Jack All Alone on Celtic Folk Harp

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • A forebitter shanty. Usually sung while sailors had their free time.
    Sheet music for 40 Sea Shanties can be purchased here: a.co/d/0bMVIaS6
    Apprentice lads and seamen bold, come listen to me song,
    And I’ll tell you how I met me fate, when I was very young;
    ‘Twas on the day I came from sea, a flash girl I did meet.
    She kindly asked me to a dance, ’twas up on Barrack Street.
    Says I, ‘My charming fair one, I can’t dance very well,
    For Wigan town this night I’m bound, where all my friends do dwell;
    Today I’ve just come in from sea, and I’ve saved eighty pound,
    My parents are expecting me tonight in Wigan town.’
    Says she, ‘If you dance too well, you still can have a treat,
    I’ll give you rum and brandy hot and something nice to eat;
    At ten o’click this very night I’ll meet you at the train,
    If you’ll consent, give me a call when you come in town again.’
    So finding her quite friendly, I then did hail a car,
    To take us to a bar-room, boys, the distance wasn’t too far;
    Some gals passed by the other side, these words to me did say,
    ‘Oh, you young chap, you’ll lose your cap if you steer that way.’
    And when we reached the bar-room, boys, the liquor was brought in,
    And every man waltzed round the room as the dancing did begin;
    Me and my love danced round the room, danced to a merry tune,
    Says she, ‘My dear, now we’ll repair to a chamber all alone.’
    When the dancing it was over, we straight to bed did go.
    ‘Twas little did I ever think she’d prove my overthrow;
    My watch and clothes and eighty pound with me fancy one they fleed,
    And she left me there, Jack-all-alone, stark naked on the bed.
    When I came to me senses, oh, nothing could I spy,
    But a woman’s shirt and apron there upon the bed did lie;
    I wrung me hands, I tore me hair, I yelled, ‘What shall I do?’
    And said, ‘Farewell, O Wigan town, I’ll never more see you.’
    Oh, everything was silent, the hour was twelve o’clock,
    I put the shirt and apron on and hauled for the dock;
    My shipmate saw me come aboard, these words to me did say,
    ‘Well, well old chap, you’ve lost your cap, since last you went away.
    ‘Is this the new spring fashion the ladies wear on shore,
    Where is the shop that’s selling it, have they got any more?’
    The Old Man cried, ‘Why, Jack me boy, to Wigan I thought you’d gone,
    A better suit I sure could buy than that for eighty pound.’
    Sure I could buy a better suit if I’d only had the chance,
    But I met a girl on Barrack Street and she took me to a dance;
    I danced to my destruction, got stripped from head to feet,
    So I swore an oath I’d go no more to a dance on Barrack Street.
    Come, all you lads and seamen bold, a warning take by me:
    Be sure you choose good company when you goes on the spree;
    Beware of a dance on Barrack Street, you’ll surely rue a day,
    With a woman’s shirt and apron, boys, they’ll fit you out for sea!