Palestine Talks | Professor David Miller reveals how Zionist lobbies fuel Islamophobia

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @youknow6968
    @youknow6968 7 місяців тому +186

    It's disgraceful, just disgraceful how well meaning people are being stopped from speaking the truth.

    • @den264
      @den264 7 місяців тому

      The one thing Zionists fear most is the truth !

    • @kellypope9682
      @kellypope9682 6 місяців тому

      Good fact telling, honest human has to be stopped for Zionist to sell their cruel propaganda.
      They believed they are entitled to a land that only should belong to Jews. Even tho there are other humans…. They feel entitled to that land so killing those who lived there is their entitled right.
      Then they constantly play the victim so no one can say anything offensive or it is anti semitic. When truly it isn’t.
      They play that victim card all the time. It is sick.
      Then they dehumanize Arabs and Muslims so they again are allowed to kill.
      Anyone who is logical with a brain and a heart knows all these cannot be true.
      Zionist = psychotic!
      Humans are monsters and today that society is a true monster.

  • @User-HrwQpm3729
    @User-HrwQpm3729 7 місяців тому +445

    Congratulations to Prof Miller on winning his court case.

    • @den264
      @den264 7 місяців тому

      What David went through is known as the Jewish onslaught. It has happened to thousands of well meaning intelligent men and women both in the USA and Britain. Jeffery Corbyn is the best known man in Britain for having been crucified by Jewish pro Israel lobby groups. Another was David Irving who was attacked and dragged through the law courts by a multi million dollar law pawsey from America intent on hanging him from the nearest lamppost for having the temerity to question the actual numbers killed in the Nazi gass chambers.

    • @englanduk6131
      @englanduk6131 6 місяців тому

      @spartanyoga... He didn't win a court case, his claim for unfair dismissal was heard at a employment tribunal not a court! And they actually said "because his anti-zionist beliefs qualified as a philosophical belief!.. as if that's a good enough reason to absolve him of being anti-zionist!!! Absolutely disgusting, they actually admitted he had anti - zionist beliefs!!! How they didn't just throw out his case at that moment is unbelievable but let's be honest even tribunals are full of woke leftists these days 😡

    • @uncledan2u
      @uncledan2u 6 місяців тому +16

      Alhamdulillah 🤲

    • @hamishanderson6738
      @hamishanderson6738 16 днів тому

      Islam also fuels lsamophobia.

  • @aiyubpatel9165
    @aiyubpatel9165 7 місяців тому +375

    Professor Miller. A good man.

    • @ipincsmuhammad9162
      @ipincsmuhammad9162 7 місяців тому

      American USA dajjal laknattullah al harami 😁 forever

    • @user-qm8cm1dn2v
      @user-qm8cm1dn2v 7 місяців тому +1

      "Fa [Heavenly Law] Is in the Human World
      I sing aloud a song to express my heart
      Most people come from heavens above
      Reincarnating time and again, so many lifetimes
      Buried in the dust so as to obtain the Fa
      The Holy Creator has entered the world of dust
      Quietly observing all kinds in the chaotic world
      Atheism and evolution are evil doctrines
      The red demon ruins the world viciously like a cancer
      Modern notions are a form of corruption
      He holds back the violent wave, eliminating the fog of evil
      Rectifying the human world with grand compassion and grace
      Heaven and Earth regain brilliance like the fabled Isle of Penglai
      November 8, 2020"
      Master Li Hongzhi (Hong Yin VI, from Falun Dafa teachings)

    • @den264
      @den264 7 місяців тому +6

      Most Scotts are well informed decent human's. With the exception of the Orange order and its Rangers supporting brothers.

    • @englanduk6131
      @englanduk6131 6 місяців тому

      @@user-qm8cm1dn2v "Atheism and evolution are evil doctrines"... Well master hongzhi..........You never get religious wars between atheists!!! So who's evil??? 😳

    • @englanduk6131
      @englanduk6131 6 місяців тому +1

      @@den264 who's Scott's?... Do you mean Scots?

  • @fahedal-ajmi4015
    @fahedal-ajmi4015 7 місяців тому +74

    Great respect for professor Miller for standing up for justice and the correct historical facts about Palestinian suffering.

  • @shamim1587
    @shamim1587 7 місяців тому +105

    Bravo to professor Miller
    As long people like him exist in our educational institutions there is a hope

  • @user-et9xv6jp5l
    @user-et9xv6jp5l 7 місяців тому +95

    Huge respect to you Professor Miller.

    • @zazatripo
      @zazatripo 6 місяців тому

      ,no such thing as islamphobia
      Phobia is a nonrational fear
      But the fear of islam is real and logical
      Its a religion of genocide and rape
      Disgusting prophet Muhammad was a rapist and a low life

  • @didididi8441
    @didididi8441 7 місяців тому +76

    Huge respect to Professor Miller!

    • @zazatripo
      @zazatripo 6 місяців тому

      ,no such thing as islamphobia
      Phobia is a nonrational fear
      But the fear of islam is real and logical
      Its a religion of genocide and rape
      Disgusting prophet Muhammad was a rapist and a low life

  • @viktoriazewaldi158
    @viktoriazewaldi158 7 місяців тому +189

    Free Palestine! Free Assange

  • @purpleskys6193
    @purpleskys6193 7 місяців тому +40

    Thank you Prof Miller for speaking out 🙏

  • @peterland2824
    @peterland2824 7 місяців тому +216

    Bravo. Professor Miller is a braver man than I am, he speaks on behalf of justice. Keep up the good work!

