Everytime I view one of these "top adventure" videos, It just upsets me that I can't quit my job and leisure time and just get it done! Thanks for taking the time (most have no idea of the time and creativity it takes to make a wonderful video like this) to make this my friend!
Actually there are really few good adventure games and each game can be quite short (when using a walkthrough to bypass the most ridiculous puzzles), so adventure games are the one genre where you don't need to quit your job. Whereas games like MMO you need an eternity to play
Hi guys, My new point and click adventure "Stone Mirth on Earth" Wishlist now on Steam. store.steampowered.com/app/1905930/Stone_Mirth_on_Earth/ twitter.com/mirth_on check out my first game "The Secrets of Jesus". It's a classic point and click adventure game about Jesus. It is available now on Steam and itch.io . I hope you like it. store.steampowered.com/app/1142230/The_Secrets_of_Jesus/ amir-matouk.itch.io/thesecretsofjesus
Nice list! I’ll mention: Kings Quest Series, Space Quest Series, Quest for Glory Series, the Adventures of Willy Beamish, Legend of Kyrandia Series, Loom, Full Throttle, Thimbleweed Park, and The Walking Dead.
Thank you... I enjoyed broken sword, thimble weed park, Kathy rain, infamous machine, Randals Monday, journey down, perils of man, monkey island, broken age, Harvey's new eyes, Fran bow, Dog Mendoca, Oxenfree, Grimm Fandango, Too many to Mention....I like the story point and click and many moons ago ( ssshhhh - give my age away... Hahaha) what got me started was the original pixel leisure suit larry, kings quest and space quest... On floppy disk - They didn't even have faces back then..... Whahaha. Whew Memories.... I don't like dying or getting killed and having to start the games over - drives me nuts! Love a a great story line.. Dark, humerous or just plain odd . 👏🙌
Unfortunately I didn't fully experience the games on floppy disks. It must have been a good time :) what got me started was Full Throttle I think but not the remastered version :D I love point and click adventure games so I developed one too. Yeah I don't like dying or getting killed too, that doesn't go with this genre.
My personal favourite is Simon the Sorcerer as well I think, Monkey Island coming second but could be nº1 just like Gabriel Knight, Sam & Max or Day of the Tentacle for some people.
I know this series. I also created my game with AGS :) I played 5 days... and 6 days.... but didnt play 7 days and Trilby's notes, someday I will play them.
Personally I also would like to add: The Black Mirror (especially 1, but 2 and 3 are good as well), Gabriel Knight - The beast within, Secret Files - Tunguska, Space Quest series, Leisure Suit Larry 1 (imho the best in the series) and Phantasmagoria 1.
A really nice work your video! I've played the LucasArts, Sierra and other classics and loved them. I will definitely check those I don't know. Thank you.
im looking for an old P&C game about a detective that lives in a semi futuristic city and finding clues about a murder or something, only thing i remember is that it was somewhere around 2007 i think, anyone know that? Its graphics were not cartoony
This is difficult. More info please. But you can check this out: Goin' Downtown, Culpa Innata, Blade Runner, The Moment of Silence, Secret Files: Tunguska, Hotel Dusk Room 215, Memento Mori.
There was a trilogy by Access: Under a Killing Moon, Pandora Directive and Overseer. The detective's name was Tex Murphy. They are quite older - the first was released circa 1997 - and they are definitely missing from this list.
hey all, i rembember an adventure game the artcover was a woman holding a severed head on a plate and i think it was set in ancient times but i cant remember the name , please if anyone can help me with the title?
I know the most point and click adventure games since Maniac Mansion 1987. I dont think there is such a cover of a point and click game. Maybe it's an action-adventure game.
Are you thinking of Lure of the Temptress? What you’re describing almost sounds like Salome holding the head of John the Baptist, which I don’t think was ever made into an adventure game.
Welther47 That seems to be the case. I looked it up and sure enough, David Hayter does the voice for Old Rufus in Deponia - Doomsday, released in March 2016.
I totally forgot Beneath a Steel Sky, it could be at number 6 on my top 20 and because I regretted it, I did a walkthrough to punish myself, so I played it 3 times :D . I like the space quest series and Maniac Mansion but I wouldn't put them on my to 20 list. It's a matter of taste :) Full Throttle is a great game but it's too short and I did'nt like the bike fights at all.
