With more visionaries like Vishaan, we will certainly not suffer failures of imagination. He makes a great case. No doubt his vision can be improved upon, but it IS a noble beginning. Let's get to work on it.
I want to hug this man... Only I would take it further and have greenhouses on top the mini condos.. and then solar panels on those with rain harvesters and water filtration systems.... You can have a close loop system and be carbon negative all at the same time.... And preventing any food desert areas like we deal with in my area
I like that these buildings are not skyscrapers, because old cities with classic 2-3 story buildings are the most peaceful and psychologically pleasant to live in. They are social and at the same time not chaotic, so they are not mentally exhausting for people. At the same time, plans that include trees and nature are great. Of course, I would not like all these townhouses to look the same, ascetic and boring.
It’s still not realistic - it’s very one sided and doesn’t consider the fact our cities have a lot of buildings in them already. What do we do with those?
Vishaan, your vision of sustainable housing for humanity (Goldilocks framework at 5:40) is awesome for us and Mother Earth. All human beings have the right to have enough food, shelter, and clothes to live a simple life full of love and happiness. 💕 ☮ 🌎 🌌
I agree with most of what this professor is saying, but I can't get behind a goldilocks zone of 2-3 stories. Sure, individually this type of housing seems like the most sustainable type, because there's still enough roof space on site for a decent amount of solar, but consider the big picture again. If the developers simply invest in solar/wind outside of the city to compensate, roof space becomes irrelevant. It's possible to build 5-7 story buildings out of brick and timber cheaply. The increased density would have huge benefits to emissions from transport (of both goods and people).
Awesome TED Talk, especially with the goldilocks housing framework thought about by Vishaan. I am just wondering how one can combine it with the ability to provide a large interior space for residents who think that such housing frameworks could reduce their desired interior space.
Brilliant idea if the walls, ceiling, and floor could be made sound proof and smoke proof so we don't have to deal with any lack of consideration among neighbors and didn't have to inhale/porous surfaces absorb cigarette, marijuana, etc. smoke that cause more health problems and having to replace every porous object you own.
Although there could be a solution of your concern. But the problems facing the planet and the human foot print weighs far more than a smoke and a sound proof. But I am sure engineers can find a solution for sound proof and things.
As an African, my Beijing experience of habitation has always got me thinking on the need to preserve lands. I can easily relate with Vishaan's housing framework being ideal for sustainability.
I think saying the same thing multiple times is important if it’s valuable information and hasn’t been accepted. I mean, there wouldn’t be as to talk about if this model was being widely adopted.
Great talk, great speaker! However, townhouses come with substantial land tax and unnecessary cost for home owners, and they do not offer flexibility with regards to personalised dream house. Townhouses also have an extremely poor resale value. Appreciation is negative, as you never own a piece of land (land value appreciates). So its a financial loss for new home buyers.
This is true for manufactured homes. Not necessarily true, at all, for townhouses. Condos do appreciate because they actually come with a share of the land, generally according to square footage
But why do they even need to buy their own home? In Barcelona, these types of developments are owned by co-operatives. It's a third option between renting and buying. You join the co-op and so long as you abide by the rules of the co-op, you can rent from the co-op as long as you want. Eventually the co-op earns enough from rents to pay back the initial investment and can then invest in new developments. Over time, you can upsize, downsize or move to a development in another suburb, all owned by the same co-op. Let's face it, the model of everyone owning their "personalised dream home" is not sustainable and just adding to the climate crisis, the homelessness crisis, and the loneliness crisis in our cities.
About 40 years ago Charles Correa had propounded the theory of low rise high density housing as the optimum model for housing .....alas, where I live now Bangalore Development Authority still develops layouts with plotted single family housing resultung in endless sprawls.
If u did this at scale on a community or city level some form of geothermal district heating/cooling would likely be cheaper and likely more efficent also rain water harvesting and greywater systems would go a long way to dealing with water issues.
