The Ashley Gavin episode

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
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  • @ashgavs
    @ashgavs 11 місяців тому +143

    I forgot to mention, and it feels important to state, that I waited so long to apologize due to the death threats, doxxing, and threats related to my shows. The videos went into a right wing algorithm, and the harassment I received was targeted at me based on my being gay, perceived as trans, and being Jewish. I had to inform venues that me and members at my show may be at risk of violence due based on the threats I received. I didn't want anyone to get hurt, especially, queer people at my shows. It was pretty startling. I was given advice that even posting an apology could escalate the situation (which is what ended up happening), and it was a challenge to apologize in a way that felt sincere given that so much wasn't clear to my supporters, but I was sincerely sorry to Olivia for humiliating her. I still am. The situation was a mess, and I did my best. It was flawed, but I tried.

    • @juliaschonokay4739
      @juliaschonokay4739 11 місяців тому +16

      Thank you for adding this, the extent of this was not visible at all to me and I can imagine others had the same experience. It is absolutely horrible that you had and have to go through this. We are right by your side and send you lots of strength 💗

    • @cariiinen
      @cariiinen 11 місяців тому +9

      That sounds awful. Sorry you had to go through that

    • @johntgold
      @johntgold 11 місяців тому +11

      An emotional trolly problem of stopping everything for one person's emotional state vs ruining the rest of the audience's night out (and the economics of refunding one person vs the whole audience).
      Its sad and it's not perfect, but you're great in my opinion, and hope you don't get mic shy in future because of it.

    • @theresamladinich3986
      @theresamladinich3986 11 місяців тому +5

      You didn't deserve any of this. Your Instagram video about people venting their feelings of helplessness was spot on.

    • @12elinquist
      @12elinquist 11 місяців тому +3

      So sorry you had to go through this Ashely. ❤

  • @Neonnwhite
    @Neonnwhite 11 місяців тому +61

    Being so pro-life you're gay by choice is the funniest thing I've ever heard, Ashley thank you so much I will be using this line on my homophobic Aunt this Christmas. Bless your Christian heart, just always giving

  • @tomatobasil4
    @tomatobasil4 11 місяців тому +32

    back to say :
    after watching this i decided to start CIGHN from the beginning & just finished Ash’s original episode. Gotta say.. I think someone should make an edit of all the times Ash gives a trigger warning / explains comedy/ genuinely expresses concern for her audience misunderstanding or being hurt by something someone says in the name of comedy. She really has done so much more than any other comedian I know would be willing to do in order to protect her audience. this whole thing is shitty

  • @cariiinen
    @cariiinen 11 місяців тому +25

    Appreciate this nuanced discussion of what can be expected of a comedian on stage, and the limits of those types of interactions.
    Ashley clearly did what she could to right the situation by apologising, and acknowledging that the person was hurt.
    That doesn't change the fact that this joke was made in a specific context, and that one cannot expect a comedian to interrupt their show - which 300 people bought tickets to - to suddenly have a serious, intimate discussion on a mental health topic because you choose to share intense feelings or life experiences unprompted.

    • @cariiinen
      @cariiinen 11 місяців тому +5

      I would like to add that I sympathise with anyone struggling with their mental health (as does Ashley, clearly).
      It's OK if some topics are sensitive for you and you do not wish to joke about them. A comedy show might not be the right place for you at this time and that's fine - you can leave at any time if you're feeling uncomfortable. It's important that you look after yourself, as no one else can do that for you. The comedian on stage certainly cannot know every one's background.
      Please note that a comedy show is not the right place to bring up deeply personal and emotional topics for a serious discussion. A trusted friend or therapist would be more appropriate.
      Be aware that if you choose to go to a comedy show and heckle/ interrupt, then you will likely draw attention to yourself negatively and get roasted. That is also a very disrespectful thing to do, as it is distracting to the comedian and crowd. Imagine doing the same thing at a theater performance or concert.

    • @mackenziec8972
      @mackenziec8972 9 місяців тому

      There's a huge difference in "stopping the show" for a heart to heart and telling someone to "try harder."

    • @mackenziec8972
      @mackenziec8972 9 місяців тому +1

      And she literally just made a noise, as did several others in the crowd. She wasn't heckling.

    • @cariiinen
      @cariiinen 9 місяців тому +1

      @@mackenziec8972 thank you for sharing your view.
      This is a tricky situation, of course. However, in the context of a comedy show, responding with humour is pretty much the only way to not "stop"the show.
      Any serious response will put an immediate downer on everyone. People buy tickets expecting a laugh, so it's understandable if the comedian choses a humorous response. In Ashley's case (with her set-up about dark humour), that means doubling down on the joke.
      Hope that makes sense?