Hello :) maybe someone could help me... I am searching for a game I used to play when I was younger. It is also a click adventure game and as far as I know it is a series. I remember one being about a monster and you are investigating with a female character at the graveyard. In another one you are on a train and in another one in a theatre. It was very dark inspired but really interesting due to its riddles. Oh and one game of the series was about a snake and I remember this woman wearing a crown that was snake inspired. In all of them you played a woman as a character and if u clicked too often you would lose. Maybe it is also important to mention that it is not a game u buy in the store but you can play it for free online, however, it was really good, especially the riddles. Does anyone know the name of it?
yeah i played them too , they are cool . According to the games u said so u like this style of graphic 3D , did u play lost horizon , the dark eye memoria , the dark eye chains of satinav , Moebius empire rising ? u will like them .
Future games studio developers that made and started off black mirror series, nibiru, tale of hero, alter ego had been bankcrupted and destroyed. I wanna kill myself
anyone remember the name of the game in which you could take the appearance of someone you had previously talked to ? it was an adventure point to click game, might have included puzzles, my memory is terrible. you were having some advanced technology (i think) that let you morph into other people so you could talk to other people making them think you were the person you were morphed into. if i remember correctly, you were dealing with people that did not have that advanced technology. i remember at the end, someone asks you to take your true appearance and the game gives you the choice to morph into anything including your un-morphed form... or well i think.. anyone remember this ?
Hey guys! I'm looking for an old point and click PC game i used to play when i was 9 years old, so around 2007-2009 maybe even 2010. It was about a man and he was looking for his wife. The genres are Puzzle, point and click, adventure, mystery and hidden object. The graphics were really nice and realistic not cartoony. One of the things i remember about it is at the start you're locked in a room and you have to find items to help you get out, i'm pretty sure you like start a fire or something and that helps you get out, sorry its been about 10 years so my memory is bad lol. I've been searching the internet for days and went through hundreds probably even thousands of games and i still have no luck. Sadly i don't remember any character names or publisher names. Let me know if you know a game like the one i described! Thanks and sorry for long comment. :)
"There's this one game I'm trying to remember from when I was a little kid (early 90's). Literally, the only things I can remember about it is this...It's a pc game. These 2 chicks (might have been princesses) who look exactly alike are fighting each other in one of those cartoony cloud fights (all you see is a cloud with fists and stuff). You're supposed to click on the right one (I think), or you lose... The game might have been medieval themed. I have a hard time remembering any details about the game itself. I was extremely little. Just remember me and my sister taking turns playing it. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd be greatful."
king's quest serie is good especially the remakes of them but not in my top 20 because of kings quest 7 and 8 , kings quest 8 mask of eternity is disaster , kings quest 9 i didnt play it yet but i will soon . Black Mirror 1 2 3 are very good too nice story and excellent atmosphere .
I’ve been looking for a, i think japanese game, where you play as a doll and you solve puzzels and find bits of clothes. It looks as the style of machinarium but it’s nowhere to be found
it' a matter of taste , Touché the adventures of the fifth musketeer is also a cool adventure game , but unfortunately it's not in my top 20 , it would be on the 21 place :)
;-) Adventure-Treff Tummelplatz der Point&Click Ultras :-D Ernsthaft: Eine wirklich tolle Community, die viel zur Finanzierung dieses Spiels beigetragen hat.
Can you guys help me finding a game that I played as a child, the story is about a guy who want to be a knight but only have a donkey, not a white horse, so he managed to paint his donkey with white paint, im not sure, and the ending is, he saved princess from robot dragon, please help me
I'm trying to find a point and click game, that in the beginning, you are in a pub or bar and it kinda makes you think of the "Cheers" tv show, and everyone in the bar is an alien in disguise I think. Dang I wish I could remember the name of it!
hmmmm maybe u mean The Feeble Files ? there is aliens and a bar in the game but that not in the beginning :/ or space quest 6 ? also aliens in the bar almost in the beginning , check those out .
No those aren't what I was looking for, but thank you for the suggestions! I wish I could remember more specific details about it. It had the look and gameplay of Space Quest except it took place on earth, I think.
Amigo Ufo - Hey I found it! It's called "Callahan's Crosstime Saloon" Hopefully it works on Win10 OS, I just paid someone $20 for it on Ebay! Thanks again for your help!
