i found you in there.. hahaha.. you can use the left finger for slice/hold the food ist oke.. dont use for eating.. (but not use left finger for take food from another plate ) ~salute~
Yg saya suka takutkan atau pikir. Ketika bule2 mencoba kuliner2 di indonesia yg enak, Mohon untuk untuk penjual jgn menembak harga atau menikkan harga makanan dari harga standar. Terimakasih. Sukses terus kuliner indonesia :)
@@indahsetyowati5366 boro bule, yang dari jakarta aja suka dinaikin. Kalau ke rumah saudara di yogya, ketauan dari kota, semuanya jadi serba mahal, ga bisa beli makanan sendirian, harus ditemenin saudara yg bisa bahasa jawa, kalau enggak "dikerjain"
wkwkwk.. si Conner abis kena semprot netizen gara2 makan pke dua tangan wktu di Bali. dsini doi keliatan takut di omelin lagi. wkwkwkwk... Pdhl sbnernya gpp, asal hanya satu tangan yg nyuapin ke mulut.
@@rahit12 iya sih bang, tapi kan yg masuk ke mulut gak 22nya juga. klo gak sendoknya, ya garpu nya... sbnernya yg salah bkn si Conner sih bang, tapi temennya yg org Indo.. wktu si Conner masukin makanan ke mulut pke 2tangan trus berantakan, si Conner tanya "apakah makan sprti ini normal di Indonesia...??" temennya meng iya kan.. jadi aja diomelin. wkwkwkwk...
5:05 indonesian people, mostly the muslim only use their right hand to eat, why? because the left hand is used to clean the private parts after taking number 1 or 2(only use the left hand to do such thing like that). and its not fair or forbidden to use the left hand to feed the mouth. and its also the teaching or the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). And later became the culture/habit of mostly indonesian, specially the muslim. 11:56 not all indonesians lick their fingers while or after eating their food. but the indonesian muslim that practice the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) will do that. Ps.Just sharing
@@anamarisa8034 Nah! Before the term of hygiene was found, 1400 years ago a man that named as Muhammad tough it to his followers. Surprisingly he wasnt a medical doctor but understands or knows about the term of hygiene.
We eat with both hands. but only the RIGHT HAND puts the food into your mouth. You can use both hands to for example tear the chicken or rendang apart. BUT, if youre taking a food from another plate, USE THE SPOOOOONNN!!! hahaha Enjoy you guys!
@@willyandha914 noticed i said RIGHT hand as in the right hand. ( if youre lefty then left. nonetheless mainly only one hand with the rice and reach the mouth, right? )
Waaaa...finally, mbak Marissa and Conner going around at Jakarta. Tapi keliatan kalau Conner penasaran dengan budaya Indonesia, and mbak Marissa jelasin semuanya. U both are great, mbak Marissa tuan rumah yang baik bgt 😊😊😊
Err.. 'eat with your right hand' does not mean you can't use your left hand at all.. you can still use your left hand as support eg. Hold the rendang or the chicken when you tear it apart to pieces. When putting the food to your mouth that's when you absolutely must use only your right hand. I had to comment as I can't stand idly by seeing you two went head over heels trying not to use left hand at all.. 😂
Rendang is actually part of the many reasons why I always feel homesick every time I'm in US...I really appreciate you guys loving the local cuisine here in Indonesia,I mean you guys really got the guts to try rendang and any other food,and tell you what,man that's just awesome!! Hope you have a wonderful time here in Indonesia. Lots of love and take it easy 🙂
You can request your family in Indonesia to send you instant rendang spice. Rendang spice is available in many supermarkets. What you need to cook the instant rendang spice with coconut milks. That's it! You can cook rendang anywhere in the world nowadays.
Thanks you very much....kamu telah memperkenalkan budaya indonesia beserta alamny yg indah...ayo bawa teman2mu dtang ke indonesia..yg blm prnh kmu dpt di negaramu akan kamu dapatkan di indonesia...welcome tourist th world in indonesia.
Ka Marissa dulu subscribe ratusan. Wow amazing, semakin lama semakin naik. Saya suka cara penyampaiannya klo ngejelasin tentang makanan Indonesia. Rendang dan Tunjang, the bestttttt
Hy im from padang and i have a recomendation for a dish that you may be like, its called "Dendeng" its a beef that smashed flat and its reaaly nice if you eat with cabe..
