HORRIFIC. Bojack Horseman 4x5 & 4x6 Reaction | Review & Commentary ✨

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024


  • @roo1014
    @roo1014 7 місяців тому +53

    When BoJack went to the bar after throwing the doll, in the background we can see a blind man and a service dog sitting together to drink .

  • @Isabella-tu9fb
    @Isabella-tu9fb 7 місяців тому +38

    Amy Sendris, or PC, complained about doing tongue twisters so they just gave her harder ones

    • @jeffbrehove2614
      @jeffbrehove2614 7 місяців тому +7

      Knowing that makes her baby episode in Season 6 all the more heartwarming

    • @Isabella-tu9fb
      @Isabella-tu9fb 7 місяців тому

      Yep as Ruthie loves them@@jeffbrehove2614

  • @patriciomejia1114
    @patriciomejia1114 7 місяців тому +27

    Ever: "That might be the worst thing I've ever seen in a show."
    Bojack Horseman 5x11: Hold my beer.

  • @leguan278
    @leguan278 6 місяців тому +8

    So you know how there is only "fuck" in each season?
    Well at 11:40 it kinda meta-forshadows that he will never be able to say that to his mom, cause he uses the seasons F-bonb there and not to B.

  • @patriciomejia1114
    @patriciomejia1114 7 місяців тому +15

    "I'm just an awkward person and don't know how to handle stressful situations." Same, bro. Same.

  • @Olivetree80
    @Olivetree80 7 місяців тому +9

    I don't think it's right the way Bojack is treating his mother in her state, but I also sympathize with it and understand it, so I don't view him as a monster for the way he's behaving. It's a natural instinct to want to protect an elderly person with dementia, but Bojack was indenial of that fact and it would be hard for anyone in his position to suddenly show grace and care to their abuser. She's still herself regardless, as seen in the next coming episodes.

  • @hyperchibiabsol1813
    @hyperchibiabsol1813 7 місяців тому +15

    Hot take here.
    Maybe I'm in the wrong for thinking this, but since I was abused by a person with a disability, their disability doesn't excuse their actions so I was 100% fine with Bojack throwing the doll. Hollyhock should have never stepped in to let Beatrice to move in because she doesn't know the abuse Bojack endured. She basically cause a butterfly effect to make that happen. Beatrice should have just been moved to another facility.

    • @Isabella-tu9fb
      @Isabella-tu9fb 7 місяців тому +1

      You're absolutely right. Disabled people aren't automatically saints

    • @mh56487
      @mh56487 5 місяців тому +2

      I do kind of agree, kind of not.
      Disability is never an excuse, but she didnt use it as an excuse either. She got dementia very late on and never mistreated BoJack in that state. The "dementia version" of Beatrice is pretty much a completely different person, a version of her from when she was younger and without the bitterness. Her with dementia clearly means well and is doing what makes sense to her, never out of malice. She cares for her baby doll as if it were a real child and probably thinking its her actual baby, meaning that when BoJack throws it out she is literally seeing her baby get killed in front of her. Its not fair to punish this 'different person' for the crimes of normal Beatrice. Totally get if BoJack doesnt want to be around her, and i think Hollyhock is partially in the wrong for forcing the issue, but BoJack is still never justified in being THIS cruel to his mother. IMO you really cannot do a crime that warrants having to see your own baby die in front of you as a punishment.
      And before its mentioned that she did do something bad when ill: Obviously the worst thing dementia Bea does is drug Hollyhock. Yes thats awful, but it makes sense in her head. She is by her own logic "helping" Hollyhock by making her lose weight, something that would achieve beauty in her eyes, which is what Bea has been focused on for decades. She is being caring in her own way, and doesnt have the mental faculties to understand that its not an ok thing to do.

