PRoseLegendary | Seriously!? Does everyone know now? I’m working on an army of cute desserts to help me rule the world! Muahahahaha, shhh! Don’t tell anyone...
This was a great and honest review. Not all craft kits leave a salty taste in your mouth. This kit looks wonderful even some of the cons you mentioned weren't deal breakers for me. I think it was a well made kit and it gave you more than enough materials to make the projects in was intended for. I love that you dont have to rely heavily on just the kit itself to make the items. That book was beautiful and well executed.
Some are bigger because maybe the colours on the booklet include those colours the most. It's like when you get paint and you use the White the most nut it's the exact same size as everything else, but you use it more then them so it'll run out fast
I got so worried at first from reading the title because I grew up with Klutz (I just turned 21 on the 11th) and for me personally it’s always been an extremely fun, inspiring, artsy, aesthetic, overall fun experience whether it be their magnetic doll kits or science kits or art kits or whatever. The single book/kit would last me years where things like the magnetic dolls would never run out or the art kits you’d just have to purchase supplies from Walmart or Michaels. I’m super glad to see they’re still around and uphold the same quality I had as a child.
A pro you luckily didn't have to discover - their customer service is amazing. My daughter got a Klutz pom pom kit, but the pieces of the pom pom maker weren't right. I contacted their customer service and they expedited the right parts to us, no problem! We've gone through a lot of these kits, including polymer clay charms and eraser clay. It's definitely a gateway craft!
silentwinged When I was younger, I always found Klutz kits at book fairs and book orders and I always wanted them. However, I wasn’t allowed to buy them because of the price. I have their Christmas ornament kit and fairy kit, and they’re not too bad. Next time I’m at Chapters, I’ll look for their kits.
When I was a kid I used to love when my mom got me klutz kits. They weren’t perfect at all, but taught me a lot on crafting. Here in brazil there was a publisher that would translate their books and kits but just a few of them, so my mom would get me them in english and that also helped me learn a lot on the language. Some of the kits were indeed pretty lame but some of them were amazing. That was more than 10 years ago so i had no idea they were still around
Another youtuber Moriah Elizabeth Tested this and her clay was Sooooo sticky she couldn’t even roll the clay to make it flat, Edit: while it was shipping she said it got hot sooooooo that’s why XD
It’s great that even though most people enjoy your salty crafter side, you gave this product a good review even though you might loose subscribers or likes. This just goes to show how honest you are with your viewers 😁. Keep up the good work!
I’m actually really glad this craft kit turned out well-it’s super cute! And it’s refreshing to see that not all of these “shitty craft kits” are actually shitty. Thanks for this! =^.^=
Klutz was such a major part to my childhood! I remember I had a few of their kits. There even was this fortune teller making kit that was called The Cootie Catcher Book... I loved oragami, but the title of the it always made me felt like such a rebel.
Considering your review is overwhelmingly positive and you recommended this kit, I’m so disappointed you went full clickbaity and put “9 reasons [it’s] not worth it” in the title. I’m proud of you for calling out Craft City and Karina Garcia for misleading fans and crafters; you need to keep that ethic for yourself, too! Clickbait titles are misleading, especially this one. Your title could’ve been (for example) “Is Klutz Mini Bakery Worth It? SaltECrafter IDENTITY CRISIS!”
NerdECrafter *facepalm* I totally missed the joke! Carry on, carry on. May SaltECrafter ever be confounded was only ever ONE bathbomb kit that had pointy gems in it for fun. (I just realized something: who would you expect to surprise with plastic gems in a bathbomb? Your gramma? An auntie? Yourself?)
I was confused too but thought maybe it was a SaltEcrafter thing. The "Don't Buy" with a question mark was what made me watch it to find out. Before that, when the video popped up in my suggested videos I assumed it was a bad kit. I've watched quite a few of your videos and a couple of the salty ones so I want to watch the other reviews now. Keep them coming!
I think there are 3 L size, 2 M and 1 S for one reason. You can make 1 cake with 3 layers, one with 2 layers and one with one layer. ( I said "layer" because I have no idea how to say it.)
I've used several klutz kits and I've loved them all, it's a great company, you always get your money's worth. You might try their window art kit, it's a lot of fun.
omg this is what gave my sister her inspiration to do clay and since then she has become a clay master it brings back memories when i would steal the book from her.