FINALLY you did & I really really glad because of your collabed. When Conner in Germany and had a planned to visit Jakarta, I suggested him to contact you in his youtube channel. Thank you Marrissa & Conner, I already saw the diffrent between a beauty & a loadder machine ate with Indonesian way (bare hand) lol..., GBU.
Marissa, hebat banget kamu. Caramu menjelaskan citarasa masakan Padang, pete, jengkol, durian, bahkan menjelaskan cara makan masakan Padang sangat bagus dan persis seperti yang saya rasakan. Hebat!!! Tapi, saya suka banget pete... ;)
If you want to say other than just halo, u can specify the time of the day... So like selamat pagi or simply just pagiiii... Selamat siang or simply siaaang...selamat malam or just malaam. U can add siang pak or siang bu.. Which means good day sir or ma'am. Pagi - morning (usually between sunrise till 10 am) Siang - day (10am - 4 pm) Sore - post day pre evening(4pm - sunset) Malam - evening/night (sunset till sunrise)
What a surprise Conner Sullivan is in your video, hahaha. Kasian dia terlalu banyak ngvlog di Bali sm di Jerman. Collab terus dong bareng si *BOOM BABY LET' GO!!!* Kasian gk ada temen dia 😁 di Indonesia. Terlalu banyak makan Mcd juga dia hahaha. Ajak ke Sop Konro Marannu Bu 🙄
Salah satu yg aku suka dari vlognya marissa adlh dia menyediakan subtitle inggris (bkn yg otomatis) dan jg indonya, jd skalian terhibur juga belajar bhs inggris disini
You actually have to use the spoon to take things like chili sauce, rendang and its sauce, basically everything wet. Heck even use the spoon to take every food from the servings, especially if you are eating together.
Wajah marissa sangat bule.. tpi saat menjelaskan ke conner tentang indonesia.. she could be better than locals.. tetap berkarya buat marissa & conner.. 👍👍👍
Hello Marissa! just found your channel through Conner's! Glad to find a bule who stays in Indonesia! you seem to know more about Indonesian than most indonesians themselves 😅. hopefully one day we can meet and perhaps do a collab too when my channel is bigger! hope you're having a good day!
I think you and connor must go to sulawesi selatan because the food was amazing there you must try eat coto and the other food, I think you will like it. Thank you that just some tip for you I really want you guys to taste the food on sulawesi selatan
Wahhh... Ketinggalan dikira aku corner jalan bareng dgn kak marissa.. Ternyata kak marrissa colab dgn corner jg ya MANTUL mantap betul.. Ajak makan2 khas daerah lainnya di kota Jakarta kan lengkap apa aja ada
Marissa ur video is good but i just want to suggest something. If u recorded a video which contain a part that no one is talking,i think u should cut it (skip it) so it wont make the video kinda awkward. Btw guys please like this comment so marissa will see this coment and she can improve her videos. Anyways its a good video merissa 😁😁 keep it up.
Untung ada mba Marissa kasih tunjuk si Mas Conner makanan enak.. senyam senyum terus Mas Conner (satisfied) sepanjang video bisa makan makanan ENAK khas indonesia..
Heheuu mr' conner lucu banget makannya 😁😁 Terimakasihh sudah mencoba makanan dan mmperkenalkan mkanan indonesia..smoga kalian semua diberikan kesuksesan serta kebahagiaan selalu..