Such an intelligent man. How quickly he glossed over the size of his family and the colossal growth of world population and began to talk about the symptoms. When are we going to accept that we are the problem?
Goldilocks-type housing seeks to provide the space and privacy that people need, which gives a break to the busy daily lives of society now and could greatly affect the rise of welfare in the region. However, this type of housing does not cost exactly to be introduced in Korea, especially in densely populated areas such as Seoul, and if the technology is introduced, it will have to consider alternatives to many problems as gentrification can occur.
I think first thing should be not giving birth unnecessarily... if you want it so bad and you have observed your reasons for wanting it really well and you still want it and you’re 100% sure, only then...
Maybe you should watch a few educational videos on why birth rates are high in some countries? Hint: it has a lot to do with how educated women are, what access they have to birth control and whether they can be confident their children will survive.
Bravo. Now to convince the chief executives to go ahead and give it all they got, EXCEPT their humanity. Never surrender your very ability to empathize with any other human being on the planet. Should fate force you both into the same labyrinth for a time, with no other choice but to cooperate, would you hang back, work it solo, maybe approach later? Introduce yourself right away and get the boy-this-sure-suddenly-sucks convo done? Take control? It all depends on the stranger, right? For me, the greater the difference between how I would approach any random stranger on earth from another, the more of my humanity I’ve surrendered in the pursuit of success. Being a dog who loves a stomach full of dog cannot possibly be a source of pride or ethics for the inhabitants of a utopia, which.. if you believe in heaven, you believe in a utopia AND you believe you’d prefer to go there (after Momma Universe taps you on the shoulder and hands you your “Dead Instead” card). Those who make decisions that literally make or break populations: Run back, pick up your humanity where you dropped it, dust it off, put it back on, and don’t get back in the race without it! Remember, if how you treat a stranger one-on-one varies widely and depends mostly on who the stranger is, you’re stretching it. The variance should be mild, or, I dare say.. meek. Don’t nobody need no success-junkies at the healm. We need humans among humans. Or we just don’t need you. And hey, if you just don’t care about strangers, at least rack up a few pearly gates points -y’know, just in case- by stepping aside for other people who DO actually give a damn, instead of making yourself a living hindrance to human compassion itself! Cheers! -Phill, Las Vegas
This seems like a very feasible and sustainable way of universal housing that could address a lot of issues. Just have to ensure that stays affordable. 11 billion though . . . No one ever says stop having children 🤣🤣🤣. . . Over population is like the food waste problem. We actually have more food than we can eat. This is a (huge) logistics problem. Now for the children. There are already so many unfortunate foster children around the globe. Why not stop having kids and adopt before considering making another "air breather"???
Yup. Just have less or NO kids is the EASIEST way to reduce emissions (e.g. 4 bil ppl on 🌎 in 2100). Just avoid the religious nuts who think having children is some kind of "holy requirement" haha
@@apexpredator1018 Agreed. Religion is a huge driver of this, but governments and big business are also at fault for pushing the agenda to maintain the next generation of working class citizens. I haven't studied enough macroecon to see the stats on where we stand globally on this and what is or is not sustainable.
Perhaps you should watch some educational videos on what causes population growth. Hint: it's largely due to poverty. When women are educated, have access to good health care and birth control, and can be confident their children will live, they have less children. Birth rates are lowest in wealthy nations and highest in poor nations.
I would like to know what happens to the legacy buildings? Take Edinburgh, which he sited in the talk, there are so many buildings which are centuries old, but they really beloved parts of the city. Could those be retrofitted? And if there was say housing stock that was not valued in the same way and was becoming obsolete (lots of shabby tower blocks in the UK), if they come down to be replaced by such carbon friendly models, how do we make sure their demolition is not releasing too many harmful substances? This of course, once you get past the big main issue of making governments see sense and invest in housing on the mass scale needed.