tinadrawsstuff hel bhai mbekbbj bbbb bbckg bb bb BBC b mbps kill bbbbbb b helpb help job bbj b kill b bb job bbb Klein b BBC b BBC mbps bhab lb bb bbb BBC B bbbb Klein b Klein bbbbb Jul bb Bill b ghost j Bb Bill bb job bbbb Bbbbb B 'll bbb BBC Bbbbb kill b Bbb Bbbb hel b BBC BBC bbb lb bb klutz b blog bbbbb ghos 'll bbb B BBC bbb 'll bbbb np b 'll b Mbeki b job Bbb job Bb B mbpb bb bbb 'll bbb B bb Klein b B bb bb bb Bbbb BBC b job B jo Bbb Bbb Mbeki b lb bb Bb help b Bb mbek klutz b B Klein bbb help B bbb Klein bb nil B bul BBC bb BBC bbbbbbbb B BBC bb bbgg klutz bb B bb job kg g Klein bb Mbeki b Bill bb Bill bb 'll b lb b 'll bb bb BBC lbb Klein gbgb blog gbg BBC b job bb klutz by kill bbbb Bbbb klutz bb job b bulb Bbb blog bb Bb Klein bbb Mbeki b lol b bbbbb kill b bb bbbb Bb Klein bbbbb BBC b k kill b Klein bb b Bb mbekb Klein bbb bbbbbg kill bg help job bbbbb BBC Bbv Mbeki bbh lbbbbb klutz bb blog b Jul bbb Jun bbb mbekbb Bbbb mbekbbb bhai BbbbJul b B B bb Klein bb nil b Mbeki b blog bb klutz bb bulb Bbbb Bob b Bbb Bob nil lb Bb bbbvlbb lull bbb BBC v B milk jo kill bb link vblbb lb b bb BBC B Mbeki Bb kill bb b Jul b B B Mbeki b kill b Jul b Bb Jul l BBC vbkb lb b mbekvb kill bk blog bb bank bb bank Bk Bb jbb Jul Mbeki bb blog Bb bank bblb BBC Bb Bob Bank b blog kb link mbek klutz bb junk bb Mbeki bbbkb link b KlinkBBC g bb Kleinb B monk GJobbkb lb g lgg lb g B klutz Klink bbb jobleb job go blog kb B BBC Gg lb Bg ok bank g job vg bbbb B Bv Mbeki b BBC B klutz b Vkb lb b b junb bb Jul b Jul BBC ban blo julbBb B B Bbkb linb junk v job g Klein bbb Jul lbb B B glbl BBC Kolb b BBC b H G Vkbbk Bb Jul b Bb 'll k vbulletik B B ju G K bk Bb bbv vbulleti mbe jubb B junk bb hmm help v klutz BBCk B BBC b G linb BBC b job v kill bkb lovbbb nun B lb vbkbl Jul vv klutz Nov vbk B lb h v BBC ban B B job vb B bbb Jun B Jul vk lol v monk h B 'll v lk V Jul b B BBC b job bb BBC B Hvkbb B mbek 'll b B Jul v Job vb job b mab ju ju Bv Bkvl B BBC v Mbeki 'll bb job b V G Jul vb Jul Bb bb bank b bb juv junk h bbb blogb BBC bk 'll BBC bbbg kill vkb b lol bb blog bbb bb BBC bb Jul bb B n Klein bb blog bb juv B bb jhh B BBC Nov b Bb lb vb nb job v B Bb job Bob 'll b Bb B klutz b lol B B Mbeki bh B klutz b B klutz b julbb Mbeki k vBulletin j bb kill bb min bb Bb BBC vv mbekkkh B V B bbb Mbeki vb jul job hbh Bbb Mbeki bbb B junk bk job Mbeki b VBulletin bb B junk bb bank h Vb Klein vb BBC kb BBC b blobb nil k Kolkata lb 'll b nil v V bbb B lb bhb Jul BBC bk lb BBC bbkbv lbb G no junk g job Kv bulb lg vBulletin 'll gg job h Klein bb BBC b Job b bkbbkb bhkvkbbkbb lkbb lol klb H vbhb B BBC b B Kbb Mbeki h bbkk jubh B Jul vb Jul kv bgb job vg juhbb Jun job B Bb glb B bb Klein bkv VBulletin kv B Jack kv 'll g b B vBulletin blb B Nov vBulletin Bb Bjorn lv BBC bb Jul v Bb Nov v Bb V Bbk vBulletin kkv lb bv B BBC BBC b job BBC kbl hhhb B nil bbb ni B Klein b jub job vb juh no BBC h Nov vv Jul bbbVgbbb Nov gkbb blog k Bbb lol kbb bb MLK gb vBulletin bb Bb bb Jul g blog bb nikbb blo B Jul vb Mbeki Bb mob vk job kkkbbb Vkbkb klutz b Bbkb v job BBC b Bkb monv blo blog Bb BBC bjb bu Bb bb Klein no job kb klutz gb B klutz b job g Bbl blog lb job hi Nov bh Bg But black gbkg B kill mbek klutz bb Bkbvb makb G Nov g klutz b klutz klutz b job b klutz b bkb Mbeki k vbulletib ma klutz kill klutz b klutz kb B klutz b B ju Blbkkb bh Klv K no BBC B Nov v klutz b B klutz hb bbk Bb joh Bh Bbbbb Jj blog b Hv blank bbkbb lb malbkbbvkbgg Klein b Nov vvkb block job v klutz b blog kb link Bobbi Bb Nov lblv job bb juvb Mbeki B klutz b Bb mo B bbc jok kol blog gb map kv bo klutz bb Jul Bbk Mbeki k B kill b bbKbv lol kkb mo B kill b klutz b Bkb B klutz g monk klutz bb link bkjb klutz kkb B klutz b Jkb B klutz b Bbb klutz bbkjbb Bkb ni nil h B klutz G mol gkbg BBCg Klein bh Bb lo Gvkbkbkklbb BBC B jo Bb BBC bb klutz b junk b gblblb Kvkbb Jul g ju Bbb BBC h klutz bbkvk klutz g bomhbklbbbb mm v job g kill gbkb blog Bblb Kbb lKlein bh Bbb klutz black bh Bghlbh B Bkb klutz b klutz bb monk k blog glkb Bbg klutz b B klutz monk gkb log Vv klutz lg Klein bklbkbl mnemo mbps BBC bb mljbbb monk gb nil g mol glglg mong gglgglgggl