Ezi tgebriyo zeleki tmhrti maereti Biniam msteawete ztegebrelu miwuk degefn naedan meariun lieliun naki ygbaaki eyu Mknyatu hiwet lieli kulu sle zkonet. Slezi jgna waelo smart. Doctor ktkewn tikiel eka. Doctor mqan gn Lewhat lbi, kanza sebat kekenzweka kelo eyu. I am proud of you my lovely sister really Doctor Sharon keep it going. Cycling sle zeykone tifozo ab godena knweselki aynkieln ena gn adnakotn msganan kino ti seb zrio ab lbi eyu thanks so much.
thank you doctor you are so amazing and I really appreciate your trustful information. If you can please share your thoughts about allergy as well as fungal infections.
Selam dokter btami des zbl tmhrti you khteki delye zeleku bzaeba bulut ayzer ba mebrhi hbna etay you gudatu bkemey ke ymexe asfihki glexlna entay ke kngebr alena nnebsi xorat ke entay gudatu kotas ab zhaxere gzie kxbeyeki ye tegediski ab zhaxere ktmlesna bthtna yhatt
Dr Sharon, txs alot for educating the people and your much valuable messages. The way you make the explanations are very brief and easy to understand. Keep on doing your lessons more and God bless you.
Hey doctor I’m satisfied with your professionalism and commitment to teaching us , I'm also had h.pylori bacteria for many years my symptoms was at night something acid came to my mouth & choke my breath also when I ate most of time vomit by it self or I do by my self now I'm ok I take some tablets with advice of my doctor, I will check next Month again, because at first they told me positive but after I took the tablet I tested came out negative again I did after 3 months they told me positive I toke the tablet for second time it's came out negative, I advice people to do 2 test to make sure Thank you doctor Sharon
Thank you for the enlightenment Dr Sharon!Regarding the gastric ulcer I was wondering if you could inform us about the gall bladder attacks.Keep up the good work! Thanks in advance.
Thanxx so much doctor. 5000 ሰባት ሪኢኹሞ ኣሎኩም ግን ስለምንታይ ላይክ ዘይትገብሩ ኣንተ ጠቂምኩም ላይክ ግበሩ ኣንተይ ዘይጠዲምኩም ዉን ሓብርዋ። ሓገዝ ንኩሉሰብ ሰብ እዩ እምኒ ኣይትኹን ብቃንቃኹም እያ ትሕክመኩም ዘላ።
ጽቡቕ ትምህርቲ ዶክተር እዚ H.paylori ዝብሃል ሕማም ኣሸጋሪ 'ዩ ዋላ መድሃኒት ወሲድካ ድማ ይምለስካ
Ja ቅድሚ ዓመት ናይ ሰለስተ ወርሒ ወሲደ ነረ ኢስትል ክሳብ ሕጂ ግን ኣይገደፈንን
ክብርቲ ዶክተር ሻሮን ናትኪ ትምህርቲ ኣገዳስን እዩ ብዝሕ ንማሃር ኣሎናኣጆኺ ቀጽልዮ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ያሃብኪ ኣምላኽ
ኣንቱም ሕዝቢ ብፍላይ መንእሰያት ካብ ናይ ማዓል ዮርዳስ ትርጉም ደይብሉ ንቅድሚት ዶ ንድሕሪት ክትብሉ ካብ ምውዓል ኣብዚ ናይ ዶክተር ሻሮን ኣቲኹም ተማሃሩ ሳብስክራይብ ንግበረላ።
እዝጊ ኣዛረበኪ ጓለይ፡እንታይሞ ክግበር እዚ ሰብ ግዚኡ ኣብ ሃጠው ቀጦው የሕልፎሎ።
ዘሐጉሰካ ነገር ከኣ እንታይ ድዩ፡ከምዞም share, like, subscriber ክልምኑ ዝውዕሉ ዘይትልምን ሙዃና ኢዩ፡ኣምላኽ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃባ
ThanksDr Sharon for you Teaching your People's GodBless you Berchte
ሳላም ክብርቲ ሓፍትና መጀርታ ሰለቲ ግዜ ሂብኪ እተምህርና ናይ ጥዕና ትምህርቲ ካብ ልቢ እዳመስገናኪ እና እግዚኣብሔር ካብ ኩሉ ኩፉእ ነገር ይሓልኺ ብቅጻል ብዛዕባ ዝብልዮ ኣነ መግቢ በልዐ ዘይምሕቃቅ ምስ በላዕኩ ጹቡቅ ኣይስማዓንን ተወሳኺ ብርቱዕ ቃንዛን ረስኒ ኣብ ከብደይ ይገብረለይ መዳሃኒት ወስደ ለውጢ ኣይረኸብኩሉን
Thank youDr. Sharon for conveying very very interesting &helpful lessons in our community by our language.