6:00 we need innovation away from the current stupid materials and labour intensive methods of layering a lot of not fit for purpose materials in walls, to an engineered 1 part wall (pedot coating outside)
Geothermal is great too, but also we need to curb and deter population growth! All the other earthlings are suffering because humans are over abundant and trashing the planet-literally! People are selfish and reckless-plastic everywhere… killing animals! We need to scale back, live in harmony with and be a steward of the planet and everything on it.
@@AccurateLedgers And how should we do this ? Asking for it won't help and We can't just nuke other continents can we ? North America 371 Million Middle and South America 650 Million Europe 744 Million Africa 1373 Million Asia 4651 Million
@@sownheard ive thought about that. Its easy to have walls that are like a tv. And to pump the air, and light into a fake window where the view is from a camera up top.
Lack of vision and governance is stopping us we seriously need new people in politics all round the globe young people who actually understand the issues which world faces today rather than the existing politicians uttering bullshit and delivering irrelevant off the topic speeches and who have 0 knowledge of the todays problem
@@GaasubaMeskhenet There’s plenty of abandoned buildings that local governments should renovate and make into modern, safe shelters. Should there be a law that prevents people from owning multiple homes ☠️
Simplistic, let Americans start lowering their consumption - gas, meat, plastic, home energy and energy intensive life style...and be a role model for rest of the world, we will see how it goes.
It’s not clear how long a period it takes for this to be carbon positive. How many years would it take to compensate for all the carbon emissions used to produce the solar panels and building itself? Or is he just talking about operational carbon? What about our existing buildings? It’s like the context of where we are in the world has been ignored. There is a good point here though about the form of a building relative to roof areas for solar panels and energy generation relative to context…
Alright, 11 billion people living in France, but what about roads, Industries, offices, movie theater, hospital, roads, railway, airport and so on. So many human things.
Wrong vision..we need the trees in the forests for our O2 supply not in towers which can burn, and sorry but solar is not for windows, we need the light in and see out...real innovation is needed, as architecture is a bit more complex subject than just extending those already there and causing the problems..Most elements of architecture were created in Europe and imported from there..probably this would again help if they are not forced into a U/R war..for your profits..
The thing is. Why should we need this ? In USA there is no rapidly growng Population. It is estimated that in 2100 there will only be 336 milion people. That is not even 10 million more than today ... His suggestion only makes sense, if you want to have at least 10 million immigrants per year in the next decades. In the EU it is the same... Those 3 Billion "new" people he speaks of in 2100 are all born elsewere ...
@@blablup1214 it's not as if you can travel to a different place from where you were born that would be crazy. Pretty sure the ideas he discusses are applicable everywhere, the world's not USA cetrered bro
@@alexandermcleman6101 Then I don't understand. What should be the reason for people to live in such houses who are from villages or smaler towns ? Nobody would sell their property just so they can live in somehing like that. And the big question is, how should the people in the poorer countries afford this ? What is about the infrastructure. There are many slums in the world for a reason. It isn't because they think it is nice living like that.
@@blablup1214 slums development because demand massively outways stock. Midrise housing is desirable because it balances living closer to amenities and standards of living. Affordability wise much better than building single family homes and towers too
Need to make two pipelines down rivers, a say Atlantic ocean supply line and a waste line, everyone's off toilet to tap and every town taps on, horizontal boring etc, and dumps back into a sealed line. River is uncontaminated and separate system full of water now for nature and irrigation, otter don't put salt in their water, now they put it on more roads and winter travel is safer, everyone uses a stream distiller to disinfect and remove salt at the kitchen counter for a couple gallons of drinking water a day, no more drain to mouth Wishing you could hybrid the dna of grass and corn for a lateral corn/grass crop for indoor vertical farming for massive amounts of more cattle on earth The poor could eat surf and turf every meal, a kid making nothing at a fish store could make 90k in an indoor fish farm and Peele looking for jobs could be restocking ponds and lakes with healthy fish And don't build on your farmland, don't eat people
Tell Jeff Bezos he has to live in one of those and see what he says. I'll bet it's "no". You'd have to make everyone do what's best for them, so good luck with that.
