The Problem with cEDH

  • Опубліковано 22 вер 2024


  • @PlayingWithPowerMTG
    @PlayingWithPowerMTG 6 місяців тому +502

    Fantastic video! Really love hearing the concept of CEDH from a newcomer's perspective! As an enfranchised CEDH player, it can be difficult sometimes to look at the format at this level and without bias. You pointed out its upsides and flaws very well! You've gained a new subscriber today. Keep up the great work! Looking forward to more.

    • @salubrioussnail
      @salubrioussnail  6 місяців тому +70

      Thank you! I appreciate the praise, and I also appreciate the high quality cEDH gameplay content :D

    • @slymcfly123
      @slymcfly123 6 місяців тому

      He insulted you, clown. Called you a newcomer and you liked it. 😅

    • @AlexanderBC42
      @AlexanderBC42 6 місяців тому +3

  • @TheMattmatic
    @TheMattmatic 6 місяців тому +843

    One crucial thing about cEDH that makes the format unique is that it's a competitive format with a banlist, but the banlist is not made or curated for the formats meta at all. The Modern banlist is basically created by letting the best players try to "break" the format and then ban the cards that are so dominant that the meta can't adjust to them. If this was the case for cEDH then it's very likely that Dockside, Underworld Breach and Consult/Pact would be banned which could lead to more diverse win conditions, or Mystic Remora banned leading to more diverse draw engines etc.

    • @BingbongRecto
      @BingbongRecto 6 місяців тому +120

      I still think building a competitive format using the commander banlist is kinda derpy

    • @Nr4747
      @Nr4747 6 місяців тому +49

      CEDH has too many strong engines to ban them all (you would essentially have to ban all of the ultra-fast mana, all of the strong tutors, all of the strong 1 mana draw engines etc.), but Thoracle really is the biggest culprit, imho. The fact that removing Thoracle in response to the trigger is completely useless blanks a lot of options that are open to stop many other combos in their tracks, making the format revolve much more around counters, stax effects and - at times - stifle-effects than it otherwise would. I really think Thoracle should be banned in Commander, it's not a casual card in the slightest (Dockside, at least, sees play in some casual pirate or golbin decks and is much weaker against usually Green-based battlecruiser decks that mostly ramp with lands) and it's also really problematic in CEDH.

    • @StrongButAwkward
      @StrongButAwkward 6 місяців тому +81

      Counter point: you can call yourself or a format 'competitive' all you want, but it doesn't make it actually a competitive format. cEDH is still casual players playing a casual format, they are just power gaming within a casual format with an extremely unbalanced and permissive ruleset and banned list that isn't concerned with creating or maintaining a healthy competitive meta, and the severe lack of ecological diversity in cards is a predictable outcome of that.
      For some reason, cEDH players just really needed to adopt a name for themselves that's full of pretension and sounds like delusions of grandeur coming from a group of people that by in large haven't ever and don't ever plan on stepping foot in *actual* sanctioned high level play of *actual* competitive 1v1 formats. Hell, French/Duel EDH is already a significantly more serious and honest attempt at creating a competitive format version of EDH and cEDH players have had the option to play French for *years* now if they were really serious about their claims of being competitive players that just want a version of EDH with rules and bans made for there specific needs. The fact that they don't is something that all their actions and words are held up to like a mirror IMO, and makes what they say they want, but don't do, end up making them seem exceptionally dishonest about what their real desire is; which seems like a weird thing to do about something with no stakes at all like EDH....but then again people are often so attached to appearances and cultivating a specific persona that feeds their ego and maintains there ideas about themselves that they will do some amazing mental gymnastics over how they want to play a game vs the labels they want to claim about their place in the game. There are certainly cEDH players that more honest about what they really want, that they really just want to play powerful broken stuff, but simply continuing to use the name cEDH means there's always a thin layer of cosplaying as competitive players.
      Which is really the thing that I think drives most of us nuts about the average cEDH player: it's pretension. The claim to high level play or competitive play from people mucking about casual and bowling strikes with the bumpers up. The often implied and many times outright stated belief of lots of cEDH players that there is an *inherent* skill floor difference between them and other EDH players derived *solely* from the power level they choose to play casual at. They they are smarter and/or better at the game because they choose to play obviously powerful and linear cards and decks in casual, and conversely that other players are bad because they aren't good enough at the game to play those cards and decks. It's not all cEDH players, but it's more than enough, and it's generally those cEDH players that only engage with MtG via cEDH and play no other formats or power levels.
      tl'dr: cEDH is just multiplayer casual like the rest of multiplayer casual. Casual is still sandlot baseball if you play it with bats, Gundams, Death Stars or 007 miniature lasers; no differences in how you play a casual format will ever make you a competitive or pro player any more than showing up to game of pick-up basketball wearing an Iron Man suit will make you an MLB player.

    • @laurelkeeper
      @laurelkeeper 6 місяців тому +156

      @@StrongButAwkwardsomeone’s very mad that people want different things out of the format than they do :)

    • @Koalogy
      @Koalogy 6 місяців тому +34

      This is such a weird take man. CEDH is not a distinct format, it is just a word people use when playing EDH decks that use the best cards in the card pool.
      EDH is also not competitive, you can play it competitively but to call it a competitive format is to not understand competitive integrity. EDH is a free-for-all format which means there is a lot of good faith that is required to actually play fairly and competitively i.e. no collusion, no kingmaking, no targeting. These things are impossible to curate which means it’s incredibly easy for people to cheat and play dirty with no reasonable mechanism to stop them, unlike 1v1 formats.
      Not to disparage anyone that likes playing top tier decks but you need to come back to reality and realize that this is a casual format. There are no high level tournaments, nor will there ever be because of the issues I listed above.

  • @thetrinketmage
    @thetrinketmage 6 місяців тому +282

    Thanks for having me it was fun working with you on this vid!

    • @studmcmillionaire8807
      @studmcmillionaire8807 6 місяців тому +5

      Oh hey, small world. It was cool to hear you talk about your cEDH Jace deck, as my biggest bugbear with cEDH is the homogeneity of decks I was running against. Might give it another try sometime

    • @laurenhutchinson4194
      @laurenhutchinson4194 6 місяців тому

      Love your collab with Snail too!

  • @bretts3046
    @bretts3046 6 місяців тому +95

    Very simple. In EDH there are like 30,000 legal cards, and 15,000 of them are viable. In cEDH, there are 30,000 legal cards, and 500 of them are viable.

    • @machina5
      @machina5 5 місяців тому

      Woah what's the difference?

    • @bretts3046
      @bretts3046 5 місяців тому +12

      @machina188 In cEDH, it's very well documented, which cards are good enough, and what cards aren't good enough. In cEDH, you, for the most part, can't really get away with playing "janky" or "pet" cards that would be fine in casual or even higher-powered EDH. If you want to stay hyper-efficient and compete against other decks that are all doing their best to win.

    • @matthewbryant2972
      @matthewbryant2972 4 місяці тому +2

      Isn't every game of EDH competitive? I started playing EDH in 2011 with a playgroup who'd been playing since 2006 and like, cEDH just means the most expensive build to us now.
      But what EDH game isn't a competitive competition with 1 winner in the end?
      Like if you actually fall in love with this game, your card evaluations and deck building logic does start to dwindle down what cards and commander's you'd even consider as years go by, 99 cards is not a lot... good cards are purposely few and far between in WotC card design. Like, there is a power ceiling that is rarely broken, and most cards are purposely designed to be "bad cards", you can maybe find a Mark Rosewater Drive to Work from 2011-2014 where he explains what "bad cards" are and their goal to make bad cards more fun in the future.
      Budget magic is better than ever though. I think breaking up EDH into Budget EDH, EDH and then cEDH (just the most expensive builds possible, which should mean the most powerful cards, which are designed to be scarce) should be how the community talks about EDH.
      I swear this EDH vs cEDH is just weird semantics. Like in 2011-2015, in Nor Cal you could find EDH tournaments with $5 entry fees with the money turning into store credit for the winner. People would bring their "tournament decks" and if they won that week, or the final table decided to split, they would use the store credit to help build another "tournament" deck. People weren't showing up to those with $5,000+ decks... that often... like, it was just the best decks lgs players had, coming together on a Wednesday, playing EDH for a chance at like $10 - $40 store credit. There are real chess similarities with Magic: The there are a finite amount of game pieces, like...mastering a game means learning it... like if you don't understand the concept of Philosophy of Fire in Magic The Gathering, then like, you're probably having fun just doing jank, clueless to how card evaluation works. Isn't understanding a game fun? Or is that not true anymore? Ignorance is the real bliss in games?

    • @Pandaman64
      @Pandaman64 4 місяці тому +5

      @@matthewbryant2972 There's a very real difference in a cEDH tournament with strong prize support and a fun weekly local.
      The second is competitive on the surface only. Some might enter just to test out some neat new build they've made, or run some jank they're just itching to run. People would like to win, but winning is hardly the overall goal.
      At something with a 30-50 dollar entry fee though? No pet decks, very little jank except from the brewers that are crazy people. Expect the 5000 deck en masse if there's real prizes on the line.
      There's definitely something to be said about ignorance is bliss, a lot of the hate cEDH draws is the distain of what magic looks like when the curtain is pulled back. No, it's not balanced, or even particularly varied if you're trying to win. There's a very definitive list for whatever colors you run, and little to no room for deckbuilding expression.
      And that's okay. But for casuals, especially longtime players, it can be jarring.

