There are many popular misconceptions about mental illness. It is not very encouraging, but certain issues might not ever go away completely -- even with treatment. However, by treating these conditions like chronic diseases, it's possible for people to live happy, normal lives -- provided they appropriately adapt to the reality of their situation. In today's episode, I discuss the truth about mental illness and how to live with it. Adopting this perspective will facilitate wellness and mental health. Learn more: Join my community: Buy my book, "The Value of Others" Ebook: Audiobook: Paperback: Book a paid consultation: Subscribe to my newsletter: Social Media TikTok: Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Twitter: Orion's Theme: Thinking of going to grad school? Check out STELLAR, my top-rated GRE self-study program based on the world's only empirically-validated test prep system. Use the code "PSYCH" for 10% off all membership plans: Become a Stellar affiliate and earn a 10% commission for every membership purchased by a new student you conduct into the program: GRE Bites: Become a Psychonaut and join PsycHack's member community: Sound mixing/editing by: Presented by Orion Taraban, Psy.D. PsycHacks provides viewers with a brief, thought-provoking video several days a week on a variety of psychological topics, inspired by his clinical practice. The intention is for the core idea contained within each video to inspire viewers to see something about themselves or their world in a slightly different light. The ultimate mission of the channel is to reduce the amount of unnecessary suffering in the world. #psychology #mentalhealth #wellness
Diabetes is blood sugar. Carbohydrates turn into sugar in the body. Carbohydrates include cereal,bread,grains,noodles,rice,fruit. You can reverse Diabeeetus
no im a complete disaster, due to; lack of parenting when i was young,childhood CPTSD, adult CPTSD, and PTSD.....age of 51 and have no hope for my life anymore, plus music today sucks
cognition == behavior. so basically, 100% of non-chemical mental illness is "just behavior". you have to change (sort out and retrain) the habitual behavior in many layers of patterned interpretation and action that you have built over years of blind repetition.
Doesn't fit strongly with my experience as a psychiatric therapist...allowed to prescribe meds when appropriate. PhD psychs don't have that option to use meds when truly they can be life-changing in combination with lifestyle changes, education, CBT. To throw meds out with the bathwater is a dire mistake though...when those meds are truly appropriate and can help get brain functioning back on track. Seen too many clients do all the things you say but have a neurological/psychiatric illness and the stop with meds with disastrous effects. Could psychiatrists and psychologists PLEASE work together. It tends to be psychologists who unfortunately turn away from psychiatry and to the detriment of too lives.
This is exactly my experience and you summed it up perfectly. I went from feeling sorry for myself and trying to “fix” my brain to eventually realizing that this is something that will be there to some degree for the rest of my life, and it is up to me to manage it. Now I would consider myself a mostly happy person with a thriving business, a lovely wife, everything I need and most things I want… still, the depression comes back sometimes in waves, but now I have a much better mindset about it and I see it as mostly annoying rather than debilitating.
Knowing you are prone to depression and accepting it can actually go a long way toward handling it well. You learn to identify defective thought processes ("Everything can't be THAT terrible") and you can make accommodations in your lifestyle when a wave is coming on (taking a sick day to cry alone in the dark and sleep). And in the end, you don't feel shame for what happened... it's just a thing that happens. It's still hard dealing with other people, though. You can say you're depressed, and everyone always asks, "Why?" And don't really accept the answer, "There is no why. My brain is just weird." Unfortunately, that discourages talking about it at all. Maybe it's better to keep it among loved ones anyway.
@@Mereologist you have to realize who you share this with people. Some are just so ignorant about mental health that it's not worth mentioning to them.
@@Mereologistyep, many people believe it's a simple problem, with a simple cause and a simple solution. So you have to learn identifying those to whom it's worth mentioning, and how to deal with others.
Agreed his advice on this topic is excellent. But free ???? Only when internet service is free and when computers are handed out without cost . . . then it will be truly free. Until then not so much . . . free.
“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” Aldous Huxley.
70 yrs old psychiatrist with over 40 yrs of experience and, just for reference purposes, who seemed to have been born with depression and anxiety at a time when doctors didn't believe yet that children could experience these, and literally had to "fix" myself. Just stopping by to mention that I'm in total agreement with your assessment. Just like you, I'm functional, still working, and doing my best t9 help as many people as possible
Dr. Taraban, I as a lifestyle medicine practitioner consider this video as your most valuable one that you made to this time. Helpful, instructive and full of truths that people needed to hear. Your personal example is the cherry on the top. Thank you so much, I wish you all the best in life.
Orion, this is one of your most important takes. I was prescribed anti-psychotics when I was 20, and I have not taken medicine for 20 years now an I am totally fine. These psych doctors are often making big mistakes. Most of your mental health requires discipline and constant practice.
@jimkozubek4026 Proper diagnostics is critical. So often people get misdiagnosed. If diagnosis is wrong then treatment won't be right. Had a patient one time who was misdiagnosed as schizophrenic...I mean for years,and years. She was out of it on anti-psychotics when didn't need them. She'd been diagnosed incorrectly. Was bipolar. With right treatment, including meds, new life
My girlfriend and I met each other because of your vids. We love your stuff and watch every video! ((Me with the most brutal onslaught of mental problems, watching this video with my imaginary girlfriend))
“Invisible is different from eradicated” - this is so true for management of mental health conditions. I went through brief mental health counseling that might have helped a little, but after that, i was just spinning the wheels. So i stopped. The advice given here is actually more effective and helpful than my counseling sessions. Thank you Dr O. You are truly the best.
First thank you. I’m a Navy Vet, was deployed and a 9/11 First Responder at the WTC for rescue and recovery. All your videos helped me on my life journey but this was different, it hit me deep. I’m lucky that I have been doing and will continue to do exactly what you said for the rest of my life. I’m lucky to also have a Service Dog from Vet Dogs and the best therapist in the world. I’ve got early retirement from the Navy but I’m up at 5am at the gym 6 days a week. Life is hard esp with severe PTSD (and diseases like cancer) but I’d rather be do the hard work of healing than running away and hiding from it. Thank you 🇺🇸 I hope someone sees your video and it changes their life.
Absolutely resonates!!! As a child I became obese. All of my adult life I was obese. It affected every facet of my life, my relationships suffered, my finances suffered, my health suffered and my career suffered. It’s not that I didn’t try dieting or trying to lose weight, I did. When I started working on my mental health and doing the things you named and became mentally healthy, the symptoms became invisible (yes, obesity is a symptom). I’m glad to report that 5 years of mindfully working on those things daily, I remain well mentally!
My now ex wife is manic-depressive/bipolar. One of the biggest challenges I came across was that from time to time she needed a medication adjustment as her symptoms would reappear. That was always a battle as she'd accuse me of being the one with mental illness. There was also a lot of paranoia and untrustworthiness behaviors she would exhibit. And her wrath was always directed at me. A large component of my divorce was a legal "escape" from her behavior. When I had had enough of her unacceptable behavior, it was good riddance to her and what a relief it was. I don't hate her, but the ship of love sailed away years ago.