    • @cariiinen
      @cariiinen 9 місяців тому +1

      @@mackenziec8972 I see your point. Heckling (disturbing the flow of a show and distracting the comedian/ audience) can definitely be "making a noise", if the timing is poor. It doesn't have to be shouting words.

  • @juliuhjay
    @juliuhjay 11 місяців тому +25

    this whole discussion validated why i didnt unfollow/stop watching WHGS after this whole debacle. i had a feeling that there was more to the story without knowing for sure and ive been waiting for this important context. i share the sentiment that others have commented that this has clarified a lot for me, as a fan of ashley for a few years now

    • @AddendumDrive
      @AddendumDrive 11 місяців тому +4

      This discussion, mocking Olivia all over again, confirms exactly why I unfollowed her.

    • @juliuhjay
      @juliuhjay 11 місяців тому

      @@AddendumDriveto each their own

    • @MrMarsFargo
      @MrMarsFargo 10 місяців тому +3

      @@AddendumDrive Except she didn't mock her, she simply explained she misunderstood thought the audience member was SPECIFICALLY ASKING to be roasted (since people do that at her shows), and explicitly expresses empathy that Olivia felt humiliated when Ashley thought she was enjoying it. That's not mocking a person, it's just explaining what happened.

    • @AddendumDrive
      @AddendumDrive 10 місяців тому +2

      @@MrMarsFargo Listen to the original audio and then listen to the apology video and then watch this video again. You'll get three different version from Gavin. Regardless, you have to ask yourself, after all this, why would Gavin sit in a room with a bunch of dudes and mock and laugh at Olivia? She's showing you who she is.

    • @kaitlynmundy9
      @kaitlynmundy9 9 місяців тому +4

      @@AddendumDrivethe “original video” is edited.

  • @jaimedill2467
    @jaimedill2467 11 місяців тому +43

    Through every second of the aftermath, I was a mess of worry over Ashley, and it makes me feel immense relief to see her surrounded by her friends when us empathic fans don't feel like we can do enough to support her. Thanks guys for showing up for her ❤

    • @ashgavs
      @ashgavs 11 місяців тому +32

      So glad to have John as a new bestie. And Jamie and Lucas (in addition to my girlfriend and other pals) quite literally wrapped me in a thundercoat like a shelter dog, stroked my head, and shhhhed me into a peaceful lull during this time. Of course they then kicked me in the head, killing me, as I told them to do with any dog they encounter.

    • @jaimedill2467
      @jaimedill2467 11 місяців тому +5

      @ashgavs the best pals are faithful to the bit. Which is why I'm bringing extra dogs when I come see you in Asheville

    • @mackenziec8972
      @mackenziec8972 9 місяців тому

      John (I think it was him) or someone related to this podcast also told me to off myself, so I can't say I'm surprised he's your new bestie😊

    • @mackenziec8972
      @mackenziec8972 9 місяців тому

      Apologies. It was not John, just another comedian that looks like him and was all in the comments advocating for Ashley

    • @TommyNicoletti
      @TommyNicoletti 9 місяців тому

      @@mackenziec8972 you came into the comments to bark about a situation and podcast that happened 4 months ago to be annoying so I said “sky dive into a super volcano” clearly hyperbolic and something YOU CANT actually do
      Because you chose to defend heckling

  • @deilen961
    @deilen961 11 місяців тому +73

    has Ashley shared these details anywhere else? this podcast isn't my type of humour but i wanted to hear her side of things, and these details are really important - i'm guessing a lot of people who don't gel with this humour won't bother to sit through this, but it's important context
    honestly the information in this is what i was hoping Ashley's 'apology' was going to be (in quotes because i don't think the binary framing of a response automatically being categorised as an apology productive in nuanced situations like this), and i was disappointed when that video didn't clarify the situation, but the information provided in this totally changes things
    but just from memory having watched this in full?
    -the fact that a trigger warning is given at the beginning of the show specifically about suicide humour is a major detail that immediately changes the whole situation because that's the point at which responsibility is handed over to audience members to make the decision to stay or go, that's the whole fucking point of providing a trigger warning
    -the fact that Ashley misunderstood this person's body language and tone delivery and was responding according to that fundamental miscommunication is incredibly important, as is the fact security was MIA and not present to manage a heckling which had escalated to the point of requiring them
    -the fact that Ashley personally asked the waiter to go out and offer a refund etc is important
    -the whole mess up with the instagram story blocking is necessary context
    -the fact that Ashley recognises and acknowledges the humiliation element is important
    -the mix up of this person misunderstanding the opening section and conflating a request for loud laughter as heckling is important information
    there was probably a lot more in there too, but the point is that getting both sides of the story is necessary for clarifying intent, and contextualising a situation like this
    the version of the story that went viral made me uncomfortable and affected the way i engaged, but i've stuck around because i was familiar enough with Ashley through the podcasts to know something was missing in this story - i was still looking to actually understand what happened and this is the first time i feel like i have enough information to actually grasp the situation and what went wrong
    the 'apology' video and cohost comments about it all just felt hollow, and in retrospect i can see it was because it felt like they all just validated the one sided version of this interaction that had gone viral, they didn't add any of the context that would actually change things, and i was left confused because it didn't make sense
    actions alone have no inherent meaning, and if we're left with only one side explained, then that one interpretation of actions is what becomes accepted reality
    and of course intent doesn't change impact, so yes acknowledging harm is important, but intent does completely change what comes after, and i feel like that part was completely missing until now
    i just wish this info was available in a more coherent format for everyone who came to conclusions based solely on the viral video and show audio clip