What would be the added benefit of them being racially mixed? (7:08) Such a weird thing to add. What would be wrong with certain regions being solely for those people who don't want to be around a certain race? You see this already in certain university dorms, so why not extend this to city planning?
Bc that’s racial segregation, regardless of initial intent disparities in housing may arise in certain racial areas. If the racial areas arises naturally it wouldn’t be such a problem but to bar one particular race from entering has proven to be a problem in our history
What he didn't mention and is the key point of 7:08. We have no growing population in Europe or USA. We have a growing population in other parts of the world. His idea only makes sense if he wants to import a lot of latin Amrican , African and Asian into our regions.... I would guess at least half to a whole billion ....
He just sort of blows past, and almost makes a joke of the fact that he has 50 first cousins. Like it’s an immutable inevitability. Large families made a lot more sense when families worked farms, life expectancy was shorter and the infant mortality rate was high.
Infant mortality rates in India are still about 6 to 8 times what they are in Europe or the US. In India tens of millions are still farming. The issue is not so much that there are > 1 billion people in India, it's that so many of them, have seen on TV & internet the glamorous but unsustainable way most of us in the west live and want the same.
Good talk, but he’s wrong about population growth. Most nations are already below the replacement rate of fertility. Population decline is the future, not population growth. Which is a good thing.
@@sophiafilms8072 ı think this jop is very very very hard because there are billions people live in india and ı hope india sucseding one day by the way I m from Turkey and ı say all people hapy new year
@@krystal5887 you mean murder? Becoz birth control comes in the form of preventive actions not reactive ones. You can’t kill a fetus that’s got a beating heart and not call it murder, doesn’t mean I’m against murder though I’ve got a few adults in their graves right now, again cause and effect doesn’t care about politics
With more visionaries like Vishaan, we will certainly not suffer failures of imagination. He makes a great case. No doubt his vision can be improved upon, but it IS a noble beginning. Let's get to work on it.
Really love this man's vision. Really great idea and creativity.
Brilliant talk. Sir, this is very inspiring and I would love to get in touch to learn more. Thank you!
I want to hug this man... Only I would take it further and have greenhouses on top the mini condos.. and then solar panels on those with rain harvesters and water filtration systems.... You can have a close loop system and be carbon negative all at the same time.... And preventing any food desert areas like we deal with in my area
I like that these buildings are not skyscrapers, because old cities with classic 2-3 story buildings are the most peaceful and psychologically pleasant to live in. They are social and at the same time not chaotic, so they are not mentally exhausting for people. At the same time, plans that include trees and nature are great. Of course, I would not like all these townhouses to look the same, ascetic and boring.
Great talk, I love this practical and realistic approach in opposite of all the fancy unrealistic "visions"
It’s still not realistic - it’s very one sided and doesn’t consider the fact our cities have a lot of buildings in them already. What do we do with those?
Vishaan, your vision of sustainable housing for humanity (Goldilocks framework at 5:40) is awesome for us and Mother Earth. All human beings have the right to have enough food, shelter, and clothes to live a simple life full of love and happiness.
💕 ☮ 🌎 🌌
I agree with most of what this professor is saying, but I can't get behind a goldilocks zone of 2-3 stories. Sure, individually this type of housing seems like the most sustainable type, because there's still enough roof space on site for a decent amount of solar, but consider the big picture again. If the developers simply invest in solar/wind outside of the city to compensate, roof space becomes irrelevant. It's possible to build 5-7 story buildings out of brick and timber cheaply. The increased density would have huge benefits to emissions from transport (of both goods and people).
Awesome TED Talk, especially with the goldilocks housing framework thought about by Vishaan. I am just wondering how one can combine it with the ability to provide a large interior space for residents who think that such housing frameworks could reduce their desired interior space.
