concerted and focused by a group that considers itself special and is specially protected under the laws of every western country,so much so we are object of censorship if we name them. a group expelled hundreds of times from one country or another for almost two millenia,and nobody dares to question why... they even brag about it,and nobody lifts a finger. THAT's the real problem.
@@evolassunglasses4673The 'academics' ran out of 'subjects' to anaslyse so decidedly collectively to try to destroy old England and its Christian heritage.The fact that the country has been invaded by many other 'cultures' only encouraged them and used this as an excuse as if in fact 'they'were doing us a huge favour!Getting the whole education system behind them was easy.
@@fbabarbe430 What we call "Wokeness" is focused and nonstop Anglophone government/corporate Public Relations, broadcast mass media and advertising campaigns. "Wokeness" is not exogenous, not "grass roots" and not "a mistake."
I'm not sure about this... The Japanese, Koreans and French are all much less Woke than the Americans, Canadians and British... All first World countries...
@@johnnyb8825 Good point... Here in France, where we also had a colonial past, we don't spend all our time apologising for it and we know the difference between a man and a woman... Even our language only has two genders !!!
One of the reasons that western countries are woke is that we have had a relatively stable and prosperous time of it over the past three decades - we have achieved a comfortable position where certain parts of society can start to address what they see as social wrongs. One can liken it to a type of Sociological Maslow's hierarchy of needs, we have achieved a position where those that want to can luxuriate in their Marxist ideologies while maintaining their champagne socialist lifestyle.
No mate it’s the long march through the institutions by cultural Marxists. Woke is social engineering designed to ruin us. And at least two left educated generations of native Brits are in it up to their necks.
Very well said. So why do they want to destroy what we've achieved . A lot of people today probably don't achieve Maslow's hierarchy of needs. And those people are probably poor whites
Racism should be encouraged, before we’re outnumbered. Think about the struggles of our future generations, they have to live in a country that once belonged to them, but no longer. A Britain that looks like India…Where women have to wear scarf and men have to be circumcised. You can’t drink beer nor have bacon. It’s time people, we MUST defend our nation!
No one has to become racist, people need to be encouraged to think and say no to ideas that will ultimately disadvantage them, and that applies to all UK citizens, whatever their heritage. Some of my family are from an immigrant background, the other part are indigenous to the extent that their ancestors were displaced by the Anglo Saxon invaders. Fine, populations change and culture is never static, but for any people to be asked or told to make innumerable concessions to their present cultural identity and values, the consequences will be catastrophic. Apart from anything else, a point will be reached when acquiescence ceases and retaliation begins, along with chaos and chaotic thinking. Let's not attempt to persuade anyone to take a route that leads there. Which isn't to suggest passivity, but thoughtful responses that can lead to an effective challenge. Engage people, inform them, urge them to inform themselves and act on that basis.
@@shylinh5939 I absolutely agree with you that no one has to be racist in a perfect world, where everyone lives where they belong, European in Europe, African in Africa, and Asian in Asia. However, when our race, culture and way of living is at stake, an extreme situation requires extreme measures. Unelected “leaders” are appointed one after another by the wokes, do you reckon they have the best interest of our people, the real British people, at heart? When they are said to have contributed to their “local communities” do reckon it’s the general community and not some Indian or African neighbourhood? If we continue to display weakness, we will eventually, be displaced.
Ironically it's myopic to think intellectuals have some innate 'higher moral standards' than everyone else. It's that same argument that because we like a film or pop star they must be amazing people.
Even more ironic is the fact that students and children are now empowered to educate their educators, that teachers and lecturers are so desperate to be part of the classroom in-crowd, the kids with strident voices whose opinions and theories are often clearly false, now tell them what to think and they accept it as fact. This then seeps into mainstream society so that even our courts are tying themselves in knots trying not to break the new unwritten, juvenile-driven laws about race, religion, pronouns and a how the world should be run.
Without intellectuals you'd still be writing numbers in the dirt and living in a cave. You're right about higher moral standards though. Just because someone is clever it doesn't automatically make them a better person. But the anti-intellectualism, the pro-ignorance, of the modern day in right wing media has a long history. It originated in Republican America and is a result of the insane levels of American religious nationalism and its war upon science, reason and truth.
The main problem is a spiritual one. All English speaking nations can trace their origins back to a nation whose entire moral code, belief system, customs, laws and social structures were founded upon Christianity. What has been allowed to happen is the eroding, disabling and almost entire rejection of that foundation, leaving a colossal vacuum for any ideology to fill. Currently fighting to fill the vacuum are common bed-fellows Neo-Marxism and Islam, because they are in conflict with a common enemy (Christian civilisation), but when any significant influence of the latter has been nullified, as it will in the Anglosphere, those two bed-fellows will no longer want to share the same bed.
Well said. True. However, I would add Christianity has a death spiral called Disunity (Protestants, Romish, Orthodoxy). We have no message until we are unified. We are dead today. Now the Woke stole our message and terminology and promote Christian values without Christ or belief.
Nonsense, christianity is a major factor in the weakening of our will as a nation. Everybody wants to turn the other cheek, when they need to be standing their ground and taking an eye for an eye.
@@wesleypipes5673 - It seems pretty clear to me that the progressive Woke Leftist agenda has quickened the already weakened Western society, almost completely undoing all that Christianity had established, from marriage to a sense of nationhood. The rot is even eating away inside the Church.
@@wesleypipes5673 Sadly, I think you're both right. Naive atheist liberals side with anyone with a grievance because they think it is the right thing to do, and Christians side with them for the reason that you state. But I'm afraid that as soon as the Islamists have a demographic majority, they will ditch all their former allies, because they'll be able to rule the roost without them.
Agree, but this is coming from America and the Anglo-sphere. The centres of international finance (Wall Street/ The City of London)and the drivers of the Globalisation project.
@@mscheurk The lecturers in uni's and colleges have a lot to answer for in brainwashing naive minds with dung. I doubt it's any better in Germany & France right now. In the French & Russian revolutions, they/similar would have been executed, if they didn't flee fast enough
I left England for Brittany 20 years ago. Today Britain seems more foreign to me than France. The change in the UK has been dramatic and its not at all positive. Nations hold together with a common history, culture, religion, language and morals. Such nations require less policing and politics exist in a comparatively narrow band. The common good is pretty easy to define. There is more trust. That is gone now in the UK.
The panel doesn't really focus on the question. What is it about the Angloshere and Northern Europe that separates them from say Turkey or Japan or Russia? I would suggest the protestant religion. Wokery is basically degraded, secularised, Christian Socialism.
The British middle classes are terrified of standing out from the herd and being seen as rude, aggressive, thuggish, etc. It is spectacularly easy to manipulate such people.