    • @ashgavs
      @ashgavs 11 місяців тому +49

      I will be speaking on it don’t worry, but it feels like you have a pretty good grasp of what actually happened. I’ll also address the apology I gave and why I gave it ❤

    • @JocelynChiaComedy
      @JocelynChiaComedy 11 місяців тому

      i would love to know why u gave the apology (I didn't for mine) Also I don't know if u got my text girl! I had just gone thru the peak of my own cancelation drama when yours happened and reached out to offer support xo@@ashgavs

    • @megancurtis9502
      @megancurtis9502 11 місяців тому +8

      Yeah I agree that the facts that you listed should have been addressed in a 5 minute video. I understand that people hate it when you post an apology video and just make excuses for yourself, so I understand why she initially posted what she did, but all of this is VERY important context. And I understand Alayna and Mak's comments on the situation, especially Alayna given she's training to be a mental health specialist. When I first heard the story and the audio, it sounded pretty extreme, but the rest of the show and the body language/facial expressions definitely would have given extra context here. I agree that her acknowledging the humiliation, and that intent doesn't change impact, is an important piece. After this added context I feel a lot more comfortable continuing to support her.
      Also, I don't know if you saw the posted clip from this podcast on Instagram, but it's certainly not doing her any favors. It's from the beginning where they're roasting her and Ashley is holding back laughter. Unsurprisingly, people are tearing her up in the Instagram comments because it looks like she's backtracking her apology and making fun of this girl. I wish the clip would have included some of the context so people were more inclined to come watch this.
      Something to add to your bullets is that said fan had already been loud throughout the show, and Ashley even gave her a non-verbal warning to cut out the heckling and prior to that let it slide.
      Edit: I see Ashley's response now and I'm really glad she's going to address it. I'm tired of seeing the snide comments of "Aren't you the girl who..." everywhere.

    • @i.n8826
      @i.n8826 11 місяців тому +3


    • @deilen961
      @deilen961 11 місяців тому +3

      @@ashgavs i'm glad to hear it 💜

  • @sha2424
    @sha2424 11 місяців тому +19

    like other people are saying, i really didnt know what happened because i refuse to give views to drama channels so im really glad that this got talked about, here and in this way with other comedians who get it.

  • @georgiaspeer-remes3669
    @georgiaspeer-remes3669 11 місяців тому +15

    I LOVE Ashley so much!! Can't wait to see her show in Toronto in December!!

  • @notmyrealname550
    @notmyrealname550 11 місяців тому +17

    I'm glad you guys played the audio bc I didn't actually know what happened bc I didn't want to give the canceling videos more views

  • @jessicaonymous4352
    @jessicaonymous4352 11 місяців тому +28

    "Immediately after that, she told me to go unalive myself" "I said 'kill yourself'"
    Ashely's not going to let her sully her good name with this 'unalive' shit 🤣🤣 I appreciate the frankness and openness of this

  • @juliapupo3437
    @juliapupo3437 11 місяців тому +45

    Ashley’s real funny, I was aware of the angry video. I don’t think most people would care, it’s just that everyone online needs to have an opinion . Her special was hilarious

    • @ashgavs
      @ashgavs 11 місяців тому +18

      Oh people cared lol

  • @LadleOfStew
    @LadleOfStew 11 місяців тому +31

    This breakdown is great. Thank you Ashley Gavin for defeating misinformation on the internet. Fake news is a plague to our society. Performing seppuku in your honor.
    Also, yeah the video came off as a huge attention grab since day 1 for me. I am a very biased Ash Gavs fan but at worst it was a bad bit. Going on a press run/social media campaign over it was ridiculous.

    • @johntgold
      @johntgold 11 місяців тому +10

      Once she admitted she was a repeated heckler I was out of sympathy and stopped watching the tick tock. Don't interrupt a live show and expect sunshine and rainbows from the person with the mic, you're volunteering to get torn into. I was hoping for the real talk on what went down from Ashley, love her stuff waiting to have her come to my town.