One of the best Ted talks I've seen.
Brilliant idea if the walls, ceiling, and floor could be made sound proof and smoke proof so we don't have to deal with any lack of consideration among neighbors and didn't have to inhale/porous surfaces absorb cigarette, marijuana, etc. smoke that cause more health problems and having to replace every porous object you own.
Although there could be a solution of your concern. But the problems facing the planet and the human foot print weighs far more than a smoke and a sound proof. But I am sure engineers can find a solution for sound proof and things.
As an African, my Beijing experience of habitation has always got me thinking on the need to preserve lands. I can easily relate with Vishaan's housing framework being ideal for sustainability.
Sounds similar to 15 mins cities talk. Good idea just the same.
I think saying the same thing multiple times is important if it’s valuable information and hasn’t been accepted. I mean, there wouldn’t be as to talk about if this model was being widely adopted.
It would be because its viable urgent, valid
But the speech was good
thank you!
Ted needs to talk about Ecosia they are a search engine that plants tress
So inspiring! ❤
Wow. Vision, thank you!
I would love to live in those houses.
Sharing, Justice and Peace for All
Incrível, sou do Brasil aqui temos muita área pra ser ocupada ainda
Great talk, great speaker! However, townhouses come with substantial land tax and unnecessary cost for home owners, and they do not offer flexibility with regards to personalised dream house. Townhouses also have an extremely poor resale value. Appreciation is negative, as you never own a piece of land (land value appreciates). So its a financial loss for new home buyers.
This is true for manufactured homes. Not necessarily true, at all, for townhouses. Condos do appreciate because they actually come with a share of the land, generally according to square footage
The key distinction (which you pointed out) is whether you own a share of the land. But that is possible with this model!
What if stopped seeing Home as Asset in favour of environment and because we would want to create a society where everyone has one.
But why do they even need to buy their own home? In Barcelona, these types of developments are owned by co-operatives. It's a third option between renting and buying. You join the co-op and so long as you abide by the rules of the co-op, you can rent from the co-op as long as you want. Eventually the co-op earns enough from rents to pay back the initial investment and can then invest in new developments. Over time, you can upsize, downsize or move to a development in another suburb, all owned by the same co-op.
Let's face it, the model of everyone owning their "personalised dream home" is not sustainable and just adding to the climate crisis, the homelessness crisis, and the loneliness crisis in our cities.
About 40 years ago Charles Correa had propounded the theory of low rise high density housing as the optimum model for housing .....alas, where I live now Bangalore Development Authority still develops layouts with plotted single family housing resultung in endless sprawls.
If u did this at scale on a community or city level some form of geothermal district heating/cooling would likely be cheaper and likely more efficent also rain water harvesting and greywater systems would go a long way to dealing with water issues.
Let's make this vision reality
Talk to your local representatives: your city/town council, your state and national housing ministers.
Love it, let's do it
Such an intelligent man. How quickly he glossed over the size of his family and the colossal growth of world population and began to talk about the symptoms. When are we going to accept that we are the problem?
Tremendous view!! inspire me a lot!!!
Great Talk!
Liked and am watching!
I love this.
Goldilocks-type housing seeks to provide the space and privacy that people need, which gives a break to the busy daily lives of society now and could greatly affect the rise of welfare in the region. However, this type of housing does not cost exactly to be introduced in Korea, especially in densely populated areas such as Seoul, and if the technology is introduced, it will have to consider alternatives to many problems as gentrification can occur.
Such a great video. Just need governments to get on board now
this is shortest 10 mins ted I ever watched.I was reviewing think i might have missed something😂
I support his main point, but he is not entirely corret, e.g. nuclear energy is anything but renewable.
I personally believe that we can do a lot from our kitchens💪 by simply composting and reducing the waste. Great talk !!!
