At 26:10, for the power graph before 3.0 seconds, why isn't the power graph a flat line instead of increasing? Given the acceleration is constant and that the elevator force is constant, why would the power increase as time goes on? This makes no intuitive sense. Thank you for making this video. It's saving me for my exam tomorrow.
It's been over 50 years since I took mechanics. This was a good review for me. Thank you.
Happy New Year.
Love your teachings❤
OMG!!! Huge shout out to you.
At 26:10, for the power graph before 3.0 seconds, why isn't the power graph a flat line instead of increasing? Given the acceleration is constant and that the elevator force is constant, why would the power increase as time goes on? This makes no intuitive sense. Thank you for making this video. It's saving me for my exam tomorrow.
If it’s accelerating it means the velocity is increasing. You need to have power that also increases with time.
Nice video ❤
Thanks 🤗
Shouldn't change in potential be negative because its initial minus final where initial is zero?
11:23, I think sin and cos should be reversed
@@PhysicsNinja how?
trigonometry, the line parallel to Normal force is always cos.