I loved a manic-depressive/bipolar woman once. Although, according to her, at least half the time nobody loved her, and would sink into these crying fits. The only thing that could cure her fits was sex. After a while I managed to get her to frequent the gym, and that improved her condition BY A LOT. After I broke up with her, she kept telling everyone that I was beating her. It is near impossible to be in a relationship with some mentally ill people.
This is one of the toughest roads to travel. Unless you’ve traveled this road as a spouse, there’s just no way for anyone else to understand. When the meds are working, it’s all well and good, but when the environment changes wow can it go bad. Good luck friend.
I had the same experience. Divorced after 27 yrs of marriage. I waited way too long hoping she would get better automatically. Should have done 15 years earlier.
@ If they are unwilling to recognize that closest family members have her well being in mind, and instead they lash out at them, it's time to put on distance. I figured If I had stayed married to my wife I would have been a mental wreck myself in another 15 years or so. One does indeed ultimately look after themselves first before they can be of assistance to others.. And even then there is only so much one can do.
This is similar to my experience as well. I eventually realized that my mental illness would never go away. They will always linger and come back from time to time. I live with it, but I am getting better at managing it by getting my 7-8 hours of sleep, exercising, eating well, and doing productive things. I said to myself that I rather die than let my mental illness take control and ruin my life. By the same token, I also wanted to live and enjoy 'my' life. I am not where I want to be, but things are improving, and I have something to work towards and things to enjoy while getting there.
The tools for management of something like depression are often quite enjoyable too… exercise, eating well, staying optimally challenged in life, going out and talking to beautiful people, flow states, learning to ride a motorcycle etc
Not if in a truly major depressive psychotic episode(s). Meds can be essential. To the point of literally saving lives. The other things changes, CBT, DBT, etc, etc...certainly can help anyone. In throes of serious mental illness (with delusions, with psychosis) meds are a powerful tool in the right practitioners hands. Truly truly life changing and life saving. Psychiatry is not the bad cop and psychology the good cop. Let's go for integrative care please. I've seen too many psychologists diss biological treatment and consider it dangerous. Psychiatrists don't tend to have the same attitude toward psychologists. Think why that might be...
I came to exactly same conclusions - was miserable in my 20s, chronically depressed. Fasting has done wonders for me - I fast once a week and it keeps my depreciation in check. Read something about gut mind connection years ago - giving it a break somehow balance me out. Other things which help are same what you listed - exercising, diet, sleep and above all healthy social connections.
This is a great summation and feels like exactly what I’ve experienced. I feel like I’m now starting to accept that I will in fact need to keep my foot on the gas from here on for the rest of my life in order to not let the depression get the better of me. It feels very daunting but there’s only one option of which way I can go as I see it!
I am sorry to hear you have dealt with depression throughout your life and appreciate the willingness to be vulnerable about it, giving how unkind society tends to be to men who talk about relationships as objectively and meticulously as you do. I hope the many victories you have experienced through this channel continue to multiply and help you to keep finding a way forward on your darkest days.
Hey there! I just want to thank you so much for creating this channel, been through a lot of emotional stuff in the past few months. I've been writing and journaling all of your episodes that helped me a lot; almost all of them gave me the best mental clarity. thank you!
The approach you outlined here is very similar to how I approach alcoholism. I'm still an alcoholic, even if I can sit in a bar and talk with friends while they are having a beer. It's all the other things that I do that keep me away from sinking into that cycle of depression and using alcohol to numb my emotions.
Yes Dr. Taraban what I value most from your Channel is how you articulate those same, concepts, conditions and discriptionsI of disease states and the treatment of such to the extent i guess people just have difficulty understanding and the simplicity you provide for your listeners says it all so clearly. Thank you very much and I look forward to more in the future.
It means the world to me Orion to know what you've overcome - or, that is, learned how to more effectively manage - to get to the admirable mindset and behavior set that you so well rep today. This one won't be the first vid of yours I've shared with a few friends, but it's about to be the first one I've shared - with someone who I really do think may benefit from its message - and really meant it from the heart.
This matches my experience, (as you can tell by my handle) I’m deep into some of the processes that you’ve described as a means to healing and whole heartedly agree that it’s the only way. A somber acceptance may indeed be the best approach. It can be hard for one to accept that they’re so prone to turmoil, I also believe that a mind susceptible to these hardships present other gifts once (if) they can be wrangled. Thanks Orion, another great episode.
Hello Dr. Taraban, this message resonates with me. As a veteran, I have found it difficult to deal with the identity crisis that comes at the end of service. This lead me down a path of addiction (weed, gambling, etc.) that has been incredibly hard to kick. I can report that after 5 years of beating the same drum, I am hopeful for a better life because of your messages. While usually my challenges in life have been physical I am thankful for a different challenge, but I’m ready to get off this ride. I started 2025 with resolutions to kick my nasty habits. So far so good. However, the temptation of relapse can be very strong. Coping looks like various forms of suffering until I reach the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. How do I change this? Will only time heal these wounds? This experience has taken much of the joy out of my life and I find myself struggling to accept a new reality. Thank you
I appreciate you sharing your own struggles with depression, Orion. It definitely adds to your credibility (not that it needs bolstering), as you come across to me as having it all together and probably always did.
I listened to the video 3 times in a row because of the wealth of information in it! I find it so unbelievably useful, better than counseling. Also, my gratitude to Dr O for talking about a subject different than relationship advice. I hope there are more similar topics coming. Like, perhaps, limerence…and obsession. I am looking forward to further videos. Thank you very much Dr O for the wonderful advice.
Brilliant explanations and metaphors… Ive been depressed in my early 20’s too, and have diabetes in my 50s and am suffering the consequences. Im now accepting the disease after a decade with a variety of denials. These are loosely connected as anxiety can induce body generated sugars.
Recently, I had a challenging split. The breakup of my five-year relationship a few months ago has been quite difficult. I still harbor a deep affection for my ex-boyfriend, and I can't seem to stop thinking about him. My attempts to win him back have been unsuccessful, and at this point, it seems impossible to be with anybody else. It may seem strange to admit this, but I miss him terribly and can't stop thinking about him.
I completely understand the pain of letting go of someone you love. I went through a similar experience when my 10 year relationship ended. I couldn't imagine my life without him, so I tried everything to rekindle our love. I eventually found guidance from a spiritual counselor, and their support helped me bring him back into my life if you're open to it, seeking help from a spiritual counselor might make a difference.
I simply used your useful information to look him up online. Amazing I looked up Father Obah Eze online, and he seems like a sincere person. Again, thank you ❤
I'm Bipolar II and you're dead on. The best you can do is manage it; it's always there but that doesn't mean you can't live a decent life. The biggest problem I have is people getting uncomfortable because of other bipolar people NOT taking care of it. They give us a bad name.
