Francis Chan - Choose Your Words Wisely

  • Опубліковано 16 жов 2024
  • Sermon from 2006.12.10
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  • @nuubbee1
    @nuubbee1 12 років тому +7

    Never get bored listening to Francis, he seems to truly know the word and studies it .. but its our job to pray for the truth and read the bible...but out of all the people I love and thrive from is Francis Chan and Charlie Stanley.... I would love to sit in Church with Francis and worship,, and lets not forget the books he has written,, AWESOME

  • @ConversationParty
    @ConversationParty 9 років тому +20

    Thank you God! Francis' obedience and honesty motivates me to Love more.

    • @michelleporras6915
      @michelleporras6915 7 років тому

      You spoke to Me and allowed me to reexamine my heart, .... showing me that I was not right to use ( as I thought I had surrendered ) my mouth, words, thoughts as I have been. Thank You for reminding me of my commitment, my heart, to Jesus.

  • @terrybleterry
    @terrybleterry 11 років тому +15

    notice at that 430am prayer meeting at the korean church, the people are not dragging their butts to the meeting. they dont have their heads hanging down and they dont look groggy. they are alive and ready. it's very impressive.

  • @tinajane830
    @tinajane830 12 років тому +2

    What a powerful message, I recently started listening to Francis Chan, what an awesome men of God! I've been watching one video after the other, emailing and posting them to my friends and family.
    This has truly blessed my life!! Thank you for posting, please keep putting more out there because we are hungry and thirsty for the truth of God.
    May the Lord bless you.

  • @sandrakersey8849
    @sandrakersey8849 11 років тому +17

    We've heard the saying, "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can not hurt me." Nothing is farther from the truth. Thank you Francis Chan for clearing up this crazy notion and backing it up with the Word of God. :-0

    • @jamesmansfield8769
      @jamesmansfield8769 7 років тому +1

      Hi but the sticks and stones is true to the extent that if the world is hurling epithets and the like at US, consider it pure joy. Furthermore, if ever a true Christian receives hutful words from another true Christian (very rare!)., he/she quickly reverts back to scriptures which point out the mostly disasterous consequences of all chatter that is unrelated to LOVE (non-Christian) Again, the world's reaction is greatly different

  • @barbaragraham4722
    @barbaragraham4722 5 років тому

    Thank you FATHER GOD for blessing Pastor Chan to open my ears to his teaching about our untamed tongue. I had to repent my sharp tongue that eagerly cut people's feelings if they irritate me. This is the same tongue that I use to cry and confess to Your Holy Ears. Glory to GOD 🙏

  • @prayerangel1
    @prayerangel1 11 років тому +3

    What an amazing analogy! This guy seems to have been blessed by God for speaking such vivid imagery and putting things in terms that even a child can understand. I would love to have that ability in my life, as so many don't seem to understand my words when I speak of God, though I pray for His guidance on it often. I will continue to pray and meditate on this topic because I can see areas in which I can improve and which I have neglected to notice. Thank you for posting this message!

  • @sarahvb7
    @sarahvb7 13 років тому +2

    Awesome sermon! I thought I was going to be bored watching this clip for my communication class, but was truly touched by the message. Words are very powerful!

  • @lilianmganyizi6286
    @lilianmganyizi6286 5 років тому +1

    Thanks for sharing . Empowering. Blessings y'all 😊

  • @joshyuuu
    @joshyuuu 11 років тому +2

    The korean church he refers to is our church. Sarang Community Church. We're still going strong every year with our two weeks of Special Early Morning Prayer and God's just been blessing our body with so much!

  • @worldview730
    @worldview730 2 роки тому

    Amen God grant me the wisdom to stay wise

  • @jgguy77
    @jgguy77 4 роки тому +2

    All these roads lead back to you God.

  • @chaotiongsai
    @chaotiongsai 10 років тому +11

    This sermon is awesome.

  • @AnGeLaOYA
    @AnGeLaOYA 5 років тому +1

    I struggle and have hurt my family with my tongue. I need to forgive all the hurt caused to me as a child with people's words and I need God to help me with the words I choose to speak. I can not do this! I fail so much! Such ego. Such pride. Such woundedness. God forgive me.

