@Manodragon TVP had no say in how ZM functioned. J&R felt they could not put their work in the hands of another movement as such. They feel it's best to direct the materials of The Venus Project through Jacque-the person who arrived at these ideas and the direction of a resource based economy.
It's interesting that i've been watching these videos for almost a year on and off and finally now I have a pretty good understanding of what Fresco is talking about. I remember when i watched these videos for first time I thought he was a genius because I didn't understand much but now it's nice to find that my understanding of things has grown that I really have an understanding of what Fresco is talking about.
@AnimusSolis wasn't hostile to you at all, no idea where you get that. i would just say that J&R are interested only in the aims of TVP so If you want to lend support please go to the home page under get involved and help directly with our activism teams.
These lectures are wonderful. I can't wait for series 4 to be release. Thank you Jacque and Roxanne. If you haven't done so already please donate to this wonderful cause.
@fredmorsy123 I think i can get them done in a week. This lecture, about an hour DVD, is Series 4 Disc 2. The volume issues will be resolved on them also, thx!
@Ghost10251 thanks for your efforts but I have found it a pretty good strategy to ignore those in troll mode. They simply waste too much time and are rarely reachable or interested. I find it useful to go to their channel and observe their comment history; you'll find they repeat the cycle of insults and put downs everywhere. On the other hand, it is a very good thing to get some trolls because it indicates you are reaching new people, yay!
@AnimusSolis I disagree with what you're saying. A resource based economy IS The Venus Project which is a very specific direction. If people don't get the real deal- the right information in full- from the source then the likelihood of failure is much greater, for real. I'm glad I never assumed I got all I needed from Jacque because he offers new insights all the time!! Don't miss out is my best advice.
quick question in your q and a it mentions jacque fresco went to a island where all people were brought up differently! was all thing on that island a good normal or bad normal cuz i been taught its bad in this society
It's a good point to emphasize on, Jacque - Thanks. I've often thought of, and tried to write about the different interpretations that different people express on certain words, like "fate" for instance. That it's really *just* a word, yet one person will argue its meaning with someone else. If you listen to someone's definition, it may be different, but you can only really accept their specific definition simply as their perception, not fight it.
@AnimusSolis If you're concerned with people laughing at you then I say you should consider something far different to do with your time than this direction. We feel TVP is the best chance of making it with Jacque involved. This is not to diminish the efforts of anyone else including TZM. But again, TVP had no say in how ZM ran and J&R tried for a long time to work things out. We now for the first time have many people working with us directly on projects that are important to TVP
@rektator I think its a variety of knowledge in many fields, that gives him that hability to talk about those areas so eloquently. Nature doesn't know boundries of knowledge, only we do. Let's be generalists.
Wow very intelligent 🧠R.I.P Jacque Fresco March 13th 1916 -May 18 2017 THANKS Jacque You Gave Me A Purpose On Living Amen Knowledge Is Power Power Is Money 💵
Thanks to Fresco and TVP. With a resource based economy, mankind will be able to efficiently optimize social design and preserve the finite natural resources our planet offers. Eliminate the monetary system, and as a result we shall have an abundant society for the personal and sociological well being of all the population. This will include a system that manages waste and recycles finite materials for reusage and further sustainability. Help make this a reality NOW! We need you!!
im pretty sure the whole point of the system is also to ensure that power is pointless because anything you want or need you can aquire. having power would be seemingly pointless.
I hope i live to be as wise and experienced as Jacque...I'm still a bit upset because he parted ways with the zeitgeist movement, but i can't help respecting this human being from the bottom of my heart.
About the Nitrogen and lightning: Is that an effect of magnetic forces? Such as why a tree and other plants look the way they do? I noticed trees have a bit of an hourglass shape that falls back on itself. Is that a pattern? The seed starts and roots and spreads out, then the trunk is formed, branches spread out and seed, the seeds fall back down, then the process repeats. Just like cell division? IDK.
Wow... I hope i live to be as wise and experienced as Jacque...I'm still a bit upset because he parted ways with the zeitgeist movement, but i can't help respecting this human being from the bottom of my heart.
@AnimusSolis I just want to make this clear. Peter and his films did get the Venus Project exposer, however, what gave the film so much popularity and a following was the Venus Project with it's new ideas. It is pure ego when someone says "they are famous because of me". What really gave the Venus Project and Peter's films the ability to reach so many people was the internet, and the internet doesn't go out and say "I made all of you famous." - It's what you do or say that attracts people.
