Art Isn't Fun Anymore

  • Опубліковано 24 вер 2024
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  • @Giolyne
    @Giolyne  2 місяці тому +12

    Thank you all for the heartfelt comments. Everything people have said has made me realise what i actually want from my art and where i wanna go with it, and I’m am actively executing that plan which will span over a couple of months. When i succeed i’ll share my “secrets” on how i got there. 💛

    • @No_problemo.
      @No_problemo. 2 місяці тому +1

      That’s amazing! I wasn’t familiar with your previous situation, but I’ve heard how terrible it was. I’m glad you’re enjoying art again

  • @petty_spagh3tti84
    @petty_spagh3tti84 Рік тому +257

    It's amazing how similar this is to my own situation. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one going through this

  • @laurenroper3917
    @laurenroper3917 Рік тому +185

    This randomly showed up on my feed, and if I have anything to add its this: there are people, like me, who can't even produce art, would love to be able to create things that actually look like the thing they're trying to draw. I look at your art in the same way you look at other artists, wow, I wish I was as good as that.

  • @lunarella.
    @lunarella. Рік тому +100

    i dont think you can strictly divide your art journey to beginner-intermediate-advanced. It's almost impossible for someone who is unsatisfied to keep working and not make progress in 5 years, so i think it makes more sense to think of this as a scale rather than steps

    • @Slothups
      @Slothups 7 місяців тому

      can you explain the scale please? Thanks :)

  • @MikaHyx
    @MikaHyx 8 місяців тому +60

    ''Art isn't for the weak"' Nah fr.. creating art is so difficult and takes sooo much mental energy, no wonder almost ervy artist burns out at some point...

  • @newtlovescorndogs
    @newtlovescorndogs Рік тому +87

    dude i get it. art is so subjective, which is good and cool and fun, but can also be suffocating and frustrating. i get the oxymoron but that’s the best way i can describe it lol

  • @DivineY2K
    @DivineY2K Рік тому +18

    I used to love making art before until like 2-3 years ago and suddenly drawing just frustrates me. I think when 2020 came and everyone was stuck inside I started seeing a lot of artists on social media and compared myself to them (ESPECIALLY ones younger than me) and started treating art as a competition instead of just making it for fun. Now everytime I draw I get frustrated because it doesnt look the way I want it to and I blame myself for not practicing and getting rusty so I give up and the cycle repeats.
    I mean sometimes I make stuff that I think is decent but each time they are seperated months from each other because I have art block as well..
    Feels like a chore when I try to force myself to draw
    And dont get me started as being the “artist” of the family.
    Idk. I just miss when making art was fun and I could be creative without judging myself and Im not sure this feeling will ever end honestly.

  • @cherusake
    @cherusake 4 місяці тому +3

    This is EXACTLY how I feel and I've been having to FORCE myself to do my art for the last decade. I miss feeling inspired and not caring. I hate comparing myself to others, but it's ...exhausting. I've been in the industry for 30 years, and I'm still worse than some who started last month. I just want to create things that make people feel, ...That makes me happy.
    Thank you for sharing this. I don't feel so alone.

  • @asa-pi
    @asa-pi Рік тому +53

    You're definitely not alone in your struggles. I believe anyone who has been doing art "seriously" for an extended period of time has gone through/will go through the same feelings of frustration of their skills not meeting their expectations.
    I think as artists, our art feels so personal because we put so much of ourselves in the creation of art, that we tend to feel like our art IS us. And the thing that we need to remember is that we are people outside of our art, we have life outside of art. Art is just a skill like any other and being good at it doesn't make us any better or more valuable as people. There are plenty of wonderfully kind people who aren't technically skilled at art, just as there are horrible people who are extremely skilled at art. And to be completely honest, I would much rather hang out with a kind, genuine person who isn't as skilled at art than a terrible person who's art I admire.
    The point I'm trying to make and the lesson I have had to remind myself is that we can't look at people through their art and have that be a measure of their "worth" and that INCLUDES ourselves. And we know this. In our heads, we know this. It's not like we actively think about people's value as equal to their art, but it's something that we can be unaware that we are doing subconsciously, especially towards ourselves. We need to be aware and stop ourselves when we start to go down the same spiral of thinking.
    Be kind to yourself and remember that art takes time to learn, I'm talking decades to learn. Allow yourself the time if you're willing. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and learn from them, even if you have to learn the same lesson multiple times (this happens a lot and the more it happens, the more it sticks). The people who "get good" at art are just the ones who've stuck with it, and the way they stick with it is to have fun. Really hone in what made you excited to draw, and draw that, don't think about whether or not you should draw it, just draw it. Don't forget to take the time to make art for yourself, but also remember to live life outside of art.
    At the end of the day, art is nothing; it's when we have fun that we as artists find the actual meaning in making it.
    (Sorry for the long post; this was just how I moved past my frustrations with my art and begun to draw for fun again, so I hope it can help in some way to you or anyone who happens upon this. If not, feel free to disregard, it's cool. Like I've said, these feelings come again sometimes and I have to remind myself these things again, but the more it happens, the easier it gets to remind myself and re-center my thinking. We're all on this art journey, at our own separate pace on our own separate paths, but that doesn't mean we can't try to help and encourage one another along the way. Have fun!)