G mbpgb G m Melbourne g G 'll mgg Vv bg Bonn Gggg g bggb Glbggbg lbggg mbps gggg mgmtb bulk b glgbgggggggggggggggggg bggggbgl mbps ggb nun get mink ggbbgggbgb mon monbbgbbbgb bbbbbbbgggbggvgvgggbbbggggbbbgbbbgggbggbgbvgglggbgbgggbbbgbgggg ggbgbbbgggg gv Jun gbggggbbgglgblgbbbggbbggbbkggg Jul gbbbgggbvbjjgbgbgbbggbbgggbgbbgbbbbbbbbgggv monggggvgvbggggbbbggg ggggbb Jul glggjggggggggggbgggbgbgbgbggbggvggggbgbgggbgggbbgbgggbbvlvgbgbbg Mbeki bbvlvbggbgbgbgggggggvbggggggggggggvgbgggbggggggglggggggggbgbgbgh lbgggbbbgbbbgggbgggggggbggbggvbgggglgggggggggggggbbbbbbbbggggvgb lb bjgggggbbbbbbgbbbgbgbbbbbvbgbbbbgbggbgbgvgbgbbgbgbbbgbgbgvvbgbb lab bgb lab bgggbgbbbbbbbggbgggbbgbggg Jul g mgbbbbbgvbbbggv lb gbbbgbh Vbbbbbbvbbbggggbgbgbbbbggbgggbggggbvgbbbbggbgvvbbggbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbgggbbb jugggbgbg bbbbbgbgbbbbhbbbbbgbbbbbggbbb jubbbbbgbgbgjubbbbbgbgbgbg monk ggbbbgbbgbgggggbglgbbbgb bbbbbbbbbbbbvvggbbbbvgbbbbbgbgbbbbbbbbbbbg gbgbg Bbbbbgbbbbgbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbgbgbbbbvbvbbbbgbbgggvvggbbbbbbgbgvbgb mg lbbbgbgvbvbgbbbvvbgggbbvgbglgbbbbgbbv lbbb B mbekbgbgvbbgblg gbbbggggbbgbbggggggvgbgbbbgbbggg Mbeki Gbgvbvvgbbbbbbbbbbgggggbj lol bbgg lb gbbbbgbggbgbbgbbggbgggbgggbgbbvgbggb BBbblbbgg BBgglbggggg lojbblbbbbbbgbbbgbgbggbggbgbbvbgbbbbbbbbbbgbbg lbbg Mbeki bbbgb BBjbbbggglbbbbggbgb Mbekbblbbbbg bbcgblbvvbbbbggbbgbgbbbgbbbbggbgbgbbbbgbbbbggv gbbbbbb mbekibbbj lol bbbbbbbblb lab bvbgbbbbbvbbbbggbbbbbbbbbbbgb BBC bbb bbcbbv Mbeki vbbbbbgbbb lamb bjbbbbggbbbbblbb BBC lgbgb bbbb BBC bbbbbgbbg Bgbbg lol gbbb Mbeki lg BBC gggbbgbgbg gbbg Mbeki bbggbbggb BBC Kimble lkbb no kill lb n Ljubljana b min mbek kill bB knoh
I saw the kit at Michael's and had to buy it after watching this episode! It was pretty fun, and I'm totally looking forward to making more stuff, but there were a few frustrations. I first tried making the donut, , which wasn't so bad, except for trying to use the tool to make the hole. Wasn't a big fan of the entire donut falling apart when I stuck the tool through it to make the hole. Making the drizzle was also a bit of a pain, just trying to get it thin enough without falling to bits (I had to piece it together in sections). The reason for the cake sizes/amounts, is because they want you to make a three and two tiered cake as well as a single round cake. And while I get what they are going for, I do agree with you that it limits creativity a bit (just like with the limited amounts of fun colors). The glaze would have been so bad if they had at least filled the bottle in all the way. I may test to see if a glossy top coat (nail polish) works as well. Last thing: the trick to using the tool to make indents is to push it in farther than you normally would, to compensate fort the clay trying to fill itself back in once it gets too dry. Sorry for the essay XP. I would have loved to do a response vid, but my editing skills are lacking.
I love Klutz! When I was a kid I had their bead fairy kit, I loved it so much that my dad helped me collect materials and make my own kit in a big toolbox filled with every supply I could possibly need! I may have to buy this clay kit for me and my younger brother to play with :)
SaltECrafter is allowed to have fun while doing things as well. And Klutz is one of the better craft kit makers, I used to use their stuff all the time when I was younger. As for the ‘crafts are kid-geared’ arguments, I say that’s a load of bs unless it has an age limit on the kit that says otherwise. For example, I regularly buy origami kits because they have more detailed instructions than I can find online. And the written thing is a huge bonus with kits as well, sometimes online instructions don’t even have written instructions to go along with the diagrams. It’s the same with some ‘adult-geared’ crafting/art books as well for lack of detailed instructions.
so happy you loved the Klutz kit! :D Klutz things were my favorite things to buy whenever I had money as a kid. The kits were always sooo fun and absolutely worth it. I used their face painting kit at least 3 times for school events!