Aaaaaaaaah Callahan's Crosstime Saloon :D i played it a long time ago i was a kid :D , it will not work without Dosbox i guess , you should download Dosbox latest version (its free) then run the game with DosBox .
Anna’s quest is nice but not on my own top 20 list. South Park stick of destiny is not a pure adventure game, rather RPG and Action. The pillars of earth was disappointment to me, there were almost no puzzles. Only through decisions and so simply. The Graphics and the story are great.
Do u mean cartoon art 2D and comedy? Detective Gallo, Deponia, The Wardrobe, The Inner World, Runaway, Tsioque, The Next Big Thing, Nelly Cootalot the Fowl Fleet.
I need to find a point n click adventure series game. The firdt one starts on a ship, and you are a female reporter, with short red hair, and suddenly you are attacked by a tribe of natives.
Are you sure about the informations ?!?! it occurred to me some games , Journey to the Center of the Earth ,The Legend of Crystal Valley . Secret Files 1, 2, 3, 4 . So Blonde . Laura Bow 1 ,2 . check them out , maybe one of them ?
You should really play KQ 3-5, KQ 1 and 2 are a bit outdated(still pretty good, but more keyword games than point and click), but 3-5 are all fantastic.
You neglected to add any sleuthing such as "Sherlock Holmes", or Agatha Christie... those were also well met classics. Oh, and the Disc World series... CLASSICS!! In perspective, the Kings Quest series was also wonderful, yeah.
Половина игр - просто мусор, зато нет шедевров вроде Machinarium или Botanicula или игр серии Rusty Lake. Deponia на самом деле очень переоцененная серия, выполнена она качественно, но юмор настолько плоский, что от него порой тянет блевать, про сюжет и персонажей (а особенно омерзительного главного героя) вообще молчу. The Whisped World тоже в топку, такой же мусор от той же компании, очень скучная игра и концовка слита в унитаз (графическое исполнение и звуковое, конечно, шикарны, но для игры этого мало). Да и много какого-то старья в списке, по которому, видимо, ностальгируют американские миллениалы. Это как если бы у нас включали в топы серию квестов "Петька и Василий Иванович" (надеюсь, так никто не делает, лол).
On your list :) I mentioned once here in the comments why full throttle is not there on my list. It's very short and these fights on the bike are very difficult and I didn't like them at all. But of course it's a great game. I only regret forgetting about Beneath a Steel Sky. It should be top 5 or 6.
please make list of original games not cartoon. like syberia, lost chronicles of zerzura, next life, sinking island, Memento Mori , Lost Horizon, Secret Files, black mirror.
I actually do like first-person adventure games too but myst hmm i kinda don't like it , i know it's a classic adventure game and it's very popular but i really don't like it , don't ask me why :)
Everytime I view one of these "top adventure" videos, It just upsets me that I can't quit my job and leisure time and just get it done! Thanks for taking the time (most have no idea of the time and creativity it takes to make a wonderful video like this) to make this my friend!
Actually there are really few good adventure games and each game can be quite short (when using a walkthrough to bypass the most ridiculous puzzles), so adventure games are the one genre where you don't need to quit your job. Whereas games like MMO you need an eternity to play
Honorable mention goes to the too often forgotten but great "Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth".
Hi guys,
My new point and click adventure "Stone Mirth on Earth" Wishlist now on Steam.
check out my first game "The Secrets of Jesus". It's a classic point and click adventure game about Jesus. It is available now on Steam and itch.io . I hope you like it.
Great top and the comments recommendations are so good, I'll do my part "Machinarium" is my chosen ❤️
Broken Sword 1 is a masterpiece.
Nice list! I’ll mention: Kings Quest Series, Space Quest Series, Quest for Glory Series, the Adventures of Willy Beamish, Legend of Kyrandia Series, Loom, Full Throttle, Thimbleweed Park, and The Walking Dead.
Legend of Kyrandia... I looked for it for such a long time. And then I find it on random video....
played the dig when had slipped disk and a two week bed rest. its truly underrated
For me I started with the Legend of the Kyrandia series and Beneath a Steel Sky so those are very memorable to me
Yeah especially Beneath a Steel Sky is gorgeous
I caught that with the Gabe Knight game... nice transition between the original and the 20th Anniversary Edition, WELL MET!
