90's Underground Hip Hop - 13 Rare Tracks
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- 90's Underground Hip Hop - Rare Tracks
• 90's Underground Hip H...
Pauly Paps - War Scarz
Presha - Presha Points
Eyedle Mode - Pavement Trials
A.L. - Lyrics
Falcon & Sleepy - Life
M'Stro - Bailys And Tequila
Hardwe’re - The Bricks
Probable Cause - They On Somethin'
Criminal Tactics - Demo
Q-Unique - Statistics
Aboriginals - The Joint
Pudgee - Whatever
L-Swift & Mister Voodoo Freestyle
last update: damn over 1 million views?! real hip hop never die
feel free to check out my other playlists too, here's the link ua-cam.com/play/PL4G14zsHQYcUAsIcKaxxVZEPiat7JA6Cp.html
visit my you tube channel bro
Nicola Armellin This is an Epic compilation brotha 👊 salute
Thanks man
Rohit Zu yessir 👊 you got it on point here brotha. Salute 👊
Hey bro I have a 90s underground hip-hop album me and my group just did. I would like for you to check it out and possibly post
0:00 Pauly Paps - War scars
4:07 Presha - Presha Points
7:59 Eyedle Mode - Pavement Trials
12:30 A.L. - Lyrics
16:20 Falcon & Sleepy - Life
21:01 M'Stro - Bailys And Tequila
24:31 Hardwe’re - The Bricks
29:03 Probable Cause - They On Somethin'
32:56 Criminal Tactics - Demo
36:00 Q-Unique - Statistics
40:00 Aboriginals - The Joint
44:12 Pudgee - Whatever
48:47 L-Swift & Mister Voodoo - Freestyle
This Pepe is a legend
@Manuel Flores Thick as pig shit it seems
Men i wish i could find the single of m’stro!
thank u man , really appreciate it , world could use more people like u
Thanks man👌😍
No way. Any attempt to hear another hip hop collection makes me go back to Nicola's collections. Simply the best !
Mixes like this show me that no matter how much music you listen to you can still be put onto music you’ve never heard there’s so many hidden gems 🔥
I've been on an underground 90s hip hop marathon and I always seem to come back to this one, the tracks on this are legendary, thanks for putting these together, you the legend!
This is real hip hop. Classics never get old. They just become legendary.
2024 we are still here. 30 years from 94 one of the greatest years in HipHop..Long live real hip hop and the underground scene 😊
You are making me addicted again to the 90's, thanks, i needed it
I'm crack adict
@@SLIMBOY489 is it fun ?
@@snowybudz4679 he no longer has Internet access, so I will answer for him
He is having the time of his life 😏
That first song is dramatic I love it
90s HipHop was definitely in a league of its own. It set the pave way for poets with artistic ability, the lyrics came from the heart. You felt the artist had a genuine story to tell, which was mainly about struggles, trials and tribulations in society. IMO
Not your opinion, facts, music is prostituted nowadays just another brainwashing tool
You feel the energy through the lyrics
love ur pfp man
play station 4L
"A.L. - Lyrics " What a song mate ! So good !!!
Greetings from Athens/Greece
Lyricist lounge vol 2 I think
The 90's was definitely a special time for the underground hip hop scene! There was a whole lot of dope tracks that may have been one offs but man did they ever leave an everlasting impression on the genre. So glad I was able to be a spectator during this time!
Paul Consiglio there was also three six mafia out there and bone thug
Awesome!! You make 90's generation feel happy again.
my pleasure homie
All over the world man, greetings from Finland!
Yerrr..Peace and Blessings to you and yours
Looooove this !! 😍😍😍💋💋
Listen this classik hiphop french old school ua-cam.com/video/_FM0ltLeGJM/v-deo.html this beat is cool génération 2000'
Thought I was reasonably clued up on 90's hip hop but this has put me to shame, still discovering 20 years on. Awesome mix
thanks for the comment
look up soundbombing 1 and 2 and lyricist lounge.
Idd word
Dude same lmao. This guy's channel is nuts and this other one i found by guy named Jimmy Eden Moon
You can feel the energy through the lyrics and the beats. It comes from deep inside the artist's soul. That's true art. Not artificial, like the music industry from nowadays. Love it
yes indeed
Man I miss this sound of music. So many memories.
Don't miss it.
Play it!!,🇬🇧😆💕
man, this music just gives me a warm nostalgic feeling - brings back all kinds of memories from that era - Thanks.
That Falcon & Sleepy - Life is gooood - love the hand-offs and that jazzy horn underpinning the whole thing. This track just sums up my love for this era (and Tribes more complex similar grooves)
I get what you mean homie
Been repeating this track for 2 days straight, from wakeup to sleep 😁
Thanks, Nicola - you bring out the realist hip hop! Always bumping to this!!