    • @zazatripo
      @zazatripo 6 місяців тому

      ,no such thing as islamphobia
      Phobia is a nonrational fear
      But the fear of islam is real and logical
      Its a religion of genocide and rape
      Disgusting prophet Muhammad was a rapist and a low life

  • @v1nc3nt_bl4ck4
    @v1nc3nt_bl4ck4 7 місяців тому +50

    Congratulations Professor on your monumental win, thank you for your excellent work

  • @TheHuxleyAgnostic
    @TheHuxleyAgnostic 7 місяців тому +198

    Likud's bloody 100 year history ...
    In 1923, 100 years ago, Ze'ev Jabotinsky wrote, The Iron Wall, and a follow up, The Ethics of The Iron Wall (sooo racist towards Africans), in which he fully acknowledged that post Balfour Zionsim was colonialism, and that, based on the entirety of history, the native Palestinian population would resist being colonized until the bitter end. He directly compared it to the colonization of North America. He promoted doing it anyway, claiming Zionist colonialism was a "just" colonialism (he also thought North American colonialists were good guys, so not a great judge of morality), not caring what that meant for the native population.
    Ze'ev is important, because his Betar militant youth group helped found the Irgun terrorist group, along with other supporters of his, and the splinter Lehi terrorist group. The Irgun bombed numerous Palestinian markets and other public places, murdering many Palestinian civilians, including children, even including Palestinian Jews (who didn't support colonialist Zionsim).
    The Irgun are important, because they ended up being led by future Likud PM, Menachem Begin, who bombed the King David Hotel. The King David Hotel was bombed because the British had raided the Jewish Agency and seized numerous documents that may have shown that the terrorists were working with the JA and Haganah (JA liked to pretend that they didn't support the terrorism). The British then stored those documents at their base, in the hotel. That the Irgun terrorists responded to a JA raid, itself seems to prove the connection. That the thousands of Irgun (and Lehi) terrorists were also quickly merged into the new nation's military (IDF) and intelligence (Mossad) agencies, and are still celebrated as "heroes" by Israelis, to this day, also seems to support total collaboration between the groups.
    That other terrorist group mentioned, Lehi (also known as the Stern Gang), was considered even more extreme. They even tried to ally with the Nazis, against the British. Lehi ended up being led by Yitzhak Shamir, future Mossad agent, and another future Likud PM. They assassinated Lord Moyne, and others.
    In 1945, there was a major land and peoples survey done in Palestine. It showed that the Zionists only owned about 5% of the total land, 20% of the arable land, and owned a majority in zero districts. The partition was not only going to be forced on the native Palestinian majority, but Jews were still going to be a minority, in the part allocated to them. The only possible way to even become a "Jewish state" was going to require getting rid of the actual majority (at least enough so that there'd be a solid Jewish majority, so they could fake being democratic).
    This is also shown by the 1948, post Nakba, population of Israel. If there was 716,700 Jews, 156,000+ non-Jews, and approximately 700k non-Jews ethnically cleansed, that means the Jewish population, in the Zionist portion of partition, was originally over 100,000 less than the non-Jewish population. To believe that there was never any intent, by Zionists, to ethnically cleanse away the Palestinian majority would require believing that they never intended to create a "Jewish state". It's a nonsensical notion.
    Begin, and those terrorist groups, also opposed partition, but for the opposite reason Palestinians did. Palestinians didn't want to be colonized, at all. The terrorists wanted to colonize it all. "Moderate" Zionists were okay with colonizing half ... for now (what would happen in the future, after partition, was up to them, said Ben-Gurion). The Zionist terrorists were also involved in massacres, and assassinations, during the partition violence (colonialist war against the natives).
    Another notable future Likud PM, also started in the military, during the partition fighting. That was Ariel Sharon, war criminal, "Butcher of Beirut".
    Menachem Begin, and these other Zionist terrorists, are important because they became involved in Israeli politics, first forming Herut. That was the party that Albert Einstein, and other prominent American Jews, opposed, having a letter printed in the NYT, in December of 1948, when Begin came to visit the US. The letter opened ...
    "Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine."
    Herut merged with other extremist parties, over the years, and eventually became Likud, in the 70s. Now, people get upset over the slogan "From the river to the sea!", but it's the second part that's most important, "Palestine will be free!". Because "Palestine" isn't defined as an ethno-state, a free Palestine can be a single state, free for all to live in, and return to, free of continuing colonization, free of occupation, free of oppression, etc. Just like a Germany free of Nazism, an Italy free of fascism, a South Africa free of apartheid, or an America free of slavery from sea to shiny sea. It doesn't necessitate purging all the Jews. It just necessitates them giving up on the idea of an ethno-state.
    On the other hand, because "Israel" has been defined as an ethno-state, Likud's, "between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty", has no possible good interpretation. It is a declaration of intent to completely colonize, and ethnically cleanse, all Palestine territories. Not only that, but it also claims that they have a "right" to all of the "Land of Israel" (biblical borders that don't mesh with archaeological reality), which is an open declaration of future wars, against Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and possibly even Iraq.
    Likud platform ...
    1977: "The Right of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel (Eretz Israel)
    a. The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.
    b. A plan which relinquishes parts of western Eretz Israel, undermines our right to the country, unavoidably leads to the establishment of a "Palestinian State," jeopardizes the security of the Jewish population, endangers the existence of the State of Israel. and frustrates any prospect of peace."
    Settlement. both urban and rural. in all parts of the Land of Israel is the focal point of the Zionist effort to redeem the country, to maintain vital security areas and serves as a reservoir of strength and inspiration for the renewal of the pioneering spirit. The Likud government will call on the younger generation in Israel and the dispersions to settle and help every group and individual in the task of inhabiting and cultivating the wasteland, while taking care not to dispossess anyone."
    1999: "The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river. The Palestinians can run their lives freely in the framework of self-rule, but not as an independent and sovereign state. Thus, for example, in matters of foreign affairs, security, immigration, and ecology, their activity shall be limited in accordance with imperatives of Israel's existence, security and national needs."
    "The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting."
    All Palestine territories are officially considered occupied, by the International Court of Justice, the UN GA, the UN SC, and even in official documents of Israel's own allies. Likud is still using the blueprint for colonizing North America, in the West Bank. Move settlements out into native territory, piss off the natives, the natives retaliate, cry about poor "innocent" colonizing settlers being the "victims" of violent "Savages!", call in the cavalry to put down the native uprising, and eventually expand the borders to include those settlements. Rinse and repeat. In Gaza, Israel is operating an open air WWII style fascist ghetto. Them claiming a "right to defend themselves" would be like the Nazis claiming a "right to defend themselves " from the Warsaw ghetto uprising. There's no "war". That they're the occupiers means the "war" part is long over. Those people are actually supposed to be under the occupier's protection.
    That partition was forced upon the Palestinian majority, against their will ... that the Zionist portion still had to be forcefully ethnically cleansed of its non-Jewish majority, against their will ... that the millions of occupied Palestinians don't have a say in the government that truly rules over them, Israel's ... means Israel is about as democratic as Nazi Germany after Hitler purged his political opponents and then held elections.

