We didn’t steal them, we fought them for it and won. To the victor goes the spoils. These people will have undoubtedly destroyed them within a few years.
Would it not be sensible, fair and reasonable to make bronze copies and 3D versions of those items to have them in the British Museum and return the originals to Benin? Because, perhaps, it might not be the case of conserving precious cultural artifacts to the human heritage but keeping precious treasures as a reminders of a "glorious" imperial age resulted from the looting and subjugation of other races, other people other populations... Is it better in the London than the original and genuine place? Why if so...? But of course... it is the opening of the Pandora's box... Greece, Egypt, Sumeria (Iran-Iraq), East Africa, India, East indies, China, Oceania and West Indies...
Or it's the beginning of a new era where treasures are shared and shown across an entire planet rather than the regions that were the last ones to win big wars.
The gentleman speaking from 7:23 teaches us that you can have an education, esteemed job, and and an upper class accent, and still be an ignorant, racist colonialist. He feels that the world deserves to see the Benin Bronzes. Well, the only people with the valid opinions are the rightful owners. He has absolutely no right to decide what other countries do with their artifacts.
In 1897 an expedition consisting of 20 British men and over a 200 African porters was annihilated on the orders of the King of Benin. In retaliation, the British attacked the city and took the Bronzes. The following is an extract from a diary of a surgeon on the exhibition "as we neared Benin City we passed several human sacrifices, live women slaves gagged and pegged on their backs to the ground, the abdominal wall being cut in the form of a cross, and the uninjured gut hanging out. These poor women were allowed to die like this in the sun." But yeah sure, the "valid owners", who obtained all of their wealth through slavery and violence are completely innocent in all this. I am not for one minute suggesting that the British Empire did not exploit the people of Africa as well but history is not just black and white.
@@harryburrows2112 No, it's not black and white. But the Bronzes should be returned. They are the owners. The British colonized, which is horrible in itself. I live in Canada where colonial mentality destroyed the indigenous culture here. Cultural genocide. Will take another century to repair the damage if it can even be repaired. In good faith, the Brits should return the bronzes.
As a black British woman, I do NOT want these artefacts in the British Museum, I want them in Nigeria! Plus who did they ask?! Sample size. Repugnant retort. Shame on the shameless
@@simonbrown7455 Don't try to excuse and compare the atrocious acts of slavery we committed around the world to the practices conducted within a culture. Obviously all slavery is bad, but white people stripped these people and places of their wealth and culture, and more importantly, systematically removed multiple generations from their homelands for hundreds of years. Slave trades within a country do not carry the same vile racist treatment as that of the European slave trade, and often these slaves were indentured as a result of crimes committed, rather than for another cultures wealth. Internal slavery also doesn't remove the people from their homeland, so they can reintegrate where possible. Moreover, we returned to conquest these countries once we had abolished slavery. The idea that 'they did it too, so what we did must have been fine' is completely incomparable and truly base.
🤬🤔😳Did I hear the culture secretary say properly reside in the British Museum….. I’m absolutely flabbergasted. Does this country have no shame. Looting other countries artefacts and benefiting financially from them is really unprincipled. Over 90% of African artefacts are either in Western museum or private collections. The history of a continent. It’s absolutely despicable.
@Leonidas I I understand the spoils of war, but since we're now living in the year 2021, it's time to give back to the people something that has a lot of meaning to them rather than TROPHIES of war FOR Queenie and England
@Comrade Corbyn Theft is the only thing your's have ever done, Only people that have not gone any further in evolution still think like that. Something that no other culture in history have done.
If it wasnt for those museums you wouldn't even know those items exist. Their respect and care for the items is second to none. How is anyone supposed to learn about these artifacts if they're all hidden away in their original countries? I'm all for rightfully returning the items ownership, it's no argument, but for their exposure and influence to continue they have to be displayed in prominent locations that recieve considerable foot traffic. Otherwise theyll just be forgotten and all of this would be for nothing
@@casteretpollux and how much media does the world consume from Lagos? If you took a poll of every traveller I bet less than 1% have been to Nigeria. Whereas probably 90%+ have been to London or New York. Places like the British Museum make these artifacts accessible for the world and they take darn good care of them. And with the way things are going in West Africa, if they were returned they would be promptly sold to the Chinese.
"A group of the Benin Bronzes that Germany handed back to Nigeria have vanished into a private collection instead of being exhibited in a museum as promised." NOBODY is as dumb as Western woke people are dumb
Or Nigerian museums apparently: "A group of the Benin Bronzes that Germany handed back to Nigeria have vanished into a private collection instead of being exhibited in a museum as promised."
@@jimthompson9370He’s correct, the bronzes where displayed in the original royal palace of Benin. As property of the royal family it would have been given maintenance.
Not just the artifacts, but also the sovereignty of the Benin people, which was taken from them by the British invasion in 1897. Restore Benin sovereignty now!. We are suffering globally, all thanks to the British.
@laurencefox5884 the benin kingdom, who made the bronzes are different from the dahoney, who performed brutal acts to keep their empire. Go and get a book and stop disgracing yourself
@@wassupguy1505The bronzes were made from the manilla bracelets use as part of the slave trae and detoxed during a British raid to stop slavers. But you know this. Otherwise you would be an ignorant c*nt. So...please can you spend a few minutes explaining why we should have continued to encourage slavery.
The Bronze Cockerel has been handed over to a Nigerian delegation today by Cambridge University, finally! Reading lots of vile comments saying it will be on Ebay for sale shortly and so, it's their to do as they wish?!🥳
Exactly. And maybe if they do sell it (they won't), then the British can buy it back if they want to. Then they can keep it all they want, instead of just hanging on to it as loot
This shouldn't be a discussion. After researching how they were taken, they need to be returned home to their people because its their history and their art. It also could have spiritual and sentimental meaning. Give the back.
The lies of the so called cultural secretary is a typical disgrace. Where did he get the notion that just 1 black person out even just 1% of black people would want england to keep hold of their history, much less 84% of black people in this country. How him come on their media speaking for black people and telling lies on our behalf. It is outrageous and bare faced that speak of their privilege. I have a few question for him. 1, How do you expect just African children to learn about their history that these artefacts speak of? 2, What right do you people have to deny them that? 3. You speak of the world coming to enjoy these artefacts. in your museums. Why don't your people pay the price and go Africa to view them? 4 Do you expect Africans to pay, potentially thusands of pounds, to come to your country(ies) to view what is their property? Your country need to reperations for the damage done to the country and that is not just for the physical damage done. No wonder you want to get rid of Yutube. You want to shut down voices that highlight you unfair spirit.
@@heythere2115 No they weren't. They are straight out of Egypt which are African and only black people came from there and you people are not in any place to say anything about any cultures history as you didnt even leave your little island until the 12th century. Totally playing on part Stop butting in on other culture trying change history like as though you know anything and return African stolen stuff You interfering culture less people. Haven't you got any of your own? Go look on the real African map you will see Judah clearly written on it. You bad minded and Jealous people people. Also those places you call the Lavant. Were all Africa. Those are just invading Turks Persian. Not indigenous to the area. Not Hebrews.
