You know why lord of the rings was a huge success? They stuck to the source material, they listened to fans, and the had tons of pre production. Star Wars not only didn’t opposite but seemed to purposely go against them. The fact that they didn’t have years of preproduction and got a story for three movies is criminal.
“Listening to the fans” is always a crapshoot, especially when the fan base was so divided on so many issues, and to that end I don’t know how much Jackson listened to fan feedback, if at all. That said, no preproduction, story, or plan from the beginning for one of the most popular and valuable IPs in history was malpractice of the highest order. Wild that nobody lost their jobs over this.
@@toadapeafter you saying there was no source material? George Lucas had written the sequel trilogy and believed that was going to be used when he sold Star Wars to Disney
So Daisy Ridley said the term Mary Sue is sexist, then in that internet search video she said she beat Kylo because Rey is "super strong and hes super weak" ....does she not understand THAT is the problem? Kylo was trained since he was a youngling in the Jedi arts, then was further trained in the ways of the dark side, Rey didnt even think the force was real until a couple days before they fought yet he lost, that makes her a Mary Sue and a terribly written character
@willlastnameguy8329 Yeah and the fact she was talking about how amazing Rey is tells me she doesnt understand what makes a good character. Luke wasn't beloved because he was the strongest, he was and is loved because he struggled! He made mistakes, he lost and in the end won not because he was the strongest but because he was a morally good person.
@@willlastnameguy8329 The name / term for male characters is Gary Stu. But yes, she don't understand the problem of bad writing. Not just for Rey's character, there are many other problems, in particular, the copy-and-paste scam of episode 4.
The force awakens all happens in 14 hours in there timeline no time jump until the 3rd piece of shit out of a crap trilogy that doesn't fit in with the original six movies.
After I'd gone to see the Last Jedi, a friend asked me how it was. I told him that the central theme seemed to be; "Do you like Star Wars? Well, fuck you!"
Sounds like you might enjoy the videos from the channel "inconceivable" named "rant compilation for the last Jedi" and "rant compilation for the rise of Skywalker." Priceless! 🤣🤣🤣 If you don't have time for a two hour long video, check out the eight minute video named "the last Jedi sucks - Roz Weston of ET Canada" from the channel "Star Wars universe." Enjoy!
Rey is a true Mary Sue. You can lie, you can cope, and you can push your narrative and gaslight. She was perfect at everything. The big defense for her was that she cried…..she cried.
True, but Daisey Ridley is just an actress playing the character and she had no authority. Just another human doing her job. Due to a disturbance in the force, people seen to forget what they need to direct their hatred towards, if at all.
And even the one cock up she made spun itself into a serendipitous win by saving Han from his angry creditors by letting the tentacle balls of embarrassment out to eat everyone without any character shields.
I think the biggest tell for me was her translating Chewy's language to Luke, because as an orphan growing up on the a$$hole of the universe, why wouldn't she also be fluent in Wookie. Perhaps the most egregious use of a Mary Sue in the history of storytelling.
@geelwashandje131 That's not true at all. The prequels were not a hit but were also not a complete failure. The prequels spawned games, books, cartoons, comics, fan art and groups. What has the sequels spawned? Nothing. SW is now dead. If you run the numbers for ALL sequel related products and movies, Disney has actually lost money on their purchase.
I still play Battlefront 2 from time to time and absolutely NOBODY chooses Rey or Finn during the heroes vs villains mode. Sometimes I forget they’re even in the game! 😂
The late, great J.W Rinzler wrote “The Making Of The Force Awakens” . You may wonder why you haven’t read it. It’s because Disney BLOCKED it from publication. It would have shown the absolute incompetence of Disney. You can see the mess of production in “The Art Of The Force Awakens.” That book slipped through.
*I guess the 'Anit-Disney Club' is bursting at the seams. As an OT FAN, I really couldn't care less. They're just badly written stories made for fans to pay and see*
He could have stood his ground. Ford could have said get us all together in one scene before you off me. Those actors had The Power to veto what they didn't like. Too busy telling us how too vote, I guess.
I was cautiously optimistic heading into Force Awakens. I saw it and my exact response was "It was good, not great, but hopefully the starting point to lead to better things" Then I saw Last Jedi and goddamn it I was trying to be positive. I was like "Maybe this is going to lead somewhere. We need to see the third film and it'll all be worth it." And then I saw the teaser for Rise of Skywalker and I heard the Emperor's laugh and I knew that all my hope was for nothing. I held out longer than most online, but once I heard that cackle, I knew there was no plan and there was no brilliance behind all of their decisions. It was a trainwreck patchwork that got by on shiny objects drenched in nostalgia, and it had worn off by that point, at least on me. Then I saw Rise of Skywalker and my heart just sank. An entire trilogy wasted. The returning original cast, wasted. Even the new characters with potential like Phasma, Finn, Poe, and the main villains Kylo and Snoke, wasted. The whole thing was just an exercise in futility.
@@dutchrjen We were among the few who said anything at that time👍 I had all my college friends and classmates telling me I was a hater and movie critic lol.
I came away from TFA with two thoughts. First, it was little more than a very lazy remake of ANH with very little to distinguish it as a film in its own right. Second, that, like the second Matrix flick, it raised a lot of questions and left me very unsatisfied; the next film would determine if it had any merit. But even if TLJ hadn't been a debacle of epic proportions, it wouldn't have changed Rey's dysfunction as a character, the needless and conflicting evisceration of Han Solo, and the utter lack of Luke.
I really tried to enjoy and even defend what I saw. But each time, I was lying to myself. I hated the whole sequel trilogy. Even now, I cringe about it. I'm my mind, it's all just a bad dream and I'll wake up and Star Wars won't be ruined. But sadly, Disney and the woke Hollywood has utterly destroyed my childhood. Thank you Disney for taking George Lucas genius story and turning into garbage. We'll done.
When I first watched Into Darkness, I legit thought they never made it to Kronos and dropped out of warp halfway near some unknown planet full of gangsters. I didn't realize it was Kronos with actual KlingOrcs until I watched some video analysis years later 😄
@@JAnx01 It would have been so easy to explain away any of the discrepancies but they just didn't give a f*** LOL. "Yeah, that's exactly how the f*** it is now and if you don't like it go f*** yourself!!!! Unless you pay for this NOW & shovel as much of this s*** down your throat as possible?!?!? We won't make any more s*** until we've ruined every other IP over the next 10 years and then we'll come back to it and make it even worse?!?!?
Disney killed Daisy's career. Who is asking her to be in her movies. And the Term Mary sue is not sexist, its descriptive to a poorly written female character. The female part is irrelevant.
Spider-Man Goku Superman even Superman they always struggle this characters even luke skywalker even anakin but r e y just master date in in a matter of a year so she is definitely mary sue
After paying $4.1B for Star Wars, not having a coherent/well-established plan for your trilogy of films is beyond *WILD* it easily cost this publicly-traded company a billion $$ in lost profits (at a bare minimum!).. one of the biggest fails in business history you could teach a graduate level college course on the Dizney/Kathleen Kennedy trainwreck - and somehow she is still employed
Well you should take that course because I don’t know where you are getting your numbers from plus you are not even accounting for all the Disneyplus subscriptions from SW fans which probably accounts for like half and visits to Disney World.
@Byronic19134 I've reviewed Disney's spending because unfortunately it's in my 401k index fund. Disney+ is at around $11 billion and losses and hasn't been profitable yet. All of their profits post-COVID have come from their theme parks. Unfortunately for Disney, the average vacation to Disneyworld costs $4,000. You could get a beachfront hotel in the Bahamas for that price
@@Byronic19134 Look at declining box office receipts, the sorry state of Star Wars toy sales, the collapse of the Galactic Starcruiser hotel after a single year, visits to Galaxy's Edge, the fact no new SW film has been released since TROS, lack of critical acclaim, # of SW projects announced then abandoned etc etc. A billion $$ loss is a CONSERVATIVE estimate.. the long-term damage is likely far worse
The breakdowns between 7-9 were horrendous, but 7 had internal signs of sloppiness. The 'story for another time' thing was annoying. Rey was so powered up that they had to rely upon a crevice opening up to prevent her capturing Ren. I think Poe was supposed to die. So either they were making changes on the fly or the script they decided to film was pretty much in a draft state. They were overt seams around keeping Poe. I don't like Johnson. But the thing he inherited had cracks. Hell, it had literal fissures.
While the audience cheered over nostalgia, I remembered sitting in the theaters thinking to myself "This isn't Star Wars". Funny enough I thought the EXACT same way while sitting in the theaters watching the rebooted Star Trek with the new actors playing the roles of Kirk, Spok, etc. They both felt like the studios gave a 10 year old a budget to smash two action figures on screen.
My brother took me during the premiere week of TFA. I wasn't excited in the slightest. I was hung up on the title alone. What exactly does it mean. Considering what was just told in the movies that it's all around them and binds them. How the fuck do you awaken something that's ever present? Like they can turn it off. It made no sense to me and as the text wall started to scroll with the bombastic John Williams score people were fucking clapping. Why the fuck are they clapping? Nothing's fucking happened yet! As the movie rolled on, I was just reminded of how A New Hope is so much better than this retread that felt like a cheap parody of the real Mccoy. When it finally ended, it ended more like The Empire Strikes Back. They literally just crammed 2 movies together haphazardly and hoped the nostalgia would be enough. People were fooled for some odd reason. I give fans too much credit for being smart.