    • @annfrancis6287
      @annfrancis6287 7 місяців тому +1

      It would seem the only people who do not know the history of modern Israel are Israel and her supporters.

    • @afrik12
      @afrik12 7 місяців тому +32

      Well pen and accurate information and thank for sharing this wonderful article with us.

    • @shabsh8689
      @shabsh8689 7 місяців тому +18

      Really interesting - where is this from please? Author/ title of article?

    • @TheHuxleyAgnostic
      @TheHuxleyAgnostic 7 місяців тому +2

      @@shabsh8689 Me. Various sources. You can find Ze'ev Jabotinsky's articles and the 1977 Likud platform, on the Jewish Virtual Library, and other mandate documents are also there or on The Balfour Project. British Hansard can be searched for keywords (Irgun, Palestine, or whatever) to read mandate era debates (I just set the starting year at 1900 and sort by oldest first). Google (NYT Einstein letter). And Wiki (Village statistics 1945, Likud's 1999 platform) ... like with any Wiki articles, just make sure it's properly sourced.

    • @gerryburntwood9617
      @gerryburntwood9617 7 місяців тому +5


  • @mariannebarnard7048
    @mariannebarnard7048 7 місяців тому +60

    I wish all people listen to this man. Thank you. The world is a very confused place because of ideology and ignorance. So honest and informative. He does not deserve to be treated in the way is being treated. It is just wrong at so many levels!

    • @zazatripo
      @zazatripo 6 місяців тому

      ,no such thing as islamphobia
      Phobia is a nonrational fear
      But the fear of islam is real and logical
      Its a religion of genocide and rape
      Disgusting prophet Muhammad was a rapist and a low life

  • @ShadowSis
    @ShadowSis 7 місяців тому +63

    Congrats on winning the case, Prof Miller! I have been so disappointed in my university the last 4 months, I wish there were more brave people like you in academia.

    • @zazatripo
      @zazatripo 6 місяців тому

      ,no such thing as islamphobia
      Phobia is a nonrational fear
      But the fear of islam is real and logical
      Its a religion of genocide and rape
      Disgusting prophet Muhammad was a rapist and a low life

  • @MJB0110
    @MJB0110 7 місяців тому +45

    Respect to Prof Miller. Thx for standing up for your beliefs and standing up for justice for the Palestinians at great loss to yourself & never selling your soul for a miserable reward.

    • @den264
      @den264 7 місяців тому +2

      Great post ! David can sleep easy at night knowing that he never once accepted the seven piece's of silver Shekels.

  • @MSArtist01
    @MSArtist01 7 місяців тому +31

    Excellent interview. Best of Luck for Professor Miller.

  • @Noorbook1
    @Noorbook1 7 місяців тому +45

    This man is exceptional

    • @kalijasin
      @kalijasin 17 днів тому

      He’s extremely smart!

  • @donaldstewart9654
    @donaldstewart9654 7 місяців тому +66

    Absolutely delighted that you won in court David. Congratulations!

  • @sabbuofggh1629
    @sabbuofggh1629 7 місяців тому +45

    Thank you TRT for this great interview

    • @dalewarren1113
      @dalewarren1113 7 місяців тому

      Zionists lobbies don't fuel 'Islamophobia', that transparent left wing smear term! Fourteen centuries of Mohamedite barbarism, terrorism, slanders and attacks on all other faiths, fourteen centuries of genocide against Christians, Jews, Buddhists, HIndus, etc, are what fuel the absolutely correct rejection of Mohamedism internationally! You think we have forgotten the two million Christians the Turks butchered in the twentieth century ALONE; to say nothing of the two million Christians the Sudanese Mohamedites butchered in the 1990's alone. And the Turks are denying their hideous crimes to this day; what about the Mohamedite desecration of Santa Sophia, a Christian Cathedral; what about the Mohamedite occupation of the Jewish Temple Mount, that was a Jewish holy site from three thousand! Once again, the terrorist cult play the professional victims and expect their REAL victims to buy their twisted lies!

  • @thenderson8135
    @thenderson8135 7 місяців тому +112

    This video should become viral with 1 billion views.

    • @user-dc4wh9xy3g
      @user-dc4wh9xy3g 7 місяців тому

      @thenderson8135 The G7 'leaders' perpetuate ignorant generations to see the truth and understand their real intentions. Daily political peroration: Rede Globo, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CBS, DW, France 24, Yle TV1, Rai, SKY News, MIC = Military Industrial Complex.

    • @user-dc4wh9xy3g
      @user-dc4wh9xy3g 7 місяців тому

      @thenderson8135 Minimized Geopolitics: The Good and the Evil. How populations are manipulated and how consent for economic, social, and political policies, both foreign and domestic, is "manufactured" in the public mind due to this propaganda. Read: Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent; The U.S. Is Giving Israel Permission for War Crimes; A Day in the Life of Abed Salama; And Still the Earth.

  • @Sa-hi5nq
    @Sa-hi5nq 7 місяців тому +20

    At last, the truth is available to the masses, thanks to brave people like Mr Miller.
    Whether we listen, learn, speak up for and stand for what is right is up to us.

    • @dalewarren1113
      @dalewarren1113 7 місяців тому

      Zionists lobbies don't fuel 'Islamophobia', that transparent left wing smear term! Fourteen centuries of Mohamedite barbarism, terrorism, slanders and attacks on all other faiths, fourteen centuries of genocide against Christians, Jews, Buddhists, HIndus, etc, are what fuel the absolutely correct rejection of Mohamedism internationally! You think we have forgotten the two million Christians the Turks butchered in the twentieth century ALONE; to say nothing of the two million Christians the Sudanese Mohamedites butchered in the 1990's alone. And the Turks are denying their hideous crimes to this day; what about the Mohamedite desecration of Santa Sophia, a Christian Cathedral; what about the Mohamedite occupation of the Jewish Temple Mount, that was a Jewish holy site from three thousand! Once again, the terrorist cult play the professional victims and expect their REAL victims to buy their twisted lies!