Daveshudel...yes, you're right. You can certainly lead a decent life. Absolutely it doesn't help when wrong therapies are used. Often the right meds are critical. Nothing wrong with that. If someone has cancer do we say, don't get treatment, just do CBT and get exercise? Of course not. Mental illness is prevalent and to hold it against one's spouse seems cruel. Is it difficult. Yes. Difficult for the couple. Is life not full of difficulties? BTW, interesting the most difficult mental disorder documented (when untreated or treated inconsistently) in a marriage is classic ADHD.
Something that helped me was realizing that we are all just meat covered skeletons riding a rock that is hurling through space. And when I go out in the world, I literally envision other people down to that level, which helps me overcome self doubts and limitations.
This fits perfectly with my own experience. I felt like you are some kind of future self of me talking. I identify with everything you said. I consider myself depressed and last year I started a huge process of discipline and change of habits with consistence. I consider myself depressed as well but I can say that this illness is totally under control right now, for the first time in my life.
Great episode! I love your pattern of giving the correlate in the first part of the episode and then showing how the main point of your talk is synonymous with that first part, even almost repeating the same words/sentences you say in the first part. And you're adept in your explanation of mental illness in this episode, which will hopefully get some people who suffer from it to swallow the uncomfortable truth. In the past, I have suggested to friends to exercise more and make other changes to their lives, but I was met with outright scorn and claims that since I don't have a mental illness I don't know what it is like. Analogizing it to diabetes or other chronic diseases makes perfect sense. Thanks for your body of work.
I'm also a depressive and have anxiety as well, but the way I deal with it is not with self-medicating and trying to numb it like how I used to, but being self-aware and being my most authentic self which is light-hearted, funny and chill. Taking care of my physical health also had a really profound effect on my mental health and staying disciplined by saying no to poor food and lifestyle choices even socially at times has made feel more in control of myself. Good luck to everyone, it's not easy but so worth putting the effort.
Yes what you said harmonizes with my own experiences. Though i hate to admit it. I'm still struggling with some of the cognitive and behavioral changes i should embrace. It will be a lifelong thing. As you said. But better behavior on my part does make symptoms much less visible.
This is one of the greatest videos on this channel so far. Long story short - stop smoking weed/booze and embrace "the suck" for your long term success
I agree with you. There's kind of a saying that floats around in psychology. " You are where you are" meaning to some level we choose the way we feel and react to a situation. Some people never get past the fact that they can still choose a different way to respond to what happens to us. Myself included. I 💯 percent feel that if we fall back on gratitude, we can begin to change the way we think. Just as much as we are capable of choosing a negative response, we can also choose the positive. The problem is most people get stuck in the negative and fail to look at the other side.
@nancykarasik3538 well, what are a person's options than. A person can wallow in a pity party, or courageously move forward. The pity party stage is because people convince themselves they don't deserve to feel better. They almost feel as if they are letting themselves off the hook for something. Eventually a person has to arrive at the fact that they have to offer themselves a form of forgiveness and letting go.
@gregprince5283 it really depends of the type of depression one suffers from. Not all depressed people can pull them selves out of it without medication and/or therapy. Depression is not a "pity party ."
Love and purpose saved me from possible depression . My love to life, to myself and to my family and the thinking that , my current situation is not just to depress but we have something that we can offer to other people . However we can't blame other ppl to say that I, or we need maintenance because you are not the same person when you enlighten after you came from the dark night of the soul .
Another awesome video. Quitting substances, exercise, lots of sunlight, and sitting with my myself changed everything. Im not always perfect but i have a baseline that im always conscious of. That helps me regulate in a way that i can't even describe. Stay strong everyone 🤙🏿🤘🏿
The most powerful remedy to depression is having overcome it. Knowing that you had once dwelled in the depths of self-loathing and pulled yourself up out of it is the most empowering thought. It is the proof that you can control your disposition, and that agency will keep your eyes set on the future and your feet moving forward.
Great video. I was born with asthma and I still feel signs of it being there but with the active lifestyle I've developed from my late childhood (between 10 & 12) The asthma attacks slowed down and I didn't need an inhaler. I use to smoke weed in my 20s (occasionally, maybe a joint or 2 every other month) but because of my active lifestyle I rarely felt symptoms of an asthma attack brewing. So that example about diabetics was very insightful and I stopped smoking weed around summer of 2024. I would get depressed, but I'm working on ways to distract myself from the behavior by being more active physically and going to the gym mostly for the social aspect. I also had to learn to accept the fact that my bouts with depression won't magically go away, but practicing healthy habits and changing my behavior toward things that may trigger it does make it easier to deal with.
This is 100% how my addictions are (were*) everything you’ve said about depression, I could substitute addiction for and it’s perfect. Fully accepting that my mind is twisted when it comes to drugs and alcohol, allowed me to finally stay sober and 15 long years.
I am prone to depression and type-1 diabetic. I need manage both of my conditions constantly. When I am doing well, I feel amazing. Though slipping to old habits will have consequences. So there is a carrot and a stick to keep looking after myself. Excellent video.
Thank you for demystifying this topic and for being vulnerable in sharing your personal experience. I applaud your courage and dedication to help all of us 🙌🏽
2 дні тому+3
Thank you, and thank you for opening up so bravely Orion 😊
I guess you just described the First Step of any 12 step-based program. I was needing this. Thanks for the great work you are doing about bringing mental health awareness.
This lesson has undoubtedly saved many lives (if not slightly exacerbating the depression lol) Good to know as a thrown 20 something year old that there is no hope and that’s all the hope we need.
This is the most relatable video, unfortunately. I have PTSD and Bipolar II. As long as I am on top of my sleep, nutrition, exercise, and I don't work too much overtime.... I'm alright. I get it, Doc.
I’ve experienced OCD all my life ever since I was a kid and I just can relate so much to the acceptance and emotional regulation you talk about, also it’s very validating Thanks a lot Dr
Wow! Thank you for sharing... I've been depressed for years now! I smoke the pots like a chimney, I know it's at the forefront of why I'm not getting better! I am having a difficult time quitting the puff puff! 😢
Spiritual growth can help with this. I found a spiritual teachers (Buddhism, yoga teachings). There are strict rules on drugs, alcohol, sex... Those teachers remind me regularly, how to be and what to do.
I did this and my diagnosed borderline got a lot easier for me, I dont think I could get diagnosed anymore. It was a very painful and very long path but it was worth it. Number one is becoming self aware, number two is enduring the anxiety, number three is stop reacting to triggers but acknowledge the feelings.