Been a long time since I've had any Klutz stuff, but one thing I remember is that they tended to be fun, informative, and really encouraging. I do hope you do more in the future.
Thanks so much for the shoutout! Love your reviews, entertaining and informative! I loved Klutz when I was a kid, I think we still have their polymer clay book.
#NerdEficationsquad OH MY now SaltEcrafter has a signature grumpy/confused face. I laughed so hard! Fun video as always! Maybe all SaltEcrafter creations should have a frowny face??? lol
I love that you have Trunks and Vegeta in the background! Also, darn this kit looks adorable, I've worked with Sculpey and things, but I've only had bad experience with Crayola Model Magic as far as air dry clay goes. I want to try this kit now!
I love the Care Bear lunch box in the behind you. I think it is a lunch box anyway. I had a similar one when I was little but it was pink. The 80's we're the best lol
I think the best reason to get tgis kit would be for the instruction book and the tools. I can't recall ever seeing a tool like the smile one. I'll just get my one clay though.
I buy kids craft kits all the time. I love crafts but I am a very clumsy person, so kid kits are perfect for someone like me. P.S. SaltECrafter, KLUTZ also has a bath bomb kit.
NerdECrafter thank you so much for your kit reviews. Your channel has been so helpful and I feel much more comfortable making my mom buy me something (since I don't buy my own kits) knowing that the kit I'm buying is good. Thanks for pushing me to love good craft kits - Laiba
I've never worked with air dry clay, I've only worked with natural earthen Clay's & polymer clay. I'm going to have to find this kit and give it a try. Thanks for awesome salty review!! 😉😉😎😎✌️✌️
So Moriah just did a video on this and it's so interesting to see y'all's different opinions and the different things that bother each of you. Much enjoy. I'm rewatching for like the 6th time. I love this video
I’ve been binge watching your videos for about 2 hours waiting for my wife to get off work.I just discovered your channel about a week ago and I have to say u seem like such a sweet and sassy person! Keep it up 🧂 ❤️
I've worked with Klutz before and in my experience their instructions are incredibly, wonderfully clear and very detailed! I bought their Learn to Knit kit years ago and it's how I taught myself to knit. You should try out more of their stuff and see if they're all that clear or not!
STRANGE!!! I just realized I wasn't subscribed.... THE PROBLEMS FIXED NOW :D I luv your channel, and you inspired me to start making sculpture ❤️❤️ I hope you get a million subscribers one day!! (I'm not sucking up, I'm one hundred and ten percent serious) Luv your channel!!! ❤️❤️
Hi nerdEcrafter I just subscribed and I think you are amazing you are so cool and I am getting in to clay things 😊 your tutorials are so helpful you actually say every step I just love that and thanks for being awesome!!!!💕
Our daughter wanted to learn clay. We went to our local store and got just a whole bunch of clay and we happened to find at a second hand store a book of fondant cake decorations it's been a blast
Other than a chameleon nanoblock kit. This is the only kit I have bought and was just getting ready to open it. Decided to come see what you thought. Yay! I found one that you like. Lol ;) and I'm not a kid. :)
I work with air dry clay. I use a normal tan-ish white, then I paint it when it dries. Using water is very helpful because it can seal cracks if you rub it, it can help smooth pieces together, and it can make your creation look a little more finished instead of lumpy. The downside of using water is it can take a little longer to dry though.
I usually stay away from scholastic cause it scammed my friend he bought a 30 dollar pair of “night vision” goggles and they were a pair of green sunglasses with a led light on the side so I wouldn’t be surprised if most of scholastic kits suck
in india scholastic brocuhers come at my school and they only include50 to55 books which are quiet good and there are no kits at all not even in the book fairs held also when the orders arrive at school there are brown coloured paper wraps around books with logo and each childs book order is in separate covers with childs name schools address and book details the order arrives in 7 days after submitting the broucher
This kit is awesome my niece loved it. The only issue is three of the tiny packages of clay were dried out & unusable. I wished they sold the eyes & rosy cheeks separately. They’re so cute & putting the face on was my niece’s favorite part.
much like Darkaplier and AntiSpecticEye ... So does NerdECrafter have her darkside! SaltECrafter Bum BUM BUMMMMMM!
Designs by Monica
Or Unicomics has Dni, Ashlie9596 and Dshlie, Zrez and Drez, and Dawn and Ddawn ( for unicomics' Minecraft hardcore quest fans)😄😄😄😄😸😸😸
*_Just Monika_*
Buff suki ,(in my mind ) :can I have a protein bar???
(IRL) I was about to say that!!!
Twelve creations but they give you fifteen sets of eyes...they’re just begging for someone to create an eye monstrosity and I’m all for it.
Already on it
Computer VHS I had the opposite issue. We ran out of eyes/cheeks & still have clay left. I really wish they were sold separately.
"Do I have to be good to make crafts?"
I just had a mental image of an evil mastermind cackling over his craft table as he makes cute clay cupcakes.