@thevenusprojectmedia how. What are the steps to this process. would there be a venusproject site for younger kids with animated shorts that would teach them.
@eugkra34 This is a good question. Jacque does talk about this and the best way to put it is. You have to start with the people who are half way there towards this type of thinking. You can easily spend 10 years trying to bring someone around but it probably is not the best use of your time. When enough of us who are "half way there" get there, and truly understand this new value system, then it we begin to get easier to update those who are not quite "half way there".
@ztawiz yeah. and in a resource-based economy that works too because in a resource based economy the resources/land themselves are used as currency. Corporations for instance dont trade in cash. When coca cola had business dealings with the former USSR, since the money itself had no intrinsic value to them at the time, they actually traded insteel. other corporations/governments today deal in resources like gold oil and even Land itself. so yeah. they just use the resources as currency :(
@ztawiz you said "we distribute resources". who is the "We". how many of them are there? who will be the computer administrators. They will be the ones responsible for running and governing the computer systems. will they be voted in to make sure they distribute the resources fairly and evenly. also will the number/ammount of available resources be transparent(available for all to see).
I've noticed that it always seems to me that when someone asks a question, he always answers back with a question to find out if the person knows something about a subject. The problem is that people ask a general question cause they are trying to come up with a general answer. Not a specific one. Asking what the weather is like our how a person is doing are general questions. They already have a simple understanding.
@alvisc2002 Indeed, grasping the new value system is key. When people are more important than profit you would understand by hording resources your only hurting yourself. By limiting the amount of resources someone else has by selfish hording you would be preventing them from reaching their full potential which may lead to the cure to cancer or revolutionize cleaning the air we breath or the water we drink. These would be things that not only the hoarder would benefit from, but all of society.
@alvisc2002 "We" are all the people in the society. The survey and distribution will be open for all, so that all can help improve efficiency. No person, or group of people, will decide anything. We dont make decision, we arrive at them. If you dont understand that, think of how we build bridges. No person decides how thick the girders need to be, it is tested and calculated that it needs to be x inches thick to support the weight. No person has any say in it.
@alvisc2002 You dont understand. A resource-based economy does not use resources as a means of trade. There are no trade, no ownership, no corporations.
@alvisc2002 Yes, all the worlds resources are the common heritage of all the worlds people. This is how we distribute reasources; First we do a survey of all available resources on the planet, then we determine our needs. After that we distribute the resources in that way which is most effecient in perspective to reasources available and needs we need to meet. This is done by computers and not any form of government. No person(s) will have any power over other people.
@Manodragon I think Jacue Frasco sry if I did't get the name right. He think Zeitgeist get all the credit for his work. Or atleast that what I perceived. And he also think that peter joseph movie not showing the fully veiw of a RBE. And in the future he will make a new movie, Jacue Fresco, about RBE For me is not a difference. I still gonna inform people about it and I still gonna talk about TZM and TVP, because they have the same goal. I support both sides, not gonna take party
Jacque is correct. Communication and Participation is difficult to understand. It's not Difficult to do, but to arrive at questions and conclusions is a skill set that isn't discussed much. IDK.
@MiyazakiKnight Read from the TVP site. As far as i'm concerned, Jacques lectures have nothing to do with his cities. No wonder you're dissapointed if you're actually trying to find plans for proposing the first test city from these videos. You don't provide any evidence that they HAVEN'T done anything. And you should define what does "doing something" mean. 15 minute video in a week (or less) and you'll assume that all they'll do is talk?
@alvisc2002 There will be no power in hording resources. Do you gain power from hording wood? No, becouse its abundant. In a resource-based economy, you dont gain anything from keeping a resource scarce
@alvisc2002 There would be no reason to keep anything to yourself because you will benefit from sharing. Putting all reasources on all of mankind and removing all money-related occupations and the standard of living would be higher then that of the richest people today. In a reasource-based economy there are no corporations.
i guess you could argue that you can predict reactions between atoms. we are made of atoms so... you could predict human behavior and free will does not truly exist?.
@alvisc2002 Answering few of your questions. The people in power today do gain advantage by holding resources in today's society, but they gain even more advantage in resource-based-economy, that would be the incentive for sharing resources for the wealthy people. Do you understand that? =) There is proof in the Internet (I don't remember the web site, google it) that in more equal countries (this includes social hierarchy and incomes) the whole society and well-being is much better.
