You can find the exact price for Drive Connect, and other Toyota Connected options, on the Toyota Canada website. Simply enter the year/model/trim and it will give you all the details needed!
To avoid confusion we don't display prices via our social media channels. If you're interested in general pricing you can find it on the Toyota Canada website (, or for specific pricing you can reach out to our sales team at, or call us at 7803067703. Thanks!
For general pricing info you can view this unit on the Toyota Canada website, but for specific pricing please reach out to our sales team at, or call us at 7803067703, thanks!
Gotta love it
How much is it to subscribe to the navigation feature on this vehicle?
You can find the exact price for Drive Connect, and other Toyota Connected options, on the Toyota Canada website. Simply enter the year/model/trim and it will give you all the details needed!
but what is the starting price of this car.
To avoid confusion we don't display prices via our social media channels. If you're interested in general pricing you can find it on the Toyota Canada website (, or for specific pricing you can reach out to our sales team at, or call us at 7803067703. Thanks!
How much?
For general pricing info you can view this unit on the Toyota Canada website, but for specific pricing please reach out to our sales team at, or call us at 7803067703, thanks!