@@Sugank10 yeah,but hard for me eat with hand so my choice is spoon and fork,sorry thats for me but i don't know if you or another people like eat with hand
It always really grinds my gear to see videos of foreigner eating nasi padang and they left the rice unsauced, you have to sauce up the rice with at least the gulai and rendang sauce, finally someone did it right!!! Good job Marissa
@@texasgrubbin5538 you should try terong balado if you eat at warung nasi padang. It's eggplants cooked with balado spices, taste really good! I can eat enormous amount of terong balado😂
Hello? I am Indonesian. And part Padang/West Sumatranese (plus a bit of Javanese-Maduranese-Arab-Chinese-European). Thank you. NASI PADANG (Padang Rice) is THE BEST FOOD in the world. Lots of variations! Beef Rendang of the Padang or West Sumatra or Minangkabau culture has been chosen as THE MOST DELICIOUS FOOD in the world! Via CNN survey. 🇮🇩😊😀
Trick: If you eat Padang food in the restaurant, you'll get a little rice. But if you buy with take away order, you'll get a bunch of rice. That's a mistery.. 😂😂😂
Pdhl ga semua orng Indo makan pake tangan langsung atau ada aturan harus tangan kanan/kiri kan yg makan dia, bisa aja dia kidal dll gw aja selalu makan pake sendok, kan ga ada aturan kalo makan bebas2 aja, takut nya byk bule salah persepsi ga bisa bedain kpn boleh pake tangan langsung kpn harus pake alat makan lol
Robin Arryn tapi klo saya dan keluarga dan orang2 asli Padang lainnya, memang kami klo makan biasa pake tangan, memang sudah jadi kebudayaan dari dulunya sampe sekrang, tapi kecuali klo kami makan diluar, caffe atau restoran memang makannya pake sendok, tapi klo udah di rumah sama keluarga makannya memang pake tangan,
@@infoviral467 ya itu makanya tergantung situasi kondisi nya takut nya salah persepsi, kan ga lucu lagi bertamu dijamu atau acara formal dll tiba2 dia salah mengartikan semua hal di indo kalo makan ga pake alat makan kan dikira ga sopan yg ada haha
Kak Corner nambah dah sana, kyaknya masih pngen deh. Aku jdi ikut ngiler jadinya.. dan paling lucu waktu 4 jari masuk dimulut semua 😁 Like you Mrs. Marissa n Mr. Corner♡♡♡ Welcome to Indonesia 🤗
Gue heran, orang bule kalo makan nasi Padang knp ngambil lauknya pake tangan ya, kan biasanya di sediain sendok 😂 ngambil sambelnya pake tangan jg pula 😂 but it still looks good tho 👌
Can’t get enough with rendang 😍😍!
Ok,abis lihat video conner langsung masuk channel nya marissa.😘
I will waiting for collab with another ,,, love it 💕
Thanks Marissa...
Teach Connor to eat use hand, time after time he is getting profesional
Lol,,,,,,,to see you teach connor how to eat nasi padang like a padang food expert.
BOOM BABY LET'S GO! Thanks for the tour 🙌
your welcome we had to much fun and you are a nasi padang pro eater now👍🏻
Kalian mangap,aku ikutan suges mangap saking ngiler nya.😂😂
i found you in there.. hahaha..
you can use the left finger
for slice/hold the food ist oke..
dont use for eating..
(but not use left finger for take food from another plate )
Boom baby let's go 😄😄😄
@@texasgrubbin5538 Suruh si Conner Ke Menado aja mbak,l Marissa, kan dia suka get lost traveling, biar makan Extreme dia😂😂😂
Yg saya suka takutkan atau pikir. Ketika bule2 mencoba kuliner2 di indonesia yg enak, Mohon untuk untuk penjual jgn menembak harga atau menikkan harga makanan dari harga standar. Terimakasih. Sukses terus kuliner indonesia :)
Harus di akui dengan jujur,,, beberapa pedgang itu curang kalau bule yg makan/beli barang. Mereka menaikkan harga sesuka mereka
@@indahsetyowati5366 boro bule, yang dari jakarta aja suka dinaikin.
Kalau ke rumah saudara di yogya, ketauan dari kota, semuanya jadi serba mahal, ga bisa beli makanan sendirian, harus ditemenin saudara yg bisa bahasa jawa, kalau enggak "dikerjain"
@@indahsetyowati5366 kan jarang ketemu bule mbak jadi ya gitu! Harus keuntungan number 1
@@helpervxok9007 wkwkw itu mah rakus
Kadang sma kita aja nembak apa lgi sma bule.
Penjelasan yang baik mbak Marissa. Terima kasih sudah memperkenalkan salah satu makanan & budaya Indonesia.
Dikira orang jawa 🤣
@@rayanovalia6580 mbak itu kan panggilan yang sopan dan manis untuk seorang cewek
Marrisa's skill on eat with hands is really improve so much from the first video i saw, kudos to you Marrisa
wow thank you I have had a bit of practice
@@texasgrubbin5538 really? Eat with hand, is a basic life.... Wkwkwk
are you a flying cow?
@@aqshacuek maybe
10:46 he was about to use the other hand but instantly remember local manner.
I appreciate that conner.
Actually it is okay to use ur left hand but only use ur right hand to put the food into ur mouth.