    • @JohnnyYeTaecanUktena
      @JohnnyYeTaecanUktena 4 місяці тому

      @@bretts3046 I mean you technically could it is just highly unlikely that you will win often as sometimes you will win it happens. But for the most part there is usually room for A pet card or two, especially if the card is very useful in general like Karn the Great Creator even if not running a stax deck as he shuts down your opponents artifacts their main mana source and can just simply pop their 0 cost fast mana
      Now Karn is better than playing a Null Rod simply because he only affects your opponents artifacts not yours meaning you have massive mana advantage and tempo

  • @brromo
    @brromo 6 місяців тому +450

    6:48 The rule 0 conversation IS that you're playing cEDH. It's **technically** the same format as commander

    • @edhdeckbuilding
      @edhdeckbuilding 6 місяців тому +48

      i always find it funny how people talk about cedh like it's a different format.

    • @lugh.i
      @lugh.i 6 місяців тому +70

      @@edhdeckbuilding I prefer to treat it as a different format. Yes, it is Commander, but come on, I think we can agree a cEDH Najeela x cEDH Yuriko x Casual Ayula x Casual Wilson/Tavern Brawler would be a really unbalanced and unfun table. Treating cEDH as a different format help me explain people the absolute difference those decks have.

    • @blakefarber3718
      @blakefarber3718 6 місяців тому +16

      It's a different meta. At that level, you're playing to deal with the specific threats played at that level which also homogenizes cards.

    • @Skeeverbros
      @Skeeverbros 6 місяців тому +8

      Yep. The "benefits" mentioned in the video aren't ones distinct to cedh becausse it somehow bypassess rule 0, rather they're outcomes that manifest from the use of rule 0, which "cedh" is simply a permutation of

    • @Jerppa95
      @Jerppa95 6 місяців тому +36

      It's literally the same format minus all the whining.

  • @enjaded7222
    @enjaded7222 6 місяців тому +228

    i see nothing but facts. coming from a casual and competitive player who thoroughly enjoys commander as a whole

    • @gumballer6382
      @gumballer6382 6 місяців тому

      Soo true

    • @milkydoesstuff1828
      @milkydoesstuff1828 6 місяців тому +1

      Same with anything competitive, everyone wants to play the best stuff therefore you get no variety

    • @kylegonewild
      @kylegonewild 6 місяців тому

      @@milkydoesstuff1828 Except as discussed in the video, ban lists are catered to the format to provide variety and structure to the format. Cloudpost decks from 2011 can still beat Rakdos scam today with a decent win percentage despite being way out of date. It's banned in Pauper and Modern because it's one of the strategies that does take over the format. Same with how Fury needed to go to open up more potential for creature decks again, except they printed Bowmasters which had basically the same impact on creature decks but was less likely to 4-for-1 your ass. Top is still an exceptionally strong card and would show up all over the place in Modern, but it creates a miserable play experience of *regularly* going to time in every game of every match you play with or against it.
      The commander banlist's sole focus was and is currently stated to only be concerned with unfun play experiences or play patterns. There's no consideration for actual balancing. Calling it cEDH is kind of silly and to a lot of people comes off as pretentious. You're fundamentally avoiding the behavioral pillars of the format but still tying yourself to it by name and some people who use this term go even further and imply they should also be catered to in a format that wasn't made for them. A decade ago you just said you had high power decks and everyone knew to expect lots of combo-y horseshit and as much quick mana as was possible. Now the cute little community needs a shibboleth to say the same thing just saying high power decks meant in 2011.

    • @mcculloughfamily6984
      @mcculloughfamily6984 6 місяців тому

      Play both, love both. But if I'm not playing cEDH I do highly prefer high power because I want to play decks and play vs decks that can close the game out. I hate when games drag on.

    • @yurplethepurple2064
      @yurplethepurple2064 6 місяців тому

      @@mcculloughfamily6984same. Unless I’m playing with a group or 1v1 where I’m mostly playing for the conversation, I find the standstill that most people’s decks end up at quite boring. That’s why combos are fun for me

  • @tobiasarboe5753
    @tobiasarboe5753 6 місяців тому +161

    As a cEDH player, this was a very gracious representation of the format; as a fan of yours I didn't expect something bad, but I was a little unsure with the title you presented. Thanks for the video

    • @damienbrandle4839
      @damienbrandle4839 6 місяців тому +11

      Same. The title was unnecessarily incendiary, but he did a good job presenting all sides of the equation.
      The only thing I think he didn't touch on was that, even though decks can look homogenous, the playstyle can massively change how it plays in practice. Kenrith decks come in all flavors and often share a lot of core cards, but the 15-20 flex slots dedicated to personal playstyle can make them actually play wildly different, despite the apparent homogeneity.

    • @dfetzer707
      @dfetzer707 6 місяців тому


  • @makesquash
    @makesquash 6 місяців тому +142

    My pipeline from casual to competitive EDH came from bad experiences playing on TTS and Spelltable. Removing the feelsbads or salt by just sitting down and playing to win is how I like to approach any game of magic.

      @RINNECODA 6 місяців тому +40

      It’s how every single other format of Magic is played, so it’s kinda odd when casual heads try to say it’s not fun or it’s weird to play it competitively. Like bro it’s just playing commander with the card pool you have ?

    • @aR0ttenBANANA
      @aR0ttenBANANA 6 місяців тому +13

      @@RINNECODAthe issue is most games in general are played that way but casuals try to warp the expectations to their likes and wants. Imagine going to a football game where people “play for fun” like what?

    • @thatepicwizardguy
      @thatepicwizardguy 6 місяців тому +6

      ​@RINNECODA its not even a magic problem its all multiplayer vs games

    • @simonchi5372
      @simonchi5372 6 місяців тому +52

      @@aR0ttenBANANA I mean Sunday leagues and beer leagues exists for people who just wants to enjoy the sport and play because they think its fun, some teams don't even have coaches and they definitely not train optimally to win these games. So if someone like Leo Messi would show and run circles around these people i doubt people would enjoy that if it happened every week, just so he could feed his own ego. Or Connor McGregor would show up at the local dojo tournament and start beating the shit out of the local guys and claim they suck and shouldn't complain because it's a competitive environment.
      It's being completely tonedeaf and sometimes makes me wonder if people are just not completely dishonest and try to gaslight people into agreeing upon an environment of play they didn't want to play in.

    • @mulldrifter6040
      @mulldrifter6040 6 місяців тому +6

      Completely agree with you on the "feelsbad" thing. It's what prevents me from playing casual commander in general.

  • @sebastianoparenti3536
    @sebastianoparenti3536 6 місяців тому +12

    This channel constantly surprises me. I wouldn't have expected cedh to be a conversation had here. But you covered it excellently and I'm hoping you continue to grow deservedly to the size of a channel benefitting the quality of your arguments and videos. Good luck.

  • @MagnusvonYoshi
    @MagnusvonYoshi 6 місяців тому +113

    This all sounds very familiar for some reason.
    Thank you for playing Yugioh Master Duel.

    • @SLVYER1
      @SLVYER1 6 місяців тому +20

      Everyday I hear a magic the gathering player cope about how many cards there are in their game when there are really only 500.

    • @lancesmith8298
      @lancesmith8298 6 місяців тому +10

      @@SLVYER1I was about to say “oh, “”only”” five hundred, you say”, but then I remembered that’s not an unreasonable amount of Pokemon to know when quizzed. And I still have enough memory for Magic.
      Meanwhile a modern Yugioh card, if it’s readable to begin with, reads like a legal document that can OTK if you read the fine print

    • @kylegonewild
      @kylegonewild 6 місяців тому +6

      @@lancesmith8298 Terrified of templating and keywords.

    • @dragoknighte48
      @dragoknighte48 6 місяців тому +12

      @@lancesmith8298 It's why Yugioh players don't read, if you can't read it, it can't hurt you.

    • @geek593
      @geek593 6 місяців тому +7

      @@dragoknighte48More like they don't read because most cards say "search other card that searches other card that searches other card that summons other card that goes into generic extra deck wincon". It's an overly consistent soup of combo turns that effectively FTK the opponent if they don't open what is essentially a free cast counterspell (and that's usually not enough), a Wrath if they know they're going second post board, and their own combo for the crack back. There's a reason a lot of players prefer to play a time locked format from 2010 instead of 2024 Yugioh.

  • @enjaded7222
    @enjaded7222 6 місяців тому +91

    also, i completely agree and like the idea presented of rule zero. something that ive taken away from my play at competitive to casual tables is the mindset of 'let people play whatever'. i always tell people that they shouldnt complain about what cards are on the other side of the table. you can ask them to change decks, remove yourself from the table yourself, etc. but whining or complaining reduces fun for everyone.

    • @MrCenturion13
      @MrCenturion13 6 місяців тому +11

      I usually find another pod. People who knowingly play power decks at casual tables are usually there to feed their egos. They know what's expected, lie about their deck, then scoff when someone objects. They can go to perdition.

    • @QuicksilverSG
      @QuicksilverSG 6 місяців тому +20

      That's a cEDH attitude, which is perfectly fine for that format. Just don't complain when casual players ask you to find another table.

    • @MrCenturion13
      @MrCenturion13 6 місяців тому +5

      @FallenStarFeatures : yes. This.

    • @DVS57REBEL
      @DVS57REBEL 6 місяців тому +2

      ​@FallenStarFeatures doesn't matter bc you can play casual decks with competitive mind set. It's the players skill level/reach these kids will still whine

    • @enjaded7222
      @enjaded7222 6 місяців тому +5

      @MrCenturion13 if they arent willing to swap after you ask and they understand the situation theyre causing, yeah they just arent worth playing with

  • @BasedJund
    @BasedJund 6 місяців тому +7

    My stance on proxies is echoed by the cEDH community. I want to play against you, not your wallet.

  • @vitorluis1460
    @vitorluis1460 6 місяців тому +8

    It was nice to see you two collab. I found both of you around the same time, and you both have really helped me get better at the game.

