I bought five 18F452 off eBay a few years ago. For a year, I've been trying to get the damn things to setup properly. Do yourself a favour, and get a chip with an internal oscillator. Its pretty stupid how PIC offers little support and UA-cam search algorithms prevent help troubleshooting. I can get PICF184525s to work. I can get PIC10F200 to program. But, mot my 18F452s. hours upon hours of wasted time troubleshooting/ buying parts
do you mean there are such pics can't be programmed by pickit 3? in website it says pickit5 (newest edition) can program this chip, no reason pickit3 can't since it accepts icsp.
always read the error code and search for it online. for MCUs, check the connections and make sure they are tight enough. sometimes a lose wire can make you waste days!
When I connect pick it 3 to pic 16f72 always error come not found target device I already check all connection is properly connected and I also check voltage between ic pin Vdd and Vss is 5 volts and also get 5 volts on MCLR PIN I don't know what problem is this.. Plzz help
Thank you for this tutorial. I would like to blink the LED once and then stop. Please help
thanks for the video but, i am not going to click on programmer to go pickit3/pickkit4 main project. in video you click on 4:05 . can you help me?
I bought five 18F452 off eBay a few years ago. For a year, I've been trying to get the damn things to setup properly. Do yourself a favour, and get a chip with an internal oscillator.
Its pretty stupid how PIC offers little support and UA-cam search algorithms prevent help troubleshooting.
I can get PICF184525s to work. I can get PIC10F200 to program.
But, mot my 18F452s. hours upon hours of wasted time troubleshooting/ buying parts
do you mean there are such pics can't be programmed by pickit 3?
in website it says pickit5 (newest edition) can program this chip, no reason pickit3 can't since it accepts icsp.
Thank you this was a good video I had issue with connecting program my code complies and says it is loaded but I dont see any out put from PIC.
always read the error code and search for it online.
for MCUs, check the connections and make sure they are tight enough. sometimes a lose wire can make you waste days!
Hi! I have one amplifier and inside have PIC16F616 and is damage...How shoul i know what program i must write on it?
what is damaged?
this tutorial is for a working mcu. if yours is broken you should get another one.
excelent video.
I am happy you liked it. thanks for your feedback.
When I connect pick it 3 to pic 16f72 always error come not found target device I already check all connection is properly connected and I also check voltage between ic pin Vdd and Vss is 5 volts and also get 5 volts on MCLR PIN I don't know what problem is this.. Plzz help
programming failed at program memory address 0x0000 pickit3???? i need a help please
post it on eevblog forum with setup and error then we will help
I have 12F675 and 12F629 ICE
How can i copy and read locked ICE please make a video😢
i don't have such experience but pickit3 can read programs of pic mcus with flash memory using the same gui.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sir how can I copy Lock ic please let me know 🙏
to my knowledge it can't but you need to ask in eevblog
speedo meter ka program kr sakte ho sir
kindly explain in English or Arabic.
I can't program. My always says programming failed at program memory adress 0x00000000. Can some-one help me?
well, you need to search for this fault error.
i recommend checking the connections as they are the reason why programming sucks always.
how to PIC microcontroller clone?
what do you mean?