Many of the people that support this are not exactly kind or polite; they do think their actions make them look like great people though. It is primarily virtue signalling.
@@BrianFinnegan-cn5mk I've a few of his, and he is very good except where he strays into British History and gets some facts just plain wrong. However, on general economic and social theory he can't be faulted.
Part of it is purely linguistic: in most European languages there is a strong distinction between e.g. male and female roles. Read, say, any French film closing credits, it will list e.g. the film's editor as "Monteur" when male and as "Monteuse" when female. It's "physically" impossible to do in other languages what is routinely done in English, namely refer to a female role by male pronouns and call the result "gender neutral".
In Polish it is the same, but female job titles used to exist only in some cases, such as teacheress or doctoress, and they were informal. Now they started making up new ones, even if they sound weird, and insist on using them in formal situations. I find this perplexing.
@@Ula-Ka Yes, but this trend in (say) Poland is _exactly the opposite of the English-language-countries one_ in which _everything_ is made into masculine gender _only._ And for some inexplicable reason this process is called "equality". Go figure.
The obvious angle that you overlooked is that Wokeism is a form of sophistry that originated in English. Since sophistry is based on manipulating language, converting it from English to Japanese isn't as simple as traditional translations. You have to develop a unique lexicon based on double meanings in each language's specific vocabulary.
It is sophistry , but I doubt many of it's adherents even know what that word means . In fact , it's probably even racist to use words like that , because it demonstrates an education that is born of privilege .
Exactly. And it has done great harm around the english speaking world, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Philippines, India, Hong Kong, Bangladesh, Africa. Any country with many english speakers is especially vulnerable. This is one of the worst imperialistic exports the UK has ever produced.
I don't agree. The sophistry (word manipulation) comes from French post-modern philosophers and the Marxist elememt originated in Germany (Frankfurt School.)
@@drwhatson However the English academics ran with it and promoted it globally. Plus, the British empire weaponized and collaborated with Karl Marx in pushing psychological warfare in the former colonies.
What happens when you are always nice and accommodating towards your children? Usually, they grow up spoiled unless you also teach them discipline. We need to teach people who come to the UK to live, how they should behave in our society and if they don’t, send them home! Being so nice and accommodating all the time is literally killing our way of life!
I think another reason the Anglosphere seems to be so uniquely woke, is due to the fact that this wokeness ideology began in the USA, and already Anglophone country, and then migrated from there across the globe, with other Anglophone societies falling under its sway much faster than non-Anglophone countries. The Anglosphere is probably a decade or two ahead of most non-Anglophone countries as a result.
No, maybe only a few years if that. Very similar things are happening in Scandinavia. I mean look at the problems in Sweden. They had an advert a few years ago for an airline (I believe) saying that Sweden wasn’t unique, it had taken everything from other countries, it was extremely “diverse”.
Because you are at the pinnacle of civilization, possess centres of academic excellence, and (used to) believe most strongly in the value of *rule of law* (a crucial concept). You believe most strongly in the value and skill of thinking for oneself. You are (or used to be) the lighthouses of the world.
In English-speaking countries there is an argument I have heard repeatedly. "There's an exception to every rule". This is then used to prevent any obvious rule of thumb being applied. In German, the assumption is the other way round... The fact that there is an exception proves the existence of a generally applicable rule.
Well it is the basic pecking order, it is much easier to piss on your own kind. I see it in my own family...quite shockingly so and I am 66 yrs old now.
the conservative 'right wing' [Cameron with his fake same sex false marriage] are even worse than the far left; at least with the latter you know what you are up against. Putin style leadership - force - is the fasted way to stop June soddam Marches, and removing sick teaching materials and far left wing teaching from our schools. In past centuries, Christian Revival changed decaying society, held morals in check with ingrained cultural 'salt', Christianity was the bedrock of parliament also, that, Eg, halted slavery, brought in free child education, and stopped children being abused in mills/factories. And MP's prayed together!
That requires the 'right' kind of leadership which we havent had for over thirty years.The 'Con' party was just that .A huge confidence trick by the establishment to maintain power .Our political system is geared toward maintaining the status quo and the British people too supine to understand .The present hiatus we are seeing unfold before us is just a mere hiccup and will be 'managed ' by the media to ensure a satisfactory outcome you can be sure
You brought up Japan... the average Japanese feels absolutely no shame for what happened during their aggressive colonial expansionist period between 1895-1945 (except that they lost WW2), and neither do the J-authorities go around trying to make them feel any. That is a massive difference to Western countries. Once a people can be persuaded they are guilty of something, it is easy to manipulate them into giving their country away to outsiders.
@@jonathanjonathan7386 The KGB. A major part of their espionage programme during the Cold War was destabilisation of the West through infiltration of education and media establishments, indoctrinating an entire generation into rejecting religion and the wisdom of the past etc.
@@jonathanjonathan7386 That’s an interesting question. Perhaps it started in the late 18th century with the abolitionists. The British were actively persuaded to undermine their own economic interests for the sake of a moral principle when they abolished slavery. They were right to do it, but it started this process of collectively guilt tripping the people to achieve an objective. It was then further exacerbated in the 19th century with the advent of liberalism. Again, people usually had to be persuaded that the continuation of imperialism/empire was done to serve a higher moral principle - that it was in the interests of humanity to share our civilisation with other parts of the world - and it wasn’t enough to just claim that it was in the best interests of the nation to conquer foreign lands and control their resources, which may have been true but it would appear entirely self-interested.
Average Japanese here and I can confirm. Why should I feel ashamed? It’s not like I personally invaded China. This idea of multigenerational collective guilt is not merely absurd it’s positively harmful to youth development. Both Britain and Japan are amazing countries that have much to be proud of.
@@malpreece5008 yes its a good answer, and you may well be right. I suspect the horrors of the great war played a part in turning british intellectuals against the destructive vulgarity of nationalism/jingoism which in time became an attack on patriotism and even the idea of national self interest itself. I suspect the onslaught of the frankfurt school in the early 20th century played a large part too.
My first language is Spanish, it is a very different language from English, to start every pronoun has a grammatical gender, masculine, feminine and neutral, when you have tried to change the language to adapt to the ideas woke the result is ridiculously absurd, for example the term "Latinx", we Spanish speakers hate it, we hate it, when pronouncing it sounds like an obscenity related to human feces, pigs and your mother.