  • @maxwellcummins2049
    @maxwellcummins2049 6 місяців тому +144

    As a cEDH player - this is absolutely accurate. I don't even feel the need for the incendiary title. It all feels very Fair and Balanced(TM) to me.

    • @BingbongRecto
      @BingbongRecto 6 місяців тому +13

      If your idea of balance is most people running samey decks

    • @maxwellcummins2049
      @maxwellcummins2049 6 місяців тому +20

      @@BingbongRecto What an odd thing to say in response to my comment.

    • @TheDevlain
      @TheDevlain 6 місяців тому +13

      @@BingbongRecto a game of chess or a match of street fighter 2 Ryu vs Ryu are really enjoyable experiences, so similar game pieces doesn't make a game necessarily bland or boring
      Love cEDH and casual EDH, it is just that they are completely different social experiences, people who like tennis doesn't necessarily likes badminton or vice versa

    • @BingbongRecto
      @BingbongRecto 6 місяців тому +4

      sure but balanced? and u really compared cedh to chess huh

    • @anannoyedpanda
      @anannoyedpanda 6 місяців тому +10

      ​@@BingbongRectoYou're reaching to try and save face. It isn't working.
      Make proper comments in good faith or please speak on a public forum. Thanks.

  • @easyyo6784
    @easyyo6784 6 місяців тому +12

    this was a very good video. i had no idea from cedh until my friend invited me for an evening to play one of his decks. it was cool. but after 5x win with the same combo, i had seen it all.
    its a good format for its own. it shud never appear in a normal commander table.

  • @cedhtv
    @cedhtv 6 місяців тому +9

    Really good video. I have so many comments but I will just say you are correct with modification. But still your correct. I think it was really good to have someone come and say something short about it.

  • @pauldyson8098
    @pauldyson8098 6 місяців тому +20

    I really appreciate this video. I am casual 'til I die, but I pay attention to cEDH because I find it super interesting.

  • @mose9629
    @mose9629 6 місяців тому +37

    Ngl kinda confused about the title choice, it feels like you didn't really go into any "problems" with the format and more just gave a good overview of it, something akin to a beginners guide almost.

    • @Adrianovaz2007
      @Adrianovaz2007 6 місяців тому +4

      You could say he posed a question and answered it. The problem? There's none actually.

    • @astrograph7875
      @astrograph7875 6 місяців тому +3

      He did go into the the problem of cedh. That being diversity. The section where he compares the top 10 in cedh and the cards all of them share + plus their win cons.

    • @Adrianovaz2007
      @Adrianovaz2007 6 місяців тому +3

      @@astrograph7875 he explained not all pods are combinations of those top 10 decks and that you're not necessarily obliged to play those versions like Trinket Mage mentioned. There's a meta but you can play the meta with anti meta strategies. I don't like the format but I came out of the video with a more positive outlook on it.

    • @sugar5374
      @sugar5374 6 місяців тому +1

      @@astrograph7875 Even if all decks were only the Top 10, that wouldn't necessarily be a problem. A lack of diversity is also an upside of cedh.

    • @mose9629
      @mose9629 6 місяців тому +2

      @@astrograph7875 what these other guys said. But in seriousness, what he did is essentially taking a look at the "top 20 commanders on EDHRec", you know, and I know, that those aren't the only commanders people play, but they are the ones that are most popular, mostly bc they are powerful.

  • @jacobrutowski137
    @jacobrutowski137 6 місяців тому +23

    I expected to be mad, but am 100% on board and agree with most all of this. I play both and feel like applying lessons learned between the two has made my games more fun overall

    • @b00psn00t
      @b00psn00t 6 місяців тому +2

      If u genuinely get mad about a video then it is probably time to touch some grass

  • @GageTheMage2003
    @GageTheMage2003 6 місяців тому +9

    LOVE THE COLLAB. I watch you and @trinket mage a ton. Love your approaches to commander

  • @casketbase7750
    @casketbase7750 6 місяців тому +51

    There is one gameplay advantage cedh has over casual edh: it has a clearly defined meta, so you can confidently run anti-meta techs. Rule of Law and Red Elemental Blast are *guaranteed* to be effective. Possibly against all three opponents.
    EDIT: yep, Trinket Mage confirmed it.

    • @brianmattei7134
      @brianmattei7134 6 місяців тому +1

      I mean sure... but then just play Legacy or something man.

    • @b00psn00t
      @b00psn00t 6 місяців тому

      Maybe watch the video before commenting?

  • @kevanrynning5078
    @kevanrynning5078 6 місяців тому +15

    You should do a video about pauper commander, or PDH. I recently got into it and it has roughly the same arguments for it that cedh does, no rule 0. But it ALSO has a much wider card variety because of how limited you are in power level

    • @Sillimant_
      @Sillimant_ 6 місяців тому +1

      I've had a lot more fun than I expected with a spur of the moment pedh deck than I ever expected. Zoyowa has really forced some players to think, and I loved how the table reacted when I cast Phyresis for the first time

  • @ashemabahumat4173
    @ashemabahumat4173 4 місяці тому +5

    Yes. Staples and meta exist.

  • @thelongboardguru_i.t.6096
    @thelongboardguru_i.t.6096 6 місяців тому +54

    I play a ton cedh. Normally casual players have very uninformed takes that paint cedh in poor light. Thank you for this! Legit a good analysis of the formats

    • @curtisfarley6558
      @curtisfarley6558 6 місяців тому +6

      It's because most commander players were introduced to the game by the format. They never played tournament magic, let the internet build their deck and formulate their opinion on magic as a whole. They have duning-Krueger and are on the mountain of ignorance. Instead of taking an L and learning more about the game, they double down on their bias and say "see I'm losing because your cards are toxic and unfun", instead of trying to get better

    • @JohnFromAccounting
      @JohnFromAccounting 6 місяців тому +8

      I don't play commander at all and only play competitive formats like standard and legacy. CEDH has a ton of issues because it uses the same banlist and the same rules as every other game of commander, when they should be treated as entirely different things. Super-staples have to be addressed to make the format competitively engaging.

    • @thelongboardguru_i.t.6096
      @thelongboardguru_i.t.6096 6 місяців тому +13

      @@JohnFromAccounting I def understand ur point, but as a long time legacy (2011-2017) and modern (2017-hogaak winter) player, I think cedh makes for interesting and dynamic games. I would describe modern the way u have described cedh. Too many super staples and etc. Neither opinion is inherently correct but I'm open to enjoying modern so I hope your at least open to idea of enjoying cedh

    • @PrincetteScarecrow
      @PrincetteScarecrow 6 місяців тому +11

      @@curtisfarley6558 This is so weird because I've literally heard modern players complain about bowmasters, TOR, fury, grief, etc. for months and months on end and it only stops when some of these cards get banned. Should all modern players who hate these unbalanced cards also "take the L and learn more about the game and try to get better?". Genuinely, where do you draw the line between "this card is wildly unbalanced and shouldn't be legal in the format" and "simply git gud"? If you think all complaints can be resolved with the latter, then you should also take issue with every mtg format with a banlist ever.

    • @curtisfarley6558
      @curtisfarley6558 6 місяців тому +2

      @@PrincetteScarecrow not the same situation bud. You are comparing tournament magic players and their opinion on the format and ban worthy cards, to casuals who don't even understand the steps and phases of the game they play. If cedh had a seperate ban list (I agree that it does need one), these kinds of players would still complain about losing without any self reflection. Their expectations aren't tempered to their experience and they will blame anything but themselves. This isn't all casual players, of course, but it is a phenomenon of commander, none the less.

  • @bartoffer
    @bartoffer 6 місяців тому +3

    That cEDH has a more limited card pool is an advantage to the subformat's enthusiasts, and is something that the subformat's intent is angled specifically to encourage. The issue is that this attitude then bleeds both into more casual play and into actual card design, whereby increasing power creep homogenizes the format more than ever before paradoxically at the same time as more cards are being printed into it than ever before.
    Rather than being seen as a parallel to 60-card, which aught to be an eternal format curated into separate intended power-level dimensions, Wizards increasingly behaves as if EDH is somehow self-regulating. What you ultimately get then is a rudderless ship which seems impelled towards salt and frustration, outside of cEDH pods - because cEDH has a defined play philosophy. Rather than emulating this success, and laying out separate play philosophies for different levels of power, "Rule 0" has been tossed around as a byword for "we don't really feel like doing anything to cultivate the game's most-popular, most-fragile format."

  • @besheveledbear4568
    @besheveledbear4568 6 місяців тому +28

    This is why I love playing high power off meta, we are borderline CEDH but playing decks that are built around uncommon commanders. It's a fantastic mix of high power plays with deck diversity

    • @DVS57REBEL
      @DVS57REBEL 6 місяців тому +7

      "High power casual" is most fun way to play

    • @Gentasu968
      @Gentasu968 6 місяців тому +8

      I love high powered casual but I feel like it's the worst middle ground since I'll always get hate for playing "cedh" while not being able to hang in an actual cedh table

    • @besheveledbear4568
      @besheveledbear4568 6 місяців тому

      @@Gentasu968 that's fair, however that's why I play with a dedicated pod regularly

  • @StarTard8
    @StarTard8 6 місяців тому +14

    cEDH is best described by me as “The journey is more fruitful than the destination”.
    Everyone knows the endgame, everyone knows everyone’s wincons and how they arrive there. But why I play cEDH is because the journey to get to the W is complex and extremely entertaining. You have Stack interactions that you’d never expect, you have lines to a win that you’d never expect to have to execute, and you have a meta that’s constantly evolving and changing.
    It’s also a much different culture: the only Rule 0 is “Win, at any cost”; there is no real salt; deck optimization is king and proxies are welcome; and play optimally and impersonally (no Spite, no Kingmaking when it can be avoided, and try to make the ‘optimal’ decision).
    I like knowing the end of the story, but the journey there is why I read the book. That’s why I play cEDH.