    • @grenindraw6947
      @grenindraw6947 4 місяці тому +1

      Thank you alot for this, I used to adore drawing and I had a whole laundry basket full of old art from years and years
      But the last few years have taken I
      their toll, and when I draw now I get frustrated extremely easily, and quit very early
      You've given me a bit more hope

    • @Margayy
      @Margayy 3 місяці тому +1

      Thank you so much for this, i feel like lately i’ve been pressuring myself to draw to create a portfolio for commissions and also especially since art will most likely be my future career, you’ve reminded me that its ok to take a break from time to time :]

  • @klavierjustice4911
    @klavierjustice4911 Рік тому +14

    Been stuck on Art Hell for over 10 years. I totally get it. At some point, you just simply don’t care anymore. You realize that this makes you happy, you grow up and then look at your old art with a fondness you didn’t know you had in you. Kind of how a grandparent looks at a grandchild.

  • @InkPages
    @InkPages Рік тому +26

    when you said, "trying to get everything right" that hit me a bit harder

  • @samaabd5707
    @samaabd5707 Рік тому +35

    everyone had their own bath don't feel bad if there's someone faster than you in reaching their goals

  • @rlcoachshazanwich
    @rlcoachshazanwich Рік тому +26

    This whole video is a flippin mood bro. There’s not one thing you said in those 4 minutes I haven’t been thinking or feeling at some point. When I started making art. My vision was similar. Just constant day dreaming of art that blows people’s socks off. But it doesn’t come. Not for a long long time.

    • @Giolyne
      @Giolyne  Рік тому +4

      we'll get there eventually :)

  • @archliter
    @archliter Рік тому +17

    Yeah I feel this, it’s really rough but god I honestly think social media kind of killed my art drive a bit. It’s been a bit easier not posting it because I can learn in my own speed but the financial hit sucks

  • @darknessedgyik7077
    @darknessedgyik7077 Рік тому +14

    Art in a odd sense is like enlightenment. There are so many things such as: good line art, colours and anatomy. That represents a degree of "success" as an artist. The same way the intern wishes to be the CEO. The artist wishes to be that adored figure that is almost immortalised by their art. But it is and always has been a personal journey and if you remember that you'll realise one day that you've thrived in the way you wanted to. It's just that the world and everyone else is using a walking a different path. And while it may seem like someone else path is shorter because they're getting X and Z right now and everybody is cheering them on. If you stick to keeping your journey personal you'll reach the valley way more grateful than they ever could.

  • @Byeolimation
    @Byeolimation Рік тому +10

    I feel you. Every time I get an art block it’s worse than the last.

  • @UT4iTE
    @UT4iTE Рік тому +26

    i thought this was just a me issue… everything you’ve said was exactly how i’ve felt for way too long but kept for myself
    thank you for making this video

  • @temyee2
    @temyee2 Рік тому +17

    I think the concept that 20% of the effort is put to 80% of the work and 80% of the effort is given to 20% really applies here. You are at a point where your improvement is slowing down but that’s because you’ve already learned so much! The hurdle you have now isn’t there because you’re doing anything wrong, it’s because that is where you are in the process, your artistic journey. The problem is, that hurdle never truly disappears. We, as humans, tend to always move our goal posts. We must always get a little bit better. And so as that 20% turns to 10, and 5, and 2, what it will take to progress will keep increasing. In the end true “success” will be impossible. This is when we need to understand that and give ourselves room to breath. Only then will the hurdle loosen its grip on our consciousness. Only then can we see how far we’ve come.

  • @MikaHyx
    @MikaHyx 8 місяців тому +4

    I know that giving compliments or saying your art looks amazing doesn't help because I relate to you in a lot of ways. I'm currently in art school and it's very demotivating when everyone around you is making amazing art and has the best ideas you've ever seen and I'm here just trying to improve my gesture drawings, questioning how I even got into this art school. Until one of my teachers said to me that the best art and the best results are from things you wanted to create with your creativity and you wanting to have fun and not to strive to keep up with others. My art school took me in because of my creativity and my potential. Hearing that did motivated me more and made me realise how much I compare myself. I'm now trying to improve at my own pace and have fun making art. I hope I can learn to have fun in creating art again and I hope you do too.

  • @sakyqueen
    @sakyqueen Рік тому +7

    This reminds me of daniel trashers video when he gets visited by the talent fairy. She gifts him with talent but also with crippling self doubt abd perfectionisam. I think what you are going trough is a part if an artist journey. I am not an artist but my advice would be to shift focus on inside, what feels good to make, what stays true to you. Your heart told you to draw, and you listened which is amazing. You are on the right path, just follow what the silent whispers of your intuition.