German use of the feminine and masculine of gender does not work for their language, Germans tell me. So pronoun use for trendy 'gender ID' hasn't the same impact. Not sure of French, it gives a gender to many things, inc objects, unlike English
In Portuguese is the same, even our word to laugh at “woke” is much better than English term “woke” that doesn’t even sound bad at all. (Lacração>woke)
There are some woke types i Spanish trying to push: latine, les alumnes, elles. It's fringe but gaining a foorhold in universities. Let's the situation in 20 years.
The measure of a truly intelligent person is that you can have a decent conversation with them about any area of study, both in the arts and the sciences.
"why is woke strongest in english-speaking nations?". I'm listening to this video for the 2nd time in a row and can't find WHERE the speakers specifically answered this question. Why do the English-speaking nations in particular have a "concerted & focsed policy"? Why do English-speaking people allowed themselves, as a group, to be seen as "oppressors" but French-speaking or Spanish-speaking (had big empires) do not? Why do the English, in particular, fall prey to this? One man at 8:07 spoke about the anglosphere but he didn't explain WHY the English-speaking people are particularly vulnerable to feeling guilty but not French-speakers or Spanish-speakers (who had empires also).
Put in a nutshell. We are victims of our own success and with most charities and NGOs , if they have to survive they need a narrative such as Climate Change, Diversity, Racism etc etc.
Self loathing for being more competent, more accomplished, more successful than any other culture in history. We don’t like being hated by others, so we take their jealousy and criticism to heart, and allow the poison to be absorbed into our souls. Screw those guys.
The problem is comparing races. We don't have Black versus White but the native national population who have allowed other nationals to come here and they are then instantly privileged and instantly overrepresented as eg Nigerians already occupy all the positions on government and law in Nigeria.... These quotas for Blacks were only ever intended for the descendents of slaves in the USA...
I'm sick of everything being seen through the lens of race. Even when the research shows white working class young men are at the bottom of the pile. So surely it makes a mockery of all of this. Their reputations and careers needed to be broken. It's the most divisive thing I've ever seen.
waffling intellectuals, the politicians who started all this are now running scared for their own safety, increasingly you can see they are using appeasement. Unfortunately a lot of these ass holes have the means to fuck off elsewhere while the ordinary person will have to take the consequences.
For my money the answer is the distant echo of Protestantism in its Puritan form: profound guilt (and masochistic guilt-tripping); the need for a devil to be exorcised*,and a desire to feel one of the ‘elect’ (i.e. those who will go to Heaven) by dint of moral superiority. (Evinced by virtue-signalling, ‘rescuing’ supposedly oppressed minorities; and the excommunication of dissenters.) (* at least in the US you can trace a link from the Pilgrim Fathers to Prohibition, McCarthyism and now political correctness/wokism.)
@@Yawnyaman Yes, they leave a few things out, like redemption and forgiveness - hence cancel culture. As for God: I think they put themselves in his/her place - ‘saving’ and judging.
The Anglo-sphere won the battles against fascism and communism (contained the latter). Cultures wear out. It might be described as inertia - the liberal momentum necessary to build and fight against the oppressive forces in the world just kept going, left, left and farther left.
And has become the fascist suppressor of free speech. Its patronizing, imperialistic. It assumes an inability of people to stand up for themselves and refute unfair comments and criticsm. Its the uneducated nanny.
Racism (gender and sexuality) is a political tool that is useful to some political groups. Here in Black Jamaica race is a powerful and often used political tool to mask nefarious political behaviour.
100% and I speak as a woman of color & of the 'have it all' 1990's The world is wildly out of kilter, we're literally being killed by the excess of kindness on warp speed. The counterbalance the UK had in times past allowed us to enjoy decades of a reasonable balance between rights & responsibilities, not perfect by any means, but sadly those days are long gone & way behind us. I feel such sorrow for our younger generations.... We must fight this current paradigm for their sake.
At lot has changed since womens emanicipation. The women I knew back in the day were tough as old boots, no nonsense women who had no time for wimps and alike. But today, well no more needs to be said.
You raise a vital question, and immediately lapse into specious and sophistical explanations. Maybe that is part of the answer. I mean, the way you immediately lapse . . . Etc.
Black and white are such ridiculous and meaningless terms... No one is snow white or coal black... We are all coloured... For example, some East Asians are the same colour as Europeans... And anyway what is the real significance of skin colour in the Globalized World? Surely it is culture that really matters? What does a modern day American of Afro Carribean descent really have in common culturally with an East African? I would suggest not much at all, apart from perhaps their skin colour?
I believe it is because of politeness/kindness & political correctness. PC is weaponizing kindness/politeness against people who are too timid to stand up for themselves, or self-hating enough to enjoy being abused in that way.
Because of the abandonment of spiritual value caused by a decadent church. So if you are weak willed , comfortable and educated by the internet and amazed by your own brilliance , ya gonna go woke
8:30: I think Connor hits the nail on the head here. I know I used to hold this belief - which is stupid (and some might argue, white-supremacists, although what we hold to be supreme is our culture, not skin color). And this even when recognizing how silly it is in other contexts.
yea i noticed that the English speaking countries apart from the usa are not only woke but there seems very little pushback from politicians. like in the uk the conservatives are almost as bad as labour. in my own country of Belgium there is a lot of wokness too but at least we have an actual right wing party. but they are making it very hard for them to do anything and they were already controversial 20+ years ago because they want to split Belgium into 2 countries. but i noticed it in other west European too like afd in Germany and le pen in France and the stuff the Danish leftists did recently. i used to view Sweden as the most woke country .but these days i think its Ireland or Canada or the uk Australia and newzealand are quite bad too the use is quite different since the republicans are quite conservative while the democrats went from centre right to woke very quickly .maybe this is another reason why English speaking countries got so woke. because in mainland Europe we had a long period from about 1970 to 2010 that was liberal and secular but not woke. while in the uk and Ireland it seemed like they skipped that period or it was way shorter like in the 90s you used to see these British people covered in flags causing issues. and Ireland still had the ira and the church controlled Irish society until the 2000s so i think they are overcompensating now.
By 2030, the western country with the highest percentage of Moslems will be Ireland. The second place country with percentage of Moslems in 2030 will be Canada. I live in the US, but listen to the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) most evenings. It's hearing news from another planet.
The Anglosphere is the major destination for most of the world's migration. To the recent arrivals, wokeism is a new beacon of hope. It promotes the idea that English speaking nations are more tolerant and fairer. Which, in turn, beckons their brightest and best to settle here, or the US, Australia, and so on.