  • @lasaraungbakri7386
    @lasaraungbakri7386 7 місяців тому +14

    Wow what a talk Professor! What a commitment and confidence in that voices; one of a kind!

  • @bridgetheelan8798
    @bridgetheelan8798 7 місяців тому +12

    His clarity and logic are fantastic! Well done Prof Miller!

  • @AlleLamb
    @AlleLamb 7 місяців тому +9

    What a great mini lecture. Should be shown everywhere

  • @SoCalFreelance
    @SoCalFreelance 7 місяців тому +23

    As several people have noted, the professor WON his case. Nice view by the way.

  • @contemplatively
    @contemplatively 7 місяців тому +23

    Thank you for raising awareness about the connection between Zionism and Islamophobia. It's a topic that deserves more coverage.

    • @CaptainLysandra
      @CaptainLysandra 6 місяців тому +2

      Yes ! Do you know anybody else, any book or documentary related to that ?

    • @contemplatively
      @contemplatively 6 місяців тому

      @@CaptainLysandra I wish. Just the conspicuous connection between the leaders of the Islamophobia industry and Israel. Also, whenever I'm debating a Zionist about Palestine on social media, out of nowhere they start spewing Islamophobic talking points as if to justify the ethnic cleaning of Palestinians using Islamophobia. Makes no sense but happens every time.

  • @zamzamahmed8139
    @zamzamahmed8139 7 місяців тому +88

    🎉🎉CONGRATULATIONS PROFESSOR FOR WINNING YOUR CASE TODAY!! the interview was aired probably because of this winning. I hope labour mps kicked out by kid starver can sue labour

    • @user-et9xv6jp5l
      @user-et9xv6jp5l 7 місяців тому +7

      happy to hear that.

    • @kennethg9277
      @kennethg9277 7 місяців тому +3

      Sadly the labour people who were kicked out have no spine

    • @zamzamahmed8139
      @zamzamahmed8139 7 місяців тому +2

      @@kennethg9277 the NEC was supposed to deal with these cases but the kid starver is removing their mp and lsbour wip. What can they do?

    • @den264
      @den264 7 місяців тому

      By dropping the Labor candidate for the Rochdale byelection at the end of this month, it means our good friend George Galloway is now certain to win. Can't wait to hear GG's dulcet tones bellowing through the halls of Westminster.

  • @nicnewdigate
    @nicnewdigate 7 місяців тому +50

    Well done prof, it’s a great precedent your case has set - thank you 🙏 wish the UK media would cover your story.

    • @user-dc4wh9xy3g
      @user-dc4wh9xy3g 7 місяців тому +6

      @nicnewdigate They will never disclose it! The UK was a precursor to the terrifying dictatorial division of the Middle East (e.g.: Balfour Declaration 2017 and Troubles in Ireland)

    • @user-dc4wh9xy3g
      @user-dc4wh9xy3g 7 місяців тому +3

      @nicnewdigate The Middle East is the legacy associated with the collapse of the Ottoman and British empires, just as the Troubles (1968-1998) in Northern Ireland was. In 1918, Britain conquered Palestine and ruled it as a “mandate” until 1948, when the country was partitioned into two states using legislation modelled on the Government of Ireland Act (December 1920) that had partitioned Ireland.

  • @maaziy_ghaziyIYI
    @maaziy_ghaziyIYI 7 місяців тому +91

    Masha Allah. Professor Miller is a good man. A man of conscience. He suffered the wrath of the Zionists for speaking the truth. May Allah ease his pain and reward him for his courage and guide him to the Ultimate Truth i.e. Islam. Amen!

    • @den264
      @den264 7 місяців тому +4

      Many more brave men like David are finally being shown to have been honest in their professional and domestic affairs, unlike those child killers who sit in the Knesset.

    • @ronaldotto534
      @ronaldotto534 5 місяців тому +1


  • @shakeels6982
    @shakeels6982 7 місяців тому +21

    Zionism is political nationalism and not religious. Bravo Prof Miller 👏

    • @ricardo_cn
      @ricardo_cn 6 місяців тому

      Indeed. They use the religion just to divide and be a victim

    • @zazatripo
      @zazatripo 6 місяців тому

      ,no such thing as islamphobia
      Phobia is a nonrational fear
      But the fear of islam is real and logical
      Its a religion of genocide and rape
      Disgusting prophet Muhammad was a rapist and a low life

    • @Greg16350
      @Greg16350 4 місяці тому +1

      And what is the Hamas' manifesto that calls for no negotiations, no opposition and the annihilation of all Jews?

    • @adamEdDriouch
      @adamEdDriouch 29 днів тому

      They want to live with pace in their own land sionists go out from Palestine ​@@Greg16350

  • @truth2345
    @truth2345 7 місяців тому +11

    Congratulations Professor Miller! He won his case - the outcome was released 4 days ago!

  • @PeppermintPatties
    @PeppermintPatties 7 місяців тому +27

    Well done on winning your case, Professor Miller. Solidarity ✊🇵🇸❤️

  • @user-er4jm1ln8c
    @user-er4jm1ln8c 7 місяців тому +24

    These lobbies are not "small"

  • @stoufer2000
    @stoufer2000 7 місяців тому +95

    Thanks TRT. You certainly wouldn't get discussions like this in the UK otherwise

    • @ipincsmuhammad9162
      @ipincsmuhammad9162 7 місяців тому +2

      😂😂😂😂 trt to recognise terroris 😂😂😂😂 goooood jobbbb .

    • @user-dc4wh9xy3g
      @user-dc4wh9xy3g 7 місяців тому +2

      @stoufer2000 Much less on Rede Globo, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CBS, DW, France 24, Yle TV1, Rai.

