I'm sorry I'm from "Sur_América", the credits are from rev. in description of the video. I only share on youtube to make renri chan known. Thank you. ^^
Xiao'sChannel I know, that's why I left the credits on the screen to visit the link of the creator, I do not earn money with this, I'm just making known the incredible work he did rev. Only that.
Ryucy if the goal is to make known the original creator, what you should've done is like the weekly ranking, take only a small portion, and perhaps discuss about the work, I.e. why do you like it.
季節は次々死んでいく 絶命の声が風になる
色めく街の 酔えない男 月を見上げるのはここじゃ無粋
泥に足もつれる生活に 雨はアルコールの味がした
アパシーな目で 彷徨う街で 挙動不審のイノセント 駅前にて
僕が僕と呼ぶには不確かな 半透明な影が生きてる風だ
雨に歌えば 雲は割れるか 賑やかな夏の干涸びた命だ
拝啓 忌まわしき過去に告ぐ 絶縁の詩
最低な日々の 最悪な夢の 残骸を捨てては行けず ここで息絶えようと
後世 花は咲き君に伝う 変遷の詩
苦悩にまみれて 嘆き悲しみ それでも途絶えぬ歌に 陽は射さずとも
明日は次々死んでいく 急いても追いつけず過去になる
生き急げ僕ら 灯る火はせつな 生きる意味などは後からつく
君が君でいるには不確かな 不安定な自我が 君を嫌おうと
せめて歌えば 闇は晴れるか 根腐れた夢に預かった命だ
拝啓 忌まわしき過去に告ぐ 絶縁の詩
最低な日々の 最悪な夢の 残骸を捨てては行けず ここで息絶えようと
後世 花は咲き君に伝う 変遷の詩
苦悩にまみれて 嘆き悲しみ それでも途絶えぬ歌に 陽は射さずとも
疲れた顔に足を引きずって 照り返す夕日に顔をしかめて
行こうか 戻ろうか 悩みはするけど しばらくすれば 歩き出す背中
そうだ行かねばならぬ 何はなくとも生きて行くのだ
僕らは どうせ拾った命だ ここに置いてくよ なけなしの
拝啓 今は亡き過去を想う 望郷の詩
最低な日々が 最悪な夢が 始まりだったと思えば 随分遠くだ
どうせ花は散り 輪廻の輪に還る命
苦悩にまみれて 嘆き悲しみ それでも途絶えぬ歌に 陽は射さずとも
wow this sounds amazing, thanks for sharing :)
^^ thank you
This is stunning!! The tuning is so beautiful >
Mary Tuyetnhi Tran rev is awesome ^^
WHoa, she sounds so natural and clear ! Great job !!
AOokami rev is incredible n.n yamine so cute ^^
B b ¡k (ok molo. Ll o l lol lol l o o mom lo monopolio 0o 0 o lol l molo lolm¡.m pollo. @z- m m.m.
I'm sorry I'm from "Sur_América", the credits are from rev. in description of the video. I only share on youtube to make renri chan known. Thank you. ^^
so cuite song
And you my GF i love you n..n
miki loquedero i love you n.n
Well, this is in no way a fair use. you just took someone's file and re-uploaded it.
Xiao'sChannel I know, that's why I left the credits on the screen to visit the link of the creator, I do not earn money with this, I'm just making known the incredible work he did rev. Only that.
Ryucy all it matters is the permission from the original creator.
Ryucy if the goal is to make known the original creator, what you should've done is like the weekly ranking, take only a small portion, and perhaps discuss about the work, I.e. why do you like it.
and that's when you can say, "yeah I'm fair use".