  • @daddychuya
    @daddychuya Рік тому +10

    I struggle alot with consistency with art styles of my own, sometimes it takes me months to make something when its a big project that needs more than 1 art piece, since the consistency in art styles isnt something I get control over. But it takes a while and the main thing is, to enjoy what ur doing. If not taking art seriously is how you enjoy making art, keep doing that! the people who really love and enjoy ur content will find you! its just a matter of time~
    On that note, i loved the art in this video~ the process of how u draw is amazing in my opinion so keep it up!

  • @Iloveart-j9h
    @Iloveart-j9h 8 місяців тому +4

    I like your art thanks for this video I needed it

  • @avainspired
    @avainspired Рік тому +7

    i miss when art was something i filled my days doing! i love creating and making at so much but i feel like i can never MAKE myself make art, when before as a kid I couldn't stop :/

  • @jvvisuals4441
    @jvvisuals4441 Рік тому +11

    It's so easy to forget that other people can struggle with the same things when you're so caught up within the labyrinth that is your own mind, thanks so much for sharing this piece of yours. I love the girl you started to draw at the 2:30 mark btw :)

  • @maven9723
    @maven9723 Рік тому +3

    bruh. I swear I felt just like this this week. This hit me some kinda way. I just want to find that child like feeling I had when I draw again, actually enjoying myself rather than just moving on to the next piece just so I "might' hate it less..Tired of my skill level being stuck in the middle too, just..damn..

  • @Alfred_the_doodler
    @Alfred_the_doodler Рік тому +3

    Just keep going man. I spent all my kid years and 20’s constantly exploring and being lost and always reminding myself to keep things fun.
    I’m 34 now and barely noticing a kind of style I have now. But I’m pretty damn sure in another 34 years my style will morph again haha

  • @Xacris
    @Xacris Рік тому +5

    Comparison is the thief of joy

  • @SillyGoosed99
    @SillyGoosed99 2 місяці тому

    your video has just touched every feeling i have felt about art in the past few months, thank you so much for putting this out, it's actually crazy how accurate this is, straight up 1:1 experience

  • @spilledmilk5316
    @spilledmilk5316 Рік тому +11

    What a vibe. I have been feeling the exact same these past 3 years :(

    • @spilledmilk5316
      @spilledmilk5316 Рік тому +1

      I think your art is gorgeous though! Keep up the great work!

  • @N1LL0_ooo
    @N1LL0_ooo 8 місяців тому +1

    its nice to see im not the only artist going through this kind of stuff. idk if i can be considered an artist anymore since i dont draw as much cuz it wasnt fun anymore but seeing videos like this makes me want to draw more lmao.

  • @VeryEfficientBlender
    @VeryEfficientBlender 8 місяців тому +2

    Hey man, im not familiar with your work. Im a 3D animator so im not very familair with 2D but watching you draw these characters is stunning for me. I know its extremely subjective and its not about the praise or anything but if it measn anything at all, for someone like me watching you sketch that first character is mesmorising. Worth and value are always illusive and relative but if it means anything at all, for a random guy out there going through the same feeling, its inspiring. So thank you for sharing :)

  • @zusalo9618
    @zusalo9618 Рік тому +15

    Damn, dude, that's some awesome art, you are sooo cool 🤩
    and you cant be objective abt something you make, cause you see everything, you see the process, flaws etc
    but for like someone who just watch the art its just amazing piece

  • @tropicalyoshi82
    @tropicalyoshi82 8 місяців тому +1

    bro its cool how you get believable detail in the hair so fast

  • @SuperJohnsmith
    @SuperJohnsmith 7 місяців тому +1

    Tbh I know you said you're not after compliments but these look really great and they have their own style. I especially like the way you use the white on black for the hair and the patterned shadows.
    I've only been properly learning for 23 days yet I'm trying to be incredibly disciplined with it, not because I want to be good, but because I want to improve. I honestly see no value in comparing my art to yours, instead I'd rather compare it to the art I drew a few days earlier. That is not to say that seeing your art doesn't have value, it does. It is inspiring and I hope one day I can get good enough to utilize similar techniques to what you've used here.

  • @SofiiaHolovatenko
    @SofiiaHolovatenko 4 місяці тому

    Feels like I've listened to my own story of my attitude to art

    @DOCTOR.DEADHEAD 2 місяці тому

    Completely relate to all of this, but for what it's worth I find your grasp on gesture drawing and being able to add details after putting down as few lines as you do incredible (the drawing you start at 2:31 is a good example) - I need to sketch the structure of a character's body before anything or else the final thing won't look good no matter what I do, and it dampens my process a lot.
    I think that becoming jaded with our art makes us blind to our strengths a lot of times, and it's easy to forget that there are so many people out there who wish they were at your level, but to be fair it's hard for me to get out of my slumps even with that in mind :')

  • @sal5811
    @sal5811 8 днів тому

    I feel like I’ve been stuck at intermediate for years now! Some days I even feel like a beginner but I have to remind myself art progress is not linear. Slowly but surely you climb higher in skill, but sometimes it feels the exact opposite.

