Personally I think that Cal Kestis should wield a Yellow Lightsaber because he specialises in both the Force and Lightsaber combat as well as practical skills such as blaster combat and droid skills, which is pretty much the definition of a Jedi Sentinel
I’m playing through Fallen Order for the first time right now. As soon as I got the kyber crystal I had to make it yellow with a white handle for the same reason you stated. Yellow feels too right for Cal given his position and goal in Fallen order.
Yea I came to this conclusion as well. I used green until I got the kyber crystal then changed to yellow, and used the Haysian Smelt material so its a shiny golden/white hilt with a golden blade :D
I played Cal with a yellow lightsaber most of the time. Purple is normally my favour colour but yellow just felt right. It's interesting hearing about the meanings.
Dagan doesn't use an orange lightsaber, the red sabers in the game just look more orange than red for some reason. If you compare the orange saber you can use to the one that Dagan uses you can tell they're not the same colour. Also Bode is using Dagans lightsaber when he fights Cal. Interesting video but you may be reading too much in to things that aren't really there.
I’ve always loved the yellow blade and enjoyed the reasoning in legends which sounds like it’s making a comeback. When the prequels came out I was gutted when they could only have green and blue. I always imagined Yoda having a yellow blade much like Mace with purple.
I don't think Yoda could ever be a yellow. He's very indoctrinated into the Jedi Order. Yellows seemed too individualistic to fit into the strict rules based hierarchy.
If I remember right, u don’t get to choose unfortunately. When u take a crystal from the cave, it colours itself off of reading who u are at ur core through the force.
I haven’t gotten to that part of the game yet but if it were true that he’s a force user/ ex Jedi I will be sorely disappointed as I would have preferred him to be just a badass “bounty hunter” style character.
One thing that you failed to mention is that Bode actually stole Dagen Gera's lightsaber after Dagen was defeated. This is why he even has a lightsaber after Cal confronts him later.
@@Ked7 Luke's yellow light saber that he used for a while was destroyed last issue. Now his new mission is to find another kyber crystal for a new light saber. Since the planet Ilum (which has the most kyber in the galaxy is on lockdown by the Empire), he now has to go elsewhere. I guess is where he gets a crystal for his classic green saber. This story will be interesting.
I think everyone is overlooking the obvious here. Guardians, blue saber, represented a physical connection with the force. Consulars, green sabers, represented a spiritual connection with the force. The sentinels, yellow sabers, represented an academic, or scholastic connection with the force. This led to the sentinels being highly practical as well as humble. More physical but less spiritual than the consular. More spiritual but less physical than a guardian. Sentinels not only represented a devotion to the light side but also to acquire knowledge hence their being expert spies. This is why they gathered intelligemce and dedicated themselves to history and scholastic pursuits. I've long hypothesized that when the sentinel class was basically done away with that they simply went underground and continued their work. I can't say the extent that their work continued in this hypothesis but i think it would be safe to say that with the first order and the empire defeated that now if rey desires to rebuild the jedi order the sentinels which have been in hiding would have everything prepared to jump right into things from training facilities, complete archives, training equipment, stashes of kyber crystals etc. Along with my hypothesis is the theory that sentinels used the force to be able to block other force users from sensing them so they could work as janitors, mechanics, bartenders, barbers, doctors, secretaries, and even as imperial or first order officers in order to observe, detect, report, and keep one step ahead of tye dark side and protect their work until the dark side was defeated enough to allow a new Jedi order to be started. With the fall of the empire and the first order the tike would be now for them to go into action. The republic is fledgling and susceptible to being infiltrated by the dark side and there is a severe shortage of Jedi knights, and this far only one or maybe 2 Jedi masters from before the fall of the Jedi council alive (if you'd count Rey as a master that would be another). Anyway. Now would be the time to start a new Jedi order, get as many of the Jedi knights out of hiding as possible to take on padawans and raise up apprentices. This would be tricky as the sith are also in a period of rebuilding their empire and so now there would be a race to see which order will be established first, whether Jedi or sith. One thing is for sure, the sith take many shortcuts to quickly gain power and that is detrimental to a new Jedi order which gains their power slowly and thoroughly. With chewie still alive and han dead this would be a good time to introduce lowbacca into the mix as he is clearly a sentinel but with a more powerful connection to the force in a physical level than a guardian. A bit of an anomaly but would be an excellent asset for story development.