This fully resonates with me. I suffered from Ulcerative Colitis from 1996 to 2007, suffering a series of progressively worsening UC flare-ups. In 2007 I reached a crisis point when the medications I was taking were no longer effective at controlling a UC flare-up. This situation forced me to radically change both my diet and lifestyle. With an entirely new diet and lifestyle regimen, flare-ups of UC lessened and went away almost completely. It was as if I no longer suffered from the chronic condition, but I discovered the hard way that my UC was still there in a latent form. Indeed, it is so easy to fall back into old behavior patterns. I've had to catch myself a couple of times when I slipped-up and started eating french fries and other deep-fried foods. I can NEVER go back to my old way or I may as well write my death certificate. My gastroenterologist tells me that I am UNIQUE in his 40-years of medical practice. NOBODY recovers from UC in his experience, but I stand out among his patients as the lone exception.
Wow. Your best piece yet. Very relatable. Currently on this path now. I feel that I am in very beautiful and sacred place in my life to be able to take on both behavioural and cognitive changes. Here’s to a growth and care management plan for life!
My perception is that those 'conditions' that will resolve by themselves in a reasonable amount of time, perhaps are not 'actual' mental conditions but rather part of a process of adaptation to given personal circumstances in ones' life. What Dr. Taraban then says about being aware of and accept one's vunerability and move from there to build a happier life resonates with me. It is key to have clarity about your life first to be able to next make the necessary improvements. You cannot do so if you numb your discomfort with drugs (weeds included) or anything else, including the stories we tell ourselves. At times this is really tough, but it's the only way that I know of.
Ketamine therapy has worked wonders for me. I’m the same. I struggle with depression, but can usually beat it eventually...but if too much comes at once, it can really screw me. Well...A LOT just happened. Losing both my parents...and (even though I watch this channel)....I somehow STILL lost the girl. Go figure. Anyway, that was really rough. I’m recovering. Just want to say, if you’re really stuck, and trying to get out--ketamine is a good option for many people. It doesn’t do the work for you....but it makes it to where you CAN do the work.
Great, great video. Amazingly rare and honest take. If you're taking suggestions, I think people would benefit immensely from a series of detailed videos to help depressive people at the bottom to climb up, step by step.
I too had some dark years with depression and insomnia. I changed life habits and it got much, much better, but there were cicles where I begun the bad habits again and the bad mental states returned soon after.
Ah man. Insomnia suxx balls. I'm living with, eh, no, barely existing with stress induced insomnia. On average I sleep 3-4 hours. Yesterday I slept 2. A couple of days ago I somehow managed to sleep 7 which only happens around once a year. I felt like I was a different being. I forgot what real human existence feels like.
Thanks Orion! I feel like managing my Metabolic Syndrome through an anti-inflammatory primal diet (reduced carbs, increased fat/protein), walking outside 4-6 times/week, and a few bodyweight resistance workouts each week (nothing crazy), have done wonders for reducing my depressive symptoms. Maybe it would be great if I could cruise through life like my naturally lean and upbeat friends but a part of me appreciates the successful feeling of solving this very personal puzzle.
Today’s video was so helpful. Yes, depression is a part of my life but there are outside factors that need to be considered too. When speaking up doesn’t work…the depression sets in and I have to fight tooth & nail to get out from under. Thanks for sharing your experience in overcoming. Your example is definitely goals to shoot for 💯
Comment with reference to nutricious diet - By accident I found that grapes and ordinary supermarket mushrooms made me happier in the winter. Currently have the equivalent of 2 with the first meal and 2 with the second meal (I eat twice a day). A large mushroom counts as 2. This was the beginning of many improvement to my health . . . now happily using time restricted eating, a plant based diet and daily exercise
I was born with this not very spoken syndrome: Highly sensitive person syndrome. As you say in your video... I need to adapt my life, otherwise I just burn out again and again. Accept myself, take care of my security, know my personality, do not compare to others.
Its ironic that what it sounds like is that another way to think on the diabetes analogy is: we all already have diabetes, and poor management of xyz factors makes it manifest as your first diagnosis. Bc if you lack the habits that prevent diabetes, you will eventually get it. So u must effectively live the same as someone who is managing it very well ... regardless of whether you actually have diabetes or not ... to prevent from getting diabetes. So from an effort perspective, we all functionally have it already and are choosing to manage or mismanage. Obviously, that is not a factually true scenario but its a fun thought experiment. Appreciate your content , as always
true, learn to live with it is the best thing you can do. you learn the best ways to get through it aswell and best of all, tell others how to deal with it who don’t know wtf going on 👍
I can relate to this. I have never heard anyone actually describe my person experience with mental illness until this video (for me it is anxiety not depression). I worked with a youth counselor in my teens to help me manage my anxiety by identifying triggers and helping me learn to avoid them or make me better at dealing with them. Also, a large part of my management is running to help keep my mind at bay, i forget i even have it till i take a few days off running or encounter some new stimuli's i haven't delt with before.
I'd always wondered what I would be diagnosed with if I lived in the USA. Probably a whole bunch of things. But since I don't live in a hypohondriac society where everything is a disorder and every disorder has a pill and every pill has an insurance company and a drug conglomerate behind it, I don't care either way. If I feel down, I'll go work out, play a game, watch a comedian. I don't fight the feels, I let them slide off like rain.
There are many popular misconceptions about mental illness. It is not very encouraging, but certain issues might not ever go away completely -- even with treatment. However, by treating these conditions like chronic diseases, it's possible for people to live happy, normal lives -- provided they appropriately adapt to the reality of their situation. In today's episode, I discuss the truth about mental illness and how to live with it. Adopting this perspective will facilitate wellness and mental health.
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Presented by Orion Taraban, Psy.D. PsycHacks provides viewers with a brief, thought-provoking video several days a week on a variety of psychological topics, inspired by his clinical practice. The intention is for the core idea contained within each video to inspire viewers to see something about themselves or their world in a slightly different light. The ultimate mission of the channel is to reduce the amount of unnecessary suffering in the world.
#psychology #mentalhealth #wellness
The whole paradigm of psychology is a popular misconception.
Diabetes is blood sugar. Carbohydrates turn into sugar in the body. Carbohydrates include cereal,bread,grains,noodles,rice,fruit. You can reverse Diabeeetus
no im a complete disaster, due to; lack of parenting when i was young,childhood CPTSD, adult CPTSD, and PTSD.....age of 51 and have no hope for my life anymore, plus music today sucks
cognition == behavior. so basically, 100% of non-chemical mental illness is "just behavior". you have to change (sort out and retrain) the habitual behavior in many layers of patterned interpretation and action that you have built over years of blind repetition.
Doesn't fit strongly with my experience as a psychiatric therapist...allowed to prescribe meds when appropriate. PhD psychs don't have that option to use meds when truly they can be life-changing in combination with lifestyle changes, education, CBT. To throw meds out with the bathwater is a dire mistake though...when those meds are truly appropriate and can help get brain functioning back on track. Seen too many clients do all the things you say but have a neurological/psychiatric illness and the stop with meds with disastrous effects. Could psychiatrists and psychologists PLEASE work together. It tends to be psychologists who unfortunately turn away from psychiatry and to the detriment of too lives.
