Can someone tell me that how to fix the gaps or i have too much gap on the top thats why my address on the bottom of the label is missing , any idea how to fix that Thanks
En mi trabajo hay Basculas Toledo El Unico detalle es que no imprime las etiquetas, Me Marca #Quitar Etiqueta,Se los Quito y vuelvo insertar el rollo de sticker y me vuelve a marcar #QuitarEtiqueta .....
This vid was a fucking lifesaver during my busy shift thank you
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Thank you!!!
Can someone tell me that how to fix the gaps or i have too much gap on the top thats why my address on the bottom of the label is missing , any idea how to fix that
I disconnected mine without powering of the switch first. Now it won’t come on. It was working perfect. Any suggestions? RESETS? Thank you
Ayuda mi báscula no imprime los códigos de barra
En mi trabajo hay Basculas Toledo El Unico detalle es que no imprime las etiquetas, Me Marca #Quitar Etiqueta,Se los Quito y vuelvo insertar el rollo de sticker y me vuelve a marcar #QuitarEtiqueta .....
How to add 72
We carry a large variety of scales that print labels and supplies. We are at
السعر لو سمحت كام
Thank alot