ሰላም ዶግተረ :ብመጀመርታ ብእትህብና ስነጥዕናዊ ትምህርቲ ብልቢ ከምስግነኪ ይደሊ ::
ቀጺለ ብዝዓባ ጻዕዳ ሕማም ወይ (Vitiligo)ክገብሮ ዝግባኣናን ወይ ዘይግብኣናን ከምኡ ውን ከጥፍኦ ዝኽእል መድሃኒት ይህልዶ ? እንተሎ ብዝዓባ እዚ ስፍሕ ዝበለ መብርሂ ክትህብና ብልቢ ይምሕጸን ::
ንእትህብዮ ፍልጠታዊ ሓገዝን ተወፋይነት ካብ ልቢ የመስግን የቐንየለይ ::
Please እዛ ሕቶይ ኣይትስገርያ!!!!
No docter abahlay xbuq eyu tiena aleka eyom elomni zkone seha gele yebleyin kab bnieshtoy ab kueso enda texawetku eyu hji wedi 32 eye darga 20 amet belyo hji zkone seb kitrhix nskas slezblenis kab mntayu kab mbal eye
@@mhretabberhane ክቡር ሓወይ ንስኻ ሓደ ኢኻ ንሳ ስጋብ 1000 ሰባት ናይ ውልቀ ሰባት ክትምልስ ከቢድ ዩ ግን ከም ምኽሪ ክህበካ ከባቢኻ ዘሎ ሕክምና ወይ ናትካ ሓኪም ኮፍ ኢልካ ተዘራረብ 2ይ ባዕልኻ ኣብ Google እንዳ ኣተኻ መድሃኒት ምርኣይ ንነብስኻ ምጽዓር ክቡር ሓወይ
Btaemi nfieti docter agalalxaki
Thanks so much dr.sharon btami agedasi timhirti eu ketsilio
Tnx doctor sharon kulu videotatki yrieo ye kab kulu dema tetqmen temahiren ey so qexlyo edmen tnan qsanetn asalton ymneylki ❤❤
ንዓኺ ዝመስላ ይብዝሓ :: ካብ ሀጠውቀጠው ወፂእን ቅዱስ ቅንኢ ሐዲሩዎን ተምሳልኪ ክፈርያ ፀሎተይ ናብ አምላኸይ ይልምን::
Dr ብርክቲ፡ ኣምላክ ምሳኪ ዪኩን የቀኒየልና ።
Thanks more bizuh temahrna d/ Sharon timhrtiki yiglexeliki adimen tienan yihabki fetary 🙏 🙏 🙏 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
ዘገርም ጠቃሚ ሓበረታ እዩ።
Thank you and God bless you
የቀንየልና ዶክትር ሳሮን ብጣዕሚ ጠቃሚ ትምህርቲ አዩ ነጥቢ ንነጥቢ ብሓጺር ዝበለ ጠንቁን ኣፈዋውሰኡን ጸጋ ጥዕና ዕድመን ይሃብኪ ፈጣሪ
ተባረኪ ዛሓፍተይ ብርክቲ ምስ ፍልጠትኪ የንብርኪ
Dr-rishan haftey bejaki tegediski melseley bementaye kerekbeki yekel heto aleni Tanks
ብጣዕሚ የቀንየለይ ዶክተር ሻሮነይ አብዚ እናሀለወስ ኩሉ ግዘ ይፅሕፈልኪ ነይረ አገዳሲ ትምህርቲ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብኪ
Thanks Dr Sharon ♥️♥️♥️ Ezi smit aleni wahdi dem aleni neishutey belia aqley yxebeni drqet wala ygebreley kebdey wn ynfah keytemegebkwn yeguseani btaemi ygerm u
ዕድነ ጥዕናን ይሃብኪ
I am very proud of you explaining in Tigrigna . You are amazing God bless you more.