This is exactly my experience and you summed it up perfectly. I went from feeling sorry for myself and trying to “fix” my brain to eventually realizing that this is something that will be there to some degree for the rest of my life, and it is up to me to manage it.
Now I would consider myself a mostly happy person with a thriving business, a lovely wife, everything I need and most things I want… still, the depression comes back sometimes in waves, but now I have a much better mindset about it and I see it as mostly annoying rather than debilitating.
Knowing you are prone to depression and accepting it can actually go a long way toward handling it well. You learn to identify defective thought processes ("Everything can't be THAT terrible") and you can make accommodations in your lifestyle when a wave is coming on (taking a sick day to cry alone in the dark and sleep). And in the end, you don't feel shame for what happened... it's just a thing that happens.
It's still hard dealing with other people, though. You can say you're depressed, and everyone always asks, "Why?" And don't really accept the answer, "There is no why. My brain is just weird." Unfortunately, that discourages talking about it at all. Maybe it's better to keep it among loved ones anyway.
@@Mereologist you have to realize who you share this with people. Some are just so ignorant about mental health that it's not worth mentioning to them.
Try a all meat diet for mental problems look it up lots of people are doing it🥩🧈🥓🥚
@@Mereologistyep, many people believe it's a simple problem, with a simple cause and a simple solution. So you have to learn identifying those to whom it's worth mentioning, and how to deal with others.
Might be linked to gut health Gut being linked to brain induces depression if it is fed what it doesn't find fulfilling, beneficial.
Take it from a practicing physician. Dr. Taraban is giving out world class advice and care for FREE.
Agreed his advice on this topic is excellent. But free ???? Only when internet service is free and when computers are handed out without cost . . . then it will be truly free. Until then not so much . . . free.
“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” Aldous Huxley.
I hope the people with chronic anxiety are taking this in. Discipline is cure.
I take this all as a joke. In one ear and out the other.
@@gracerules2008 🤣🤣🤣wtf
@@gracerules2008 i dont get it
@@gracerules2008 lol'd
Discipline? No, you need to alter your environment and behaviors to support you. If you rely on discipline you're living a life of punishment.
70 yrs old psychiatrist with over 40 yrs of experience and, just for reference purposes, who seemed to have been born with depression and anxiety at a time when doctors didn't believe yet that children could experience these, and literally had to "fix" myself. Just stopping by to mention that I'm in total agreement with your assessment. Just like you, I'm functional, still working, and doing my best t9 help as many people as possible
Dr. Taraban, I as a lifestyle medicine practitioner consider this video as your most valuable one that you made to this time. Helpful, instructive and full of truths that people needed to hear. Your personal example is the cherry on the top. Thank you so much, I wish you all the best in life.
couldn't have said it better myself
Orion, this is one of your most important takes. I was prescribed anti-psychotics when I was 20, and I have not taken medicine for 20 years now an I am totally fine. These psych doctors are often making big mistakes. Most of your mental health requires discipline and constant practice.
@jimkozubek4026 Proper diagnostics is critical. So often people get misdiagnosed. If diagnosis is wrong then treatment won't be right.
Had a patient one time who was misdiagnosed as schizophrenic...I mean for years,and years. She was out of it on anti-psychotics when didn't need them. She'd been diagnosed incorrectly. Was bipolar. With right treatment, including meds, new life
@jimkozubek4026 Glad you're doing well!
My girlfriend and I met each other because of your vids. We love your stuff and watch every video! ((Me with the most brutal onslaught of mental problems, watching this video with my imaginary girlfriend))
Bro 😂
Imaginary or not, sounds like a keeper
I wish you both the best!… but I recommend ending the relationship the moment she starts nagging you…
Holy moly! like seriously 😳
“Invisible is different from eradicated” - this is so true for management of mental health conditions. I went through brief mental health counseling that might have helped a little, but after that, i was just spinning the wheels. So i stopped. The advice given here is actually more effective and helpful than my counseling sessions. Thank you Dr O. You are truly the best.
First thank you. I’m a Navy Vet, was deployed and a 9/11 First Responder at the WTC for rescue and recovery. All your videos helped me on my life journey but this was different, it hit me deep. I’m lucky that I have been doing and will continue to do exactly what you said for the rest of my life. I’m lucky to also have a Service Dog from Vet Dogs and the best therapist in the world. I’ve got early retirement from the Navy but I’m up at 5am at the gym 6 days a week. Life is hard esp with severe PTSD (and diseases like cancer) but I’d rather be do the hard work of healing than running away and hiding from it.
Thank you 🇺🇸 I hope someone sees your video and it changes their life.
Absolutely resonates!!! As a child I became obese. All of my adult life I was obese. It affected every facet of my life, my relationships suffered, my finances suffered, my health suffered and my career suffered. It’s not that I didn’t try dieting or trying to lose weight, I did. When I started working on my mental health and doing the things you named and became mentally healthy, the symptoms became invisible (yes, obesity is a symptom). I’m glad to report that 5 years of mindfully working on those things daily, I remain well mentally!
Try carnivore. It will fix all of your issues.
Having mental illness is so exhausting.
My now ex wife is manic-depressive/bipolar. One of the biggest challenges I came across was that from time to time she needed a medication adjustment as her symptoms would reappear. That was always a battle as she'd accuse me of being the one with mental illness. There was also a lot of paranoia and untrustworthiness behaviors she would exhibit. And her wrath was always directed at me. A large component of my divorce was a legal "escape" from her behavior. When I had had enough of her unacceptable behavior, it was good riddance to her and what a relief it was. I don't hate her, but the ship of love sailed away years ago.
I loved a manic-depressive/bipolar woman once. Although, according to her, at least half the time nobody loved her, and would sink into these crying fits. The only thing that could cure her fits was sex. After a while I managed to get her to frequent the gym, and that improved her condition BY A LOT. After I broke up with her, she kept telling everyone that I was beating her. It is near impossible to be in a relationship with some mentally ill people.
This is one of the toughest roads to travel. Unless you’ve traveled this road as a spouse, there’s just no way for anyone else to understand. When the meds are working, it’s all well and good, but when the environment changes wow can it go bad. Good luck friend.
I had the same experience. Divorced after 27 yrs of marriage. I waited way too long hoping she would get better automatically. Should have done 15 years earlier.
Same with my mother. I finally abandoned her along with my sister and she died alone.
@ If they are unwilling to recognize that closest family members have her well being in mind, and instead they lash out at them, it's time to put on distance. I figured If I had stayed married to my wife I would have been a mental wreck myself in another 15 years or so. One does indeed ultimately look after themselves first before they can be of assistance to others.. And even then there is only so much one can do.