    • @dalewarren1113
      @dalewarren1113 7 місяців тому

      Zionists lobbies don't fuel 'Islamophobia', that transparent left wing smear term! Fourteen centuries of Mohamedite barbarism, terrorism, slanders and attacks on all other faiths, fourteen centuries of genocide against Christians, Jews, Buddhists, HIndus, etc, are what fuel the absolutely correct rejection of Mohamedism internationally! You think we have forgotten the two million Christians the Turks butchered in the twentieth century ALONE; to say nothing of the two million Christians the Sudanese Mohamedites butchered in the 1990's alone. And the Turks are denying their hideous crimes to this day; what about the Mohamedite desecration of Santa Sophia, a Christian Cathedral; what about the Mohamedite occupation of the Jewish Temple Mount, that was a Jewish holy site from three thousand! Once again, the terrorist cult play the professional victims and expect their REAL victims to buy their twisted lies!

  • @cn4life
    @cn4life 7 місяців тому +8

    Wonderful man, greatly articulated views based on fact and not deception. Thank you David & TRT!

  • @amenabegum4044
    @amenabegum4044 7 місяців тому +32

    Brilliant news the professor won. Also best to only respond to positive comments and ignore the negatives on purpose. Any responses to hostile comments on creates more hostility.

    • @aniadz1
      @aniadz1 7 місяців тому +2


    • @mohammedsainomo8414
      @mohammedsainomo8414 7 місяців тому +2

      I second it. Agreed.

    • @dalewarren1113
      @dalewarren1113 7 місяців тому

      No salvation except by faith in Jesus Christ, no forgiveness except by his atoning blood. Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life and is returning soon! Those who follow a false prophet and a false religion shall always be accursed!

  • @Cocopancake528
    @Cocopancake528 7 місяців тому +26

    Very insightful thank you. Professor keep fighting for the truth and don’t worry we are all behind you !

  • @tugbabulut2106
    @tugbabulut2106 7 місяців тому +17

    Everyone should see this video

  • @aap9490
    @aap9490 7 місяців тому +24

    My salute to this man! In a period of brutality and widespread oppression all over the world, when the world is controlled by the oppressors, honest and brave people like him who has the balls to say the truth in front of the oppressors plain and simple are one of the most admired people in the views of Allah. Even when the whole world stands against you, if you have the courage to say the truth and stand against oppression the Creator will be on your side. And you do not need the entire universe when the Creator of it is on your side. May Allah protect him. May Allah bless him and people like him. May Allah help him and people like him. Ameen

    • @dalewarren1113
      @dalewarren1113 7 місяців тому

      Zionists lobbies don't fuel 'Islamophobia', that transparent left wing smear term! Fourteen centuries of Mohamedite barbarism, terrorism, slanders and attacks on all other faiths, fourteen centuries of genocide against Christians, Jews, Buddhists, HIndus, etc, are what fuel the absolutely correct rejection of Mohamedism internationally! You think we have forgotten the two million Christians the Turks butchered in the twentieth century ALONE; to say nothing of the two million Christians the Sudanese Mohamedites butchered in the 1990's alone. And the Turks are denying their hideous crimes to this day; what about the Mohamedite desecration of Santa Sophia, a Christian Cathedral; what about the Mohamedite occupation of the Jewish Temple Mount, that was a Jewish holy site from three thousand! Once again, the terrorist cult play the professional victims and expect their REAL victims to buy their twisted lies!

  • @naveedirshad1470
    @naveedirshad1470 6 місяців тому +2

    Prof Miller, Thank you. We stand with you.

  • @medzahr4742
    @medzahr4742 7 місяців тому +12

    David miller is a real men in a time when other men are scared to speak truth

  • @Shabs2456
    @Shabs2456 7 місяців тому +22

    Congratulations prof. Millar on your victory, in the course of Palestine. Much respect. This is a victory for all us that stand on the side of humanity. 🎉

  • @almamun4207
    @almamun4207 7 місяців тому +11

    Thank you TRT world for this news

    • @dalewarren1113
      @dalewarren1113 7 місяців тому

      Zionists lobbies don't fuel 'Islamophobia', that transparent left wing smear term! Fourteen centuries of Mohamedite barbarism, terrorism, slanders and attacks on all other faiths, fourteen centuries of genocide against Christians, Jews, Buddhists, HIndus, etc, are what fuel the absolutely correct rejection of Mohamedism internationally! You think we have forgotten the two million Christians the Turks butchered in the twentieth century ALONE; to say nothing of the two million Christians the Sudanese Mohamedites butchered in the 1990's alone. And the Turks are denying their hideous crimes to this day; what about the Mohamedite desecration of Santa Sophia, a Christian Cathedral; what about the Mohamedite occupation of the Jewish Temple Mount, that was a Jewish holy site from three thousand! Once again, the terrorist cult play the professional victims and expect their REAL victims to buy their twisted lies!

  • @tru2
    @tru2 6 місяців тому +5

    I am a British citizen by naturalisation. My child was born in the UK to a British Father, dispte that she was made to naturalise as a British citizen.
    My point is this, Israel has no legal basis to Palestine allocating citizenship to westerners with dual nationality then denying Palestinians right to return to their home. Professor is spot on in his discribtion of Zionist.
    Professor is a Man of courage to stand up for his rights and beliefs..

  • @misirahussen2074
    @misirahussen2074 7 місяців тому +11

    Absolutely true 👍 thank you

    • @dalewarren1113
      @dalewarren1113 7 місяців тому

      No salvation except by faith in Jesus Christ, no forgiveness except by his atoning blood. Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life and is returning soon! Those who follow a false prophet and a false religion shall always be accursed!

  • @MRshraaf
    @MRshraaf 7 місяців тому +8

    Thank you for the excellent discussion.

    • @dalewarren1113
      @dalewarren1113 7 місяців тому

      No salvation except by faith in Jesus Christ, no forgiveness except by his atoning blood. Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life and is returning soon! Those who follow a false prophet and a false religion shall always be accursed!

  • @bandits99
    @bandits99 7 місяців тому +21

    On winning his case a few days ago:
    Miller said he was “very proud that we have managed to establish that anti-Zionist views qualify as a protected belief under the UK Equality Act. This was the most important reason for taking the case and I hope it will become a touchstone precedent in all the future battles that we face with the racist and genocidal ideology of Zionism and the movement to which it is attached.”
    Anti zionism is not anti semitism.

    • @Veritas2233
      @Veritas2233 7 місяців тому +5

      The semites are the Palestinians not the Israelis.