@@gamervet4760 You're absolutely right. As I've said from the start, this movie is one of the biggest scam in the history of cinema. I didn't go to the cinema to see this crap, because I'd already seen Abrams' massacre of his stupid Star Trek.
@philippealain-art Thank you. I grew up watching The Next Generation with my dad. We even liked some of the movies. Even though they weren't the best all the time. JJ really did try to ruin the characters. I don't fault the actors for the material they had to work with. I won't lie. I kind of enjoyed it until the end when they had to "dump" the core. That moment broke the glass for me, and the enchantment evaporated instantly. I didn't bother finishing it as I just walked out of the theater after that. How can you dump the core of your engines that's the only thing keeping you from total annihilation? Dumb as hell!
Admiral Holdo is the worst character in Star Wars. She literally advocates for blind faith in her leadership, something no rebel or Light Side character would ever do.
Critical Drinker has a video describing her as a case study in toxic leadership. The irony is off the charts because writers, directors, and KK were apparently oblivious to that reality.
Thank you!!! I hate when “mainstream fans” always say Jar Jar Binks is the worst when I would choose Holdo as the worst in a heartbeat. She was a condescending unlikable space Karen. Nobody in there right mind would follow her.
@IncredibleFulk1 I think you are wrong. People who follow her and they are the kind of people who would make a movie like Last Jedi. I think she is supposed to represent Kathleen Kennedy
@@-.-.11 exactly! I can’t name even a single original motif from the sequels that stands out. Conversely, I could hum “duel of the fates”, “across the galaxy” and “battle of the heroes” from the prequels by memory. And I’d wager that most of you would recognize them
And it wasnt even his best work by a long shot. From what Ive heard, Williams wasnt allowed to see a rough cut of any of the films like he had on the previous six. They were so secretive that they couldnt let Williams do his job properly.
What music? It is his worst work. It is forgettable and adds nowt new. It has no impact and it seems he forgot what the iconic star wars tunes were, replacing them for generic orchestral sounds that sound like they were performed on a computer. For the last one the first time after the opening that I remember noticing the star wars music was when the credits started.
@@jeremyvettech5562Nah, the sequels are another level of terrible compared with the prequels. The prequels didn’t have great direction from George Lucas but the story is genuine and memorable. It would probably have been even better than it was if he was able to put more of his own ideas into the prequels instead of being forced to exclude more information on midichlorians and the other secret Sith that was planned.
I know, I thought the world was in agreement that the prequels sucked but now I see people defending the prequels all the time. Just because they made something worse, doesn’t make the prequels better.
The only thing I can say for the Prequels is that they weren't mean-spirited, subversive, or rife with Disney disease. I can't watch either trilogy, but the Disney tripe curries rage while the prequels just make me grimace a lot and fill me with the sadness of what might have been.
He certainly didn’t do his due diligence on KK otherwise, he would’ve known she laid in wait to transform his legacy into a feminist propaganda machine.
George hates SW, I don't think he cares. No one would go in and wreck things they themselves approved years after the fact AND bar (even from Disney) the release of restored theatrical original trilogy copies.
@theflyingkaramazovbrothers6 Agree to disagree. He appointed Coffee Bringer to CEO to protect the legacy of Star Wars. She stabbed him in the back after Disney took over, and here we are today. There is no way Lucas doesn't care about the thing he built.
@crazyralph6386 She lied her ass off. Also, she's been around Lucas and Spielberg since the 80s, so they trusted her. She's the Hillary Clinton of the movie business. Standing by for decades while the men rule, then when it's opportune, shoot to the top. It's mostly an appropriate allegory since Hillary almost made it to the top.
I always liked whe JJ and KK lied about bringing Palpatine back for ROS. Saying he was always going to be part of the story. Then during an interview Ian Mcdiarmid says he was only only contacted shortly before filming. 😂 They relied on nostalgia for the first one because they knew they didn’t have the talent to create like the OT. They were arrogant thinking they were going to do better than the ST and then played victim when we didn’t like it.
I was into the Force Awakens for the first half of the movie. I got chills when the X wings came in skimming the surface of the lake... But that's when the story just fell apart and it felt like they just flat our ran out of ideas. I remember saying out loud "oh its another death star" and then not but 2 seconds later one of the characters said that exact same thing and from there I got taken out of the story and I couldn't get back into it.
I must be the only one who even at the time did NOT want anymore Star Wars. I wanted the series to be left alone. I still want it to be left alone. There are 6 films and that is it. There will never be anything more than Episodes 1 to 6. I said it in 2012 when the company was sold to Lucas, I say it right now in 2024 and will do so till the mintue I leave this planet.
A lot of the books are excellent. I'd say many are even better than any of the movies. I've read ~160 of them. The original Thrawn Trilogy is very popular and liked by millions of fans. It was a completely fresh story that brought in characters like Thrawn, Palleon, Mara Jade, and Talon Karrde who are very popular. Mara Jade is the most liked non movie character in Star Wars. She was voted 20th in characters by all fans without ever being in a movie. Many consider Thrawn to be the third best villain in Star Wars. Disney could have made excellent movies, but they botched almost all of it. Star Wars through books, video games, and comics is by far the largest fictional universe. The Thrawn Trilogy, Thrawn Duology, X-Wing series, Young Jedi Knights series, Darth Bane trilogy, Emperor's Hand Duology, Darth Plagieus, Kenobi, and much of the NJO are all great (although the NJO is when it starts getting weird). However, since 2005 Star Wars content has gone mostly bad. This includes the EU of books that took a bad turn. The same people running Lucas Films then are still there now. This turn started from direction and ideas introduced by Lucas during the prequel trilogy.
How come KK has never had a positive interview with fans? I have only seen interviews that show her in a negative light unedited. It's crazy how she doesn't hear herself
Fun fact: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, made several changes to the sequels, for example: Changed the reason for Luke’s transformation to a hermit crab (He didn’t try to kill Ben, Ben tried to kill him), removed both the kiss between Rose and Finn and the reason for it, and it attempted to make the Rise of Skywalker somewhat comprehensible
A big mistake was the sequel trilogy telling everyone that force sensibility was attributed to your lineage. Yes, Luke and Leia were force sensitive. But they were destined to fight Darth Vader, and being force sensitive was the only way to bring him back to the light side. Being force sensitive is determined by what the Force has planned for your destiny, not who your parents were. If that were true, every Jedi would have been hooking up endlessly to create force sensitive babies.
I hate to be “that guy” cuz I usually have no desire to defend anything Disney has done with SW. however, Finn had no lineage to the force and he’s supposed to be force sensitive.
The Sequel Trilogy essentially became a poor retellling of the Original Trilogy where we were told that Anakin Skywalker fulfilling the prophecy of the "chosen one" was meaningless and that his son, Luke, was actually a failure and it's up to a ridiculously overpowered and flawless female character to rebuild the Jedi Order. What this looks like is Kathleen Kennedy set out to drop a steaming turd all over George Lucas' legacy and make Star Wars her own. Screw the long time fans of the franchise, they're not important anymore! Clearly they had no idea what they were doing either as the story went from copying the first released film, to completely deconstructing the mythology, before making a complete mess of things. This trilogy deserves to be removed from the official canon and completely forgotten about.
No, they weren’t worse than I thought. I thought they were the worst large budget films I have ever seen. TLJ is probably the most horrific film watching experience I’ve ever experience.
Agreed. As someone who has been a Star Wars fan since my childhood in Nigeria, even I am just indifferent to disney star wars. I am done with the bad writing, poor world building, toxic identity politics and antagonism towards fans. I content myself with Lucas era movies and shows, EU books and good old and new games.
@salvadorromero9712 oh, it's not as popular as say Ben 10 was or Tom & Jerry, Superman, Batman and Spiderman are but it is one of those global phenomenon franchises that sci-fi fans here are aware of, especially due to shows like Clone Wars.
@salvadorromero9712 In South Africa Star wars is popular but not as much as it use to be in because of the last decade of star wars movies But most people Like the OT and prequels but the spiderman and MCU is more popular Star wars in South Africa
I agree with all this and said it at the time too. I remember talking to a friend about FA and he said they need to re introduce ppl to Star Wars, I was like what it’s Star Wars you don’t need to do that. It wasn’t a reintroduction it was practically a remake and it got worse from there.
I left the theater in 2015 thinking that if they needed to copy a whole film then they clearly had nothing new to offer. Then came 2018 and they proved me wrong... with a whole new flavour of DOGSHIT😠😡🤬😢
Ruin Johnson never even watched the whole of The Empire Strikes Back. Easily deduced by how Yoda acted in TLJ - he acted like he did when Luke first met him, not how he acted through the rest of the film, Return of the Jedi and the prequels. That was a Yoda based on the only scene Johnson watched with Yoda. It's not surprising at all that he also got Luke wrong (likely never seeing ROTJ).
