Impact Days 2023: The First Business Summit on Social, Green and Impact Economy from Moldova

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Impact Days is the first edition of the internationla conference from the Republic of Moldova which held 170 participants, among which were investors, entrepreneurs, decision factors, philanthropists and other representatves of the sector of investitions. The goal of the event was to encourage the collaboration between people involved in a ecosystem to make impact investitions for a better future.
    Organizators of IMPACT DAYS: EcoVisio (Platform for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova), East Europe Foundation and ADV Romania.
    *This project is funded by the European Union, co-funded by Sweden and implemented through the East Europe Foundation in partnership with the European Business Association and Contact Centre; through the project “Collaborate for Impact” financed by the European Union and implemented by EVPA and 5 partners from Eastern Europe; co-financed by IM Swedish Development Partner; by the Development Facility of the European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE DF); by the UNDP Moldova; by the Future Technologies Activity (FTA), funded by USAID, Sweden and UKaid.