  • @frogsrfriends
    @frogsrfriends Рік тому +10

    1000% relate to everything you're saying. keep up the good work i believe in you! we'll get out of this slump some day (and i know you aren't looking for compliments, but for the record i think your art is great :] i'm glad youtube recs brought me to your work!)

  • @WingBrain
    @WingBrain Рік тому +1

    This is so relatable. I'm upset that I don't improve and then if I make something I don't post it and then I got upset about losing followers. It's a vicious cycle.

  • @darkercore8185
    @darkercore8185 Рік тому +4

    if what youre doing isnt working, get weird with it. that tip has helped me improve stoopid fast

    • @Giolyne
      @Giolyne  Рік тому +1

      yeah i've been trying that recently

  • @raspberryleaf258
    @raspberryleaf258 6 місяців тому

    I think that's a very great message for all types of artists or generally a n y o n e with a hobby or with literally everything you do. A lot of the times you just look at finished products and want them to be perfect, but you're gonna spend the most time of your life m a k i n g these projects and, yes of course progress is important and of course practice without the focus on things looking nice or aesthetically pleasing is important. But if you're getting lost in all of the things you feel forced to do the actual reason and the actual fun of the things vanishes. And like I mentioned already, at least 90% of the time you spend on an artwork (depends on how much you're look at it) is gonna be the creation of it.

  • @sandwich3044
    @sandwich3044 Рік тому +6

    Hello, im not sure if this will help you, but i struggled/stuggling in a similar way. It becomes way less fun when you are overthinking, or just in general thinking of every step, knowledge and detail to an obsessive degree while working. Esp as you learn. Bc it only feels comfortable once it is second nature/automatic. I think balance is key.
    Understanding you are not perfect is important to puah you to practice more, and strive for excellence. But so is allowing yourself to make bad art, to think purely on emotional impluse to draw. To understand what motivates you and moves you to draw. Put on some soul numbing music, and remind yourself to focus on the character of the person you are drawing, not fundamentals. But remind without judgement, after all it wont be easy to have two different modes for drawing. There is a time to study, but also a time to play and renew the love you feel for the craft you want to master. Good luck.

  • @AlarSenpu
    @AlarSenpu Рік тому +2

    Damn. Instead of giving my condolences like others I will be giving a suggestion, not that you have to follow it, but I highly recommend listening to it, even if what I say may end up sounding uncomfortable.
    Have you been practicing properly? There are some great videos by Marc Brunet I have been watching to help improve quicker. They aren’t those really shitty “how to” tutorials that just show you how to draw an eye in a certain way, but actual proper videos that help tell you what you need to do and/or focus on.
    Other thoughts:
    the journey of art mastery is simply never ending. Literally, until you fucking die or stop creating art, the journey will never end. There will always be an obstacle ahead, and personally that’s why I love it.
    If you have many things you want to work on, sit down, spend an hour or two creating a schedule on what you want to work on, decide it however you like, then do it.
    There is nothing wrong with having no style. Although a style can act like a commodity for social media, or for a story it isn’t necessary.
    Alternatively if you wish to have a style create a style guide, something you can reference to, so you can consistently draw in a certain way.
    When learning art fundamental focus on one thing. Youre art may turn out shitty in the end but as long as you drastically improve on that fundamental that’s all that counts.
    USE REFERENCES. If you aren’t going to use references, you are seriously handicapping your growth. Analyze and draw, analyze and draw, analyze and draw. If you’re confused on how to do something look at a reference. There is nothing embarrassing about it.
    When you’re drawing bodies plan it. It amazes me how you started your work immediately rather than shaping it from basic blocks.
    Start a project. Creative projects help push yourself. Do it, even if it ends up shitty.
    That’s all. Sorry for the harsh wording. I believe in the possibilities that is you. Love you in a non parasocial way.

  • @kakyoindonut3213
    @kakyoindonut3213 8 місяців тому +4

    "art isn't fun anymore"

  • @Echonex
    @Echonex Рік тому +2

    This video is so relatable, I'm stuck in the same position right now but with making videos. I feel like I'm getting better but I still hate 99% of the things I make. I'm so caught up with views and subscribers. It's not fun anymore. I want to go back to when I was just having fun, when there were no expectations. amazing vid

  • @VeylmanTheRock
    @VeylmanTheRock Рік тому +1

    I find myself sitting here, milkshake in hand, after having to clean up twice cause my beard is just not an ideal accessory to consume that type of beverage. Nodding along to pretty much every point you brought up, it's not even funny how often we are on the same journey as others while feeling completely alone. People hundreds of years ago were in the same position as we find ourselves in, struggling with our own shortcomings, be it art or life in general.
    All I can say to you is that I thought and said the things you have mentioned word for word before and that only you can walk the path that you're on, no one else can do it for you. As a beginner artist of coming up to 8 years, one of the things that helped me the most was separating my worth from my artistic prowess, from the value I am producing. I was so hellbent on improving that I lost sight of what I was improving for but take away the art and what is left? Still a pretty decent human being I'd say.
    Sure I'm not pumping out social media posts left and right but I'm learning to truly have fun in creating art for the first time, not just the result. After I've conquered that, finding purpose, then I can think about making it my career. It shouldn't feel like work, I need to cultivate a "want" to create.
    Hope any of this helps and thanks for sharing your view!