Thank you for your great work, Doc. You’ve improved more lives than you may ever realize.
This is similar to my experience as well.
I eventually realized that my mental illness would never go away. They will always linger and come back from time to time. I live with it, but I am getting better at managing it by getting my 7-8 hours of sleep, exercising, eating well, and doing productive things.
I said to myself that I rather die than let my mental illness take control and ruin my life. By the same token, I also wanted to live and enjoy 'my' life.
I am not where I want to be, but things are improving, and I have something to work towards and things to enjoy while getting there.
The tools for management of something like depression are often quite enjoyable too… exercise, eating well, staying optimally challenged in life, going out and talking to beautiful people, flow states, learning to ride a motorcycle etc
Not if in a truly major depressive psychotic episode(s). Meds can be essential. To the point of literally saving lives. The other things changes, CBT, DBT, etc, etc...certainly can help anyone. In throes of serious mental illness (with delusions, with psychosis) meds are a powerful tool in the right practitioners hands. Truly truly life changing and life saving. Psychiatry is not the bad cop and psychology the good cop. Let's go for integrative care please. I've seen too many psychologists diss biological treatment and consider it dangerous. Psychiatrists don't tend to have the same attitude toward psychologists. Think why that might be...
I came to exactly same conclusions - was miserable in my 20s, chronically depressed. Fasting has done wonders for me - I fast once a week and it keeps my depreciation in check. Read something about gut mind connection years ago - giving it a break somehow balance me out. Other things which help are same what you listed - exercising, diet, sleep and above all healthy social connections.
This is a great summation and feels like exactly what I’ve experienced. I feel like I’m now starting to accept that I will in fact need to keep my foot on the gas from here on for the rest of my life in order to not let the depression get the better of me. It feels very daunting but there’s only one option of which way I can go as I see it!
Excellent as usual
I am sorry to hear you have dealt with depression throughout your life and appreciate the willingness to be vulnerable about it, giving how unkind society tends to be to men who talk about relationships as objectively and meticulously as you do.
I hope the many victories you have experienced through this channel continue to multiply and help you to keep finding a way forward on your darkest days.
Useful stuff.
Your advice is always so helpful, especially when combined with vulnerability. Appreciate ya Doc
I have always noticed a deep sadness in your blue eyes Dr Orion… thank u for your vulnerability. Peace be upon you all Salams from Jubail KSA❤❤
Hey there! I just want to thank you so much for creating this channel, been through a lot of emotional stuff in the past few months. I've been writing and journaling all of your episodes that helped me a lot; almost all of them gave me the best mental clarity. thank you!
The approach you outlined here is very similar to how I approach alcoholism. I'm still an alcoholic, even if I can sit in a bar and talk with friends while they are having a beer. It's all the other things that I do that keep me away from sinking into that cycle of depression and using alcohol to numb my emotions.
Yes Dr. Taraban what I value most from your Channel is how you articulate those same, concepts, conditions and discriptionsI of disease states and the treatment of such to the extent i guess people just have difficulty understanding and the simplicity you provide for your listeners says it all so clearly.
Thank you very much and I look forward to more in the future.
It means the world to me Orion to know what you've overcome - or, that is, learned how to more effectively manage - to get to the admirable mindset and behavior set that you so well rep today.
This one won't be the first vid of yours I've shared with a few friends, but it's about to be the first one I've shared - with someone who I really do think may benefit from its message - and really meant it from the heart.
Te amo Doctor Orion, gracias por compartirnos tu experiencia! Saludos desde Argentina
@@RamiroSchettino Dale manito
This matches my experience, (as you can tell by my handle)
I’m deep into some of the processes that you’ve described as a means to healing and whole heartedly agree that it’s the only way.
A somber acceptance may indeed be the best approach.
It can be hard for one to accept that they’re so prone to turmoil, I also believe that a mind susceptible to these hardships present other gifts once (if) they can be wrangled.
Thanks Orion, another great episode.
Hello Dr. Taraban, this message resonates with me. As a veteran, I have found it difficult to deal with the identity crisis that comes at the end of service. This lead me down a path of addiction (weed, gambling, etc.) that has been incredibly hard to kick. I can report that after 5 years of beating the same drum, I am hopeful for a better life because of your messages.
While usually my challenges in life have been physical I am thankful for a different challenge, but I’m ready to get off this ride. I started 2025 with resolutions to kick my nasty habits. So far so good.
However, the temptation of relapse can be very strong. Coping looks like various forms of suffering until I reach the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.
How do I change this? Will only time heal these wounds? This experience has taken much of the joy out of my life and I find myself struggling to accept a new reality.
Thank you
I appreciate you sharing your own struggles with depression, Orion. It definitely adds to your credibility (not that it needs bolstering), as you come across to me as having it all together and probably always did.
I listened to the video 3 times in a row because of the wealth of information in it! I find it so unbelievably useful, better than counseling. Also, my gratitude to Dr O for talking about a subject different than relationship advice. I hope there are more similar topics coming. Like, perhaps, limerence…and obsession. I am looking forward to further videos. Thank you very much Dr O for the wonderful advice.
Brilliant explanations and metaphors… Ive been depressed in my early 20’s too, and have diabetes in my 50s and am suffering the consequences. Im now accepting the disease after a decade with a variety of denials.
These are loosely connected as anxiety can induce body generated sugars.
Thank you for sharing your story of struggles with depression -- had no idea before this episode, likely because you still manage it well
This video is seemingly a divine intervention for me. Thank you, Mr T.
Recently, I had a challenging split. The breakup of my five-year relationship a few months ago has been quite difficult. I still harbor a deep affection for my ex-boyfriend, and I can't seem to stop thinking about him. My attempts to win him back have been unsuccessful, and at this point, it seems impossible to be with anybody else. It may seem strange to admit this, but I miss him terribly and can't stop thinking about him.
I completely understand the pain of letting go of someone you love. I went through a similar experience when my 10 year relationship ended. I couldn't imagine my life without him, so I tried everything to rekindle our love. I eventually found guidance from a spiritual counselor, and their support helped me bring him back into my life if you're open to it, seeking help from a spiritual counselor might make a difference.
How did you find your spiritual counselor, and how can I get in touch with them?
His name is Father Obah Eze and he's an incredible spiritual counselor known for helping restore relationships.
He can assist you; he is Father Obah Eze, and he possesses immense powers.
I simply used your useful information to look him up online. Amazing
I looked up Father Obah Eze online, and he seems like a sincere person. Again, thank you ❤
I'm Bipolar II and you're dead on. The best you can do is manage it; it's always there but that doesn't mean you can't live a decent life. The biggest problem I have is people getting uncomfortable because of other bipolar people NOT taking care of it. They give us a bad name.
