Yes, me too, she is so great, and she doesn´t need to wear provocative clothes or makeup, even I respect the other women that use those things, the conquest is about voice no appearance, so, she really shows what is a true gift. Blessings for her mission.
Luna lo hizo espectacular... hizo gala de una voz hermosa, una técnica y un manejo de voz impecable... me gustó mucho... pero Sor Cristina canta con el corazón y eso es un don, cuando canta te envuelve, te llena... maravillosas ambas
The nuns in the audience are cool as well, showing their support and having fun. It just hit me - imagine being in the audience for the blind auditions (before Sister Christina appeared first time) and seeing the nuns sitting in from of you. You'd be like WTF.
both girls were amazing! everytime they took turns I kept changing sides on who was better but by the time the song ended I agreed that the sister won me over. Her voice has some real edge to it and she is indeed overflowing with joy when she sings that it spreads to the audience
her real blessing is that she is there to have fun, she do not care about impressing anybody Sour Cristina is fresh, is natural, she send sparks of joyce to everybody, she is unique. I do really enjoy watching her sing and like a little girl jumping around so full of energy like an innocent child.
It really is beautiful to see her joy and the joy of her fellow sisters in the audience. Your comment reminded me of when Jesus said "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." (Luke 18:16). I can imagine God's kingdom being filled with such joy and innocence.
Chrisko1492 whatever dude! She's a Nun!!! That's what Nuns wear! she wouldn't be allowed to wear anything else even if she wanted to! seriously educate yourself!
Everybody is entitle to give an opinion...and the respect is what matter, I understand the comments and opinions of everybody but i will not go in to a fight , because is not worth it...I seen her cheerful personality nothing else. with or without the nun uniform, in fact she is way too outgoing jumping rabbit to be a nun, if I am her i will think again.
Esta temporada de The Voice Italia será por siempre insuperable y es que es tan inspiradora y esto gracias a Sor Cristina y todo su séquito, ver su gozo y orgullo por su amiga provoca algo tan hermoso.
Non capisco il livore rabbioso di certi commenti! Si tratta di due voci bellissime! Tecnicamente Suor Cristina non ha nulla da invidiare a Luna Palumbo. Cantano entrambe benissimo! Con una differenza: Luna Palumbo mantiene esattamente ciò che promette, il suo aspetto anticipa la sua voce e il suo modo di stare sul palco; Suor Cristina sorprende, spiazza, incanta, stupisce… e lo stupore è il primo dovere di un artista.
Yes! The world is watching this show from Italy because of Suor Chistina! I love the way she finishes the song with such volume and pitch!! Ah!! Love it!!
La mejor versión de “Girls just want to have fun” que he escuchado en mi vida. Saludos desde Colombia.🙌🏼🇨🇴 Congratulations, the best cover for ever and ever. 💛
you are so right Aris. the world has had enough of paedophile "priests" in the name of "holiness". we want to see real intelligence and spirit for a change !!
Que ángel tiene Sor Cristina. No soy católica pero aprecio a los buenos representantes del catolicismo, y esta niña tiene tanto por dar, que emociona tremendamente. Besos y abrazos Sor Cristina desde México.
Per me questo scontro era alla pari...le loro voci si amalgamano alla perfezione...bravissime entrambe! Per me una delle migliori esibizioni in questo programma!
Grande duelo. Essa irmã contagia nossos corações, é uma grande lição a todo cristão: não devemos ter vergonha de seguir a Deus e mostrar isso aí mundo, fazer a diferença por onde passar, como ela fez.
Amazing performance from both singers. God is good, His presence brings out the best in everyone. Sister Cristina, thanks for sharing God's presence thru your powerful voice; Luna's warm hug to her rival is a pure sign of love and respect. the judges saw this, that's why they both made them win. God bless, more power to the voice and more Sister Cristinas!!!
Me encanta ver a aquellas personas que transcienden los límites impuestos por la sociedad y los prejuicios; es maravilloso y emocionante lo que transmite Cristina! Bien por ella y por la apertura a la alegría!!!!
Que fuerza y que ángel tiene esa monja por Dios!! yo que no me siento participe de ni una religión, la veo y me emociona demasiado, lo mismo me paso el en su primera presentación, es algo extraño, muy emocionante.