  • @balajibaji2449
    @balajibaji2449 Рік тому +2

    Well i get that too !When i felt like i am stuck or plateaud i always go bac and do a little bit of reverse engineering of sorts. I too wanna draw paintings that make ppl go "WoOw" but then my art doesnt look like its improving ,so what i do is look at what artworks that make *ME* GO "WOW" .Ill download all art pieces that truly amazes me and connects with me ,the artsworks that look like what i ideally wanna make ,then ill pile them all on little windows on screen and look at everything and pick certain elememts from each pieces that i wanna implement on my work and stuff that i wanna draw but i find difficult to draw .By doing this i can find what kind of style i fuk with ,what kind of paintings i wanna make and create learning structure based on it .There is always lot more of in art we can learn ,shape languages,composition,lighting,anatomy,dynamic perspective ,animals and so on.We need to split the time we spend to srt studies and personal art by 50% .We cant see improvement right away but surely in months or years .

  • @jafjafa
    @jafjafa Рік тому +2

    your art is magnificent 🤩

  • @kneesbruised7196
    @kneesbruised7196 Рік тому +3

    word for word I feel you man
    Nice to know there's at least someone else in the same sort of stuck spot. I have a hard time dedicating myself to one thing to learn because I just want to learn all of it but keep it up for sure you're doing great :)

  • @kayskaht2052
    @kayskaht2052 10 місяців тому

    LITERALLY this is how I feel as an artist. Like I've literally felt like it was all in my head. Tysm for this video! It's amazing how as artists we feel this way. It's also very sad. Because to me, your art is amazing dude! ❤️

  • @StoopidBunny
    @StoopidBunny 8 місяців тому

    Beginner artist here!! I’ve been drawing my whole life (20 years) and feel like I haven’t improved much since high school. I have a similar mentality and just wanted to say, that no matter how much you hate your art someone out there is amazed by it. Watching you draw makes me feel like “holy shit will I ever get there??” It was weirdly comforting seeing someone I look up to experience the same things I feel about my art

  • @idk-lf3dh
    @idk-lf3dh 8 місяців тому

    I feel like there's so much to learn and so little for me to learn everything there is to know about art that I feel fustrated and overwhelmed sometimes. But I drew everyday because I had to and looking back I did fucking backflips in terms of improvement. I cand and don't do digital art but as a traditional media artist I would definitely recommend getting a sketchbook and fucking around. It feels different drawing on a screen compared to feeling the pages and interacting with your work in real time. I've heard this before and ngl I agree with the statement that digital art you can make a mistake without concequences, just undo. With traditional media it's different, there concequences to your mistakes, so you learn a lot faster as a result (imo). I'm jus barely past the stage of beginner and trying my best. This is my advice but yeah

  • @Eric-yd9dm
    @Eric-yd9dm 7 місяців тому

    When I played Dark Souls the Crestfallen NPC once said "You never give up, do you? I don't know how you do it". That NPC summarized so many things in life for me, this dialogue being one of them... I think we all feel hopeless in many moments of our lives and are blinded by other bright lights, failing to realize they might be feeling as hopeless as ourselves. Don't know why, but this mindset gives me energy to keep on trying.

  • @hollowedboi5937
    @hollowedboi5937 Рік тому +1

    What I’m hearing (and what I also relate with) is an unclear goal built from a broad set of goals. Yes I also would like to get better at anatomy, color light and shading, perspective and camera angles, stylization, expression, so many things. But I know that if I tried to focus on everything, if I tried to catch every single rabbit, I wouldn’t catch one. And I would continually become discouraged from no fruits of my labor.
    I believe this is why having one clear fundamental thing to focus on for a week, month, year is something that can be honed in on and focused. Something that can be monitored of successes and failures, but overall growth over time. Allowing myself to let go of all those other aspects until I feel confortable with this one fundamental. And then I can add on another skill to work on long term. Focus on one skill instead if confusion over many.
    One I have to continually get better at is also a clear goal on the what is my art for? Where will it lead to? What do I want the fruits of my labor to be? Because often I feel that I may want a job at this or to sell my art, but am too afraid of posting because I don’t believe I deserve it or am good enough yet. This is all internal thinking, internal struggles. I feel it is something to be worked upon behind a utensil or medium, but also just within our minds and beliefs of ourselves.
    I hope we as a collective can have these introspections to learn more about ourselves and have a clearer idea of what we want from art, and from life even. Why do we do? Why are we?