    • @eaglemaster7
      @eaglemaster7 7 місяців тому

      Arabic and aramaic are semites too

    • @dalewarren1113
      @dalewarren1113 7 місяців тому

      Zionists lobbies don't fuel 'Islamophobia', that transparent left wing smear term! Fourteen centuries of Mohamedite barbarism, terrorism, slanders and attacks on all other faiths, fourteen centuries of genocide against Christians, Jews, Buddhists, HIndus, etc, are what fuel the absolutely correct rejection of Mohamedism internationally! You think we have forgotten the two million Christians the Turks butchered in the twentieth century ALONE; to say nothing of the two million Christians the Sudanese Mohamedites butchered in the 1990's alone. And the Turks are denying their hideous crimes to this day; what about the Mohamedite desecration of Santa Sophia, a Christian Cathedral; what about the Mohamedite occupation of the Jewish Temple Mount, that was a Jewish holy site from three thousand! Once again, the terrorist cult play the professional victims and expect their REAL victims to buy their twisted lies!

    • @den264
      @den264 7 місяців тому +3

      Very true ! Most decent religious Jews would agree with you.

  • @youssefibrahim6782
    @youssefibrahim6782 7 місяців тому +5

    Congratulations to Pro Miller to win the case 🎉

  • @Generation21.
    @Generation21. 7 місяців тому +5

    Thanks for the truth 😊 professor ❤

  • @aabta3584
    @aabta3584 7 місяців тому +32

    Thank you for the truth

  • @mznxbcv12345
    @mznxbcv12345 7 місяців тому +11

    On the 7th, it is crucial to understand that there were no direct attacks on civilians, only collateral damage. Out of the 1148 total names on haaret dataset, 473 military and 675 were civilians.
    Ratio of civilians to military personnel killed on the 7th was 1 . 4 : 1 - lower than any of the iTf "mowing" operations, which has a ratio of 7 : 1
    According to UN OCHA data from 2008 to 2022; The collateral damage on the 7th was significantly lower than any of the ITf "mowing" operations, which had a ratio of 7:1 with 1,023 military personnel out of 6,541 total. On the 7th, with 473 military (418 were iTf military personnel, 55 belonged to the police) out of 1148 total, the ratio of civilians to military personnel was a mere 1.4:1
    When including all casualties, not just deaths, the collateral damage ratio of the "mowing" operations is a staggering 162:1
    From the 161,233 accumulated civilian casualties over only 14 years of "mowing" operations.
    A 162 :1 ratio means that for every 162 civillians, 1 military personnel is a casualty. The 7th had a ratio of 1.4:1, more than a hundred times lower.
    The 473 are - 55 soldiers, 13 privates, 59 corporals, 200 sergeants (45 of whom were sergeant majors), 48 commanders, 32 lieutenants, 5 lieutenant colonels, 6 colonels, 37 officers, 10 inspectors, 6 intendents, and 2 Lance Corp. This was a military defeat, and they are taking it out on the rest.
    The reported ages of the victims are as follows:
    0-4: 2 civilians
    5-12: 8 civilians
    13-17: 14 civilians
    18-25: 132 civilians
    26-40: 119 civilians
    41-60: 55 civilians
    61+: 40 civilians
    Active duty military personnel:
    18-25: 258 active duty military personnel
    26-40: 60 active duty military personnel
    41-60: 17 active duty military personnel
    61+: 1 active duty military personnel
    haaretz datasheet titled title: xsraxl's Dead: The Names of Those Killed in Hxmxs Attacks, Mxssxcres and the xsrxel-Hxmxs Wxr
    There is a more detailed report of of oct 7th titled "I scrapped the information about 1096 of the 1460 killed on 7th of October Attack. Children Less than 1%"
    -Yocheved Lifshitz account - 'they treated us well'
    -Yasmin Porat account - 'i.T.f kxilled my husband'
    Civilians were taken to have swaps for the civilians rotting in prisons without charge on the other side. An excess of ten thousands, all before the seventh
    UN Human Rights Office (UN OCHA) PA Civilians 2008-2023:
    2008 - 2,325 Wounded Civilians, Deaths 1,440.
    2012 - 3,992 Wounded Civilians, Deaths 255.
    2014 - 17,533 Wounded Civilians, Deaths 1,492.
    2018 - 31,259 Wounded Civilians, Deaths 300.
    2019 - 15,491 Wounded Civilians, Deaths 138.
    2020 - 2,581 Wounded Civilians, Deaths 30.
    2021 - 19,183 Wounded Civilians, Deaths 349.
    2022 - 10,345 Wounded Civilians, Deaths 191.
    2023 up to September - 8,508 Wounded Civilians, Deaths 227.
    civilian deaths on the other side -
    2008: 3 , 2012: 6 , 2014: 73 , 2018: 9
    2019: 10 , 2020: 0 , 2021: 9 , 2022: 26
    Total; 2008 up to September 2023 - 161,233 PA Civilian Casualties, 1,023 military personnel.
    Wounded includes: amputees from the deliberate targeting of knees by snipers, white phosphorous third degree body burns, etc
    The "Costs of War" study by brown in 2021 has these figures for the past 20 years of engagement of US policy: indirect deaths 4.5-4.7 million, direct 905-940,000 ; in other words 6 Million Deaths and 38 million displaced. This is relevant because of the Oded Yinon Plan.

    • @dalewarren1113
      @dalewarren1113 7 місяців тому

      Really, I saw with my own eyes Hamas made videos of their knifing to death unarmed African students who were working in Israel, four to one butchering an unarmed man; yes, the Zionists lied about the gang rapes, the butchered babies, and killing their own people by friendly fire, but Hamas are murdering Mohamedite terrorists, and whatever the Zionist crimes, Mohamedism is a barbarous, brainwashed, dark ages terrorist cult, a fact that all the Wokes forever try to whitewash!

  • @abidamer
    @abidamer 6 місяців тому +2

    Thank you Professor Miller.

  • @Irishrover11
    @Irishrover11 7 місяців тому +7

    Wow, professor Miller is a real man. Crazy how they all bunched together and came after him😮. That's why there's such a fear of them. Crazy stuff.

