+MC Sweet Very true, no other man on earth has dedicated their life to such a truly noble and valuable cause - problems need solutions, it is that simple
I have to disagree, he might of been one that we have seen in the public eye but there are many like him, they get cut down before there time or they been muted but he is just one man of our time, without the people that agree with his ideas and visitons then he would be just a free thinker and hes already admitted him self hes trying to get you all to think for yourself's and be all you can be, this is a message to everyone to get life to move forward
Kai Kuro those unnoticed are those who kept silent. Why keep great knowledge if you have it? We as humanity must share knowledge, experience and information in order to make better strides in life by learning from each other. Unnoticed is their loss from not sharing wisdom, not their win by taking undiscovered wisdom to the grave.
Do not give up. Jaque spread the Idea his entire Life. Alone. He reached you, a few others and me. Now we are a few spreading the Idea. We will reach a few more, If we don't give up. Eventually we will be many. First comes the Idea, then the word, then the Action. We must continue to spread the Word. Do what you must to survive in this society, but don't give up. Be like Jaque, spread the Word, and tell others to. 🤜🤛
Apparently my Teachers sucked. Last few years I have had to relearn ever... a lot. Mr Fresco was/is the brightest part of my reeducation. He gave me back something that I had almost lost, hope. My place of peace is imagining a future world thriving in Jacque's resource based economy. Every human well fed and free to expose themselves to the entire Planet with no need for influence or money
We need him now more than ever, RIP JF, loved meeting them both in Glasgow. We tried to get him to eat haggis, you should have seen his face, brilliant weekend.
@@TheVenusProjectGlobal Can I ask, why have the regional chapters declined, what happened since 2012, we seem to have fallen away. We use to be so active in Scotland and now nothing, who is running locally in Scotland I can get in touch with?
@@ZenCA72 I don't think there is any active rc's in Scotland atm. I've observed that 'life' generally gets in the way so to speak, wether it be kids, work, medical issues or having to work more to keep on top of things if that makes sense (Peter tvp volunteer)
The answer is easy, there was a fallout with the UK admins and the ZM globals over some stuff, and a few of us left on the back of this. It just so happened that the folks who left were also the ones who were most active in keeping things organised. It fell apart. And yeah we were really active.
The one and only Jacque Fresco, when I first came across him and listened to his ideas for a Resource Based Economy he bought tears to my eyes. I then described the idea to an old friend of mine his response was "Sounds like heaven on Earth." Exactly!!
Jacque you are amazing. Great way of thinking to really appreciate and accelerate society. Be the healthiest you can be so you will have the ability to benefit from the coming life extensions, we need you with the coming times!
Jacque is an extremely rare jewel of a person here amongst us in his robust age that spans back to the Great Depression... The experience, knowledge and personal perspectives acquired in his life pursuits that he shares are very much relevant to the shift in consciousness as a pre-requisite to action. Yes, we are awakening to the fact that we have a huge problems or a great challenges in front of us which can only be addressed from a different level of consciousness where such problems don't even exist... The solution is quite Simple rather than hard or daunting. This is the "Consciousness" or a "way of thinking" that Jacque and the folks at The Venus Project inspire... It is not a matter of changing the "outside world"... The change is taking place "within" each and every one of us, or I should say, for those who are so inclined... That "free will" thing... HA! Thank you dear Jacque for putting a spring in our step!
Che Grande Uomo, che mente lucida, oltre 100 anni di vita, ed un coraggio di lottare meglio di un leone. Basta continuare ad usare questo antiquato ed obsoleto sistema monetario. Bravo Jacque Fresco, adesso portaci in una RBE Economia Basata sulle Risorse.
This is like 1 percent of population that really understands him look out all those lectures from university about free will they all talking nonsense this person is the only one who truly aware of everything around him
***** I donate to the Film project specifically. And I know what you mean. It takes a lifetime to study Jacque's work. Too many people today lack the coherence that Jacque speaks of. As long as he's alive, I will still donate. And I also believe that Roxanne Meadows understands his vision too. So there is hope. Don't let them get to you sir. :)
As a gramma i encourage everyone to please keep this idea alive. New ideas take time to be accepted, especially one advocating no money. But we must keep moving forward. Let's make manifest the lyrics of John Lennon's "Imagine" for our children and future generations. BIG HUGS, Gramma D "^_^"
Hello! I recently met with the project "Venus" and suffered a huge emotional Wake up watching the video. Thank you! But the question that arose in me is, how to identify and, most importantly, how and by whom will be monitored over the sociopaths in the new world? Especially among scientists, but also among the general population?