  • @ZTRCTGuy
    @ZTRCTGuy 5 місяців тому

    Thing is, artists go through phases all the time. Lineart phases, paint phases, I suck phases, I suck a bit less phases. I'm getting frutrated with the amount of progress I make too but you got to put it in perspective. Getting a degree (any significant degree) takes years. After that, you're are a fresh graduate and you're really just getting started. How long does it take to be a good lawyer? a good doctor? a good engineer? Pretty long, how long do you think it will take to be a good artist? Well about as long probably. 6+ years at least.

  • @dez3320
    @dez3320 2 місяці тому

    Anyone feeling discouraged about their art, look up the quote by Ira glass. "Changed my view on the whole creative process. If it's from your mind, you're only limited by what you believe about it. Comparison is void when there are no rules

  • @nicoulrich3179
    @nicoulrich3179 8 місяців тому

    Damn bro you 100% accurately described how i feel about my drawings like you looked inside my head. I feel you.

  • @TehDanceMaster
    @TehDanceMaster 7 місяців тому

    Do it for you. No one else. Check your ego at the door, and try to remember what kinds of things make you wanna put lines down on paper as soon as you see them.

  • @Slisyg
    @Slisyg 8 місяців тому

    Ive been feeling like this lately and i couldnt even look at my own art without feeling like something wrongs

  • @droidigan
    @droidigan 8 місяців тому

    you're really hitting the nail on the head with this one. felt this so bad

  • @plushka1510
    @plushka1510 Рік тому +2

    *I used google translator to write the text because my english sucks. I hope it didn't distort the whole point too much. And I also hope that it will be useful for you.

  • @SevenSinshu
    @SevenSinshu Рік тому

    i've felt the way you felt for a while. i had no real direction or when it came to drawing the things i wanted to draw i never knew the first step to take. So with your video i understand exactly how you felt. i've been taking a course called drawbox for a while and its helped me understand what i need to do to get better daily. Consider trying this course out if u got the time / change to do so , everything in the course is free and i've felt genuine improvement since. Gl with your art journey, its not easy but struggle is what pushes us to get better :]

  • @eris_1825
    @eris_1825 Рік тому

    This video appeared in the right moment. I've been feeling exactly like that and I wish I could enjoy drawing again. I see every negative aspect about my drawings, and I'm never satisfied.
    I want to learn but the thought of it never being good enough stops me from doing it. There's a lot of things that I have to learn.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling that way. I guess I'll have to wait until my inspiration comes back.
    (Apologies for my English)

  • @peanutbutternuts1276
    @peanutbutternuts1276 Рік тому +1

    Yeah i know everyone is struggling even me when everytime i do effort to post something but sometimes it can be really frustrating when you just plan to post and every follower is not interested in your art piece is like "ok" but not interested in the feed in shown so yeah it really hates my gut to posting but nor days or effort you just got but yeah honestly just take your time and rest , like not everybody is not gonna appriciate so much just take your time and enjoy yourself whether your feeling or motivation just take time to manage your art someday :^)

  • @fernandodecarlosmalcher7977
    @fernandodecarlosmalcher7977 8 місяців тому

    man I understand you, while I don't draw, I write, I also recently haven't enjoyed it as much, there was a time where I just loved wrtting anything, even if it was bad, I felt it was great because I was hacing so much fun, but now I get to obssessed with everything, the other day I spent half an hour rewrtting a sentence, not to mention that, because I want to make a living of it, sometimes I feel pressure and think "write trying to be as good for it to be published" other times I read other pro authors and I think "there's no way I can write something like that" there's also the fear of not being good enough and my stories not reaching people, but I don't give up, because this is something that I love, and I want to work for it

  • @arc4771
    @arc4771 Рік тому

    I want to return to those good all days too..times i didn't bother about what others think.. But as I grew up I realized that it is important, because it can make you feel more happy, excited, overwhelmed, when you accomplished a work where you will be appreciated by someone afterwards..

  • @Fuzzyslippers_xoxo
    @Fuzzyslippers_xoxo Рік тому +1

    I just came across ur channel and I already love ur art🥺🥺❤️❤️

  • @Lancer95_305
    @Lancer95_305 10 місяців тому +2

    Why art gods 😭😭😭why do u torment us like this😭😭😭

  • @alkaline8681
    @alkaline8681 Рік тому

    It's not just you many artists, even the most advanced who post art every week are starting to feel the same way. Heck I've also been struggling with the same thing.

  • @moechannels6355
    @moechannels6355 Рік тому

    In my opinion, I think that the people taking leaps and bounds in there art aren't only grinding really hard or skipping steps, but are also changing. What I mean is that someone can do art over and over again, improve at the one or two things they are doing and plateau at a point. This has happened to me recently with my art, the way I got around that feeling of sameness is creating an actual comic book instead of thinking that I would do it eventually. Creating this comic has been great for me bc it has given me motivation and purpose to practice comic formatting, poses, action etc.
    The change can even be outside of art. Another example from my own life is that I have had bad vision my my entire life and it wasn't really adressed until a relatively late time in terms of getting glasses. I saw the world in a whole new light, it was like going from 360p to 4k HD, I was able to truly appreciate the world around me for not only how it looked, but also its energy. I would legit get distracted by passing clouds because of how beautiful, majestic, and ethereal they are.
    Overall, I think it boils down to perspective (pun intended), goals, and drive to learn. If you have all three of those, you will see progress!