OMG!la vos de Luna es linda,pero para mi,Sour Christina tiene un tono de voz fantastico,una energia increible!luce tan graciosa cantando,asi expresa ella su gozo espiritual,tan bella.
Sor Cristina tiene carisma e irradia alegría, lo que muchos cantantes no lo logran a pesar de tener una buena voz. Mi apoyo y admiración para Sor Cristina. Saludos desde Loja - Ecuador
Excelente Suor Cristina, eres simplemente fenomenal. Tu carisma y profundidad espiritual son increibles. Desde esta plataforma sigue anunciando al mundo que vale la pena amar a Dios y que el no quita nada al contrario nos da mucho mas de lo que esperamos. En México también te seguimos.
Sour Cristina canta espectacular, tiene una voz muy potente, un talento maravilloso. Mis mejores deseos para ella desde Colombia. Espero que gane, se lo merece.
What a beautiful performance. Lovely song A modern church, in the middle of the persons, with living nuns, without fear of love, pop music and to say they are happy to live, to smile. Suor Cristina and her comunity of the Orsoline are a great example. What a lovely persons! I think God is so happy!
YO NUNCA SUPERARE ESTA BATALLA, ver este video una y otra vez y sentir la piel de gallina cada vez que lo veo es simplemente increíble *-* mis respetos a sor cristina simplemente bellisima y luna, mucha actitud las dos son un espectáculo juntas
Okay, now I have seen it all....... But she's a good example of getting out of your comfort zone, I love the fact that no matter who you are, your still human and if you have a dream, don't let anything stand in the way of it....good job sista
Super Perfomance...both are amazing....but suor cristina has got a clear edge with a poweful voice, improvisation and enrgy....Luna's voie is sweet..soulful singing by both.... enjoyed
Me encantaría que Sor Cristina. visite Argentina. todos los días pongo los vídeos de ella. me levantan él animo y me ayudan a salir adelante. con mucha Fe en Dios.
Hay hermana Cristina, me tienes estudiando italiano, jejeje. Pero me alegras la forma como trasmites ese don, con fuerza, con energía, como debe ser. Sigue adelante y que el Espíritu Santo te siga acompañando
Un Don compartido para todos, grande y "bellisima" Sor Cristina, su energía es increible, un buen cambio para la Iglesia, hay que llevar la fé de todas las formas posibles.
sor Cristina,me alegra verla de nuevo cantando con este tema en particular,porque de eso se trata la canción,de un par de mujeres que vivían de manera un tanto "rígida" y que un día deciden solo divertirse.Un aplauso de su servidor de Argentina y no sé,porque no estuve muy al tanto del mundo últimamente,jeje si el señor Francisco la ha llamado.Un abrazo y dele nomas para adelante.
jcavril1 hay vamos, pero sigue siendo natural jeje, no en vano a todos los q estamos aquí x sor Cristina también nos gustó Luna (aunque hubiéramos convulsionado si no era Cris la q ganaba je)
Julianne Wiley Sisisisis...lo nobleza y la sencillez de Sor Cristina...ella de una fué a a}brazar a Luna......Arriba Sor Cristina.....Estamos contigo.....Dios la siga protegiendo.....
Se nota que sor cristina adora cantar....talvez ese iman que tiene como carisma la ayuda a ganar o avanzar lejos......pero esa monjita se metio en el corazon de todos y de aca a 20 años repetire este video , porque es parte ya, de mi discografia...grande sor cristina....desde Peru..
The sister rocks. There are many Biblical precedents for dancing and singing before the Lord. I love this. I am sure Creator is smiling and clapping! The Pope too I am sure!