  • @Katie_Mayo
    @Katie_Mayo 11 місяців тому +14

    yay! I love ashley gavin. "was this a good show?" YES!!

  • @CassySida
    @CassySida 11 місяців тому +10

    i think the only thing that made me confused on Ashley blocking them was not realising they had declined the refund
    coz when i heard the order of events it was like "she offered a refund and then blocked us later" and that felt weird because it limits contact in order to get a refund
    but then if you just think about that for like 1 more minute it's like "oh yeah they'd just email her official work email that is publicly available, not insta dm"

    • @ashgavs
      @ashgavs 11 місяців тому +7

      Yeah the blocking was basically just not to escalate the situation more if they saw I had seen their stories. Then I forgot because I’m an idiot.

  • @marinaanderi3125
    @marinaanderi3125 11 місяців тому +15

    Such an entertaining and hilarious episode! Even when I only had the girl’s side I was “uh, ok…. what” because I’ve never seen Ashley live, but I’ve seen her special, so it’s pretty clear what the kind of vibe is, and knowing the other side now I’m even more sure that, man… some people really just don’t know how to understand context

  • @TommyNicoletti
    @TommyNicoletti 11 місяців тому +45

    Wait they didnt accept an apology or the refund? So they just farmed Ashley for tik tok views - What a dork!

    • @kateohagan_
      @kateohagan_ 11 місяців тому +5

      Came here to say the same thing.

    • @Mamanerd2boys
      @Mamanerd2boys 11 місяців тому +5

      Definitely smells fishy…

    • @emilyhickey1118
      @emilyhickey1118 11 місяців тому +5

      Yep just sounds like a heckler that got their feelings hurt because they actually got the attention they so desperately wanted.

    • @jenniferivy8126
      @jenniferivy8126 11 місяців тому +5

      Just for context. The girl DID accept the apology. She was NOT told about a refund. And she did NOT heckle Ashley before being told to kill herself.

    • @TommyNicoletti
      @TommyNicoletti 11 місяців тому

      @@jenniferivy8126 incorrect according to Ashley and folks who worked the show that night

  • @aspengrace8881
    @aspengrace8881 11 місяців тому +6

    I’m confused on how she doesn’t understand that comedy is majorly surrounded by dark humor. I’m severely suicidal and have been for years and joke about it constantly most people who are suicidal do. If someone tells you to go kill yourself and you take them seriously (at a comedy show) that’s insane Ashley isn’t this fans worst enemy. Why would this fan this Ashley is just out to get her she made the whole show about her and then is hoping for Ashley’s demise and is hoping Ashley loses fans and Is cancelled for making a mistake which is a much more complex way of telling someone to basically kill themselves and wanting the person to be destroyed, I absolutely hate cancelled culture. This girl should never of been at a comedy show in the first place. She needs help also I’m buying tickets to Ashley’s show next time she’s in chicago. You cannot take what comedians say seriously.

  • @torimjacklin
    @torimjacklin 11 місяців тому +17

    i agree with mostly everything, but the "who cares what she said if she apologized" mentality is horrible.

    • @johntgold
      @johntgold 11 місяців тому +1

      I didn't get the "who cares if she apologized" at all; she seems and I believe from everything I have seen about her to be an overly empathetic person; and seems genuinely sad that a person's feeling were hurt, and she was the one that did it.

    • @irmakaneli
      @irmakaneli 11 місяців тому +6

      Of course people should care that it happened and what Ashley said, that audience member's feelings are valid and Ashley herself takes accountability of what she did/said. Isn't that what people should want? The end game being accountability.
      Personally it looks to me no one here (in these comments) is saying "who cares" what Ashley said (because she apologized), but rather "who cares" about the incident when there clearly is more to it than that tiktok and the audio that was released of the show (where pieces were left out). That's the reason I say who cares. The audience member also doesn't seem to take any responsibility over her behaviour at the show, being obnoxious, a heckler. At least on that tiktok they don't. So their side of what happened isn't as black and white as they make it out to be. Just my two cents.

  • @TommyNicoletti
    @TommyNicoletti 11 місяців тому +7

    How in the fuck did Jamie pull off going for 2 for 2 with the soundboard? Both times they didnt break flow and actually complimented the convo, absolute perfection.

    • @Frazzlemygimp
      @Frazzlemygimp 11 місяців тому +5


  • @irmakaneli
    @irmakaneli 11 місяців тому +8

    Like Jamie said, who gives a fuck (directing this to the person on tiktok). Ashley apologized at the show and seemed to do what she could to make things right, and also sounds genuine about what happened during this episode.
    I had seen Ashley on instagram randomly, set clips. Then I read about that show, on the internet somewhere randomly in passing, and didn't connect it was the same comedian. Didn't think much about it either, I thought the same that was said here: it was a stand up show and this sometimes happens during a show. Worse things have happened by other comedians.
    Then couple months ago when I found this podcast and watched the previous episodes Ashley was on and connected that she was the comedian in question, I again didn't think anything of it. Anyone rational would understand this is not as big of a deal as that person made it out to be in their telling. If they supposedly were a fan, they should have know what the vibe of the comedy was gonna be. They were obnoxious and wanted attention, which they got and then got offended 😆 Don't yell at performers, that includes comedians.