    • @soldancer
      @soldancer Місяць тому

      I have seen this sentiment repeated elsewhere (even in this comment section!) and it has really given me insight and appreciation for what a lot of players are looking for when everyone is playing with those expectations in mind.

  • @w.s6124
    @w.s6124 6 місяців тому +5

    Best part of Cedh is to take a random deck and try to build it in the strongest way possible. Even mono colored deck can win from time to time.

  • @nachtderginger
    @nachtderginger 6 місяців тому +2

    The goal of edh should be trying to win while having your opponents ask to read your cards as much as possible

  • @DBDpurekiller
    @DBDpurekiller 6 місяців тому +9

    I think you hit the nail on the head with your rule 0 statement: casual commander is wildly unbalanced if expectations are not put forward. And it’s the reason why I typically don’t like the rating system for commander. “Oh your deck is a 7?” What constitutes a 7? No one rocks up to the table and says “yea I have a power 3 deck”, it’s that clear expectation that I enjoy about cEDH. It’s about playing to win, that’s the mindset. I’ll never forget the guy who played karametra and absolutely destroyed our table because he knew how to play to win. Good pilots can maneuver any deck so long as that deck has a play to win .

  • @Amazementss
    @Amazementss 6 місяців тому +10

    Great video, and overall a solid presentation of the format's upsides and downsides.
    As you said, the overarching issue with casual games not being fun is misalignment of expectations. There are several main forms it takes and it doesn't simply boil down to power level differences. You hit on this, and a lot of the discourse tends to gloss over it.
    For me, the most egregious offender for polarized experiences is the idea that a game of EDH should be an hour or more and build up an epic boardstate. In the majority of cases, it ends up being a slog where people are too afraid to just win and "end the fun." Thankfully, this trend seems to be reversing somewhat. People have become more willing to accept that it's usually more fun to play a few faster games for a more rounded overall experience.

  • @Zalsabrav
    @Zalsabrav 6 місяців тому +3

    Played a game of CEDH where a Kinnan player had a consecrated sphinx turn . A Rowan scion of war player decided to play a wheel of fortune making the kinnan player draw 51 cards. He won the turn after and we laughed, shuffled up and played again. Now I have an orcish bowmasters!

  • @maxmustermann1111
    @maxmustermann1111 6 місяців тому +6

    We started playing cEDH in our playgroup and to me the biggest takeaway other than the exact thing you talked about (proxie friendlyness and powerleveldiscussion/salt) was:
    All the same wincons dont make it boring, as many of us thought. Its not to defend the format from accurate observations like you did, but the thing we noticed is that the wincon is not what this game is about. When somebody has a win, noone cares how the win is "named". Wether its oracle, breach or any other combo.
    The focus is on the path to get there. Talion dimir control vs for example tymna/malcom share the main wincon. They also share probably like haft the spells at least. But you gameplan and priorities are VASTLY different. And also timing and reading the table are a critical factor for success.
    And thats really what makes this format. Casual games can sometimes be on the one extreme of "everyone plays their deck like its moxfield, because there is no interaction happening". cEDH is the complete opposite. Every deck can present a win reasonably fast and reliable. Its all about the interaction and the decks are stuffed with that.
    That will shift the factors for a win vastly. In casual luck at the draw, maybe a "better constructed deck" and maybe randomly having an interaction up can decide games. In cEDH literally 1 mistake on where to point a counterspell or interaction can end the game within the same turncycle. So the focus is much more on the players.
    We are still a mostly casual playgroup, but this reality did totally beat up on the idea many of us had that "cEDH is boring because its all the same cards". We didnt see the product of that reality because since its "all the same cards" the decisions become so much more relevant.
    And to me that is the biggest difference and an opportunity to improve as a player (wich will also help you in casual). You will not learn from mistakes you make in how you spend your interaction if they dont get punished. In cEDH they WILL get punished almost certainly.
    To trinket mages point:
    We as newbies obviously got our foot in by basically copying decklists of stuff that looked interesting, read primers, watched deck techs and then proxied the deck. But we did avoid picking from the top of the top. And that means there is A LOT of options and staying away from those few decks makes so much more decks stay viable. We are certainly not at a level where people have their "pet deck" that they have piloted for years. But we all did manage to find decks that fit the general themes and playstyles we like and its not a table of 4 oracle decks.
    Its great fun giving it a go. Printing out some cEDH decks with your friends, local playgroup or whatnot costs basically no money at all. Before hating on sth, giving it a shot first is always worth it and it really expanded our understanding of the game.

    • @soldancer
      @soldancer Місяць тому

      I recently had my perceptions of cEDH turned on their head because of exactly what you are saying here. I always thought of the cEDH variant in terms of how top tier 1v1 play works, completely missing the fact that you have MORE THAN ONE OPPONENT. I realized just how much strategy that takes to navigate - not just the mechanical considerations, but the social ones as well. Bluffing and reading skill goes through the roof.

  • @DominickRoselli
    @DominickRoselli 6 місяців тому +4

    Note that every single one runs blue. Now tell me, which color is the most powerful in EDH?

  • @MomijiTsukuyomi
    @MomijiTsukuyomi 3 місяці тому +5

    As a longtime cEDH player, I went into this expecting to be rubbed the wrong way, knowing that I've seen most of your content be more casual focused. I have to say I'm very pleased. I feel like most criticism toward cEDH comes from people who don't understand cEDH, play it, or even want to play or understand, and end up coming to conclusions that are way off base at best and abrasive at worst. Your willingness to explore it yourself to find what you like and dislike in it personally, as well as see and understand what we enjoy about it is something I greatly respect.

    • @Dragon_Fyre
      @Dragon_Fyre 2 місяці тому +1

      I think the most common reason that EDH players would have negative views of CEDH, would stem from their personal experiences with players bringing CEDH decks to play EDH.

  • @MadMage86
    @MadMage86 6 місяців тому +3

    As an 'outsider with some experience' such as yourself, I have a somewhat unique perspective on the whole 'cEDH is a best-case example of rule 0 working' premise. Now, to preface - I abhor rule 0 and feel it is a lazy excuse the RC uses to avoid making rules and a banlist that actually WORKS for the segment of the EDH community that needs it the most: random pick-up games in public. I have long held that the RC's claim that a slim banlist works better for private groups is irrelevant because those private groups both didn't NEED anyone to tell them they could house rule things to their liking and could more easily work down form a more restrictive ruleset than having to build infrastructure for a more restrictive one anyway.
    That being said, I posit that cEDH is NOT an example of 'rule 0' working. It is an example of the opposite, in fact: that rule 0 DOES NOT work and the only way to get salt-free games is to toss out the premise entirely and use the rules completely as written and accept everything within as fair game. The problem is, as you pointed out, this means that the options available are limited by the fastest decks and if you cannot present a threat or an answer in time, your strategy is not viable - and the more pressing problem if cEDH grade win conditions showing up outside of tables prepared to respond to them.

    • @DemonBlanka
      @DemonBlanka 6 місяців тому +2

      The commander banlist is honestly a joke at this point. So many of the cards are just slightly better versions of legal cards in the format already and there are so many cards it would be better off without.

  • @Sillimant_
    @Sillimant_ 6 місяців тому +6

    I've been looking at cEDH on and off for a few months, but never saw more than the surface level. I'll have to look into it more, this is really interesting summary

  • @FrankVrep
    @FrankVrep 6 місяців тому +3

    People are a lot more forgiving about getting locked out of games or dying to a combo, when every game takes like 30 minutes instead of 2 hours haha.

  • @bobthor9647
    @bobthor9647 6 місяців тому +13

    For me Magic isn't made more fun by worrying about if other people have fun- its a new chore that wasn't there when I played in 2015

    • @deezboyeed6764
      @deezboyeed6764 3 місяці тому

      At our table were aware some decks we make are not fun for others at the table. But we generally play those decks once or twice and seeing them pop off is fun at times, i think alot of people take salt to personally or too far rather than having a joke with friends.

    • @PeteCarroll-12-16
      @PeteCarroll-12-16 3 місяці тому +1

      "Winning" is when you get invited back to play again. Hope you enjoy telling people about all the other losers you beat ten years ago for the rest of your life 😂

    • @bobthor9647
      @bobthor9647 3 місяці тому

      @PeteCarroll-12-16 I win every day man - I just don't explain my decks for 10 minutes before each game , we just enjoy playing more than complaining in my hood

  • @1animal
    @1animal 6 місяців тому +3

    cool video, im a sweaty modern player and i appreciate the breakdown of cedh

  • @Goblin_Wizard
    @Goblin_Wizard 6 місяців тому +2

    4/5 color is the bane of modern mtg

  • @BatCaveOz
    @BatCaveOz 6 місяців тому +4

    A weird phenomenon of cEDH is that many of the staple cards require opponents using strategies such as:
    Graveyard interactions
    Low toughness/high value creatures
    Card draw
    Multiple actions in a single turn
    Which can result in the cEDH deck having reduced efficacy against strong, but more "basic" decks.

  • @mulldrifter6040
    @mulldrifter6040 6 місяців тому +7

    If I got into commander, I would feel compelled to play cEDH just to avoid the thing I hate most about commander: needing to cater to everyone else's needs. At least in cEDH, there's a definitive meta and staples, and no one is going to get their feelings hurt based on your card selection. In no other format is there this weird unspoken agreement that you need to be on the same power level as everyone else: how the hell am I supposed to sit down and play with strangers in this format? Am I really expected to have at least 5-10 commander decks of varying power level, and make my selection solely on that? I'd prefer to be able to sit down and play the deck I want to play, not the one that caters to my opponent's specific preferences. I'm not a waiter.