Good day
I think first thing should be not giving birth unnecessarily... if you want it so bad and you have observed your reasons for wanting it really well and you still want it and you’re 100% sure, only then...
Maybe you should watch a few educational videos on why birth rates are high in some countries? Hint: it has a lot to do with how educated women are, what access they have to birth control and whether they can be confident their children will survive.
Bravo. Now to convince the chief executives to go ahead and give it all they got, EXCEPT their humanity. Never surrender your very ability to empathize with any other human being on the planet. Should fate force you both into the same labyrinth for a time, with no other choice but to cooperate, would you hang back, work it solo, maybe approach later? Introduce yourself right away and get the boy-this-sure-suddenly-sucks convo done? Take control? It all depends on the stranger, right? For me, the greater the difference between how I would approach any random stranger on earth from another, the more of my humanity I’ve surrendered in the pursuit of success. Being a dog who loves a stomach full of dog cannot possibly be a source of pride or ethics for the inhabitants of a utopia, which.. if you believe in heaven, you believe in a utopia AND you believe you’d prefer to go there (after Momma Universe taps you on the shoulder and hands you your “Dead Instead” card). Those who make decisions that literally make or break populations: Run back, pick up your humanity where you dropped it, dust it off, put it back on, and don’t get back in the race without it! Remember, if how you treat a stranger one-on-one varies widely and depends mostly on who the stranger is, you’re stretching it. The variance should be mild, or, I dare say.. meek. Don’t nobody need no success-junkies at the healm. We need humans among humans. Or we just don’t need you. And hey, if you just don’t care about strangers, at least rack up a few pearly gates points -y’know, just in case- by stepping aside for other people who DO actually give a damn, instead of making yourself a living hindrance to human compassion itself! Cheers! -Phill, Las Vegas
Is it something similar like THE LINE in Saudi Arabia?
Good job bro
This seems like a very feasible and sustainable way of universal housing that could address a lot of issues. Just have to ensure that stays affordable.
11 billion though . . . No one ever says stop having children 🤣🤣🤣. . .
Over population is like the food waste problem. We actually have more food than we can eat. This is a (huge) logistics problem.
Now for the children. There are already so many unfortunate foster children around the globe. Why not stop having kids and adopt before considering making another "air breather"???
Yup. Just have less or NO kids is the EASIEST way to reduce emissions (e.g. 4 bil ppl on 🌎 in 2100). Just avoid the religious nuts who think having children is some kind of "holy requirement" haha
@@apexpredator1018 Agreed. Religion is a huge driver of this, but governments and big business are also at fault for pushing the agenda to maintain the next generation of working class citizens. I haven't studied enough macroecon to see the stats on where we stand globally on this and what is or is not sustainable.
Perhaps you should watch some educational videos on what causes population growth. Hint: it's largely due to poverty. When women are educated, have access to good health care and birth control, and can be confident their children will live, they have less children. Birth rates are lowest in wealthy nations and highest in poor nations.
@lyrebird9749 yes but you also need a good population growth to take care of the elderly.
I would like to know what happens to the legacy buildings? Take Edinburgh, which he sited in the talk, there are so many buildings which are centuries old, but they really beloved parts of the city. Could those be retrofitted? And if there was say housing stock that was not valued in the same way and was becoming obsolete (lots of shabby tower blocks in the UK), if they come down to be replaced by such carbon friendly models, how do we make sure their demolition is not releasing too many harmful substances? This of course, once you get past the big main issue of making governments see sense and invest in housing on the mass scale needed.
We could also try to stop increasing population
You go first. We'll mourn your loss.
The fertility rate is already below the replacement rate in most nations, so population decline is inevitable. This is a good thing.
Media: sustainable houses for all!
Also media: Grade A, Grade B, & Grade C available to the highest bidder 😂🙈🙉🙊
that's because "the media" is not a monolythic entity, never was.