Selam Dr Sharon sle eti thbna tmhrti btami nemesgn hdmen tenan yhabki. Bzaba drket hayni[eye] tmhrti tethbna ab geza kngebro nkel entelo ka. Bthtna yhateki thanks.
ኣምላክ ነውሕ ዕድሜ ይሃቢ ደ/ር ሻሮን
ሃሎው ዶቶር ብጣዕሚ ጹቡቅ መግለጺ ዓቢ ትምህርቲ የቅኒይልና አምላክ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብኪ፡
ስልዚ አነ ገብረዝጊ ተክለ ዝተባሃልኩ ብጣዕሚ አሲድ አሎኒ ብጣዕሚ ኢዩ ዝሽገር አንታይ መድሃኒት አሎዎ ገለ በልኒ፡
ክብርቲ ዶ ር ሻሮን ፍልጠት ምክፋል ቅንዕና ሕያውነት ዘለካ ኩሉ ንብዙሓት ምክፍፋል እዩ አምላክ ብጥዕና ብፍልጠት ብዕድመ ብሃፍትን ይባርኽኪ
የቀንየልና ዶ/ር
(Thankyou) ከይውሕደኪ
We will wait you for what ever long .
ብሰላም ምጽና
ሰለም ዶ/ሳሮን
ብጣዕሚ መሳጥን ሓጋዝን እዩ የመስግነኪ
ጠንቂ መንፋሕቲ ከብዲ እንታይ እዩ
ዝኾነ መግቢ ወሲደ ኩሉ ከኣ ይንፍሓኒ እዩ ዋላ ጠምየ ከለኹ ከሙ በቃ
ስለዚ ሓገዝክን ምኽርኽን ይጽበ ክብርት ሓፍተይ
Thank you very much D.Sharon please share Endabelna nab kulu kbexh nhagza
Thanks sister 😘 very good advice 👍. I have the same problem for long years. .thanks brother from ERITREA 🇺🇸 🇪🇷.
Thanks so much doctor Sharon for sharing life saving advice and education.
IBS and treatments next please.
Ezi tgebriyo zeleki tmhrti maereti Biniam msteawete ztegebrelu miwuk degefn naedan meariun lieliun naki ygbaaki eyu Mknyatu hiwet lieli kulu sle zkonet.
Slezi jgna waelo smart.
Doctor ktkewn tikiel eka. Doctor mqan gn Lewhat lbi, kanza sebat kekenzweka kelo eyu.
I am proud of you my lovely sister really Doctor Sharon keep it going.
Cycling sle zeykone tifozo ab godena knweselki aynkieln ena gn adnakotn msganan kino ti seb zrio ab lbi eyu thanks so much.
Mihreteab hawey, aIye yemesgneka. Yeqenyeley, edmen teenan yhabeley
tanks Dr h.pylori hamime keleku ente xoyme xegem alewo do
Ewe, ksab xebuk gierka tehawi, aytexum. Medhanit Kea ktwesed slezeleka, bezeybeuwen, asid kbezhaka slezekeel aytexum.
ዋው ገለ ዓይነት ትምርቲ ኣድናቒትኪ እየ ቀፅሉሉ ደሞ ንእትህብና ጠቓሚ ትምርቲ ኣዝየ የምስግን
thank you so much Dr, sharon sle xbuk temrtki
ናይ ብሓቂ ንፍዕቲ
thank you dr saron bitami sebuk mehari hiskilna mimsaki kesiliyo.
Dr Sharon gualey. Amlak yebareki, bitami zubuk gelizkiyo. Nishto haftey bezi himam bitami eya tikunzo emo. Beti zihabkiyo info bitami nemesgin. Edimen tienan yehabki.
Thank you Dr Saron, very informative !!! Kab kulu bahlawi azerarbana keyqeyerki bzlemednayo abehahla malet nay muhur muhur xeweta zeybla gierklna kkkk so attractive !!!
Thanks so much doktor emorodyo kabintay yimexie eba gilezilna
Thanks Dr Sharon bzaeba lbi gele belna gualy lba b right side EU Nay wedy ka hole alwo ab lbu btaemi strees gre gele blnii please
ብጣዕሚ የመስግነኪ ዶክቶር
Thank you Dr. Can u say some thing about Hemorrhoids or pain around lower rectum?