I don't agree with u on this Fresco, I maybe missunderstand u. But when u say, I invented a dance, people think dancing feels good. But it's not doing enything for the people. They make them feel good. Humans need to express them self. They need to feel alive. I don't do dance, but I do other sports. And to watch a bullfight make them feel good. I never been to a bullfight, but I would say it is a big diffenrence in feel good.
@alvisc2002 Living only for yourself is a very primitive and old way of thinking, which is a result of the thousands of years of evolution in scarcity. Today we can get rid of the scarcity with the proper use of technology. We live in symbiosis together. You shouldn't drain the cow dry on what you're dependent on. You know? =)
The Linguistic Team International is like a "family" who voluntary transcribes, proofreads and translates, with the best accuracy possible, all the information that can lead mankind towards a RBE and a world without poverty, war or corruption. If you are an English speaking native, or equivalent level, let us know ; ) forum.linguisticteam org
@OmPhilosopher : You reject the sollutions to the problems that empower the elite. So, who are YOU worker for? I dont see how TVP is 0% right brain, i think you've got something confused.
Special Urgent Delivery for Planet Earth! The Venus Project Must Be on every single Channel, TV, Radio, Social Network in this globe to Resurrect the Human Race !!
I hope i live to be as wise and experienced as Jacque...I'm still a bit upset because he parted ways with the zeitgeist movement, but i can't help respecting this human being from the bottom of my heart.
Right you are, not to mention clear minded.He's so fluent. He has a lot of wisdom to teach many people.
@Manodragon TVP had no say in how ZM functioned. J&R felt they could not put their work in the hands of another movement as such. They feel it's best to direct the materials of The Venus Project through Jacque-the person who arrived at these ideas and the direction of a resource based economy.
@YepDoIT we need to put it throughout all these videos from now on, i'll look at putting it in the upper right corner or something.
It's interesting that i've been watching these videos for almost a year on and off and finally now I have a pretty good understanding of what Fresco is talking about. I remember when i watched these videos for first time I thought he was a genius because I didn't understand much but now it's nice to find that my understanding of things has grown that I really have an understanding of what Fresco is talking about.
@marvintheone not at present, i barely have time to get the dvd's completed.
@AnimusSolis wasn't hostile to you at all, no idea where you get that. i would just say that J&R are interested only in the aims of TVP so If you want to lend support please go to the home page under get involved and help directly with our activism teams.
These lectures are wonderful. I can't wait for series 4 to be release. Thank you Jacque and Roxanne. If you haven't done so already please donate to this wonderful cause.
@fredmorsy123 I think i can get them done in a week. This lecture, about an hour DVD, is Series 4 Disc 2. The volume issues will be resolved on them also, thx!
@Ghost10251 thanks for your efforts but I have found it a pretty good strategy to ignore those in troll mode. They simply waste too much time and are rarely reachable or interested. I find it useful to go to their channel and observe their comment history; you'll find they repeat the cycle of insults and put downs everywhere. On the other hand, it is a very good thing to get some trolls because it indicates you are reaching new people, yay!
@AnimusSolis I disagree with what you're saying. A resource based economy IS The Venus Project which is a very specific direction. If people don't get the real deal- the right information in full- from the source then the likelihood of failure is much greater, for real. I'm glad I never assumed I got all I needed from Jacque because he offers new insights all the time!! Don't miss out is my best advice.
@alvisc2002 you have to educate people with a value system and undestandings that corresponds to available resources
quick question in your q and a it mentions jacque fresco went to a island where all people were brought up differently! was all thing on that island a good normal or bad normal cuz i been taught its bad in this society
I love this guy, I hope someone will be there to take over his research and goals.
I love that ice cold logic.
It's a good point to emphasize on, Jacque - Thanks. I've often thought of, and tried to write about the different interpretations that different people express on certain words, like "fate" for instance. That it's really *just* a word, yet one person will argue its meaning with someone else. If you listen to someone's definition, it may be different, but you can only really accept their specific definition simply as their perception, not fight it.
@AnimusSolis If you're concerned with people laughing at you then I say you should consider something far different to do with your time than this direction. We feel TVP is the best chance of making it with Jacque involved. This is not to diminish the efforts of anyone else including TZM. But again, TVP had no say in how ZM ran and J&R tried for a long time to work things out. We now for the first time have many people working with us directly on projects that are important to TVP
thanks Jacque
@rektator I think its a variety of knowledge in many fields, that gives him that hability to talk about those areas so eloquently. Nature doesn't know boundries of knowledge, only we do. Let's be generalists.