6:00 we need innovation away from the current stupid materials and labour intensive methods of layering a lot of not fit for purpose materials in walls, to an engineered 1 part wall (pedot coating outside)
I'm pretty sure people need sunlight and digging is expensive. But I would love to see a underground city
Geothermal is great too, but also we need to curb and deter population growth! All the other earthlings are suffering because humans are over abundant and trashing the planet-literally! People are selfish and reckless-plastic everywhere… killing animals! We need to scale back, live in harmony with and be a steward of the planet and everything on it.
@@AccurateLedgers And how should we do this ? Asking for it won't help and We can't just nuke other continents can we ?
North America 371 Million
Middle and South America 650 Million
Europe 744 Million
Africa 1373 Million
Asia 4651 Million
@@sownheard ive thought about that. Its easy to have walls that are like a tv. And to pump the air, and light into a fake window where the view is from a camera up top.
@@blablup1214 tell us your solution please
Sounds good but none of what you just stated is "affordable housing". Building that would not make it affordable.
Lack of vision and governance is stopping us we seriously need new people in politics all round the globe young people who actually understand the issues which world faces today rather than the existing politicians uttering bullshit and delivering irrelevant off the topic speeches and who have 0 knowledge of the todays problem
영상 잘보고 갑니다 반이상은 알아들었어요 ^^
Hello guys from around the world ! Have a good day ! :)
We could stop letting people hoard houses like bricks of gold
Is there something wrong with owning more than 1 house?
@@lanemunsell4179 there is when there's homeless people
@@GaasubaMeskhenet There’s plenty of abandoned buildings that local governments should renovate and make into modern, safe shelters. Should there be a law that prevents people from owning multiple homes ☠️
@@lanemunsell4179 yeah.
The place I was evicted from a year ago is still empty.
No. More. Evictions. From. Primary. Residences!
@@GaasubaMeskhenet but the landlord needs to get paid.
Hallo friends, i like this topic.make me understand about technological power 👍
And it would be lot more fun anyways ❤
Simplistic, let Americans start lowering their consumption - gas, meat, plastic, home energy and energy intensive life style...and be a role model for rest of the world, we will see how it goes.
I think the reality will be like: Rich builds it , Poor loans a lot to live together.
It’s not clear how long a period it takes for this to be carbon positive. How many years would it take to compensate for all the carbon emissions used to produce the solar panels and building itself? Or is he just talking about operational carbon?
What about our existing buildings? It’s like the context of where we are in the world has been ignored.
There is a good point here though about the form of a building relative to roof areas for solar panels and energy generation relative to context…
Alright, 11 billion people living in France, but what about roads, Industries, offices, movie theater, hospital, roads, railway, airport and so on. So many human things.
Wrong vision..we need the trees in the forests for our O2 supply not in towers which can burn, and sorry but solar is not for windows, we need the light in and see out...real innovation is needed, as architecture is a bit more complex subject than just extending those already there and causing the problems..Most elements of architecture were created in Europe and imported from there..probably this would again help if they are not forced into a U/R war..for your profits..
Or even rammed earth
"we don't need to fear our neighbors"
He mentioned sustainable but is it affordable?
The thing is. Why should we need this ?
In USA there is no rapidly growng Population. It is estimated that in 2100 there will only be 336 milion people. That is not even 10 million more than today ...
His suggestion only makes sense, if you want to have at least 10 million immigrants per year in the next decades. In the EU it is the same...
Those 3 Billion "new" people he speaks of in 2100 are all born elsewere ...
@@blablup1214 it's not as if you can travel to a different place from where you were born that would be crazy. Pretty sure the ideas he discusses are applicable everywhere, the world's not USA cetrered bro
@@alexandermcleman6101 Then I don't understand. What should be the reason for people to live in such houses who are from villages or smaler towns ? Nobody would sell their property just so they can live in somehing like that.
And the big question is, how should the people in the poorer countries afford this ? What is about the infrastructure. There are many slums in the world for a reason. It isn't because they think it is nice living like that.