ሰላማ ሻሮን ሓብትና.. ብተቅርብዮ መሃሪ ደስ እንዳ በለኒ.. እንተኾነ ግን ናይ Dr. Eric berg ብትግርኛ ተርጉምኪ እንተ ተመሓላልፍዮ ብዙሕ ናይ እንግሊዝ ቃንቃ ሕጽረት ዘለዎ ሕብረተ ሰብ ስለ ዘለና. ብዝሕ ምተማሃርና ካባኺ. Thanks a lot keep up it.
I wish you and your family a happy life. Unexplainable example for ertrean youth.
thanks Dr S.Mr Weldu, happy in day 🇪🇷❤ we are vey greatful to God u r ours keep it up your help to y people is tormioundse we ❤ u .🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
ኣምላክ ይባርክኪ
Thank you ዘሃፍተይ ከብረት የሃብሊና ንኮሎም ነዚ መደብ ተከታተሉ ሸር ኣይትሕመቁ ሕዘብና ናጻ ፍልጠ ንከርከብ !!!!!!!!
Wow, thank you for sharing you knowlege Dr.
የቀንየልና ዶክተር ጠቃሚ ትምህርቲ እዩ
Thanks goyita yibarki xibuk timhrti hanti hito alatini bizaeba colon zelo problems enite tigelixilina
ዶክተር ሻሮን ብሓቂ ምስጋና ይግባኣኪ ኢዩ ዕድመ ይሃብኪ በሊ
thank you doctor you are so amazing and I really appreciate your trustful information. If you can please share your thoughts about allergy as well as fungal infections.
የመስግን ፥እንቋዕ ሓብትና ኾንኪ
Thanks so much D sharon❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
እንዳደንጎኽና እምበር ትምህርትኺስ ዝወጾ የብሉን።።።።።።።❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ሳሮነይ ብርኽቲ ,ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብኪ.
አነ በዚ ሕማም አመና እየ ዝሳቀ ዘለኩ .ኩሉ ዝበልክዮ ምልክታት ዉን አለኒ .ክልተ ግዜ ሕክምና ከይደ አይጠቀመንን.
ቀጽልዮ ብርክቲ ሐብተይ .
ብግሊ ርኸባ : ንዝበለፀ ሐበሬታ::
Thank you so much doctor sharon really good job and information about the health of the discussion continues please !
Tanks sister btami xbike tmirti eyu kaxlyo
Thanks so much doctor sharon
Ezi hamam eiziea eya zedela nara
Ezi hamam ezi eyu ashigirni naru
Tel pls xehfaley
Sle kulu tmhrti haftey natey amlak edmen tenan yhabki hawey hamimu alo abzi aflbu brtue kanza alewo megbi aywesdn eyu nebsu bteami godilu nay shewhat ente belu xgem alewo do 🌹🌹🌹🌹
Thank you so much God bless you more
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us
Thanxs Dotere 💯👏👏👏👍👍👍
Selam dokter btami des zbl tmhrti you khteki delye zeleku bzaeba bulut ayzer ba mebrhi hbna etay you gudatu bkemey ke ymexe asfihki glexlna entay ke kngebr alena nnebsi xorat ke entay gudatu kotas ab zhaxere gzie kxbeyeki ye tegediski ab zhaxere ktmlesna bthtna yhatt
ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብኪ Dr.
Dr sharon be etgebriyo zelki agedasi tenawi hazel we are thanks.
Hi Dr Rishan btaimi eye zednqeki ab hiwetki awetn asalton ymneyelki. Abzi gize btami hmaq aleku kebdey ab bzuh hkmnatat bexihe wala hade lewti ayrekebkun entay kthgzni tkeli
Dr Sharon shikor thank you
Thanks my dear for sharing ur knowledge and helping ur community
Thank you Dr Sharon. Great info
Thanks a lot for your education D.r
Well dane Docter Sharone keep going
Dr Sharon, txs alot for educating the people and your much valuable messages. The way you make the explanations are very brief and easy to understand. Keep on doing your lessons more and God bless you.