I've only just learned of this man, his thinking and his words of wisdom for all mankind. no longer can we claim 'human nature' so yes I agree its upbringing (with a dash of genetics). Colonialism, capitalism I hope will end and a new social technological way of living will come forward. This is the kind of future I dreamed of and read about as a kid some 30 years ago. Which it was here already.
I would like to please in the channel enable subtitles in Spanish because I want to share all information relating to The Venus Project !! saludes from Colombia
There will be a point of no return and there as been things that will never come back or heal but yes there is still a chance for us, the planet and the animals around us, I watched some old videos about factory created meat what the Venus Project said could be possible, many people was shocked at the idea, guess what they now growing beef in a lab, or shock horror, no not horror just common sense as human created cows are bad for the world, they are farm animals and mostly hold nothing left to there wild life versions, same with pigs, there not the same as there wild versions at all.
we must meet with Jak. i know english bad. i saw this city in my dream. i build this city in my dream. i saw this project 1 hour ago and i cry, and i cry now. because it is unstopable. i cant believe in this. i know how make this city and this socium. i do it 8 years ago.
@Misha Nedelko yes a lot. Are you able to join the tvp support international group and can pm there? (Peter tvp volunteer) facebook.com/groups/TVP.Support/?ref=share
in terms of the femininity issue he does not mean direct sexual orientation but instead the behaviour we adopt that connects with the orientation. believe it or not but thanks to the amazing and strong Pride movements everywhere, that in itself is a "social norm" or learned behaviour inducing culture/sub-culture/counter-culture. side note, i think Pride has moved past a counter culture and can be seen as legitimate and far more 'normal' than past decades. this is why i say mr. fresco is right and he simply means the behavioural adoption of those who represent what Pride fights for.
@@TheVenusProjectGlobal its baffling how so few choose to empliment his ways. I mean sure its not perfect, but he had a plan mapped out. And thats far more than i could hope to achieve in one lifetime. Because 100years really isnt all that long. That just tells me how bad the great depression was. And we are headed towards worse now, and its scary. I hate that its scary, but it is.
@@privateprivate1865 I believe most people are reinforced in our current society/economy and find it difficult to move outside what reinforces them... (Peter tvp volunteer)
What is said is that he will never see this dream come to life, even if they opted to do this tomorrow they would do it so slow to keep everyone is some kind of happyness so it would take 10s if not more years to complet, he is a smart man and one I deff follow.
Please look up the video below if you are curious as to how much longer we have until a social collapse. Dr. Meadows is one of the few academics willing point out the need for drastic social change. *'Dr. Dennis Meadows: Strategies for Success in a World with Limits'*
It's a shame to see at the end there the feminist propaganda seeping into such a great. Our boy's getting old (: You wouldn't of slipped that past him in his prime, eh? Still, it does not near negate this great work and message and he sure can still inspire and enlighten with the best of 'em. Thank you, Jacque
+sikbowl but Jacque has always been a proponent of equal treatment (not only of women), as far back as I've seen & heard. I've known women who knew Jacque since the 1950's who were inspired to enter into occupations normally only held by men (engineering, aircraft mechanic, etc.). Though such a move was courageous at the time, most women in similar positions still to this day earn less than their male counterparts and still don't hold as many positions in architecture, engineering and science.