  • @susansmith62
    @susansmith62 10 років тому +4

    Have heard many teachings on the book of James. No one has ever demonstrated quite like Francis Chan. The borrowed tooth brush was an intelligent choice for an object lesson. I have definitely been guilty of this sin. Must repent. Start every day reminding myself as I surrender all of me to God that includes my tongue also. May Jesus be glorified by what I say.

  • @surfhawaiiwaves
    @surfhawaiiwaves 6 років тому +1

    Best pastor ever

  • @bethbnolan
    @bethbnolan 12 років тому

    Our flesh is at war with our spirit. We all, Christians that is, have this struggle.

  • @Solomon43822
    @Solomon43822 11 років тому

    Then they say, "Well You (or man in general) are not worthy for God to speak to you/have a relationship with you." Then we say, "It's not Man's worthiness that defines whether God can/will speak to us or have a relationship with us, but God's worthiness. God is worthy of all our praise and all Glory. All God asks for, however, is that we recognize him as the Lord of all creation, that we make him our Lord, and we have a deeper relationship with him than anyone or thing else, and obey him.

  • @susanflakes6968
    @susanflakes6968 2 роки тому

    Fire shut up in my bones, Brother's the truth has to be said before anyone else is hurt or damaged and it has never let up because they thought I was letting them get away with it.

  • @kalliklvr
    @kalliklvr 13 років тому

    Thank you for posting this...(:

  • @7vincent7black743822
    @7vincent7black743822 11 років тому

    is the framework and the origins, and is what we point to, that backs up the whole New Testament as the fact that this isn't another scientology rerun. And, it also encourages us, because it displays how messed up we have always been, but it has always been by the Grace of God that God has always been able to use us despite our own failures and shortcomings. It has never been our perfection that defines this relationship, but His.

  • @7vincent7black743822
    @7vincent7black743822 11 років тому

    And it is throught a continual sanctification that is a work that God performs on us as we continually devote ourselves night and day to Him, in our new covenant and baptism into his name, that causes us to be able to somehow serve him because we have been saved. We come to him messed up, weary, broken, and lost. Not one of us is perfect, we have all "fallen" short of the glory of God. But it is his love and Grace abound that is the reason we can be assured in his gift of salvation.

  • @estuchedepeluche
    @estuchedepeluche 11 років тому

    Because the talk seems to be inspired by the time of year: Christmas. So I think society should also choose words like summer, winter, Christmas, holiday, time, season wisely. That's all.

  • @biggSHNDO
    @biggSHNDO 3 місяці тому

    You know what? It was a good idea for him to turn off comments. They’re distracting.
    I DO want an updated version of this sermon now tho- curious to see if he’d do it any dofferent

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    You too. ;) I've been trying to read the Bible from start to finish, to learn the history of Israel exactly and with all the details. I'm in Numbers now, and that and Leviticus are some tough books to get through when you are 20 years old. :P Thats probably the only reason I rmemeber that story so much. But God bless you too. xD

  • @Solomon43822
    @Solomon43822 11 років тому

    in his abundant knowledge of all that he has done, whether or not this would ever have occurred, but I'm not one to write off someone or something just because it was created by man and is now in deep tribulation and has no where to turn. I'll end it with, "If a man creates a form of human that is fallen in nature, can they hear the voice of God?" I'd say yes, because its not dependent on the greatness of that creature, whether or not they could hear God, but God. If he wills it, so it will be.

  • @dustinchapman8464
    @dustinchapman8464 11 років тому

    WHOSOEVER calls upon The Lord, is what scripture said. There was no "unless they were this or that". Jesus Christ loves us ALL, every person who walks the face of the Earth. No matter what.

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name". Paul also used this phrase the same way in Romans 8:15 and Philippians 2:5."

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    Perhaps these growth spurts occurred because of the breeding that took place between these two formally isolated tribes. It's also interesting to note that the original Hebrew word "Nephilim" which is translated "giants" in this verse can simply mean "a bully or tyrant" (Strong's Concordance)."