Un grand et sincere remerciement pour tout ton taf sur youtube... Je te vois comme un passionne qui n a pas compte les heures voire les journees et nuits passees a chercher les perles rares qui ne sont jamais passe a la radio et autres moyens de diffusion... J ai reellement un profond respect pour ce que tu as fait car tu permets de faire jaillir de l obscurite des caves et sous-sol des artistes qui, au final, avait autant (voire plus) de talent que ceux qui ont eu la chance de goûter a la lumiere des projecteurs mais, qui, comme la plupart des artistes de cette epoque melodramatique ont eu, a un moment donne, resenti le besoin de chanter la douleur (verite de toutes les verites) du sentiment de laisser pour compte qui s appliquait sur eux et leurs familles. En bref, ce hip hop est ,certes, l heritage d un point de vue musical du disco des annees 70s mais aussi celui du jazz et, quelquepart aussi du mouvement des Blacks Panthers (exemple: Tupac Shakur partit trop tôt R.I.P.) et bien avant tout cela, celui des esclaves dans les champs de cannes a sucre et de coton. Ne l oublions pas, la musique peut -être comprise par tous et demeure un moyen d expression universelle (explorer1 ou 2 sont partis dans l espace avec un enregistrement de Bach commente par une voie d homme qui se presente au nom de toute l humanite) que n importe qui peut utiliser sans pour autant l avoir etudie et, cest, pour moi, en cela que la musique est l art de tous les arts... En effet, lon peut la coupler avec tous les autres arts et celui qui, a mon avis, a sû le mieux en tirer les avantages et benefices est bien evidemment celui que l on surnomme le septieme art et que je me plais a surnommer la projection lumineuse (reference au projecteur d un film lors d une seance en salle obscur): le cinema. Et oui on peut dire a notre epoque que la realisation d un film sans bande originale est pratiquement voire totalement inconcevable... L on, peut observer et prendre du plaisir a regarder attentivement une peinture sans musique mais l artiste peut en rajoutant de la musique a son exposition influer sur les differentes critiques (qu elles soient positives ou negatives) portees sur son oeuvre. C est pour cela que la musique (quelle soit electro, hip hop, jazz, disco, pop, etc...) se place dans mon coeur devant le cinema et tous les autres arts que l humanite a developper a travers les âges (n oubliez pas que nous aurions pu envoyer la joconde dans l espace au lieu d un mourceau de Jean-Sebastien Bach)... Mon souvenir le plus cher en matiere de cinematographie demeure la scene finale de Rencontre du troisieme type ou les humains allient sons et lumieres (colorees) pour tenter d etablir le contact avec les petits hommes verts qui viennent de se poser sur Terre (desole pour le spoil). Mais, je m eloigne de ce qui est vraiment important: la musique en general et le hip hop en particulier... Son heritage et son premier impact positif dans les ghettos, les cites, les ecoles (et bien d autres lieux) va bien au-dela de tout ce que l on pouvait esperer des sa naissance. Le hip hop nous apprend dans un premier temps qu il est plus facile de resister et de ce fait exister en groupe plutôt que tout seul ( je citerai Mafia K1 Fry avec Pour ceux) mais quil est aussi dangereux sous le feu des projecteurs de se laisser envahir par sa popularite et le poignon et donc d en oublier ses propres racines voire ses amis (ceux par qui tout a commence). Voila pourquoi je pense que, mis a part quelques exceptions a l heure actuelle, le hip hop underground des annees 90 est celui qui dans mon coeur ne faibliera pas et traversera les generations presentes et futures avec des textes qui avaient un sens car il y a 30 ans des paroles assez fortes pour etre entendues et ecoutees pouvaient faire jaillir la lumiere d une cave dont plus personne n avait rien a faire. Le hip hop a donne naissance a tout une culture a travers les graffs, la danse et plein d autres choses que je ne m amuserai pas a citer car la liste est longue (comme mon commentaire LOL), mais avant tout a pu donner assez de puissance a certains pour donner envie a d autres de suivre en les voyant rapper pour ne plus ignorer. Le rap est ne ainsi dans l ombre d une cave et apportait un message d espoir a qui voulait l entendre. C est l heritage de la musique du peuple noir (mais pas que) sauf que cette fois-ci on les aura laisser faire en pensant sûrement qu une cave ne ferait jamais le poids face a un stade... Erreur monumentale de la part des producteurs qui ont penses comme cela (le fric)... Car, une chanson qui dit la verite peut être (a mes yeux) une arme bien plus puissante que n importe quel fusil ou revolver car elle a la capacite de faire se soulever le peuple et, ca, le hip hop l a bien compris et s en est servi. Le Hip Hop demeure pour moi l easter egg que le peuple noir attendait apres tant de siecles de soumission et de combat. Mais, il y a un hic dans tout cela... Le hip hop s est egare en se contentant de chanter pour des belles voitures et des belles nanas ainsi qu en divisant en deux (au debut) le rap des etats unis ( east coast et west coast) ce qui les mis en concurrence dans le milieu (N.B.: Tupac, de son vivant, ayant chante a new york et a los angeles faisait encore le lien). Ainsi, au lieu de se soutenir ils ont fini par oublier ce que le hip hop representait a la base. Voila pourquoi je ne suis pas un grand amateur de ce qui passe a la radio a l heure actuelle en matiere de hip hop. Je trouve qu ils se sont perdu en chemin a partir du moment où ils ont revêtu les costumes d hommes d affaires. Ils ont reussi mais avec le temps ils sont devenus comme ceux qu ils combattaient voire pire pour certains. Quel dommage. Et c est ainsi qu a mes yeux le hip hop a fini par perdre ses ailes.