The Venus Project I've no qualms with equality of opportunity between the sexes, not at all. You misunderstand. Women can do most whatsoever they put their mind to and should be brought up to know that. The problem I have is with that last statement you put forward; the pay gap ~ this is a proven myth; it stems from a study which took into account all jobs. Only as an overall average are women paid less. Maybe once it was true, but not today, not in the west. As women make different choices as a whole; take lesser paid jobs and more time for their families, a noble and essential undertaking, overall they will make less, but not for the same work. Those who choose and merit higher paid jobs will be paid the same higher wage as a man of equal footing would. ~ If women were actually paid less for the same work, why would women not dominate the workforce; it would make keen business sense to hire only women, right? Also there are laws in place which stand in the way of pay discrepancy
+sikbowl I've just read an article about the pay gap between men and women in France, with data from official sources ("INSEE" and "ministère du Travail"). It shows that women are paid less than men for equivalent work, in all social and professional categories. If you can read French, see the website www.inegalites[dot]fr/spip.php?article972
FHITA57970 It says in the first sentence of the article, "combined work". It is an *average* (and this is mentioned three times in the first paragraph); the difference is not for equivalent work .. My previous comment explains this all quite well, I feel
+sikbowl Thanks, I get your point. I would probably fail to explain the whole article in english, but have you seen the tables below ? It shows how statisticians decomposed the data. It shows that 10,5% of the differences are still unexplained. I acknowledge that, as written above the table, some factors such as family circumstances or career interruptions may not have been assessed. Still, for sure wage inequalities between men and women exist at least across the boundaries of our 'western' countries.
While this is a crass way of putting things since he is from a past time, hopefully, the point is more important. We have to reach past just our culture to live with one another. We have to use science to determine whether something IS or ISN'T but that is different than what shall we DO?
Kind of sad that the people here commenting have no idea what the Venus Project is trying to tell them. Jacque is not an "extrordinary" person and there is no reason someone else cannot do as well or better at understanding these issues, besides a lack of effort or education. This is exactly what Jacque means when he says there will be no statues to him in the future. As far as those who wish to blame the Jews for the control exerted by them under the monetary system, or say they have a bloodline that contributes to their "evil" nature, you have completely missed the whole point of Jacque's lectures. Humans act according to the environment in which they find themselves, and it could have been anyone else and the results would have been the same. Blaming people for their actions just creates divisions and secularism, and is as stupid as as blaming a disease for its' "evil" intent. Continue believing in such fantasies, and we will continue to suffer from the problems that could be resolved easily because you are wasting time focusing on something that isn't a cause of the problems.
I really wish a few rich men just said YES this is the way to go get the bases started and the others would flock, soon as the doors are open then there would be no going back, green at the moment is powering this world and no government would give two shits about any of the views of the venus project they are showing this in black and white right now, I learnt about the project a good few years back, partly via the more miss leading zeitgeist but the logic was there and since they said so much about this I thought lets go to the source of all this, and well if I was offered tomorrow to work on this and live in this kind of manner I would be gone, no one should have to live like we do, they point out the great depression all the time, but more people suffer now and die every day now at the hands of the rich or governments controlled by them rich over sears then any other time in life, the great depression now is life or should I say human life, the human condition, it can be fixed but how do we do it, how do the little man get this started NOW, not tomorrow or the day after, we do need to start action at home right now, we already know how to crash our countries just stop buying new products its already started to crash many places the US and the UK have both suffered at this at late, but what is the next safe step to go we can't just stop living we need means to do it right but some how push the governments to listen, we are so close to war every day its sickening.
@@TheVenusProjectGlobal have you guys tried advertising to niche groups that crush. Like Michael Reynolds biotecture, or the bears over at Beartaria times, Crrow777 radio, or even Dave Weiss. These audiences of people will actually get things done and not wait for offers. Onward
Jacque is a great man who I admire enormously but if he is saying in this lecture that sexuality is a learned behaviour I cannot accept this. Hopefully I just misunderstood.
The difference between us and animals: we wipe our asses, which gave us the conditioning of sufficient artificiality toward hygiene, so we don't survive natural influences anymore. Another difference: we drink when not being thirsty, feeds our being corrupt - taking things you don't need, just for the sake of possessing them - and excessive abuse of matter, and there is a third difference they told me when I was young, but I forgot.
If you think your anything but an animal your wrong, you and every over human on this plant are animals, you can try and fight that as much as you want but you have that options element, plant or animal, humans are just another animal two stupid to see that anymore and then go's out and gets it self and other humans around it killed or in to some kind of clinical depression.