Wow very intelligent 🧠R.I.P Jacque Fresco March 13th 1916 -May 18 2017 THANKS Jacque You Gave Me A Purpose On Living Amen Knowledge Is Power Power Is Money 💵
@alvisc2002 Yes, in a money-based system that does work. I thought your question regarded a resource-based economy.
Thanks to Fresco and TVP. With a resource based economy, mankind will be able to efficiently optimize social design and preserve the finite natural resources our planet offers. Eliminate the monetary system, and as a result we shall have an abundant society for the personal and sociological well being of all the population. This will include a system that manages waste and recycles finite materials for reusage and further sustainability.
Help make this a reality NOW! We need you!!
im pretty sure the whole point of the system is also to ensure that power is pointless because anything you want or need you can aquire. having power would be seemingly pointless.
Try turning up the volume a bit next time.
I hope i live to be as wise and experienced as Jacque...I'm still a bit upset because he parted ways with the zeitgeist movement, but i can't help respecting this human being from the bottom of my heart.
About the Nitrogen and lightning: Is that an effect of magnetic forces? Such as why a tree and other plants look the way they do? I noticed trees have a bit of an hourglass shape that falls back on itself. Is that a pattern? The seed starts and roots and spreads out, then the trunk is formed, branches spread out and seed, the seeds fall back down, then the process repeats. Just like cell division? IDK.
I hope i live to be as wise and experienced as Jacque...I'm still a bit upset because he parted ways with the zeitgeist movement, but i can't help respecting this human being from the bottom of my heart.
@AnimusSolis I just want to make this clear. Peter and his films did get the Venus Project exposer, however, what gave the film so much popularity and a following was the Venus Project with it's new ideas. It is pure ego when someone says "they are famous because of me". What really gave the Venus Project and Peter's films the ability to reach so many people was the internet, and the internet doesn't go out and say "I made all of you famous." - It's what you do or say that attracts people.
Thank you for uploading this video.
@MiyazakiKnight I'm not here to disprove anyone I'm here to learn more about how to communicate with people about these Ideas.
@ztawiz so the resources belong to everybody? Who hands out the resources. who determines this?
@thevenusprojectmedia how. What are the steps to this process. would there be a venusproject site for younger kids with animated shorts that would teach them.
Thank you so much for posting this! When will lecture series 4 be for sale on TVP's website?
@eugkra34 This is a good question. Jacque does talk about this and the best way to put it is. You have to start with the people who are half way there towards this type of thinking. You can easily spend 10 years trying to bring someone around but it probably is not the best use of your time. When enough of us who are "half way there" get there, and truly understand this new value system, then it we begin to get easier to update those who are not quite "half way there".
so how do you prevent corruption (people hording resources to maintain power) in a resource based economy.
@ztawiz yeah. and in a resource-based economy that works too because in a resource based economy the resources/land themselves are used as currency. Corporations for instance dont trade in cash. When coca cola had business dealings with the former USSR, since the money itself had no intrinsic value to them at the time, they actually traded insteel. other corporations/governments today deal in resources like gold oil and even Land itself. so yeah. they just use the resources as currency :(
Thanks! TVP is the only peaceful solution for any human on earth to get a full expected life time!
@ztawiz you said "we distribute resources". who is the "We". how many of them are there?
who will be the computer administrators. They will be the ones responsible for running and governing the computer systems. will they be voted in to make sure they distribute the resources fairly and evenly.
also will the number/ammount of available resources be transparent(available for all to see).
I've noticed that it always seems to me that when someone asks a question, he always answers back with a question to find out if the person knows something about a subject. The problem is that people ask a general question cause they are trying to come up with a general answer. Not a specific one. Asking what the weather is like our how a person is doing are general questions. They already have a simple understanding.
@alvisc2002 Indeed, grasping the new value system is key. When people are more important than profit you would understand by hording resources your only hurting yourself. By limiting the amount of resources someone else has by selfish hording you would be preventing them from reaching their full potential which may lead to the cure to cancer or revolutionize cleaning the air we breath or the water we drink. These would be things that not only the hoarder would benefit from, but all of society.
@alvisc2002 "We" are all the people in the society. The survey and distribution will be open for all, so that all can help improve efficiency. No person, or group of people, will decide anything. We dont make decision, we arrive at them. If you dont understand that, think of how we build bridges. No person decides how thick the girders need to be, it is tested and calculated that it needs to be x inches thick to support the weight. No person has any say in it.
what happened with the zitgeist movement? You 2 split? Why?
Volume is a bit low but fantastic as always
I love you Jacque, thank you
Jacques looks great !