PRoseLegendary | Seriously!? Does everyone know now? I’m working on an army of cute desserts to help me rule the world! Muahahahaha, shhh! Don’t tell anyone...
@@ayxtic2768 i would help.. but im bad at keeping secrets so YOUR EVIL...
Aishma Amaradasa | I will turn u into my minions if u spill the beans! 😈
Cookie290105 Roblox | ;0; That’s it! *gets cooking tools ready* I’m turning u into my mini dessert minion! 😈 I will find uuuuu... eventually
Never..u shall never beat unicorn power🦄🦄🦄🦄 haha ur funny im subbing 2 u
This was a great and honest review. Not all craft kits leave a salty taste in your mouth. This kit looks wonderful even some of the cons you mentioned weren't deal breakers for me. I think it was a well made kit and it gave you more than enough materials to make the projects in was intended for. I love that you dont have to rely heavily on just the kit itself to make the items. That book was beautiful and well executed.
My Bubble pls check my channel out I would LOVE to get to 100 subs soon
The puns in this comment makes me cry
I really wonder what puns.. 🧐
Some are bigger because maybe the colours on the booklet include those colours the most. It's like when you get paint and you use the White the most nut it's the exact same size as everything else, but you use it more then them so it'll run out fast
Trishiee V dipper?
@@agatkagrzyb653 nut
@@sh0tgunsh1pping no nut November
i think she knows that, but as she said she would have liked it more when the possibility of choosing the colours by yourself was given
I....I've actually had this exact kit sitting around for two years...BUT I ONLY JUST DISCOVERED YOUR CHANNEL. >
WHAT wow =o xD
I have had a kit that I had since 2016 I still haven't used it 👁️👄👁️
I got so worried at first from reading the title because I grew up with Klutz (I just turned 21 on the 11th) and for me personally it’s always been an extremely fun, inspiring, artsy, aesthetic, overall fun experience whether it be their magnetic doll kits or science kits or art kits or whatever. The single book/kit would last me years where things like the magnetic dolls would never run out or the art kits you’d just have to purchase supplies from Walmart or Michaels. I’m super glad to see they’re still around and uphold the same quality I had as a child.
Erin ThePanda
Erin ThePanda
A pro you luckily didn't have to discover - their customer service is amazing. My daughter got a Klutz pom pom kit, but the pieces of the pom pom maker weren't right. I contacted their customer service and they expedited the right parts to us, no problem! We've gone through a lot of these kits, including polymer clay charms and eraser clay. It's definitely a gateway craft!
Silently lol at your “gateway” comment. Next thing you know, we’ve dedicated an entire room and $3000 to our new hobby. 😀
I have same one except it was a cat
silentwinged When I was younger, I always found Klutz kits at book fairs and book orders and I always wanted them. However, I wasn’t allowed to buy them because of the price. I have their Christmas ornament kit and fairy kit, and they’re not too bad. Next time I’m at Chapters, I’ll look for their kits.
When I was a kid I used to love when my mom got me klutz kits. They weren’t perfect at all, but taught me a lot on crafting. Here in brazil there was a publisher that would translate their books and kits but just a few of them, so my mom would get me them in english and that also helped me learn a lot on the language. Some of the kits were indeed pretty lame but some of them were amazing. That was more than 10 years ago so i had no idea they were still around
Jackie: let’s make a little pie
Another youtuber
Moriah Elizabeth
Tested this and her clay was Sooooo sticky she couldn’t even roll the clay to make it flat,
Edit: while it was shipping she said it got hot sooooooo that’s why XD
I saw it !!🙃
Btw can you do the subscribe
unicorn slimee I subscribed 😊
@@iamanartistbutcantdraw4454 aww!! Ty I subbed
In the comments she explains that the clay got to hot during the shipping and that's why.
i feel like SaltECrafter needs a special hat that differs from NerdECrafter's hat
kreativedaughterofsatan it should look like a salt shaker!!
kreativedaughterofsatan it’s just the same hat but this mad eyebrows 😂
A white and black hat!
Klutz is that company that the kid in me always gravitates toward.
Exactly one hundred likes. Perfection☺️
It’s great that even though most people enjoy your salty crafter side, you gave this product a good review even though you might loose subscribers or likes. This just goes to show how honest you are with your viewers 😁. Keep up the good work!
Waiter:How do you like your strawberry cheesecake
Me:With extra salt please
I want salt ice cream if that exist
Waiter: Do you want something to drink?
Us: Salt Water.
Mom:what type of sugar cookies do you want?
Me:nah,I want salt cookies
@@Itssyirahhhh your mom just gives you a hunk of salt in a circle
@@cringemasterlumpyalikittyi4543 salty caramel 🤣
Even though it has a frown, i still see a smile~Sherri Logan 2018
I’m actually really glad this craft kit turned out well-it’s super cute! And it’s refreshing to see that not all of these “shitty craft kits” are actually shitty. Thanks for this! =^.^=
Hey hey hey this is a kids channel watch the language ✌
hey watch ur language kids channel here
kinga and kayla channel , little gaming girl thx for standing up for meh :3
Little children want watching dis
Everyone is still mad even tho u were pinned lmao.