Rey did NOT imprint on her Saber to get a yellow blade. She took Luke and leia's kyber crystals and that's why you see a blue and green burst before her Saber ignition. It's also how the Disney Saber ignites and it's you can see the blue/green burst right as she ignites her Saber.
Wondered about that. I don't think the movie had Ray make a new light saber by imprinting on new crystals. She just used existing ones. I imagine light sabers at that time were just hand me downs or made from scrapped parts of other light sabers instead of fresh new materials.
It's yellow because ILM visual effects supervisor Patrick Tubach said they tried several colors but settled on Yellow because its representative of optimism. Luke's was Green because it looked horrible as blue on screen. In universe she either found one that was the one Luke used before he made his own in RoTJ...or when she healed the broken Kyber crystal from anakins old Saber it turned Yellow.
I always said since seeing Plo Koon in Jedi Power battles with a yellow saber (I know its a dodgy source) that I would want yellow if I was a Jedi. I never realised it had meaning behind it at the time, but since then I've learned about it, and I still feel it would be the one for me for sure.
I've always viewed Orange Lightsabers to be representative of being The ultimate form of balance with the force; Yellow representing jedi sentinels and their ability to balance both the combative and Philosophical side of the force Combine that with red And you get Orange which represents their ability to Draw upon the dark side of the force for combat purposes or Philosophical Purposes to counter act or reverse engineer the thinking of their opponent with empathy and logic Which would be the appropriate color to represent a Grey jedi Sentinel, a bendu je'daii and je'daii assassin!💯😁😉👍
Balance doesn't mean equal amounts of light and dark in SW, balance means no dark. The force is out of balance when the dark side is present as it's an unnatural and corrupted state for the force to be in.
Bode has Dagan Gera’s lightsaber which is red not orange he took it from his corpse after cal left. If you go back where you defeated dagan after you finish the game you find an echo of bode talking about taking the lightsaber as a precaution
I like Yellow, I'm currently playing Jedi Academy with a yellow Light Saber, Jedi Master difficulty. I think might be a bit for the purist Dark Side hunters, but they can turn into the Dark Side, rather easily, so not that pure after all. If the Force were to be taught as the Je'di did, this would have been much harder as they taught Balance is knowing both and always be good anyway. So that might have a comeback, after the Catastrophic failure of the Jedi Council. The strongest Force Users and Duelists were holistic Force Students and Practicers, so in order to repel the powerful Dark Side Extremist, probably it's simply what it takes. I'd be a Yellow Light Saber Dark Je'di, if I was a Force user 8n the Star Wars Universe
I think it has something to do with freedom the reason nobody could get a yellow lightsaber in the clone wars was because from younglings they're taught to think inside the box of the Republic rather than figuring out how to extend the light of the Force
I agree! I think its about freedom, independence and paving your own way in the universe and using the force to do so. I think it fits with a lot of characters such as Rey and Asajj Ventress.
Plo Koon was the first to wiled a Yellow Lightsaber in 1999 during Episode 1 Phantom Menace. Matt Solon asked if he could switch his Blue Lightsaber for a Yellow one to make his character stand out just like Samuel L Jackson asked for a Purple Lightsaber in 2002 during Episode 2 Attack Of The Clone Wars.
Yellow is my favorite. Whether it's Jedi Sentinels, Grey Jedi who used yellow sabers or Temple Guards all the lore and characters that used them are sick. Also don't normally light yellow as a color, but for anything based around things that glow or produce light, such as Faith incantations in Elden Ring or lightsabers, yellow is dope. Also, once again, just like the last video. Dagan's lightsaber/the one Bode takes, is red. It's not orange or orange/red. It's red, like any Inquisitors saber in the games.
Bodes lightsaber he uses is actually dagans there’s and echo you can visit where you defeat dagan where bode is saying he should hold onto this for when he betrays cal
I loved the sentinels and the meaning behind the yellow lightsabers and those who wielded them… until Rei had on at the end of the new trilogy. Used a yellow lightsaber in Kotor, force unleashed and fallen order but now in Jedi Survivor I still love the idea of being a sentinel and those who wielded the yellow crystals but Rei ruined them for me so its all purp from here on out
I think we still have a lot to learn, but I believe the yellow is along the lines of being able to study the force in a balanced and centered way without having any specific roles set upon you; along with not having the dark side interfering in any way upon this learning. You aren't dark or light. Rather you are centered along the spectrum without working the extreme ends of the force; primarily using this knowledge for the greater good / betterment of society as a whole. It isn't so much what skills you learn, but how you use them. If your skills begin to tip the scales towards the light side of the force, but you're primarily using them to create a better society without pure evil intent and still maintain and use light skills as well, then I can see the khyber crystal taking on an orange coloration. For instance, when Kestis uses his skills to force pull a fire wielding stormtrooper, and uses a mind trick to have this stormtrooper take out other storm troopers--and then Kestis stabs him in the back, this is obviously a dark side skill used for the betterment of society and without evil intent.