    • @Isabella-tu9fb
      @Isabella-tu9fb 5 місяців тому

      @@mh56487 But what about how she didn't care about him being potentially r*ped by a child molester and gas lighting him over nothing happening

  • @Isabella-tu9fb
    @Isabella-tu9fb 7 місяців тому +10

    Bojack is bad for a lot of reasons but I don't think he's bad when it comes to his parents

    • @chiggywiggy524
      @chiggywiggy524 7 місяців тому +1

      No it makes him worse cause he's doing it to a dementia patient

  • @ravwoofles3858
    @ravwoofles3858 7 місяців тому +22

    Bojack is what happenes when writers care about an issue(s), do in depth research, but recognize that it's not only "nuanced" (in the true sense of the word, because they don't cop out of giving their input, and don't shy from calling out extremist people), but also that it's a conglomerate of issues and opinions that aren't so easily resolved.
    Though; seriously, I get not wanting to have your guns taken, but there's no way around the fact that the United States needs to regulate them more.
    Oh, as for Beatrice, as much as I personally feel like she's really not the same person anymore, that she wouldn't even be able to understand enough to be held accountable for what she did, I can't blame Bojack for how he's acting towards her. Am I saying he's a good person and that he should be acting that way, no, however he has no need to even pretend that he can overlook all the abuse and neglect, and that it's completely understandable that he'd have a hard time separating Beatrice now from then. Sure she may have loved Bojack in her own twisted way, and she may have even felt remorseful, and sure; like most of us who don't realize it or refuse to accept that, she may have been a product of her time and upbringing, but that's no escape from accountability nor makes it a requirement that Bojack should forgive her.

    • @Isabella-tu9fb
      @Isabella-tu9fb 7 місяців тому

      Her forgetting things doesn't excuse her for everything she did as a mother

    • @ravwoofles3858
      @ravwoofles3858 7 місяців тому +6

      @@Isabella-tu9fb Someone didn't read.

    • @Isabella-tu9fb
      @Isabella-tu9fb 7 місяців тому

      You mean me? Why?@@ravwoofles3858

    • @Isabella-tu9fb
      @Isabella-tu9fb 7 місяців тому

      I was adding in what I thought and I agree with what the person above said although I don't think she loved him at all except for when he was born@@ravwoofles3858

  • @sorkaem
    @sorkaem 7 місяців тому +6

    If I can have one observation, you should pause the episode when you talk, you're missing half the episode !

    • @katieryan1188
      @katieryan1188 7 місяців тому +2


    • @xoTalim
      @xoTalim 7 місяців тому +2

      Agreed. That's always one of my biggest pet peeves with him. He talks over important dialogue.

    • @quinintheclouds
      @quinintheclouds 5 місяців тому +1

      especially when it's a tangent lol, I'd rather reactors pause to talk if they have a lot to say

  • @Isabella-tu9fb
    @Isabella-tu9fb 7 місяців тому +16

    I sympathize with most people that have Alzheimer's and I have to say Beatrice is one of the few I don't care about. She was one of the worst parents ever. One example was her not caring and insulting Bojack for riding with the organ player at his school that molested children

    • @DaveWraptastic
      @DaveWraptastic 7 місяців тому +6

      Absolutely agree. For me it was when she sat with a young bojack on the sofa and said: you've ruined me Bojack. No parent should ever say that to their child. YOU decided to be a parent, they didn't decide to be your child. I hate how a lot of people defend Beatrice in reviews and reaction videos for her being 'a victim too'. That's even more reason for you to not be such a piece of shit to your child. My mom was a lot like Beatrice and people never understand why I cut all ties with her 'blood is thicker than water' and all that. Screw that. She made me miserable as a kid and I still haven't become the kind of person I want to be at 35 thanks to her.
      Wanna know my favorite memory about my mom? When 2 evangelical school kids came to our door to ask for donations for an anti-abortion fund. My mom berated these 2 9 year old girls for 15 minutes in our doorway which ended with her at one point screaming: I didn't want him either but I still took care of him. No wait, my favorite memory is when as a 14 year old she kicked me out of the house for 24 hours because she thought I had stolen her wallet. I was walking the streets, alone, in the middle of the night, being harassed by junkies, hobos and whatnot. I have never been so scared in my life.
      Blood is thicker than water....

    • @Isabella-tu9fb
      @Isabella-tu9fb 7 місяців тому

      Sorry to hear that. I had seen some people feel bad for her because of her brain but others are reminded that she's horrible@@DaveWraptastic