There is woke or pc on the continent but they keep things within reason. In Sweden there is a law against incitment to hate at the same time there is still a policy of respecting free speech. Ie burnig of religus texts which is in bad taste and causing a fire hazad to public places. Freedom of speech must be preserved. It is the way it is expressed that needs to regulated so ad not to cause harm. However if people are arrested for thinking then you are on the road to to totaliterianism.
because they want to maintain the morality high ground they got with wwii, and therefore new generations always need to find something new to keep the perception of higher sense of morality, doesn't matter if it's trivial or grotesque
One reason that wokeism particularly afflicts the English-speaking countries is that wokeism is largely a disease of language; across the anglosphere, for nearly a century, teachers have applied the false but self-serving argument that English has no grammar so grammar need not be taught. Consequently, generations of native English-speakers have not been taught to speak or read or use the most expressive language in history with its full expression or richness of meaning. Allegedly well-educated English speakers nowadays do not understand fine distinctions between similar but different words, and cannot distinguish between, say, “if” and “whether”, and, by failing to discern the difference between the indicative and subjunctive moods, cannot spot the difference between, for example, a definitive claim and a contingent wish. (Allegedly educated Americans at times cannot even tell the difference between the verbs “lie”, “lie” and lay”, and cannot use past participles of basic verbs such as “go” properly.) Furthermore, the apparent lack of gendered nouns in English assists those who insist there ought to be no distinctions of gender in language or of sex in society. if people have not been taught to read well or to analyse information thoroughly, or to reason competently, they will, of course, lack the ability to spot the falsehoods, fabrications and folly in any specious propaganda fed to them.
I ask this to people who purportedly support mass immigration, where they would be happy in % terms of the number of non indigenous people in this country. Would they draw the line if they eventually fell into the minority ? Incredibly some persons have replied that they would not be bothered. I can only assume that these people are complete morons as regards how society is structured or absolute cowards and unable to support any principles or causes whatsoever. They care ,I think, so much about being stigmatised as racists that they are prepared to go down in flames. That is how frightened of other peoples opinions they are.
Our Grandparents must be rolling in their graves. They would never have imagined the U.K. would come to this. I can't believe I'm living in times like this myself.
Why?..., I think they do not think in English though they speak English. Its because thinking in English may simply contradict their cultures! Its the cultural differences man!
Winning WW2 against cartoon villains got us hooked on an exaggerated sense of virtue. We want to continue our good guy status by inventing new faux hitlers to defeat, while ignoring the real ones, who know how to manipulate our vanity.
Because we’ve lived in a wealth bubble for decades and this breeds this kind of apathy and nonsense and directionless people are so susceptible to anything that gives them meaning. That bubble has burst and now we see what’s really happening beneath the surface. All the institutions are hollow mockeries of their original purpose. The political leadership is so weak self serving it’s frightening. We need a massive overhaul in order to save some semblance of normalcy if we’re to survive the next few years.
The education system in the Anglosphere is the worst, they don't even teach chronological history for instance, classic authors are not studied, no grammar .....very low standards across the board. No wonder garbage ideologies are spreading like wild fire.
I see people too eager to sell out by virtue signaling. It's popular to loudly proclaim a popular lie that is seen as virtuous then state an uncomfortable truth.
Could it be that the invention of the industrial revolution in England and western Europe even the Roman Empire influence on government, that is effective government, has given rise to a feeling of inferiority that drives the non British? Don Hansen
Nothing puzzling about it, this is a concerted and focused policy.
We have been living in Classical Liberal v Progressive Liberal paradigm for so long now, this was always going to be the outcome.
Because they had been living a good lifestyle for Long time ago .
concerted and focused by a group that considers itself special and is specially protected under the laws of every western country,so much so we are object of censorship if we name them.
a group expelled hundreds of times from one country or another for almost two millenia,and nobody dares to question why...
they even brag about it,and nobody lifts a finger.
THAT's the real problem.
@@evolassunglasses4673The 'academics' ran out of 'subjects' to anaslyse so decidedly collectively to try to destroy old England and its Christian heritage.The fact that the country has been invaded by many other 'cultures' only encouraged them and used this as an excuse as if in fact 'they'were doing us a huge favour!Getting the whole education system behind them was easy.
Back The British Nation and Our Farmers 🚜 🇬🇧🏴🏴🏴🇬🇧👍 .
20 years of Mass Immigration has seen the UK population rise by 15 Million. That's a 1/4 of the population were born outside the UK.
And the indigenous population NEVER agreed to this. It’s all sounding suspiciously like colonisation.
We are now paying the price !!!!!
It makes me FURIOUS 😡
The reason that “woke” is strongest in Western countries is that when life is very hard you don’t have the luxury of holding delusional beliefs.
In other words: decadence.
@@fbabarbe430 What we call "Wokeness" is focused and nonstop Anglophone government/corporate Public Relations, broadcast mass media and advertising campaigns. "Wokeness" is not exogenous, not "grass roots" and not "a mistake."
I'm not sure about this... The Japanese, Koreans and French are all much less Woke than the Americans, Canadians and British... All first World countries...
But why specifically _English_-speaking countries?
@@johnnyb8825 Good point... Here in France, where we also had a colonial past, we don't spend all our time apologising for it and we know the difference between a man and a woman... Even our language only has two genders !!!
One of the reasons that western countries are woke is that we have had a relatively stable and prosperous time of it over the past three decades - we have achieved a comfortable position where certain parts of society can start to address what they see as social wrongs. One can liken it to a type of Sociological Maslow's hierarchy of needs, we have achieved a position where those that want to can luxuriate in their Marxist ideologies while maintaining their champagne socialist lifestyle.
No mate it’s the long march through the institutions by cultural Marxists. Woke is social engineering designed to ruin us. And at least two left educated generations of native Brits are in it up to their necks.
Spot on. You get it!!!!
Well said.
Very well said. So why do they want to destroy what we've achieved . A lot of people today probably don't achieve Maslow's hierarchy of needs. And those people are probably poor whites
Yes, very well said.
Racism should be encouraged, before we’re outnumbered. Think about the struggles of our future generations, they have to live in a country that once belonged to them, but no longer. A Britain that looks like India…Where women have to wear scarf and men have to be circumcised. You can’t drink beer nor have bacon. It’s time people, we MUST defend our nation!
You are lucky this comment was not deleted. But you are right we must stand up for our culture now.
It's coming...Ireland
No one has to become racist, people need to be encouraged to think and say no to ideas that will ultimately disadvantage them, and that applies to all UK citizens, whatever their heritage. Some of my family are from an immigrant background, the other part are indigenous to the extent that their ancestors were displaced by the Anglo Saxon invaders. Fine, populations change and culture is never static, but for any people to be asked or told to make innumerable concessions to their present cultural identity and values, the consequences will be catastrophic. Apart from anything else, a point will be reached when acquiescence ceases and retaliation begins, along with chaos and chaotic thinking. Let's not attempt to persuade anyone to take a route that leads there. Which isn't to suggest passivity, but thoughtful responses that can lead to an effective challenge. Engage people, inform them, urge them to inform themselves and act on that basis.