merci, ça fait vraiment plaisir ce genre de commentaires!
Thank you for these hidden gems. 90's hip hop for life!
Nicola Armellin yo for a long time head like myself I grew up listening to these gems, so hearing these artists is very nostalgic. Great selections and madd respect for keepin these retro gemz rotating.
thanks fam for stopping thru
The true spirit of Hip Hop. Golden Era.
I'm just a 20 year kid smoking and loving this lyrical ability man wish I was in the 90s
we are mentally kids of this time
Man I'm amazed on how and where can you dig these gems! Amazing job ... The creativity in Hip-Hop golden era is endless!!!
thanks mate for stopping thru
probably one of the dopest mixes I have heard in a loooooong time
really great to hear these kind of words
Nothing but gold from these playlists. Keep it up!
I keep coming back to this one ❤️ 🙌 People out there are more in depth can name and sing along. I’ve heard so much my brain 🧠 dumps stuff out 😅 I just enjoy even if can’t name all songs. Thank you so much for your page! 🌲 💨
Thank you for your awsome Mixes and your work for keeping real hiphop alive. You are a King.
Mixes where?
8:00 has to be the smoothest transition from sample to beat I've ever heard in my entire life.
Complimenti davvero...non sbagli un mix...solo bombe e pezzi fantastici! Chi è nato e cresciuto in quegli anni e con queste sonorità non può che apprezzare e rimanere estasiato! Tanti pezzi e nomi che manco conoscevo... Grazie!🤟💣🔥🚀
grazie francesco, è proprio lo scopo del mio canale! condivido semplicemente quello che ascolto ormai dai 90, cercando di "promuovere" ancora oggi il vero underground di quegli anni... penso che se lo meritano anche tutti quei gruppi che non hanno avuto il giusto riconoscimento
@@NicolaArmellin Ci riesci alla grande! Continua cosi!🤟🚀💣🔥
Man, How do I not know these songs or groups? Classic 90's new hip-hop in 2018, got to love it.
this is heaven to me
“Hip hop is here to stay you can’t compare it”
Couldn’t be any more true 🔥
That second track just wow. Must have somehow missed that one back in the days. Thank you from the bottom of my ❤
..you rule man! nice music
Thank you. (say what?!)
I just time travelled back to the 90s. I'm still there. It's beautiful
Don't know if someone is reading this, but if you are: You are amazing and beautiful! I believe in you! ❤️
As a mass murderer and rapist and child abuser, this comment really increased my self esteem. I am glad to know that someone approves of me and believes in me, you have given me the confidence to carry on in my lifestyle without fear of judgement. Thanks so much.
Thanks bruh! Just so you know, i will accept your compliment and never subscribe to your channel 🙌🏻.
Thank you. I actually really needed that right now. Blessings
How do you know
And you.
its the sound track of my life , 90' was the best time for music hip hop,rock
bro I am so happy I found your channel, every mix is a banger, whether it's only instrumentals or rap
thx for the positive feedback!
Amazing tape, real hip hop forever... Peace
Cool !?!... Thanks for the bulletproof list. Great sounds!
the Lyrics I need you! Nice throw back thanks for that memory lane sauntering starecase mobilizin pausing to ponder wonder and love.
Legendary mix 🙏 Nicola keeping hip hop alive on UA-cam. They on somethin...
thanks for tuning in 🙏
Falcon and Sleepy - Life is such a tune! huge mobb deep vibes!
Nice to see Falcon & Sleepy in the mix, swedish hiphop never go wrong ;)
I just went down a Rabbit hole
I googled Q-Unique, a rapper from this playlist, turns out that he's now in a band with the bass player from KoRn.