All Disney did was remake the 1st Trilogy, with less interesting characters, storyline, and worst of all, undoing everything the iconic characters did, and we are suppose to be "ok" with it?
I feel worse about Finn than anyone, and all for his sake as a character and John Boyega as an actor. He had more development than most of the characters in The Force Awakens just switching sides. Hell, even if he got his ass kicked him holding his own against Kylo Ren with no powers was one of the most badass moments in the franchise. And then the guy got sidelined after he beat Captain Phasma.
IMO he’s completely overrated as an actor, especially being a lead? Practically every film he starred in post Disney sequels, all bombed at the box office.
Finn's character was originally on the hero's path. He was likely initially written to be an ascendant jedi. The trilogy had extensive rewrites, so I assume they swapped him out at some point for Rey and feed the femboss zeitgeist.
When the force awakens came out in 2015, I knew there would be new characters. What I expected was something from legends to finally be shown on the screen. I was expecting a familiar green lightsaber. Nope, something COMPLETELY different. OG characters all dying in one trilogy. The whole trilogy was palpatine AGAIN. Oh I got to see the lightsaber... In a flashback scene about my hero about to murder an innocent nephew. No Anakin or Obi-Wan force ghost. No Mara Jade anywhere. What's wrong with this picture?
You took control of a franchise MILLIONS of people love with the intent of making content with it they don't like. That'll get you far there 😑 at least she was honest about her incompetence
The problem with Disney owing both Disney and Marvel is that they enjoy killing off all the important characters and leave us with nothing in the end. 😒
What got me to like force awakens was that it was my first Star Wars movie I got to see in theaters, when the prequels came out(episodes 2 and 3), I was too young at the time to see those. So the hype of seeing Star Wars in theaters fooled me into thinking this was a good film
I can understand that. I can't describe the experience of seeing the original Star Wars in the cinema when it was released. I was only four years old but I knew I was watching something very special and was part of a big shared moment. After Disney's efforts I don't think the feeling around the first trilogy will ever be able to be recreated now.
Sequel trilogy need a proper character Bible and coherent story. If they want to make it like the MCU, they need a Kevin Fiege to oversee things to have a consistent storyline. Then have the Sequel trilogy movie be like an Avengers event with crossover with their characters. In between each movie can be a spin off of different character fans are interested in, like a Kylo Ren origins movie, Luke being a Jedi Master training Rey, Finn trained by Leia to be a Jedi diplomat, and Poe's piloting dangerous missions against First Order etc.
Anyone who objects to calling Rey a Mary Sue: - How many times was Luke defeated in combat? - How many times was Rey defeated in combat? Bonus round: - How many times was Anakin - the prophesied Chosen One, conceived through the sheer Will of the Force itself, and trained from childhood - defeated in combat?
I finally went to Star Wars Land at hollywood studios in Florida, and while it was a masterclass of theme park design, I couldnt help but feel a pit in my stomach, since its source material (sequel trilogy) was such a let-down. First order troops walking around, Rey, newer droids, kylo ren, sequel-era ship designs, and a major lack of traditional Star Wars outside of the merch being sold (and even much of that was sequel themed). At the core of it, Disney really wanted to use SW as a vehicle to make money, but didn't want to write good stories and create an overall plan. Everything about it feels like most of the planning was built around theme park attractions (don't get me started on the Star Wars Hotel that already shut down) and merchandise. The original trilogy and even prequels could get away with things like Ewoks and even Jar Jar, since they at least had a good story. When I can't bring myself to care about the new star wars era, its so hard to feel like it matters. The only "New" IP in star wars land that got me excited was seeing Mando and the Grogu animatronic that he carries. That was so cool, and I cared because the first two seasons of that show rock. At the end of the day, did disney make a ton of money from the franchise? Yes. But I think they could've made so much more if they made sure that the source material deserved all of the merchandising and theme parks and star wars overexposure. The hotel CLOSED (because of terrible sales and for a tax writeoff), many of their shows and movies are less successful than anticipated, and now it's time for them to start developing a new trilogy at a time when star wars fatigue is at an all time high - because of the constant stream of poorly written star wars stories that are uninspiring, outside of the occasional hit (mando s1+2, andor). It's endless. They need to halt all star wars new media for like 2 years and take that time to figure out how to dig the franchise out of the soul sucking hole it's in.
I remember walking out of TFA and my then 10 year old son asked what I thought of the movie. I told him that it wasn't bad but there were a lot of unanswered questions so it would really depend on how they followed it up. In December of 2017 we went to the theaters to see TLJ, we have not watched a star wars movie since.
JJ messed the trilogy up in Awakens. You have this cool character of Fyn. He is a stormtrooper who saw his friend die (a stormtrooper) and left the Empire. Rather than have a hero who is fighting the Empire but refuses to kill stormtroopers in honor of his friend, He cheers when he kills them! He's not remorseful. He's not stopping anybody from killing his friends the stormtroopers. He never 2nd guesses what he could do instead of killing them. He never uses his knowledge of the Empire to subvert an attack by the Rebels by doing something nobody in the Rebel fleet would know about. He doesn't speak to any generals or communication officers from the Empire to hide the rebels identity by providing answers only Empire soldiers know. He does nothing at all except happily kill his friends and yelling Rey! Don't blame Johnson. JJ left him this mess. So rather than continue it, he created his own mess dismissing the mess JJ left for him.
@@Crow_T_Robot It doesn’t. It really doesn’t, IMHO. As a Gen Z kid who saw it back in the mid 2000s and has watched it several times, I see nothing wrong with it as a film. The first 2 are flawed tho.
Luke couldn't defeat Vader without shifting to the dark side. He could not beat the emperor. Rey is way, way overpowered compared to Luke. It makes sense she won from Kylo Ren because he was unfocused, a bit like Anakin when turning into Vader.
You’re absolutely right. The sequels are vastly worse than I thought. Not that while watching Star Wars 7 and 8, did I give them thought to anything other than the agonizingly slow passage of time on my watch. I watched 7!in the theater and broke 8 into three parts on home video. I’ve never seen 9. I’d never seen Kennedy’s arrogant, smirking dismissal of fans prior to your UA-cam post. Attitudes like hers are why Hollywood is in a nose dive. Story telling is still alive in the tv series in the hands of producers like Taylor Sheridan and writers who know how to deliver one fresh season after another without violating cannon and without telling the same story over and over again. Their secret? Putting characters front and center and making them real.
God...the fact that part of the Last Jedi's story line was Rose trying to convince Finn the impressed child soldier that the First Order was evil is mind boggling
I never understood that if Luke went to that planet to die or kill himself, WHY LEAVE A MAP?!?!? Don't even get me started on the green milk drinking hobo he turned into... That being said, you've said the same things I've been expounding for years - WELL SAID AND TOTALLY ALL TRUE!!! This sequel trilogy does NOT exist in my dojo and Star Wars ends at the end of Return of the Jedi. 'nuff said.
It wasn't. TFA was awful opening night. I was there. The *best* parts were poor copies of the original Star Wars. The story was nonsense start to finish. The only character who was at all interesting at a conceptual level was Finn, and they were never willing to develop him or give him the complexity he deserved (and that only got worse in the following movies). The world 'building' was non-existent - in fact, it was effectively negative, as it undoes the ending of RotJ without any plausible explanation or sensible exploration of what happened post-RotJ. The New Republic, which should have been a 'main character' in the world building, is barely referenced and never appears. The only thing TFA did was fool people with nostalgia by poorly retelling the highlights of Star Wars. Incredibly poorly.
I tried to watch the sequels again just to see what the plot points were. I fell asleep during Force Awakens, got so angry during Last Jedi that I turned it off, and I have never even started Ruin of Skywalker
After the originals they buried the story in bad writing. First, they failed to show how Vader could have been created. Instead he was just a kid with a cute haircut who got to race and on day one saved the day without any training. Then they took that formula and applied it to every movie after. The worst part is it could have been brilliant. I wish someone could redo it all in a proper darker tone, a kickstarter animation series
Thank you for summarizing what the fandom has already been saying for a number of years now. There's nothing in this video I've not already heard a dozen times already.
"I find the term Mary Sue" Sexist"😅.... She realizes Marty is the alternate version for that phrase right? It is a Unisex saying, "Mary", is just the label for the female version while males have a different one...
I have literally never heard a person use that term, ever. The term Mary Sue is a recent term to describe a trend towards making badass stoic female girl bosses who never fail. I don't even see why you would need to come up with a "male version" since no one is writing male characters like that.
I've heard the story for TROS had already cut Rose's part down to almost nothing before TLJ was released, so "fan backlash" was not a factor. There is an excellent video by "Empire wreckers" named "how bad movies are made" re what the TROS story could have been based on leaks and conceptual art. It's a good story! The video explains why it didn't turn out that way though. The trilogy is a disgrace. Thank you for the video! 🙏
The worst thing about the sequels was that they somehow gave credence to the idea that maybe the prequels weren’t that bad. And nothing could be further from the truth.