  • @SDTCG
    @SDTCG 6 місяців тому +3

    The only thing I disagreed with is that in cEDH you have to present a turn two win. That is actually a lot less common than you'd think, and there are plenty of top decks where they literally can't present a turn two win. Midrange and control styles are definitely a thing, and because everyone is packing interaction, even if you go for the win on turn 2, you're usually going to get stopped.

  • @athenebujard9819
    @athenebujard9819 6 місяців тому +7

    I’ve had a very similar experience with Tiny Leaders Reborn. However, the advantage of that format is that it’s very young, so the meta is still undecided.

    • @sethb3090
      @sethb3090 6 місяців тому

      I don't know Reborn, but I've had fun with Tiny Leaders in the past. It's just hard to find a pod.

  • @Varler_
    @Varler_ 6 місяців тому +4

    Really great video! I play casual EDH too, but my favorite mode is cEDH for all the reasons you listed: High-speed games with lots of interaction, no/little salt, and being allowed to do the strongest/meanest(not mean to people, but mean to their ability to play) things you can think of if it helps you win. But at the same time, it has its flaws as a format, many of which you outlined here.
    Another flaw is that the ban list isn't catered to a competitive format. I'm of the opinion that the ban list should be even smaller, but I can also see a world where the ban list should be expanded to hit some of the cards that are so ubiquitous because of their power level. (But, if the format were slowed down too much, it would also lose much of its allure.)

  • @ghozter1
    @ghozter1 3 місяці тому +4

    Human discovers what “meta” is 🤯

  • @andros1486
    @andros1486 6 місяців тому +2

    The best part about cEDH is that you get to sit at a table where everyone wants to play good cards and win. Don't get me wrong, I've played a kinda slow Enchantress Commander deck for over 10 years at this point as one of my main ones, so I was down for the slower more casual tables for a long time... but these days I prefer to avoid those kinds of games. Prolonging the game needlessly, barely anyone actually playing interactive cards, getting upset at sweepers/counterspells etc. - there's a lot of bad experiences to be had at casual tables that I try to avoid.

    • @xelaranger3880
      @xelaranger3880 Місяць тому

      The idea of a casual table still irks me, to me the only casual table I ever played at was kitchen table, losing to my roommate night after night with his gruul "banding" deck playing my 300 card Nikol bolas deck that was really just half the cards I owned stacked together. I remember we went to the card shop once and he was so happy to get his tapped dual lands and splurged on a curse to double damage.
      There is nothing casual about meeting up with strangers or acquaintances for an mtg night, as much as public at large may wish for it to be true. This is just a slightly watered down FNM only your less likely to have a judge catch Timmy move his combo piece to his graveyard in his reanimator deck

  • @mcmanus5993
    @mcmanus5993 6 місяців тому +3

    Holy fuck what a good video. One thing I'd like to add is that sometimes the lack of diversity makes cedh easier to enter. It makes it much easier to learn the meta cards and quickly learn the meta game. For those who have played for very long periods of time they sometimes choose more fringe options for diversity. This works out great because their skill can make up for lack of colors/ raw power in the deck. I can't help but agree with your impression the top decks feel "samey" but when I was entering the format it really helped ease the learning curve.

    • @soldancer
      @soldancer Місяць тому

      You may have already seen it, but Salubrious has another video about how playing more "predictable" decks is potentially more welcoming to newer players than if everyone is playing random nonsense. (Even if it's very *good* random nonsense). It sounds a lot like what you are saying here.

  • @coolbarryo1852
    @coolbarryo1852 6 місяців тому +19

    For me, the homogony of the cEDH format is the largest driving factor is why i stay away from it. I did similar things to you, except i simply looked at top 50 cEDH lists and saw how many cards in these lists are considerred "staples" and had no meaningful interaction with the rest of the deck. Generally, over 60% of non-lands fell into this category. This kind of gameplay is uninteresting and samey and you saw that in just a dozen games. casual edh needs a regulated way to grade power level and it will be the best format in the game, bar none.

  • @Thelastpraetor
    @Thelastpraetor 6 місяців тому +3

    It's actually a ton of fun for me, because I love playing the off-meta ideas, and my playgroup always has their heads spinning when I'm playing Commanders like Queza or Xyris

  • @herrar6595
    @herrar6595 6 місяців тому +13

    Good vid, describing casual vs competetive in every format in every cardgame. My storeowner goes on competetive pokemon events with me and it´s always the same conversation: "Dad I wanna play my hisuian Arcanine deck, all the meta stuff is bland and boring"... "go for it son, just be aware you´re going to lose, a lot." Of course off meta picks are a thing, as neither lists nor players are well adapted to them, but building a good offmeta deck is about as time and skill intensive as cardgames get. What I´d like to see in stores is budget cEDH. Build the most powerful deck you can, on a 50€ budget. Of course, we could impose other deck building restrictions as well, like it has to be monocolured or domain, so long as they are the same for everyone and the premise is to try and win. I´m sure there would be a lot of moments of "Wow, you came up with that?" in that format and no one would mind having a bunch of super cutthroat budget decks at the end of it all.

    • @herrar6595
      @herrar6595 6 місяців тому +6

      I just generally want to see more deckbuilding challenges at stores though.

    • @josephrion3514
      @josephrion3514 6 місяців тому

      My experience with yugioh back in the mid '00s is that if you were not playing the meta and instead playing fun it meant you lost. Then I tried the meta wasn't fun so I left the game forever.

    • @josephrion3514
      @josephrion3514 6 місяців тому

      I am also a fan of budgetary restricted formats. Encourages more creative deck building.

    • @herrar6595
      @herrar6595 6 місяців тому

      @@josephrion3514 Makes a lot of sense, If you don´t like the meta you´re better off changing format instead of hanging on to a pet deck that makes you lose...

    • @sethb3090
      @sethb3090 6 місяців тому

      Yeah, I've refused to play a meta deck any of the handful of times I've actually gone to magic events at the store and given myself a $15 or 20 budget, and honestly I perform pretty well! The thing about following the meta is that a very small set of cards get expensive, and a lot of _almost_ tier 1 cards just end up as bulk. I walked into an MTG Standard tournament with a $13 deck and came close to winning, and everyone was running meta lists.

  • @wchenful
    @wchenful 6 місяців тому +2

    For anyone who's interested in cEDH, I'd highly recommend Comedian mtg's channel. He does a lot of meta breakdowns and tournament reports which can give you a lot of insight into the format.

  • @jhook6865
    @jhook6865 6 місяців тому +3

    I've shifted to preferring CEDH, everyone is playing on the same level for the most part. It does feel far more limited with card choices, but for me that is a good thing as I don't have a lot of money to spend on magic.

  • @jeancarlo37
    @jeancarlo37 6 місяців тому +4

    I stopped playing commander entirely because my goals and the goals of the people who play in my city are very different, they have this weird idea that tribal decks are inherently balanced, like they don't run interactions or board wipes, and I play a midrange reanimator/clones deck( not clones in clones, but in creating copies of my creatures) and I put a lot of interaction to protect my plays, and now I'm at a crossroads, I can take out the interaction and stuff my deck with board wipes and steam roll everyone, or I can continue to have a lot of games were someone just draws their most efficient creatures and kills everyone, or the beautiful games were everyone bricked and I can't hit anyone because I would be a try hard, it's like I just wanna have a fun and interactive game, and I just can't do that

    • @Sapreme
      @Sapreme 6 місяців тому +1

      No one is going to be happy in EDH. The cedh group i used to play in get upset if a player doesn't "play optimally" in the interest of the pod. There was a game where I had Glen Elendra out and I could combo out if I got to untap. The player next to me played a High Tide and I declined the opportunity to counter it with Glen because I wanted to save it to protect my wincon. The next player with priority countered it, and got upset because I didn't use my Glen to stop the High Tide. He was saying that it was my responsibility, and that I was griefing/trolling the table by not playing by cedh standards.

    • @jeancarlo37
      @jeancarlo37 6 місяців тому +2

      @@Sapreme this is wild, I mean you were playing to win, like you literally made the best decision for you in that situation, and they got mad? Like if you're playing cedh the objective is to win, not help the table, that's a casual mindset, and there's no problem in playing casual, but a table doesn't become competitive just because the cards on it are powerful, I believe that even if everyone is using suboptimal cards that table is still competitive if everyone has the right mentality, it's really cedh in the traditional sense, but anyway what I'm trying to say is that your table appears to hold on to social rules used in casual games, but applying it for competitive decks, which is a weird way to play imo, but you everyone has fun their own way

    • @deezboyeed6764
      @deezboyeed6764 3 місяці тому +1

      Honestly, that's why I am thankful for my table. Sure theres bitching here and there but were allf riends so its chill and none of it too serious.

  • @jd7391
    @jd7391 6 місяців тому +2

    The reduced salt level is what drew me to cEDH. I have my personal brew that does great against meta decks even after the players against me understand my deck. If you want to brew yes, you're really limited to the best cards... But and this is a big but, some very casual cards turn into amazing competitive cards when they synergize with your commander. My brew is Francisco/Akiri+Lurrus by the way.

  • @davidsidler606
    @davidsidler606 6 місяців тому +2

    This is why I play Magda Land Destruction at my LGS. I pulled a 60% win rate and warped the meta so much that people built mono-coloured decks with basic lands, because I wouldn’t blow up basics.

  • @ninjapumpkin0127
    @ninjapumpkin0127 6 місяців тому +3

    Very good video! I am relatively new to EDH as a whole as I joined during LotR, and it was cool to see what the upper extreme offers and what benefits and issues it faces. I think as a new player I have trouble gauging the power of my own decks so a turn 0 conversation on power level would be hard for me.