@@WZRDr this is actually right
You may use the left hand to grab Kerupuk or something crunchy, to raise your glass. and to call the waiter for another round of rice.
wkwkwk.. si Conner abis kena semprot netizen gara2 makan pke dua tangan wktu di Bali. dsini doi keliatan takut di omelin lagi. wkwkwkwk... Pdhl sbnernya gpp, asal hanya satu tangan yg nyuapin ke mulut.
Ronee onlee mungkin karna kebiasaan orang luar makan pake 2 tangan (sendok & garpu), pas make tangan jadi kebawa 😅
@@rahit12 iya sih bang, tapi kan yg masuk ke mulut gak 22nya juga. klo gak sendoknya, ya garpu nya...
sbnernya yg salah bkn si Conner sih bang, tapi temennya yg org Indo.. wktu si Conner masukin makanan ke mulut pke 2tangan trus berantakan, si Conner tanya "apakah makan sprti ini normal di Indonesia...??" temennya meng iya kan.. jadi aja diomelin. wkwkwkwk...
@@kudajingkrak4919 iyaa temennya parah emg, pas ditanya indomie kenapa enak, jawabnya "bcz its full of MSG" harusnya jawab " bcz ... indomie seleraaaakuuu 🎶"
Yg ngomelin nya aja enggak sekolah.. padahal kalau cuma membantu enggak apa apa
@@bagasrv3065 tapi memang benar kok. Full of msg 😂😂👍👍. Dia jaeab jujur ..
5:05 indonesian people, mostly the muslim only use their right hand to eat, why? because the left hand is used to clean the private parts after taking number 1 or 2(only use the left hand to do such thing like that). and its not fair or forbidden to use the left hand to feed the mouth. and its also the teaching or the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). And later became the culture/habit of mostly indonesian, specially the muslim.
11:56 not all indonesians lick their fingers while or after eating their food. but the indonesian muslim that practice the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) will do that.
Ps.Just sharing
Mostly we all do, since we do hygine stuff at toilet with left han
@@anamarisa8034 Nah! Before the term of hygiene was found, 1400 years ago a man that named as Muhammad tough it to his followers. Surprisingly he wasnt a medical doctor but understands or knows about the term of hygiene.
Beg if they have no right hand
@@ExGamer-sc9uw so??
Chinese, Bataknese, and Manado people also do use right hand like you say
We eat with both hands. but only the RIGHT HAND puts the food into your mouth. You can use both hands to for example tear the chicken or rendang apart. BUT, if youre taking a food from another plate, USE THE SPOOOOONNN!!! hahaha Enjoy you guys!
Hey! Thanks for the information, its always interesting :)
Thanks I was told different thanks for sharing😊👍🏼
Not at all. I prefer keep my left hand clean while eating
as an indonesia i can say this is true
@@willyandha914 noticed i said RIGHT hand as in the right hand. ( if youre lefty then left. nonetheless mainly only one hand with the rice and reach the mouth, right? )
Waaaa...finally, mbak Marissa and Conner going around at Jakarta. Tapi keliatan kalau Conner penasaran dengan budaya Indonesia, and mbak Marissa jelasin semuanya. U both are great, mbak Marissa tuan rumah yang baik bgt 😊😊😊
I love when you use traditional instrument for your background music
We called it talempong. The traditional instruments Of Minangkabau.
Connor sangat baik dalam aksen indonesia, seperti orang indonesia. Marissa mengatakan " Apa Kebar", tapi connor mengatakan "Apa Kabar"..
Marissa hebattttt jelasin makanan nya....👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏
Nice Video, saw you on Conner’s Chanel!! 🇩🇪🇩🇪
thanks 🙏🏻
Err.. 'eat with your right hand' does not mean you can't use your left hand at all.. you can still use your left hand as support eg. Hold the rendang or the chicken when you tear it apart to pieces.
When putting the food to your mouth that's when you absolutely must use only your right hand.
I had to comment as I can't stand idly by seeing you two went head over heels trying not to use left hand at all.. 😂
Rendang is actually part of the many reasons why I always feel homesick every time I'm in US...I really appreciate you guys loving the local cuisine here in Indonesia,I mean you guys really got the guts to try rendang and any other food,and tell you what,man that's just awesome!! Hope you have a wonderful time here in Indonesia. Lots of love and take it easy 🙂
You can request your family in Indonesia to send you instant rendang spice. Rendang spice is available in many supermarkets. What you need to cook the instant rendang spice with coconut milks. That's it! You can cook rendang anywhere in the world nowadays.
Sitting on sofa, with grey clouds, watching you both eating my favourite food. Ahhhh! Kangen Indonesia!