I cannot praise your 90's Underground Hip Hop series enough. You have maybe the best playlist on 90s hip hop on youtube. It's crazy. I'm in my 40s and I'm back in the early 90s. Thank you for making my workdays alot more relaxed. #Amen #YoMTVRaps #90shiphop #hiphop
really appreciate it! I get what you mean marc
Yo! Thats sick tracks dude. HIP HOP FOREVER!🤙🤤🏀
Fo real son
ahh beautiful 90s golden era classics like real hip hop use to sound! great upload. thank you! ✊
This is life
This is hip hop kids!!!!!!
This is some fire music to chill and smoke some blunts 😎😎 thanks man!!!
Nicola thanks man for your work. Great complications of old gold rap.
Respect Nicola From Timisoara (Romania) !
One of your best hip hop playlists! This is a gem playlist!
thx as always fam
Best UA-cam channel for dat 90s ish
it means a lot dean
Thanx for the new offering! Let’s go!
good looking out corey
I thought i knew 90s rap in and out but then i came across your channel thanks for introducing to this great music. Keep making these mixes
The pharaohs bless this awesomeness..
Greetings from the ancients egypt.
Amazing collection you got here…Thanks..
good looking out homie
bro you've got a subscriber in me these 90s mixes have been flames!!!
As always , you did a great job! Really good compilation.
Eyedle Mode- pavement trials 💥💢💥💥 thats some smooth fresh steez, a new crew for me, im a real head from way back but still findin new beats/crews/funky fresh breaks, much love to my real heads ✌✌✌
ive been listening for years and never commented
this shit is the realest there is
thank you
much appreciated ❤️
I miss the 90s so much I cry wen I remember that time
10x times better then hip hop now days, incomparable 🔥
Thank you very much Nicola!!!!
Wow! This mix is golden... thanks for posting.
appreciate it
Keep em coming Nicola!!
another premium job in here.... appreciated bro. in the last second, last bit, song's name please, if anyone knows...? best regards bro .
that's by l-swift, mister voodoo and charlemagne (prod.)... freestyle taken from the stretch and bobbito show in 95
Very Fiery stuff right there..am really enjoy listening
These tracks are unbeliveable, im glad i found them thanks for the upload
good looking out
That Pauly Paps beat is outrageous! Great find.
yes indeed
It's really really difficult to find "Criminal Tactics" ... :/
Thank you very much, Nicola, for the work. ;)
Thanks a lot for the new dope mixtape. The tracks on this list are very dope. That is hip hop. Big thanks and respect from Zürich. Cheers
really appreciate it
züri boyyy
incroyable ta chaîne !!!! des sons parfaits pour aller skater ! ci mer!
before 10 seconds are up I knew this was gonna be a fire mix
1st beat is so stress relieving
Damn man. Hiphop Evolution on Netflix got me really into these underground 90s hiphop vibes. Usually I'm too lazy to leave a comment, but mad respect for all these mixes you've been uploading, it's really epic!!
well I just wanna say thanks for da luv
Man,keep up the great work,your videos bring back the old days!
Cheers from Greece
thanks for tuning in
this music and the picture make me imagine a dystopian futuristic blue and grey world where people fight robots in the ruins of a civilization that used to be advanced
this is exactly what i need . Thank you man :)
Decent for putting the song names in description
So long time I listen to your mixed tapes you know what I sub you, shalom brothar!
Bumping this all week.. bless you bro!
glad ya feelin it
fell aslee sp witth this , i love that it was stilll streaming this same style thing wen i woke 5hrs l8r (3.52am), jammed along on my leccy 4 a bit
Absolutely Brilliant!! Thank You
Old school here... You need to check"poor righteous teachers".... Rock dis funky joint!!!!
These rhymes wouldn't even pay the bills.
It gets even better. You the man big dog.
Number 1 channel for quality golden era hip hop. Nicola when do you find yourself jamming to these?
Awesome dude!! thanks
Puts só som da hora, muito muito bom!!!! Gratulations my friend!!!
Do caralho mano
Os beat são foda!!!
super anche questa Nicola!
Thanks for this tape!
This comes right from the heart
Wow I totally missed this sound to the degree I'm sad...I want to go back in time. I'm 41 yrs old. Can my 90s babies throw your hand in the aierr
I can give you a thumb in the direction of up
36 Here! ✌🏾
@@johnarobinson5640 27 here
Cloudy days be dim and perfect to listen to this. I daydream DJs and MCs makin' they music down by a place where there's water or least unexpected areas to practice on they creativity before going into record studios and puttin' they work in progress into albums like laboratory projects.
Thanks mate!
Thanks for putting these together, I've listened to loads and they're awesome. One thing that would really be great is timestamps for each song. It's a pain going back to a song you want to listen to and having to find it. Cheers!
thank you for those gem's Nicolas // un grand merci à toi Nicolas, tu me fais découvrir des nouvelles choses, surtout l'underground français
oui mon ami
This is hip hop at its finest cuh