"Environment Shapes Behavior" Not entirely, some behaviours have a genetic predisposition. E.g. Autistic, Histrionic and Narcissistic behaviours cross cultures and environments.
Is someone gay here, do you agree that Environment, upbringing, conditioning made you gay? Can you say ever that you can be hetero if environment would be so? Is the Internet appears to be environment that generate creativity? global?
The very man that build up this establishment for future generations to inspire from.. That being said. I see a little problem with the so called woman's issues and the whole feminist propaganda, same a Black lives Matter For the record i am a black myself, If we want to solve these problems then we need to address issues from both men and woman.. We need to stop the one side cheering for the sake to make a better society, that's not gonna work. The Venus Project is a great idea, but stop the one sided arguments.. Gender issues goes both ways same as Race and sexual orientation.
Привет, Я только что подписал(а) петицию « Все правительства нашей планеты.: Давайте отменим деньги ». Это важно. Подпишете? Вот ссылка: www.change.org/p/%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%B5-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B0-%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%B9-%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%8B-%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82%D0%B5-%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BC-%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8C%D0%B3%D0%B8 Спасибо, Наталья
Are you saying that women in today's society are paid equal/same as to men? From what I've observed the pay differences are getting closer but are not the same yet (Peter tvp volunteer)
The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived On Planet Earth!
+MC Sweet Very true, no other man on earth has dedicated their life to such a truly noble and valuable cause - problems need solutions, it is that simple
Thank You Exactly.
+MC Sweet Lives*
I have to disagree, he might of been one that we have seen in the public eye but there are many like him, they get cut down before there time or they been muted but he is just one man of our time, without the people that agree with his ideas and visitons then he would be just a free thinker and hes already admitted him self hes trying to get you all to think for yourself's and be all you can be, this is a message to everyone to get life to move forward
Kai Kuro those unnoticed are those who kept silent. Why keep great knowledge if you have it?
We as humanity must share knowledge, experience and information in order to make better strides in life by learning from each other.
Unnoticed is their loss from not sharing wisdom, not their win by taking undiscovered wisdom to the grave.
Do not give up. Jaque spread the Idea his entire Life. Alone. He reached you, a few others and me. Now we are a few spreading the Idea. We will reach a few more, If we don't give up. Eventually we will be many. First comes the Idea, then the word, then the Action. We must continue to spread the Word. Do what you must to survive in this society, but don't give up. Be like Jaque, spread the Word, and tell others to. 🤜🤛
I agree, well said.
(Peter Tvp Volunteer)
100 years strong
Long life to Jacque. Fantastic man of our time.
Apparently my Teachers sucked. Last few years I have had to relearn ever... a lot. Mr Fresco was/is the brightest part of my reeducation. He gave me back something that I had almost lost, hope.
My place of peace is imagining a future world thriving in Jacque's resource based economy. Every human well fed and free to expose themselves to the entire Planet with no need for influence or money
We need him now more than ever, RIP JF, loved meeting them both in Glasgow.
We tried to get him to eat haggis, you should have seen his face, brilliant weekend.
Like, share, subscribe. It really helps the message get out there‚ (Peter tvp volunteer)
@@TheVenusProjectGlobal Can I ask, why have the regional chapters declined, what happened since 2012, we seem to have fallen away.
We use to be so active in Scotland and now nothing, who is running locally in Scotland I can get in touch with?
@@ZenCA72 I don't think there is any active rc's in Scotland atm.
I've observed that 'life' generally gets in the way so to speak, wether it be kids, work, medical issues or having to work more to keep on top of things if that makes sense
(Peter tvp volunteer)
The answer is easy, there was a fallout with the UK admins and the ZM globals over some stuff, and a few of us left on the back of this.
It just so happened that the folks who left were also the ones who were most active in keeping things organised.
It fell apart.
And yeah we were really active.
@@dolan_plz i believed he tried it yes lol.
(Peter tvp volunteer)
Jacque Fresco = Greatest Person Ever
same with roxanne meadows they are like if jesus christ came back and split his soul into two
The Venus Project is a Genius Project, please share it.