greetings bojana kocijan, kindly canabalize your own brain. how could a homo sapien know that I AM is not all smiling in the ways you state. is I AM not all smiling in the ways you use capital letters and you mentioning God in your statements? get all the big wigs and smarty pants in the world together in one place to fix themselves up, with say one folks watching live on you tube, and do not let them leave until they do let fix them selves up, to serve humanity, not society. when you do, kindly give a call to talk to all of them live on you tube. are you ready? tell them, and have them know the purpose of a higher education is to pursue ones' passions to serve humanity, not society. should they be enlightened to this, and live and work like this, we would be better to deal with the travails of the world. all the so called organized religions and organized ways of lives have this a their one true target and goal having this one true target and goal, we would be better to deal with the travails of the world. do you know the meaning of life? a note here is how far francis and hawking got in their talks. they can agree up to the big bang, but stephen hawkings does not the meaning of life, nor how the big bang came to be. what about all the folks condemned to hell for even thinking, writing, and or talking as such by organized religions and organized ways of lives. do you even know why you were specifically born? you are naive to not know you are marked for life. how in hells of your minds and souls can you watch this and comment as you stated, worshiping I AM. did you even give a person who was murdered immorally a decent burial. i ask this of all nations and peoples. i ask to others. when is the last time you took in an asylum seeker, and or refugee, and or a homeless, and or a person broken by people and life, and or with serious additions, have that person stay with you and you try to take care of that person? stating that you a mother fucking piece of shit is too kind. calling the big wigs and smarty pants of the world mother fucking pieces of shits of the world is even more too kind. check out when I AM got pissed of at us homo sapiens. you are not even aware of all commandments of I AM and or as you wrote God. when you meet Creator, you mother fucking piece of shit, and Creator asks you what you did believing in Creator, what in the hell are you going to answer? suppose God used your own standards. we would not even be born nor exist.
Una verdadera batalla ,cualquiera de las 2 pudo ganar ,Luna con una voz potente y registro redondo hizo muy suya esta canción ,donde Sor Cristina la canto muy pegada a la versión original.Realmente ,es Sor Cristina quien decide el triunfo a su favor o da la estocada final ,en el ultimo momento.Pero este dúo es para la historia.
It's difficult to choose between two different voices and both amazing! Luna's voice is definitely more warm and mellow, but technically (my opinion) sr Cristina is much better, especially during the fast modulations, she's incredibly precise, and his vocal range is awesome.
yeah, can't be more agreed... actually, in this particular song i'd like Luna a lot !!! her voice really fits for 80's covers i gues.. but well, suor cristina is amazing... love this duo .. no way choosing one, that was sad :/
Luna y Cristina Hicieron historia en la música, magnificas ambas, Exitos!!!.., Hermanita Cristi , Cada vez que te escucho se me escapa una lagrima y siento una enorme alegría!!!
ya somos dos, Martin... o quedo saltando, riéndome o quedo llorando... jaja la verdad es que ella transmite tanto... waooo Fantástica... divinamente celestial...
a mí me atrapó su mirada... espectacular... a pesar de su timidez... cuando se sube al escenario hay una transformación a tal punto que es imposible no emocionarse... cautiva... transmite tanto tanto... ay Dios... me emociono... hermosa...
me encanto y me sigue gustando verla, porque dificilmente se ve en las chicas esa dulzura, pureza y espontaneidad de sus respuestas, no deja de trasmitir una sensibilidad enorme, cercanía, escucha. Es una gran mujer, monja o como sea, es un SER HUMANO y eso me toca
This is a tough one but i think that Sister got this! The quality of her voice is so pleasant and polished...very pop-ish kind of voice and she can really hit those high notes without hurting my ears! She is an awesome singer, nun or not i think she can still win this competition:)
Sor Cristina no sólo tenía buena voz, sino que su voz era peculiar muy aparte de hermoso!!! No era es común sino uno especial como ella!!! Cuando la veo cantar y a las monjitas baile me dan hasta ganas de llorar de emoción!!! ❤️
Para mi es la versión mas bonita y con mas fuerza que e escuchado, cuando canta sor cristinas es imponente, le sale como una fuerza inceible del pecho es imponente me emocione.......
Si muy bonita pero la voz de Luna is incredible muy Superior y professional. Sor Christina es emotional solamente, si tiene bonita voz pero es mas lo emocional lo que la tiene alli, por ser una monja.
I am a catholic and i absolutely adore that nun!!! May god bless you!!!
I can't believe I'm out of this world..why just now i discovered this great talent of sister Cristina..I'm 4 years late...
Suor is so wonderful, Suor has great energy of God, He gives Suor wonderful energy.
@@travelcampingfood6662 yes comes from the Lord fantastic and energetic👏❤
Yes, me too, she is so great, and she doesn´t need to wear provocative clothes or makeup, even I respect the other women that use those things, the conquest is about voice no appearance, so, she really shows what is a true gift. Blessings for her mission.
