Hi Donna, love your videos. The net says coconut water degrades quickly after opening and will only last a few days in the fridge… how long will fermented coconut water be healthy to drink?
How much coconut water did the study participants drink each day to have those levels of reduction in blood pressure? I just ordered some of the Easy Kefir grains, and I'm looking forward to making and drinking this! Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge about fermented foods.
Hi Donna, love your videos. The net says coconut water degrades quickly after opening and will only last a few days in the fridge… how long will fermented coconut water be healthy to drink?
How much coconut water did the study participants drink each day to have those levels of reduction in blood pressure? I just ordered some of the Easy Kefir grains, and I'm looking forward to making and drinking this! Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge about fermented foods.
Hello , can't seem to get the links to work for the water crystals.
Amazon has them as well.
Hey Donna.
so i dont tolerate milk protein. so im wondering. Can i still have milk kefir? im using low pasteurized non homogenised milk. thoughts??
This is a year later but normal kefir consumes like 99% of the lactose.
Will this help high cholesterol and blood pressure? If so what is the easiest coconut water kefir for dummies?
Do you eat eggs donna