Daveshudel...yes, you're right. You can certainly lead a decent life. Absolutely it doesn't help when wrong therapies are used. Often the right meds are critical. Nothing wrong with that. If someone has cancer do we say, don't get treatment, just do CBT and get exercise? Of course not. Mental illness is prevalent and to hold it against one's spouse seems cruel. Is it difficult. Yes. Difficult for the couple. Is life not full of difficulties?
BTW, interesting the most difficult mental disorder documented (when untreated or treated inconsistently) in a marriage is classic ADHD.
Something that helped me was realizing that we are all just meat covered skeletons riding a rock that is hurling through space.
And when I go out in the world, I literally envision other people down to that level, which helps me overcome self doubts and limitations.
This fits perfectly with my own experience. I felt like you are some kind of future self of me talking. I identify with everything you said. I consider myself depressed and last year I started a huge process of discipline and change of habits with consistence. I consider myself depressed as well but I can say that this illness is totally under control right now, for the first time in my life.
Great episode! I love your pattern of giving the correlate in the first part of the episode and then showing how the main point of your talk is synonymous with that first part, even almost repeating the same words/sentences you say in the first part.
And you're adept in your explanation of mental illness in this episode, which will hopefully get some people who suffer from it to swallow the uncomfortable truth. In the past, I have suggested to friends to exercise more and make other changes to their lives, but I was met with outright scorn and claims that since I don't have a mental illness I don't know what it is like. Analogizing it to diabetes or other chronic diseases makes perfect sense.
Thanks for your body of work.
I'm also a depressive and have anxiety as well, but the way I deal with it is not with self-medicating and trying to numb it like how I used to, but being self-aware and being my most authentic self which is light-hearted, funny and chill. Taking care of my physical health also had a really profound effect on my mental health and staying disciplined by saying no to poor food and lifestyle choices even socially at times has made feel more in control of myself. Good luck to everyone, it's not easy but so worth putting the effort.
Yes what you said harmonizes with my own experiences. Though i hate to admit it. I'm still struggling with some of the cognitive and behavioral changes i should embrace. It will be a lifelong thing. As you said. But better behavior on my part does make symptoms much less visible.
Very, very good: easily one of his ten best ever. I approve the new "fewer but higher quality" programme!
Appreciate your honesty. I’m battling depression as well.
Thank you for your authenticity ❤ and sharing with this community.
This is one of the greatest videos on this channel so far. Long story short - stop smoking weed/booze and embrace "the suck" for your long term success
I agree with you. There's kind of a saying that floats around in psychology. " You are where you are" meaning to some level we choose the way we feel and react to a situation. Some people never get past the fact that they can still choose a different way to respond to what happens to us. Myself included. I 💯 percent feel that if we fall back on gratitude, we can begin to change the way we think. Just as much as we are capable of choosing a negative response, we can also choose the positive. The problem is most people get stuck in the negative and fail to look at the other side.
@gregprince5283 too simplistic. Not so easy. Toxic positvity.
@nancykarasik3538 well, what are a person's options than. A person can wallow in a pity party, or courageously move forward. The pity party stage is because people convince themselves they don't deserve to feel better. They almost feel as if they are letting themselves off the hook for something. Eventually a person has to arrive at the fact that they have to offer themselves a form of forgiveness and letting go.
@gregprince5283 it really depends of the type of depression one suffers from. Not all depressed people can pull them selves out of it without medication and/or therapy. Depression is not a "pity party ."
Love and purpose saved me from possible depression . My love to life, to myself and to my family and the thinking that , my current situation is not just to depress but we have something that we can offer to other people . However we can't blame other ppl to say that I, or we need maintenance because you are not the same person when you enlighten after you came from the dark night of the soul .
What a Masterclass... Thank you so much, Dr Taraban.
Another awesome video. Quitting substances, exercise, lots of sunlight, and sitting with my myself changed everything. Im not always perfect but i have a baseline that im always conscious of. That helps me regulate in a way that i can't even describe. Stay strong everyone 🤙🏿🤘🏿
I love when you speak about you personal life/experiences.
The most powerful remedy to depression is having overcome it. Knowing that you had once dwelled in the depths of self-loathing and pulled yourself up out of it is the most empowering thought. It is the proof that you can control your disposition, and that agency will keep your eyes set on the future and your feet moving forward.
I'd never think of you as a person that didn't have it together at any point, to any degree. Good video, encouraging.
Great video. I was born with asthma and I still feel signs of it being there but with the active lifestyle I've developed from my late childhood (between 10 & 12) The asthma attacks slowed down and I didn't need an inhaler.
I use to smoke weed in my 20s (occasionally, maybe a joint or 2 every other month) but because of my active lifestyle I rarely felt symptoms of an asthma attack brewing.
So that example about diabetics was very insightful and I stopped smoking weed around summer of 2024.
I would get depressed, but I'm working on ways to distract myself from the behavior by being more active physically and going to the gym mostly for the social aspect.
I also had to learn to accept the fact that my bouts with depression won't magically go away, but practicing healthy habits and changing my behavior toward things that may trigger it does make it easier to deal with.
This is exactly the video I needed at this moment. Thank you so much doc.
Wow. Thank you for being so open about your struggles with depression. I could never do that about something so personal. ❤
This is 100% how my addictions are (were*) everything you’ve said about depression, I could substitute addiction for and it’s perfect. Fully accepting that my mind is twisted when it comes to drugs and alcohol, allowed me to finally stay sober and 15 long years.
I am prone to depression and type-1 diabetic. I need manage both of my conditions constantly. When I am doing well, I feel amazing. Though slipping to old habits will have consequences. So there is a carrot and a stick to keep looking after myself. Excellent video.
Thank you for demystifying this topic and for being vulnerable in sharing your personal experience. I applaud your courage and dedication to help all of us 🙌🏽
Thank you, and thank you for opening up so bravely Orion 😊
Thank you for sharing your story. Very inspiring for us viewers.
Easily your best short talk yet, man. And you've had a LOT of great ones.
I guess you just described the First Step of any 12 step-based program. I was needing this. Thanks for the great work you are doing about bringing mental health awareness.
this dude is such a good positive influence for the world insane🔥🔥🔥
This lesson has undoubtedly saved many lives (if not slightly exacerbating the depression lol)
Good to know as a thrown 20 something year old that there is no hope and that’s all the hope we need.
Fantastic video! Years ago i accepted that my depression would always be there. I made huge life changes and its been manageable since.
This is the most relatable video, unfortunately. I have PTSD and Bipolar II. As long as I am on top of my sleep, nutrition, exercise, and I don't work too much overtime.... I'm alright. I get it, Doc.
I’ve experienced OCD all my life ever since I was a kid and I just can relate so much to the acceptance and emotional regulation you talk about, also it’s very validating
Thanks a lot Dr
Thank you for sharing...
I've been depressed for years now! I smoke the pots like a chimney, I know it's at the forefront of why I'm not getting better!