Same here!
Suor Cristina Scuccia ended up winning the competition!
The way she looks up when she says "Oh daddy dear you know you're still number one" is the most beautiful thing in the world!
absolutely beautiful
M it was beautiful. I love genuine people and she is beautiful.
is it? was it?
God! ❤️
Sister Christina is so lovable! Energy, innocence, talent and that holy presence!
I don't know how to express sister Christina, she is so beautiful and cutee best voice full of grace
Sister Christina , her voice is the gift from the god !
Luna lo hizo espectacular... hizo gala de una voz hermosa, una técnica y un manejo de voz impecable... me gustó mucho... pero Sor Cristina canta con el corazón y eso es un don, cuando canta te envuelve, te llena... maravillosas ambas
Me dió pena la Luna esa porque es obvio que todos adoran a la monja
@@Sauloesoterico es una novedad aún ahora ver una monjita en un concurso de esos y cantando tan lindo, ella ganò por la votación de la gente
The nuns in the audience are cool as well, showing their support and having fun.
It just hit me - imagine being in the audience for the blind auditions (before Sister Christina appeared first time) and seeing the nuns sitting in from of you.
You'd be like WTF.
Cristina's face while her coach is speaking is so genuine and kind. Thank you for being a good example....
both girls were amazing! everytime they took turns I kept changing sides on who was better but by the time the song ended I agreed that the sister won me over. Her voice has some real edge to it and she is indeed overflowing with joy when she sings that it spreads to the audience
Very well. Thanks to all
Another lost soul. Her superiors are her enablers....too sad and painful to watch. She may not have a true vocation in the first place.
Not only she is talented, Sister Cristina is so humble as well!
100 percent True shirlyn..
2020 mais alguém vendo uma das melhores batalhas de todos os the voice ?
ate hoje entro pra rever slk
Essa Irmã é muito nervosa com esse microfone!
Essa aí pra mim foi empate não tem como dizer quem foi melhor kkkk
suor Cristina mentre canta ci mette sentimento, passione, e si diverte! Ha una voce da brivido! Chi canta riesce a trasmettere tutto questo.
her real blessing is that she is there to have fun, she do not care about impressing anybody Sour Cristina is fresh, is natural, she send sparks of joyce to everybody, she is unique. I do really enjoy watching her sing and like a little girl jumping around so full of energy like an innocent child.
It really is beautiful to see her joy and the joy of her fellow sisters in the audience. Your comment reminded me of when Jesus said "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." (Luke 18:16). I can imagine God's kingdom being filled with such joy and innocence.
Chrisko1492 whatever dude! She's a Nun!!! That's what Nuns wear! she wouldn't be allowed to wear anything else even if she wanted to! seriously educate yourself!
Everybody is entitle to give an opinion...and the respect is what matter, I understand the comments and opinions of everybody but i will not go in to a fight , because is not worth it...I seen her cheerful personality nothing else. with or without the nun uniform, in fact she is way too outgoing jumping rabbit to be a nun, if I am her i will think again.
No need to attack....go fish, i will not fight with you or anybody....
Não me canso de ver o sorriso das senhoras freiras acompanhantes na plateia. DEMAIS! 😁❤️
E essa jurada não sabe o que é inferno para falar tal coisa afffffffffffffff ninguém merece
@@ivanildecamara8573 o que ela falou?
Suor Cristina x sempre, sei una Bomba, non mollare ❤️
Uma das melhores audições entre todos os The Voice
Esta temporada de The Voice Italia será por siempre insuperable y es que es tan inspiradora y esto gracias a Sor Cristina y todo su séquito, ver su gozo y orgullo por su amiga provoca algo tan hermoso.
Creo qie la.voz italia 2014 es la mejor y no solo de italia, de todo el mundo
Gran verdad
Non capisco il livore rabbioso di certi commenti! Si tratta di due voci bellissime! Tecnicamente Suor Cristina non ha nulla da invidiare a Luna Palumbo. Cantano entrambe benissimo! Con una differenza: Luna Palumbo mantiene esattamente ciò che promette, il suo aspetto anticipa la sua voce e il suo modo di stare sul palco; Suor Cristina sorprende, spiazza, incanta, stupisce… e lo stupore è il primo dovere di un artista.