  • @boyeliza
    @boyeliza 7 місяців тому +7

    Thank you for justice perspective.

  • @NannyMAU
    @NannyMAU 7 місяців тому +4

    Big Respect Professor Here Here 🎉

  • @abdullahkhan-qk3lk
    @abdullahkhan-qk3lk 7 місяців тому +9

    Congratulations Dr

    • @dalewarren1113
      @dalewarren1113 7 місяців тому

      No salvation except by faith in Jesus Christ, no forgiveness except by his atoning blood. Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life and is returning soon! Those who follow a false prophet and a false religion shall always be accursed!

  • @ReleaseYourHandbrake
    @ReleaseYourHandbrake 7 місяців тому +8

    Well said! Straight on the point

  • @sjmousavi8754
    @sjmousavi8754 7 місяців тому +2

    Deep and wholehearted respect to Professor Miller for his stand supporting the rights of the Palestinians ❤

  • @dabay200
    @dabay200 7 місяців тому +3

    Prof. Miller is the best of British academia

  • @Yusoof-truth
    @Yusoof-truth 7 місяців тому +6

    A great speech ❤

    • @dalewarren1113
      @dalewarren1113 7 місяців тому

      Zionists lobbies don't fuel 'Islamophobia', that transparent left wing smear term! Fourteen centuries of Mohamedite barbarism, terrorism, slanders and attacks on all other faiths, fourteen centuries of genocide against Christians, Jews, Buddhists, HIndus, etc, are what fuel the absolutely correct rejection of Mohamedism internationally! You think we have forgotten the two million Christians the Turks butchered in the twentieth century ALONE; to say nothing of the two million Christians the Sudanese Mohamedites butchered in the 1990's alone. And the Turks are denying their hideous crimes to this day; what about the Mohamedite desecration of Santa Sophia, a Christian Cathedral; what about the Mohamedite occupation of the Jewish Temple Mount, that was a Jewish holy site from three thousand! Once again, the terrorist cult play the professional victims and expect their REAL victims to buy their twisted lies!

  • @nathanruben3372
    @nathanruben3372 7 місяців тому +4

    This is a brave brave man. He is standing againts an ebtablishment...He will be remembered with his honesty.

  • @gashatahir4070
    @gashatahir4070 6 місяців тому +1

    Courageous Media & Program Directors I Really Appreciated You Guys!

  • @daliaafroz4279
    @daliaafroz4279 7 місяців тому +1

    Thank you, Professor Miller, for standing up and upholding what you believe .

  • @teresamcgill1406
    @teresamcgill1406 7 місяців тому +3

    30 minutes. Well worth the time especially Miler's final comments!

  • @maliallen1619
    @maliallen1619 7 місяців тому +2

    Thank you Mr Miller for stanting up against intimidation and oppression.

  • @montsec3445
    @montsec3445 7 місяців тому +7

    There are also christian palestines. Israel does not want that western christians know that

    • @AlleLamb
      @AlleLamb 7 місяців тому

      Yes because then they cannot say they killed Islamic terrorists

  • @highdynamicphotographyfilm2235
    @highdynamicphotographyfilm2235 7 місяців тому +3

    Wow, i thought I knew a lot, but there is a lot to learn from this conversation.

  • @diggerman00007
    @diggerman00007 7 місяців тому +6


  • @user-eu2cf4qy8b
    @user-eu2cf4qy8b 7 місяців тому +1

    The truth in less then 20 minutes, excellent interview, glad to see this man free

  • @krystalinformation4647
    @krystalinformation4647 7 місяців тому +3

    Thankyou TRT For Exceptional Interview of courageous Man ❤

    • @dalewarren1113
      @dalewarren1113 7 місяців тому

      Zionists lobbies don't fuel 'Islamophobia', that transparent left wing smear term! Fourteen centuries of Mohamedite barbarism, terrorism, slanders and attacks on all other faiths, fourteen centuries of genocide against Christians, Jews, Buddhists, HIndus, etc, are what fuel the absolutely correct rejection of Mohamedism internationally! You think we have forgotten the two million Christians the Turks butchered in the twentieth century ALONE; to say nothing of the two million Christians the Sudanese Mohamedites butchered in the 1990's alone. And the Turks are denying their hideous crimes to this day; what about the Mohamedite desecration of Santa Sophia, a Christian Cathedral; what about the Mohamedite occupation of the Jewish Temple Mount, that was a Jewish holy site from three thousand! Once again, the terrorist cult play the professional victims and expect their REAL victims to buy their twisted lies!

  • @TruthOnTube
    @TruthOnTube 6 місяців тому +1

    A man who can speak the truth
    We need more people like this in government, people who are not afraid of speaking the truth
    He can honestly go to sleep at night with a clear conscience
    Thank you Professor Miller

  • @lgar2554
    @lgar2554 7 місяців тому +7

    @6.25 the concept that dual-citizens tend to promote the interests of Israel above their other nations interest can be a dangerous concept (leading to charges of antisemitism) without Prof Millers previously stated caveat that those nations perceive their national interests as always being absolutely linked with Israel. Because of its epistemologically rogue, exclusivist and terroristic nature, zionism must lead one to the assumption that dual citizens are actually a traitorous class within the power structures of those states.

    • @den264
      @den264 7 місяців тому +1

      You are either American or Israeli, you are either British or Israeli. You cannot be both.

    • @tommyh4116
      @tommyh4116 6 місяців тому

      Even the American ambassador to Israel is Jewish. That is a blatant conflict of interest.

  • @amomar5865
    @amomar5865 7 місяців тому +2

    Indeed the professor is rightly spot on in saying that out loud.
    But the hypocrites will always argue against his statement.

  • @fatinhermiz8729
    @fatinhermiz8729 7 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for this interview
    This truth have to be shown to all normal Europeans specially those want still to support Israel

    • @dalewarren1113
      @dalewarren1113 7 місяців тому

      Zionists lobbies don't fuel 'Islamophobia', that transparent left wing smear term! Fourteen centuries of Mohamedite barbarism, terrorism, slanders and attacks on all other faiths, fourteen centuries of genocide against Christians, Jews, Buddhists, HIndus, etc, are what fuel the absolutely correct rejection of Mohamedism internationally! You think we have forgotten the two million Christians the Turks butchered in the twentieth century ALONE; to say nothing of the two million Christians the Sudanese Mohamedites butchered in the 1990's alone. And the Turks are denying their hideous crimes to this day; what about the Mohamedite desecration of Santa Sophia, a Christian Cathedral; what about the Mohamedite occupation of the Jewish Temple Mount, that was a Jewish holy site from three thousand! Once again, the terrorist cult play the professional victims and expect their REAL victims to buy their twisted lies!