@@EyesFoward Black *AMERICAN* Isrealitism was invented in the 1950s, by two black pastors who had a dream about it. This is where your fantasy started. Zero evidence. In the past, with the exception of a few tribes in Nigeria and Ethiopia, blacks never had any connection to Jehovah. They worshiped pagan gods. They never built churches, or crosses or spread the gospels. Africans never followed the laws of Noah(Sharia) or the 10 commandments or the word of Jesus until they were colonised. *And none of the Africans spoke Hebrew.* You're living a lie. You've stolen somebody else's ancestry. Where's your evidence that the Levant was black? Evidence says the exact opposite. If you look at the DNA of ancient Egyptians in their tombs, their DNA is closer to modern day Europeans and Arabs, with very few being connected to sub-Saharan Africans. Look at the Tomb of Seti. Shows the skin colour. Read the book of Enoch, Noah and his first son were white. Adam, the first man, his name means "red" in Hebrew. Give me a link of an Ancient African map that displays Judah. You Americans are so stupid... Because "Africa" and "Europe" and "Asia" didn't exist in the ancient world like we understand them today. They were never seen as landmasses until just 100 years ago. The invention of "Africa" comes from the Europeans. Africa is a massive diverse landmass, they might be black but they are as unique as the Chinese and Indians. Africa has had more race wars than any other continent. They've never seen themselves as "African" or "black". You think all Africans are the same? Clown, you know nothing of Africa. What year did the Persians and Turks invade the Levant? Real Africans don't believe in the same things you do, American. Their history was never wiped like yours was, they had their history(like me) passed down through generations. *All your history comes from the state and TV.* You were brainwashed to believe you are special Israelites, just like the British in the 1800s, or the Germans were in 1933 or the Chinese are today. Being brainwashed into believing you are special gives you high morale for fighting wars. There's a war coming. And you are the cannon fodder. The white Americans also believe they are Israelites.
My dad is from Benin, a son of a chief, never did much with what he was entitled to lost it all, because people are crooks and he is rather simple, he had two bronze heads stolen from him from a relative on my mother's side.
@@emm_arr Check the Facts first...think about Réunion, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Marie-Galante, Polynesia and many others..... "No" is not enough and is not a valid argument to make up as an answer
These artifacts should be returned. Looting is not okay. Interesting until. Black Britain supposedly is united under one flag. Africans, Nigerians, Caribbeans all the same to these folk. They're not. Just as try put the Chinese and the Japanese under the same flag and identity. You have no right to speak for or group folk like this
When the Nazis stole art from European countries, despite them moving these countries into their Empire, it was not called Colonialism, and the art was returned back. Should the same not apply here?
I say, 1️⃣ Make copies of them... Like worthwhile replicas... One for one copied, molded and then cast? or whichever method had been mutually decided upon to make the equivalent, equally as spectacular a piece as the original. 2️⃣ Next I propose to split the original pieces in number so each country has as many of the real artifacts as the other has while substituting the remainder of the real items your opponent countries have with the replacement copies created before hand. So that now equally half and half of originals + the replicas are possessed and shown / displayed by each party and annually traded so that each country gets each item equal amounts. Then on a regular annual basis to be traded back and forth with the Nigerian government.
Museums should only exist when the original owners of the items shown allow them to be shown. Return them. People can travel the world to see them... or the museums can take pictures of the items.
This isn’t a racial issue. This is about possession. Loaded questions abound. Sticky answers too. I don’t believe in BLM. It’s not a religion. I believe in principles. These artifacts should be given back. If they were stolen they should be given back. That is my moral stand. The legalities are not my cup of tea. However, I always thought that you can’t get good title to stolen goods? Pawn shops have to give back stolen goods even if they paid for them. The modern world should recognize the past for what it was. A different time, different standards, different ethics. Not everything colonialism did was bad. Not all of it was good. Practically, if it wasn’t the UK, who else would’ve been the tope dog to control other areas of the earth? The BLM handwringing and guilt trips are distasteful. Recognizing that people in the past had different values than we do today is important. Many of those “white” people fought for equality. As human beings, people might look at us a 100 years from now and find fault even if we currently think we are being moral and just. Countries to me are akin to people. A collective group. People make mistakes, they grow, they change. The UK has grown in many many ways. The UK was the most powerful country on earth. After WW2 they lost their empire. I have profound respect for the British in how relatively graceful they have been as a people. In many ways they still lead the world. They should be proud of their past, recognize the failings but always hold their head up. It seems like a past colonial country assumes their current lives would somehow be automatically enter than if colonialism never happened. Fact is we all have our challenges. The feeling of pride in fighting for freedom and winning must be exhilarating. At some point the past should remain what it is..the past. Every country has enough problems to tackle and dredging up the past causes resentment. No one can change the past. I’d rather be on the ride up than down in world evolution.
Actually, I kinda agree with the gentleman from 7:23. The world needs to see the Benin Bronzes. The world also needs to see the works of Turner, Hockney, Bacon, and Hirst. We should move all their pieces to Disney World in Orlando so we can 'ensure the world enjoys this marvelous heritage.' Let's send in the US Marines to loot them and send them to Florida. Many more people will these works at Disney World than any Museum in the UK. 😀
Nope because Nigeria didn't exist before colonialism. But the tribes in Nigeria that had kingdoms before colonialism that expanded their territory assimilated the conquered tribes and combined their culture with the conquering tribes culture and became one. Therefore, what belonged to the conquering tribes also belonged to the conquered tribes too.
@Leonidas I Hey, you forgot to tell us how Nigerian you are. 1/6th, wasn't it? Even though the genes from your ancestors tend to be passed down in multiples of 4 you have managed to be a 1/6 Nigerian. You Russians don't do maths good. Or running countries good. Or cheating at the Olympics good. No FSB treats for you tonight.
The brass in the statues came from bracelets made by the Portuguese used to trade with black slave traders for black slaves. Slavery continued in Benin long after slavery had been abolished in Britain (the first country in the world to outlaw slavery). Britain was trying to end slavery in Benin, as well as the awful practise of human sacrifice, when it’s trade delegation to Benin were slaughtered. That’s why Britain responded by invading. Britain is why there is no slave trade there now. No human sacrifice. And we left a large modern city in its place when we left 60 years ago.
Please stop joking. Benin City for one has existed since the 15th century. The British did not create it in the same way they didn’t create London. Two, it’s been reported on several occasions that the Benin Kingdom did not trade slaves in vast amounts compared to their neighbours like the Oyo, Dahomey and Ashanti. They were more focused on the trade of rubber, cloth and palm oil. The latter been the reason why the British invaded because the Benin’s had a large monopoly on the Palm Oil trade in the Niger Delta Region and gained significant profits because of it, something the British weren’t fond on. I would also love for British people to stop using race when referring to Africans like Africans cared about race back then and now.