So I wrote some head canon about an outer rim group of Jedi that was formed between Phantom Menace and Clone Wars which was for trained Jedi who were a bit more unruly and free spirited than most Jedi. They are all gifted the rare yellow crystal and have all the training of the sentinels. During the Clone Wars, the team at this outpost worked in the outer rim to negate Sith movement and help wherever they could. Post Order 66, where they weren’t attacked because no one really knew about them or where to find them, they survived and turned their attention on defeating Palpatine. Now, their story doesn’t impact canon storyline, but is a phase of the years of the Empire where they come close to defeating Palpatine and seriously undermine the efforts of the Galactic Empire, the Inquisitors and the imperial fleet. The Jedi here weren’t all pure light, but understood that using the dark side didn’t require you to be so lost in it, making them very grey in the eyes of the pragmatic Jedi Order, and why they wanted them out. Honourary canon figures would be people like Qui Gon if he was more outgoing and/or exiled for speaking out too much, or Dooku if he was sent there before he was turned by Palpatine. Does this still actually work now? My original understanding of yellow lightsabers was “rare but highly specialised, and kept hidden away from the order because their job was different in many ways, and so as to be effective Sith hunters and excellent at spy craft and espionage”. I want to be true to canon but keep the idea intact. Suggestions?
Yep, I can see Revan wielding a Yellow Lihhtsaber during the Mandalorian Wars, then it becoming orange when he became Darth Revan. After all, What Kreia said about Revan choosing the Dark Side and his ultimate plan makes sense. So yeah, a Purple and Orange wielding Darth Revan would be insane I a good way.
I'm going to be very honest I love Luke Skywalker is one of my favorite characters however I don't like the way Ryan Johnson handled Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi
I feel like in the current canon of Star Wars that Ashoka for sure should be able to imprint a yellow coloration on a Kyber crystal given how her character generally is.
Luke was my favorite character with yellow - I even remember the original action figure came with a yellow one... As I remember - Asaj Ventress had a yellow one too when she was a Jedi - wish we saw more yellow ones now.
You really should read the High republic series! I’m listening to them on audible, it’s about the war the Nihil waged on the Jedi. I think it’d give you some lore to talk about!
According to a videogame, Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2, sentinels are jedi who do not rely on the force. If you ask Kreia about it, she will tell you that the yellow-bladed jedi develop their more mundane skills, like repairing machinery, using computers, etc.. She describes them as people that developed their ability to survive in the galaxy. It does not sound too much different than your explanation. In fact, I believe it confirms your description.
I just want to point out that Bode stole the lightsaber he uses from Dagan Gera after you defeat him. That's why he and Dagan both have the same color blade.
Yeah bode definitely stole Dagan’s lightsaber after he died, but I like that theory. I had a similar thought process when I saw how quickly Dagan bled his crystal red. By comparison the crystal Vader stole it fought him and it took time to bleed. Dagan’s was instant and my thought process was because the crystal went through the same betrayal he went through.
All speculation... Could this all be leading to Grogu also using a yellow lightsabre at some point? Perhaps he meets Ray down the line and reignights the Jedi order back to its glory days. This is how they reconnect the movie and series cross-over. Jedi Master Ray trains Grogu while being a Madaorlian with his long lifetime. Maybe Grogu rebuilds the darksabre as currently it is broken?
i honestly think Ahsoka could weild a yellow Lightsaber, she definetly has the potential for it, even tho she got her white Lightsabers which make her special anywas ^^
@@gundamleviathan5760 it was not yellow. It was meant to be yellow but George Lucas said that she could not have a yellow Saber due to the way yellow kyber crystals work.. so they made it a lime green with a slight yellow tint. But you are correct it was supposed to be yellow originally.
at the end, even if it was yellow, her shoto with the crystal was gifted to her if i remember it correctly and i think we can all agree that at this Point Ahsoka wouldnt have been able to creat a yellow crystal yet ^^
@@harper3579 Watch the show again. It gets more and more yellow as the series progresses. It's fully yellow by the Ahsoka fugitive arc. Filoni pulled some trickery to get his way.
