Dr. Toyos to present Dry Eye Disease Treatment in Sardinia 2019 - Dr. Solarino

  • Опубліковано 22 кві 2019
  • Dr. Toyos a Dry Eye Specialist and Technologist will be traveling to Sardinia to lecture at Dr. Solarino's What's Next in Ophthalmology meeting. Dr. Toyos the inventor of light base technologies to treat dry eye including Intense Pulse Light Treatment has trained thousands of doctors over the years and some have now gone to be experts in their own right. Dr. Solarino is one of those experts. The two are currently utilizing the Lumenis Optima system for the best and most consistent results. Dr. Toyos is the author of Dry Eye Treatment in the Year 2020 and lectures internationally on technology, ophthalmology, and business. Dr. Solarino, a native of Sardinia, lectures internationally on technology and ophthalmology. Dr. Solarino's meeting is October 3-6 2019 in Sardinia. Dr. Toyos Dry Eye, Aesthetics, and Technology meeting is in Nashville on the 5th.
    The Best Intense Pulse Light IPL system for Dry Eye Treatment
    Since my discovery of Intense Pulse Light for Dry Eye in 2001 I have been working to establish the treatment as a standard of care procedure. I spent from 2001 until 2007 improving the technology, parameters, and protocol. In 2001 it was difficult to convince doctors and IPL companies that you could treat Dry Eye with a technology that was primarily produced for skin conditions. I had several meetings with manufacturers of IPL technology to encourage them to invest time and research into the procedure because I discovered early on that just treating the skin with IPL without a standard protocol or parameters would only render occasional success. I also realized in conducting research that the technology had to be modified if we were ultimately going to be successful. Well all of the companies passed on the idea for various reasons. The American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery awarded us a research grant to continue our studies. The grant allowed us to continue our studies. Many people do not realize that we did not charge patients for the procedure from 2001 until 2008 because we wanted to maximize patient data collection and refine the invention.
    Finally in 2007 a CEO of one of the smaller IPL companies and dry eye sufferer visited me for treatment and realized we had a game changing innovation. Finally in later on that year we had a technology, protocol, and parameters for successful treatment. My lectures turned from thought provoking possibilities to hard data showing successful treatment. Now some companies and doctors misunderstood my lectures and decided that any old IPL system with any old parameters and protocol could work. They would not listen when I explained to them what we learned in 8 years was the exact opposite. We learned that specific enhancements to the technology and a precise protocol including parameters were needed to achieve the level of success that we were achieving. We were achieving over a 90% success rate in signs and symptoms. The other technologies came and went pretty quickly before they could give IPL for dry eye a bad name.
    We are at a tipping point again. WE have continued to improve on the technology and the treatment. My friend, the CEO who first believed in the treatment has since left the field. I continued to innovate with a company, Lumenis, who have put in the time, money and effort to continue to advance the treatment. But now we have other IPL companies that are trying to come into the market with systems, protocols, and parameters that will take the treatment back to the year 2001 in terms of IPL for Dry Eye Disease.
    The Lumenis M22 with OPT Intense Pulse Light is the most advanced system to date for Dry Eye Treatment. I have also worked out parameters and protocol for the system to achieve a greater than 96% success rate. The other systems and protocols have not been able to achieve any success that will grow the procedure. But since they are investing more money than be before in advertising the system they are placing them in doctor’s offices that want to offer a dry eye treatment. I say buyer beware. Look for doctors who I have trained with the right system. If you have a question about which doctors around the world I recommend you can always email me at rostar80@gmail.com. You have to complete your due diligence if you want your disease treated right.
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