@@notanemoprog can’t debunk lol. Anyway here are sources: The Benin Kingdom (13th - 19th Centuries) as a Megacommunity Dmitri M. Bondarenko Institute for African Studies Russian Academy of Sciences Russian State University for the Humanities,Moscow Benin and the Europeans 1485-1897 by A.F.C. Ryder The fall of benin: A Reassessment by Philip A. Igbafe
There is no reason regarding the return of these items. Modern technology would allow perfect copies to be made. It should be made clear when they are returned that the correct history of these artefacts are recorded including how the bronze that was used to make them was exchanged with the Portuguese with the Oba for slaves taken by him in his wars in creating the Benin empire.
If they give the Bronzes back they'll have to give everything back. There wont be much of a British Museum or unless of course they fill it up with 'British' artefacts . The culture minister should have plainly said they're trophies of conquest, so should all defenders in th comments section.
What does Leonidas do with the biscuit once he's taken it? Fun fact: the Leonidas sockpuppet is run by a Russian woman who lives in one of the the more affordable - and grim - parts of Petrograd.
There is power in every single spiritual artifact (from ancient Egypt to 19th century Benin) stolen from Afrika, that's why they don't want to return them. Take everything spiritual artifact out of the MET, The Vatican, British French and German institutions/museums out and back to Afrika, and watch those countries fall in less than a decade.
They already vanished into a private collection instead of being exhibited in a museum as promised. Nobody dumber than a woke westerner (like the one above)
@@notanemoprog They were returned to Oba of Benin, Ewaure II, the king of Benin where all of this was taken from. It has LITERALLY been returned to it's rightful owners lol if that is a private collection then so be it. Lord save us from low IQ white people.
@@Taharqo.saved.the.Hebrew Imagine having “stolen” the Artefacts of other African tribes / cultures for centuries via war and conquest, then having the brass neck to demand back artefacts from Britain, despite us having purchased the vast majority of them, not stolen them! 50-60 years after independence and you’re still trying to squeeze cash and anything else out of Britain!
Appalling...just dumbfounded by the coldblooded denying or really not taking the responsibility of accepting what your ancestors has done. This is all so painfull and they can never just come clear of what they have done in the past for just wanting power and riches from countries who did not ask to be colonized or whiped out. Then you steal their art and now you think your entitled to that art because the whole world is coming to see it in your musea. What's wrong with people?
Look at that street art - do you think thats respectful to Britain? It, is not. Maybe, as usual these days they will be pressured by their own well wishers to return some art which is perfectly fine where it is - respect is a two way street so practice it and it has proven to pay off. This sort of thing happens all over the world - when ppl travel they see something that they believe needs to be seen by others as a sign of high admiration - when your energy and affluence brings you around the globe be humble enough to attain some great souvenirs and by doing so honor that country and yours. 1
A once mighty kingdom that was built on slavery, long before the trans-Atlantic slave trade started. The bronze used to make these pieces was obtained by trading slaves with European slavers. Although the British put an end to the Atlantic slave trade, with the creation of the West Africa Squadron in 1807, slavery and slave trading continued within Benin, and the country continued its wars of conquest, enslaving and occupying the territory of surrounding peoples.
Maybe don't view things through the colonial apologist lens. We didn't 'put an end' to slavery, we fuelled it for decades and are still profiting from the society built on those slaves to this day. Numerous countries had abolished slave ownership and slavery well before we did. Many of the bronzes were made hundreds of years before any contact with Europeans, and so the bronze was clearly not always gotten through 'trading slaves with European slavers'. Moreover, the transgressions of another country or civilisation doesn't give you the right to enslave, colonise, and loot that country. Imagine if equal actions were scaled to Britain's transgressions.
@@timrathbone "Numerous countries had abolished slave ownership and slavery well before we did". Name one. Slavery was abolished in England more than a thousand years ago. What Britain did in the early 1800s effectively stopped it, everywhere else that the Royal Navy controlled the seas.
@@baldieman64 From the Uk government website: "It was only after many failed attempts that, in 1807, the slave trade in the British Empire was abolished. However, slaves in the colonies (excluding areas ruled by the East India Company) were not freed until 1838 - and only after slave-owners, rather than the slaves themselves, received compensation."...so a bit less than "a thousand years ago". Haiti had banned slave ownership and the slave trade by 1793 through their own independent efforts. Go and inform yourself, I'm not your parent.
Imagine investing all those years in an education, studying hard and learning how to craft things with skill and some imagination, and then ... ... and then ending up shitposting in long shifts for for a rubbish fake tsar and for bad pay! I almost feel for the woman who shitposts this channel for Putin, but her nasty lifestyle choices make my sympathy limited!
I understand that a British trade mission existing of hundreds of unarmed people were brutally slaughtered and that is why the British declared war on the oba. But it is time to give the traditional Benin artifacts back. They have much more value to the people in Nigeria anyway and the murderd trading mission will not come back by keeping it
Spoils of war, we've moved on now so if they want them back then they should make an official request and do it publicly, as others have said we can make perfect copies for historical reference.. If there's an issue with changing the law to suit Nigeria then we could loan them on an indefinite time frame and when/if they go missing and are destroyed we'll at least have a decent record 🤷♂️
I pray not The bronzes were taken as a prize of abolition for a war instigated by the kingdom of Benin, one of Africa’s largest slave traders and holders
@@sircoloniser5454 you’re one some good drugs cause that’s not what happened the British were trying to colonize them stop trying to make British people seem like y’all are good y’all the devil.
@@sircoloniser5454he British were given permission by the leaders of the Berlin Conference to invade Benin but now you are saying it was the Benin that instigated war. Last time I checked it was the British who traversed the Benin River uninvited and not the Benin’s who traversed the Mersey River uninvited
And did Benin not Take over any of its neighbours to create their prosperity and ability to have statues etc. should they not trace that back therefore? Where does it end? Adam and Eve? Single called amoebas?
@@bobbylostandfound I think you have things out of perspective. We systematically stripped generations of men from half a continent, we're talking tens of millions over centuries. The two simply don't compare. ....Oh and then we decided to invade after we 'abolished slavery'. Why can't we use our now safe position to make some voluntary reparations. Or are you too proud to admit that white people have gained immeasurably from all of this?
I say let the British Museum keep the artifacts because it’s black people job to be creative just don’t let them take anything moving forward in my opinion
@@theghostofumarskoolishere.4632 it is petty in two ways, actually! It is meaningless and an interest of the impotent middle class. Thanks for pointing it out
the former kingdom in part of Nigeria is gone and no longer exists everyone that was there is dead. right of conquests apples long live British empire. is that controversial enough.
Long live the British empire? What empire? Pitcairn? A load of inbreeders stuck on a desolate rock in the middle of nowhere? St Helena? A load of inbreeders stuck on a desolate rock in the middle of nowhere? The Falklands? A load of inbreeders stuck on a desolate rock in the middle of nowhere? Gibraltar? A load of inbreeders stuck on a desolate rock? At least you can get to the EU from this one. Great empire!
@@nickssurplus It is the truth. The remnants of the British Empire are shitty little islands dotted around the globe. That is it. It is not xenophobic to point out simple facts. It sounds to me like you are trying to infer from my comments that was never said. But that is to be expected from someone who hates dogs.