I'm incredibly happy to say I recognized the terrible insulting writing and took offense from the force awakens when snook said to kylo "your father, han solo"
I don't remember the exact quote, but when oscar Isaac says "how's this work, I talk first, you talk first?" I whispered to my friend. I got a bad feeling about this.
Kathy, the record speaks for itself! FORCE AWAKENS Terrible. ROGUE ONE Even a broken clock is right twice a day. LAST JEDI Waste of time. RISE OF SKYWALKER What was that?! OBI WAN series Absurd. MANDO Dead now. WILLOW Did anyone actually read this script?! SOLO Well, at least it wasn't the sequel trilogy. BOOK OF BF Well, at least it wasn't the sequel trilogy. GALAXY SC HOTEL Ship heading into iceberg. ANDOR Ship sinking. So, revamp the menu! Because, why not? INDY 5 No time to rearrange the deck chairs. Ship gone. AHSOKA Brother, can you spare a lifejacket? ACOLYTE Passengers dead. Even ship pieces rusted and rotted away. SKELETON CREW Even the vultures are staying away now. NEW REY film Who in their right mind would even care?!
Disney violates the whole canon Anakin destroyed the sith as per the prophecy. Then Rey comes along with God like powers and can even resurrect the dead , so what's the point in caring ? Utter spit on the whole canon
Not worse than I thought, as a life long fan I only made the first two films and won't ever watch the last film in this trilogy. I had hope after the first film that was completely killed by the second. No new star wars for me and I am happy just not to have the past films i love destroyed.
OT: The main hero Luke gets... Bulled in a bar (Obi-Wan saves him) Almost dies in a trash compactor and is saved by the droids. Knocked out by a Wampa and dragged into a Wampa cave. Saved by Han and snow speeders. Gets his ship shot down by an AT-AT. Gets completely outclassed by Yoda when it comes to the force, etc... LOSES to Darth Vader and gets his hand chopped off. Has to be rescued by Leia and the gang. Gets completely overmatched by Palpatine and needs his father to save him. Oh and Luke also trains for months if not years under Yoda's guidance before having a chance against Vader. In the PT: Anakin gets... We hear that he has never won or even finished a pod race (until the good guys need him) (now granted him "accidentally destroying the droid ship was dumb) Gets defeated and gets his arm hacked off by Dooku Anakin trains for most of his life and is a veteran of many battles before being able to finally defeat Dooku. Gets manipulated and played by Sidious throughout most of the trilogy. Gets 3 limbs hacked off and burnt up into lava. I'm probably missing others as well. Rey was never knocked down over and over like these characters. And hence why her character was shallow. She gets all the rewards (power through training and experience) after never earning it.
We gave George a lot of shit after the prequel trilogy, but after Disney has murdered, burned, and pissed on the ashes of Star Wars I wish we could get him back.
I was VERY disappointed after i've watched The Force Awakens in cinema. I've walked out of the cinema while watching The Last Jedi, because i couldn't take it any more and to this day i haven't watched The Rise of Skywalker. After The Mandalorian season 3 ... Star Wars is dead to me. 🤧😢😭
JJ Abrams should never be let near another movie again. As for Kathleen Kennedy, she must be a witch who cast a spell to not have been fired long ago with the overwhelming failures and losses under her tenure. That or she has dirt on people at Disney.
The sequel trilogy for me got off to a good start with The Force Awakens but The Last Jedi killed Star Wars, I don't think the franchise has fully recovered since then. The Rise of Skywalker was a desperate attempt to try and fix things but the damage had already been done. One thing that always sticks out for me with the sequels is they had the opportunity to have Han, Leia and Luke all on screen again at the same time, yet we get no scenes with them all reunited. And now, we can never have that.
The forest duel in Force Awakens is still one of the best lightsaber duels in SW. It's got weight, feeling, the stakes feel high, it's gritty. Kylo Ren screaming Traitor at Finn is epic. They got away from the rubbery featherlight duels in the prequels and back to the scary feeling the OT duels had.
Wow man… fantastic video, totally on the money about every single point. Enjoy some much deserved success on your channel. I will be checking out some of your other videos
I am quite afraid that it is literally impossible for those stupid three movies to be worse than I thought because they absolutely crushed anything I had in me for Disney Star wars to me there are only six Star wars films and six seasons of The animated clone wars series and that's it I've even had to Deccan and I was rogue one because I'm not going to give Disney nothing.
I don’t think they could be worse than I thought. I was done after the disaster that was Episode 7. Only came back for episode 8 to see Luke and almost left early. Was absolutely finished after episode 8 and never came back.
Enough about the video, that's freaking "getting over it with Bennett Foddy" music in the background. I THOUGHT I heard that! At first I thought I was just hearing things
The part of TFA that bothered me wasn't the similarities to ANH. It was the coincidences (you could say plot conveniences) that just happened over and over and over. LIke a hundred of them in a matter of hours.
You know why lord of the rings was a huge success? They stuck to the source material, they listened to fans, and the had tons of pre production. Star Wars not only didn’t opposite but seemed to purposely go against them. The fact that they didn’t have years of preproduction and got a story for three movies is criminal.
True but not always listniing to you fans makes a wins
“Listening to the fans” is always a crapshoot, especially when the fan base was so divided on so many issues, and to that end I don’t know how much Jackson listened to fan feedback, if at all. That said, no preproduction, story, or plan from the beginning for one of the most popular and valuable IPs in history was malpractice of the highest order. Wild that nobody lost their jobs over this.
A yes. The sequels should have stuck to the source material. Are you daft?
@@toadapeafter you saying there was no source material?
George Lucas had written the sequel trilogy and believed that was going to be used when he sold Star Wars to Disney
"Rey's story was just Luke's rise with the cheat codes on" - I have never heard such a succinct description
Star Wars: New Game + Mode
Luke’s journey with the safe mode on.
It had nothing to do with Luke it was just, ANYTHING MEN CAN DO WOMEN CAN DO BETTERER!!!
So Daisy Ridley said the term Mary Sue is sexist, then in that internet search video she said she beat Kylo because Rey is "super strong and hes super weak" ....does she not understand THAT is the problem? Kylo was trained since he was a youngling in the Jedi arts, then was further trained in the ways of the dark side, Rey didnt even think the force was real until a couple days before they fought yet he lost, that makes her a Mary Sue and a terribly written character
The fact that she said it was sexist just means she doesn't understand the term. Male characters are called Mary Sue, too.
@willlastnameguy8329 Yeah and the fact she was talking about how amazing Rey is tells me she doesnt understand what makes a good character. Luke wasn't beloved because he was the strongest, he was and is loved because he struggled! He made mistakes, he lost and in the end won not because he was the strongest but because he was a morally good person.
@@willlastnameguy8329 The name / term for male characters is Gary Stu. But yes, she don't understand the problem of bad writing. Not just for Rey's character, there are many other problems, in particular, the copy-and-paste scam of episode 4.
The force awakens all happens in 14 hours in there timeline no time jump until the 3rd piece of shit out of a crap trilogy that doesn't fit in with the original six movies.
*Ridley is just a woke individual trying to get her 'Credibility Stripes' in the 'New World Wokeness'*
After I'd gone to see the Last Jedi, a friend asked me how it was. I told him that the central theme seemed to be; "Do you like Star Wars? Well, fuck you!"
Sounds like you might enjoy the videos from the channel "inconceivable" named "rant compilation for the last Jedi" and "rant compilation for the rise of Skywalker."
Priceless! 🤣🤣🤣
If you don't have time for a two hour long video, check out the eight minute video named "the last Jedi sucks - Roz Weston of ET Canada" from the channel "Star Wars universe." Enjoy!
Rey is a true Mary Sue. You can lie, you can cope, and you can push your narrative and gaslight. She was perfect at everything. The big defense for her was that she cried…..she cried.
True, but Daisey Ridley is just an actress playing the character and she had no authority. Just another human doing her job.
Due to a disturbance in the force, people seen to forget what they need to direct their hatred towards, if at all.
And even the one cock up she made spun itself into a serendipitous win by saving Han from his angry creditors by letting the tentacle balls of embarrassment out to eat everyone without any character shields.
Gaslight Gatekeep girlboss
Well she did kill a bunch of innocent people with that whole force lightning thing, but they were not people in her eyes, so didn't count.
I think the biggest tell for me was her translating Chewy's language to Luke, because as an orphan growing up on the a$$hole of the universe, why wouldn't she also be fluent in Wookie. Perhaps the most egregious use of a Mary Sue in the history of storytelling.
Luke was never strong enough to beat the Emperor, that's the point of Darth Vader's sacrifice to save Luke.
Vader wasn’t strong enough to defeat the Emperor either. That’s why he died.
@@treystephens6166 Vader wasn’t…..But Anakin was strong enough save Luke tho.
@treystephens6166 precisely, that's why it was a sacrifice!
@@traviscutler9912 YEP!
Five years later, The Disney trilogy is not looked on in a fond way. And it never will be.n
In 2012 people still considered the prequels dogshit and now they are regarded as the best movies of all times.