there are a few jedi which would fit well with a yellow blade like Kana Jarrus and his apprentice maybe in the time after his exile with Thrawn ....and Rey obviously
Am I the only one who sees the correlation between Dagan & Bode and Barriss Offee? Barriss was using righteous fury to try to open the Council’s eyes to the danger that lurked within, to protect the Order and her best friend/soulmate (Ashoka). She just lost her way a bit
This is nice :) I like yellow color. It means nobility,courage,fire of light. Rey represents the future. What Jedi were,what will be again. I think Obi-Wan could weild yellow lightsaber. May the Force be with you too :) See you soon
This orange color must mean these “dark Jedi” are more focused and are almost as sharp and strong in the dark side as weak sith apprentices maybe, maybe a lil stranger then inquisitors which is why there sabers are orange and they aren’t fully evil bc there views actually are for a good reason or for a specific reason with the force
I’m soooo glad yellow and orange are getting more love and lore
I'm waiting for Bronze to get some attention, Kotor 2 is the only place I've seen one
Big same! Yellow was my favorite.
Disney makes everything the greatest ever until the next movie/show when the next thing is the greatest ever
Personally I think that Cal Kestis should wield a Yellow Lightsaber because he specialises in both the Force and Lightsaber combat as well as practical skills such as blaster combat and droid skills, which is pretty much the definition of a Jedi Sentinel
I’m playing through Fallen Order for the first time right now. As soon as I got the kyber crystal I had to make it yellow with a white handle for the same reason you stated. Yellow feels too right for Cal given his position and goal in Fallen order.
My cal used yellow for fallen order and survivor
@@petey33x yep, but i love lukes green blade or OG light blue, cant decide :D
Yea I came to this conclusion as well. I used green until I got the kyber crystal then changed to yellow, and used the Haysian Smelt material so its a shiny golden/white hilt with a golden blade :D
I played Cal with a yellow lightsaber most of the time. Purple is normally my favour colour but yellow just felt right. It's interesting hearing about the meanings.
Dagan doesn't use an orange lightsaber, the red sabers in the game just look more orange than red for some reason. If you compare the orange saber you can use to the one that Dagan uses you can tell they're not the same colour. Also Bode is using Dagans lightsaber when he fights Cal. Interesting video but you may be reading too much in to things that aren't really there.
Vaders red looks more red than Dagan though, I think the oranges are like cyan and blue, but Dagan’s definitely isn’t red, it’s inbetween.
I'm glad someone pointed this out because I definitely thought it was Dagan's saber when I saw it up close
@@calebstevens9446 I think it's lighting and developers choosing to make Vader's blade a deeper, more saturated red because he's Vader.
its red-orange not red or orange, its pretty obvious if you compare it to vaders red lightsaber
We can even see his yellow lightsaber going red with bleeding
I’ve always loved the yellow blade and enjoyed the reasoning in legends which sounds like it’s making a comeback. When the prequels came out I was gutted when they could only have green and blue. I always imagined Yoda having a yellow blade much like Mace with purple.
I don't think Yoda could ever be a yellow. He's very indoctrinated into the Jedi Order. Yellows seemed too individualistic to fit into the strict rules based hierarchy.
yoda would be the last to have yellow, maybe qui gon should have
If I were a jedi, a yellow blade is what I'd wield cause its awesome
If I remember right, u don’t get to choose unfortunately. When u take a crystal from the cave, it colours itself off of reading who u are at ur core through the force.
If you use the red lightsaber when fighting Dagan in new game +, it looks the exact same colour as Dagan’s, I think it’s just red not orange
Isn't the sabre Bode uses Dagan's saber after he died? If you go back to that spot there is a force echo and it is Bode talking about I think.
I haven’t gotten to that part of the game yet but if it were true that he’s a force user/ ex Jedi I will be sorely disappointed as I would have preferred him to be just a badass “bounty hunter” style character.
@@alexanderfransen2486well tbh cal at this point would beat him very easily if he was just some bounty hunter
One thing that you failed to mention is that Bode actually stole Dagen Gera's lightsaber after Dagen was defeated. This is why he even has a lightsaber after Cal confronts him later.
The original Kenner Luke Skywalker action figures from New Hope and Empire Strikes back came with yellow light sabers. I still have mine.
Imagine if after Luke Lost light Saber in Empire, he instead fought Vader in ROJ with a Yellow Light-Saber to represent his character growth!