I think this is the least salty #saltycrafter episode yet. I think she secretly approves of this kit lol
Shhhh don't tell 😂
NerdECrafter omg hi! You just made my day by replying and so quickly too! Thank you!! You're secret is safe with me 😂😍
NerdECrafter AHA NOW WE KNOW!!!!!
The secret is out!
NerdEcrafter 😏😏😏 I shall tell!
You Canadian UA-camrs are on a roll. So much humor in every video
Part of the reason why I watch your videos is to scroll down the comment section and read all the cringey angry kids comments 😂
Yep same!!
Lol same
søulsearch and destroy same like “ JaKiE yOu DiD iT wRoNg”
Klutz was such a major part to my childhood!
I remember I had a few of their kits. There even was this fortune teller making kit that was called The Cootie Catcher Book... I loved oragami, but the title of the it always made me felt like such a rebel.
Just the book is worth buying the kit imo...
Roarie Willow s
Yeah tells you how to do some stuff
Considering your review is overwhelmingly positive and you recommended this kit, I’m so disappointed you went full clickbaity and put “9 reasons [it’s] not worth it” in the title.
I’m proud of you for calling out Craft City and Karina Garcia for misleading fans and crafters; you need to keep that ethic for yourself, too! Clickbait titles are misleading, especially this one. Your title could’ve been (for example) “Is Klutz Mini Bakery Worth It? SaltECrafter IDENTITY CRISIS!”
SaltEcrafter reviews will keep the same format. It needs to be familiar to be found. I won't be changing it :)
NerdECrafter *facepalm* I totally missed the joke! Carry on, carry on. May SaltECrafter ever be confounded was only ever ONE bathbomb kit that had pointy gems in it for fun.
(I just realized something: who would you expect to surprise with plastic gems in a bathbomb? Your gramma? An auntie? Yourself?)
I was confused too but thought maybe it was a SaltEcrafter thing. The "Don't Buy" with a question mark was what made me watch it to find out. Before that, when the video popped up in my suggested videos I assumed it was a bad kit. I've watched quite a few of your videos and a couple of the salty ones so I want to watch the other reviews now. Keep them coming!
Lea Seidman I was thinking the same thing I was glad to find out after I clicked on this it turned out to be a positive review.
Huh? Now your just being SALTY
I think there are 3 L size, 2 M and 1 S for one reason. You can make 1 cake with 3 layers, one with 2 layers and one with one layer. ( I said "layer" because I have no idea how to say it.)
Do you mean A three tier cake that goes from large at the bottom to small at the top. Like a traditional wedding cake?
@@sometimessnarky1642 yes!!!! Sorry, I am little late. But that exactly what I was trying to say.
@@marifurucho no worries. I was thinking I knew what you meant but I just wanted to clarify.
Cakes yay....wait we are the SALT
I actually kinda surprised
Same lol
I work at Michaels and I told my replenishment manager that you rated our craftsmart clay 10/10 = )
I've used several klutz kits and I've loved them all, it's a great company, you always get your money's worth. You might try their window art kit, it's a lot of fun.
I laughed so much during this, editing is A+
Lol I'm glad you got a good laugh 😂
NerdECrafter I love your vids! I'd like to see you try making birds!💜💜💜💛💛💛💚💚💚💙💙💙❤❤❤💜💜💜💓💓💓💕💕💕💖💖💖💗💗💗💘💘💘💝💝💝💞💞💞💟💟💟
TheHollycopter holly
TheHollycopter love your channel!
TheHollycopter omg ilysm but...... she doesnt get an A+
Jakie gets and A☆ (A star)
*I counted 584 stickers in a pack just to see if it was 500+*
omg this is what gave my sister her inspiration to do clay and since then she has become a clay master it brings back memories when i would steal the book from her.
Now I want this kit...for my daughter...yeah That's it. We'll she did like Klutzs polymer clay kit.
Fgnc the
Clearly this isn't a Craft City kit! Cons aside, that's a pretty awesome thing!
tinadrawsstuff hel bhai mbekbbj
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Bb jbb Jul Mbeki bb blog
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bbbkb link b KlinkBBC g bb Kleinb
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Bgbbg lol gbbb Mbeki lg BBC
gbbg Mbeki
bbggbbggb BBC Kimble lkbb no kill lb n Ljubljana b min mbek kill bB knoh
how many fingers am i holding up ✌🏻
Mario Luigi 26
I saw the kit at Michael's and had to buy it after watching this episode! It was pretty fun, and I'm totally looking forward to making more stuff, but there were a few frustrations.
I first tried making the donut, , which wasn't so bad, except for trying to use the tool to make the hole. Wasn't a big fan of the entire donut falling apart when I stuck the tool through it to make the hole. Making the drizzle was also a bit of a pain, just trying to get it thin enough without falling to bits (I had to piece it together in sections).
The reason for the cake sizes/amounts, is because they want you to make a three and two tiered cake as well as a single round cake. And while I get what they are going for, I do agree with you that it limits creativity a bit (just like with the limited amounts of fun colors).
The glaze would have been so bad if they had at least filled the bottle in all the way. I may test to see if a glossy top coat (nail polish) works as well.
Last thing: the trick to using the tool to make indents is to push it in farther than you normally would, to compensate fort the clay trying to fill itself back in once it gets too dry.