Greeting from France! 😊
Rendang + sambal Ijo + daun singkong 👌🏻 deliciousoooo
Bang Conner Tersesat, akhirnya ketemu Mbak Marissa. 😁
VLog Mbak Marissa + Bang Conner, BOOM auto KEREN. 😎👍🏻
Thanks you very much....kamu telah memperkenalkan budaya indonesia beserta alamny yg indah...ayo bawa teman2mu dtang ke indonesia..yg blm prnh kmu dpt di negaramu akan kamu dapatkan di indonesia...welcome tourist th world in indonesia.
i'm watching it at 3am, it's killing me....i'm drooling and definitely hungry
I just saw both of you in Conner Sullivan vlog...
, good colab Marissa... 👍
thank you😉
Harus collab lagi sama Conner Sullivan!!
Ka Marissa dulu subscribe ratusan. Wow amazing, semakin lama semakin naik. Saya suka cara penyampaiannya klo ngejelasin tentang makanan Indonesia.
Rendang dan Tunjang, the bestttttt
Hy im from padang and i have a recomendation for a dish that you may be like, its called "Dendeng" its a beef that smashed flat and its reaaly nice if you eat with cabe..
FINALLY you did & I really really glad because of your collabed. When Conner in Germany and had a planned to visit Jakarta, I suggested him to contact you in his youtube channel.
Thank you Marrissa & Conner, I already saw the diffrent between a beauty & a loadder machine ate with Indonesian way (bare hand) lol..., GBU.
Wow thanks and yes we were quit funny eating like that 🤣🤣🤣
Go to another city like Yogyakarta, Bandung or Surabaya
Dimas Prayoga up
Marissa, hebat banget kamu. Caramu menjelaskan citarasa masakan Padang, pete, jengkol, durian, bahkan menjelaskan cara makan masakan Padang sangat bagus dan persis seperti yang saya rasakan. Hebat!!!
Tapi, saya suka banget pete... ;)
If you want to say other than just halo, u can specify the time of the day... So like selamat pagi or simply just pagiiii... Selamat siang or simply siaaang...selamat malam or just malaam. U can add siang pak or siang bu.. Which means good day sir or ma'am.
Pagi - morning (usually between sunrise till 10 am)
Siang - day (10am - 4 pm)
Sore - post day pre evening(4pm - sunset)
Malam - evening/night (sunset till sunrise)
Thanks Marissa sudah memperkenalkan makanan Indonesia ke teman" mancanegara. Your channel is great. 😊😍😘
Connor brings me here... Boom baby lets go !!
Marissa. You are amazing . Terimakasih sudah mengenalkan budaya dan makanan Indonesia.
Tolong buat vlog lebih banyak lagi yang lainnya, Bersama conner Sullivan. terimakasih..
Thank you ,,udh perkenal kan makanan kas indonosia..I LOVE YOU 🙏🙏🙏
What a surprise Conner Sullivan is in your video, hahaha. Kasian dia terlalu banyak ngvlog di Bali sm di Jerman. Collab terus dong bareng si *BOOM BABY LET' GO!!!* Kasian gk ada temen dia 😁 di Indonesia. Terlalu banyak makan Mcd juga dia hahaha. Ajak ke Sop Konro Marannu Bu 🙄
Karna dia ga bs bahasa indonesia dan kita ga ngerti Inggris
Mbak Marissa pinter banget menjelaskan soal menu dan how to eat..
Good job mbak Marissa...
OMG, Conor eats it awkwardly. Looks like he needs a 101 tips on how to eat food with bare hands. 😂 Good video as usual, keep it up 👌
Salah satu yg aku suka dari vlognya marissa adlh dia menyediakan subtitle inggris (bkn yg otomatis) dan jg indonya, jd skalian terhibur juga belajar bhs inggris disini
syahlan se sama ni...
You actually have to use the spoon to take things like chili sauce, rendang and its sauce, basically everything wet. Heck even use the spoon to take every food from the servings, especially if you are eating together.
Trimakasih miss marissa sudah memperkenalkan kuliner indonesia..
orang Indonesia makan tetap dua tangan, cuma kalo masukin makanan kemulut baru pake tangan kanan, gitu, jadi jangan salah paham.