@@shylinh5939 I absolutely agree with you that no one has to be racist in a perfect world, where everyone lives where they belong, European in Europe, African in Africa, and Asian in Asia. However, when our race, culture and way of living is at stake, an extreme situation requires extreme measures. Unelected “leaders” are appointed one after another by the wokes, do you reckon they have the best interest of our people, the real British people, at heart? When they are said to have contributed to their “local communities” do reckon it’s the general community and not some Indian or African neighbourhood? If we continue to display weakness, we will eventually, be displaced.
@@shylinh5939 A sucker is born every minute. White people have to protect themselves from both the cons and the suckers among them.
90% Toxic empathy 10% neo Marxism by design.
That's exactly what it is
And strategic grievance.
Weaponised stupidity
Ironically it's myopic to think intellectuals have some innate 'higher moral standards' than everyone else. It's that same argument that because we like a film or pop star they must be amazing people.
Even more ironic is the fact that students and children are now empowered to educate their educators, that teachers and lecturers are so desperate to be part of the classroom in-crowd, the kids with strident voices whose opinions and theories are often clearly false, now tell them what to think and they accept it as fact. This then seeps into mainstream society so that even our courts are tying themselves in knots trying not to break the new unwritten, juvenile-driven laws about race, religion, pronouns and a how the world should be run.
If they are taken by false information and brainwashing, they aren't true intellectuals to begin with.
Yup its like if your racist you must be stupid when in reality it doesn't require a massive IQ to see that their systematic differences across races.
Without intellectuals you'd still be writing numbers in the dirt and living in a cave. You're right about higher moral standards though. Just because someone is clever it doesn't automatically make them a better person. But the anti-intellectualism, the pro-ignorance, of the modern day in right wing media has a long history. It originated in Republican America and is a result of the insane levels of American religious nationalism and its war upon science, reason and truth.
The main problem is a spiritual one.
All English speaking nations can trace their origins back to a nation whose entire moral code, belief system, customs, laws and social structures were founded upon Christianity. What has been allowed to happen is the eroding, disabling and almost entire rejection of that foundation, leaving a colossal vacuum for any ideology to fill.
Currently fighting to fill the vacuum are common bed-fellows Neo-Marxism and Islam, because they are in conflict with a common enemy (Christian civilisation), but when any significant influence of the latter has been nullified, as it will in the Anglosphere, those two bed-fellows will no longer want to share the same bed.
Well said. True. However, I would add Christianity has a death spiral called Disunity (Protestants, Romish, Orthodoxy). We have no message until we are unified. We are dead today. Now the Woke stole our message and terminology and promote Christian values without Christ or belief.
Nonsense, christianity is a major factor in the weakening of our will as a nation. Everybody wants to turn the other cheek, when they need to be standing their ground and taking an eye for an eye.
@@wesleypipes5673 - It seems pretty clear to me that the progressive Woke Leftist agenda has quickened the already weakened Western society, almost completely undoing all that Christianity had established, from marriage to a sense of nationhood. The rot is even eating away inside the Church.
@@wesleypipes5673 Sadly, I think you're both right. Naive atheist liberals side with anyone with a grievance because they think it is the right thing to do, and Christians side with them for the reason that you state. But I'm afraid that as soon as the Islamists have a demographic majority, they will ditch all their former allies, because they'll be able to rule the roost without them.
Are we unique though? I see plenty of comments from Europeans stating they face the same evils as us.
Agree, but this is coming from America and the Anglo-sphere. The centres of international finance (Wall Street/ The City of London)and the drivers of the Globalisation project.
A lot of European teens are being influenced by woke American influencers on tiktok
Very little of it in eastern Europe
@@mscheurk The lecturers in uni's and colleges have a lot to answer for in brainwashing naive minds with dung. I doubt it's any better in Germany & France right now. In the French & Russian revolutions, they/similar would have been executed, if they didn't flee fast enough
Yes but it is a matter of degree and often comes by emulating Anglosphere activists
I left England for Brittany 20 years ago.
Today Britain seems more foreign to me than France.
The change in the UK has been dramatic and its not at all positive.
Nations hold together with a common history, culture, religion, language and morals. Such nations require less policing and politics exist in a comparatively narrow band. The common good is pretty easy to define. There is more trust.
That is gone now in the UK.
The panel doesn't really focus on the question. What is it about the Angloshere and Northern Europe that separates them from say Turkey or Japan or Russia? I would suggest the protestant religion. Wokery is basically degraded, secularised, Christian Socialism.
amen, Protestantism was the poison that destroy the British people.
Because we are too polite and too kind! We have in effect become pushovers for bad faith actors who wish nothing but harm to us!
The British middle classes are terrified of standing out from the herd and being seen as rude, aggressive, thuggish, etc. It is spectacularly easy to manipulate such people.
Also, "I`m alright Jack" has always been a factor. Our latest 4x4, our latest overseas holiday.
Many of the people that support this are not exactly kind or polite; they do think their actions make them look like great people though. It is primarily virtue signalling.
So true
We have become the softest touch country in the World.
Good time creates weak men. Weak men create hard time.
Highly recommend Prof. Biggar's book about Colonialism. 👍
Thomas Sowell as well
@@BrianFinnegan-cn5mk I've a few of his, and he is very good except where he strays into British History and gets some facts just plain wrong. However, on general economic and social theory he can't be faulted.
Part of it is purely linguistic: in most European languages there is a strong distinction between e.g. male and female roles. Read, say, any French film closing credits, it will list e.g. the film's editor as "Monteur" when male and as "Monteuse" when female. It's "physically" impossible to do in other languages what is routinely done in English, namely refer to a female role by male pronouns and call the result "gender neutral".
In Polish it is the same, but female job titles used to exist only in some cases, such as teacheress or doctoress, and they were informal. Now they started making up new ones, even if they sound weird, and insist on using them in formal situations. I find this perplexing.
@@Ula-Ka Yes, but this trend in (say) Poland is _exactly the opposite of the English-language-countries one_ in which _everything_ is made into masculine gender _only._ And for some inexplicable reason this process is called "equality". Go figure.
@@JanPBtest That's why I find it perplexing. We tend to copy everything from the West. I guess it is just about forcing newspeak on people.
The obvious angle that you overlooked is that Wokeism is a form of sophistry that originated in English. Since sophistry is based on manipulating language, converting it from English to Japanese isn't as simple as traditional translations. You have to develop a unique lexicon based on double meanings in each language's specific vocabulary.
v true
It is sophistry , but I doubt many of it's adherents even know what that word means . In fact , it's probably even racist to use words like that , because it demonstrates an education that is born of privilege .
