Malazan Book Of The Fallen

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • Slideshow video for malazan book of the fallen series.
    The images where not arranged orderly with the series but they are epic so is the music.
    Images i found them at
    music: Sword of the stranger OST


  • @selmirikanovic
    @selmirikanovic 9 років тому +34

    So many charachters, so many things I recognize in there pictures. So many people who lived, fought and died in MboF...They were like real people to me as I read those wonderfull books. I was happy when they were, sad when they were sad and full of sorrow when they died. They were not heros, they were ordinary people (yes, some of them had powers) but after all, they were just normal people who feared, loved, hated, cheated, lied, fought and finally, died. Certainly one of the most epic worlds ever created and some of the most "human" characters i've ever seen. Certainly, one of the sadest books i've ever read too...
    I miss that world already...

  • @BlackViperMWG
    @BlackViperMWG 10 років тому +24

    Best saga ever.

  • @ramirezpaule
    @ramirezpaule 11 років тому +9

    absolutely agree. Only person you're missing is Fiddler. He has always managed to lead his squad through every engagement.

  • @josephleonard1217
    @josephleonard1217 7 років тому +20

    best story and world ever would give game of thornes a run for the money

  • @aidacailar1126
    @aidacailar1126 2 роки тому +1

    The greatest masterpiece in the fantasy genre. In 100 years Malazan will be classic literature.

  • @PsilocybeJedi
    @PsilocybeJedi 9 років тому +10

    Just caught up in aSoIaF and now I picked up Garden's of the Moon, pretty good so far but goddamn there's a lot of new words to learn. Haha

    • @tkurban
      @tkurban 9 років тому

      PNW_PsilocybeJedi i know how you feel bro, i heard the second book and so on are easier, i wanted to skip the first one and just start reading the second book, but idk what to do lol

  • @oreblagojevic5662
    @oreblagojevic5662 11 років тому +2

    Completely amazing art and music!
    I want more!

  • @ramirezpaule
    @ramirezpaule 11 років тому +1

    without spoiling anything, the final book really does a good job of continuing the story with Fiddler and Hedge, as well as other characters who aren't mentioned for a long time

  • @FlareXyron
    @FlareXyron 11 років тому +5

    supposedly quick ben has already appeared in forge of darkness or at least one of his souls.
    fuckin badass MALAZAAAANNN!!!!

  • @Sirchud68
    @Sirchud68 11 років тому

    I'm in love with this series. Reading House of Chains. So good

  • @KoolWithAQ
    @KoolWithAQ 11 років тому +1

    Just started Gardens of the Moon. I'm so excited to get into this incredible series.

    • @danielDefoe81
      @danielDefoe81 3 роки тому

      I had to retry reading GotM 3x and took a break of half a year before attempting again :P...then i could read and finish it...

  • @cefkaseph
    @cefkaseph 12 років тому

    Aswsome art and music!

  • @salc8643
    @salc8643 11 років тому +4

    on the 3rd reread. Amazing how much foreshadowing there really is in the books that you notice on the rereads.
    In your opinion, was QB Andii? I believe so.

    • @MyVanir
      @MyVanir 7 років тому

      Probably, like Topper, an Andii halfblood.

  • @CH-ml4rz
    @CH-ml4rz 3 роки тому

    Love it

  • @ZackTheBandit
    @ZackTheBandit 11 років тому

    The mortal sword of the tiger uses two cutlasses and TOC the younger is missing an eye. Aside from that beautifully designed art though I did not see the glorious kruppe

  • @Spuds118
    @Spuds118 11 років тому +1

    (SPOILERS) If you've read Memories of Ice and recall Anomander Rake's words on the subject, then you know my own. Remember, when Korlat and Brood get into a tizzy that "Dujek & Whiskeyjack aren't actually outlawed, omg!" ? Rake basically looks at them and says "Is it such a bad thing that the Malazans are expanding? Where they go, cities prosper, and in the long run, things get *better.*"

  • @salc8643
    @salc8643 11 років тому

    I always wanted more of Fid, on the why he was so adept at the deck and had such command it appalled the elder gods by the ability of locking down cards.
    Love Hedge even though a minor character. Completely crazy and he relished in it. Always keeps a cusser on him, to end it all. Only to find out that it was a dud.

  • @salc8643
    @salc8643 11 років тому +6

    sigh. there is no sympathy towards the malazan imperialism. I suggest you read or re-read the all 10 books then comment.
    These books are NOT about imperialism. Just the opposite with major religious and societal themes.
    BTW, Rake and Quick Ben may be the most bad ass characters written.

  • @Spuds118
    @Spuds118 11 років тому

    (SPOILERS) As for the Bridgeburners? They fight because they're good soldiers. As you saw in Deadhouse Gates (I assume you've read it), during Coltaine's last stand outside the gates of Aren, what did the Malazan soldiers in Aren do? They did as they were ordered, though it broke their hearts and went against every ounce of desire in their bodies. Such conduct is most certainly not 'ignorant blind rumbling obedience,' but soldierly discipline.