Wajah marissa sangat bule.. tpi saat menjelaskan ke conner tentang indonesia.. she could be better than locals.. tetap berkarya buat marissa & conner.. 👍👍👍
Marissa I like the way you explain everything about the food and Indonesian, Thank you so much you great
Mendadak laper. Dan mouth watering. Haduh..
Told him , don't be shy, haha
That guy try his best to eat nasi padang, but that's okay . i don't like it, but i love it
Ngak nyangka kak marissa nicole sangat pintar dalam menjelaskan semua makanan indonesia. Jadi salut aku aja banyak ngak tau. 😁 auto subscribe deh.
Hello Marissa! just found your channel through Conner's! Glad to find a bule who stays in Indonesia! you seem to know more about Indonesian than most indonesians themselves 😅. hopefully one day we can meet and perhaps do a collab too when my channel is bigger! hope you're having a good day!
thanks and for sure :)
seneng deh, kalo kulinernya bareng sama orang lain yg bukan indonesia*, being proud atm, mengenalkan makanan indonesia🤗
but jackfruit *is* a fruit....
I'm so happy that you choose to eat the green chili! My favorite in Padangnese restaurant lol
Selesai video ini ane langsung beli nasi Padang cuuuk wkwkkwkwk lapeeer
I think you and connor must go to sulawesi selatan because the food was amazing there you must try eat coto and the other food, I think you will like it. Thank you that just some tip for you I really want you guys to taste the food on sulawesi selatan
Wahhh... Ketinggalan dikira aku corner jalan bareng dgn kak marissa.. Ternyata kak marrissa colab dgn corner jg ya MANTUL mantap betul.. Ajak makan2 khas daerah lainnya di kota Jakarta kan lengkap apa aja ada
Damn I'm indonesian but i don't even know how to eat with the hand...you re so 100% indonesia marissa...😅👍🏽
Marissa semoga sukses memperkenalkan makanan&budaya indonesia,,
Welcome to Indonesia 🥰😉 FRIEND
Suka deh sama ka marisa karena paham banget sama indonesia dan humble juga keliatannnya. Aku tau channel ini dr yt nya Connor ahahaha
Glad connor got a tour guide :)
Yaps. Today he is not just knowing about Bali.
Love you both 😘😘😊😊
Sering2 collab yahh kak marissa sama conner .. 🤗🤗
ngakak kalo liat tingkah nya si Connor yee, dia gila😂
Nasi Padang.. makanan sejuta lidah.. lidah dari barat sampe ketimur cocok..
Marissa ur video is good but i just want to suggest something. If u recorded a video which contain a part that no one is talking,i think u should cut it (skip it) so it wont make the video kinda awkward.
Btw guys please like this comment so marissa will see this coment and she can improve her videos.
Anyways its a good video merissa 😁😁 keep it up.
Enjoy BABY BOOM.. nice to see both of u have a lunch in padang restaurant
Connor looks so calm and sedated in this video compared to in his own
Come here after watching Conner video. Subscribed!
OMG colabrate with Boom Baby, love it🤗💕
It's nice to see you two Guys enjoying Padang food. Yeah we (Indonesian) do lick our finger
Conner looks so innocent here. Keep it up with your Tractor Scoop😂 just kidding
Marissa is a great tour guide and explains everything about Indonesia Culture. Mantul dang
I love Padang foods too, so delicious 👍🏻😊
Duh nonton doang jadi ikutan lapeeer
Gua liat video ini, terus gua beli padang
jd nambah pengen gw wkwkwk
Berapa milliar gan beli padang
anjir langsung beli pulau dia
hebat kamu ya sanggup beli padang 👏🏻
Gua liat video ini, gua langsung masak indomi... dinihari jadi laper satbang
Untung ada mba Marissa kasih tunjuk si Mas Conner makanan enak.. senyam senyum terus Mas Conner (satisfied) sepanjang video bisa makan makanan ENAK khas indonesia..
In Padang restaurant No pay if u dont touch it
Heheuu mr' conner lucu banget makannya 😁😁
Terimakasihh sudah mencoba makanan dan mmperkenalkan mkanan indonesia..smoga kalian semua diberikan kesuksesan serta kebahagiaan selalu..