Exactly. And it has done great harm around the english speaking world, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Philippines, India, Hong Kong, Bangladesh, Africa.
Any country with many english speakers is especially vulnerable.
This is one of the worst imperialistic exports the UK has ever produced.
I don't agree. The sophistry (word manipulation) comes from French post-modern philosophers and the Marxist elememt originated in Germany (Frankfurt School.)
@@drwhatson However the English academics ran with it and promoted it globally.
Plus, the British empire weaponized and collaborated with Karl Marx in pushing psychological warfare in the former colonies.
What happens when you are always nice and accommodating towards your children? Usually, they grow up spoiled unless you also teach them discipline. We need to teach people who come to the UK to live, how they should behave in our society and if they don’t, send them home! Being so nice and accommodating all the time is literally killing our way of life!
I think another reason the Anglosphere seems to be so uniquely woke, is due to the fact that this wokeness ideology began in the USA, and already Anglophone country, and then migrated from there across the globe, with other Anglophone societies falling under its sway much faster than non-Anglophone countries. The Anglosphere is probably a decade or two ahead of most non-Anglophone countries as a result.
No, maybe only a few years if that. Very similar things are happening in Scandinavia. I mean look at the problems in Sweden. They had an advert a few years ago for an airline (I believe) saying that Sweden wasn’t unique, it had taken everything from other countries, it was extremely “diverse”.
Wokeism is just another sect of Protestant theology.
Because you are at the pinnacle of civilization, possess centres of academic excellence, and (used to) believe most strongly in the value of *rule of law* (a crucial concept). You believe most strongly in the value and skill of thinking for oneself. You are (or used to be) the lighthouses of the world.
Thank you for providing me with my daily LAUGH, Slave! 😂
Incidentally, Slave, are you VEGAN? 🌱
In English-speaking countries there is an argument I have heard repeatedly. "There's an exception to every rule". This is then used to prevent any obvious rule of thumb being applied. In German, the assumption is the other way round... The fact that there is an exception proves the existence of a generally applicable rule.
What becomes of a nation state that shares neither race, ethnicity, culture, religion, language,worldview, history?
Well it is the basic pecking order, it is much easier to piss on your own kind. I see it in my own family...quite shockingly so and I am 66 yrs old now.
Good comment. What happened in your family, genuinely curios.
That’s because youre all gone soft and allowing them too much attention! You need to clamp down and show some strength and iron will to all
the conservative 'right wing' [Cameron with his fake same sex false marriage] are even worse than the far left;
at least with the latter you know what you are up against.
Putin style leadership - force - is the fasted way to stop June soddam Marches, and removing sick teaching materials and far left wing teaching from our schools.
In past centuries, Christian Revival changed decaying society, held morals in check with ingrained cultural 'salt',
Christianity was the bedrock of parliament also, that, Eg, halted slavery, brought in free child education, and stopped children being abused in mills/factories. And MP's prayed together!
somebody tried that and WWII happened and they became more cucked than before due to trauma.
That requires the 'right' kind of leadership which we havent had for over thirty years.The 'Con' party was just that .A huge confidence trick by the establishment to maintain power .Our political system is geared toward maintaining the status quo and the British people too supine to understand .The present hiatus we are seeing unfold before us is just a mere hiccup and will be 'managed ' by the media to ensure a satisfactory outcome you can be sure
You brought up Japan... the average Japanese feels absolutely no shame for what happened during their aggressive colonial expansionist period between 1895-1945 (except that they lost WW2), and neither do the J-authorities go around trying to make them feel any. That is a massive difference to Western countries. Once a people can be persuaded they are guilty of something, it is easy to manipulate them into giving their country away to outsiders.
i agree but who initiated the persuasion process in the west?
@@jonathanjonathan7386 The KGB. A major part of their espionage programme during the Cold War was destabilisation of the West through infiltration of education and media establishments, indoctrinating an entire generation into rejecting religion and the wisdom of the past etc.
@@jonathanjonathan7386 That’s an interesting question. Perhaps it started in the late 18th century with the abolitionists. The British were actively persuaded to undermine their own economic interests for the sake of a moral principle when they abolished slavery. They were right to do it, but it started this process of collectively guilt tripping the people to achieve an objective. It was then further exacerbated in the 19th century with the advent of liberalism. Again, people usually had to be persuaded that the continuation of imperialism/empire was done to serve a higher moral principle - that it was in the interests of humanity to share our civilisation with other parts of the world - and it wasn’t enough to just claim that it was in the best interests of the nation to conquer foreign lands and control their resources, which may have been true but it would appear entirely self-interested.
Average Japanese here and I can confirm. Why should I feel ashamed? It’s not like I personally invaded China. This idea of multigenerational collective guilt is not merely absurd it’s positively harmful to youth development. Both Britain and Japan are amazing countries that have much to be proud of.
@@malpreece5008 yes its a good answer, and you may well be right. I suspect the horrors of the great war played a part in turning british intellectuals against the destructive vulgarity of nationalism/jingoism which in time became an attack on patriotism and even the idea of national self interest itself. I suspect the onslaught of the frankfurt school in the early 20th century played a large part too.
Enoch Powell must have been a time traveler.
My first language is Spanish, it is a very different language from English, to start every pronoun has a grammatical gender, masculine, feminine and neutral, when you have tried to change the language to adapt to the ideas woke the result is ridiculously absurd, for example the term "Latinx", we Spanish speakers hate it, we hate it, when pronouncing it sounds like an obscenity related to human feces, pigs and your mother.
German use of the feminine and masculine of gender does not work for their language, Germans tell me. So pronoun use for trendy 'gender ID' hasn't the same impact.
Not sure of French, it gives a gender to many things, inc objects, unlike English
In Portuguese is the same, even our word to laugh at “woke” is much better than English term “woke” that doesn’t even sound bad at all. (Lacração>woke)
There are some woke types i Spanish trying to push: latine, les alumnes, elles. It's fringe but gaining a foorhold in universities. Let's the situation in 20 years.
Exactly, "Latinx" is a hideous word! And it's being pushed mostly by people who don't even speak Spanish.
The measure of a truly intelligent person is that you can have a decent conversation with them about any area of study, both in the arts and the sciences.
I'm currently reading Professor Biggar's book on Colonialism and it is fantastic. Extensively researched, well-argued. Recommended.
One day the people of the Islamic Republic of England will laugh and say "they were more worried about being called racist than losing their country"
Wow, Nigel Biggar and Connor on the same video. What a treat! I will be depressed but also inspired and educated.
