Quick read through of the topics the speaker addressed. Apologies if I have missed something important , so please watch the video anyway 6:27 (A) Over-Generalization Drive - Turning to generic solution for all the problems 6:51 Phases in a Developers Life 1. Enthusiastic Developer 2. Disillusioned Developer 3. Enthusiastic Architect - KISS, YAGNI, Lean, MVP, Story Focus 4. Disillusioned Architect 5. Wise Architect ( Answer to all questions: It depends ) 10:52 (B) Domain Allergy - Treating Domain as a nuisance - 90% The generic machine solution + 10% domain - The 10% controlled by some configuration - Customer wants simplicity not a confusing configurations - Benefit of choices already made 14:11 (C) Obsessive Specialization Disorder - Opposite of A. Every problem is unique - Print list of most frequent words example - Believing everything needs to be a perfect match 17:18 (D) Unhealthy Competition Attraction - We are so smart , that we wont do simple things - benefits of complexity > challenging work, interesting and new experience, self-esteem, community, barrier of entry, job security 19:20 (E) Analysis Paralysis - Taking longer to evaluate than to do it. - Vendor Selection example 21:39 (F) Innovation Addiction - Conference Fashion - Choose boring technology , that helps. - Stop looking at google, Facebook, amazon , the biggies - Choosing two coins of change at every new project ( ex: only UI and DB will change ) 26:12 (G) Severe Tunnelling Fixation. - Wanting to use the tech which I know of. Enforcing architectural approach that clashes with framework , libraries or tools - Desktop web apps example - Using fashionable technology because it is popular 29:32 (H) Asset Addiction - Becoming attached to a particular tool/framework, that every problem seems to be solved by that. 31:02 (I) Exaggerated Risk Aversion - Sticking with Horrible tools. - This is how we do things around here ( OMG ! ) - After a while the new person gets used to it. - Confusing “easy” with “simple”. The hard thing is to do the simple thing - Rick Hickey “Simple made Easy” talk 35:05 (J) Impact Dissonance - Becoming too detached from the actual system. - Believing everything has to be approved by you - What Architects wants to do 1. Shape Strategy 2. Explore Technologies 3. Make Important Decisions 4. Mentor Developers - What others think Architects do 1. Slow Down Development 2. Define Annoying Rules 3. Never listen to developers 4. Pick the wrong tools - What architects should actually do 1. Act as salesperson (30%) 2. “Try” to be involved (35%) 3. Defend Architecture (30%) 4. Do technical Stuff (5%) 41:45 An Architects Success Formula 1. Dogma and Rules (10%) 2. Experience (20%) 3. Pragmatism (20%) 4. Flexibility (10%) 5. Minimalism (10%) 6. Trends and future needs (10%) 7. Experiments and PoC(10%) 8. Hands-on participation (10%) - coding, but not on critical path. 9. Vendor Advice (0%) 46:05 Q&A
8:14 "I can actually solve THIS problem ONCE with a GENERIC solution! My life is gonna be so much better! That's when you turn into the Enthusiastic Architect. This is a really critical phase of your life as a developer, as this is when you can do the Worst things to other people, and systems around you, and really ruin people's lives and make them miserable" My 6-year-ago-past-self feels personally attacked (and it should be)
Can confirm going through all 5 stages. Only to find that no one actually needs my craft. And saying "I had warned you about this at least 1 year ago but you did not listen" does not bring as much Schadenfreude as earlier, so stage 6 is "fuck that, sky wont fail anyway" :)
probably a good example for "you have to work more for the end result to be simpler" would be a new physics theory that replaces the old one that had many special cases: for example the equation for planets movements compared to way they were computed in the antic times
Quick read through of the topics the speaker addressed. Apologies if I have missed something important , so please watch the video anyway
6:27 (A) Over-Generalization Drive - Turning to generic solution for all the problems
6:51 Phases in a Developers Life
1. Enthusiastic Developer
2. Disillusioned Developer
3. Enthusiastic Architect
- KISS, YAGNI, Lean, MVP, Story Focus
4. Disillusioned Architect
5. Wise Architect ( Answer to all questions: It depends )
10:52 (B) Domain Allergy - Treating Domain as a nuisance
- 90% The generic machine solution + 10% domain
- The 10% controlled by some configuration
- Customer wants simplicity not a confusing configurations
- Benefit of choices already made
14:11 (C) Obsessive Specialization Disorder - Opposite of A. Every problem is unique
- Print list of most frequent words example
- Believing everything needs to be a perfect match
17:18 (D) Unhealthy Competition Attraction - We are so smart , that we wont do simple things
- benefits of complexity > challenging work, interesting and new experience, self-esteem, community, barrier of entry, job security
19:20 (E) Analysis Paralysis - Taking longer to evaluate than to do it.