@@clancywiggam Can you imagine if you called an African Nation a bunch of inbreeders. You would quiet rightly be up in front of the beek Monday morning. I thought everyone loves dogs
@@nickssurplus "The majority of Pitcairn Islanders are descended from the nine mutineers of His Majesty's Armed Vessel Bounty who, led by Fletcher Christian, landed on unihabited Pitcairn Island in 1790 with six Polynesian men, twelve Polynesian women, and an infant girl." "...confirm the known historical origin of the women founders who came from St Helena. Although the degree of inbreeding is high there is no significant deficiency of heterozygotes in the eight informative systems." "Thousands of people in the UK are likely to be the result of “extreme inbreeding” between close relatives, a study has suggested. An analysis of DNA stored in the UK Biobank, which stores hundreds of thousands of volunteers’ genetic material, found a fraction of those sequenced were conceived by parents who are either first or second-degree relatives." And so on and so forth. Inbreeders.
They’re not gonna do that and even if they were it’s their things it’s none of your business don’t pretend European pillaging is about “preserving” African culture you guys also sell it to private ppl who ruin these things
@@Captain.Pugwash Nothing relevant... U have more Egyptian artifacts than British...that doesn't even make sense... O yeah Sutton hoo helmet... Imagine traveling all the way the London to see Sutton helmet 🤣
You know it's funny how Europeans condemn Africa for creating "nothing" yet they sure do have a lot of African "nothing" kept in their museums!
@Leonidas I Your shitposts are stupid!
@Leonidas I
Those golds and other precious artifacts have been in Africa for thousands of years so clearly your statement is flawed.
@Leonidas I no true nigerian would insult your culture i should know im full nigerian
@Leonidas I Tat that sells for millions, and I doubt you’re Nigerian.
@Leonidas I ur 1/6th so u have no say. why do u feel so comfortable to comment on a foreign culture. 1m 1/4 chinese yet i don't do that get a life
How is this even a discussion? We stole them. We admit it. Give the fucking things back.
Oh, a nationalist. So here we are again with Goebbel´s thought of art being part of a race/nation. You have the same logic as Hitler, Goebbels etc.
@@georgederuiter1412 How about just returning stolen property. Just as what anyone would expect if the house was burgled.
Uh no, they can have them back when they pay us for the war they started
God bless you 🙏 you can see what is going on
We didn’t steal them, we fought them for it and won. To the victor goes the spoils. These people will have undoubtedly destroyed them within a few years.
Would it not be sensible, fair and reasonable to make bronze copies and 3D versions of those items to have them in the British Museum and return the originals to Benin? Because, perhaps, it might not be the case of conserving precious cultural artifacts to the human heritage but keeping precious treasures as a reminders of a "glorious" imperial age resulted from the looting and subjugation of other races, other people other populations... Is it better in the London than the original and genuine place? Why if so...? But of course... it is the opening of the Pandora's box... Greece, Egypt, Sumeria (Iran-Iraq), East Africa, India, East indies, China, Oceania and West Indies...
Or it's the beginning of a new era where treasures are shared and shown across an entire planet rather than the regions that were the last ones to win big wars.
@@spicyf You lost the plot as well as the game the last time we spoke.
@@spicyf You'll find it, if you stop choosing to be silly around me.
@@spicyf Dunno. I outgrew intentional stupidity when I was a teenager.
@@spicyf OK. I outgrew intentional stupidity when I was a teenager, but you be as stupid as you want to.
The gentleman speaking from 7:23 teaches us that you can have an education, esteemed job, and and an upper class accent, and still be an ignorant, racist colonialist. He feels that the world deserves to see the Benin Bronzes. Well, the only people with the valid opinions are the rightful owners. He has absolutely no right to decide what other countries do with their artifacts.
In 1897 an expedition consisting of 20 British men and over a 200 African porters was annihilated on the orders of the King of Benin. In retaliation, the British attacked the city and took the Bronzes. The following is an extract from a diary of a surgeon on the exhibition "as we neared Benin City we passed several human sacrifices, live women slaves gagged and pegged on their backs to the ground, the abdominal wall being cut in the form of a cross, and the uninjured gut hanging out. These poor women were allowed to die like this in the sun." But yeah sure, the "valid owners", who obtained all of their wealth through slavery and violence are completely innocent in all this. I am not for one minute suggesting that the British Empire did not exploit the people of Africa as well but history is not just black and white.
@@harryburrows2112 No, it's not black and white. But the Bronzes should be returned. They are the owners. The British colonized, which is horrible in itself. I live in Canada where colonial mentality destroyed the indigenous culture here. Cultural genocide. Will take another century to repair the damage if it can even be repaired. In good faith, the Brits should return the bronzes.
@@frijolero6048 You make a fair point
As a black British woman, I do NOT want these artefacts in the British Museum, I want them in Nigeria! Plus who did they ask?! Sample size. Repugnant retort. Shame on the shameless
Absolutely true because it’s stolen property not to mention not everyone has luxury of a visa so let Nigerians enjoy home at home for sure 🏴
Don't they celebrate people who owned slaves themselves ?
Yes I think they are equivalent to colston in bristol.
@@simonbrown7455 Don't try to excuse and compare the atrocious acts of slavery we committed around the world to the practices conducted within a culture. Obviously all slavery is bad, but white people stripped these people and places of their wealth and culture, and more importantly, systematically removed multiple generations from their homelands for hundreds of years. Slave trades within a country do not carry the same vile racist treatment as that of the European slave trade, and often these slaves were indentured as a result of crimes committed, rather than for another cultures wealth. Internal slavery also doesn't remove the people from their homeland, so they can reintegrate where possible. Moreover, we returned to conquest these countries once we had abolished slavery.
The idea that 'they did it too, so what we did must have been fine' is completely incomparable and truly base.
🤬🤔😳Did I hear the culture secretary say properly reside in the British Museum….. I’m absolutely flabbergasted. Does this country have no shame. Looting other countries artefacts and benefiting financially from them is really unprincipled. Over 90% of African artefacts are either in Western museum or private collections. The history of a continent. It’s absolutely despicable.
It's standard English arrogance. What's more staggering is that you're surprised by it.
Unfortunately the Culture Secretary is not very intelligent ! He actually believes the garbage he speaks.
And the Nigerians stole treasures from other lands and claimed it to be theirs... Where is the logic exactly?
@@heythere2115never happened you got any historical references on that? Or are you just making that assumption up?
It's time tourists boycott these museums - just leave a message at the door saying send the stolen goods home.
@Leonidas I Your shitposts are stupid!
@Leonidas I I understand the spoils of war, but since we're now living in the year 2021, it's time to give back to the people something that has a lot of meaning to them rather than TROPHIES of war FOR Queenie and England
@@gwenjones117 That's a Russian troll.
@Comrade Corbyn Theft is the only thing your's have ever done, Only people that have not gone any further in evolution still think like that. Something that no other culture in history have done.
Give back what belong to other contries... It is about time
God bless you. Good talk
If we're serious about "Global Britain", returning these to Nigeria would be a start.
That's just mood music to secure Brexit so the super rich like Murdoch, Putin and Rees-Mogg can avoid EU tax laws.
I'm not serious about "Global Britain". So no, let's not do that.