Why can't I vote for these people
"why is woke strongest in english-speaking nations?". I'm listening to this video for the 2nd time in a row and can't find WHERE the speakers specifically answered this question. Why do the English-speaking nations in particular have a "concerted & focsed policy"? Why do English-speaking people allowed themselves, as a group, to be seen as "oppressors" but French-speaking or Spanish-speaking (had big empires) do not? Why do the English, in particular, fall prey to this? One man at 8:07 spoke about the anglosphere but he didn't explain WHY the English-speaking people are particularly vulnerable to feeling guilty but not French-speakers or Spanish-speakers (who had empires also).
It would be a good idea, if every time the clip of Hamas Youseless's 'White' speech was shown, he was then shown not managing to ride that scooter!
Put in a nutshell. We are victims of our own success and with most charities and NGOs , if they have to survive they need a narrative such as Climate Change, Diversity, Racism etc etc.
NCF hasn't appeared in my feed for weeks. Team, you have been missed!
We closed the mental asylums
You get it.
its because it comes from USA
A very specific part of the US.
Exactly. Democrat party... obama kicked it off in 2008
Britain lost it's power to the USA when we needed them to bail us out in WWll.
Self loathing for being more competent, more accomplished, more successful than any other culture in history. We don’t like being hated by others, so we take their jealousy and criticism to heart, and allow the poison to be absorbed into our souls. Screw those guys.
Same ethnic group opened the gates at Toledo….
the ones that live everywhere but are only out for themselves.always.
@@kyndjal3118 The ones that cannot abide strong white countries
which event is this?
ah. conspiracies are so...comforting.
@@alexgibson2871 ...or terrifying.
The problem is comparing races. We don't have Black versus White but the native national population who have allowed other nationals to come here and they are then instantly privileged and instantly overrepresented as eg Nigerians already occupy all the positions on government and law in Nigeria.... These quotas for Blacks were only ever intended for the descendents of slaves in the USA...
Nigel Biggar makes the good point that the special interest groups have a vested interest in always seeing racism; and it not being solved.
I'm sick of everything being seen through the lens of race. Even when the research shows white working class young men are at the bottom of the pile. So surely it makes a mockery of all of this. Their reputations and careers needed to be broken. It's the most divisive thing I've ever seen.
"Fachidiot" is probably the German word he used
These fellows are waffling and avoiding the reality and the obvious. We, they, know what has and is happening.
Enlighten us.
waffling intellectuals, the politicians who started all this are now running scared for their own safety, increasingly you can see they are using appeasement. Unfortunately a lot of these ass holes have the means to fuck off elsewhere while the ordinary person will have to take the consequences.
@@nzreggae2534 If you need to ask?
For my money the answer is the distant echo of Protestantism in its Puritan form: profound guilt (and masochistic guilt-tripping); the need for a devil to be exorcised*,and a desire to feel one of the ‘elect’ (i.e. those who will go to Heaven) by dint of moral superiority. (Evinced by virtue-signalling, ‘rescuing’ supposedly oppressed minorities; and the excommunication of dissenters.)
(* at least in the US you can trace a link from the Pilgrim Fathers to Prohibition, McCarthyism and now political correctness/wokism.)
Agreed, critically excluding God as all powerful and holy ( two utterly unwoke ideas) creator, saviour and judge.
@@Yawnyaman Yes, they leave a few things out, like redemption and forgiveness - hence cancel culture. As for God: I think they put themselves in his/her place - ‘saving’ and judging.
Sexual repression and puritanism leading to matriarchal gynocracy.
The Anglo-sphere won the battles against fascism and communism (contained the latter). Cultures wear out. It might be described as inertia - the liberal momentum necessary to build and fight against the oppressive forces in the world just kept going, left, left and farther left.
Until they end up going right?
And has become the fascist suppressor of free speech. Its patronizing, imperialistic. It assumes an inability of people to stand up for themselves and refute unfair comments and criticsm. Its the uneducated nanny.
Communism is far left. So I don't get your point
@@brianlaudrupchannel you wouldn't!
That is not their raison d'etre. Equality is absolutely nothing to do with it.
Their aims are completely different.
Frankfort school, USA, ideological laboratories in US campuses, extrem capitalism.
Racism (gender and sexuality) is a political tool that is useful to some political groups. Here in Black Jamaica race is a powerful and often used political tool to mask nefarious political behaviour.
Because men have bowed to their women!
100% and I speak as a woman of color & of the 'have it all' 1990's The world is wildly out of kilter, we're literally being killed by the excess of kindness on warp speed. The counterbalance the UK had in times past allowed us to enjoy decades of a reasonable balance between rights & responsibilities, not perfect by any means, but sadly those days are long gone & way behind us. I feel such sorrow for our younger generations.... We must fight this current paradigm for their sake.
At lot has changed since womens emanicipation. The women I knew back in the day were tough as old boots, no nonsense women who had no time for wimps and alike. But today, well no more needs to be said.
In fact yes this question i always felt but couldn't say
You raise a vital question, and immediately lapse into specious and sophistical explanations.
Maybe that is part of the answer. I mean, the way you immediately lapse . . . Etc.
Black and white are such ridiculous and meaningless terms... No one is snow white or coal black... We are all coloured... For example, some East Asians are the same colour as Europeans... And anyway what is the real significance of skin colour in the Globalized World? Surely it is culture that really matters? What does a modern day American of Afro Carribean descent really have in common culturally with an East African? I would suggest not much at all, apart from perhaps their skin colour?
Because they feel the full force of the American sickness.
People are constantly told that they should feel guilty for every problem on the planet.
I believe it is because of politeness/kindness & political correctness. PC is weaponizing kindness/politeness against people who are too timid to stand up for themselves, or self-hating enough to enjoy being abused in that way.
They've been "woked" because they have been targeted.
Plus the internet is majority English language.
Because of the abandonment of spiritual value caused by a decadent church. So if you are weak willed , comfortable and educated by the internet and amazed by your own brilliance , ya gonna go woke
The msm in the Anglosphere have perfected gaslighting. That is why.....
Compare it to the Spanish speaking belt.