- Vendor Selection example
21:39 (F) Innovation Addiction
- Conference Fashion
- Choose boring technology , that helps.
- Stop looking at google, Facebook, amazon , the biggies
- Choosing two coins of change at every new project ( ex: only UI and DB will change )
26:12 (G) Severe Tunnelling Fixation. - Wanting to use the tech which I know of. Enforcing architectural approach that clashes with framework , libraries or tools
- Desktop web apps example
- Using fashionable technology because it is popular
29:32 (H) Asset Addiction - Becoming attached to a particular tool/framework, that every problem seems to be solved by that.
31:02 (I) Exaggerated Risk Aversion - Sticking with Horrible tools.
- This is how we do things around here ( OMG ! )
- After a while the new person gets used to it.
- Confusing “easy” with “simple”. The hard thing is to do the simple thing
- Rick Hickey “Simple made Easy” talk
35:05 (J) Impact Dissonance - Becoming too detached from the actual system.
- Believing everything has to be approved by you
- What Architects wants to do
1. Shape Strategy
2. Explore Technologies
3. Make Important Decisions
4. Mentor Developers
- What others think Architects do
1. Slow Down Development
2. Define Annoying Rules
3. Never listen to developers
4. Pick the wrong tools
- What architects should actually do
1. Act as salesperson (30%)
2. “Try” to be involved (35%)
3. Defend Architecture (30%)
4. Do technical Stuff (5%)
41:45 An Architects Success Formula
1. Dogma and Rules (10%)
2. Experience (20%)
3. Pragmatism (20%)
4. Flexibility (10%)
5. Minimalism (10%)
6. Trends and future needs (10%)
7. Experiments and PoC(10%)
8. Hands-on participation (10%) - coding, but not on critical path.
9. Vendor Advice (0%)
46:05 Q&A
Appreciate it
please do for every video
Thanks a ton!
8:14 "I can actually solve THIS problem ONCE with a GENERIC solution! My life is gonna be so much better! That's when you turn into the Enthusiastic Architect. This is a really critical phase of your life as a developer, as this is when you can do the Worst things to other people, and systems around you, and really ruin people's lives and make them miserable"
My 6-year-ago-past-self feels personally attacked (and it should be)
5 years ago for me. Happy to have suffered myself the consequences of those decisions to know how stupid, stupid, stupid that can be :)
Actual content doesn’t start til 4:30 in.
Thank you!
Video actually starts at 4:28
Can confirm going through all 5 stages. Only to find that no one actually needs my craft. And saying "I had warned you about this at least 1 year ago but you did not listen" does not bring as much Schadenfreude as earlier, so stage 6 is "fuck that, sky wont fail anyway" :)
probably a good example for "you have to work more for the end result to be simpler" would be a new physics theory that replaces the old one that had many special cases: for example the equation for planets movements compared to way they were computed in the antic times
Thanks, Stefan for the truth.
This is mostly nonsense. At some point in your architecture career you learn that is has very little to do with software and everything with people.
Good grief that intro was one of the most annoying thing I've ever seen.
Long story short: Just make the big ball of mud they told you not to make, because it probably won't actually become that.
only ppl that would play a ten walls song nowadays are IT people - completely clueless...
Cringy into.