Thank you...
I enjoyed broken sword, thimble weed park, Kathy rain, infamous machine, Randals Monday, journey down, perils of man, monkey island, broken age, Harvey's new eyes, Fran bow, Dog Mendoca, Oxenfree, Grimm Fandango, Too many to Mention....I like the story point and click and many moons ago ( ssshhhh - give my age away... Hahaha) what got me started was the original pixel leisure suit larry, kings quest and space quest... On floppy disk - They didn't even have faces back then..... Whahaha. Whew Memories....
I don't like dying or getting killed and having to start the games over - drives me nuts! Love a a great story line.. Dark, humerous or just plain odd . 👏🙌
Unfortunately I didn't fully experience the games on floppy disks. It must have been a good time :) what got me started was Full Throttle I think but not the remastered version :D I love point and click adventure games so I developed one too. Yeah I don't like dying or getting killed too, that doesn't go with this genre.
10:24 "I have to get to Corona really fast"
No problem mate, just visit 2020!
I already gave your vid a thumbs up when I heard the “Loom” theme music at the beginning.
I really couldnt figure that game out as a kid. I tried though
Gabriel Knight was also an amazing game. One of the best.
Also back in the day one of my favorite was Laura Bow and the dagger of amon ra
Simon 2 started it all for me.
Great video!
Zak McKracken, Police Quest I & II, Maniac Mansion 💥
I like them too.
My personal favourite is Simon the Sorcerer as well I think, Monkey Island coming second but could be nº1 just like Gabriel Knight, Sam & Max or Day of the Tentacle for some people.
Play Trilby's series.
Trilby's notes
5 days a stranger
6 days a sacrifice
7 days a skeptic
Really worth it.
I know this series. I also created my game with AGS :) I played 5 days... and 6 days.... but didnt play 7 days and Trilby's notes, someday I will play them.
So the Black mirror series which is my top, are the 21st?
Personally I also would like to add: The Black Mirror (especially 1, but 2 and 3 are good as well), Gabriel Knight - The beast within, Secret Files - Tunguska, Space Quest series, Leisure Suit Larry 1 (imho the best in the series) and Phantasmagoria 1.
What is the song at 10:30 ? .... it sounds like cranberries but i couldnt find it ... help me out pls :)
Right like cranberries, but its not. It's Vera Dominguez. ua-cam.com/video/Vijvw1xhZf4/v-deo.html
Everyone seems to hate on the Dig. I've always thought it was great. I just replayed it last month and it still holds up.
A really nice work your video! I've played the LucasArts, Sierra and other classics and loved them. I will definitely check those I don't know. Thank you.
Thank u too :)
**Sings** And these are a few of my favorite games!
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️ I'm sooooo excited even watching em❤️
im looking for an old P&C game about a detective that lives in a semi futuristic city and finding clues about a murder or something, only thing i remember is that it was somewhere around 2007 i think, anyone know that? Its graphics were not cartoony
This is difficult. More info please. But you can check this out: Goin' Downtown, Culpa Innata, Blade Runner, The Moment of Silence, Secret Files: Tunguska, Hotel Dusk Room 215, Memento Mori.
There was a trilogy by Access: Under a Killing Moon, Pandora Directive and Overseer. The detective's name was Tex Murphy. They are quite older - the first was released circa 1997 - and they are definitely missing from this list.
Why were point and click adventures so big in germany even when they stopped being made by the rest ?
Good choices overall.. A few missing titles (like Book of unwritten tales and The Tex murphy Trilogy) but nevertheless a really good choice.
My all-time favorite is Freddy Pharkus Frontier Pharmacist. I was surprised it wasn't even mentioned by anyone in the comments.
Excelentes recomendaciones
hey all, i rembember an adventure game the artcover was a woman holding a severed head
on a plate and i think it was set in ancient times but i cant remember the name , please if anyone can help me
with the title?
I know the most point and click adventure games since Maniac Mansion 1987. I dont think there is such a cover of a point and click game. Maybe it's an action-adventure game.
@@prinzderdunkelheit1 i found it ua-cam.com/video/IMhJGPht5Jk/v-deo.html
Are you thinking of Lure of the Temptress? What you’re describing almost sounds like Salome holding the head of John the Baptist, which I don’t think was ever made into an adventure game.
i have no mouth and i must scream is here? like!!