  • @nasreenisrar3006
    @nasreenisrar3006 6 місяців тому +3

    This is terrifying- nobody can speak
    Out against Israeli actions without being called anti Semitic?

  • @mahmoudelkholy8719
    @mahmoudelkholy8719 7 місяців тому +3

    Bless you !

    • @dalewarren1113
      @dalewarren1113 7 місяців тому

      Zionists lobbies don't fuel 'Islamophobia', that transparent left wing smear term! Fourteen centuries of Mohamedite barbarism, terrorism, slanders and attacks on all other faiths, fourteen centuries of genocide against Christians, Jews, Buddhists, HIndus, etc, are what fuel the absolutely correct rejection of Mohamedism internationally! You think we have forgotten the two million Christians the Turks butchered in the twentieth century ALONE; to say nothing of the two million Christians the Sudanese Mohamedites butchered in the 1990's alone. And the Turks are denying their hideous crimes to this day; what about the Mohamedite desecration of Santa Sophia, a Christian Cathedral; what about the Mohamedite occupation of the Jewish Temple Mount, that was a Jewish holy site from three thousand! Once again, the terrorist cult play the professional victims and expect their REAL victims to buy their twisted lies!

  • @opreaveronica8613
    @opreaveronica8613 6 місяців тому +2

    Thank you professor.

  • @senadmarovic3530
    @senadmarovic3530 7 місяців тому +5

    I personally believe anyone seeking migration from your birth country to another and obtains the citizenship of the new country they settle in should not be allowed to hold citizenship of the country they departed from you can not have it both ways

    • @shagg9204
      @shagg9204 7 місяців тому

      What unless your white Europeans eh SMH

    • @AlleLamb
      @AlleLamb 7 місяців тому

      Dual citizenship with any country should be fine, except for Israel

  • @mutakaakulu7398
    @mutakaakulu7398 7 місяців тому +1

    Nice to hear someone speak with such clarity. Well done professor

  • @groundhogday37
    @groundhogday37 6 місяців тому +1

    THIS IS A MAN WHO STOOD UP TO BE COUNTED a man of great courage

  • @nazihahere
    @nazihahere 7 місяців тому +1

    February 13th, 2024
    This was very well said and informative. Thank you Professor Miller.
    I want to be as mature, intelligent, and well-spoken as you!!

  • @nigeljoseph5472
    @nigeljoseph5472 6 місяців тому +1

    This is one of the best interviews I've ever heard. Miller is so articulate and so convincing!

  • @mimitek6140
    @mimitek6140 7 місяців тому +2

    Why is wrong to criticise a country because its policy? Why is calling ceasefire, peaceful coexistence and respect of human rights offensive to staunch supporters of Israel? This is as if you committed the worst crime. We live in a deranged world

  • @rocarolan2003
    @rocarolan2003 7 місяців тому +2

    Brave man. Thanks

  • @YvonneKennedy-lu2uc
    @YvonneKennedy-lu2uc 6 місяців тому +4

    Palestinians have the right to resist occupation.

  • @KawakebAstra
    @KawakebAstra 7 місяців тому +9

    is this post being sound sabotaged ? on iphone maxed volume’n hardly hear ? 💔

    • @markbantz9699
      @markbantz9699 7 місяців тому +1

      It’s fine on my ipad!

    • @shacooked
      @shacooked 7 місяців тому +1

      its fine one my iphone

  • @carmengregory822
    @carmengregory822 7 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for this highly insightful interview

  • @lynnsliney7262
    @lynnsliney7262 7 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for your expertise. It as help me understand so much more.

  • @jennyhirschowitz1999
    @jennyhirschowitz1999 3 місяці тому

    This wonderful human being is too good for the Nobel Peace prize…… thank you for your intellectual courage……your voice of conscience. Miss Jenny

  • @user-cp7gh8zj6b
    @user-cp7gh8zj6b 7 місяців тому +4

    YT deletes every comment I make quoting this man. Telling.

  • @iqbalahmed5182
    @iqbalahmed5182 6 місяців тому +2

    Prof. David Miller is brave & fearless and speaks the truth despite knowing the risk. We salute his courage, congratulations for winning the court case - I can sense the beginning of the end of Zionism and it’s vices.

  • @Abs222-
    @Abs222- 7 місяців тому +5


  • @ranjinichitsabesan647
    @ranjinichitsabesan647 6 місяців тому

    The most enlightened ,Empathetic,Educated,Compassionate,Brave person who spoke for peace,And harmony between all religions.Hope the whole world listen to him.What a courageous person.We need people like him to bring love to all.

  • @hackchewspit1956
    @hackchewspit1956 7 місяців тому +18

    Tommy Robinson the best example....Douglas Murray another

  • @zhrylmz9897
    @zhrylmz9897 6 місяців тому +2

    Thank you so much

  • @muhadbarre1821
    @muhadbarre1821 6 місяців тому +1

    Honest, human , neutral professor who says truth without fear for his believe by enlightening and debunking the lies, corruption, greed, injustice, subjugation that had dominated the world since 1950.

  • @quintinout
    @quintinout 7 місяців тому +7

    You don't need to be a professor to work that one out.

    • @gillps5130
      @gillps5130 7 місяців тому +2

      No, but to the deaf one must shout, or win a court case.

  • @marytouafek6
    @marytouafek6 9 днів тому

    This Professor is a hero. Thank you for this interview.

  • @PMConnolly
    @PMConnolly 7 місяців тому +11

    Excellent. Thank you 🙏

  • @k8kk8k
    @k8kk8k 7 місяців тому +3

    Who funded WW1 when Britain was loosing to Germany and how was the Balfour letter the price we are forced to pay today?