Sorry for the essay XP. I would have loved to do a response vid, but my editing skills are lacking.
dont you mean a glossy *taco*
mia vloga // Misty-Night
Eeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy u holosexual bro
Why do you write ”don’t buy” in the title when you liked the kit?
No hate, I love your channel, but I’m just wondering❤️
For consistency? I mean,SaltECrafter reviews....
If you notice the products she likes when she writes " don't buy" she puts a question mark but when she hates it she puts and exclamation point
Consistency with her Salty Review series
I think its just part of the series at this point im p sure every video has “DONT BUY! _ REASONS WHY ___ ISNT WORTH IT”
Because even though she liked the kit, there are still 9 reason why you shouldn't buy the kit.
I love Klutz! When I was a kid I had their bead fairy kit, I loved it so much that my dad helped me collect materials and make my own kit in a big toolbox filled with every supply I could possibly need! I may have to buy this clay kit for me and my younger brother to play with :)
Same :)
So freaking cute! I love your SaltECrafter and NerdECrafter videos. They always make me laugh. You are an awesome person Jackie
SaltECrafter is allowed to have fun while doing things as well. And Klutz is one of the better craft kit makers, I used to use their stuff all the time when I was younger.
As for the ‘crafts are kid-geared’ arguments, I say that’s a load of bs unless it has an age limit on the kit that says otherwise. For example, I regularly buy origami kits because they have more detailed instructions than I can find online. And the written thing is a huge bonus with kits as well, sometimes online instructions don’t even have written instructions to go along with the diagrams. It’s the same with some ‘adult-geared’ crafting/art books as well for lack of detailed instructions.
I love klutz kits! They are the perfect stuck inside the house because of bad weather kits! Heck I use my kid as an excuse to buy them.
Mariana Holley Your secret is safe.
so happy you loved the Klutz kit! :D Klutz things were my favorite things to buy whenever I had money as a kid. The kits were always sooo fun and absolutely worth it. I used their face painting kit at least 3 times for school events!
Been a long time since I've had any Klutz stuff, but one thing I remember is that they tended to be fun, informative, and really encouraging. I do hope you do more in the future.
Thanks so much for the shoutout! Love your reviews, entertaining and informative! I loved Klutz when I was a kid, I think we still have their polymer clay book.
You are fantastic!!! Thank you so much for this amazing drawing. I want to frame it!!!
This review isn't salty enough but I'll have it for dessert. I think the manual could just be a stand alone. #NerdEficationSquad
#NerdEficationsquad OH MY now SaltEcrafter has a signature grumpy/confused face. I laughed so hard! Fun video as always! Maybe all SaltEcrafter creations should have a frowny face??? lol
Lol that's the SaltEcrafter face now!
NerdECrafter yessss
I am back here after 2 years as I missed the intro and Jackie's long hair💓🙁
I got the pack and it came with 2 mini styrafoam but i think it was on acciddent
Oh hell yeah another SaltECrafter!!
Also nice Ryuji in the background 👍
karukaru i always stare at it
Ruby The Furry Thank you!!
Also have you played all of the Persona games or just the newer ones??
Ruby The Furry
Persona is an amazing game! Also, im freaking obsessed with Pop Team Epic
A 330
Ryuji is all that i look in her videos lmao
Whatever SaltE decides she is, she's awesomE to me!
I love that you have Trunks and Vegeta in the background! Also, darn this kit looks adorable, I've worked with Sculpey and things, but I've only had bad experience with Crayola Model Magic as far as air dry clay goes. I want to try this kit now!
I love the Care Bear lunch box in the behind you. I think it is a lunch box anyway. I had a similar one when I was little but it was pink. The 80's we're the best lol
13:39 - 13:42 , maybe saltEcrafter was transforming to sweetEcrafter
My husband and I like watching your videos. He said to me that he can tell you are a teacher irl because are you very good at it.
Thanks for the spoiler! :( i blame mysleft for reading the comment
Lol no I have never ever seen a 10/10 dorks!!!!!
I think the best reason to get tgis kit would be for the instruction book and the tools. I can't recall ever seeing a tool like the smile one. I'll just get my one clay though.
_For ages 3 to 103_
"Can I get this? I'm 104"
"that's IlLeGaL!!!11!!!1!!11!!111"
Confusing Sandwich
I’m 103 + 1 day
The 2 people in the pole who said only kids could have fun are monsters😕😐
Edit: Yay one like.....wait that's my like...😂😂
its not 2 people, its 2 percent. at least i think so.
It’s two percent
that was me. ;-;
im unique
@@addyxinwonderland1473 ur right lol
Two percent and two people are so different hunny-
You should get the Klutz animal pom pom kit or the string one.
I buy kids craft kits all the time. I love crafts but I am a very clumsy person, so kid kits are perfect for someone like me.
P.S. SaltECrafter, KLUTZ also has a bath bomb kit.
I heard WITCHCRAFT instead of “ .... which craft...”🧐
Simply Mochi me too😂
Me too!
Simply Mochi This comment has 66 likes I CANT LIKE IT NOOOO
NerdECrafter thank you so much for your kit reviews. Your channel has been so helpful and I feel much more comfortable making my mom buy me something (since I don't buy my own kits) knowing that the kit I'm buying is good.