  • @robertota9341
    @robertota9341 5 років тому +4

    God said. Take the log out of your eye before you take the splinter out of someone elses. Do not judge for you will be judged. Everyone will be accountable for every word, deed, thoughts that came from them on Judgement Day. Everyone will face the LORD and be Judged. God will say 1 of 2 things to to everyone. YOU HAVE DONE WELL MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT or GO AWAY FROM ME, I NEVER KNEW YOU. It's not about Religion. It's about a Relationship with Jesus Christ our Savior. Jesus died on the Cross for our sins. Jesus defeated Satan at the Cross. God created Heaven and Hell. God created Satan and his demons. God created Hell for Satan and his demons. Hell is a million times more terrifying than your worst NIGHTMARE. Demons are waiting to torment you forever. Thousands ARE going to Hell. All because they REJECTED Jesus as their Savior and are EVIL. God created Heaven for all of us and wants to take everyone to Heaven. In the Bible, Nichodemus asked Jesus. How can I enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Jesus told him. You must be Saved and Born again to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. No man goes to the Father except through his son Jesus Christ. On Judgement day, ALL knees will bow and all tongues will confess that Jesus is Lord. Question is. Where are YOU going after you die? Heaven or Hell. You choose.

    • @firstname713
      @firstname713 3 роки тому

      So did you choose to be saved?

  • @thebiblicaldigest
    @thebiblicaldigest 11 років тому

    That "website".. Once again, the Word is all you need.. Not a website.. God Bless.

  • @Solomon43822
    @Solomon43822 11 років тому

    that it is God's decision, not ours, to decide who He wants to save, and who is "worthy" of his speaking and having a connection with. Thats about as wise a decision as the Muslims take on whether or not God can or would talk to Men. Their first response is always, "God can't talk to Man." Which we respond with, "Why can't the God of the Universe, be able to do something so insignificant as talk with or have a relationship with His creation."

  • @thebiblicaldigest
    @thebiblicaldigest 11 років тому

    I havent read 1 of your replies.. It would waste my time. God Bless youngin,, keep reading..

  • @Solomon43822
    @Solomon43822 11 років тому

    reason someone is not saved, is because they have not repented in mind and spirit, accepted Jesus as their savior, and been baptised in his name as a declaration of sanctification and devotion to the Lord. "Fallen" people or creatures do not exist except for the Angels who sided with Lucifer in their Pride and Jealousy out of the wickedness that their hearts had become. And they are only fallen because their deeds were an act of such rebellion, that they're hearts were hardened and they would

  • @maryarango1539
    @maryarango1539 12 років тому

    this was recorded Uploaded by cheetoz64 on Apr 23, 2011

  • @thebiblicaldigest
    @thebiblicaldigest 11 років тому +1

    :) God Bless,, keep reading.

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    The Website talks about the Word. It's like going to churhc and having a pastor talk about passages in the Bible, the website is one guy bringing up the Word of God, and breaking it down and its meanings with one part using a Direct Hebrew Translation to boot. Undermining resources that use the very word of God, so that you don't have to recognize the points that are brought up by using the Word of God, that is the tactic I see at play here.

  • @youngstomach
    @youngstomach 11 років тому

    I'm unfamiliar with those specific mentionings of God telling his people to 'distribute young women among the soldiers" and 'taking women by force." Could you tell me where you found that in the bible?

  • @hereisayana8207
    @hereisayana8207 Рік тому

    What about how people in relationships will someone down by calling them ugly, not adequate in some way or criticize their body shape?

  • @zytigon
    @zytigon 11 років тому

    Interesting topic by Francis Chan. Thanks for video. I agree there is a caring way of putting things or a cruel thing. However it is possible to translate a nasty comment into the caring comment that should have been said. Maybe one of the key things is to be specific to the idea or action in question rather than generalizing to try to sum up the whole person. Also putting in terms of your emotions -" i was really annoyed at what he said, i strongly disagree, i prioritize differently "

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    Jesus himself says in one of thebooks of the New Testament, "Who are my mother and brothers? Anyone who hears the word of God and does it." His family had come and attempted to summon him while he was teaching, not just because they needed him, they thought he was crazy and were trying to take him away and speak some sense in him at thetime. THat's why he said, anyone who hears the word of God and does it, is my family. Thats why he ignored her, because God's calling transcends everything else.