    • @quinintheclouds
      @quinintheclouds 5 місяців тому

      @@DaveWraptastic oof... sounds like your mom and mine would get along. Or not, considering mine has to one-up everyone, probably wouldn't want to face someone like herself. I'm so sorry you went through that stuff. I'm never forgiving my parents, either, and as one of the most forgiving people I know, that's hard for me. I can empathize with their upbringings and the reasons they're so toxic, but acting on that is not okay.
      I also was locked out of the house for a day and night for saying "crap." It was raining and I slept on the ground and caught pneumonia. Still had to go to school the next day because it's my fault for having a "weak immune system."
      My parents once kept me from my meds by refusing to drive me back to my college when they said they would and I hadn't brought enough -- I told them it's dangerous to miss even a day, and it could result in seizures or even death to go multiple days without. My dad's response? "Well if you need meds to get through life, maybe you deserve to die." I had to call a friend to sneak me out at night.
      Once my mom locked me in the tiny downstairs closet, knowing I'm afraid of the dark and enclosed spaces, and said I could come out when I stopped crying. "Every time I hear you in there I add another hour." She forgot about me for two days. When she opened the closet she said, "Well that explains why things have been so nice and quiet."
      When I tried to end my life with my mother's gun and failed, I had a moment of desperation and ran to her, telling her what I'd done and that I needed help. Her response? "You can't even do that right? Too stupid to use a gun?"
      My father, though.... he's actually realized and accepted how horribly he treated us, how he took out his childhood on us, and has apologized and taken real steps to improve as a person and introspect on the harm he's done. I've been helping him over the phone, at a distance, nudging him in the right direction, and it's been working. When I told him, "This is going to sound weird coming from me, but I mean this: I'm really proud of you and the progress you've made." he replied "I think the only reason I've been able to try to be better is because you told me you believed I could be. I hope I can prove you right." It's hard, and tentative, and I'm trying not to get my hopes up lest they be crushed AGAIN and again, but there's optimism there. He's trying. That doesn't mean I forgive him. And I've told him that.
      My mother, on the other hand, has never made any attempt to improve, nor admit any wrongdoing. A therapist once told her she fits the requirements for narcissistic personality disorder, and my mom told her she was just jealous and walked out. She is the cruelest person I've ever known, I am NEVER forgiving her, and I've tried SO MANY TIMES to get through to her, to help her, to hold her hand and take baby steps towards becoming a better person. And every time, it backfires.
      This past christmas, I went to visit them and we got in a fight. I called her out and she continued to gaslight me (like, ACTUAL gaslighting, not what the internet's misused that word into), so I asked her point-blank, "Can you at least admit you abused me? Yes or no." She looked me dead in the eye and said, "No." Later that night she came to me in tears, drunk, trying to get me to console her and say she's a good mother, and asked if I even want a relationship with her. So I looked her in the eye and said, "Honestly? At this point, no. I don't. I can't see a future with you in it, and unless you take the time to change, I don't want one. You know I firmly believe everyone can change for the better. But I know you. And I don't believe you will."
      TL;DR: I completely agree with you -- Bojack owes her nothing, and letting her stay with him is so much more than could be asked of him. Throwing the doll crossed a line, but he has every right to hate her forever. Her not remembering what she's done in no way erases it.

  • @in-completeanimations1715
    @in-completeanimations1715 7 місяців тому +14

    Not trying to diminish the seriousness of the gun violence problem in America, I'm just saying, people had the right pumped up kicks maybe they could outrun the bullets

    • @in-completeanimations1715
      @in-completeanimations1715 7 місяців тому +5

      Just in case, this is a reference to one of Todd's lines in this episode

    • @jeffbrehove2614
      @jeffbrehove2614 7 місяців тому

      Did Foster The People have any other hits.

  • @Isabella-tu9fb
    @Isabella-tu9fb 7 місяців тому +10

    I love the Dr. Seuss tongue twisters

  • @Schmidteren
    @Schmidteren 7 місяців тому +5

    That doll. Later episode will make you think of that momeny and have it even be up a notch of horribleness. Damn. Insanely fucking good show.

  • @roo1014
    @roo1014 7 місяців тому +17

    Beatrice had it coming, but Hollyhock didn't need to see that.