Like the comic
@@Ked7 Luke's yellow light saber that he used for a while was destroyed last issue. Now his new mission is to find another kyber crystal for a new light saber. Since the planet Ilum (which has the most kyber in the galaxy is on lockdown by the Empire), he now has to go elsewhere. I guess is where he gets a crystal for his classic green saber. This story will be interesting.
Yellows always been my favourite,Rey's has a really pretty golden hue. I love that its getting more attention.
I think everyone is overlooking the obvious here.
Guardians, blue saber, represented a physical connection with the force.
Consulars, green sabers, represented a spiritual connection with the force.
The sentinels, yellow sabers, represented an academic, or scholastic connection with the force. This led to the sentinels being highly practical as well as humble. More physical but less spiritual than the consular. More spiritual but less physical than a guardian. Sentinels not only represented a devotion to the light side but also to acquire knowledge hence their being expert spies. This is why they gathered intelligemce and dedicated themselves to history and scholastic pursuits.
I've long hypothesized that when the sentinel class was basically done away with that they simply went underground and continued their work. I can't say the extent that their work continued in this hypothesis but i think it would be safe to say that with the first order and the empire defeated that now if rey desires to rebuild the jedi order the sentinels which have been in hiding would have everything prepared to jump right into things from training facilities, complete archives, training equipment, stashes of kyber crystals etc. Along with my hypothesis is the theory that sentinels used the force to be able to block other force users from sensing them so they could work as janitors, mechanics, bartenders, barbers, doctors, secretaries, and even as imperial or first order officers in order to observe, detect, report, and keep one step ahead of tye dark side and protect their work until the dark side was defeated enough to allow a new Jedi order to be started.
With the fall of the empire and the first order the tike would be now for them to go into action. The republic is fledgling and susceptible to being infiltrated by the dark side and there is a severe shortage of Jedi knights, and this far only one or maybe 2 Jedi masters from before the fall of the Jedi council alive (if you'd count Rey as a master that would be another).
Anyway. Now would be the time to start a new Jedi order, get as many of the Jedi knights out of hiding as possible to take on padawans and raise up apprentices. This would be tricky as the sith are also in a period of rebuilding their empire and so now there would be a race to see which order will be established first, whether Jedi or sith.
One thing is for sure, the sith take many shortcuts to quickly gain power and that is detrimental to a new Jedi order which gains their power slowly and thoroughly.
With chewie still alive and han dead this would be a good time to introduce lowbacca into the mix as he is clearly a sentinel but with a more powerful connection to the force in a physical level than a guardian. A bit of an anomaly but would be an excellent asset for story development.
As a kid I was fascinated by the idea of the yellow lightsaber. I'm so happy it's getting so much attention these days
Rey did NOT imprint on her Saber to get a yellow blade. She took Luke and leia's kyber crystals and that's why you see a blue and green burst before her Saber ignition. It's also how the Disney Saber ignites and it's you can see the blue/green burst right as she ignites her Saber.
Wondered about that. I don't think the movie had Ray make a new light saber by imprinting on new crystals. She just used existing ones. I imagine light sabers at that time were just hand me downs or made from scrapped parts of other light sabers instead of fresh new materials.
MaRey Sue nobody is trash. I despise everything about her character. She’s one of the worst ever created. Nothin about her makes any sense.
It's yellow because ILM visual effects supervisor Patrick Tubach said they tried several colors but settled on Yellow because its representative of optimism. Luke's was Green because it looked horrible as blue on screen. In universe she either found one that was the one Luke used before he made his own in RoTJ...or when she healed the broken Kyber crystal from anakins old Saber it turned Yellow.
I always said since seeing Plo Koon in Jedi Power battles with a yellow saber (I know its a dodgy source) that I would want yellow if I was a Jedi. I never realised it had meaning behind it at the time, but since then I've learned about it, and I still feel it would be the one for me for sure.
Love of the image here 0:39. Absolutely beautiful
I love Yellow and Orange blades, so happy they're getting more love.
Why don't you finish the fiction story you made were Qui Gon Trains Anakin with a yellow lightsaber??????