    • @soldancer
      @soldancer Місяць тому

      Welcome to the game!
      The problem with "power level" as a rating system is this: some players believe it to be a quantitative scale, when it is actually psychometric.
      I find that instead, briefly describe what your deck actually does and how. It's still subjective, but it can really clarify for the table what everyone is looking for from that game. Check out deck intros like Commander at Home or Elder Dragon Hijinks to see some good examples of what that might look like.

  • @QuantemDeconstructor
    @QuantemDeconstructor 6 місяців тому +7

    Oddly enough, as someone that's played Yugioh for a long time, the competitive side of that game also suffers some extremely similar issues, you have to be willing to sacrifice deckbuilding for around half your extra deck and a quarter of your main deck on the low scale for "staples" that are so oppressively powerful and generic you'd be kneecapping yourself in that environment by not running them. It leads to a very unfun game where most decks look extremely similar, only differences being what they do inbetween setting up their boss monsters and which suite of generic boss monsters they try to make.

  • @neminem233
    @neminem233 5 місяців тому +2

    As someone who's pet card is Counterflux, one day I dream of bringing that to a CEDH table, and seeing everyone's faces when I overload it because the stack is overflowing with cards

  • @user-rl7hm7ix5n
    @user-rl7hm7ix5n 6 місяців тому +3

    I started playing mtg again bc a close group of friends was playing commander. Playing w/ them was fun, but I ended up never getting into the format otherwise bc I get the impression it's just salt everywhere. I know what I'm saying it's an exaggeration, but it just seems like a bunch of people not having fun because they're annoyed by anything anyone does because that makes the game unfun. It's like every time I come close to a group of edh players I overhear they shit talking someone else on those grounds (and it seems like the environment is very toxic).
    I get the idea of playing for fun as a break from the very competitive mindset, but for me it's some aspect that has been always present in lgs small tournaments anyway. The problem I see w/ edh is that aspect is "enforced", while the idea of "fun" is very subjective. eg: I made a cool (for me) proxy deck, really didn't go overboard w/ power level (for me), but I'm using (a lot of) dual lands. If I don't win, nobody has a problem w/ it. If I win everyone is salty bc I'm using a lot of expensive lands that I don't have. But in my head I'm just removing the literally most unfun aspect of the game, which is getting mana screwed lol
    Meanwhile, started playing pauper. The community is great (and from what I see it's kinda like that everywhere). Every week there's a small stakes tournament at the lgs, a lot of people show up with crazy brews and have fun. But nobody has a problem w/ losing to an annoying control or being run over by a t1 aggro, because they are supposed to be there.
    The fact that those tier 1 decks are gonna be there also make the deckbuilding more interesting (for me), cause you have to somehow be prepared for them. And virtually every week there's a very unorthodox build that does well in the tournament.
    Everybody is having fun, while not forcing anyone else to abide by their own idea of fun. People are also very welcoming/helpful towards new players, which is something I see way less at edh tables (for a supposedly casual format, everybody I see behaves like they're at the finals of a pro tour).
    This is a long text just to say that everything you said about cEDH reminds me of the pauper community. Even the part where no matter the build you're gonna run some of the staple efficient cards lol. And even though it has "competitive" in the name, the vibes seem more true at heart to what edh is supposed to be.
    I'll probably try some games online and see if I get into the format. Thanks for the video!

  • @27777BigRedBarn
    @27777BigRedBarn 6 місяців тому +2

    Really enjoyed this video and then you dropped Trinket Mage!!! Two of my favorites in the same video?!? Nice

  • @Caliban_80
    @Caliban_80 6 місяців тому +6

    Love cEDH. No complaining about deck power level or politics etc. Everyone is playing to win and politicking to win.

  • @LikeGodzzila
    @LikeGodzzila 5 місяців тому +1

    This is also an issue in EDH...
    Every EDH deck runs the same homogenized powercrept cards to do the same things, there might be more variety because there are more viable archtypes, but they don't vary by much and every archtype (which there are like maybe a total of 10 archtypes) run exactly the same cards.
    Token decks all run the same support cards, Tribal decks all run the same support cards, Instant/Sorcery decks all run the same support cards...
    The only difference is that cEDH has less archtype variety, but the issue is the same on both formats.

  • @CaptainAlphaWalrus
    @CaptainAlphaWalrus 6 місяців тому +4

    I think im gonna twist my "Noble Wilson" deck into a Cedh deck. Been having a blast casually but id love to hit some sweats with a 12/12 double striking trample bear on turn 3 or 4

    • @BradyDarkspear
      @BradyDarkspear 6 місяців тому

      I would strongly advise you lean into more than just a big bear on turn 3 as your table threat. Try to find a combo to go off with or some strong stax pieces to slow down the more turbo style opponents. Not saying a 12/12 isn't good but it will take at least 2 turns for that to kill one opponent and chances are someone will pop off before you finish. Otherwise best of luck to you, drop a list if you end up doing it 🙂.

  • @goldbergbrain
    @goldbergbrain 6 місяців тому +7

    Lots of good points throughout. I respect CEDH a lot as a former competitive Modern player, but one thing I’d bring up which actually seems difficult is in CEDH tournaments, collusion is a win condition, especially if like in our local scene, prizes can be expensive vintage cards like a Grim Monolith or Wheel of Fortune. It’d be very difficult to police people due to the inherent political nature of EDH, and there are stories that pop up every few months of some tournament getting wrecked by players suspected of colluding.
    Onto my second thought - For Casual EDH, my playgroup has settled on a personal ban list that cuts out:
    Free spells, even if the original cost is higher but it has an alternative free cost like Deflecting Swat.
    Tutors for ANYTHING. Specific tutors from Mystical to something that seeks Pirates, no prob.
    Egregious fast mana - Sol Ring, J Lotus, Crypt. Mana Vault okay - untapping it requires effort.
    Two card infinite combos. Three or more cards needed? Great.
    Non-basic land tutors, so all the fetches are gone, save the ones that seek basics.
    Lastly, cards we have voted on as unfun or that prolong the game well beyond what we want - Cyclonic Rift, Extra Turn spells, Farewell, etc
    It’s a fluid list and it may sound too restrictive for some, but it 1.) solves the Rule 0 problem - everyone knows and played a part in selecting these cards. There is zero salt. 2.) games are shorter despite having less combo. Add up how much time you spend in an average game searching for lands, etc, and when everyone has fetches, that gets multiplied a ton.
    3.) the Wild West feeling of card selection is back. We’re all having to replace high powered cards with 75% versions, basically, so seeing new cards has become more common.

    • @ncuco
      @ncuco 6 місяців тому +3

      Can i join your play group xD

    • @tonysmith9905
      @tonysmith9905 6 місяців тому +2

      That's hilarious that you cut basically monoblack's greatest strength while allowing all the other colors to keep their tutors. Why do that? There's really only 4 black tutors that are actually amazing, the rest are 3 mana or more and just not that great. Just ban Vampiric, Imperial, Demonic and the uh...sac a dude to tutor one?

    • @kinryuten
      @kinryuten 6 місяців тому

      You mean Beseech the Mirror?

    • @goldbergbrain
      @goldbergbrain 6 місяців тому

      @@kinryuten yep, that would be on the list

    • @raedien
      @raedien 6 місяців тому

      ​@tonysmith9905 this. My favorite is when I hit a pod like this and then someone cracks a fetch or casts a Rampant Growth and they say, "Well it's not a tutor."
      Yes, it is.

  • @drake11011
    @drake11011 6 місяців тому +3

    funny that this popped up in my feed, after i played against you on cockatrice a few days ago

  • @MasterHigure
    @MasterHigure 6 місяців тому +2

    As an exclusivity casual player, I ragequit one of my most recent EDH games when one of my opponents started taking half a dozen turns in a row, with a slow deck. I came to the table to play the game, not to watch someone else play solitaire for ten minutes.
    These kinds of conversations and aligning of expectations are necessary for a game to be fun.

  • @soldancer
    @soldancer Місяць тому +1

    Excellent video! I've learned some important things from the discussions down here:
    1) "Casual" players are all scrubs who whine and get salty about everything they don't like.
    2) "cEDH" players are all entitled tryhards who will pub stomp their own mother for a W.
    3) Nether of the above is entirely true, but too many players _believe_ that one of then actually _is_.
    4) The players who _do_ behave as 1) or 2) will ultimately self-select themselves out of people to play with.

  • @filipefranca5866
    @filipefranca5866 6 місяців тому +7

    No rule 0 makes cEDH much pleasurable for me personally

    • @soldancer
      @soldancer Місяць тому

      I would suggest that the term "cEDH" basically *is* a Rule 0. It's just one that most people interested in that experience seem to agree on.

  • @Mitch_Feral
    @Mitch_Feral 2 місяці тому

    This is most of the arguments for why I only play cube, and some limited. Cube changes when things get stale, limited changes no matter what - if broad concepts to victory remain the same, the path to achieving it, and the mechanisms seen most often, shift. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. Very cool to see my complaints analyzed like this, great video.

  • @RodrigoCML7
    @RodrigoCML7 6 місяців тому +3

    My biggest, and frankly somewhat unforgivable, gripe with this video is that we didn’t get a Jace VP list from TrinketMage.

    • @salubrioussnail
      @salubrioussnail  6 місяців тому +2

      Oh I meant to include that! Let me update the description with it

    • @RodrigoCML7
      @RodrigoCML7 6 місяців тому +2

      @@salubrioussnail I stand corrected, I guess it can be forgiven.
      Great job man. EDH vs cEDH as a concept ia rarely tretaed with such nuance

  • @9forMortalMen
    @9forMortalMen 6 місяців тому +2

    Something also worth mentioning about cEDH is that it’s a terrible tournament format, logistically. The time limits on matches make certain strategies and cards less viable. Decks that might be able to lock in the win but fail to actually win within 90 minutes will just cause a draw for the table. This means that only specific archetypes (UBx decks with tutors and compact combos) are equipped to really play a tournament.