Concordo Plenamente com você, a irmã Cristina tem mais carisma, e ela ficou melhor a cada apresentação, gosto muito da voz dela.
Yes! The world is watching this show from Italy because of Suor Chistina! I love the way she finishes the song with such volume and pitch!! Ah!! Love it!!
that's the two sweetest voice I heard of a long time
La mejor versión de “Girls just want to have fun” que he escuchado en mi vida. Saludos desde Colombia.🙌🏼🇨🇴 Congratulations, the best cover for ever and ever. 💛
uma das melhores batalhas que vi em todos os the voice que já assisti .
all this really touches the heart of the whole world !! ..... incredible !!!!
that's wonderful !!!
you are so right Aris. the world has had enough of paedophile "priests" in the name of "holiness". we want to see real intelligence and spirit for a change !!
Que ángel tiene Sor Cristina. No soy católica pero aprecio a los buenos representantes del catolicismo, y esta niña tiene tanto por dar, que emociona tremendamente. Besos y abrazos Sor Cristina desde México.
sempre que estou triste venho ver esse vídeo espetacular 🥰🥰😻 quanta energia, quanta alegriaaaaq
Per me questo scontro era alla pari...le loro voci si amalgamano alla perfezione...bravissime entrambe! Per me una delle migliori esibizioni in questo programma!
Great Sister Cristina!! Her voice, her energy, without a mask. Greetings from Colombia. South America. Grazie The Voice Italy!
A irmãzinha canta e é uma figura dançando, kii demais! 😘😘😘😘🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Grande duelo. Essa irmã contagia nossos corações, é uma grande lição a todo cristão: não devemos ter vergonha de seguir a Deus e mostrar isso aí mundo, fazer a diferença por onde passar, como ela fez.
🤩❤ sister cristina you're amazing. God bless you 🙏❤
This is the perfect song for them ❤️❤️❤️ both have such a nice voice
Amazing performance from both singers. God is good, His presence brings out the best in everyone. Sister Cristina, thanks for sharing God's presence thru your powerful voice; Luna's warm hug to her rival is a pure sign of love and respect. the judges saw this, that's why they both made them win. God bless, more power to the voice and more Sister Cristinas!!!
Lovely !
Sister Cristina has a beautiful and powerful voice !
their voice is better than some celebrities
I agreed both of 'em ❤❤❤👌👌
Primera vez que veo cantar a una hermanita, buenísima 👏 canta hermoso 💚
Me encanta ver a aquellas personas que transcienden los límites impuestos por la sociedad y los prejuicios; es maravilloso y emocionante lo que transmite Cristina! Bien por ella y por la apertura a la alegría!!!!
Que fuerza y que ángel tiene esa monja por Dios!! yo que no me siento participe de ni una religión, la veo y me emociona demasiado, lo mismo me paso el en su primera presentación, es algo extraño, muy emocionante.
OMG!la vos de Luna es linda,pero para mi,Sour Christina tiene un tono de voz fantastico,una energia increible!luce tan graciosa cantando,asi expresa ella su gozo espiritual,tan bella.
Que linda que esta Luna
El mejor duelo de cantantes que he visto en mi vida.
Fantastico verdad? y lo que lo hace mas impresionante es la presencia de la Monjita moderna!jajaja me encanta!Saludos y bendicioens para ti Nestor!
esto es musica para mis oidos ,super
la performance più bella ché .io avessi mai visto .fantastica
Sor Cristina tiene carisma e irradia alegría, lo que muchos cantantes no lo logran a pesar de tener una buena voz. Mi apoyo y admiración para Sor Cristina. Saludos desde Loja - Ecuador
Excelente Suor Cristina, eres simplemente fenomenal. Tu carisma y profundidad espiritual son increibles. Desde esta plataforma sigue anunciando al mundo que vale la pena amar a Dios y que el no quita nada al contrario nos da mucho mas de lo que esperamos. En México también te seguimos.
Sour Cristina canta espectacular, tiene una voz muy potente, un talento maravilloso. Mis mejores deseos para ella desde Colombia. Espero que gane, se lo merece.
Amazing sister Cristina. You're doing more what preacher does.