@alvisc2002 You dont understand. A resource-based economy does not use resources as a means of trade. There are no trade, no ownership, no corporations.
IF everybody feel good, THEN YOU feel good too because you are included in "everybody"
@alvisc2002 Yes, all the worlds resources are the common heritage of all the worlds people. This is how we distribute reasources; First we do a survey of all available resources on the planet, then we determine our needs. After that we distribute the resources in that way which is most effecient in perspective to reasources available and needs we need to meet. This is done by computers and not any form of government. No person(s) will have any power over other people.
@Manodragon I think Jacue Frasco sry if I did't get the name right. He think Zeitgeist get all the credit for his work. Or atleast that what I perceived. And he also think that peter joseph movie not showing the fully veiw of a RBE. And in the future he will make a new movie, Jacue Fresco, about RBE For me is not a difference. I still gonna inform people about it and I still gonna talk about TZM and TVP, because they have the same goal. I support both sides, not gonna take party
Does getting into semantics like this really contribute anything of value?
Has jacque fresco heard of green float ?
Jacque is correct. Communication and Participation is difficult to understand. It's not Difficult to do, but to arrive at questions and conclusions is a skill set that isn't discussed much. IDK.
@eugkra34 By demonstration? With Internet? You also have to educate the people in power. By demonstration I mean, for example scientific proof.
@MiyazakiKnight Read from the TVP site. As far as i'm concerned, Jacques lectures have nothing to do with his cities. No wonder you're dissapointed if you're actually trying to find plans for proposing the first test city from these videos. You don't provide any evidence that they HAVEN'T done anything. And you should define what does "doing something" mean. 15 minute video in a week (or less) and you'll assume that all they'll do is talk?
@alvisc2002 There will be no power in hording resources. Do you gain power from hording wood? No, becouse its abundant. In a resource-based economy, you dont gain anything from keeping a resource scarce
@alvisc2002 There would be no reason to keep anything to yourself because you will benefit from sharing. Putting all reasources on all of mankind and removing all money-related occupations and the standard of living would be higher then that of the richest people today. In a reasource-based economy there are no corporations.
i guess you could argue that you can predict reactions between atoms. we are made of atoms so... you could predict human behavior and free will does not truly exist?.
Fresco 2011!
Fresco and 2012! :))
@alvisc2002 Answering few of your questions. The people in power today do gain advantage by holding resources in today's society, but they gain even more advantage in resource-based-economy, that would be the incentive for sharing resources for the wealthy people. Do you understand that? =) There is proof in the Internet (I don't remember the web site, google it) that in more equal countries (this includes social hierarchy and incomes) the whole society and well-being is much better.
@ztawiz yes actually you do gain power by hording wood, oil, minerals etc. how do you think these large corporations stay in power? :)
So basically don't tell me what i can not do, tell me why can`t i do it.
nice new logo
I don't agree with u on this Fresco, I maybe missunderstand u. But when u say, I invented a dance, people think dancing feels good. But it's not doing enything for the people. They make them feel good. Humans need to express them self. They need to feel alive. I don't do dance, but I do other sports.
And to watch a bullfight make them feel good. I never been to a bullfight, but I would say it is a big diffenrence in feel good.
@alvisc2002 Living only for yourself is a very primitive and old way of thinking, which is a result of the thousands of years of evolution in scarcity. Today we can get rid of the scarcity with the proper use of technology. We live in symbiosis together. You shouldn't drain the cow dry on what you're dependent on. You know? =)
The Linguistic Team International is like a "family" who voluntary transcribes, proofreads and translates, with the best accuracy possible, all the information that can lead mankind towards a RBE and a world without poverty, war or corruption.
If you are an English speaking native, or equivalent level, let us know ; )
forum.linguisticteam org
@OmPhilosopher : You reject the sollutions to the problems that empower the elite. So, who are YOU worker for?
I dont see how TVP is 0% right brain, i think you've got something confused.
@OmPhilosopher How could it come to be a new world order?
Special Urgent Delivery for Planet Earth!
The Venus Project Must Be on every single Channel, TV, Radio, Social Network in this globe to Resurrect the Human Race !!
Imagine if we have people in congress with this type of thinking. But then they would realize they don't need to be a congress lolol
Thumbs up for the dance at 7:20 :D
I hope i live to be as wise and experienced as Jacque...I'm still a bit upset because he parted ways with the zeitgeist movement, but i can't help respecting this human being from the bottom of my heart.