    • @Isabella-tu9fb
      @Isabella-tu9fb 7 місяців тому +3

      Yeah Hollyhock is good. I don't care if Beatrice suffers

    • @chiggywiggy524
      @chiggywiggy524 7 місяців тому +1

      ​@@Isabella-tu9fbthen you seriously lack empathy

    • @Isabella-tu9fb
      @Isabella-tu9fb 7 місяців тому

      No I don't. Beatrice is an awful person and her having dementia doesn't change that. She literally didn't care when Bojack was at risk for getting molested and insulted him when it didn't happen@@chiggywiggy524

    • @Isabella-tu9fb
      @Isabella-tu9fb 7 місяців тому +2

      Just because her early years were rough does not mean she can treat Bojack like garbage@@chiggywiggy524

    • @mh56487
      @mh56487 5 місяців тому

      @@Isabella-tu9fb Yea but just cause her adult years were awful doesnt mean you get to torture her when shes not even the same person mentally anymore. Bea with dementia will literally not be able to comprehend whats going on or why Bojack did what he did. In her POV, Bojack (henrietta), literally chucked a living baby off a balcony.
      I dont know about you, but I truly dont see any crime that should end up in a confused mother having to witness her baby being killed for no apparant reason.
      Bojack couldve ignored her or not interacted with her. Instead he chose to absolutely torture a dementia patient.

  • @RasmusVJS
    @RasmusVJS 7 місяців тому +5

    You did not need to do our boy Judah dirty there at the end. He was just being honest about his word choice.

  • @Schmidteren
    @Schmidteren 7 місяців тому +7

    Bojack giving her hope that it goes away. He sometimes does something nice, even though he is a piece of shit. But such a fascinating and entertaining character to watch.

  • @Schmidteren
    @Schmidteren 7 місяців тому +5

    her laughing at his jokes on his show is all she needed to say.

  • @kayden2119
    @kayden2119 6 місяців тому +1

    Bojacks mom gets way too much sympathy from people imo. She was genuinely horribly abusive and Bojack does not owe her anything. Like oh boo hoo Bojack wants to say fuck you? She literally abused him.

  • @jamj4r
    @jamj4r 7 місяців тому +4

    Theres context to what Bea says in this state that just breaks my heart in retrospect. Not spoiling it but, man, almost every word that comes out of her mouth is just tragic.

  • @jeffbrehove2614
    @jeffbrehove2614 7 місяців тому +2

    The pair of episodes that make fans of this show say, "Owl House fans should watch Bojack Horseman."

  • @evilghost4476
    @evilghost4476 7 місяців тому +2

    4x06 is probably my favorite episode in the entire show

  • @1x4
    @1x4 3 місяці тому

    If you found a scene in a FICTIONAL showfunny, then just say so. Don't walk it back because you're afraid of some up tight people.

  • @xoTalim
    @xoTalim 7 місяців тому +1

    There was pretty extreme social commentary in S1 E2, though.

  • @jerryhayes9497
    @jerryhayes9497 7 місяців тому +1

    Comment for the UA-cam algorithm god 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @basicsimp8798
    @basicsimp8798 5 місяців тому

    Woke Bojack show is woke as heck. ❤

  • @totokekedile
    @totokekedile 3 місяці тому

    Do your viewers really struggle with the concept of a nervous laugh? That's frustrating.

  • @chrisgreen8803
    @chrisgreen8803 7 місяців тому +1


  • @username-gs2tp
    @username-gs2tp 7 місяців тому

    what a brutally good set of episodes, I don't even think it's appropriate to say WOOOOO WOOOOO MORE BOJACK EVER but nonetheless, super excited for your reaction! Ya absolutely never disappoint Ever, you're one of the few reactors I watch all the way through without skipping, you always have insightful or entertaining things to say

  • @walak6832
    @walak6832 7 місяців тому

    Man your reaction to the cotton candy was priceless 😂 i love so much the end of both episode, first the conclusion that men hate women more then they love gun haha and the discussion after having heard Bojack’s inner voice the whole episode was so good, man i love this show haha. Im excited for episode 9 now that you look so happy for PC.. loved the video a ton as always btw 👌😁

  • @gieronicacruz7007
    @gieronicacruz7007 7 місяців тому

    Just wondering, do you have plans to continue with the she ra reactions?

  • @mellybee5569
    @mellybee5569 7 місяців тому

    Great video can’t wait for next weeks 😢😢

  • @gerldrawer4944
    @gerldrawer4944 7 місяців тому

    peak episodes

  • @takkycat
    @takkycat 7 місяців тому +2

    Hollyhock’s character model really bothers me in the last episode. I don’t know if they change animation studios for the day or why but they seem to have drawn her too thin! I don’t know, something about it really bothers me.

    • @tobiaslucas7575
      @tobiaslucas7575 7 місяців тому +9

      that's fully intentional though ??? have u seen the show

    • @puddingj9406
      @puddingj9406 4 місяці тому

      ...have you actually watched the show because it's only like that because it's a future plot point...?