@@Captain.Pugwash But you are seriously a putinbot who has posted more pro-Brexit shitposts than most Brexiters ever did!
It's time to rename the British Museum to "Dat's Mine!"
Lol that's mine and also that theirs.
Nah I like the name it's already got,slaughter massacre city
I support all art being sent home to its place of origin and creation. I'm looking at you "British Museum" and "Metropolitan Museum, N.Y."
I suppose these days those museums would consider themselves responsible custodians of world history
If it wasnt for those museums you wouldn't even know those items exist. Their respect and care for the items is second to none. How is anyone supposed to learn about these artifacts if they're all hidden away in their original countries? I'm all for rightfully returning the items ownership, it's no argument, but for their exposure and influence to continue they have to be displayed in prominent locations that recieve considerable foot traffic. Otherwise theyll just be forgotten and all of this would be for nothing
@@Sloth55Chunk How would people know that they exist? 1) books 2) internet 3) filmed media 4) visiting museums. Same as they do now.
@@casteretpollux and how much media does the world consume from Lagos? If you took a poll of every traveller I bet less than 1% have been to Nigeria. Whereas probably 90%+ have been to London or New York. Places like the British Museum make these artifacts accessible for the world and they take darn good care of them. And with the way things are going in West Africa, if they were returned they would be promptly sold to the Chinese.
@@Sloth55Chunk I'm bored by your racist assumptions. Go argue with yourself.
Hope all the European will look in to it because the great Benin Kingdom history museum that is what we live for
Return, return, return, return. To the homeland!
If you ever do get the chance to see any Benin bronzes, the are worth a look. Remarkable things.
It is time to return them.
"A group of the Benin Bronzes that Germany handed back to Nigeria have vanished into a private collection instead of being exhibited in a museum as promised."
NOBODY is as dumb as Western woke people are dumb
It's a shame! There is no good reason to keep those artifacts in London museums.
Apart from the fact that they’d have been destroyed if they’d stayed there?
Or Nigerian museums apparently:
"A group of the Benin Bronzes that Germany handed back to Nigeria have vanished into a private collection instead of being exhibited in a museum as promised."
@@jimthompson9370 stayed where? they were kept in outstanding conditions when they were taken from the King's palace.
@@p.c2750 - you were there in 1897 were you?
@@jimthompson9370He’s correct, the bronzes where displayed in the original royal palace of Benin. As property of the royal family it would have been given maintenance.
Not just the artifacts, but also the sovereignty of the Benin people, which was taken from them by the British invasion in 1897. Restore Benin sovereignty now!. We are suffering globally, all thanks to the British.
You think the British were wrong to attack Dahomy to resist the transatlantic slave trade?
@@levbronstein-redDahomey and the Kingdom of Benin (in modern day Nigeria) are NOT the same thing
@@BlueIvory4 True. They are separated in time. The bronzes were not taken from Benin as you point out....
@laurencefox5884 the benin kingdom, who made the bronzes are different from the dahoney, who performed brutal acts to keep their empire. Go and get a book and stop disgracing yourself
@@wassupguy1505The bronzes were made from the manilla bracelets use as part of the slave trae and detoxed during a British raid to stop slavers. But you know this. Otherwise you would be an ignorant c*nt. So...please can you spend a few minutes explaining why we should have continued to encourage slavery.
Give the treasures back to Nigeria.
We need our artifacts back to Benin City Nigeria, thank u 🙏
Back in slaughter massacre city? Ok what ever asshole
Edo n Edo Benin city n prayers 🙏 one Love 💕 to my Edo state one Love 💕 to my OBA.
Edo Benin city Edo is Is the world 🌎🌍🌍 the key to
While they are at it, give Northern Ireland, Gibraltar and Falklands back too.
Falklands have never been anything other than British
Falklands was owned by the UK before Argentina, Spain was first on the lands
@@dyhale and UK was owned by the Romans and the Normans. So…
Just give them back...
The Bronze Cockerel has been handed over to a Nigerian delegation today by Cambridge University, finally!
Reading lots of vile comments saying it will be on Ebay for sale shortly and so, it's their to do as they wish?!🥳
Exactly. And maybe if they do sell it (they won't), then the British can buy it back if they want to. Then they can keep it all they want, instead of just hanging on to it as loot
@@imsorryyoutube6774 its always the losers crying... im too busy admiring all the stolen loot sorry losers.
Selling is better than stealing
The English gentleman? Look in the comments, that is the real English character.
@Leonidas I No. Your shitposts are stupid!
They are just thieves period.
Those arts are records of events
They are not just art but recorders of events/history as it happens. ...more like the media/photographers of ancient times
This shouldn't be a discussion. After researching how they were taken, they need to be returned home to their people because its their history and their art. It also could have spiritual and sentimental meaning. Give the back.
The lies of the so called cultural secretary is a typical disgrace.
Where did he get the notion that just 1 black person out even just 1% of black people would want england to keep hold of their history, much less 84% of black people in this country.
How him come on their media speaking for black people and telling lies on our behalf. It is outrageous and bare faced that speak of their privilege.
I have a few question for him.
1, How do you expect just African children to learn about their history that these artefacts speak of?
2, What right do you people have to deny them that?
3. You speak of the world coming to enjoy these artefacts. in your museums. Why don't your people pay the price and go Africa to view them?
4 Do you expect Africans to pay, potentially thusands of pounds, to come to your country(ies) to view what is their property?
Your country need to reperations for the damage done to the country and that is not just for the physical damage done.
No wonder you want to get rid of Yutube. You want to shut down voices that highlight you unfair spirit.
And you're name is "spear of Judah".
You're black and pretending to be a Israelite while complaining about others stealing history. Clownery.
@@heythere2115 Who's is the people history that I have stolen. What do they look like?
@@EyesFoward Judeans, they're Shemites from the Levant.
Get your own history.
@@heythere2115 No they weren't. They are straight out of Egypt which are African and only black people came from there and you people are not in any place to say anything about any cultures history as you didnt even leave your little island until the 12th century. Totally playing on part
Stop butting in on other culture trying change history like as though you know anything and return African stolen stuff You interfering culture less people. Haven't you got any of your own?
Go look on the real African map you will see Judah clearly written on it.
You bad minded and Jealous people people.
Also those places you call the Lavant. Were all Africa. Those are just invading Turks Persian. Not indigenous to the area. Not Hebrews.
@@EyesFoward Black *AMERICAN* Isrealitism was invented in the 1950s, by two black pastors who had a dream about it.
This is where your fantasy started.
Zero evidence.
In the past, with the exception of a few tribes in Nigeria and Ethiopia, blacks never had any connection to Jehovah.
They worshiped pagan gods.
They never built churches, or crosses or spread the gospels.
Africans never followed the laws of Noah(Sharia) or the 10 commandments or the word of Jesus until they were colonised.
*And none of the Africans spoke Hebrew.*
You're living a lie.
You've stolen somebody else's ancestry.
Where's your evidence that the Levant was black?
Evidence says the exact opposite.
If you look at the DNA of ancient Egyptians in their tombs, their DNA is closer to modern day Europeans and Arabs, with very few being connected to sub-Saharan Africans.