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." (1 John 3:1-2) Notice that John uses this title twice in reference to believers in Jesus Christ. Again in John 1:12, we find him using it again in the same manner,

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    "What about these mighty men or giants found in Genesis 6:4? (The Hebrew word used in this verse is "Nephilim") Remember that just shortly before the flood, Adam lived, as well as Enoch (who was translated to heaven because he walked continually with God) and Methuselah. (Genesis 5). They lived over 900 years and some believe that these people were over 9 feet tall. So maybe giants weren't that uncommon in those days.

  • @7vincent7black743822
    @7vincent7black743822 11 років тому

    LOL. I guess you have a point then. xD Allright, I enjoy these discussions though I do find at times I get frustrated. but you are probbaly right. :)

  • @7vincent7black743822
    @7vincent7black743822 11 років тому

    as you say, this being in Leviticus I believe, and the Gospel, which is the New Testament, and the letters that Paul and other Apostles write after Acts and Romans and those ones just after the Gospel. Our primary source of guidance that applies directly and more personally with exactly what the will of God is now that we are in the Covenant of Grace, not Sacrifice and Works, can be found in Prayer as you have continually stressed, and in the New Testament. The Old Testament builds upon it,

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    had spiritual bodies. "The phrase "sons of God" is used many times in the Bible to refer to men, but more specifically, God's followers here on earth (see Hosea 1:10). In Luke 3:38, Adam is called "the son of God" and throughout the new Testament, Christians are referred to as "the sons of God". Take for instance these familiar verses: "Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not,

  • @Solomon43822
    @Solomon43822 11 років тому

    never be able to come back from that. Whether from Pride, Guilt, or a loyalty to the one Angel that had been God's number one greatest Angel, they would not be able to bring themselves to face God, and even if they wanted to, their prayers would be hindered by them giving up their salvation to follow one who was not the Creator. What does "He is wither black or white, no middle with God Almighty" mean? Especially with the fact that it is not me bring a shade of grey to God, but pointing out

  • @philphilips1020
    @philphilips1020 5 років тому +1

    A 13 yr old video with only 129 comments so the odds of anyone ever caring or even reading this comment are slim. But here it goes anyway.
    It was 1985 and I was a junior in H.S. I turned a corner and saw a group of about a dozen classmates, all female, but they hadn't noticed me yet. In the center was a girl who I had a crush on and another girl was telling her that I (still standing there unnoticed) had a crush on her. These were her words exactly, "EWWW GROSS!"
    To this day, 34 years later, that girl has no idea how much those 2 words changed my life. I don't remember the last time I looked someone in the eyes, maybe never. I look mostly at my feet. I'm extremely uncomfortable around teenagers, especially girls. I'd rather have a root canal while passing a kidney stone.
    I've lost count of how many times in the past 34 years (and recently) that I've sat with the proverbial barrel in my mouth or stood on the edge of the abyss only to chicken out at the last minute.
    Words hurt and sometimes they kill. I've been dead since H.S.

    • @TT-ik3zq
      @TT-ik3zq 5 років тому

      Perry Connell so sorry that happened to you.. praying that God would heal that hurt part of you .. blessings ❤️🙏

    • @levissk8boy
      @levissk8boy 4 роки тому

      Phil Philips 1 Peter 2:4 As you come to him, the living Stone-rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him-

    • @John10verse10
      @John10verse10 2 роки тому

      Phil Philips hey Phil was wondering how it has been?

    • @philphilips1020
      @philphilips1020 2 роки тому +1

      @@John10verse10 My body is still living, thanks for asking. Well, more like existing because "living" is a bit of a stretch. I guess it never did get the memo from the joy department to go ahead and just give up. That whole "life more abundantly" must be in reference to the next one.
      Other than that continued existence has been sustained so far. Of course that's all internal. On the outside I manage to maintain the mask that all men wear, the 'No Problem, Life's Grand' mask. At least I think that's what we all wear. Maybe it's just me.