@geelwashandje131 That's not true at all. The prequels were not a hit but were also not a complete failure. The prequels spawned games, books, cartoons, comics, fan art and groups. What has the sequels spawned? Nothing. SW is now dead. If you run the numbers for ALL sequel related products and movies, Disney has actually lost money on their purchase.
I still play Battlefront 2 from time to time and absolutely NOBODY chooses Rey or Finn during the heroes vs villains mode. Sometimes I forget they’re even in the game! 😂
sequels terrible they will never be canon for reasons
@@geelwashandje131wtf are u talking about no one has ever called them the best movies of all time
The late, great J.W Rinzler wrote “The Making Of The Force Awakens” . You may wonder why you haven’t read it. It’s because Disney BLOCKED it from publication. It would have shown the absolute incompetence of Disney. You can see the mess of production in “The Art Of The Force Awakens.” That book slipped through.
Really? He's like the official recorded of SW productions
*I guess the 'Anit-Disney Club' is bursting at the seams. As an OT FAN, I really couldn't care less. They're just badly written stories made for fans to pay and see*
@@histguy101he’s the SW version of Thomas Shippy(Tolkien scholar).
I feel sorry for Mark Hamill the way they butchered Luke Skywalker was absolutely a travesty.
He could have stood his ground. Ford could have said get us all together in one scene before you off me. Those actors had The Power to veto what they didn't like. Too busy telling us how too vote, I guess.
I wouldn’t. He read the script and signed on for big $, when he could’ve did the honourable thing and move on.
Don’t. Whatever his misgivings, he went along for it. It was empty whining because he took the money.
Feel sorry for anyone who still likes him. He's a tool.
@@crazyralph6386money talks dude idk if you know that
I was cautiously optimistic heading into Force Awakens.
I saw it and my exact response was "It was good, not great, but hopefully the starting point to lead to better things"
Then I saw Last Jedi and goddamn it I was trying to be positive. I was like "Maybe this is going to lead somewhere. We need to see the third film and it'll all be worth it."
And then I saw the teaser for Rise of Skywalker and I heard the Emperor's laugh and I knew that all my hope was for nothing. I held out longer than most online, but once I heard that cackle, I knew there was no plan and there was no brilliance behind all of their decisions. It was a trainwreck patchwork that got by on shiny objects drenched in nostalgia, and it had worn off by that point, at least on me.
Then I saw Rise of Skywalker and my heart just sank. An entire trilogy wasted. The returning original cast, wasted. Even the new characters with potential like Phasma, Finn, Poe, and the main villains Kylo and Snoke, wasted. The whole thing was just an exercise in futility.
Tbh, besides the VFX nothing about the force awakens was good.
The Force Awakens was terrible and I said it at the time. That and Rogue One were the only ones I saw in theaters.
@@dutchrjen We were among the few who said anything at that time👍 I had all my college friends and classmates telling me I was a hater and movie critic lol.
I hated Force Awakens. It was literally an episode 4 knockoff with better graphics. It was insulting lol
I came away from TFA with two thoughts. First, it was little more than a very lazy remake of ANH with very little to distinguish it as a film in its own right. Second, that, like the second Matrix flick, it raised a lot of questions and left me very unsatisfied; the next film would determine if it had any merit. But even if TLJ hadn't been a debacle of epic proportions, it wouldn't have changed Rey's dysfunction as a character, the needless and conflicting evisceration of Han Solo, and the utter lack of Luke.
I really tried to enjoy and even defend what I saw. But each time, I was lying to myself. I hated the whole sequel trilogy. Even now, I cringe about it. I'm my mind, it's all just a bad dream and I'll wake up and Star Wars won't be ruined. But sadly, Disney and the woke Hollywood has utterly destroyed my childhood. Thank you Disney for taking George Lucas genius story and turning into garbage. We'll done.
J.J Abrams sucks as a director, look at what he did to Star Trek. He ruined 2 legacy Sci fi franchises
So true. South Parks member berries was deserved
Very true. And at least at Star Trek, he even admitted that he never liked it.
When I first watched Into Darkness, I legit thought they never made it to Kronos and dropped out of warp halfway near some unknown planet full of gangsters. I didn't realize it was Kronos with actual KlingOrcs until I watched some video analysis years later 😄
@@JAnx01 It would have been so easy to explain away any of the discrepancies but they just didn't give a f*** LOL.
"Yeah, that's exactly how the f*** it is now and if you don't like it go f*** yourself!!!!
Unless you pay for this NOW & shovel as much of this s*** down your throat as possible?!?!? We won't make any more s*** until we've ruined every other IP over the next 10 years and then we'll come back to it and make it even worse?!?!?
Disney killed Daisy's career. Who is asking her to be in her movies. And the Term Mary sue is not sexist, its descriptive to a poorly written female character. The female part is irrelevant.
Spider-Man Goku Superman even Superman they always struggle this characters even luke skywalker even anakin but r e y just master date in in a matter of a year so she is definitely mary sue
After paying $4.1B for Star Wars, not having a coherent/well-established plan for your trilogy of films is beyond *WILD*
it easily cost this publicly-traded company a billion $$ in lost profits (at a bare minimum!).. one of the biggest fails in business history
you could teach a graduate level college course on the Dizney/Kathleen Kennedy trainwreck - and somehow she is still employed
Well you should take that course because I don’t know where you are getting your numbers from plus you are not even accounting for all the Disneyplus subscriptions from SW fans which probably accounts for like half and visits to Disney World.
It's possible they could have profited more if they just sold existing media, toys, merch, and the rights for video games
@Byronic19134 I've reviewed Disney's spending because unfortunately it's in my 401k index fund. Disney+ is at around $11 billion and losses and hasn't been profitable yet. All of their profits post-COVID have come from their theme parks. Unfortunately for Disney, the average vacation to Disneyworld costs $4,000. You could get a beachfront hotel in the Bahamas for that price
@@Byronic19134 Look at declining box office receipts, the sorry state of Star Wars toy sales, the collapse of the Galactic Starcruiser hotel after a single year, visits to Galaxy's Edge, the fact no new SW film has been released since TROS, lack of critical acclaim, # of SW projects announced then abandoned etc etc. A billion $$ loss is a CONSERVATIVE estimate.. the long-term damage is likely far worse
The breakdowns between 7-9 were horrendous, but 7 had internal signs of sloppiness. The 'story for another time' thing was annoying. Rey was so powered up that they had to rely upon a crevice opening up to prevent her capturing Ren. I think Poe was supposed to die. So either they were making changes on the fly or the script they decided to film was pretty much in a draft state. They were overt seams around keeping Poe. I don't like Johnson. But the thing he inherited had cracks. Hell, it had literal fissures.
While the audience cheered over nostalgia, I remembered sitting in the theaters thinking to myself "This isn't Star Wars".
Funny enough I thought the EXACT same way while sitting in the theaters watching the rebooted Star Trek with the new actors playing the roles of Kirk, Spok, etc.
They both felt like the studios gave a 10 year old a budget to smash two action figures on screen.
Unfortunately, this is completely the case. But the worst thing is that both Star Trek and Star Wars have become completely stupid and sterile.
A 10 year old smashing two figures together would be more entertaining than these movies
My brother took me during the premiere week of TFA. I wasn't excited in the slightest. I was hung up on the title alone. What exactly does it mean. Considering what was just told in the movies that it's all around them and binds them. How the fuck do you awaken something that's ever present? Like they can turn it off. It made no sense to me and as the text wall started to scroll with the bombastic John Williams score people were fucking clapping. Why the fuck are they clapping? Nothing's fucking happened yet! As the movie rolled on, I was just reminded of how A New Hope is so much better than this retread that felt like a cheap parody of the real Mccoy. When it finally ended, it ended more like The Empire Strikes Back. They literally just crammed 2 movies together haphazardly and hoped the nostalgia would be enough. People were fooled for some odd reason. I give fans too much credit for being smart.
@@gamervet4760 You're absolutely right. As I've said from the start, this movie is one of the biggest scam in the history of cinema. I didn't go to the cinema to see this crap, because I'd already seen Abrams' massacre of his stupid Star Trek.
@philippealain-art Thank you. I grew up watching The Next Generation with my dad. We even liked some of the movies. Even though they weren't the best all the time. JJ really did try to ruin the characters. I don't fault the actors for the material they had to work with. I won't lie. I kind of enjoyed it until the end when they had to "dump" the core. That moment broke the glass for me, and the enchantment evaporated instantly. I didn't bother finishing it as I just walked out of the theater after that. How can you dump the core of your engines that's the only thing keeping you from total annihilation? Dumb as hell!
The Force Awakens was so underwhelming that 30 minutes into The Last Jedi I just stopped caring.
We'll always have episodes 1-6
The original trilogy is all that exists. Everything else is trash.
And old books. Old books are cool
Admiral Holdo is the worst character in Star Wars. She literally advocates for blind faith in her leadership, something no rebel or Light Side character would ever do.
Critical Drinker has a video describing her as a case study in toxic leadership. The irony is off the charts because writers, directors, and KK were apparently oblivious to that reality.
@@robertlehnert4148 The Drinker is a pretty cool guy. Thinking about buying his book.