@@blablup1214 slums development because demand massively outways stock. Midrise housing is desirable because it balances living closer to amenities and standards of living. Affordability wise much better than building single family homes and towers too
@@ZennExile but sprawl is? I can agree in terms of preloading these technologies into houses but midrise is the most affordable
Is this going to work for 15 billion humans?
Need to make two pipelines down rivers, a say Atlantic ocean supply line and a waste line, everyone's off toilet to tap and every town taps on, horizontal boring etc, and dumps back into a sealed line. River is uncontaminated and separate system full of water now for nature and irrigation, otter don't put salt in their water, now they put it on more roads and winter travel is safer, everyone uses a stream distiller to disinfect and remove salt at the kitchen counter for a couple gallons of drinking water a day, no more drain to mouth
Wishing you could hybrid the dna of grass and corn for a lateral corn/grass crop for indoor vertical farming for massive amounts of more cattle on earth
The poor could eat surf and turf every meal, a kid making nothing at a fish store could make 90k in an indoor fish farm and Peele looking for jobs could be restocking ponds and lakes with healthy fish
And don't build on your farmland, don't eat people
Tell Jeff Bezos he has to live in one of those and see what he says. I'll bet it's "no". You'd have to make everyone do what's best for them, so good luck with that.
We know. But the Rich own Politicians.
What would be the added benefit of them being racially mixed? (7:08) Such a weird thing to add. What would be wrong with certain regions being solely for those people who don't want to be around a certain race? You see this already in certain university dorms, so why not extend this to city planning?
Bc that’s racial segregation, regardless of initial intent disparities in housing may arise in certain racial areas. If the racial areas arises naturally it wouldn’t be such a problem but to bar one particular race from entering has proven to be a problem in our history
What he didn't mention and is the key point of 7:08. We have no growing population in Europe or USA. We have a growing population in other parts of the world. His idea only makes sense if he wants to import a lot of latin Amrican , African and Asian into our regions....
I would guess at least half to a whole billion ....
He just sort of blows past, and almost makes a joke of the fact that he has 50 first cousins. Like it’s an immutable inevitability. Large families made a lot more sense when families worked farms, life expectancy was shorter and the infant mortality rate was high.
Infant mortality rates in India are still about 6 to 8 times what they are in Europe or the US. In India tens of millions are still farming. The issue is not so much that there are > 1 billion people in India, it's that so many of them, have seen on TV & internet the glamorous but unsustainable way most of us in the west live and want the same.
We don’t have to worry, the vaccines will take care of population growth.
Good talk, but he’s wrong about population growth. Most nations are already below the replacement rate of fertility. Population decline is the future, not population growth. Which is a good thing.
Drastic decline in population worldwide will greatly aid climate change. Think about it, and may the human male learn to control his urges.
I really need to travel too the USA can you please 🙏 help me to get a visa 🙏 I will finance, I just need an invitation letter 🙏
Amazingly naive.
If you take apart this presentation it is a rather weak one.....
Sometimes I do feel Ted is A platform of created by certain sinister syndicate to steal information for their selfish projects
To much bs taking for nothing 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 dream boy😂
India is the great Country in the world
Fix the pollution and the sewage
@@sophiafilms8072 hey. What are you say?
@@sophiafilms8072 ı think this jop is very very very hard because there are billions people live in india and ı hope india sucseding one day by the way I m from Turkey and ı say all people hapy new year
@@krystal5887 you mean murder? Becoz birth control comes in the form of preventive actions not reactive ones. You can’t kill a fetus that’s got a beating heart and not call it murder, doesn’t mean I’m against murder though I’ve got a few adults in their graves right now, again cause and effect doesn’t care about politics
..... another indian ....who says he is indian ( as we can not see it ), and can't stop to say the Word India ......between 2 breathes ... Boring...
Stop talking!!