Could you tell me name of the song in beggining? Thank you
Yeah , that's the soundtrack of loom :) . Loom is also a fantastic adventure game by LucasArts .
Amigo Ufo Thank you bro😉
my pleasure .
1:13 WTF Is that Solid snake? haha - david hayter.
That seems to be the case. I looked it up and sure enough, David Hayter does the voice for Old Rufus in Deponia - Doomsday, released in March 2016.
Good spotting! I bought that game month or 2 ago nd havent got around to it yet... it's now top of my list haha
Beneath a Steel Sky, Space Quest, Maniac Mansion, Full Throttle should be here also.
I totally forgot Beneath a Steel Sky, it could be at number 6 on my top 20 and because I regretted it, I did a walkthrough to punish myself, so I played it 3 times :D . I like the space quest series and Maniac Mansion but I wouldn't put them on my to 20 list. It's a matter of taste :) Full Throttle is a great game but it's too short and I did'nt like the bike fights at all.
@@prinzderdunkelheit1 you're right, Maniac Mansion and Full Throttle are just honorable mentions but Steel Sky is one of the best stories for me.
OMFG, I just had flashbacks of MGS1 at 1:15 .. :(
Syberia as well
Snes Clock tower? One of the first point-and-click on console and a great gem
Clock tower is survival horror adventure game, not pure adventure game but anyway I love clock tower 1995. I didnt play yet Clock tower 2 and 3.
Hello :) maybe someone could help me... I am searching for a game I used to play when I was younger. It is also a click adventure game and as far as I know it is a series. I remember one being about a monster and you are investigating with a female character at the graveyard. In another one you are on a train and in another one in a theatre. It was very dark inspired but really interesting due to its riddles. Oh and one game of the series was about a snake and I remember this woman wearing a crown that was snake inspired. In all of them you played a woman as a character and if u clicked too often you would lose. Maybe it is also important to mention that it is not a game u buy in the store but you can play it for free online, however, it was really good, especially the riddles. Does anyone know the name of it?
Unfortunately I cannt help you. There are tons of free online games and all of them are unknown as the commercial games. I don't play online games.
@@prinzderdunkelheit1 hello! Thank you for your reply, I found it today and it is called Arcane Online Mystery Serial :)
@@ricardo8263 Ah cool. It looks really good.
To me it's Black Mirror 2, 3 and best of the best - Gray Matter. It`s 2017 and I still cannot find anything like it.
yeah i played them too , they are cool . According to the games u said so u like this style of graphic 3D , did u play lost horizon , the dark eye memoria , the dark eye chains of satinav , Moebius empire rising ? u will like them .
Thanx, I`ll check them out!
ur welcome :)
Im getting tears of hearing the Simon and Sorcerers ending.Its so damn good. We need more of these sort of games pliiz.
The same thing happens to me .
Hey can you write the game list in the video description?
It's rather long video and it's tedious to scan the video to look for the title
Oh sorry. That's a good idea, i will. By the way 31:02
Future games studio developers that made and started off black mirror series, nibiru, tale of hero, alter ego had been bankcrupted and destroyed. I wanna kill myself
anyone remember the name of the game in which you could take the appearance of someone you had previously talked to ?
it was an adventure point to click game, might have included puzzles, my memory is terrible.
you were having some advanced technology (i think) that let you morph into other people so you could talk to other people making them think you were the person you were morphed into.
if i remember correctly, you were dealing with people that did not have that advanced technology. i remember at the end, someone asks you to take your true appearance and the game gives you the choice to morph into anything including your un-morphed form... or well i think.. anyone remember this ?
The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time
@@warrenpreston9281 wow man, thanks alot
Hey guys! I'm looking for an old point and click PC game i used to play when i was 9 years old, so around 2007-2009 maybe even 2010. It was about a man and he was looking for his wife. The genres are Puzzle, point and click, adventure, mystery and hidden object. The graphics were really nice and realistic not cartoony. One of the things i remember about it is at the start you're locked in a room and you have to find items to help you get out, i'm pretty sure you like start a fire or something and that helps you get out, sorry its been about 10 years so my memory is bad lol. I've been searching the internet for days and went through hundreds probably even thousands of games and i still have no luck. Sadly i don't remember any character names or publisher names. Let me know if you know a game like the one i described! Thanks and sorry for long comment. :)
Gone Home?