Thank you!!!
I hate when “mainstream fans” always say Jar Jar Binks is the worst when I would choose Holdo as the worst in a heartbeat.
She was a condescending unlikable space Karen. Nobody in there right mind would follow her.
@IncredibleFulk1 I think you are wrong. People who follow her and they are the kind of people who would make a movie like Last Jedi. I think she is supposed to represent Kathleen Kennedy
The only thing about the Sequel Trilogy that I _may_ accept as genuine Star Wars - and that's not a given - is John William's music.
I can’t even do that. I love John Williams but he phoned in the soundtracks for those three films.
the music for TROS is basically a reuse of everything from last movies,
@@-.-.11 exactly! I can’t name even a single original motif from the sequels that stands out.
Conversely, I could hum “duel of the fates”, “across the galaxy” and “battle of the heroes” from the prequels by memory. And I’d wager that most of you would recognize them
And it wasnt even his best work by a long shot.
From what Ive heard, Williams wasnt allowed to see a rough cut of any of the films like he had on the previous six. They were so secretive that they couldnt let Williams do his job properly.
What music?
It is his worst work.
It is forgettable and adds nowt new.
It has no impact and it seems he forgot what the iconic star wars tunes were, replacing them for generic orchestral sounds that sound like they were performed on a computer.
For the last one the first time after the opening that I remember noticing the star wars music was when the credits started.
They erased 33 years of original Star Wars lore for woke ideologies. Jaina Solo, erased for Rey. Let that sink in.
This. Hold on to those books and games like gold. Keep them secret, keep them safe
@@Rschr101I did that, spent too much money but nobody cares.
The one thing I’ll give the sequels is that it gave the prequels more appreciation.
Appreciation for not being the ONLY awful SW films
@@jeremyvettech5562Nah, the sequels are another level of terrible compared with the prequels. The prequels didn’t have great direction from George Lucas but the story is genuine and memorable. It would probably have been even better than it was if he was able to put more of his own ideas into the prequels instead of being forced to exclude more information on midichlorians and the other secret Sith that was planned.
I know, I thought the world was in agreement that the prequels sucked but now I see people defending the prequels all the time. Just because they made something worse, doesn’t make the prequels better.
The only thing I can say for the Prequels is that they weren't mean-spirited, subversive, or rife with Disney disease. I can't watch either trilogy, but the Disney tripe curries rage while the prequels just make me grimace a lot and fill me with the sadness of what might have been.
The Last Jedi was bad, but the Rise of Skywalker was impressively bad.
Mark Hamill is not a victim. He deserves zero sympathy. He assisted in this disembowelment of Luke Skywalker, for the money.
Good point
I swore off Abrams movies after he murdered Star Trek. I made the right choice.
KK: "We didn't make the movie for them"
People: Oh ok I'll skip it
KK: "People not watching are just being toxic"
Nailed it.
George Lucas goes to bed and wakes up with the same thoughts......why did I put the Coffee Bringer in charge......why did I sell?
He certainly didn’t do his due diligence on KK otherwise, he would’ve known she laid in wait to transform his legacy into a feminist propaganda machine.
George hates SW, I don't think he cares. No one would go in and wreck things they themselves approved years after the fact AND bar (even from Disney) the release of restored theatrical original trilogy copies.
@theflyingkaramazovbrothers6 Agree to disagree. He appointed Coffee Bringer to CEO to protect the legacy of Star Wars. She stabbed him in the back after Disney took over, and here we are today. There is no way Lucas doesn't care about the thing he built.
@crazyralph6386 She lied her ass off. Also, she's been around Lucas and Spielberg since the 80s, so they trusted her. She's the Hillary Clinton of the movie business. Standing by for decades while the men rule, then when it's opportune, shoot to the top. It's mostly an appropriate allegory since Hillary almost made it to the top.
@@rickbase833 Care. But you can love and hate something. I think he's gone up and down and includes moments of sheer spite.
I always liked whe JJ and KK lied about bringing Palpatine back for ROS. Saying he was always going to be part of the story. Then during an interview Ian Mcdiarmid says he was only only contacted shortly before filming. 😂 They relied on nostalgia for the first one because they knew they didn’t have the talent to create like the OT. They were arrogant thinking they were going to do better than the ST and then played victim when we didn’t like it.
I think you meant “better than the PT”
I was into the Force Awakens for the first half of the movie. I got chills when the X wings came in skimming the surface of the lake... But that's when the story just fell apart and it felt like they just flat our ran out of ideas. I remember saying out loud "oh its another death star" and then not but 2 seconds later one of the characters said that exact same thing and from there I got taken out of the story and I couldn't get back into it.
I must be the only one who even at the time did NOT want anymore Star Wars.
I wanted the series to be left alone. I still want it to be left alone.
There are 6 films and that is it. There will never be anything more than Episodes 1 to 6. I said it in 2012 when the company was sold to Lucas, I say it right now in 2024 and will do so till the mintue I leave this planet.
7 movies. Rogue One is great. Also Clone Wars is also pretty good.
3 films in my world. Rogue 1 and Andor get "excellent fan fiction" status.
A lot of the books are excellent. I'd say many are even better than any of the movies. I've read ~160 of them.
The original Thrawn Trilogy is very popular and liked by millions of fans. It was a completely fresh story that brought in characters like Thrawn, Palleon, Mara Jade, and Talon Karrde who are very popular. Mara Jade is the most liked non movie character in Star Wars. She was voted 20th in characters by all fans without ever being in a movie. Many consider Thrawn to be the third best villain in Star Wars.
Disney could have made excellent movies, but they botched almost all of it. Star Wars through books, video games, and comics is by far the largest fictional universe.
The Thrawn Trilogy, Thrawn Duology, X-Wing series, Young Jedi Knights series, Darth Bane trilogy, Emperor's Hand Duology, Darth Plagieus, Kenobi, and much of the NJO are all great (although the NJO is when it starts getting weird).
However, since 2005 Star Wars content has gone mostly bad. This includes the EU of books that took a bad turn. The same people running Lucas Films then are still there now. This turn started from direction and ideas introduced by Lucas during the prequel trilogy.
How come KK has never had a positive interview with fans? I have only seen interviews that show her in a negative light unedited. It's crazy how she doesn't hear herself
@peteypiranalover some people are so naturally detestable and lack gift to act other than
Worse than I thought? Dude it's already beneath rock bottom, heck it reaches hell. It can't get worse than I thought!
“Heck it reaches hell!” 😂
While many were optimistic of disneys acquisiition of star wars my gut instinct was
'oh this is going to be bad '
These movies were terrible. I kept thinking the next one would be better, but they kept getting worse.
Fun fact: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, made several changes to the sequels, for example: Changed the reason for Luke’s transformation to a hermit crab (He didn’t try to kill Ben, Ben tried to kill him), removed both the kiss between Rose and Finn and the reason for it, and it attempted to make the Rise of Skywalker somewhat comprehensible
A big mistake was the sequel trilogy telling everyone that force sensibility was attributed to your lineage. Yes, Luke and Leia were force sensitive. But they were destined to fight Darth Vader, and being force sensitive was the only way to bring him back to the light side. Being force sensitive is determined by what the Force has planned for your destiny, not who your parents were. If that were true, every Jedi would have been hooking up endlessly to create force sensitive babies.
I hate to be “that guy” cuz I usually have no desire to defend anything Disney has done with SW. however, Finn had no lineage to the force and he’s supposed to be force sensitive.
In the 8, you see a force sensitive child, and it emphasize that Rey is nobody.
or from another point of view, it was their destiny because they had the genetic gift.
@@Boozer13 actually we dont know who finns parents are. it could be mara jade for all you know
The problem is that the sequels and their fans are claiming that George Lucas Star Wars declared force sensitivity as hereditary
The Sequel Trilogy essentially became a poor retellling of the Original Trilogy where we were told that Anakin Skywalker fulfilling the prophecy of the "chosen one" was meaningless and that his son, Luke, was actually a failure and it's up to a ridiculously overpowered and flawless female character to rebuild the Jedi Order. What this looks like is Kathleen Kennedy set out to drop a steaming turd all over George Lucas' legacy and make Star Wars her own. Screw the long time fans of the franchise, they're not important anymore! Clearly they had no idea what they were doing either as the story went from copying the first released film, to completely deconstructing the mythology, before making a complete mess of things. This trilogy deserves to be removed from the official canon and completely forgotten about.
You forgot the part where Leia flies back to her ship from the cold of space after being blown up by Kylo Ren.
Lol Mary Poppins-esque☔
@ EXACTLY!!! Come
on man 🤣🤣🤣
I cant see how its worse than I thought because i think they are terrible 😂
No, they weren’t worse than I thought. I thought they were the worst large budget films I have ever seen. TLJ is probably the most horrific film watching experience I’ve ever experience.
Wish I had never watched them and given Disney my money
I believe they are the worst films PERIOD.
I stopped the video after 1:52. Because you're wrong. I know exactly how bad the sequels were. Very bad.