  • @Thatchicksarah_
    @Thatchicksarah_ 11 місяців тому +5

    This was hysterical, I love ashley !

  • @ambertheanxious
    @ambertheanxious 11 місяців тому +12

    I actually saw Ashley live too and there were some jokes here and there that definitely made me uncomfy, but I also acknowledge that the particular content was just something I’m sensitive about. And also that she was joking. Because, you know, it’s a comedy show… 🤪 so I just kinda cringed at them and then waited for the next joke! And then the laughing my ass off resumed because she is absolutely hilarious

  • @ReganKSmith
    @ReganKSmith 11 місяців тому +4

    Keep up your great work, Ashley. It takes some serious ovaries to work through the internet B.S. You totally roasted my husband during one of your Chicago shows and we still laugh about it months later. Good times! Love your work!

  • @andrewscottgreene
    @andrewscottgreene 11 місяців тому +5

    I didn’t hear anything about Ashley’s potential “cancellation,” but I’m only really here for Lucas’s arms and abs. Nevertheless, this was hysterical. Ashley is super talented and, honestly, really hot, too. 😭😭😭

  • @rachelgregg7374
    @rachelgregg7374 11 місяців тому +6

    Jayme and Ashley are my favorite

  • @ein1412
    @ein1412 11 місяців тому +11

    one thing that infuriated me about this whole situation was all the people who encouraged everyone to stop following ashley, to stop watching her content and even to sabotage her shows (one guy was talking about calling the venues where Ashley would be performing so they "know who they are working with"). like, what the fuck is wrong with people? i understand unfollowing someone whose values you don't agree with but we're talking about a comedian who fucked up ONCE (not even, now that we have all the context lol) and who, yk, needs the money to survive??? and i won't even get started on the girl, i cannot IMAGINE putting a queer person on the spot like that, leaving them so vulnerable to be harassed and very possibly hatecrimed just bc i felt bad at one of her shows?? instead of just talking it out with her??? everything was just so frustrating to watch

  • @dancedancedance2458
    @dancedancedance2458 11 місяців тому +7

    I hope that this makes your following go back up Ash. If and when you ever feel like talking about it on your actual pod, i don't think you sound like you're excusing anything away. You just sound like you're speaking the truth. You are upset with having humiliated the girl, but there's context that clarifies why you did what you did and doubled down. You warned the whole crowd in advance if you brought up suicide it was a shtick. I think if more knew that they'd get over that shit. also for anyone who listens to her pod or chosen fam, they know Ashley screams. that's just the way it is. hope the best for you Ash and that soon this shit fade's into the background. I also understand if you don't want to repeat yourself twice considering it's a difficult discussion. I do believe, however, it'd get some people who turned away to come back.

  • @ivo8312
    @ivo8312 11 місяців тому +7

    ppl on instagram getting mad ab this ep is so hilarious.
    that shit was so fucking stupid her fans are crazies. feels so good that u guys r shitting on them so publicly had me cackling all ep

  • @mayatribble6
    @mayatribble6 8 місяців тому +2

    I saw Ashley this weekend in Indy and it sucked as a fan to have this happen because everyone at the show I was at were losing their minds because Ashley's set was awesome and had jokes of the same nature. Ive been a fan of WHGS for a while and I could tell this girl just didn't know Ashley at all, especially finding out she didnt follow any of her cohosts or anything. I also knew this because if you think Ashley would encourage speaking up and being loud at her shows you're fucking stupid because she quite literally talks about hating that all the time.If you knew Ashley you would know she never would wanna hurt anyone so to hear her get slandered for doing just that was so tough. I hope she knows that her real fans that know her intentions are still here and will continue to support her