  • @bigpablo673
    @bigpablo673 6 місяців тому +2

    The real issue with commander is the people who play it politicing all game long

  • @Gorbgorbenson
    @Gorbgorbenson 4 місяці тому +1

    I played with 2 cedh players the other day, and they were some of the friendliest guys Ive met at the store. Their decks were brutal against mine, often winning on turn 3-5, but it was smfun playing against a table that wasn't getting salty about the cards I played that normally would accumulate salt.

  • @ThisNameIsBanned
    @ThisNameIsBanned 6 місяців тому +2

    The thing is that magic is full of cards for themes and if you get the choice you play the best card.
    The best decks in a given format look basically the same too, as a format becomes "solved" and you better have a reason to play unoptimal cards, if the goal is to win it makes no sense.
    Proxy friendly or not depends entirely on the tournament that runs it. Vast majority allow proxies, but not all.

  • @voidartichoke
    @voidartichoke 6 місяців тому +1

    I'm a yugioh player that knows a cEDH player. I've had a hard time getting into commander before. He told me that cEDH specifically is very comparable to yugioh in that there are usually wins by turn 2-3, huge response chains and that there's usually no "turn 0" conversation. After watching this video I think he's probably right. There are even card's in your video that are analogous in use to yugioh cards. I'm glad that even with such different games, we can still have similar ideas of fun. I think I'll give cEDH a try

  • @FacetofChaos
    @FacetofChaos 6 місяців тому +2

    Masterfuly explained. Keep the theory content.

  • @peteralmo
    @peteralmo 6 місяців тому +1

    One thing I really appreciated about this video? It confirmed to me that all the people on mtgo complaining to me that my 5-7 decks are really CEDH are indeed batshit crazy.

  • @albertodeluzi2829
    @albertodeluzi2829 6 місяців тому +1

    wait, so is cockatrice working again?

  • @MV-uo5dq
    @MV-uo5dq 6 місяців тому +3

    Loved seeing the surprise guest!

  • @Torsav
    @Torsav 6 місяців тому +5

    I haven't played cEDH, but i dont think the general play pattern is for me. I am, however, a fan of the "play whatever you want" mentality. I enjoy the puzzles that are presented by board states and figuring out how to navigate them or what might need to change in my deck. Being honest with yourself about whether or not you can overcome the puzzle is also important. Sometimes, you just have to scoop and shuffle up for another game.

      @RINNECODA 6 місяців тому +4

      Your last sentence is a pretty good indicator of why a lot of people LIKE cedh. The puzzle solving aspect is turned to 11 when you have things like a turn 1 Blood Moon or Rule of Law to deal with, which keeps the games at a consistent state of “finding the right time to interact to free up the puzzle or go for the win to solve it”, and I’ve seen many cedh games where the board is just locked down by stax pieces and everyone agrees to shuffle up for another with no salt at all. Even turn 1 wins are greeted with a “congrats” or a “ah man I think i could’ve won on my turn” rather than “wow you didn’t let me play the game how I wanted to play?”

    • @Torsav
      @Torsav 6 місяців тому

      @@RINNECODA To be clear, I don't have anything against the cedh community and hope I didn't come off that way. Sounds like we just like different types of puzzles. Definitely wish parts of the casual side of the format had the same mentality. I just want to see people go off or claw back and get that win. I'd prefer to be that person, but it's alright if I'm not.

    • @Venjamin
      @Venjamin 6 місяців тому

      @@RINNECODA I think that's the reason I don't like CEDH. That turn 1 win isn't a puzzle to solve. You won a coin flip (or in our case, a die roll.) There is no real puzzle to do anything with. A board locked by stax is understandable, because it's rarely going to be at the get-go, the situation has to spiral to be truly locked down.
      I pretty much only play casual, and I can't think of a time I've heard anything like "Wow, you didn't let me play the game how I wanted to play?" Salt definitely occurs, but I dunno.

      @RINNECODA 6 місяців тому +3

      @@Venjamin i see your point but how does a turn 1 win happen without at least a little puzzle solving? How do you win turn 1 when any of your opponents can cast a free counterspell to stop you before their turn 1? You still need to make mulligan decisions to know which cards to tutor for, what order to play your cards, how to avoid interaction, etc. It’s never as simple as “I dark ritual into thoracle consult” (pretend that works for example’s sake)

    • @Venjamin
      @Venjamin 6 місяців тому

      @@RINNECODA Oh no, sorry, I should have clarified. If someone has a turn 1 win, and the opponents only had a 1 mana counterspell available... the game is over on a coin toss.
      There's not really a win there. Player A is going to go for the win no matter what if they have the potential to get there. A "make them have it" situation.

  • @djkatsuo
    @djkatsuo 4 місяці тому +1

    I think cedh is very exciting to watch and players ability to pilot the deck can really be the deciding factor. My one issue is places trying to make cedh tournaments that are sanctioned so no proxies are allowed. You lose the core of cedh when it’s now your wallet deciding the power of your deck.

  • @brendans1983
    @brendans1983 6 місяців тому +4

    Collab with TrinketMage, right on 🤘🍻

  • @exclamation744
    @exclamation744 6 місяців тому +2

    This is really why I've never thought of switching off the two decks that I play when I get the occasional itch to play Magic again. They get to play a, by cEDH standards, surprisingly large amount of cards that the others at my shop do not play. I am really the only one playing Tatyova turns or Sythis fort, though both of my piles are somewhat dated -- still on the Heliod win for Sythis, after all. I already see many of the same cards in other players' decks, and if I were still playing Kess like I used to, then my deck would more-or-less just look like everyone else's with slight variation for my personal income (my store does not allow proxying of cards you cannot prove you own). Even though I don't win very often, both because I am playing decks that barely qualify as T2 and I am horribly unskilled despite years of playing EDH "to win," I still get to have fun playing decks that I like to play and enjoy the aesthetic of.

    • @MisterAssasine
      @MisterAssasine 6 місяців тому

      wdym with "slight variation of your personal income"? Do you not prox?

    • @exclamation744
      @exclamation744 6 місяців тому

      ​@@MisterAssasine"my store does not allow proxying of cards you cannot prove you own." I don't own anything with Mox in the name, for example, so my mana bases would always just be worse inherently. I am not shelling out for a Mox Diamond, even though it would be a great addition to both of my decks, even if they are both Couphe decks. That is just one example. Part of my deck choices is the fact that I can't afford the most expensive game pieces because I'd like to keep my savings for something more permanent than trading cards.

  • @fredouellet3160
    @fredouellet3160 6 місяців тому +6

    Another great video! I'm glad Saffron Olive suggested your channel. For cEDH, I wish there would be a point system like canadian highlander, this way we would see a much diverse range of cards. People would have to choose between different fast mana/tutors/constistent win cons, they could not play them all in a good stuff 4 colors partner deck like blue farm! I play mostly casual, but I want to play cEDH as well. It scratches another itch. I hate that a lot of people in my LGSs prefer high power EDH. I'd rather play cEDH than high power, the pre game talk is much faster and it avoids saltiness. When playing casual, I prefer slower more janky style, but its sometimes hard to keep up.

    • @grantpolley
      @grantpolley 6 місяців тому +1

      The drawback of a point system is that it increases the impact of draw luck. Whoever draws their "point cards" the earliest is more favoured to win.

    • @raedien
      @raedien 6 місяців тому

      It wouldn't work out the way you think. The system will be optimized, always.
      Not saying that's bad, but the actual solution remains the same: actual ban list.

  • @matthewmoran1866
    @matthewmoran1866 2 місяці тому

    as a long time DnD player who's just starting to get into mtg, it's really interesting to see the commonalities between optimization in dnd and mtg. One thing that really stood out to me while watching the video's is just how similar the problem of 'hyper optimization makes everything samey' is in both cases. Obviously proxies and card costs don't have a direct comparison, but other than that, everything you were saying about how the community eventually settles on the 'best'/'optimal' choices could be directly copied into a video about dnd optimization. Both situations eventually create the same choice where each player has to decide whether they're more invested in the most fitting option for their build or the clearly superior, but generic 'optimal' choice.

  • @granite_4576
    @granite_4576 6 місяців тому +27

    Sometimes it's just nice to play a game with people who doesn't need a kiss from their mum and a little sit down if you counter their kill-on-sight commander

    • @BingbongRecto
      @BingbongRecto 6 місяців тому +2

      Your mum just makes your deck for you

    • @SimWOT
      @SimWOT 6 місяців тому +6

      I kinda agree on the sentiment, but I feel there's way better format than cEDH to have this fix.
      People need to go back playing 1vs1. if you like singleton try CanLander or dual commander if you want something closer to edh.

    • @StrongButAwkward
      @StrongButAwkward 6 місяців тому +5

      I wasn't aware that the only options were cEDH or people crying about counterspells. Man casual is play is more binary than I thought I guess.

    • @PrincetteScarecrow
      @PrincetteScarecrow 6 місяців тому +3

      @@StrongButAwkward That's the problem with any conversations around competitive vs casual edh. People will put down casual EDH by acting like the absolute worst experience they've had is just the norm. I play casual with my friend group almost every night and, while there has been some salt, most of the time it's full of laughs, jokes, cool plays, and overall an absolutely fun experience. I wouldn't keep playing casual if every game was like how people like granite claims it is. If I wanted to be as disingenuous as they are to casual players, i could say that the reason that they have these bad experiences all the time is because they don't have real friends to play with and thus can only play with randoms with completely differing expectations. That's probably not true, but neither is "every casual players whines about removal".