The one and only Jacque Fresco, when I first came across him and listened to his ideas for a Resource Based Economy he bought tears to my eyes. I then described the idea to an old friend of mine his response was "Sounds like heaven on Earth." Exactly!!
Jacque you are amazing. Great way of thinking to really appreciate and accelerate society. Be the healthiest you can be so you will have the ability to benefit from the coming life extensions, we need you with the coming times!
Jacque is an extremely rare jewel of a person here amongst us in his robust age that spans back to the Great Depression... The experience, knowledge and personal perspectives acquired in his life pursuits that he shares are very much relevant to the shift in consciousness as a pre-requisite to action. Yes, we are awakening to the fact that we have a huge problems or a great challenges in front of us which can only be addressed from a different level of consciousness where such problems don't even exist... The solution is quite Simple rather than hard or daunting. This is the "Consciousness" or a "way of thinking" that Jacque and the folks at The Venus Project inspire... It is not a matter of changing the "outside world"... The change is taking place "within" each and every one of us, or I should say, for those who are so inclined... That "free will" thing... HA!
Thank you dear Jacque for putting a spring in our step!
thank you Jacque Fresco for all your work ...
you teach me what is mean common Sense and critical thinking...
I never heard it of anybody else...
Che Grande Uomo, che mente lucida, oltre 100 anni di vita, ed un coraggio di lottare meglio di un leone. Basta continuare ad usare questo antiquato ed obsoleto sistema monetario. Bravo Jacque Fresco, adesso portaci in una RBE Economia Basata sulle Risorse.
Thank you for YOUR time Jacque!
Always poignant, always relevant,,, Jacque you are a voice of inspiration!, we love you!
This brought a tear to my eye,. I wish there were more like minded people.
This is like 1 percent of population that really understands him look out all those lectures from university about free will they all talking nonsense this person is the only one who truly aware of everything around him
I love this.
Every pay day, I donate to The V-Project. I believe in you Jacque, but more importantly... I Believe in your Vision. Way ahead of his time.
Barbz Gaming
Amen to that brother!
I donate to the Film project specifically. And I know what you mean. It takes a lifetime to study Jacque's work. Too many people today lack the coherence that Jacque speaks of. As long as he's alive, I will still donate. And I also believe that Roxanne Meadows understands his vision too. So there is hope. Don't let them get to you sir. :)
As a gramma i encourage everyone to please keep this idea alive. New ideas take time to be accepted, especially one advocating no money. But we must keep moving forward. Let's make manifest the lyrics of John Lennon's "Imagine" for our children and future generations. BIG HUGS, Gramma D "^_^"
thank you Jacque, for being the most awesome person i have ever known of. keep fighting the good fight my fellow human. Much love!
Someone have to put lyrics to this. Thanks you.and God bless your soul Mr Jacque you have done something to humanity.
Like, share, subscribe. It really helps the message get out there‚ (Peter tvp volunteer)
This man will be remembered as one of our greats, no doubt.
Thank you for being a human being I connect with so deeply.
a very beautiful human.
Hello! I recently met with the project "Venus" and suffered a huge emotional Wake up watching the video. Thank you! But the question that arose in me is, how to identify and, most importantly, how and by whom will be monitored over the sociopaths in the new world? Especially among scientists, but also among the general population?
I do understand, Jacque. You made it possible.
I've only just learned of this man, his thinking and his words of wisdom for all mankind. no longer can we claim 'human nature' so yes I agree its upbringing (with a dash of genetics). Colonialism, capitalism I hope will end and a new social technological way of living will come forward. This is the kind of future I dreamed of and read about as a kid some 30 years ago. Which it was here already.
I would like to please in the channel enable subtitles in Spanish because I want to share all information relating to The Venus Project !! saludes from Colombia
This means that everything is possible to heal.
There will be a point of no return and there as been things that will never come back or heal but yes there is still a chance for us, the planet and the animals around us, I watched some old videos about factory created meat what the Venus Project said could be possible, many people was shocked at the idea, guess what they now growing beef in a lab, or shock horror, no not horror just common sense as human created cows are bad for the world, they are farm animals and mostly hold nothing left to there wild life versions, same with pigs, there not the same as there wild versions at all.
we must meet with Jak. i know english bad. i saw this city in my dream. i build this city in my dream. i saw this project 1 hour ago and i cry, and i cry now. because it is unstopable. i cant believe in this. i know how make this city and this socium. i do it 8 years ago.
