Ok, I have seen some crazy sh#t in my time, even done some crazy sh#t but that white truck is insane. I can only imagine what kind of engineering and design work that it took to get that truck to come a part and do all of that. I'm impressed. Bad ass job to everyone involved into building that truck.
I love it! A part of history that can’t be erased, glad I grow up with people in the scene that never limited themselves or their vision 💯💯💯👊🔥💰
I'm really glad that at 41... I got to grow up with such amazing creativity. this was why I wanted a mini truck growing up. ;)
This truck thing did some origami lol
Glad i was able to see when the truck was being built back in Sals garage in san Ysidro. and just to think that he still owns it
Ok, I have seen some crazy sh#t in my time, even done some crazy sh#t but that white truck is insane. I can only imagine what kind of engineering and design work that it took to get that truck to come a part and do all of that. I'm impressed. Bad ass job to everyone involved into building that truck.
That’s my brothers truck 😎
@@113chavodoes it drive too ? Whats the name
I remember that truck back in the day. that thing was ridiculous crazy in person .
I don't think anyone built anyone built a radical truck radical than that
this was the 90s? man i missed out
Looks like a crazy carnival ride
I remember seeing this truck on Saturdays at the car wash near Kragen auto parts on Beyer blvd!
the people who disliked dont know lowriders
you right
You're right man
Don't care how much it costs its worth every penny
That dude standing in the right spot to make the truck bed look like it’s floating in midair
Dopeness...I do miss the bed dancing scene, great upload bro
thanks 😁👍
@@big.m.productions.6783 that’s my brothers truck, sal Munoz
Ok guys let's go put it back together!!
... I remember READING about this truck way back in high school in "Car and Driver" magazine 🤣👍
Best I've ever seen
Who else owned the lowrider game one the ps2? Lol
i did lol
Wonder where this car is today lol
how many tickets fro this ride? LOL
That was wild.
The fabrication.
The street protester remover 😂
This is the closest we'll ever be to transformers
This is a Transformers
This thing isn’t even a truck anymore, it’s a transformer. Fucking insane
This thing literally has no fucking limits
Monster trucks had Truck-A-Saurus, lowrider trucks had Alien Toy.
J Roc would be all over this
Who's j roc?
Lmaooo was thinking the same thing
Original transformers 💪🏼💪🏼
Egyptain lover - sexy style (sexy ain't it)
So sick
The thing with that truck is you don’t take it apart it takes itself apart
I called that a transformer
Fucken Fresh!
Was the transformers movie inspired by this or was this inspired by the transformers movie?
Nice crazy
la realidad siempre supera la ficcion
next car will just be a transformer then start breakdancing
helicopter mode
O shit that dude wins
I was 14 now 40
what song is at 1:21
planet rock
thank you I have the lowrider magazine albums and this is one of the song but I never really knew the name cool video bro #mintruckerforlife
What’s the owners Instagram or Facebook? I want to find out more information about this amazing truck
He’s my brother
@@113chavo how can I get in contact with you?
We made transformers real back then.
Transformers 1970
what song 3:16
mack manela sounds like eygption lover
Enjoy The Silence by Depche mode
cherry picker scissors never jogged great call minute maid
i feel like i’m watching a robot strip
BUT WHY THO ?????/
alien toy
Definitely Alien technology
Bro that is a transformer
I wonder what ever happened to this truck
Owner still has it
@@edumacted any idea if they got an Instagram
@@orange_tweleve yea its @comanches_11
@@edumacted thank you so much
3:16 I can’t never get back
Wtf did I just watch?
Wtf lmao
I take it you cant drive it though. lame.