    • @John10verse10
      @John10verse10 2 роки тому

      @Phil Philips you know Phil I care about you and to hear your story really touches me. I can’t imagine that happening to me. But have you ever thought of forgiving that girl and letting go of your past so you can move onto your future? You know Christ took all your sins on the cross at Calvary even if you don’t believe it. He doesn’t want you even to remember your past, but look ahead to him because your past has been washed by his blood. I don’t know if anyone has told you Phil, but Jesus really loves you and so do I even though I’ve never met you before. I want you to know you living for a reason and even though you’ve spent most of your life remembering that one moment, Jesus can turn your life around! I believe it! Your on my prayer list Phil and also Jesus is right there waiting for you to open your door to him. He’s knocking on your heart. He wants to make you new and whole. No more broken you, but a whole and complete new you in Christ Jesus. Jesus has actually been seeking you, even if your in doubt he exists. He changed my life and he can change your too! He can take all your fear and stress and anxiety and your depression all away. He is waiting to take it away, just surrender your life to him and all your going through. Give every situation to him, your not meant to walk through life by yourself, Jesus is there to walk right there with you even in the darkest valley. Thanks for replying! God bless you Phil and again I want to say your loved By Jesus and Jesus is ready to accept you as you are!

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    Now, the term Nephillim is not the context, I feel you make it out to be. For one of the links I provided did not work but had this qoute to say about it all. It uses the word Nephilim, I stand corrected there, but the definition is different:

  • @thebiblicaldigest
    @thebiblicaldigest 11 років тому

    Are the giants of the OT in heaven,, i think not. I understand what your saying,, but this is a little deeper than that, brother.

  • @nickbp2992
    @nickbp2992 12 років тому

    Okay so I am a believer, but I am somewhat stumped. It makes sense that praises and curses should come from our mouths, but we aren't called to like people, are we? We are called to love everyone as ourselves aka being kind and respectful, patient, slow to anger, so on, but I am not perfect! I have times when I struggle because people do this or do that to bother me in some sort of way. How am i supposed to react that isn't ungodly?! I feel trapped between our calling and my imperfections...

  • @thebiblicaldigest
    @thebiblicaldigest 11 років тому

    Ok, God Bless.

  • @estuchedepeluche
    @estuchedepeluche 11 років тому

    Thanks for the reply, I truly appreciate it. Some insult those who disagree with them. Since you mention rape, murder and so on, what do say to texts like Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Numbers, and Genesis where you find injunctions to kill, take women by force, offer marriage after the fact, take slaves, distribute young women among soldiers as spoils of war, etc. These aren't description of what bad men did in ancient history, those are commands that God gave his people.

  • @zytigon
    @zytigon 11 років тому

    It is quite easy to say, " I hate you " but most times what is meant is " I hate what you said, I'm furious that you won't agree to do what i want, I find that habit so irritating, please don't do it ". I like Matt 5v22 which advises against calling people " You fool " however it makes a very OTT threat about doing so, also the Bible doesn't stick to that advice but it is more accurate to say instead," You did something foolish " but better to say, " It would be better to do this..for X reason"

  • @7vincent7black743822
    @7vincent7black743822 11 років тому +1

    Sorry, I don't know what it is, but I am completely incapable of condensing my points into one post. I just naturally am long winded and detail oriented. So I'm not making your job easier, or for anyone whose had to deal with my large posts before you either. This has been a fun discussion, regardless if we continue or not. Because useually I encounter someone more analytical and smarter, and I am challenged to a degree that can be difficult, or I encounter someone who is sometimes hostile. :)

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    oops, I'm replying to the wrong post, but hey, it works. :) Anyways, along that concept though, he is outright making anyone who hears God's words and his calling, and serves that wholeheartedly, equal to that of being his "own family". And countless times people who are faithful are referrred to as Sons of God. Not The Son of God, as son of God the Fahter, but Sons of God, the Lord, Jesus Christ, who now acts as the go-between us, and God the Father. :)

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    If you remember in 1st and 2nd Kings. Israel's downfall was sparked continuously by the fact that they gave eachother over into marriage with people of thesurrounding nations, and thus came to worship pagan idols and Gods. Therefore God took his blessing of those people and gave them over to Anathema. Which is defined as giving some over completely to their sins and the repercussions of them, that they might wake up to them and repent and come back. It was an act of mercy and grace, instead of

  • @Godisgood13208
    @Godisgood13208 5 років тому +1

    Everyone love sending stuff overseas.... what about the poor folks here..