@@prinzderdunkelheit1 No, sorry but thanks for reply! i don't think its a popular game or i would have found it already haha.
I know exactly what series you're talking about, and I can't remember the name either smh!! It was a nerdy white dude playing the main character
No Discworld ?
I love deponia so much it is just the best of Them all
For me #1 IndianaJones the fate of Atlantis and second the longest journey. As for your top 20 i give you 5*****5 all Gr8 choices!!!
yeah that's a matter of opinion , thank u man :)
"There's this one game I'm trying to remember from when I was a little kid (early 90's). Literally, the only things I can remember about it is this...It's a pc game. These 2 chicks (might have been princesses) who look exactly alike are fighting each other in one of those cartoony cloud fights (all you see is a cloud with fists and stuff). You're supposed to click on the right one (I think), or you lose...
The game might have been medieval themed. I have a hard time remembering any details about the game itself. I was extremely little. Just remember me and my sister taking turns playing it. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd be greatful."
This sounds familiar and not at the same time
Syberia 2!!!!!17’ wtf!!!!
yes...no one,of the Black Mirror Serie and whats about the Kings Quest Serie?
king's quest serie is good especially the remakes of them but not in my top 20 because of kings quest 7 and 8 , kings quest 8 mask of eternity is disaster , kings quest 9 i didnt play it yet but i will soon . Black Mirror 1 2 3 are very good too nice story and excellent atmosphere .
the best fran bow
right the best adventure horror game ever , i love it too :)
me too, actually that's why i'm here :D
great list for me its missing. toon struck. fable. phantasmagoria.
Man I loved the bladerunner pc game
Oh yeah Blade Runner is a wonderful adventure game.
Somehow I still remember all the dialogs from the Toonstruck
That's my favorite game.
Have you played Machinarium and the Dream machine? Those two definitely are in my favourites as well.
Yes, Machinarium is great. I've also played dream machine but only the first 4 chapters.
I’ve been looking for a, i think japanese game, where you play as a doll and you solve puzzels and find bits of clothes. It looks as the style of machinarium but it’s nowhere to be found
i would move 18-20 way higher
at least more than leisure suit larry..
Why no TOP LIST video mentions Touché: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer?
it' a matter of taste , Touché the adventures of the fifth musketeer is also a cool adventure game , but unfortunately it's not in my top 20 , it would be on the 21 place :)
It is for android ?
which game?
Game me list of the games for android from this video
@@vw3913 Yes i think all of them. You can search in your App-store.
I want to give this a like but it says 420
Have you tried out my new "Made in Germany Adventure" Space Geekz???: store.steampowered.com/app/661550/Space_Geekz__The_Crunchy_Flakes_Conspiracy/
Noch nicht . Und ich hab schon deinen Beitrag im Forum von Adventure-Treff gesehen , bin auch da :D . Ich probiere es bald ;) . Sieht cool aus .
;-) Adventure-Treff Tummelplatz der Point&Click Ultras :-D Ernsthaft: Eine wirklich tolle Community, die viel zur Finanzierung dieses Spiels beigetragen hat.
Ja das stimmt Tummelplatz und tolle Community . Da fühl ich mich wie zu Hause :D
Can you guys help me finding a game that I played as a child, the story is about a guy who want to be a knight but only have a donkey, not a white horse, so he managed to paint his donkey with white paint, im not sure, and the ending is, he saved princess from robot dragon, please help me
Hmmmm Tick's Tales? Touché: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer? The secret of Donkey island - But he is a pirate not a knight.
Okay, but how the fk did leisure suit larry beat the longest journey?!?!!? >:C it makes me angry. ;c
The reason is that they are my OWN top 20 adventure games :) you see it differently. Plus, Larry 7 has a nostalgic bonus to me :)
Syberia 1 is the best bro
Machinarium to me is the best
Machinarium is also a good game.
Amanita is releasing a Machinarium style game called Creaks next year! Looks promising!
Obrigado por lembrar do jogo The Dig, é um ótimo game!