  • @LookingOverTheOcean
    @LookingOverTheOcean 11 місяців тому +6

    After honestly consuming Ashley’s content pretty much religiously for the last 2 years, from the beginning this whole drama just didn’t sound right. The lack of context itself was more than enough for me to see what was happening and what this person was truly after. I’m happy to finally be getting Ashley’s side and equally happy that she has a good support system by her through this. Breaks my heart that Ashley tried to remedy the situation and instead this is where it lead. I love Ashley and am very grateful to have found her comedy! Going through a difficult time in my life and her podcast has helped put a smile on my face and made life a little easier to deal with. Even that being said I don’t always enjoy every bit she makes but shit dude that’s where it ends? If it really bothers me I stop listening and move on. Being to her shows and listening to her talk about her comedy on so many platforms, this was taking so out of context and taking so personally and tbh the person very much did it to herself. I personally know I can’t handle being roasted and wouldn’t want the attention on me with a crowd full of people, know what I didn’t do? Sit at the front of a comedy show and heckle knowing the comedian WILL go hard 🤷🏽‍♀️
    Ashley just know the ones who truly see you and actually listen are still with you. Thank you for what you do for the community cause fuck it’s helped a lot of people and especially me. I hope you’re able to keep going and continue doing what you do! Excited to go to your show again and hopefully be able to see your weekly NY show again in some day!
    And for the guys a lovely comment from my wife 🏳️‍🌈
    “but tbh i never thought i was gonna laugh so much listening to three white men talking lol” cause I wasn’t expecting to laugh so much either 😂

    • @ashgavs
      @ashgavs 11 місяців тому

      I make good picks

  • @julianaformaro1403
    @julianaformaro1403 11 місяців тому +4

    this is soooooo good holy shit

  • @emilyhickey1118
    @emilyhickey1118 11 місяців тому +2

    I'm so glad Ashley was able to talk about this and provide the context. I went to one of her shows last year so when that girl's "call out" video came out I was immediately skeptical. It just screamed "look at ME I'm the victim 😭". Hecklers are the actual worst and they ruin the show.

  • @Ytta686
    @Ytta686 11 місяців тому

    wanted to be your 700 subscriber. cool episode, Ashley is very genuine.

  • @LaNoireDetruit
    @LaNoireDetruit 7 місяців тому

    Thank you for trusting the listeners to understand, Jamie! :D

  • @interferenzbrille_2542
    @interferenzbrille_2542 11 місяців тому +3

    I'm relieved after seeing this. I was kinda questioning my judgment of character, bc I had listened to all of the chosen family podcast and then heard the emotional reality of Olivia and it simply was incompatible. Hearing the actual reality, it all makes sense.

  • @Chlobotomy
    @Chlobotomy 11 місяців тому +3

    7:22 this is white boy math

  • @FinntheAutumn
    @FinntheAutumn 11 місяців тому +1

    Omg he dated Greer from The Bachelor! :O

  • @MiguelSantos-vf5yn
    @MiguelSantos-vf5yn 11 місяців тому +1

    Knew about that cry baby who started this, I love Ashley and I comment on that other baby that if she didn't like the show or what happen just don't follow or go to the show. Just stay home by your self and deal with life or not. Go Ashley I love you and oh I think you have beautiful eyes.

  • @pickelperson4396
    @pickelperson4396 8 місяців тому

    19:14 Jamie Woof does a Salamander Man impression

  • @gracelarmee
    @gracelarmee 11 місяців тому +3

    @ashleygavin idk if tagging works on youtube but I figured I would give it a try. I'm gonna admit that when I first saw Olivia's video I was shocked and in a bit of disbelief. As someone who has watched most of your videos from your two podcasts, I know that you've struggled with your own mental health and that you're incredibly empathetic. So when I heard about this, I decided to do a deeper dive to try and figure out if there was any merit to it. The only videos I was seeing was stuff from Olivia, her friend, and other people who had been to different shows who complained that they had had a similar experience with you. At that point your apology statement wasn't out and none of your friends or coworkers had said anything yet either. I admit I took your silence as an admission of guilt because I had assumed since you care so deeply about making sure people are ok and have a good time at your show that you would've reached out to her and said something (which I now know you did). I was sad because I really enjoy your content and was going to buy tickets to see one of your shows but since I was seeing so much negative things about you, I felt bad supporting someone who had been accused of doing all those things. I stopped watching your videos because I try not to support artists if I don't agree with their actions. I also didn't buy tickets to your show. Now that I've watched this and heard the background of things, I wish I hadn't been so quick to judge you and gave you the benefit of the doubt. As someone who has also dealt with mental health issues, if I was doing poorly while attending said show I probably would've taken it badly but if I was feeling better, I would've thought the remarks were funny. So I can see why it was taken so badly by so many people who are currently not doing very well mentally. All of this is to say that I'm sorry for the impact that this has had on you, Jen, your coworkers and friends. I heard you were receiving death threats and no one should ever have to go through that or fear for their life or the lives of their loved ones. I wish you had spoken about this earlier so I could have bought tickets to your show in good conscious and supported one of my favorite comedians. But at the same time, I understand needing time to process things, ensure your safety, and take the time to try and talk things through with those affected first. I'd highly recommend mentioning just a brief synopsis of this video to your other platforms as well to make sure that those who don't follow this channel see it. I look forward to happily watching and engaging with you content again and I hope that this is the start of a rerise in good popularity for you.