We must never stop making fun of Disney Star Wars
Agreed. As someone who has been a Star Wars fan since my childhood in Nigeria, even I am just indifferent to disney star wars. I am done with the bad writing, poor world building, toxic identity politics and antagonism towards fans. I content myself with Lucas era movies and shows, EU books and good old and new games.
I Agree with you completely I'm from South Africa we feel the same way here
@StormyS711 cool stuff, friend 👍
Is Star Wars big in Africa? I know it isn't big in all parts of the world. The Chinese famously have never liked it at all.
@salvadorromero9712 oh, it's not as popular as say Ben 10 was or Tom & Jerry, Superman, Batman and Spiderman are but it is one of those global phenomenon franchises that sci-fi fans here are aware of, especially due to shows like Clone Wars.
@salvadorromero9712 In South Africa Star wars is popular but not as much as it use to be in because of the last decade of star wars movies But most people Like the OT and prequels but the spiderman and MCU is more popular Star wars in South Africa
I agree with all this and said it at the time too.
I remember talking to a friend about FA and he said they need to re introduce ppl to Star Wars, I was like what it’s Star Wars you don’t need to do that. It wasn’t a reintroduction it was practically a remake and it got worse from there.
I left the theater in 2015 thinking that if they needed to copy a whole film then they clearly had nothing new to offer.
Then came 2018 and they proved me wrong... with a whole new flavour of DOGSHIT😠😡🤬😢
Ruin Johnson never even watched the whole of The Empire Strikes Back. Easily deduced by how Yoda acted in TLJ - he acted like he did when Luke first met him, not how he acted through the rest of the film, Return of the Jedi and the prequels. That was a Yoda based on the only scene Johnson watched with Yoda. It's not surprising at all that he also got Luke wrong (likely never seeing ROTJ).
Or any other Star Wars media with Luke.
All Disney did was remake the 1st Trilogy, with less interesting characters, storyline, and worst of all, undoing everything the iconic characters did, and we are suppose to be "ok" with it?
I feel worse about Finn than anyone, and all for his sake as a character and John Boyega as an actor. He had more development than most of the characters in The Force Awakens just switching sides. Hell, even if he got his ass kicked him holding his own against Kylo Ren with no powers was one of the most badass moments in the franchise. And then the guy got sidelined after he beat Captain Phasma.
IMO he’s completely overrated as an actor, especially being a lead? Practically every film he starred in post Disney sequels, all bombed at the box office.
Don’t ever feel bad for an over paid actor who blames all his shortcomings on race.
Finn's character was originally on the hero's path. He was likely initially written to be an ascendant jedi. The trilogy had extensive rewrites, so I assume they swapped him out at some point for Rey and feed the femboss zeitgeist.
The fact Disney is now losing boatloads of money, and they squandered what could've been a gigantic goldengoose... *chefskiss
When the force awakens came out in 2015, I knew there would be new characters. What I expected was something from legends to finally be shown on the screen. I was expecting a familiar green lightsaber. Nope, something COMPLETELY different. OG characters all dying in one trilogy. The whole trilogy was palpatine AGAIN. Oh I got to see the lightsaber... In a flashback scene about my hero about to murder an innocent nephew. No Anakin or Obi-Wan force ghost. No Mara Jade anywhere. What's wrong with this picture?
You took control of a franchise MILLIONS of people love with the intent of making content with it they don't like.
That'll get you far there 😑
at least she was honest about her incompetence
The sequel trilogy did the impossible, they made the prequel trilogy look good by comparison.
*slightly less horrible.
... But yes.
@ However they did lead to the Red Letter Media spoof-reviews, for that I’m grateful. 😂
The problem with Disney owing both Disney and Marvel is that they enjoy killing off all the important characters and leave us with nothing in the end. 😒
What got me to like force awakens was that it was my first Star Wars movie I got to see in theaters, when the prequels came out(episodes 2 and 3), I was too young at the time to see those. So the hype of seeing Star Wars in theaters fooled me into thinking this was a good film
I can understand that. I can't describe the experience of seeing the original Star Wars in the cinema when it was released. I was only four years old but I knew I was watching something very special and was part of a big shared moment.
After Disney's efforts I don't think the feeling around the first trilogy will ever be able to be recreated now.
Sequel trilogy need a proper character Bible and coherent story. If they want to make it like the MCU, they need a Kevin Fiege to oversee things to have a consistent storyline. Then have the Sequel trilogy movie be like an Avengers event with crossover with their characters.
In between each movie can be a spin off of different character fans are interested in, like a Kylo Ren origins movie, Luke being a Jedi Master training Rey, Finn trained by Leia to be a Jedi diplomat, and Poe's piloting dangerous missions against First Order etc.
Anyone who objects to calling Rey a Mary Sue:
- How many times was Luke defeated in combat?
- How many times was Rey defeated in combat?
Bonus round:
- How many times was Anakin - the prophesied Chosen One, conceived through the sheer Will of the Force itself, and trained from childhood - defeated in combat?
I finally went to Star Wars Land at hollywood studios in Florida, and while it was a masterclass of theme park design, I couldnt help but feel a pit in my stomach, since its source material (sequel trilogy) was such a let-down. First order troops walking around, Rey, newer droids, kylo ren, sequel-era ship designs, and a major lack of traditional Star Wars outside of the merch being sold (and even much of that was sequel themed). At the core of it, Disney really wanted to use SW as a vehicle to make money, but didn't want to write good stories and create an overall plan. Everything about it feels like most of the planning was built around theme park attractions (don't get me started on the Star Wars Hotel that already shut down) and merchandise. The original trilogy and even prequels could get away with things like Ewoks and even Jar Jar, since they at least had a good story. When I can't bring myself to care about the new star wars era, its so hard to feel like it matters.
The only "New" IP in star wars land that got me excited was seeing Mando and the Grogu animatronic that he carries. That was so cool, and I cared because the first two seasons of that show rock. At the end of the day, did disney make a ton of money from the franchise? Yes. But I think they could've made so much more if they made sure that the source material deserved all of the merchandising and theme parks and star wars overexposure. The hotel CLOSED (because of terrible sales and for a tax writeoff), many of their shows and movies are less successful than anticipated, and now it's time for them to start developing a new trilogy at a time when star wars fatigue is at an all time high - because of the constant stream of poorly written star wars stories that are uninspiring, outside of the occasional hit (mando s1+2, andor). It's endless. They need to halt all star wars new media for like 2 years and take that time to figure out how to dig the franchise out of the soul sucking hole it's in.
I remember walking out of TFA and my then 10 year old son asked what I thought of the movie. I told him that it wasn't bad but there were a lot of unanswered questions so it would really depend on how they followed it up. In December of 2017 we went to the theaters to see TLJ, we have not watched a star wars movie since.
JJ messed the trilogy up in Awakens.
You have this cool character of Fyn. He is a stormtrooper who saw his friend die (a stormtrooper) and left the Empire.
Rather than have a hero who is fighting the Empire but refuses to kill stormtroopers in honor of his friend, He cheers when he kills them! He's not remorseful. He's not stopping anybody from killing his friends the stormtroopers. He never 2nd guesses what he could do instead of killing them. He never uses his knowledge of the Empire to subvert an attack by the Rebels by doing something nobody in the Rebel fleet would know about. He doesn't speak to any generals or communication officers from the Empire to hide the rebels identity by providing answers only Empire soldiers know.
He does nothing at all except happily kill his friends and yelling Rey!
Don't blame Johnson. JJ left him this mess. So rather than continue it, he created his own mess dismissing the mess JJ left for him.
Spaceballs was better than any movie made after the OGs
Revenge Of The Sith(2005) and Ewoks The Battle For Endor(1985)are good.
@@chasehedges6775Watch Revenge of the Sith again. It's not good. It sucks like the rest of the prequels.
@@Crow_T_Robot It doesn’t. It really doesn’t, IMHO. As a Gen Z kid who saw it back in the mid 2000s and has watched it several times, I see nothing wrong with it as a film. The first 2 are flawed tho.
@@chasehedges6775 ... Except that it sucks. It's every bit as bad as the other two. My eyes needed a break from rolling so many times.
@@Crow_T_Robot It doesn’t but that’s fair. Agree to disagree.
worse than you thought is a massive understatement
Luke couldn't defeat Vader without shifting to the dark side. He could not beat the emperor. Rey is way, way overpowered compared to Luke. It makes sense she won from Kylo Ren because he was unfocused, a bit like Anakin when turning into Vader.
You’re absolutely right. The sequels are vastly worse than I thought. Not that while watching Star Wars 7 and 8, did I give them thought to anything other than the agonizingly slow passage of time on my watch. I watched 7!in the theater and broke 8 into three parts on home video. I’ve never seen 9. I’d never seen Kennedy’s arrogant, smirking dismissal of fans prior to your UA-cam post. Attitudes like hers are why Hollywood is in a nose dive. Story telling is still alive in the tv series in the hands of producers like Taylor Sheridan and writers who know how to deliver one fresh season after another without violating cannon and without telling the same story over and over again. Their secret? Putting characters front and center and making them real.