Thanks for pushing me to love good craft kits - Laiba
NerdeCrafter: Craft kits aren't just for kids
UA-cam in 2020: Ding Dong, you are wrong
I am so going to buy this
And I too am an adult!
I've never worked with air dry clay, I've only worked with natural earthen Clay's & polymer clay. I'm going to have to find this kit and give it a try. Thanks for awesome salty review!! 😉😉😎😎✌️✌️
SaltECrafter isn't so salty today??!! WHO IS SHE
I don't know 😲
So Moriah just did a video on this and it's so interesting to see y'all's different opinions and the different things that bother each of you. Much enjoy. I'm rewatching for like the 6th time. I love this video
SaltECrafter became SweetECrafter 😱
The best thing in this comment is the horrified emoji next to that statement.😂
Neva! 😱😱😱😱😱😱
What a way to kick off the weekend!
(Thinks about it..) *that cheesecake is salty and sweet at the same time...*
You’re absolutely so much fun love watching you... so makes me wish we were friends and we could do crafts together
Blair me too! I wish we could have some kind of big hangout on UA-cam at our crafting tables and we could craft and laugh and have a fabulous time.
CraftyMomster2112 That would be awesome.
I’ve been binge watching your videos for about 2 hours waiting for my wife to get off work.I just discovered your channel about a week ago and I have to say u seem like such a sweet and sassy person! Keep it up 🧂 ❤️
I've worked with Klutz before and in my experience their instructions are incredibly, wonderfully clear and very detailed! I bought their Learn to Knit kit years ago and it's how I taught myself to knit. You should try out more of their stuff and see if they're all that clear or not!
STRANGE!!! I just realized I wasn't subscribed.... THE PROBLEMS FIXED NOW :D I luv your channel, and you inspired me to start making sculpture ❤️❤️ I hope you get a million subscribers one day!! (I'm not sucking up, I'm one hundred and ten percent serious) Luv your channel!!! ❤️❤️
Hi nerdEcrafter I just subscribed and I think you are amazing you are so cool and I am getting in to clay things 😊 your tutorials are so helpful you actually say every step I just love that and thanks for being awesome!!!!💕
Another 10/10 review.
Mellamew that would be sooooo Cute!
Our daughter wanted to learn clay. We went to our local store and got just a whole bunch of clay and we happened to find at a second hand store a book of fondant cake decorations it's been a blast
Okay I've watched several of your reviews now and I finally get where you're going and what you're saying.
I'm digging it.
You Make this look so Much Fun I might ask My Mom for this
0:24 I thought she said “witchcraft kit”
I watch way too much youtube ya
SaltEcrafter has gone sugar!!! jajjajaja love it
Please do more of these I love this series. Even though I love your whole channel this series is my favorite one.💗
Other than a chameleon nanoblock kit. This is the only kit I have bought and was just getting ready to open it. Decided to come see what you thought. Yay! I found one that you like. Lol ;) and I'm not a kid. :)
How is the cheesecake so cute?!?
Thx for the heart, love your vids
People: she is copying moriah Elizabeth
Me:No she is way way way more salty
Exactly,it is the SALT SIDE >:)
I just subscribed and the first video I get to see is a saltycrafter video 😂
When i was little i had a klutz polymer clay kit and it was so so so so so fun! They are really good at making long boring rainy days seem fun
I love the sparkles face in the description ♡♡
These lil mini foods are adorable! Also your salty pie is also adorable =^-^=
I like watching NerdE, SaltE, and I have a term for the calculating one-SmartE
I watched this review ages ago and i actually bought htis kit recently with some extra christmas money. I've very excited to try it out for myself
I work with air dry clay. I use a normal tan-ish white, then I paint it when it dries. Using water is very helpful because it can seal cracks if you rub it, it can help smooth pieces together, and it can make your creation look a little more finished instead of lumpy. The downside of using water is it can take a little longer to dry though.
oh mer gawd your cheescake is SO CUTE!!!!!!!
Awwwwwwww salty crafter you are not in a identity crisis YOU CAN HAVE A COOKIE#NerdEFicastionsquad
the beginning looks like it would be in a silent movie
Just started watching your videos! I love your style! And I love your love for anime! 😍😍 I Also really appreciate the fact that you do these reviews!
The reason of the size of the round cakes was because that is supposed to be for a 3-teared cake. Awesome video :3
I usually stay away from scholastic cause it scammed my friend he bought a 30 dollar pair of “night vision” goggles and they were a pair of green sunglasses with a led light on the side so I wouldn’t be surprised if most of scholastic kits suck
in india scholastic brocuhers come at my school and they only include50 to55 books which are quiet good and there are no kits at all not even in the book fairs held also when the orders arrive at school there are brown coloured paper wraps around books with logo and each childs book order is in separate covers with childs name schools address and book details the order arrives in 7 days after submitting the broucher
Jaya desai interesting
Saltecheesecake! Rawr!
"And todays victim is.... mini bake shop"
Your reviews are so funny yet so informative. I love your channel! 😍
Subscribed! ☺️🤗
This kit is awesome my niece loved it. The only issue is three of the tiny packages of clay were dried out & unusable. I wished they sold the eyes & rosy cheeks separately. They’re so cute & putting the face on was my niece’s favorite part.