There is no time limit to get the gold star as long as you complete the puzzle the day it was published without any checks or reveals. It means the puzzle is counted as part of your streak. It's a bit generous though, since on weekends the puzzles come out early, you can still get the gold star even after the next puzzle is out.
The animation! So fun!!! Just an FYI I watch all the ads the whole way through and had a 5 min and 3 min ad back to back 😂😂
congrats on your first checker-free puzzle of many!!!
This puzzle is so cool! Props to the creative designer and props to you for no mistakes and no checker!
Perfect solve, and quick too. I used almost 25 minutes (including brief distractions), no hints.
Awesome job!!!!
Really great solve today!
Congrats on solving without needing to check! The time was not too bad.
Such a cool puzzle today!
Crosswords all have certain words they like especially if they use a lot of vowels like era and ale
lol you were listing cars and the second thing you said was Audi, but then you said I'm not sure and moved on despite the answer actually being Audi.
and he had the I in place !
Yeah I noticed that. I have no clue what happened there. I suspect in my head I thought Audi was 5 letters.
Congratulations on doing it without any checker! Does the gold star has a meaning like completing it under a certain amount of time?
There is no time limit to get the gold star as long as you complete the puzzle the day it was published without any checks or reveals. It means the puzzle is counted as part of your streak. It's a bit generous though, since on weekends the puzzles come out early, you can still get the gold star even after the next puzzle is out.
Congrats on the gold star!