    • @juliaschonokay4739
      @juliaschonokay4739 11 місяців тому +1

      Thank you for this comment! I can relate to that (-ish) and I think probably a lot more people do. I am definitely a big fan and also continued consuming Ashleys content, because I assumed based on what I "know" her values to be and her taking mental health issues very seriously that there was context missing and the public portrayal of the situation was very one sided. Still it left an odd feeling about this situation not being clarified or talked about any further. Hearing Ashley talk about hate watching and also the extent to which this whole thing blew up, it now makes sense to me that adressing this at a later point in time could be a lot more reasonable. I have no words for the unfairness of all of this and it is so frustrating to see phenomenal people like her being ripped apart for the wrong reasons. While it probably makes sense to keep in mind that a big part of this is not understanding comedy and reading situations poorly and the intent of Olivia and other creators reacting to it might have been coming from a good place. Just totally completely hit the wrong person.

    • @JanneBernards
      @JanneBernards 11 місяців тому +7

      "At that point your apology statement wasn't out and none of your friends or coworkers had said anything yet either. I admit I took your silence as an admission of guilt because I had assumed since you care so deeply about making sure people are ok and have a good time at your show that you would've reached out to her and said something (which I now know you did)."
      This is a thing that I don't get. I'm not really wanting to single you out and laying into you specifically here, but this is something that has been really bothering me about this whole situation in general, because there were many, apparently now former, fans of Ashley who dropped her like a hot potato basically instantly over that heckler's video. And I need to get off my chest.
      I've also seen most, if not everything, Ashley has put out on the internet and this is why I immediately knew the "fan" was full of shit, or at the very least was omitting big chunks of the interaction. Because I also got to know how genuine and caring Ashley is through seeing interact with so many different people, I know exactly what kind of comedy she does and how she acts on stage and I know how much she cares about her career and reputation. There's no way that whole interaction just did go down the way that person said it did even *if* she herself sincerely believes it did.
      And frankly, what if it did? What if Ashley did have a terrible day and genuinely flew into a rage for whatever reason and genuinely told that person to go off themselves? I mean, that wouldn't be great, but does that really somehow negate everything else sincere and kind that she did? Does that wipe away the dozens of fan interactions she has online that are filled with kindness and sincerity? Is someone's worst social interaction enough to cancel out all the other ones? How many of your friends and family would you need to "cancel" if that was the case? How about yourself?

    • @juliaschonokay4739
      @juliaschonokay4739 11 місяців тому +2

      @@JanneBernards I think I get your point and I agree that it is not great to be judged based on one interaction (which in this case was just fully missleadingly portraied) but I also think there is something good about not just blindly keeping to follow someone and supporting them but actually second guessing if there might be more to it and being critical about it. Especially if you are a fan and thus very biased. Think about the fans of problematic creators that stick to them no matter what. That would be the other extreme. Of course in this case you could say it is different because based on what she puts out there it is pretty save to assume that Ashley has good values etc. I just think it is not always that easy or black and white. I could imagine that especially Ashleys following has a lot of critically thinking people that don't just follow along and I am not super surprised that with the way this was displayed, some might second guess. Particularly when they might not know Ashley and her content that well.

    • @JanneBernards
      @JanneBernards 11 місяців тому

      @@juliaschonokay4739 There is definitely something good about not blindly following problematic creators. A lot of somethings even. It's a thought process I unfortunately have had to go through more times than I'd like. But as you said yourself that's not the issue here.
      The point was that many people, especially Ashley's ex-fans, are *not* critically thinking. They literally just went with the mob on the first trigger without looking past the surface level, let alone any sort of nuance. The fact that people didn't looked past the way it was displayed is not proof of any critical thinking skills and neither is reacting that strongly while not knowing the content in question. It's the exact opposite. It's literally what Trump supporters do when they see an anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda Tiktok or whatever.
      You're making it sound that all these things are extenuating circumstances in favor of anyone who is part of the cancel mob, while if anything they're aggravating circumstances.

    • @juliaschonokay4739
      @juliaschonokay4739 11 місяців тому

      @@JanneBernards Just to clarify, of course you are completely right when it comes to the "cancle mob" and that sort of behavior. I was more thinking of people like described in this comment. To me that does not sound like going with the first trigger but rather genuinely being confused what the right side is here. Which I think I understand? But maybe I don't have a grasp of the extent of it fully and maybe you have more insights than I do in this.

  • @kokoschultz
    @kokoschultz 11 місяців тому +2

    About her pinning the video-“it was her best work”😂😂😂😭

  • @rach87el
    @rach87el 4 місяці тому +1


  • @More13Feen
    @More13Feen 11 місяців тому +2

    I realy like ash! I listen too all her podcasts. I would not go to onw of her comedy shows cuz I am in europe lol. She is quick to rais her voice on an ironic way. In the rage video she is clearly extremly angry. You never know why someone snaps, I think you should always gove the benwfit of the daubt. And I don't belive in molly coddling audiences. If you go to her show you sign up for her stick. And Ashly did everything right and sinsier apologized for what was wrong. And the internet ran with it.