Look at the Tomb of Seti. Shows the skin colour.
Read the book of Enoch, Noah and his first son were white.
Adam, the first man, his name means "red" in Hebrew.
Give me a link of an Ancient African map that displays Judah.
You Americans are so stupid... Because "Africa" and "Europe" and "Asia" didn't exist in the ancient world like we understand them today.
They were never seen as landmasses until just 100 years ago.
The invention of "Africa" comes from the Europeans.
Africa is a massive diverse landmass, they might be black but they are as unique as the Chinese and Indians.
Africa has had more race wars than any other continent. They've never seen themselves as "African" or "black". You think all Africans are the same? Clown, you know nothing of Africa.
What year did the Persians and Turks invade the Levant?
Real Africans don't believe in the same things you do, American.
Their history was never wiped like yours was, they had their history(like me) passed down through generations.
*All your history comes from the state and TV.* You were brainwashed to believe you are special Israelites, just like the British in the 1800s, or the Germans were in 1933 or the Chinese are today.
Being brainwashed into believing you are special gives you high morale for fighting wars.
There's a war coming.
And you are the cannon fodder.
The white Americans also believe they are Israelites.
The white man and his cognitive dissonance though
My dad is from Benin, a son of a chief, never did much with what he was entitled to lost it all, because people are crooks and he is rather simple, he had two bronze heads stolen from him from a relative on my mother's side.
Acquired!!? They were stolen not acquired.
"...rampant colonial expansion." NO, rampant criminality
Q. How many putinbots does it take to change a lightbulb?
Leonidas: "I'm 1/6th Nigerian."
Surely we should be returning these to the Oba family that originally owned them not Nigeria?
That’s happening now. Signed in law by the Nigerian Government
I like this.
Does anyone know which colonial-era country still has the lands it conquered?
I'm happy to say which it is.
@@iguanachill6387 No.
@@emm_arr Check the Facts first...think about Réunion, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Marie-Galante, Polynesia and many others..... "No" is not enough and is not a valid argument to make up as an answer
@@iguanachill6387 It's still not France. D'uh.
@@emm_arr look up neo colonialism.
These artifacts should be returned. Looting is not okay. Interesting until. Black Britain supposedly is united under one flag. Africans, Nigerians, Caribbeans all the same to these folk. They're not. Just as try put the Chinese and the Japanese under the same flag and identity. You have no right to speak for or group folk like this
When the Nazis stole art from European countries, despite them moving these countries into their Empire, it was not called Colonialism, and the art was returned back. Should the same not apply here?
One day for the thief’s another day for the owner
I say,
1️⃣ Make copies of them...
Like worthwhile replicas...
One for one copied, molded and then cast? or whichever method had been mutually decided upon to make the equivalent, equally as spectacular a piece as the original.
2️⃣ Next I propose to split the original pieces in number so each country has as many of the real artifacts as the other has while substituting the remainder of the real items your opponent countries have with the replacement copies created before hand.
So that now equally half and half of originals + the replicas are possessed and shown / displayed by each party and annually traded so that each country gets each item equal amounts.
Then on a regular annual basis to be traded back and forth with the Nigerian government.
"fountain of falsehood": As performed by the Leonidas sockpuppet - for remarkably few roubles.
You can see the savings.
The THIEF does not come except to Steal, Kill and Destroy … john 10v10. Are these acts baked into your your history and are still being perpetuated? 🤔
Museums should only exist when the original owners of the items shown allow them to be shown. Return them. People can travel the world to see them... or the museums can take pictures of the items.
If they dont want to return it back CURSE THEM!!!
This isn’t a racial issue. This is about possession. Loaded questions abound. Sticky answers too. I don’t believe in BLM. It’s not a religion. I believe in principles.
These artifacts should be given back. If they were stolen they should be given back. That is my moral stand. The legalities are not my cup of tea. However, I always thought that you can’t get good title to stolen goods? Pawn shops have to give back stolen goods even if they paid for them.
The modern world should recognize the past for what it was. A different time, different standards, different ethics. Not everything colonialism did was bad. Not all of it was good. Practically, if it wasn’t the UK, who else would’ve been the tope dog to control other areas of the earth?
The BLM handwringing and guilt trips are distasteful. Recognizing that people in the past had different values than we do today is important. Many of those “white” people fought for equality. As human beings, people might look at us a 100 years from now and find fault even if we currently think we are being moral and just.
Countries to me are akin to people. A collective group. People make mistakes, they grow, they change. The UK has grown in many many ways. The UK was the most powerful country on earth. After WW2 they lost their empire. I have profound respect for the British in how relatively graceful they have been as a people. In many ways they still lead the world. They should be proud of their past, recognize the failings but always hold their head up.
It seems like a past colonial country assumes their current lives would somehow be automatically enter than if colonialism never happened. Fact is we all have our challenges. The feeling of pride in fighting for freedom and winning must be exhilarating. At some point the past should remain what it is..the past. Every country has enough problems to tackle and dredging up the past causes resentment. No one can change the past. I’d rather be on the ride up than down in world evolution.
EVERYTHING in the British Museum was nicked…… the museum would be empty.
Actually, I kinda agree with the gentleman from 7:23. The world needs to see the Benin Bronzes. The world also needs to see the works of Turner, Hockney, Bacon, and Hirst. We should move all their pieces to Disney World in Orlando so we can 'ensure the world enjoys this marvelous heritage.' Let's send in the US Marines to loot them and send them to Florida. Many more people will these works at Disney World than any Museum in the UK. 😀
Has Nigeria never conquered land and taken from the enemy ?
No! Nigeria was an artificial creation by GB. Time to give back the stolen artifacts.
"Has Nigeria never conquered land and taken from the enemy ?" No. Nigeria never conquered land or looted any enemy.
@Leonidas I Your shitposts are stupid.
Nope because Nigeria didn't exist before colonialism.
But the tribes in Nigeria that had kingdoms before colonialism that expanded their territory assimilated the conquered tribes and combined their culture with the conquering tribes culture and became one.
Therefore, what belonged to the conquering tribes also belonged to the conquered tribes too.
@Leonidas I Hey, you forgot to tell us how Nigerian you are. 1/6th, wasn't it? Even though the genes from your ancestors tend to be passed down in multiples of 4 you have managed to be a 1/6 Nigerian. You Russians don't do maths good. Or running countries good. Or cheating at the Olympics good. No FSB treats for you tonight.
Return them!!!!!! Punks!!!!!
The brass in the statues came from bracelets made by the Portuguese used to trade with black slave traders for black slaves. Slavery continued in Benin long after slavery had been abolished in Britain (the first country in the world to outlaw slavery). Britain was trying to end slavery in Benin, as well as the awful practise of human sacrifice, when it’s trade delegation to Benin were slaughtered. That’s why Britain responded by invading. Britain is why there is no slave trade there now. No human sacrifice. And we left a large modern city in its place when we left 60 years ago.