Come on she is good but don't say she is doing more than a preacher does.She is doing the same
Sor Cristina tiene una conexión con el público que es mágico
What a beautiful performance.
Lovely song
A modern church, in the middle of the persons, with living nuns, without fear of love, pop music and to say they are happy to live, to smile.
Suor Cristina and her comunity of the Orsoline are a great example.
What a lovely persons!
I think God is so happy!
Cuando terminaron de cantar aplaudí como si estuviera ahí, Sor Cristina da un hermosa sensación al cantar, lo disfruta tanto *-*
Oh wow !! First time in my life i saw a nun singing amazingly and dance like a rocker really nice to watch. Bring it on sister cristina!
YO NUNCA SUPERARE ESTA BATALLA, ver este video una y otra vez y sentir la piel de gallina cada vez que lo veo es simplemente increíble *-* mis respetos a sor cristina simplemente bellisima y luna, mucha actitud las dos son un espectáculo juntas
greetings from USA this Cristina Scuccia gives me chills everytime she sings
We are just so blessed that a NUN shares her God given gift yo the world. But I still can’t help myself to say that she ROCKS!
Really I just came across now 😂😂😂😂 love from Meghalaya India
I will forever come back to this 🖤
Okay, now I have seen it all....... But she's a good example of getting out of your comfort zone, I love the fact that no matter who you are, your still human and if you have a dream, don't let anything stand in the way of it....good job sista
Puerto Rico con Sor Cristina!!! Esa monja me sube en animo...
Super Perfomance...both are amazing....but suor cristina has got a clear edge with a poweful voice, improvisation and enrgy....Luna's voie is sweet..soulful singing by both.... enjoyed
The hug the end of their performance melt my heart. 💕
Me encantaría que Sor Cristina. visite Argentina. todos los días pongo los vídeos de ella. me levantan él animo y me ayudan a salir adelante. con mucha Fe en Dios.
Hola no sabía que a venido acá!? Que lindooooo
Hay hermana Cristina, me tienes estudiando italiano, jejeje. Pero me alegras la forma como trasmites ese don, con fuerza, con energía, como debe ser. Sigue adelante y que el Espíritu Santo te siga acompañando
and I thought that perfection doesn’t exist, Sister Cristina’s interpretation with a Luna skill. It can't get any better.
Wow, both of them are so talented and have such amazing voices! Never thought I'd hear a nun sing "girls just wanna have fun" lol
She's a nun & sang very well. Bravo Sister Cristina
She can serve the church and surely allowed to have fun , she can belt out some notes, tiny lady but big pipes can sing.. God bless you !! :)
The best contest I''ve seen! Sr. Cristina is really amazing: She is very inspiring!
Que energia boa as apresentações da freira trás, incrível, a voz da outra mulher tbm é perfeita, mas a alegria das irmãs contagia qualquer um
Vozes parecidas, mas de timbres diferentes, penso eu, elas são fantásticas, foram muito boas, gostei de ambas!!!!!!!!!!
Un Don compartido para todos, grande y "bellisima" Sor Cristina, su energía es increible, un buen cambio para la Iglesia, hay que llevar la fé de todas las formas posibles.
Que emocionante! Essa irmã exala santidade!
sor Cristina,me alegra verla de nuevo cantando con este tema en particular,porque de eso se trata la canción,de un par de mujeres que vivían de manera un tanto "rígida" y que un día deciden solo divertirse.Un aplauso de su servidor de Argentina y no sé,porque no estuve muy al tanto del mundo últimamente,jeje si el señor Francisco la ha llamado.Un abrazo y dele nomas para adelante.
A veces pienso que sor cristina grita mucho pero yo también la apoyo
God bless sister from philippines
Um salve do Brasil!!! Arrasaram muito!!! Esta irmã canta demais!!! Fã
Il duetto piu bello di tutti questi anni a the Voice brave i avete regalato un bel Spetacolo ai Italiani complimenti a tutti due
Excelente, me declaro fan Nro. 1 de la Hermana Cristina, que voz.
OMG! I love Sister Christina! She's so cute dancing around in her sneakers!!
Chris Garrett
Esta muin buena Sor cristina
I love to see the Singing Nun on TV.
See cute to see her singing and dancing .
You have lots of fans heth in Toronto Sor Cristina. So lovely!