Koreksi,Indonesia punya lebih dari 17ribu pulau ms.marissa
yunk iyunk sub nya aja yg salah
Terima kasih sudah mencintai budaya dan masakan tradisional Imdonesia, next bisa mencoba Gudeg ceker Bu Kasno di Solo
Its nothing wrong to use both hand tho, u can use the left hand to hold or ripped the food
Like watching marissa eating rice wif hand.. everythin well mixed and put it in her mouth gracefully
I am indonesian but i use fork and spoon,nobody can complain you if you eat with spoon and fork
yes agree....me too
Actually Is Rlly hard to eat a chicken with spoon and fork LMAO
@@Sugank10 yeah,but hard for me eat with hand so my choice is spoon and fork,sorry thats for me but i don't know if you or another people like eat with hand
@@Sugank10 i actually eat it with spoon because im too lazy to wash my hands lol.
It always really grinds my gear to see videos of foreigner eating nasi padang and they left the rice unsauced, you have to sauce up the rice with at least the gulai and rendang sauce, finally someone did it right!!! Good job Marissa
Thank you😊
And here I am watching they eat my favorite food when I'm on my plant-based diet😂😂😂😂
Lol kk🤣
@@texasgrubbin5538 you should try terong balado if you eat at warung nasi padang. It's eggplants cooked with balado spices, taste really good! I can eat enormous amount of terong balado😂
Eksplor terus makanan Nusantara dan perkenalkan pada dunia bahwa makanan Indonesia enak👍
I do lick my fingers when I'm eating rendang and curry
you guys are making me HUNGRY and HOMESICK! BAWLING
I thought the title would be "two americans falling in love each other"
Oh my... it's 12.01 am now... and suddenly I starving when i see both of you eat rendang...
How you met Conner ?
Hello? I am Indonesian. And part Padang/West Sumatranese (plus a bit of Javanese-Maduranese-Arab-Chinese-European). Thank you. NASI PADANG (Padang Rice) is THE BEST FOOD in the world. Lots of variations! Beef Rendang of the Padang or West Sumatra or Minangkabau culture has been chosen as THE MOST DELICIOUS FOOD in the world! Via CNN survey. 🇮🇩😊😀
Trick: If you eat Padang food in the restaurant, you'll get a little rice. But if you buy with take away order, you'll get a bunch of rice. That's a mistery.. 😂😂😂
HAhahha yea very true 🤣
thats why i like to order takeaway 🤣🤣🤣
Nasi Padang...BOOOMM👍👍👍👍😀😍 next sweet martabak
Conner..u can actually eat with your both hand man
Love how you put the minang "padang" traditional sound on your vlog. And you're great like a local. Semangat Marissa 😊
Pdhl ga semua orng Indo makan pake tangan langsung atau ada aturan harus tangan kanan/kiri kan yg makan dia, bisa aja dia kidal dll gw aja selalu makan pake sendok, kan ga ada aturan kalo makan bebas2 aja, takut nya byk bule salah persepsi ga bisa bedain kpn boleh pake tangan langsung kpn harus pake alat makan lol
Robin Arryn tapi klo saya dan keluarga dan orang2 asli Padang lainnya, memang kami klo makan biasa pake tangan, memang sudah jadi kebudayaan dari dulunya sampe sekrang, tapi kecuali klo kami makan diluar, caffe atau restoran memang makannya pake sendok, tapi klo udah di rumah sama keluarga makannya memang pake tangan,
@@infoviral467 ya itu makanya tergantung situasi kondisi nya takut nya salah persepsi, kan ga lucu lagi bertamu dijamu atau acara formal dll tiba2 dia salah mengartikan semua hal di indo kalo makan ga pake alat makan kan dikira ga sopan yg ada haha
Kak Corner nambah dah sana, kyaknya masih pngen deh. Aku jdi ikut ngiler jadinya.. dan paling lucu waktu 4 jari masuk dimulut semua 😁
Like you Mrs. Marissa n Mr. Corner♡♡♡
Welcome to Indonesia 🤗
Gue heran, orang bule kalo makan nasi Padang knp ngambil lauknya pake tangan ya, kan biasanya di sediain sendok 😂 ngambil sambelnya pake tangan jg pula 😂 but it still looks good tho 👌
kan blm tau budaya dan tatakrama orng indo yg lebih dalam,yg tau nya cara mkn pake tangan sj,
sukses always nona👍👍👍
Waaaa... Papeda & kuah kuning... Mantabbbbb
Masakan Padang Is The Best 🇲🇨
Rendang 💗💗
Lega dan Seneng Rasanya bisa nonton VLog Terbaru Mbak Marissa. 🤣
Coba nasi Padang yg di kota Padang nya langsung, pasti makin enak rasanya! Saya orang padang