    @STEAMBOLTANNIE 4 роки тому +1


  • @thebiblicaldigest
    @thebiblicaldigest 11 років тому

    Great Vid, but i have a question to whom any can reply.. I agree 100% about no matter if they are wicked, we should pray for them, and know that Jesus loves them, but heres my question: What if God didnt make them? What if they are cloned? What if there DNA has been modified like in Genesis? Can a cloned human be saved? If man creates a form of human (which they have) that is fallen in nature, can they hear the voice of God? His children hear His voice, the fallen are not His children, right?

  • @Wolverine4762
    @Wolverine4762 12 років тому

    My words choose me.

  • @thebiblicaldigest
    @thebiblicaldigest 11 років тому +1

    What about the Old Testament? That is the Words os Jesus as well.. Jesus is in the OT. Keep reading. God Bless.

  • @Jay-qs4bg
    @Jay-qs4bg 11 років тому +1

    Steven, I have seen you debating on numerous videos. I admire your vigor for teaching the Word of God, but most of the times the primary focus is of no correlation to salvation. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not speaking to you in a condescending manner. I just think your time and effort would be more constructive if utilized in bringing people to Salvation instead of debating over irrelevant matters, which rarely settle in a mutual agreement.
    1 Timothy 1:4
    2 Timothy 2:14
    Titus 3:9

  • @Solomon43822
    @Solomon43822 11 років тому

    I'll be honest. Is it not true that God is in complete control, and that before any of us were born, he knew every sing thing we all would ever do? I don't think it's inconcievable then, that knowing a man would create a genetically engineered human, he would choose to give that creature a soul and the option to be saved even though his/her/its life would be hard or something. We wouldn't know until we stand before the Lord in all of His glory and are in complete connection with him, and sharing

  • @7vincent7black743822
    @7vincent7black743822 11 років тому

    All these people, they all had their problems, and many more. Not one of these people was perfect, but when they heard the calling of the Lord, they listened. For the most part, one had to get swallowed by a whale before he shaped up, but hey, we can't all be fishermen who drop their nets in a moment's notice, well we can, but most of the time we don't follow that example well at all. The point is, its the historical account. But the words of Christ that we follow are the Ten commandments,

  • @7vincent7black743822
    @7vincent7black743822 11 років тому

    Are you talkign about the Prophecies of the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah which are one of hte largest but certainly not the only places prophesying the events that would take place in the future? The Old Testament, serves as the historical declaration of the old Covenant. Its stage as The Law has passed, and it serves as an example that Christians should follow in one aspect or another with its many role models of people God chose. Davide, Noah, Abraham, Jacob Abraham's son-

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    Based on what do I not know my Bible? I think I know it pretty well, I carry it in my backpack every day, its name is George, and it likes long walks on the beach, and dislikes strawberry smoothies. :P Seriously though, the core point of my message is, yes things done by man can be abominations and monstrous, but God has this habit of taking our messes and things that we consider inherently bad, and turning it into something Good. And who are we to say what God can/cannot, will/will not do?

  • @estuchedepeluche
    @estuchedepeluche 11 років тому

    BTW Jeee sesss was born during summer.

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    So, God had Noah take 2 of each animals, and his family and him who were the last christians to actually follow God not idol worship or debauchery of any kind, and they built a boat and it was through them that Mankind was redone, and THIS time God created the first covenant with Abrahams genealogy eventually, delivered them out of Egypt, and then through the desert after 40 years with a now fully established covenant, and now there was a way for Jesus's sacrifice to be lead up to-

  • @estuchedepeluche
    @estuchedepeluche 11 років тому

    Amen, I mean I agree.

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    "The Creator of all things - all things were created through Jesus Christ. And so, what does Christ say about the angels? Well in Mark chapter 12 verse 25 He said, "…they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven" (Mark 12:25
    & Matthew 22:30
    ) So talking about the resurrection - Christ Himself said angels do not marry they are not given in marriage. They are spirit beings. They are not sexual beings."