God...the fact that part of the Last Jedi's story line was Rose trying to convince Finn the impressed child soldier that the First Order was evil is mind boggling
I never understood that if Luke went to that planet to die or kill himself, WHY LEAVE A MAP?!?!? Don't even get me started on the green milk drinking hobo he turned into... That being said, you've said the same things I've been expounding for years - WELL SAID AND TOTALLY ALL TRUE!!! This sequel trilogy does NOT exist in my dojo and Star Wars ends at the end of Return of the Jedi. 'nuff said.
Disney Star Wars is not Star Wars. Period. The End.
The Force Awakens was good when it came out, but knowing what happens afterwards ruins it. The Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker were awful.
It wasn't. TFA was awful opening night. I was there. The *best* parts were poor copies of the original Star Wars. The story was nonsense start to finish. The only character who was at all interesting at a conceptual level was Finn, and they were never willing to develop him or give him the complexity he deserved (and that only got worse in the following movies). The world 'building' was non-existent - in fact, it was effectively negative, as it undoes the ending of RotJ without any plausible explanation or sensible exploration of what happened post-RotJ. The New Republic, which should have been a 'main character' in the world building, is barely referenced and never appears.
The only thing TFA did was fool people with nostalgia by poorly retelling the highlights of Star Wars. Incredibly poorly.
I tried to watch the sequels again just to see what the plot points were. I fell asleep during Force Awakens, got so angry during Last Jedi that I turned it off, and I have never even started Ruin of Skywalker
Remember when Attack of the Clones was the worst Star Wars had to offer?? Those were the days...
After the originals they buried the story in bad writing. First, they failed to show how Vader could have been created. Instead he was just a kid with a cute haircut who got to race and on day one saved the day without any training. Then they took that formula and applied it to every movie after. The worst part is it could have been brilliant. I wish someone could redo it all in a proper darker tone, a kickstarter animation series
Thank you for summarizing what the fandom has already been saying for a number of years now. There's nothing in this video I've not already heard a dozen times already.
''Star Wars Sequels Were Worse than you Thought''
It was what it was. Many fans spoke out about it and got attacked from all fronts.
"I find the term Mary Sue" Sexist"😅....
She realizes Marty is the alternate version for that phrase right? It is a Unisex saying, "Mary", is just the label for the female version while males have a different one...
Wait, I thought the male term for Mary Sue is "Gary Stu"?
@gregorysaugustine5236 there are variations.
That's not true at all. Its literally named after a woman named Mary Sue.
They came up with a "male version" because there wasnt one.
Men are expected to be heroic.
I have literally never heard a person use that term, ever. The term Mary Sue is a recent term to describe a trend towards making badass stoic female girl bosses who never fail. I don't even see why you would need to come up with a "male version" since no one is writing male characters like that.
I've heard the story for TROS had already cut Rose's part down to almost nothing before TLJ was released, so "fan backlash" was not a factor.
There is an excellent video by "Empire wreckers" named "how bad movies are made" re what the TROS story could have been based on leaks and conceptual art. It's a good story! The video explains why it didn't turn out that way though.
The trilogy is a disgrace.
Thank you for the video! 🙏
The sequels were like an elementary game of telephone and Ryan Johnson was that one kid that always said "Fart pants" instead of the original word.
The worst thing about the sequels was that they somehow gave credence to the idea that maybe the prequels weren’t that bad. And nothing could be further from the truth.
I'm incredibly happy to say I recognized the terrible insulting writing and took offense from the force awakens when snook said to kylo "your father, han solo"
I don't remember the exact quote, but when oscar Isaac says "how's this work, I talk first, you talk first?"
I whispered to my friend. I got a bad feeling about this.
Kathy, the record speaks for itself!
ROGUE ONE Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
LAST JEDI Waste of time.
RISE OF SKYWALKER What was that?!
OBI WAN series Absurd.
MANDO Dead now.
WILLOW Did anyone actually read this script?!
SOLO Well, at least it wasn't the sequel trilogy.
BOOK OF BF Well, at least it wasn't the sequel trilogy.
GALAXY SC HOTEL Ship heading into iceberg.
ANDOR Ship sinking. So, revamp the menu! Because, why not?
INDY 5 No time to rearrange the deck chairs. Ship gone.
AHSOKA Brother, can you spare a lifejacket?
ACOLYTE Passengers dead. Even ship pieces rusted and rotted away.
SKELETON CREW Even the vultures are staying away now.
NEW REY film Who in their right mind would even care?!
Disney violates the whole canon
Anakin destroyed the sith as per the prophecy. Then Rey comes along with God like powers and can even resurrect the dead , so what's the point in caring ?
Utter spit on the whole canon
Not worse than I thought, as a life long fan I only made the first two films and won't ever watch the last film in this trilogy. I had hope after the first film that was completely killed by the second. No new star wars for me and I am happy just not to have the past films i love destroyed.
OT: The main hero Luke gets...
Bulled in a bar (Obi-Wan saves him)
Almost dies in a trash compactor and is saved by the droids.
Knocked out by a Wampa and dragged into a Wampa cave. Saved by Han and snow speeders.
Gets his ship shot down by an AT-AT.
Gets completely outclassed by Yoda when it comes to the force, etc...
LOSES to Darth Vader and gets his hand chopped off. Has to be rescued by Leia and the gang.
Gets completely overmatched by Palpatine and needs his father to save him.
Oh and Luke also trains for months if not years under Yoda's guidance before having a chance against Vader.
In the PT: Anakin gets...
We hear that he has never won or even finished a pod race (until the good guys need him)
(now granted him "accidentally destroying the droid ship was dumb)
Gets defeated and gets his arm hacked off by Dooku
Anakin trains for most of his life and is a veteran of many battles before being able to finally defeat Dooku.
Gets manipulated and played by Sidious throughout most of the trilogy.
Gets 3 limbs hacked off and burnt up into lava.
I'm probably missing others as well.
Rey was never knocked down over and over like these characters. And hence why her character was shallow. She gets all the rewards (power through training and experience) after never earning it.
Somehow Palpatine stepped out of Bobby Ewing's shower.
We gave George a lot of shit after the prequel trilogy, but after Disney has murdered, burned, and pissed on the ashes of Star Wars I wish we could get him back.
I was VERY disappointed after i've watched The Force Awakens in cinema. I've walked out of the cinema while watching The Last Jedi, because i couldn't take it any more and to this day i haven't watched The Rise of Skywalker. After The Mandalorian season 3 ... Star Wars is dead to me. 🤧😢😭
Even George Lucas reject this Somehow Palpatine Returned stuff (The Emperor doesn't get Cloned) in the Sequels via his Vision!
He was actually the one who suggested bringing back Palpatine in Dark Empire.
You got a new subscriber! This is a great analysis, keep them coming!
JJ Abrams should never be let near another movie again. As for Kathleen Kennedy, she must be a witch who cast a spell to not have been fired long ago with the overwhelming failures and losses under her tenure. That or she has dirt on people at Disney.
I can't wait until Star Wars has kids with iPads in the suburbs.
Daisy: I don't really believe in weaknesses in people...
Jesus: Dies
The sequel trilogy for me got off to a good start with The Force Awakens but The Last Jedi killed Star Wars, I don't think the franchise has fully recovered since then. The Rise of Skywalker was a desperate attempt to try and fix things but the damage had already been done. One thing that always sticks out for me with the sequels is they had the opportunity to have Han, Leia and Luke all on screen again at the same time, yet we get no scenes with them all reunited. And now, we can never have that.
The forest duel in Force Awakens is still one of the best lightsaber duels in SW. It's got weight, feeling, the stakes feel high, it's gritty. Kylo Ren screaming Traitor at Finn is epic. They got away from the rubbery featherlight duels in the prequels and back to the scary feeling the OT duels had.
Funnily enough, the best Star Wars characters in the Disney era are the Mantis Crew from the Respawn games.
How can somebody (J.J. Abrams), who made masterpiece in a form of Lost series make such a bullshit as sequel trilogy????
Wow man… fantastic video, totally on the money about every single point. Enjoy some much deserved success on your channel. I will be checking out some of your other videos
Who were these movies for? I still don’t know.
I am quite afraid that it is literally impossible for those stupid three movies to be worse than I thought because they absolutely crushed anything I had in me for Disney Star wars to me there are only six Star wars films and six seasons of The animated clone wars series and that's it I've even had to Deccan and I was rogue one because I'm not going to give Disney nothing.
I just consider the Rey Palpatine films as an alternate reality from that in the Lucas films.
I don’t think they could be worse than I thought. I was done after the disaster that was Episode 7. Only came back for episode 8 to see Luke and almost left early. Was absolutely finished after episode 8 and never came back.
Correction: the sequels were as bad as we always thought they were.
Absolutely 2000-3000 percent Correct!
Enough about the video, that's freaking "getting over it with Bennett Foddy" music in the background. I THOUGHT I heard that! At first I thought I was just hearing things
The part of TFA that bothered me wasn't the similarities to ANH. It was the coincidences (you could say plot conveniences) that just happened over and over and over. LIke a hundred of them in a matter of hours.
10:31 and to think, at the time, THE WORST WAS YET TO COME...The end of theatrical star wars movies FOREVER