  • @colorfulbat5782
    @colorfulbat5782 Рік тому

    Omg this is EXACTLY how I feel too. I feel like I'm not good enough. I'm mediocre at best, meanwhile others manage to get up there in a year or so. It makes me wonder why am I like this? Why am I not good enough? When will I be good enough? Social media doesn't help either. My reach is basically 0 and it hurts. It feels like I'm screaming into the void. Like I'm just invisible. And I I'm not getting better fast enough. Am I too late? Is it already over for me? Is it even worth posting anything anymore? I guess only time will tell.

  • @edgecruz4832
    @edgecruz4832 8 місяців тому

    As an Artist myself, you are not alone. There are somethings we need to let go of; we tend to be too harsh on ourselves and sell ourselves short. Art is like Boxing; you don't become a pro in one short evening. What my family always tell me is instead of looking into the present or future in your work, look back at the artwork you thought was good and compare it to your best today. You will see the change.

  • @-._.Simon._.-
    @-._.Simon._.- 5 місяців тому

    you just reflectect in that video what i am going trough right now but i feel like i am stuck at the point where i am still at intermidiate/beginner even though i do art for years, i feel like i got worse in art when i started digital drawing which was about 5 months ago and right now i am figuring out if i still want to keep going or change my art style completely or if i should just give up

  • @rulerrose8690
    @rulerrose8690 Рік тому +1

    bro, that's exactly how it's like for me

  • @veronica1784
    @veronica1784 Рік тому +1

    me for past 3 years w photography fr

  • @yash.805
    @yash.805 Рік тому +1

    i love this. relate to this on a deep level

  • @KeshoKage
    @KeshoKage Рік тому +1

    I do I different kind of Art but this spoke to me so deeply! Thank you for sharing this 😫

    • @KeshoKage
      @KeshoKage Рік тому

      And your art looks AMAZING!

  • @wildbirbs9797
    @wildbirbs9797 Рік тому +1

    You just talkrd instead of me bro it's so relatable to me

  • @24Kitsune
    @24Kitsune 3 місяці тому

    Brother, preach❤

  • @l3xitscomplicated191
    @l3xitscomplicated191 Рік тому

    Sometimes we get stuck, because there is no smaller goals.
    Understanding everything there is, to be a great artist is no small task and we usually see only a portion of it.
    Especially great artists are mostly just good in the thing they're showing the most, we cant see the roads they had to take to get there.
    A goal like, being as good as the great ones, is to abstract and probably to far in the future to notice some smaller steps we already have taken, but doing some projects which can force one to get better at certain things, can help big time in overcoming such hurdles.
    You want to get better at Anatomy, then for example, make some characters who could be used in a story, and draw them from different angles, doing different things. Draw them in different situation they could end up, or how they would react to something. Such things would force some one to learn different angles for bodies, which you might not look into, when just looking for typical references such as photos of pretty girls.
    Drawing randomly, for fun, does have its own value but it wont get you to specifically learning something new.
    Because usually human brains really like to stick to comfort zones, drawing mostly thinks we either like, or are already decently good at.
    But being forced to draw things we usually don't do, is when we learn the most. How ever its important to just do, not being afraid of mistakes, the things we are already good at, we did probably already thousand of times. Remember, the first time drawing something new, might end up horrific, but it will get better every time we try to make a new version, building of those past mistakes.
    You might try out creating character which you usually wouldn't do, a big muscular guy, or an elderly women and so on.
    For color and shading, you could try environment art, understanding what colors shadows would have and why can do wonders.
    Sometimes a yellowish shadow might appear slightly blue, and a green plant can cast a magenta shadow, but it doesn't appear to be magenta, because its closer to grey and greys can look completely different close to other colors and so on. In environment art, its easier to learn about color fundamentals, especially its more forgiving on the drawing part. A plant, a tree, some rocks, all of that isn't so unforgiving as for examples hands and feet on a character. So its easier to focus on coloring, while skin can be a tough challenge on its own.

  • @victorlogan5038
    @victorlogan5038 Рік тому

    **Me typing "but your art is really good" because I actually mean it, and it looks way better than mine- then getting to you saying not to, and then not knowing if I should say it but deciding to post entire thought process as transpired instead.** 😅 Fr though, this feeling you described is probably the most "artist" thing ever. it's hilarious how many feel this way. It's so bad that when someone even stumbles on a sketch of mine and goes, "oh, you're an artist?" my immediate reaction is to say no, or that "I draw a little sometimes" like I don't think I've earned the right to call myself an artist even when others who can't sketch at all think otherwise. Imposter syndrome is real. "Not as bad as I could be, and not as good as I wish I was." is a really infuriating place to be sometimes.