My brilliant DR, I pray youngsters generations Ertreans must studying medicine and so on. Bless you forever
Thank you so much for sharing 🙏🏽❤️🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
ኣዝየ የመስግነኪ ዶ/ር ሻሮን ኣዝዩ ኣገዳስን እዋናውን ሓበሬታ
your briefing was clear and easy to understand and thank u
Dr Sharon Shikorina habtna love btami yemsgneki 🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️
At nisks enkoe teweledik
Thank you for this very Important infos
10q for learning keep it 💯
Thank you doctor sharon
Waw thanks so much Dr.sharon
God bless you Dr
Thanks so much Dr.sharon
Thank u D.r btami agedasi tmhrti hto alatni D.r ,bezi hamam ezi kab zhamim darga 16 amet gere aleku ezi mlikitat zbelkyo kea kulu aleni Heli-cure zbil medhanit weside nere kdmi 2 amet ksab hji gn mermera gere aleki tebahile b nay dem mermera eye gere, omeprazol wn bzuh gize weside aleku ksab hji gn aytefaun zelewu kanza wn aleni slezi entay entegeberku yhaysh tegediski melisiley D.r thank u so much.
Thanks D.r saron
We need more like you Dr Sharona GBU❤️❤️❤️
ብጣዕሚ ንፍዕቲ ሻሮን ሓብተይ
ኣስተምህሮኺ ብጣዕሚ ጽቡቕ ኢዩ፡ እቶም ትጠቕስዮም ዘለኺ መድሃኒታት ግን ስፐሊን ክንፈልጦ ብድሕረኺ ኣብ ቦርድ እንተትጽሕዮም ጽቡቕ ነይሩ።
Betaemi zetekem habereta seletegeberlena nemesgneki 🙏❤️
Tack så mycket
We love you so much Dr sharon you are our gift and I like your tigrigna keep it .
Be blessed.🙏🙏🙏
Thanks Dr Sharon
You are incredible my heroine
I love you content, it is helpful.
what advice can you give for those who would like to study medicine?
So sweet keep it up forever excellent.
Ab hzbina hkmina mkad bzuh lmdi yeblun haylu bab mxwar eyu fanancial problem zemxio kkewn ykiel eyu, kexilu wn kemlimdi hzuwo.
Mebzahtiu se hmamu keyfelete zmewt bzuh eyu.
Hji gn jigna haftna etom mktatn tenktatn afewawsiun edameharki mglgal Lbona, Awet, Hlnawi ksanet beabiu hkmna hlnawi moya eyu which needs kindness of sweet heart.
Mihreteab, yeqenyeley.
Dr. Sharon p.pylori gastrite kndey seb iyu zesaki ab Eritrea betaemi tsubuk tmhrti. Thank you brkti haftena.
Hey doctor I’m satisfied with your professionalism and commitment to teaching us , I'm also had h.pylori bacteria for many years my symptoms was at night something acid came to my mouth & choke my breath also when I ate most of time vomit by it self or I do by my self now I'm ok I take some tablets with advice of my doctor, I will check next Month again, because at first they told me positive but after I took the tablet I tested came out negative again I did after 3 months they told me positive I toke the tablet for second time it's came out negative, I advice people to do 2 test to make sure
Thank you doctor Sharon
Sami G, that's great to hear you're negative and on the road to recovery.
Thanks for commenting obout your journey!!
thank you sister bzey mwedhanit bamgagban ke knhawi nkel doo
Thanks you D.sahron sile eti zhabkina habreta ane gin kulu kemti zbelkina eyu megbi xubx gere Aybelin temlas ygebreley bflay ngho kbeli aykilin eye sinte dege and dem wesidom eyom aleki elomine zelewu ab salate zkone lemin wey acheto mis zgbrelu lbey gah kbil ydeli
H.pylori entekoinu medhanit, ulcer entekoynu Kea mewredi asid ksab zhawey eti ulcer ktwesed xebuq
@@DrSharonWoldu eti medhanit kali omeprazole.clarithromycin and amoxcillin eyu gin wedeyo aleku qoxera hize ktmrmeri eki kalay elomine alewu
Thank you for the enlightenment Dr Sharon!Regarding the gastric ulcer I was wondering if you could inform us about the gall bladder attacks.Keep up the good work! Thanks in advance.
Thanks Dr.Sharon for the great knowledge you are giving us.
Thank you Dr. Sharon