  • @Solomon43822
    @Solomon43822 11 років тому

    Therefore, if these beings are like animals with a soul, they might be saved. If they are men or women, they can choose ot live in rebellion of God, or for God. If they are soulless and/or mindless, they live as flesh and only flesh, spiritually dead and without intelligence or thought, like a person who is a vegetable, living off of life-support but never having a thought to call their own. A man or woman is only "Fallen", when they have perished and its too late to change their answer.

  • @thebiblicaldigest
    @thebiblicaldigest 11 років тому

    Wow,,lol, God Bless.

  • @thebiblicaldigest
    @thebiblicaldigest 11 років тому

    You guidance shouldn't be from your websites,, it should be from the Holy Spirit. Your young, and have so much to learn.. Dont let man steer you away from the truth. Im sorry to be the one to tell you, but your wrong, and whoever taught you is wrong. The devil is very smart, dont let him fool you.. God Bless.

  • @thebiblicaldigest
    @thebiblicaldigest 11 років тому

    Sir,lol one way or another, you will know the truth. Lets just leave it there. God Bless.

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    ensuring total salvation for all people. But Jesus himself says that Angels are never given over into marriage. He calls anyone who hears the word of God and does it his family. Adam is referred to as a son of God in the sense of the Lord, and that he follows Gods commands and does them, so is a follower and Son of Him. And the apostle Paul, one of the greatest christian writers to have ever lived, writes in the very same way.

  • @mayaarita
    @mayaarita 13 років тому

    @sarahvb7 hey!! i am watching this for my communication class too :) we must be in the same one!!

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    Christ together. And, it functions as the means for a species to continue its existence. But when you are a new creation in Jesus Christ and the end times happen, like the angels, we will not die. We will become spiritual beings who exist because God wills it to be so. There is no more marriage amongst us, for we are the bride of christ. Therefore there will be no more mating either. Not for us, and not for angels, and the angels never mated with humans anyways, as they themselves have always

  • @keroloussamaan3581
    @keroloussamaan3581 11 років тому

    no one in this world is perfect! that same thing has happend to me before, i feel sooo ungodly when i do something wrong and always beat myself up, until the point when i came to relise that the guilt that i was feeling was in fact the holy spirit putting that gulit on me as we are no longer slaves to sin but slaves to righteousness. So it bothers us when we do something wrong because we r the children of god, and he does that so we may turn from sin and move to him :)

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    punishment and suffering. However, in Genesis, there was no covenant with the people of the world like there is in 1st and 2nd Kings. Therefore, there was no way to bring the people back, have them perform some sin sacrifices and such and be restored through the deaths of other animals for their sins. Therefore all God could do at the time was give everyone over totheir sins who was sinful, and destroy the sin completely.

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    Seems to me, your misconstruing the fact that Fallen Angels are spiritual beings. They are neither of the world, or subject to the ways of the world INCLUDING reproduction thorugh physical acts and bodies. And as I've said, the terms Sons of God and Sons of Man are attributed to people who heard the words of God and follow God, and People who follow the world as their master. And the thing about Sons of God coming into Daughters of Man is very similar to one of theproblems of Israel.

  • @tigress4960
    @tigress4960 11 років тому

    Please dont superimpose your thought on someone else we understand what Francis is saying we dont need your explanations ok?

  • @stevendorsey4892
    @stevendorsey4892 11 років тому

    sin, that they did not have any part of. If they are human, then surely if God wills it, then a baptism in his name and a surrenduring to him, could enable them to enter heaven. And why do we try to limit the things of God, by the things of this world. What is this flesh that we wear on ourselves but just that? Flesh gives birth to flesh, and spirit gives birth to spirit. Though may make a monster in the flesh, only God decides who is alive or dead in the spirit, and in the soul. :)

  • @thebiblicaldigest
    @thebiblicaldigest 11 років тому

    Wrong, A fallen angel and a human actually. Yes, the angels did reproduce as stated in Gen 6. Keep reading, God Bless.

  • @stevendorsey4892
    @stevendorsey4892 11 років тому

    There's your problem right there. The Giant's were just like every other man and women who did not recognize the God Yahweh, they recognized some other idol or pagan theology probably, or simply worshipped violence and stuff with how they lived their lives. For were they not create by God, as a test for the people He would first establish His covenant with, as an obstacle that they might in complete faith overcome? It did not turn out that way the first time, but that was what was intended.