  • @cryn6519
    @cryn6519 7 місяців тому

    You’re amazing man,
    Just keep at it, celebrate art you made that you think looks cool…
    If you like the process of art, the accolades will come

  • @michaeljwoodardbestie4811
    @michaeljwoodardbestie4811 Рік тому +1

    Same!! I relate to this so much, i wanted to make a video like this

  • @coreo6688
    @coreo6688 День тому

    The problem is I don't like the act of drawing or painting, for example if I could clap for 5 minutes straight and stop feeling hungry instead of eating normally , I would "love to eat" , the end result is not what deters me , it's the activity , its just so primitive and it gives me no satisfaction at all

  • @miloe6259
    @miloe6259 Рік тому +2

    I feel so seen by this

  • @rynsart
    @rynsart Рік тому

    Everything you say, i agree with lmao. I feel the same way. Im just not having fun and i only draw once or twice a week now. I used to draw every 2 days.

  • @pauljs75
    @pauljs75 Рік тому

    One could always turn to drawing meme stuff. If one catches on you can glibly smile as you see it start showing up everywhere. You get no credit for it (being anon), but you get no detractors either. But somehow you see it liked more than any art you put out through more conventional channels.

  • @xman20003
    @xman20003 8 місяців тому +1

    i look at your art and go wow, that's amazing , comparing your skill to others is a really bad thing to do in any hobby, i am a beginner so to me your art is good, take some time to draw for fun and try find the artist you like and learn from them, look at their pieces up close and see what they are doing that you want to also do

  • @Qoxvjskabzfaizb
    @Qoxvjskabzfaizb 6 місяців тому

    art is such an emotional journey, that's part of the reason why I love art so much, also your art is absolutely amazing dude, I'm not saying that just to be nice, I mean it, your art is really freaking good.

  • @ivxn3109
    @ivxn3109 4 місяці тому

    Just one word: *Real*

  • @vultureiraq1168
    @vultureiraq1168 10 місяців тому +1

    Wow... your amazing dude 🤩

  • @unknownentity2352
    @unknownentity2352 7 місяців тому

    My take is that your art isnt consistent because you're always changing. youre a person having a different experience every time you open a new canvas, or even the same one. Expecting perfect congruence within every line your draw at any moment, despite all the other factors of life, how much sleep you got, what you ate most recently, the last conversation you had, it all changes you in some minute way. Every time you draw, you're a slightly different person than you were before. Expecting linear improvement or pressuring yourself to improve can be actively detrimental to your art and your experience making art. Don't compare yourself to others. Distance yourself from social media, only use it to post your work even, whatever it takes to feel that dark cloud over your head dissipate.
    It looks like you generally have your fundamentals down so just continue honing what you want to do in your art and what makes you happy.
    tldr; try to have a more positive relationship with art, its only as grueling as you perceive it to be, own worst critics yadda yadda

  • @LilacKoi
    @LilacKoi 9 місяців тому

    thank you for posting this. im also in a rut with my art :'(

  • @Lar_me
    @Lar_me 8 місяців тому

    I don't mean for this to come across as offensive to anyone, but the things said here really emphasize why I support AI art.
    The feeling of dismay at comparing oneself to others, the frustration of not knowing if you're improving, the constant craving to try to impress people... All of these things are draining on a person's mental health, and these are things traditional artists experience constantly. I tried art for a little while, but I quit because the stress of it would make me vomit at times.
    As image generators get better and better, everyone will be able to create exactly what they want to, and most of all, be able to ENJOY doing it. People will be able to share all kinds of interesting pieces with each other, and when the AI can produce any concept perfectly, nobody will feel self-conscious. Art will solely be about fun and escapism again.

  • @Ocha431
    @Ocha431 8 місяців тому +3

    aint no way you just said your art sucks bro, your art is amazing you've got too much imposter syndrome dud

  • @RosenEagle
    @RosenEagle 5 місяців тому

    if it really gets to you, how good everyone on the internet seems to be at anatomy and that stuff, something i recommend is to stop for some days looking on that side of the internet, maybe even a little break from drawing if you feel pressured, go out and take a trip to a museum instead, look at old famous paintings, and you might find that there will be alot of wrong anatomy, if you really look. ofc idk what kind of genre of art you make and that also can depend, but even realism painting got some "mistakes" but thats not what mattered clearly, else they wouldnt have ended up in a goddam museum, there will always be mistakes, no its something else that drew people in about those paintings, what was that?

    • @Giolyne
      @Giolyne  3 місяці тому +2

      yeah i haven’t been on social media as much and it’s definitely made drawing a little less daunting.

  • @blissfulblues7489
    @blissfulblues7489 3 місяці тому

    Literally me 😔

  • @Zidane111
    @Zidane111 2 місяці тому

    Love your style

  • @sakurazukamorisubaru
    @sakurazukamorisubaru Рік тому +1


  • @hellodelightfulrando
    @hellodelightfulrando Рік тому +1

    Big mood friend ❤️