  • @awisebeauty
    @awisebeauty 7 років тому +1

    These books make me want to become a soldier, in book 9 right now, awesome saga.

  • @Parasmunt
    @Parasmunt 11 років тому +1

    Aggghh" I am reading book 4 and right on que, the cool giant Toblakai character Karsa Urlong suddenly drops everything and say 'Hey why are we fighting Malazans, they represent justice, they civilise barbaric peoples' - the cool homicidal barbarian who a short while ago was destroying the Malazan' allies who enslaved his people will become a Malazan pet like Rake I predict.

  • @Darthmalor85
    @Darthmalor85 11 років тому

    Is it possible download this music somewhere? It's epic...

  • @decold7768
    @decold7768 5 років тому

    To Dancer and Kellanved 😢

  • @runruk
    @runruk 7 років тому +1

    I thought the series was better than song of ice and fire

  • @CrypticParad0x
    @CrypticParad0x 8 років тому

    I never pictured Fiddler so diabolical and rapey :/ The rest are great though

  • @Parasmunt
    @Parasmunt 11 років тому

    I like the books but I detest the Malazan Empire and cannot sympathise with it at all, it's plots or schemes or ambitions..
    Instead of making that empire the 'heroes' the author should have stepped back a bit, in almost every book of this cycle I read I find myself loving the newly introduced characters and then hating it when they reintroduce Malazans (I esp hate Quick Ben (ie Deux Machina), Whiskeyjack and One Eye and all the other cursing women backstabbing grunts in that army).

  • @Parasmunt
    @Parasmunt 11 років тому +1

    I just don't like the author's sympathetic treatment of them, they are in other people's lands killing folk, they should not be the glowing heroes of the books for that reason alone.
    Many of the novels' heroes are traitors who betray their lands and serve foreign masters including Quick Ben and even Coltaine, it's ok if such characters exist, it's the treatment of them and their cause by the author (his sympathy to them and their cause) which is cringe inducing.

  • @Parasmunt
    @Parasmunt 11 років тому +1

    I find myself loving the books until he gets to Malazans (esp Bridgeburners), then clichés come on fast. Cursing, illiterate and irreverent low ranking soldiers always brawling, not much going on upstairs, no cause to fight for (except they love Whiskeyjack etc), stumbling to victory against impossible odds, attracting god powers without trying.

  • @Parasmunt
    @Parasmunt 11 років тому +1

    That's the author's sympathy towards Malazan imperialism turning the coolest of characters from Book 1 - (a figure of justice itself! A defender of unfortunate Pale) Into a defender of imperialism and a sycophant towards Whiskeyjack... Not cool. Rake is boring to me now... The character lost his aura.
    As for Culls, they murdered a certain percentage of the population of Pale and nearly all it's nobility. Fighting against them is what made Rake a moral figure in bk 1.

  • @Parasmunt
    @Parasmunt 9 років тому +1

    I think the Canadian author drew too much on his admiration of the British Empire (upon which the Malazans are based) as someone who is not an admirer of that organisation i found some themes nauseous - eg the liberal justification for empire, the author tries to portray the places invaded as barbarous. So i had a problem staying with the series when everything the Malazans do turns to gold and everyone cool in the book eventually becomes their groupie. I was cheering on the enemy much of the time. Even the native tribe in book 2 that sides with them are turncoats and traitors to their ancestors and i could not respect them fully as a people. Definitely pro-colonialist vibes in the series, but very well written (brilliant) in places.

    • @plaguesofwrath
      @plaguesofwrath 8 років тому

      I just want to say thank you for using "nauseous" correctly.

    • @jackbaxter2223
      @jackbaxter2223 8 років тому +8

      +Parasmunt The Malazans are based more on the Roman empire than the British one, and the series makes it very clear that the Malazan empire is very expansionist and ruthless.

    • @MyVanir
      @MyVanir 7 років тому +1

      While at first glance it may seem so, but nowhere does it actually portray colonialism as inherently good. The fact is, divided regions often ARE rife with constant warfare, which is often far harder on the common folk than being conquered by an expansionist empire. Cultural barbarity (weak rule of law, etc) as described about One-Eye-Cat and the like, is actually somewhat rarer in real colonial history.
      Also, Steven makes it very clear that some conquered areas, such as Seven Cities, can be held only through reign of terror (mentions of Kellanved preemptively drowning the continent in blood to prevent the atrocious uprising that happened), which does not exactly speak in favor of British- and Spanish-style colonialism and Roman-style imperialism.

    • @Parasmunt
      @Parasmunt 7 років тому +1

      The British were far more expansionist than the Romans and just as ruthless.
      It is an excellent series of books but the pro colonial viewpoint just didn't jar well with me is all i am saying and Coltaine as a bit of an Uncle Tom - though brave was someone i couldn't sympathise much with.

    • @jackbaxter2223
      @jackbaxter2223 7 років тому +1

      Parasmunt The Wickans are a key part of the Malazan Empire. Kellanved describes them as his 'loyal Wickans'. It is only really Laseen who views them as primitive and barbaric, and Kellanved is outraged at her treatment of them in the later books.