Thank You Jacque
he should live forever :c ♡
His points are a bit all over the place, but for a 100 year old man he has a lot of experience to share with the world.
God give him more life
@Misha Nedelko people have different reactions based on their upbringing, to me there is no 'right or wrong' reaction 🙂
(Peter volunteer)
@Misha Nedelko yes a lot. Are you able to join the tvp support international group and can pm there?
(Peter tvp volunteer)
in terms of the femininity issue he does not mean direct sexual orientation but instead the behaviour we adopt that connects with the orientation. believe it or not but thanks to the amazing and strong Pride movements everywhere, that in itself is a "social norm" or learned behaviour inducing culture/sub-culture/counter-culture.
side note, i think Pride has moved past a counter culture and can be seen as legitimate and far more 'normal' than past decades.
this is why i say mr. fresco is right and he simply means the behavioural adoption of those who represent what Pride fights for.
What will we should to do for project venus?
Everyone will use modern HD video tapes and DVD’s and CD’s will be small and scratch-proof and everyone will have a Walkman.
This looks like Jacque is sick here. I think its right before he died.
I love him❤️
Sure, he has always been all-right, recommend it for everyone also (Mikee from Haifa)
I believe this was his 100th birthday, he died at 101.
(Peter tvp volunteer )
@@TheVenusProjectGlobal its baffling how so few choose to empliment his ways. I mean sure its not perfect, but he had a plan mapped out. And thats far more than i could hope to achieve in one lifetime. Because 100years really isnt all that long. That just tells me how bad the great depression was. And we are headed towards worse now, and its scary. I hate that its scary, but it is.
@@privateprivate1865 I believe most people are reinforced in our current society/economy and find it difficult to move outside what reinforces them...
(Peter tvp volunteer)
@@TheVenusProjectGlobal i think youre right. Its so depressing man. I mean deeply depressing.
Espero verlo luego con subs en español para compartirlo, saludos.
+Claudio Jofre
Puede ayudar a traducir si prefiere no esperar.
One of the greatest human mind alive
I wish someone would hack into the nightly news and just simply play this for the masses! Where are you hackers??
you are absolutely right!!!
Joshua Isaias ;)
+PressForEarth That would be great!!
So sad to see Jacque aged. I hope he can reach the point of time when humanity will be able to defeat "death by old age"
What is said is that he will never see this dream come to life, even if they opted to do this tomorrow they would do it so slow to keep everyone is some kind of happyness so it would take 10s if not more years to complet, he is a smart man and one I deff follow.
I think we need to freeze Jacque Fresco cryogenically so he could see in the future how the world have changed.
Thank u sir 🙏🏽🙏🏽
Porfavor que tenga subtítulos en español
Please look up the video below if you are curious as to how much longer we have until a social collapse. Dr. Meadows is one of the few academics willing point out the need for drastic social change.
*'Dr. Dennis Meadows: Strategies for Success in a World with Limits'*
It's a shame to see at the end there the feminist propaganda seeping into such a great. Our boy's getting old (: You wouldn't of slipped that past him in his prime, eh? Still, it does not near negate this great work and message and he sure can still inspire and enlighten with the best of 'em. Thank you, Jacque
+sikbowl but Jacque has always been a proponent of equal treatment (not only of women), as far back as I've seen & heard. I've known women who knew Jacque since the 1950's who were inspired to enter into occupations normally only held by men (engineering, aircraft mechanic, etc.). Though such a move was courageous at the time, most women in similar positions still to this day earn less than their male counterparts and still don't hold as many positions in architecture, engineering and science.
The Venus Project I've no qualms with equality of opportunity between the sexes, not at all. You misunderstand. Women can do most whatsoever they put their mind to and should be brought up to know that. The problem I have is with that last statement you put forward; the pay gap ~ this is a proven myth; it stems from a study which took into account all jobs. Only as an overall average are women paid less. Maybe once it was true, but not today, not in the west.