  • @stevendorsey4892
    @stevendorsey4892 11 років тому

    It is a problem of the Heart being hardened, and the mind being perverted by sinful things cutting them off from God. And What's more, you are trying to define Salvation by a text in the Old Covenant, not the New Covenant, in a passage that does not even DEAL with Salvation or anything but Mankind's Man. And even then, if you are speaking of the giants of that time, can you say then that the Giant's worshipped God or served him? If you did, I'd have to say, under what proof? If not, I'd say-

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    This link is where that last qoute was, replace "(dot)" with a period and google it if it doesnt work. ucg(dot)org/beyond-today-daily/bible/did-angels-marry-women-and-reproduce-race-giants

  • @7vincent7black743822
    @7vincent7black743822 11 років тому

    I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to stick with what the New Testament says on this, with Jesus's own words on these things. You too.

  • @stevendorsey4892
    @stevendorsey4892 11 років тому

    You told me to read, like the first half of the story of Noah, number one the entirety of that passage speaks on a time when all of Mankind was completely sinful except for Noah and the animals. The whole point of that is the fact that all of Mankind, besides Noah and his family and the birds and other like things, had given themselves completely over to violence, and idolatry, and debased minds. None of it has anything to do with some "DNA Problem" stopping them from being God's not the World's

  • @770rx
    @770rx 11 років тому

    ok. why does that matter?

  • @estuchedepeluche
    @estuchedepeluche 11 років тому

    Wittgenstein, Saussure, Derrida? Austin? Good comment. However I would say God and Satan are real, as real as the value of money, as the meaning of words in a dictionary or the beauty of a color.

  • @stevendorsey4850
    @stevendorsey4850 11 років тому

    I personally don't believe that angels mate at all. Jesus himself says when we die and have been santified in Christ's sacrifice and ressurection we will be "like the angels, not given over in marriage to anyone, only worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ." Now, in the Bible, everywhere it mentions what marriage is, it includes and defines it as cleaving onto one another and having a deep physical, emotional, and spiritual intimacy that is meant to enable people to ahve a deep relationship with

  • @stevendorsey4892
    @stevendorsey4892 11 років тому

    Back to my second point though, you are taking Salvation that has been rendered into a New Covenant of Grace, not Works, and putting it under the concept of the Old Law, that once you sin you gotta start killing a lot of animals the way God says, or you'll be cursed and dead within the week. That's not the way of things of this day by any means. You are completely disregarding Jesus Christ, or the existence there in, if it was 2-3000 years ago, this would hold water, but not anymore.

  • @thebiblicaldigest
    @thebiblicaldigest 11 років тому


  • @Solomon43822
    @Solomon43822 11 років тому

    Or the unforgivable sin, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, such as false prophets, and blasphemers of the things of God are guilty of in their distinct context as one example of the meaning of what is the unforgivable sin.

  • @robertcervantes9649
    @robertcervantes9649 8 років тому +1


  • @Solomon43822
    @Solomon43822 11 років тому

    Fallen is only based upon the concept of total rebellion against God, God sent the flood because Noah's family and Noah himself were the only humans on the planet who had not rebelled against God totally and Deliberately, or lived not knowing and/or caring about God and by association living in complete, unrepentant sin. You toss around the word Fallen as if there is a degree of humans who are beyond redemption or ever was. No one is beyond repentance, its just a matter if they do. And the ONLY

  • @thebiblicaldigest
    @thebiblicaldigest 11 років тому

    Do you think the fallen giants in the Word will go to heaven? Do you think the ones who take the mark of the beast (DNA change) will go to heaven? Why? Because of their DNA.. You change the DNA, you mess with Gods creation,, and thats a no no.

  • @tigress4960
    @tigress4960 11 років тому

    Are you preaching to us on top of Francis' teaching? Well dont; we can make our own decisions about what he is saying and by the way Satan exists, he is a spirit not that you would know if you are spiritually blind.

  • @stayroxy
    @stayroxy 11 років тому

    100 000 a week ...????????? whhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa