, hard-working politician who rose to be President of the United States. He made mistakes but shows integrity, honesty and humility in his retirement. He openly acknowledges all the time his wife Laura who is an amazing person in her own right and prove that two is better than one.
Africa genuinely loves the Bushes. Personally, my best first lady is Mrs Bush, if i could be half simple and loving, i will
be happy. George Bush is the funniest man and I love hm.🌷
God bless you Pre. Bush for helping the need the good African people. God bless you again. I am proud to be an American citizen of African descent from poor but hard-working African parents who thought me a lot of perseverance.
the guy is a good man...not a criminal. much better than obama. much.
you are bat shit crazy baby bush and that low life wife of his are murderers
The only good thing ABOUT Obama is the fact that he is an upgrade from Bush, you wanker.
You're having spasms miss spaz. Obama is socializing everything. Obamacare is a mess. He did double the damage thAt Bush did in half the amount Of time
Nothing is worse than costly liberal policies
This is guy is a murderer who invaded countries under false pretenses , he should be incited for war crimes. I don't understand the stupidity of some of you Americans.
Glad to make you laugh. Not many honest politicians really, anymore. If you honestly believed Bush (or Obama) was 100% honest, then that's pityful
I'm a Republican who did not like his spendy policies, but he seems like a good guy.
George W Bush - the only boomer that loves his wife
Love him!
yes he was best presient !
Another donkey.
Who clapped for his father?
Bush did, 9:11
I am in absolute shock to hear him refuse to comment on same-sex marriage on the grounds of not feeling it's right to judge or condemn other people.
I am in absolute shock to hear a president speak so humbly about his own accomplishments.
I am in absolute shock to hear a former president speak well of a current president from an opposing party.
I am in absolute shock to hear a former president wish the best for and offer to support a current president of an opposing party.
I'm in absolute shock to hear a Republican speak of people who want to immigrate to the United States as human beings and not "illegals" and suggest that they are all violent criminals and less than human.
This country has degraded itself to such a base level that basic civility and the notion that we all all citizens of one nation and share pride in it is shocking to witness from a political leader.
And it's only been a decade. Just devastating.
I shouldn't be taking a spec out somebody else's eye, when i have a log in my own.
You still have it George!
Classy guy right here 👏
God may bless the Rt Hon G W Bush...didnt think much of him while in office....but he seems to be a very good Person and Laura B is a fine Lady...
I like him
Subodh Garhwal it’s cool to like war criminals
Fact: If a person dies during a chemotherapy study, that information is NOT
included in the write up because the patient did NOT complete the study.
Amen You Go George W Bush his Answers at 4:00 to 7:00 Love Your work George W Bush!! I miss the Bush years!!
Say what you will about Bush, but he was a decent human being who loved America.
Its me maho maho Mareekh Son 👽
God bless
I must say, sometimes during his precidency he made a real fool out of himself and also alot of his decisions during that time were wrong. But he does seem like a good man. I suppose politics should never really define a person.
I think he just shouldn't have gone into politics at all, but lets be honest he did what lots of the republican donors wanted so he is favourable in their eyes...
Oh but politics do define a you fact check...if not you should start
I miss Bush, just do not care for his predecessor.
God bless America forever.
KOREA US Alliance Forever.
Greetings from S. Korea Street person .
I love Jesus and Jesus LOVES me.
I miss the days of civil discussions between Presidents.
people laugh at him for being dumb when he's probably smarter and more informed than 95% of the rest of the world.
Good Bush! This is a great piece.
I miss this guy. He reminds me of my Grandfather.
he is a funny man...
Becoming president is probably the easiest way to get about half the country to be against you - comes with the jobs - I always try to stay as neutral as possible and yes mistakes are being made - big mistakes are part of making big decisions - however I can't help to see a very natural and real guy that seemingly cares for others - although I think I know different - yet knowing is not thinking - I don't feel I know enough facts to understand 100% of the political game - however people do change and if somebody does good no matter who that is important and should be appreciated without letting our emotions get in the way -
-Blames president for destroying Iraq.
-Actually lives in the U.S.
Love you Mom and Dad. 🇺🇲💌🇺🇸 love your Son Jesus W Bush
GOD Bless
I love President Bush, but anyone think he needs a reality t.v. show?
The interview is amazing. If you could just have the same interview with Trump.
best president ever
This man should be in prison for war crimes and not enjoying his time at a ranch in Texas!
Shut the fuck up. Please tell me... What sainted land do you come from??? Have you ever heard the old saying, those without sin cast the first stone? Hiroshima and Nagasaki was awful beyond imagination, but the US were not the aggressors and that act no matter how barbaric ended the war in a matter of days and there is no way to estimate how many countless lives that saved, and Japan is now a strong ally of the US and a peaceful nation. And Iraq, really??? You want to go there?? Suddam Hussein was a murderous tyrant who executed hundreds of thousands of his own people, who not only possessed chemical weapons but had used them to slaughter his own people numerous times. The torture and murder spree committed by Iraq and it's leaders is beyond scope and scale. And Vietnam, the South Vietnamese government begged for US involvement. Again, it wasn't a war that the US started, it was a war that was already in progress as North Vietnam was at war with South Vietnam... You word things as if President Johnson just woke up one day and said "lets attack Vietnam"... it isn't true. What was done to the Native Americans was a travesty and is disgusting and unimaginable. There were savage Natives who slaughtered other Natives for no particular reason other than to gain land and so forth, but the savagery of the US governments treatment of Natives was far more savage in my opinion. Does that mean that I hate the US? Hating an entire Nation because of decisions of a few people over a century ago would be pointless. I know that the number of good and decent people living here far outnumber the bad. I do advocate however that the US should take far better care of Native Americans as this is their land. They should pay no taxes in my opinion... no federal income taxes, or any taxes period on or off of the reservations.
All nations on this earth have a bloody history beyond the scale of human imagination, but all nations on earth also have countless citizens who are good and decent people, who just want to live their lives in peace. Do I hate another nation because the decisions of their leaders? No, that would be senseless and pointless.
Stop with ur crazy conspiracy theory comments and let history judge not comments on freaking u tube comments by UA-cam politicians
I love how all these bush haters are like 12 and just repeat what their parents say
"Let them continue to Babel" great pun
Bush looks like such a nice guy. Has a great sense of humor and I like that.
Often when I almost finished my feed back of the videos. The Google service will suddenly disconnected and I end up have to rewrite. It is funny and not sure why will this be happened. Because the Google service supposed to be very reliable, but... maybe because it is the wireless tablet. when I revisited this interview, the most interested to me is the former President Bush's answer: Before your overly critical, examine your own heart first. Because this is very reasonable, wise and logic answer. It really makes good sense. I believe the idiom of put your feet into other one's shoes came from this way. President Bush is not an African, an African-American or an Eurasian African. He's a former President of the United States of a White people. He went to Africa for his own concerns and caring for the ADIS African women to better conquer with the ADIS and encourage their dreams of helthy life establishment. I am sure they are very happy for his help and will appreciate and remember him forever. This is why I believe President Bush is a great President with his decency and loving-kindness nature from the spirit of the bibles. This has nothing to do with the Iraq war mistakes. It was the inaccurate comments on Iraq war. Because the important Iraq war decision was made by unanimous support between the Congress, high ranking Generals and President Bush together for the necessity of the threatening by a crazy and vicious dictator Saddam Hussein constantly for his nuclear weapons capabilities. I deeply blieve that there's serious motivations behind the threatening from either dictator or the terrorists. Because only two reasons for the constant vicious threatening. 1. They are fully prepared and ready to attack us. 2. They are testing the water from us for their goals either ready to engage into the nuclear weapons capabilities development or to purchase the nuclear weapons capabilities to attack us. It obviously not just kidding with us for funs. If we ignored his endless threatening and aggressiveness, if we showed the weakness, he was smart enough to know. Why? The Binghazi tragedy will certainly taught us a meaningful lesson to learn. Many true facts from our domestic or international histoty will teach us many good lessons too. The crazy dictator Saddam Hussein would rather chose the war by lighting the fires to burn himself, think about what else he wouldn't be dared enough to do? This is why we must tell the crazy dictator Saddam Hussein, put down your agressiveness and surrender, or either we have to kill you in stead let you to kill us. This is why often towards the enemies or potential enemies, often killing a chicken to show bad money's are important. This is why I believe Congress, high ranking Generals and President Bush 43 made a good decision of the Iraq war. Only mistake of the Iraq war is that we brought our troops back much too early, that created the gaps as the loopholes for ISIS to grow and expand. If we left the troops there long enough for Iraqis to establish their own strong forces without the dictator, ISIS would be impossible to seep in and got supported by Iran. We might can even get back the compensations of the war cost. Because the crazy dictator Saddam Hussein forced us into the war by his repeated threatening and ignoreing our warnings and choose the war. This is why I believe for any war decisions must be decided by Congress and the high levels of the Generals and President together in order to make the most accurate judgement of the correct decisions and the insurance for the success. Because only more top experienced and wise brains can ensure the best decisions for our country's benefits and safety by their strong America's patriotism. I also believe Gov.Bush will stand by our country's patriotism to make sure the high alurt attitude will be always most important things to face the dictator like Saddam Hussein's or terrorists' endless threatening. Waiting for being killed, would rather kill them first for our country's and people's safety. I believe his economic policies will work, since his successful governing experiences which created more than 9 billions dollars of the surplus for his successor's raining days. His foreign policies will work, since he came from the family of the former President Bush 41, who's the world renowned foriegn policy expert President. Gov.Bush's own views of the foreign policies makes great sense. Since he speaks fluent Spanish and understands the Spanish Speaking cultures, most likely the Spanish Speaking people who loves our country's spirit of the freedoms and entrepreneurship, they will vote for him. His understanding and being able to communicate and make the best decisions, his loving-kindness nature, his honesty, sincereness, responsibility and capabilities of making our country's goodness and success, people will vote for him. Because most Americans understand that only country's goodness will make Americans live happily. His America's patriotism and dignity, the principals of the America's foundation of the liberty and entrepreneurship systems, people will vote for him, because most Americans love the America's spirit of the freedoms and entrepreneurship and constitutions. Most of the immigrant Americans, newer or brand new ones also love the freedoms and entrepreneurship and constitutions, this is the reason for them to be here. They will vote for him too. Because people vote for what they believe in, for the right doings for our country's goodness, for more freedoms and entrepreneurships, for their honesty and principles and responsibilities to America and Americans, for the respectful recognitions of the constitutions, for the continous world leadership, for our country's safety and security. This is why I believe Gov.Bush will be a great President for our country's future.
“No chronic or metabolic disease has ever found cure or prevention, that is, real cure and real prevention--except through factors essential to an adequate diet and/or normal to animal economy.” -- Dr. Ernst Krebs, Jr.
Alan C. Nixon Ph.D., past president of the American Chemical Society writes, "As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good."
He's a good man. I miss you, Bush
have another sip of Kool Aid and call me in the morning....
Bush was best President ever
Kindness is from nature, family influences and learning experiences. The former President Bush and the former 1st Lady Laura Bush have been always very kind as the fact. They don’t like ideologies as well as don’t like to criticize others or gossips, but tries his very best to help others as much as he can and governed by principles of Foundation and Constitution himself and helping others to learn more to understand more and do better things quickly together instead of seeing others to be doomed. Let’s forgive each other this time and unite together again by our own generosity forgiveness and kindness nature toward each other’s service and mistakes, govern by our country America’s own established laws afterwards together for greatness again together from learning experiences.
# 1
I know bush wasn't a very good president but I wish he was the president right now instead of Obama
I like bush
which one?
Teleprompter-reader Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: "We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?"; Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it." - "60 Minutes" (5/12/96)
America had some great presidents...
I was not a fan of Mr. Bush during what most would agree was one of the most difficult periods in which to be President. I am still not in agreement with his party's platform but my opinion of him as a person has changed. I believe he is a decent man who did his best during difficult times. Read his autobiography. It is very interesting.
I was never a critic of his. I'm not for his party because there are too many racists, however I believe the Democratic party has probably as many patronizing minorities by failing to criticize them when necessary. And for those crowing on the Iraq war, remember 75% of the public was for it. I was always neutral about it, since I believe there were many who wanted to do it from selfish/evil motives, and I still am.
What a incredible looking women mrs Bush is ..there certainly a great caring couple. ..
No one is mad at you, Ur awesome. :D
I didn't vote for Bush. I didn't think he was that smart. But damn, he was civilized.
RESPEKT George W. Bush, Laura Bush '
Great actor. Frankly, he deserves an Oscar for his performance.
Sad that Bush invaded Iraq when he had the chance to be remembered for things like this.
"Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red."
this is what people mean, when they talk about with the liberal media. this is abc, and this guy is treating the president like a jerk.