As women make different choices as a whole; take lesser paid jobs and more time for their families, a noble and essential undertaking, overall they will make less, but not for the same work. Those who choose and merit higher paid jobs will be paid the same higher wage as a man of equal footing would. ~ If women were actually paid less for the same work, why would women not dominate the workforce; it would make keen business sense to hire only women, right? Also there are laws in place which stand in the way of pay discrepancy
+sikbowl I've just read an article about the pay gap between men and women in France, with data from official sources ("INSEE" and "ministère du Travail"). It shows that women are paid less than men for equivalent work, in all social and professional categories.
If you can read French, see the website www.inegalites[dot]fr/spip.php?article972
FHITA57970 It says in the first sentence of the article, "combined work". It is an *average* (and this is mentioned three times in the first paragraph); the difference is not for equivalent work ..
My previous comment explains this all quite well, I feel
+sikbowl Thanks, I get your point. I would probably fail to explain the whole article in english, but have you seen the tables below ? It shows how statisticians decomposed the data. It shows that 10,5% of the differences are still unexplained. I acknowledge that, as written above the table, some factors such as family circumstances or career interruptions may not have been assessed.
Still, for sure wage inequalities between men and women exist at least across the boundaries of our 'western' countries.
Eifer, Angst, Hass, Stolz, Gier, Neid und Zweifel
While this is a crass way of putting things since he is from a past time, hopefully, the point is more important. We have to reach past just our culture to live with one another. We have to use science to determine whether something IS or ISN'T but that is different than what shall we DO?
Depends on the goal of society at that time...
(Peter Tvp Volunteer)
The wise ramblings of a 100 year old genius.
Kind of sad that the people here commenting have no idea what the Venus Project is trying to tell them. Jacque is not an "extrordinary" person and there is no reason someone else cannot do as well or better at understanding these issues, besides a lack of effort or education. This is exactly what Jacque means when he says there will be no statues to him in the future.
As far as those who wish to blame the Jews for the control exerted by them under the monetary system, or say they have a bloodline that contributes to their "evil" nature, you have completely missed the whole point of Jacque's lectures. Humans act according to the environment in which they find themselves, and it could have been anyone else and the results would have been the same. Blaming people for their actions just creates divisions and secularism, and is as stupid as as blaming a disease for its' "evil" intent. Continue believing in such fantasies, and we will continue to suffer from the problems that could be resolved easily because you are wasting time focusing on something that isn't a cause of the problems.
2:45 they were NOT missionaries they were bankers and legislators from the normal world
He's right.
Восхищаюсь им)
Like, share, subscribe. It really helps the message get out there‚ (Peter tvp volunteer)
I meant 0:30-15:46 no bullshit
The wage gap is a myth. There is evidence to support this claim: billmoyers.com/2014/04/08/debunking-the-myth-of-a-mythical-gender-pay-gap/
+timelike01 True or not, the wage gap will be rendered irrelevant in a resource based economy.
+timelike01 haha yeah
I really wish a few rich men just said YES this is the way to go get the bases started and the others would flock, soon as the doors are open then there would be no going back, green at the moment is powering this world and no government would give two shits about any of the views of the venus project they are showing this in black and white right now, I learnt about the project a good few years back, partly via the more miss leading zeitgeist but the logic was there and since they said so much about this I thought lets go to the source of all this, and well if I was offered tomorrow to work on this and live in this kind of manner I would be gone, no one should have to live like we do, they point out the great depression all the time, but more people suffer now and die every day now at the hands of the rich or governments controlled by them rich over sears then any other time in life, the great depression now is life or should I say human life, the human condition, it can be fixed but how do we do it, how do the little man get this started NOW, not tomorrow or the day after, we do need to start action at home right now, we already know how to crash our countries just stop buying new products its already started to crash many places the US and the UK have both suffered at this at late, but what is the next safe step to go we can't just stop living we need means to do it right but some how push the governments to listen, we are so close to war every day its sickening.