Please stop joking. Benin City for one has existed since the 15th century. The British did not create it in the same way they didn’t create London. Two, it’s been reported on several occasions that the Benin Kingdom did not trade slaves in vast amounts compared to their neighbours like the Oyo, Dahomey and Ashanti. They were more focused on the trade of rubber, cloth and palm oil. The latter been the reason why the British invaded because the Benin’s had a large monopoly on the Palm Oil trade in the Niger Delta Region and gained significant profits because of it, something the British weren’t fond on. I would also love for British people to stop using race when referring to Africans like Africans cared about race back then and now.
@@BlueIvory4 You really should get at least a superficial info about the topic before you go on embarrassing yourself any further
@@notanemoprog debunk everything I said, clever clogs
@@BlueIvory4 Source: Trust me bro
@@notanemoprog can’t debunk lol. Anyway here are sources:
The Benin Kingdom (13th - 19th Centuries) as a Megacommunity
Dmitri M. Bondarenko
Institute for African Studies Russian Academy of Sciences Russian State University for the Humanities,Moscow
Benin and the Europeans 1485-1897 by A.F.C. Ryder
The fall of benin: A Reassessment by Philip A. Igbafe
There is no reason regarding the return of these items. Modern technology would allow perfect copies to be made. It should be made clear when they are returned that the correct history of these artefacts are recorded including how the bronze that was used to make them was exchanged with the Portuguese with the Oba for slaves taken by him in his wars in creating the Benin empire.
If they give the Bronzes back they'll have to give everything back. There wont be much of a British Museum or unless of course they fill it up with 'British' artefacts . The culture minister should have plainly said they're trophies of conquest, so should all defenders in th comments section.
Q. How many putinbots does it take to change a lightbulb?
Leonidas: "Your English is so bad, you must have used Google translate hahaha"
What does Leonidas do with the biscuit once he's taken it?
Fun fact: the Leonidas sockpuppet is run by a Russian woman who lives in one of the the more affordable - and grim - parts of Petrograd.
@Leonidas I Silly shitpost! #ShitpostQuean
@Leonidas I don’t stop trolling MR!
@@spicyf You lost the plot!
There is power in every single spiritual artifact (from ancient Egypt to 19th century Benin) stolen from Afrika, that's why they don't want to return them. Take everything spiritual artifact out of the MET, The Vatican, British French and German institutions/museums out and back to Afrika, and watch those countries fall in less than a decade.
2nd! I missed being 1st. Darn you The Smoke lol
@F 😂🤣
Theu properly reside in the british museum? Are you crazy?????
We the Benin people are being the British governments to reatnu our Benin bronzes back to us again
“Looted”!? The bronzes handed over by the Horniman will exist in Nigeria 🇳🇬 for 2 years; then never be seen again.
Are you insinuating that Nigeria will sell the bronzes on for a quick buck?
That would be pretty racist if you were...
They already vanished into a private collection instead of being exhibited in a museum as promised. Nobody dumber than a woke westerner (like the one above)
@@notanemoprog They were returned to Oba of Benin, Ewaure II, the king of Benin where all of this was taken from. It has LITERALLY been returned to it's rightful owners lol if that is a private collection then so be it.
Lord save us from low IQ white people.
Imagine being angry at African people who want back historic artefacts that where stolen from them
Imagine having “stolen” the Artefacts of other African tribes / cultures for centuries via war and conquest, then having the brass neck to demand back artefacts from Britain, despite us having purchased the vast majority of them, not stolen them!
50-60 years after independence and you’re still trying to squeeze cash and anything else out of Britain!
Appalling...just dumbfounded by the coldblooded denying or really not taking the responsibility of accepting what your ancestors has done. This is all so painfull and they can never just come clear of what they have done in the past for just wanting power and riches from countries who did not ask to be colonized or whiped out. Then you steal their art and now you think your entitled to that art because the whole world is coming to see it in your musea. What's wrong with people?
James Acaster addressed this….
Enough Britanica!!! Stop looting. Give Theorin historia ans treasures back!
I couldn't tell the difference between these two people may be there both related and are infacte African.
10:41 - he saw a black person walking past when he said that lol
Yeah, give them back but dont blame our generation for this.
what the heck does BLM have to do with the Benin Bronzes
This has got to be a joke. The culture secretary was saying a whole bunch of nothing
Look at that street art - do you think thats respectful to Britain? It, is not. Maybe, as usual these days they will be pressured by their own well wishers to return some art which is perfectly fine where it is - respect is a two way street so practice it and it has proven to pay off. This sort of thing happens all over the world - when ppl travel they see something that they believe needs to be seen by others as a sign of high admiration - when your energy and affluence brings you around the globe be humble enough to attain some great souvenirs and by doing so honor that country and yours. 1
That guy with yellow hair made such mental gymnastics to let them keep their stolen goods
The ‘civilised’ European looters? No just keep it safe in the uk 😂 no mail received so we keep it !
A once mighty kingdom that was built on slavery, long before the trans-Atlantic slave trade started.
The bronze used to make these pieces was obtained by trading slaves with European slavers.
Although the British put an end to the Atlantic slave trade, with the creation of the West Africa Squadron in 1807, slavery and slave trading continued within Benin, and the country continued its wars of conquest, enslaving and occupying the territory of surrounding peoples.
Don’t mix Benin kingdom with Benin republic they are two different places okay
Maybe don't view things through the colonial apologist lens. We didn't 'put an end' to slavery, we fuelled it for decades and are still profiting from the society built on those slaves to this day. Numerous countries had abolished slave ownership and slavery well before we did. Many of the bronzes were made hundreds of years before any contact with Europeans, and so the bronze was clearly not always gotten through 'trading slaves with European slavers'. Moreover, the transgressions of another country or civilisation doesn't give you the right to enslave, colonise, and loot that country. Imagine if equal actions were scaled to Britain's transgressions.
@@timrathbone "Numerous countries had abolished slave ownership and slavery well before we did".
Name one. Slavery was abolished in England more than a thousand years ago.
What Britain did in the early 1800s effectively stopped it, everywhere else that the Royal Navy controlled the seas.
@@baldieman64 From the Uk government website: "It was only after many failed attempts that, in 1807, the slave trade in the British Empire was abolished. However, slaves in the colonies (excluding areas ruled by the East India Company) were not freed until 1838 - and only after slave-owners, rather than the slaves themselves, received compensation."...so a bit less than "a thousand years ago".
Haiti had banned slave ownership and the slave trade by 1793 through their own independent efforts.
Go and inform yourself, I'm not your parent.
😂😂😂how ignorant a comment. Dont even know where to start correcting him from.
Seb Fontains
Imagine investing all those years in an education, studying hard and learning how to craft things with skill and some imagination, and then ...
... and then ending up shitposting in long shifts for for a rubbish fake tsar and for bad pay!
I almost feel for the woman who shitposts this channel for Putin, but her nasty lifestyle choices make my sympathy limited!
Return the bronze
I understand that a British trade mission existing of hundreds of unarmed people were brutally slaughtered and that is why the British declared war on the oba. But it is time to give the traditional Benin artifacts back. They have much more value to the people in Nigeria anyway and the murderd trading mission will not come back by keeping it
So they themselves can sell it to the same people
If they needed to sell them...why do you think that would be? Do the terms 'slavery', 'colonialism', and 'looting' spring to mind?
