Canadian National's Fallen Flag Railroads

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TheWinnipegRailfan
    @TheWinnipegRailfan  Рік тому +5

    Out of CN's Fallen Flags, which is YOUR favorite?
    It's the Grand Trunk. It BETTER BE... jk lol

  • @bo-rale584
    @bo-rale584 10 місяців тому +4

    You may want to do a little more research, BC Rail is a crown corporation owned by the British Columbia Government. The assets were leased to CN for $550 million upfront and (up to) 60 years of annual payments of $22.5 million. The President of BC Rail is an employee by the British Columbia Legislature, and not CN. There is a line item in CN's annual report every year denoting this.

    • @solutions2exist556
      @solutions2exist556 8 місяців тому +1

      Excellent comment! Thanks for the information.

  • @MrRailfanner206
    @MrRailfanner206 6 місяців тому +1

    WC is my favorite

  • @christopherescott6787
    @christopherescott6787 Рік тому +3

    06:03. Epic catch!!!!!!!!

  • @Lower_Mainland_Railfan
    @Lower_Mainland_Railfan Рік тому +4

    IC is my Favorite One

  • @WisconsinRailProductionsoff
    @WisconsinRailProductionsoff 5 місяців тому +1

    I’ve seen IC 1023, 1007, and 1001

  • @MisatoBestWoman
    @MisatoBestWoman 8 місяців тому +2

    I wish I could see a Canadian National locomotive, and any of the other companies, but they're probably exclusive to America, I see Canadian Pacific locomotives, when I can catch a train which is rare for me. Actually I was very lucky to catch the Holiday train twice!
    I'd love to see the new Canadian Pacific heritage units dedicated to our Veterans.
    Oh my gosh a BC Rail loco! 8:07 woah a slug car cool!

  • @James_Knott
    @James_Knott 10 місяців тому +3

    You only covered recent acquisitions. CN was originally formed from several bankrupt lines, including Grand Trunk.
    Former CN Telecommunications employee here.

    • @TheWinnipegRailfan
      @TheWinnipegRailfan  10 місяців тому +1

      Yeah, I would've loved to include older stuff like the NAR, PGE, GTP, but there's no units left with those road names/paint. I wish CN would honor more of their history.

    • @ramblerdave1339
      @ramblerdave1339 8 місяців тому

      ​@@TheWinnipegRailfan Yes, GT always had the same paint scheme and logos of the parent company, and the dispatcher who I lived next door to in the 60s, was Canadian. Their logo ( previous to the GT logo) had a maple leaf background.

  • @ThePrairiesRailfan
    @ThePrairiesRailfan Рік тому +3

    Yo Winnipeg railfan, I’m in Winnipeg as well, I know a lot about trains so I find it cool that I got some railfans in Winnipeg, I railfan at saint Boniface

  • @HDCanadianTrainVideos
    @HDCanadianTrainVideos 5 місяців тому

    Do you have a link to the video at 0:05 with the GWWD detailing? I'd like to watch!

  • @railvideosbc
    @railvideosbc 9 місяців тому

    6:00 did that SD70M-2 just quill the horn??!! Never heard them do that before

  • @randydobson1863
    @randydobson1863 Рік тому +2

    hello the winnipeg railfan it's is randy and i like yours video thanks and video is super cool the winnipeg railfan thanks friends randy and mr.canadian 2036

    • @TheWinnipegRailfan
      @TheWinnipegRailfan  Рік тому

      Hello randy thanks it's winnipeg railfan and thanks mr.canadian 2036 and

  • @Barbac62
    @Barbac62 10 місяців тому +1

    At 4:10 you have quite the colourful lashup

  • @kelvintorrence5994
    @kelvintorrence5994 11 місяців тому +2

    all their locos are still in the old roads colors, so they dont have too paint them

  • @ThePrairiesRailfan
    @ThePrairiesRailfan Рік тому +3

    Canadian pacific has interesting fallen flags of company’s they bought out, There’s still unpatched SOO Line, “fun fact I’m the real soo line in the background real” and Delaware and Hudson ETC

  • @gregoryhainsworth2663
    @gregoryhainsworth2663 5 місяців тому

    GTW was controlled by CN since the 1920's.

  • @CentralCanadaRailfan
    @CentralCanadaRailfan Рік тому +3

    I LovE bc raik!!

  • @robertculpepper761
    @robertculpepper761 11 місяців тому +2

    Ic. Should have never sold out

  • @TheQuebecRailfan
    @TheQuebecRailfan 5 місяців тому

    So Cn would have to make more heritage unit ?

  • @maplesyrup_railfan
    @maplesyrup_railfan Рік тому +2

    403 IS A HUMP UNIT????

    • @TheWinnipegRailfan
      @TheWinnipegRailfan  Рік тому +1

      It was, in 2018, lol. I think it's in Thunder Bay right now, hopefully it comes back one day, lol