I've always viewed Orange Lightsabers to be representative of being The ultimate form of balance with the force; Yellow representing jedi sentinels and their ability to balance both the combative and Philosophical side of the force Combine that with red And you get Orange which represents their ability to Draw upon the dark side of the force for combat purposes or Philosophical Purposes to counter act or reverse engineer the thinking of their opponent with empathy and logic Which would be the appropriate color to represent a Grey jedi Sentinel, a bendu je'daii and je'daii assassin!💯😁😉👍
Orange and Purple are key colours of the grey Jedi
Balance doesn't mean equal amounts of light and dark in SW, balance means no dark. The force is out of balance when the dark side is present as it's an unnatural and corrupted state for the force to be in.
Amazing video of both orange and yellow light sabers in Star Wars lore meaning too,fantastic job.
There were more yellow saber holders during the prequel era but never the less it was extremely rare
I adore the yellow saber. Especially with the temple guards.
I’ve always loved the yellow blade. It’s so unique and I love the meaning behind it. Sentinels are also my favorite class of Jedi. 👌🏼
I’m pretty sure bode was using Gera’s lightsaber
@@donpula6349 yea exactly
I wish grievous had a yellow one on him
Yellow sabres are my favourite👌🏻 great vid
I really like those yellow lightsabers that would be so cool if they bring it into Ahsoka series
Dave Filoni likes Ashoka with blue wayyyyy to much
I wish Magenta had more in depth lore. Something about that pink glow just gets me
Could we see Cal wielding a double-bladed saber with both a Yellow & an Orange blade?
@@WHlSKYtx because he’s got four crystals in his saber so it would be nice to get a two colored blades
That’d be dope! I’d be down for that.
Bode has Dagan Gera’s lightsaber which is red not orange he took it from his corpse after cal left. If you go back where you defeated dagan after you finish the game you find an echo of bode talking about taking the lightsaber as a precaution
So what you're getting at is Rey is going to do what Luke did in Legends continuity?
I like Yellow, I'm currently playing Jedi Academy with a yellow Light Saber, Jedi Master difficulty. I think might be a bit for the purist Dark Side hunters, but they can turn into the Dark Side, rather easily, so not that pure after all. If the Force were to be taught as the Je'di did, this would have been much harder as they taught Balance is knowing both and always be good anyway. So that might have a comeback, after the Catastrophic failure of the Jedi Council. The strongest Force Users and Duelists were holistic Force Students and Practicers, so in order to repel the powerful Dark Side Extremist, probably it's simply what it takes. I'd be a Yellow Light Saber Dark Je'di, if I was a Force user 8n the Star Wars Universe
I think it has something to do with freedom the reason nobody could get a yellow lightsaber in the clone wars was because from younglings they're taught to think inside the box of the Republic rather than figuring out how to extend the light of the Force
I agree! I think its about freedom, independence and paving your own way in the universe and using the force to do so. I think it fits with a lot of characters such as Rey and Asajj Ventress.
Plo Koon was the first to wiled a Yellow Lightsaber in 1999 during Episode 1 Phantom Menace.
Matt Solon asked if he could switch his Blue Lightsaber for a Yellow one to make his character stand out just like Samuel L Jackson asked for a Purple Lightsaber in 2002 during Episode 2 Attack Of The Clone Wars.
Yellow is my favorite. Whether it's Jedi Sentinels, Grey Jedi who used yellow sabers or Temple Guards all the lore and characters that used them are sick. Also don't normally light yellow as a color, but for anything based around things that glow or produce light, such as Faith incantations in Elden Ring or lightsabers, yellow is dope.
Also, once again, just like the last video. Dagan's lightsaber/the one Bode takes, is red. It's not orange or orange/red. It's red, like any Inquisitors saber in the games.
Another great video sir. See you in the archives soon.
Bodes lightsaber he uses is actually dagans there’s and echo you can visit where you defeat dagan where bode is saying he should hold onto this for when he betrays cal
I loved the sentinels and the meaning behind the yellow lightsabers and those who wielded them… until Rei had on at the end of the new trilogy. Used a yellow lightsaber in Kotor, force unleashed and fallen order but now in Jedi Survivor I still love the idea of being a sentinel and those who wielded the yellow crystals but Rei ruined them for me so its all purp from here on out
bode's lightsaber is Dagan's lightsaber he picked it up, its the exact same model.
I was about to say the same thing. Bode took one of Dagan’s sabers after he was defeated.
I think we still have a lot to learn, but I believe the yellow is along the lines of being able to study the force in a balanced and centered way without having any specific roles set upon you; along with not having the dark side interfering in any way upon this learning. You aren't dark or light. Rather you are centered along the spectrum without working the extreme ends of the force; primarily using this knowledge for the greater good / betterment of society as a whole.