I smile the entire time I watch her. Love Christina!
@@rosmeryaguirre4659 qqqqqq
I've watched for like million times and still wanna watch it over and over
April 2021 - blessing the world with their voices. Cheers and blessings to both singers!
Me encantó que al final se abracen, demuestra mucho compañerismo, y fue natural
si cris no la hubiera tocado con la mano luna no la abrazaba :p
jcavril1 hay vamos, pero sigue siendo natural jeje, no en vano a todos los q estamos aquí x sor Cristina también nos gustó Luna (aunque hubiéramos convulsionado si no era Cris la q ganaba je)
Julianne Wiley Sisisisis...lo nobleza y la sencillez de Sor Cristina...ella de una fué a a}brazar a Luna......Arriba Sor Cristina.....Estamos contigo.....Dios la siga protegiendo.....
Se nota que sor cristina adora cantar....talvez ese iman que tiene como carisma la ayuda a ganar o avanzar lejos......pero esa monjita se metio en el corazon de todos y de aca a 20 años repetire este video , porque es parte ya, de mi discografia...grande sor cristina....desde Peru..
Sou do Brasil a alegria da irmã é lindo de se ver .
Com certeza. Essa graça falta em muitos mosteiros. Ainda bem que existem os verdadeiramente carismáticos que vivem o Cristós
The sister rocks. There are many Biblical precedents for dancing and singing before the Lord. I love this. I am sure Creator is smiling and clapping! The Pope too I am sure!
Your reason 👌
totally! :D :D :D
The joy of the Lord is our strength, may the sister keep rocking! God loves joy, don't be so critical and sour! Lighten up!
The joy of the Lord is our strength, may the sister keep rocking! God loves joy, don't be so critical and sour! Lighten up!
greetings bojana kocijan, kindly canabalize your own brain. how could a homo sapien know that I AM is not all smiling in the ways you state. is I AM not all smiling in the ways you use capital letters and you mentioning God in your statements?
get all the big wigs and smarty pants in the world together in one place to fix themselves up, with say one folks watching live on you tube, and do not let them leave until they do let fix them selves up, to serve humanity, not society. when you do, kindly give a call to talk to all of them live on you tube. are you ready?
tell them, and have them know the purpose of a higher education is to pursue ones' passions to serve humanity, not society. should they be enlightened to this, and live and work like this, we would be better to deal with the travails of the world. all the so called organized religions and organized ways of lives have this a their one true target and goal having this one true target and goal, we would be better to deal with the travails of the world.
do you know the meaning of life? a note here is how far francis and hawking got in their talks. they can agree up to the big bang, but stephen hawkings does not the meaning of life, nor how the big bang came to be.
what about all the folks condemned to hell for even thinking, writing, and or talking as such by organized religions and organized ways of lives.
do you even know why you were specifically born?
you are naive to not know you are marked for life. how in hells of your minds and souls can you watch this and comment as you stated, worshiping I AM.
did you even give a person who was murdered immorally a decent burial. i ask this of all nations and peoples.
i ask to others. when is the last time you took in an asylum seeker, and or refugee, and or a homeless, and or a person broken by people and life, and or with serious additions, have that person stay with you and you try to take care of that person?
stating that you a mother fucking piece of shit is too kind. calling the big wigs and smarty pants of the world mother fucking pieces of shits of the world is even more too kind. check out when I AM got pissed of at us homo sapiens. you are not even aware of all commandments of I AM and or as you wrote God.
when you meet Creator, you mother fucking piece of shit, and Creator asks you what you did believing in Creator, what in the hell are you going to answer? suppose God used your own standards. we would not even be born nor exist.
Ma che brave 🎉 un gran bel duetto,insieme sono perfette.
Una verdadera batalla ,cualquiera de las 2 pudo ganar ,Luna con una voz potente y registro redondo hizo muy suya esta canción ,donde Sor Cristina la canto muy pegada a la versión original.Realmente ,es Sor Cristina quien decide el triunfo a su favor o da la estocada final ,en el ultimo momento.Pero este dúo es para la historia.
cierto saludos
Al inicio dice la cancion
Saram Vlogs " las chicas sólo queren divertirse" 1985 de Cindy Lauper, saludos
Alberto Rodriguez ni
Es verdad. Me encanto Luna tambien
Demasiado Talento En Una Sola presentación
A Freira foi muito bene, vá bella. Decola e guebra todos os tabus!!!!