@@timrathbone They will be stolen then sold
@@gvi341984 Who will steal them? Care to give any specifics?...or continue to just spout wild claims?
Hes anything you,ve done made your life better? ,,,,,,,,,
American history X
Spoils of war, we've moved on now so if they want them back then they should make an official request and do it publicly, as others have said we can make perfect copies for historical reference.. If there's an issue with changing the law to suit Nigeria then we could loan them on an indefinite time frame and when/if they go missing and are destroyed we'll at least have a decent record 🤷♂️
I pray not
The bronzes were taken as a prize of abolition for a war instigated by the kingdom of Benin, one of Africa’s largest slave traders and holders
That’s actually not true and still wouldn’t entitle them to benin stuff
@@theghostofumarskoolishere.4632 Benin started the war with the British, lost and by consequence lost the bronzes, slavers got what they deserved
@@sircoloniser5454 you’re one some good drugs cause that’s not what happened the British were trying to colonize them stop trying to make British people seem like y’all are good y’all the devil.
@@sircoloniser5454he British were given permission by the leaders of the Berlin Conference to invade Benin but now you are saying it was the Benin that instigated war. Last time I checked it was the British who traversed the Benin River uninvited and not the Benin’s who traversed the Mersey River uninvited
@@BlueIvory4 they murdered our ambassadors, a perfectly legitimate grounds for war
It's the entitlement for me
Just fucking return it
Why will they do this are the mad or sick 🤢
Can we get the billions of £'s of taxpayers money they had, returned to us?
You're Russian, so "returned" doesn't apply!
@@emm_arr And if you're Nigerian it would. Where's our money?.
@@brendasg155 You're Russian, so "returned" doesn't apply!
Phuk off troll.
Leonidas is the FSB shitpost quean's latest sockpuppet! #ShitpostQuean
Your heritage? What part o African history is your heritage??
Q. What do you get if you cross a putinbot?
Leonidas: "I'm 1/6th Nigerian."
I blame the parents. All 2.3 of them.
Is this another person you have added to your list? How many is it now, 1000? 2000? You are such a plonker you make Rodney Trotter look clever.
@@jasondevon481 You;re the same POS putinbot! #ShitpostQuean
Who says they were stolen? The chap from C4N has no balance or objectivity.
Well they definitely weren’t gifted
"Who says they were stolen? The chap from C4N has no balance or objectivity."
Obvious troll. Phuk off.
And did Benin not Take over any of its neighbours to create their prosperity and ability to have statues etc. should they not trace that back therefore? Where does it end? Adam and Eve? Single called amoebas?
@@bobbylostandfound I think you have things out of perspective. We systematically stripped generations of men from half a continent, we're talking tens of millions over centuries. The two simply don't compare.
....Oh and then we decided to invade after we 'abolished slavery'.
Why can't we use our now safe position to make some voluntary reparations. Or are you too proud to admit that white people have gained immeasurably from all of this?
Are you trying to Gaslight an entire chapter of History? What's next Holocaust denial?!?!
C4N, that campaign group for foreigners before Scotswood's scrotes. Tonights entire program was despicable.
I say let the British Museum keep the artifacts because it’s black people job to be creative just don’t let them take anything moving forward in my opinion
Lol so should Nigeria return all that it stole?
Maybe they should, but don't you think it should start with us? After all we did, can't we be the first to incentivise some change for good?
They didn’t steal anything tho nice try y’all always moving the goal
@@theghostofumarskoolishere.4632 lol I'm not moving the goal, the only people who care about this are petty bourgeois
@@whoami30204 you are moving the goalposts also it’s not petty it’s called it’s our history and we want it back.
@@theghostofumarskoolishere.4632 it is petty in two ways, actually! It is meaningless and an interest of the impotent middle class. Thanks for pointing it out
Ch4 racist cu..s
the former kingdom in part of Nigeria is gone and no longer exists everyone that was there is dead. right of conquests apples long live British empire. is that controversial enough.
Long live the British empire? What empire? Pitcairn? A load of inbreeders stuck on a desolate rock in the middle of nowhere? St Helena? A load of inbreeders stuck on a desolate rock in the middle of nowhere? The Falklands? A load of inbreeders stuck on a desolate rock in the middle of nowhere? Gibraltar? A load of inbreeders stuck on a desolate rock? At least you can get to the EU from this one.
Great empire!
@@clancywiggam what a xeonophobic attitude.
Change one word and it could make you a racist
@@nickssurplus It is the truth. The remnants of the British Empire are shitty little islands dotted around the globe. That is it. It is not xenophobic to point out simple facts. It sounds to me like you are trying to infer from my comments that was never said.
But that is to be expected from someone who hates dogs.
@@clancywiggam Can you imagine if you called an African Nation a bunch of inbreeders.
You would quiet rightly be up in front of the beek Monday morning.
I thought everyone loves dogs
@@nickssurplus "The majority of Pitcairn Islanders are descended from the nine mutineers of His Majesty's Armed Vessel Bounty who, led by Fletcher Christian, landed on unihabited Pitcairn Island in 1790 with six Polynesian men, twelve Polynesian women, and an infant girl."
"...confirm the known historical origin of the women founders who came from St Helena. Although the degree of inbreeding is high there is no significant deficiency of heterozygotes in the eight informative systems."
"Thousands of people in the UK are likely to be the result of “extreme inbreeding” between close relatives, a study has suggested.
An analysis of DNA stored in the UK Biobank, which stores hundreds of thousands of volunteers’ genetic material, found a fraction of those sequenced were conceived by parents who are either first or second-degree relatives."
And so on and so forth.
The sooner the Bronzes are returned the sooner the Africans can melt them down to sell.
And so? How is that your problem? It’s their art so if they want to sell it how is that your problem?
Spot the dirty racist...
They’re not gonna do that and even if they were it’s their things it’s none of your business don’t pretend European pillaging is about “preserving” African culture you guys also sell it to private ppl who ruin these things
It'll all just end up scattered across the world in private collections if they send it back.
It would be empty if all the artifacts go back to their originally countries
@@NubiansNapata exactly... not a realistic option
@@Captain.Pugwash that's the embarrassing part .. British museum is dependent on others people history because they have nothing to put in it 😂
@@NubiansNapata I hope you don't mean we don't have anything from the British Isles to put in it.... cuz that would be nonsense.
@@Captain.Pugwash Nothing relevant... U have more Egyptian artifacts than British...that doesn't even make sense... O yeah Sutton hoo helmet... Imagine traveling all the way the London to see Sutton helmet 🤣
😂 defending the indefensible
Yep. Returning the bronzes was a typically dumb woke decision, and it's great to see wokes with egg all over their stupid faces
Yes, because African states are stable and are run by incorruptible people👍so it'll all be fine.
Tens of African states outperform Russia!
@@emm_arr Have you been watching the racist BBC programmes again.
@@emm_arr Which states are those please
@@nickssurplus Tens of African states outperform Russia! You find out.
@@emm_arr You can not keep putting out rubbish and expect everyone to believe you.
Lucky for us it does not work that way.
Name 6 of them
UK called dibbs. Sorry not sorry
Things a thief would say