It isn't so much what skills you learn, but how you use them. If your skills begin to tip the scales towards the light side of the force, but you're primarily using them to create a better society without pure evil intent and still maintain and use light skills as well, then I can see the khyber crystal taking on an orange coloration.
For instance, when Kestis uses his skills to force pull a fire wielding stormtrooper, and uses a mind trick to have this stormtrooper take out other storm troopers--and then Kestis stabs him in the back, this is obviously a dark side skill used for the betterment of society and without evil intent.
Bode just takes Dagans lightsaber btw
I absolutely love yellow lightsabers, really happy they’re becoming more common
Good video bro
So I wrote some head canon about an outer rim group of Jedi that was formed between Phantom Menace and Clone Wars which was for trained Jedi who were a bit more unruly and free spirited than most Jedi. They are all gifted the rare yellow crystal and have all the training of the sentinels. During the Clone Wars, the team at this outpost worked in the outer rim to negate Sith movement and help wherever they could. Post Order 66, where they weren’t attacked because no one really knew about them or where to find them, they survived and turned their attention on defeating Palpatine. Now, their story doesn’t impact canon storyline, but is a phase of the years of the Empire where they come close to defeating Palpatine and seriously undermine the efforts of the Galactic Empire, the Inquisitors and the imperial fleet.
The Jedi here weren’t all pure light, but understood that using the dark side didn’t require you to be so lost in it, making them very grey in the eyes of the pragmatic Jedi Order, and why they wanted them out. Honourary canon figures would be people like Qui Gon if he was more outgoing and/or exiled for speaking out too much, or Dooku if he was sent there before he was turned by Palpatine.
Does this still actually work now? My original understanding of yellow lightsabers was “rare but highly specialised, and kept hidden away from the order because their job was different in many ways, and so as to be effective Sith hunters and excellent at spy craft and espionage”. I want to be true to canon but keep the idea intact. Suggestions?
Yep, I can see Revan wielding a Yellow Lihhtsaber during the Mandalorian Wars, then it becoming orange when he became Darth Revan. After all, What Kreia said about Revan choosing the Dark Side and his ultimate plan makes sense. So yeah, a Purple and Orange wielding Darth Revan would be insane I a good way.
I think a simple way to put this is,
a topaz/yellow lightsaber, even a remaining hue it seems,
implies the wielder is *Selfless*
I hope we see more yellow when the High Republic era series comes around.
I'm going to be very honest I love Luke Skywalker is one of my favorite characters however I don't like the way Ryan Johnson handled Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi
I feel like in the current canon of Star Wars that Ashoka for sure should be able to imprint a yellow coloration on a Kyber crystal given how her character generally is.
The color yellow has a spiritual meaning
I was always curious about this
yellow is probably my favorite lightsaber color
Luke was my favorite character with yellow - I even remember the original action figure came with a yellow one... As I remember - Asaj Ventress had a yellow one too when she was a Jedi - wish we saw more yellow ones now.
Yellow: the combination of red and green;...purple: the combo of blue and red; the combo of red and yellow
Please correctly differentiate between "Canon" and "Disney canon". Those are not the same things.
Some masters get a little yellow like Yoda, Qui Gon, and Obi Wan, I'm pretty sure that's why they get green.
Qigonju Would definitely have been more at home in the harbor public and he would be perfect for a yellow light saber
I'm happy to see the Jedi Sentinals/Shadows are being reintroduced to the SW lore
That thumbnail be partially colorblind with sum green on that lightsaber tho
Bode's lightsaber is literally Dagan Gera's lightsaber. He took it off Dagan's corpse after the fight
Any mention of the High Republic and Rey have me automatically tuning out. At that point who cares.
You really should read the High republic series! I’m listening to them on audible, it’s about the war the Nihil waged on the Jedi. I think it’d give you some lore to talk about!
I can’t wait till they show someone who’s a matter of both sides of the force
I absolutely love the Jedi sentinels ever since I saw it in The clone wars and rebels with the Jedi temple guards.
A catch with this is that bode is using dagon geras lightsaber. If you look at the emitter you can clearly see it’s the same saber
Makes a lot of sense.
Yellow is my favourite colour and is the colour of my personal lightsaber.
According to a videogame, Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2, sentinels are jedi who do not rely on the force. If you ask Kreia about it, she will tell you that the yellow-bladed jedi develop their more mundane skills, like repairing machinery, using computers, etc.. She describes them as people that developed their ability to survive in the galaxy.