8:30: I think Connor hits the nail on the head here. I know I used to hold this belief - which is stupid (and some might argue, white-supremacists, although what we hold to be supreme is our culture, not skin color). And this even when recognizing how silly it is in other contexts.
why is nobody asking the important question here?!? does anyone know what that german word was?
yea i noticed that the English speaking countries apart from the usa are not only woke but there seems very little pushback from politicians. like in the uk the conservatives are almost as bad as labour. in my own country of Belgium there is a lot of wokness too but at least we have an actual right wing party. but they are making it very hard for them to do anything and they were already controversial 20+ years ago because they want to split Belgium into 2 countries. but i noticed it in other west European too like afd in Germany and le pen in France and the stuff the Danish leftists did recently. i used to view Sweden as the most woke country .but these days i think its Ireland or Canada or the uk Australia and newzealand are quite bad too the use is quite different since the republicans are quite conservative while the democrats went from centre right to woke very quickly .maybe this is another reason why English speaking countries got so woke. because in mainland Europe we had a long period from about 1970 to 2010 that was liberal and secular but not woke. while in the uk and Ireland it seemed like they skipped that period or it was way shorter like in the 90s you used to see these British people covered in flags causing issues. and Ireland still had the ira and the church controlled Irish society until the 2000s so i think they are overcompensating now.
By 2030, the western country with the highest percentage of Moslems will be Ireland. The second place country with percentage of Moslems in 2030 will be Canada. I live in the US, but listen to the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) most evenings. It's hearing news from another planet.
The Anglosphere is the major destination for most of the world's migration.
To the recent arrivals, wokeism is a new beacon of hope. It promotes the idea that English speaking nations are more tolerant and fairer.
Which, in turn, beckons their brightest and best to settle here, or the US, Australia, and so on.
And that's a good thing. I'm proud that we are seen this way.
They start complaining the moment they land.
11:13 Would love to know what that German word was.
It’s because the English language is the most common language. If that can be controlled you control the western world.
Bingo! Control the English language = control the West.
There is woke or pc on the continent but they keep things within reason. In Sweden there is a law against incitment to hate at the same time there is still a policy of respecting free speech. Ie burnig of religus texts which is in bad taste and causing a fire hazad to public places. Freedom of speech must be preserved. It is the way it is expressed that needs to regulated so ad not to cause harm. However if people are arrested for thinking then you are on the road to to totaliterianism.
Sweden won't even collect ethnic crime stats now
The short answer to the question is in the meaning of the ancient Egyptian word LEK.
gosh, I thought I was listening to a reading from Mein kampf..the author of that august tome would be very proud of you boys.
In Germany we suffer also from wokeism
they've lost the FAITH... looking for THE essence of LIVE ...
Good times create weak men.There's no real problems in english speaking west. Fertile ground for this nonsense to grow because of that.
These conversations are meaningless without addressing the "j queue"
2 things.
1, stop being afraid of being called racist.
2,join PATRIOTIC ALTERNATIVE and be part of the solution.
because they want to maintain the morality high ground they got with wwii, and therefore new generations always need to find something new to keep the perception of higher sense of morality, doesn't matter if it's trivial or grotesque
I can tell you it started before pocket knives were restricted in the early 2000s
One reason that wokeism particularly afflicts the English-speaking countries is that wokeism is largely a disease of language; across the anglosphere, for nearly a century, teachers have applied the false but self-serving argument that English has no grammar so grammar need not be taught. Consequently, generations of native English-speakers have not been taught to speak or read or use the most expressive language in history with its full expression or richness of meaning.
Allegedly well-educated English speakers nowadays do not understand fine distinctions between similar but different words, and cannot distinguish between, say, “if” and “whether”, and, by failing to discern the difference between the indicative and subjunctive moods, cannot spot the difference between, for example, a definitive claim and a contingent wish. (Allegedly educated Americans at times cannot even tell the difference between the verbs “lie”, “lie” and lay”, and cannot use past participles of basic verbs such as “go” properly.)
Furthermore, the apparent lack of gendered nouns in English assists those who insist there ought to be no distinctions of gender in language or of sex in society.
if people have not been taught to read well or to analyse information thoroughly, or to reason competently, they will, of course, lack the ability to spot the falsehoods, fabrications and folly in any specious propaganda fed to them.
Just publicly state what percentage of the British population you would like to be non Indigenous foreigners.
Is that too hard?
I ask this to people who purportedly support mass immigration, where they would be happy in % terms of the number of non indigenous people in this country. Would they draw the line if they eventually fell into the minority ? Incredibly some persons have replied that they would not be bothered.
I can only assume that these people are complete morons as regards how society is structured or absolute cowards and unable to support any principles or causes whatsoever. They care ,I think, so much about being stigmatised as racists that they are prepared to go down in flames. That is how frightened of other peoples opinions they are.
Our Grandparents must be rolling in their graves. They would never have imagined the U.K. would come to this. I can't believe I'm living in times like this myself.
That eas a very accurate kessage that was put over. Culturism playes a large part in people prospective of the right think to do.
Watch the film PontyPool from 2008, about a virus that spreads through the English language. It's portentous.
Don't forget, 100% of Norwegian-speaking countries are pretty woke too.
Wow. I was scrolling down listening, but not looking and I thought that it was Peter Hitchens talking, but it's that guy in the middle.
As respect discipline and falling Christianity have given way to wokery resulting in increasing inhumanity
Why?..., I think they do not think in English though they speak English.
Its because thinking in English may simply contradict their cultures!
Its the cultural differences man!
Winning WW2 against cartoon villains got us hooked on an exaggerated sense of virtue. We want to continue our good guy status by inventing new faux hitlers to defeat, while ignoring the real ones, who know how to manipulate our vanity.
Because we’ve lived in a wealth bubble for decades and this breeds this kind of apathy and nonsense and directionless people are so susceptible to anything that gives them meaning. That bubble has burst and now we see what’s really happening beneath the surface. All the institutions are hollow mockeries of their original purpose. The political leadership is so weak self serving it’s frightening. We need a massive overhaul in order to save some semblance of normalcy if we’re to survive the next few years.
Why not ask the minorities what they think rather than just the activists?
Linguistically, English is sort of an outsider among European languages: it has no gender. Therefore, its pronouns reflect real sex.
The title could have been: why are woke nations still seemingly aloud to speak English?
The education system in the Anglosphere is the worst, they don't even teach chronological history for instance, classic authors are not studied, no grammar .....very low standards across the board. No wonder garbage ideologies are spreading like wild fire.
Ireland is fighting back
as bob dylan sang the answer is blowing in the wind
I see people too eager to sell out by virtue signaling. It's popular to loudly proclaim a popular lie that is seen as virtuous then state an uncomfortable truth.
Because in most of those countries there is some sort of free speech.
Could it be that the invention of the industrial revolution in England and western Europe even the Roman Empire influence on government, that is effective government, has given rise to a feeling of inferiority that drives the non British?
Don Hansen
No woke in my household.
Individualism trumps collective values or the established meaning of words (seen as elitist- YOU can define words the way you want)
it is not. the wokest countries are Norway and Sweden. you simply dont know this bcs you are so anglo centric