    • @ashgavs
      @ashgavs 11 місяців тому +3

      Yelling is a part of my act, it happens a lot, and as I said in this video, first I ignored her, then I sort of shook my head at her and playfully flipped her off, it went on and on as she yelled, so yes, I was yelling over her. These types of interactions happen all the time at comedy shows. Check out Troy bond or bill burr. But a woman doing it! wahhhhhh

    • @More13Feen
      @More13Feen 11 місяців тому +1

      ​@ashgavs yes I fully agree ❤
      Sorry for my spelling. I realy, realy apriciate your work and it has helped me a lot personaly for visiability and acceptance of my own disability, inclusion of diffrent forms of sexuality a d relationships and so much more.
      we all know its part of your stick AND you where rightfully pissed at the heckeling.
      I should have made it clearer, I am autistic/dislexic and I sometimes have a hardtime nailing the point. What I met is that from the edited video of the show ppl reacted to it just was clear you where truly angry and ppl should have given you the benefit of the daubt instead of going "seE sHe cLeArly hAs AnGer Issues!". AND its clearly a part of your sticl and your fans know. AND the clip was edited and pulled out of context. What I am trying to say, even WITHOUT the context you provided here, ppl just overreacted and ran with it and it was pretty clear EVEN without the added context from this episode.
      The autistic baby adressing is between you and that audience member ciz as a fellow autistic human with Hypermobility Syndrome I fully know disabled ppl are fully capable to speak up for themselfs IF they see the need for it. Its annoying when unafected ppl want to piggy back on issues the aren't touched by to vertue town.

  • @bilong92
    @bilong92 10 місяців тому +1

    comment for the algorithm

  • @brealittle772
    @brealittle772 11 місяців тому

    I don't think Ashley did or needed to humiliate this person, she obviously did that enough herself. Also break down the word humiliate, ⅓ of it is a comedy show. Blasphemy 😂😂😂

  • @kel2678
    @kel2678 11 місяців тому

    So she posted a reply! 😂😂

  • @hotdog782
    @hotdog782 11 місяців тому +5

    thank you guys for deconstructing the drama and showing how bullshit it all was, feels so satisfying to see this comment section full of support and sensibility. insanely proud of ashley for talking about it all again on a public platform, i know it’s not easy. COMEDY WINS 🎤🤡❤️

  • @tomatobasil4
    @tomatobasil4 11 місяців тому

    so funny holy shit 😭

  • @CassySida
    @CassySida 11 місяців тому

    41:14 what is the context behind saying the r slur btw? /genuine question

    • @ashgavs
      @ashgavs 11 місяців тому +2

      His sister has a developmental/intellectual disability. He talks about it a lot in his stand up. I don’t know the correct language, but having met his sister on FaceTime and from what I know, it’s severe in the sense that she requires full time care and cannot live independently.

    • @CassySida
      @CassySida 11 місяців тому

      @@ashgavs thanks so much for going out of your way to provide context ❤

  • @e_intelligence2487
    @e_intelligence2487 11 місяців тому

    2:55 The conversation starts

  • @sandrasabatini5175
    @sandrasabatini5175 11 місяців тому

    This episode remains me of a girl named Ashley who died from a heroine overdose, so sad

    • @sandrasabatini5175
      @sandrasabatini5175 11 місяців тому

      Is this episode a parody to make fun of others?

    • @sandrasabatini5175
      @sandrasabatini5175 11 місяців тому

      If it is, it is probably not of my liking or preference, but I’ve been told that doing it anyways (the things I don’t want to do) is supposed to be helpful

    • @sandrasabatini5175
      @sandrasabatini5175 11 місяців тому

      So I’ll watch it anyways, I’m already bored watching this

    • @sandrasabatini5175
      @sandrasabatini5175 11 місяців тому

      To create a diversion?

  • @MelpyMelperson
    @MelpyMelperson 10 місяців тому

    Imagine cheering for abortion just because you support a woman's right to chose.

  • @arielhibdon2084
    @arielhibdon2084 10 місяців тому +3

    I liked Ashley better before she was "canceled". You said what you said...stop the victim mentality. Im tired of hearing riffs about it on every podcast episode now. You got called out. Now lets move on

  • @michellestrachan372
    @michellestrachan372 10 місяців тому +1

    Ashley you could honestly go far in your career if you would humble yourself and never sit with people like this and be this way about a woman who was a big fan of yours. Not cool at all. HUMBLE YOURSELF