It does not sound too much different than your explanation. In fact, I believe it confirms your description.
Head's up that Bode's Lightsaber *is* Dagan's.
I just want to point out that Bode stole the lightsaber he uses from Dagan Gera after you defeat him. That's why he and Dagan both have the same color blade.
Bode was actually using Dagan's lightsaber, that's why it was that color
I never like yellow color on anything but as a yellow lightsaber color it looks awesome.
I love the yellow blade it was my blade of choice in fallen order before it featured in the rise of skywalker
I used a yellow blade for a majority of Jedi survivor. With this explanation I feel like cals character definitely is deserving of the yellow blade
What’s up with that old action figure of Luke with the yellow light saber?
Yeah bode definitely stole Dagan’s lightsaber after he died, but I like that theory. I had a similar thought process when I saw how quickly Dagan bled his crystal red. By comparison the crystal Vader stole it fought him and it took time to bleed. Dagan’s was instant and my thought process was because the crystal went through the same betrayal he went through.
Bode just picks up Sagan’s lightsaber bro
Ashoka, cal and Luke ( in rotj) are my pick for the yellow sabres
You forgot about Plo Koon in the Prequel Era.
All speculation...
Could this all be leading to Grogu also using a yellow lightsabre at some point?
Perhaps he meets Ray down the line and reignights the Jedi order back to its glory days.
This is how they reconnect the movie and series cross-over.
Jedi Master Ray trains Grogu while being a Madaorlian with his long lifetime.
Maybe Grogu rebuilds the darksabre as currently it is broken?
Could there any meaning behind the white blades appearing in Jedi survivor. For a story point of view it would make sense why cal would have them.
i honestly think Ahsoka could weild a yellow Lightsaber, she definetly has the potential for it, even tho she got her white Lightsabers which make her special anywas ^^
Her second yellow lightsaber was yellow
@@gundamleviathan5760 it was not yellow. It was meant to be yellow but George Lucas said that she could not have a yellow Saber due to the way yellow kyber crystals work.. so they made it a lime green with a slight yellow tint. But you are correct it was supposed to be yellow originally.
at the end, even if it was yellow, her shoto with the crystal was gifted to her if i remember it correctly and i think we can all agree that at this Point Ahsoka wouldnt have been able to creat a yellow crystal yet ^^
@@harper3579 Watch the show again. It gets more and more yellow as the series progresses. It's fully yellow by the Ahsoka fugitive arc. Filoni pulled some trickery to get his way.
there are a few jedi which would fit well with a yellow blade like Kana Jarrus and his apprentice maybe in the time after his exile with Thrawn ....and Rey obviously
When you fight Bode he is using one of Dagen’s lightsabers, it is not his
I noticed that too but I think his theory still applies because bode shifts the saber into a darker red hue in the second phase of his fight
I LOVE the new concept of lightsaber colors, it just make a lot more sense than simply force-users choosing the color they liked.
More fascinated with the orange color.
I wanna know more about the white blade. Every test I've taken has put me has having a white blade. But not to many jedi's have a white blade either.
May the force be with you. Happy 4th of May.
I thought Bode used Dagan’s lightsaber thus he used the Orange Blade.
Am I the only one who sees the correlation between Dagan & Bode and Barriss Offee? Barriss was using righteous fury to try to open the Council’s eyes to the danger that lurked within, to protect the Order and her best friend/soulmate (Ashoka). She just lost her way a bit
I made up a character named Lukitroy whom does use a yellow lightsaber. He is a rodian from nar shaddaa.
Yellow stands for truth righteous justice
Bode didn't have a lightsaber. He picked up Dagan's
Are you going to finish off what if Qui Gon trained anakin? I really liked that series when I first watched it like 3 years ago
This is nice :) I like yellow color. It means nobility,courage,fire of light. Rey represents the future. What Jedi were,what will be again. I think Obi-Wan could weild yellow lightsaber. May the Force be with you too :) See you soon
i always go with yellow in new star wars game
Ugh... SPOILERS at 5:04 for Star Wars Jedi: Survivior! I hadn't gotten this far in the game yet and was spoiled.
This orange color must mean these “dark Jedi” are more focused and are almost as sharp and strong in the dark side as weak sith apprentices maybe, maybe a lil stranger then inquisitors which is why there sabers are orange and they aren’t fully evil bc there views actually are for a good reason or for a specific reason with the force