Si. Obrigado também :D
I'm trying to find a point and click game, that in the beginning, you are in a pub or bar and it kinda makes you think of the "Cheers" tv show, and everyone in the bar is an alien in disguise I think. Dang I wish I could remember the name of it!
hmmmm maybe u mean The Feeble Files ? there is aliens and a bar in the game but that not in the beginning :/ or space quest 6 ? also aliens in the bar almost in the beginning , check those out .
No those aren't what I was looking for, but thank you for the suggestions! I wish I could remember more specific details about it. It had the look and gameplay of Space Quest except it took place on earth, I think.
Ok sorry when an idea strikes me , i will get in touch .
Amigo Ufo - Hey I found it! It's called "Callahan's Crosstime Saloon" Hopefully it works on Win10 OS, I just paid someone $20 for it on Ebay! Thanks again for your help!
Aaaaaaaaah Callahan's Crosstime Saloon :D i played it a long time ago i was a kid :D , it will not work without Dosbox i guess , you should download Dosbox latest version (its free) then run the game with DosBox .
Que Pasada , Muy Bueno !! ;)
Thank you :)
Anna’s quest, the pillars of earth and South Park stick of destiny should be on this list.
Anna’s quest is nice but not on my own top 20 list. South Park stick of destiny is not a pure adventure game, rather RPG and Action. The pillars of earth was disappointment to me, there were almost no puzzles. Only through decisions and so simply. The Graphics and the story are great.
I want more games like Randall's Monday
Do u mean cartoon art 2D and comedy? Detective Gallo, Deponia, The Wardrobe, The Inner World, Runaway, Tsioque, The Next Big Thing, Nelly Cootalot the Fowl Fleet.
@@prinzderdunkelheit1 thanks man
you should play dark earth
I need to find a point n click adventure series game. The firdt one starts on a ship, and you are a female reporter, with short red hair, and suddenly you are attacked by a tribe of natives.
Are you sure about the informations ?!?! it occurred to me some games , Journey to the Center of the Earth ,The Legend of Crystal Valley . Secret Files 1, 2, 3, 4 . So Blonde . Laura Bow 1 ,2 . check them out , maybe one of them ?
no king quest?
I didnt play the whole series, only 6, 7, 8. i liked king quest 6. It was very good but 7 and 8 were terrible :D so i can't decide.
You should really play KQ 3-5, KQ 1 and 2 are a bit outdated(still pretty good, but more keyword games than point and click), but 3-5 are all fantastic.
I will, when i have time :)
You neglected to add any sleuthing such as "Sherlock Holmes", or Agatha Christie... those were also well met classics. Oh, and the Disc World series... CLASSICS!! In perspective, the Kings Quest series was also wonderful, yeah.
no black moror are you crazy ?
I'm deeply offended by the exact order of these
Половина игр - просто мусор, зато нет шедевров вроде Machinarium или Botanicula или игр серии Rusty Lake. Deponia на самом деле очень переоцененная серия, выполнена она качественно, но юмор настолько плоский, что от него порой тянет блевать, про сюжет и персонажей (а особенно омерзительного главного героя) вообще молчу. The Whisped World тоже в топку, такой же мусор от той же компании, очень скучная игра и концовка слита в унитаз (графическое исполнение и звуковое, конечно, шикарны, но для игры этого мало). Да и много какого-то старья в списке, по которому, видимо, ностальгируют американские миллениалы. Это как если бы у нас включали в топы серию квестов "Петька и Василий Иванович" (надеюсь, так никто не делает, лол).
Fullthrottle should be top 3
On your list :) I mentioned once here in the comments why full throttle is not there on my list. It's very short and these fights on the bike are very difficult and I didn't like them at all. But of course it's a great game. I only regret forgetting about Beneath a Steel Sky. It should be top 5 or 6.
please make list of original games not cartoon.
like syberia, lost chronicles of zerzura, next life, sinking island, Memento Mori , Lost Horizon, Secret Files, black mirror.
Ok i will, if i have time :)
10:20 lol COVID WAY
I actually do like first-person adventure games too but myst hmm i kinda don't like it , i know it's a classic adventure game and it's very popular but i really don't like it , don't ask me why :)
some of them have ugly graphics. You should update your list. Have you ever heard of "Detroit becomes human" ?
The longest journey is called so because of how slow she walks? haha
Apparently yes :D
And Then There Were None
No scooby doo?!?!?!😤
Oh right, scooby doo and tom and jerry too :D
Wrong, wrong, WRONG!