Be in the world but not of it
Like, share, subscribe. It really helps the message get out there‚ (Peter tvp volunteer)
@@TheVenusProjectGlobal I’m afraid that will carrot stick the masses into the great offer. When the truth is it starts in the home. Quite literally
@@brandon6348 ok
@@TheVenusProjectGlobal have you guys tried advertising to niche groups that crush. Like Michael Reynolds biotecture, or the bears over at Beartaria times, Crrow777 radio, or even Dave Weiss. These audiences of people will actually get things done and not wait for offers. Onward
@@brandon6348 not that i know of. Great idea though, ill pass it on
Jacque is a great man who I admire enormously but if he is saying in this lecture that sexuality is a learned behaviour I cannot accept this. Hopefully I just misunderstood.
thinking about that...
No I am 100% certain that sexual orientation is hard wired some life events and environment may have a minor part to play but only minor.
The difference between us and animals: we wipe our asses, which gave us the conditioning of sufficient artificiality toward hygiene, so we don't survive natural influences anymore. Another difference: we drink when not being thirsty, feeds our being corrupt - taking things you don't need, just for the sake of possessing them - and excessive abuse of matter, and there is a third difference they told me when I was young, but I forgot.
If you think your anything but an animal your wrong, you and every over human on this plant are animals, you can try and fight that as much as you want but you have that options element, plant or animal, humans are just another animal two stupid to see that anymore and then go's out and gets it self and other humans around it killed or in to some kind of clinical depression.
Obviously, if the differences are so minimal, we can easily consider ourselves animals, which we are! Agreed.
"Environment Shapes Behavior" Not entirely, some behaviours have a genetic predisposition. E.g. Autistic, Histrionic and Narcissistic behaviours cross cultures and environments.
I propose 'Cerebral Enemas' for Everyone on this Planet. It might just be what's Needed for those Suffering with Mind Block. :)
Them why do rich people steal
from my observations humans for the most part have always been conceit by nature if you will
Is someone gay here, do you agree that Environment, upbringing, conditioning made you gay? Can you say ever that you can be hetero if environment would be so? Is the Internet appears to be environment that generate creativity? global?
your book costs $ 25
"We shot the Indians"
I never shot an Indians in my life.
"We" as in "European Americans".
x BublizZ
I am a European American.
I have never shot an Indian.
Maybe not but people of your nationality (European American) did.
I'm not american, thus I can not be terrorist :P
.. but I think I understand you freaking over generalization, I have similar allergy ;)
Please translate into Russian!
cerebral enema xD
(Peter tvp volunteer)
The very man that build up this establishment for future generations to inspire from..
That being said.
I see a little problem with the so called woman's issues and the whole feminist propaganda, same a Black lives Matter
For the record i am a black myself, If we want to solve these problems then we need to address issues from both men and woman..
We need to stop the one side cheering for the sake to make a better society, that's not gonna work.
The Venus Project is a great idea, but stop the one sided arguments..
Gender issues goes both ways same as Race and sexual orientation.
The creator of new Jerusalem blueprint.
+pedro morais I wish people who knew nothing, would also say nothing.
+aurora7207 what do you mean?
+pedro morais See
+aurora7207 see what?
+pedro morais I realize now that you didn't mean for that to be an insult, although It could certainly be construed as one.
Я только что подписал(а) петицию « Все правительства нашей планеты.: Давайте отменим деньги ».
Это важно. Подпишете?
Вот ссылка:
Work backwards
What do you mean?
(Peter Tvp Volunteer)
last ting he is saying. women not equal to men n the salary. Total BUllShit.
Are you saying that women in today's society are paid equal/same as to men?
From what I've observed the pay differences are getting closer but are not the same yet
(Peter tvp volunteer)
@@TheVenusProjectGlobal depends on the type of jobs are working
@matthewnelson4298 To clarify, are you saying there should be pay gaps for the same job due to gender?
(Peter Tvp Volunteer)
"The world is a stage and we're the actors" 🌍
William Shakespeare ~ 😈🤡😇👹🧠🩸💀🤍🖤🤎💜💙💚💛🧡❤️
Like, share, subscribe. It really helps the message get out there‚ (Peter tvp volunteer)