Waaauu ...non mi stanco di rivederlo Luna e Suor Cristina sono fantastiche...
Whenever I see Suor Cristina's voice battles it brings tears to my eyes. she's so pure and lovable.
Não me canso de olhar a irmã Cristina cantando. Coisa linda demais. Linda voz e perfeição de alma!
amo a voz dessa freira Cristina
assistindo em 23 08 2023 🥰🥰🥰👏👏👏👏👏👏
They're both great singers, really!
Her mentor is very emotional.... I understand why...... Beautiful voice always makes u wanna cry... Coz of pure happiness
I'll never get tired of listening to these two 😍
It's difficult to choose between two different voices and both amazing! Luna's voice is definitely more warm and mellow, but technically (my opinion) sr Cristina is much better, especially during the fast modulations, she's incredibly precise, and his vocal range is awesome.
yeah, can't be more agreed... actually, in this particular song i'd like Luna a lot !!! her voice really fits for 80's covers i gues.. but well, suor cristina is amazing... love this duo .. no way choosing one, that was sad :/
Luna is spectacular too !!! I love both singers. Good performance
finally! been waiting for Sour Christina , , haha this s so entertaining
Both are AMAZING!
The Old Nuns Dancing And Having Fun Shows You No Matter Your Age Is You Still Need To Have Fun And Enjoy Life
Thanks For The Likes (If There Are Any)
You raise me. Up
Suor is so wonderful, Suor has great energy of God, He gives Suor wonderful energy.
actually she is 25 hahahahahah
@@agustinafernandezdellachia4300 infatti Hahhah
The others are old, though
Luna y Cristina Hicieron historia en la música, magnificas ambas, Exitos!!!..,
Hermanita Cristi , Cada vez que te escucho se me escapa una lagrima y siento una enorme alegría!!!
ya somos dos, Martin... o quedo saltando, riéndome o quedo llorando... jaja la verdad es que ella transmite tanto... waooo Fantástica... divinamente celestial...
me uno a sus comentarios, regreso a verla y verla, porque esa transparencia en su mirada y esa sonrisa pura, me contagia, me trasmite alegría...
a mí me atrapó su mirada... espectacular... a pesar de su timidez... cuando se sube al escenario hay una transformación a tal punto que es imposible no emocionarse... cautiva... transmite tanto tanto... ay Dios... me emociono... hermosa...
me encanto y me sigue gustando verla, porque dificilmente se ve en las chicas esa dulzura, pureza y espontaneidad de sus respuestas, no deja de trasmitir una sensibilidad enorme, cercanía, escucha. Es una gran mujer, monja o como sea, es un SER HUMANO y eso me toca
This is a tough one but i think that Sister got this! The quality of her voice is so pleasant and polished...very pop-ish kind of voice and she can really hit those high notes without hurting my ears! She is an awesome singer, nun or not i think she can still win this competition:)
Julianne Wiley LOL.
What an amazing gift, Sister Cristina have. Beautiful
essa é a coisa mais preciosa que eu já vi em toda a minha vida
Sor Cristina no sólo tenía buena voz, sino que su voz era peculiar muy aparte de hermoso!!! No era es común sino uno especial como ella!!! Cuando la veo cantar y a las monjitas baile me dan hasta ganas de llorar de emoción!!! ❤️
Para mi es la versión mas bonita y con mas fuerza que e escuchado, cuando canta sor cristinas es imponente, le sale como una fuerza inceible del pecho es imponente me emocione.......
yoi v me e quedado impactada como canta suor cristina que power en el escenario😍😍😘😘💜💜💝💝👋👋👍👍
Si muy bonita pero la voz de Luna is incredible muy Superior y professional. Sor Christina es emotional solamente, si tiene bonita voz pero es mas lo emocional lo que la tiene alli, por ser una monja.
A beautiful Nun with the beautiful voice ❣️....This is the voice ❣️
She so reminds me of my time I spend in bording school. I always knew Nuns were fun. I grew up between them :)
It was a joke. I was being sarcastic. There was no "point." Humour, maybe. But no "point."