Yessir, despite them choosing for whatever reason to not give the nod to duo, android, and dustshoot in the bonanza set, there were some great reprints
I appreciate the input Josh, here is a link to the deck on format library. 3 copies are what the hivemind has determined standard, although not by a significant margin so I definitely can see the argument for 2. I think if you're playing future fusion, brain con, and 3 terraforming with mausoleum, 3 golems aren't as bricky as you'd think.
I love the machina cards, I still play them to this day. I gotta pickup fortress in QCR
Yessir, despite them choosing for whatever reason to not give the nod to duo, android, and dustshoot in the bonanza set, there were some great reprints
3 golem sounds like an absolute brickshow lol, personally I like having 2 peacekeeper in place of 2 golems so you have more starters
I appreciate the input Josh, here is a link to the deck on format library. 3 copies are what the hivemind has determined standard, although not by a significant margin so I definitely can see the argument for 2. I think if you're playing future fusion, brain con, and 3 terraforming with mausoleum, 3 golems aren't as bricky as you'd think.
oops, I also forgot to mention one of the key points, keep in mind that golem in hand is an instant revival for machina fortress