    • @StrongButAwkward
      @StrongButAwkward 6 місяців тому +1

      Yeah, it has "I'm not willing to engage in the process of cultivating a good group of mature casual players because they would be hard, so the solution is everyone just treating casual like no-ban list vintage so at least we're on the same page"@@PrincetteScarecrow

  • @futuretrunks9839
    @futuretrunks9839 2 місяці тому

    I often play with a fairly decent playgroup. People who are competent and skilled enough to play cEDH but chose to play lower power stuff and I love it because it often brings the perks a cEDH table brings, without the brutality and speed of a cEDH game. That being said, we only got this way because we played against other cEDH decks in a new card shop we play at. While I’ll probably never play competitive, I really appreciate the lessons learned. We now have a group that plays whatever, is happy playing whatever, and is glad the game is over in an hour or so because we get to play more games. People took their pet decks and optimized them so they have real win cons and strategies. The salt still may be there on occasion, but hardly lingers past the 5 minutes it takes to grab a new deck and shuffle up and after that it’s forgotten. And hardly anyone complains about card choice. “Rule 0” talks now are basically “play whatever, I’ll learn to deal with it or I won’t”. TLDR; while you might not be the biggest fan of cEDH, the lessons learned from dabbling in the format go an extremely long way especially with casual pods. Makes for a much better experience. So for that merit alone, I’ll defend cEDH because it mostly just does the commander format good.

  • @Hopeofhell
    @Hopeofhell 4 місяці тому

    The little line on talking to your fellow commander games spoke true to me.
    Back when i played Magic i always asked if they where using strong or more friendly and casual EDH decks, Depending on what they answered opt'ed what deck i picked.
    Something that will try and win, Or something that was goofy and fun.

  • @thelastdankbender4353
    @thelastdankbender4353 6 місяців тому +3

    The part about cEDH being less salty is painfully true. Never met a cedh player that got salty over the good plays of another player, while I can't seem to catch a casual edh game where someone doesn't start crying ('figuratively') because I targeted them or interrupted their gameplan.

  • @Chorkly
    @Chorkly 6 місяців тому +7

    Mans spitting.
    It's an interesting point regarding metas being established - ubiquitous cards and combos allows players to reach a level of understanding faster. Fewer things to learn, more focused interaction etc... And when a meta is established, counter metas are also established, so you're going in with a lot more info. As long as people have cheap access to these cards, it's all good.
    Casual EDH can sometimes lean into a "toxic casual" mindset, which can often translate to "Damn dude, just let me play what I want to play and win". It's a great point regarding unity of expectations at the table, and why often playing Cedh with randoms is more enjoyable. Whereas playing regular old EDH with friends is a blast, because you're all already getting on and don't need to align expectations pre game.

    • @curtisfarley6558
      @curtisfarley6558 6 місяців тому +1

      Yeah playing casual with people you don't know sucks. People misrepresent their power level to gain an upper hand and have opinions like "cedh is toxic, commander is a casual format".

    • @Chorkly
      @Chorkly 6 місяців тому +1

      @@curtisfarley6558 it can get pretty gnarly, but on the whole it's usually chill. Kinda why my preferred format for randoms is draft or pauper, low entry obvious goals in both! Gotta love it.

    • @Venjamin
      @Venjamin 6 місяців тому

      @@curtisfarley6558 Have a deck that equalizes itself to the table. It's fun!

    • @VexylObby
      @VexylObby 6 місяців тому

      @@curtisfarley6558 I wouldn't use as much hyperbole, and understand where other people are coming from. I think such generalization is what make people hard to be socially flexible, making games more enjoyable in the first place.
      MtG is riddled with people that have been exposed to social trauma like gatekeepers, people who have inherent social ineptitudes, negligent behavior, trolls, hyper-competitiveness. I play tons of board games, and none of their communities experience this chaos. There is something about the early culture of competitive magic that attracted these behaviors and nurtured them. All we can do is hope enough positive change happens and the game becomes diluted with casual, kind behavior.

    • @curtisfarley6558
      @curtisfarley6558 6 місяців тому +1

      @@VexylObby chaos? Social trauma? Who's being hyperbolic here? Trust that it wasn't magic that nurtured competition, it is a concept rooted in the nature of game; that someone wins. Playing for fun and playing to win is synonymous to most players. I think it's strange that a bunch of people who's intro to magic is commander, keep trying to tell people how to play the game they know so little about.

  • @Momo_pstat4
    @Momo_pstat4 6 місяців тому +2

    Cedh is such a dope format. There is something to be said about card diversity, but a part of that is the power dynamic that colors have. Blue has been given the best card draw, best interaction and some of the best wincons (with other colors). These are way more important than something like green, who’s main benifit is creature tutors (mana dorks are much slower than rocks and fast mana). If we saw some colors get some of the love that blue gets (and continues to get, looking at born upon a wind), then we would see a much more diverse metagame, and decks with more diverse cards. Some decks would be born to play the new cards in a given color, and could even play other interesting techs to fill out the card pool

    • @yurisei6732
      @yurisei6732 6 місяців тому

      That's probably challenging to get right though, because most of the advantage blue has comes from MTG's early and middle years where cards were less often designed with multiplayer power taken into consideration, and counterspells were super efficient. Colours are a bit more balanced now, but the only way to properly pull everything else up to the same level would be to deliberately neglect blue for a while, which isn't good for limited. Maybe they need to special non-set releases like Spellbooks for all colours but blue that are designed to inject those extra commander-oriented wincons, card draw and interactions directly into the commander card pool.

    • @VexylObby
      @VexylObby 6 місяців тому

      What keeps me in casual is the creativity I get to have with the theming of color identity. In cEDH, the colors only mean access to a larger card pool.

  • @xeper9458
    @xeper9458 6 місяців тому +3

    Another gem from my salt free homey! You highlighted a couple things that I find incredibly alluring- It is the premier format for upper echelon thinking both in deck construction and decision making, and the cohesive no holds barred approach that is largely missing in casual makes for a virtually salt-free environment, which I find to be the most glaring flaw plaguing the casual format. People seem to forget that 75% of the time you are a loser, the objective is to win, and it goes against the spirit of the game to be angry at someone for trying to do the exact same thing as you! If you aren't having fun playing this game no matter what, it's not meant for you. That being said keep it up my man we love you!

    • @VexylObby
      @VexylObby 6 місяців тому +1

      OR, you can have a salt-free environment, be knowledgeable about the game, and still have fun playing casual. cEDH doesn't have a patent on these things.
      And I think there are SOME things that people can not have a fun time with justifiably.

    • @xeper9458
      @xeper9458 6 місяців тому +1

      I was simply highlighting that casual can be a toxic environment due to differences of ideology@@VexylObby

    • @VexylObby
      @VexylObby 6 місяців тому

      I also think that differences can be respected, of we just had a set of common formalities of being okay with expectation not matching. Be it leaving for another pod, or trying harder to find a group that makes better sense. The game is too vast to expect any casual pod to just work. But at least we can all work on our social skills of acceptance.@@xeper9458

  • @FarNorthMtG
    @FarNorthMtG 6 місяців тому +1

    Cedh player here - I know it’s discussed in the video but I’d really like to reiterate in the comments how some of the off meta cedh decks can be so fun and incredibly rewarding to play. My pet deck is Tasha the Witch Queen and I dabble with Yennett sometimes. Other decks like Magda, gruul Etali, Ob Nixilis, Malcolm/Kediss etc can all be a ton of fun to play. I’ve been dabbling with an off meta Tymna/Dargo list lately that’s been a good time. A lot of the top decks in the tournament scene do share a lot of cards and can have similar playstyles, 5 color piles are going to have a lot of cards in common after all. However cedh is such a deep format that just looking at top decks isn’t a fully fair view of the format imo. That said, even within the top 10 Kinnan will play INSANELY differently from a blue farm and Dargo/Thrasios plays wildly differently than something like Tivit.
    For me and a lot of cedh players, the fun of the format isn’t in card variety or whatever else but in piloting your deck to the best of its ability and navigating complex board states to come out with the win
    Just wanted so say I love the format and thanks for giving it a fair shot :)

  • @MaxNewberg-r4l
    @MaxNewberg-r4l Місяць тому

    i have an theoretical argument on my website. basically, they are playing magic from a purely strategic standpoint in point of efficiency you are going to get the same deck because an optimal build will have the same archetypes of cards

  • @Teifling
    @Teifling 3 місяці тому

    This just hit my recommendations, but this opened my eyes as to why so many people in the commander facebook group I was in made the same suggestions for things like mana, removal, etc. I personally play purely at the casual level, loving budget and niche finds for my decks.

  • @JervisGermane
    @JervisGermane 6 місяців тому +2

    Shoot, maybe I should change to cEDH. I've never played it, because I always figured I couldn't afford to, but my primary complaint about regular EDH is the socially-enforced "play the way everyone else plays" mentality. It sounds like cEDH would both have more tolerance for my "let me play however I want to" mindset and be more tolerant of me proxying all the good cards I once owned but had to sell to pay the bills. And I bet I'd never get any complaints for running 7 infinite mana combos.

    • @RafaelAAMerlo
      @RafaelAAMerlo 3 місяці тому +1

      Believe me, as cEDH players we want to play against your skill, not your wallet. And bring your best to the table: the fun is in the challenge. Good luck ❤

    • @JervisGermane
      @JervisGermane 3 місяці тому

      @@RafaelAAMerlo I've quit entirely. I haven't even played a game since 2013, and I'm just torturing myself holding out hope that if I just keep trying I'll find someone to play with.

  • @SeriosSkies92
    @SeriosSkies92 6 місяців тому +1

    As a cedh player, that overlap was so much less than i would have guessed it was lol.

  • @abellia
    @abellia 6 місяців тому +12

    Great vid. Wouldnt have titled it "the problem with cedh" tho lmao