I am having a difficult time quitting the puff puff! 😢
Spiritual growth can help with this. I found a spiritual teachers (Buddhism, yoga teachings). There are strict rules on drugs, alcohol, sex... Those teachers remind me regularly, how to be and what to do.
I did this and my diagnosed borderline got a lot easier for me, I dont think I could get diagnosed anymore. It was a very painful and very long path but it was worth it. Number one is becoming self aware, number two is enduring the anxiety, number three is stop reacting to triggers but acknowledge the feelings.
This fully resonates with me. I suffered from Ulcerative Colitis from 1996 to 2007, suffering a series of progressively worsening UC flare-ups. In 2007 I reached a crisis point when the medications I was taking were no longer effective at controlling a UC flare-up. This situation forced me to radically change both my diet and lifestyle. With an entirely new diet and lifestyle regimen, flare-ups of UC lessened and went away almost completely. It was as if I no longer suffered from the chronic condition, but I discovered the hard way that my UC was still there in a latent form. Indeed, it is so easy to fall back into old behavior patterns. I've had to catch myself a couple of times when I slipped-up and started eating french fries and other deep-fried foods. I can NEVER go back to my old way or I may as well write my death certificate. My gastroenterologist tells me that I am UNIQUE in his 40-years of medical practice. NOBODY recovers from UC in his experience, but I stand out among his patients as the lone exception.
Your insights are so spot on. Have a family member struggling with this and the baseline has to be no drug use.
Wow. Your best piece yet. Very relatable. Currently on this path now. I feel that I am in very beautiful and sacred place in my life to be able to take on both behavioural and cognitive changes. Here’s to a growth and care management plan for life!
My perception is that those 'conditions' that will resolve by themselves in a reasonable amount of time, perhaps are not 'actual' mental conditions but rather part of a process of adaptation to given personal circumstances in ones' life.
What Dr. Taraban then says about being aware of and accept one's vunerability and move from there to build a happier life resonates with me. It is key to have clarity about your life first to be able to next make the necessary improvements. You cannot do so if you numb your discomfort with drugs (weeds included) or anything else, including the stories we tell ourselves. At times this is really tough, but it's the only way that I know of.
Ketamine therapy has worked wonders for me. I’m the same. I struggle with depression, but can usually beat it eventually...but if too much comes at once, it can really screw me. Well...A LOT just happened. Losing both my parents...and (even though I watch this channel)....I somehow STILL lost the girl. Go figure. Anyway, that was really rough. I’m recovering. Just want to say, if you’re really stuck, and trying to get out--ketamine is a good option for many people. It doesn’t do the work for you....but it makes it to where you CAN do the work.
Great, great video. Amazingly rare and honest take.
If you're taking suggestions, I think people would benefit immensely from a series of detailed videos to help depressive people at the bottom to climb up, step by step.
Scars never really go away, they do heal and become painless, but will always be there..
I too had some dark years with depression and insomnia. I changed life habits and it got much, much better, but there were cicles where I begun the bad habits again and the bad mental states returned soon after.
Ah man. Insomnia suxx balls. I'm living with, eh, no, barely existing with stress induced insomnia. On average I sleep 3-4 hours. Yesterday I slept 2. A couple of days ago I somehow managed to sleep 7 which only happens around once a year. I felt like I was a different being. I forgot what real human existence feels like.
@@txdmsk Hope you get better man. I did, and you can too.
Another gem of an episode. The message I got - be honest with yourself. Thank you for your courage on this particular topic.🙏🏻
Thanks Orion! I feel like managing my Metabolic Syndrome through an anti-inflammatory primal diet (reduced carbs, increased fat/protein), walking outside 4-6 times/week, and a few bodyweight resistance workouts each week (nothing crazy), have done wonders for reducing my depressive symptoms. Maybe it would be great if I could cruise through life like my naturally lean and upbeat friends but a part of me appreciates the successful feeling of solving this very personal puzzle.
Today’s video was so helpful. Yes, depression is a part of my life but there are outside factors that need to be considered too. When speaking up doesn’t work…the depression sets in and I have to fight tooth & nail to get out from under. Thanks for sharing your experience in overcoming. Your example is definitely goals to shoot for 💯
I have "invisible depression" and it's been an amazing life since it disappeared.
How did it disappear? Did you pour paint or flour or it? Good thinking!
This Chanel is gold ❤, tanks for all Doc! Keep it up!
I didn't think I could respect you more however hearing this story really resonates with me.
Thanks for sharing and giving hope.
Thank you Doc for telling your story
❤ One of your Best!!! Thank U for sharing about yourself!! Wonderful advice! 👏👌👍
I wish you started this channel 10 years ago! Love your book btw.
Comment with reference to nutricious diet -
By accident I found that grapes and ordinary supermarket mushrooms made me happier in the winter.
Currently have the equivalent of 2 with the first meal and 2 with the second meal (I eat twice a day). A large mushroom counts as 2.
This was the beginning of many improvement to my health . . . now happily using time restricted eating, a plant based diet and daily exercise
Big big thanks for sharing your vulnerability, it’s very inspiring and helpful ❤
Merry Christmas, Dr. Taraban!=D
Thank you for the great content
What an important, personal, and profound message! Thank you for your insight and work Orion
Thank you for sharing your story. It really touching your share such personal information on UA-cam. I wish you the best with your channel.
I was born with this not very spoken syndrome: Highly sensitive person syndrome. As you say in your video... I need to adapt my life, otherwise I just burn out again and again. Accept myself, take care of my security, know my personality, do not compare to others.
Its ironic that what it sounds like is that another way to think on the diabetes analogy is: we all already have diabetes, and poor management of xyz factors makes it manifest as your first diagnosis.
Bc if you lack the habits that prevent diabetes, you will eventually get it. So u must effectively live the same as someone who is managing it very well ... regardless of whether you actually have diabetes or not ... to prevent from getting diabetes.
So from an effort perspective, we all functionally have it already and are choosing to manage or mismanage. Obviously, that is not a factually true scenario but its a fun thought experiment.
Appreciate your content , as always
true, learn to live with it is the best thing you can do. you learn the best ways to get through it aswell and best of all, tell others how to deal with it who don’t know wtf going on 👍
honestly depression is like a guideline. stop doing things that cause your depression and find things that “ break free” from that depression.
I can relate to this. I have never heard anyone actually describe my person experience with mental illness until this video (for me it is anxiety not depression). I worked with a youth counselor in my teens to help me manage my anxiety by identifying triggers and helping me learn to avoid them or make me better at dealing with them. Also, a large part of my management is running to help keep my mind at bay, i forget i even have it till i take a few days off running or encounter some new stimuli's i haven't delt with before.
I'd always wondered what I would be diagnosed with if I lived in the USA. Probably a whole bunch of things. But since I don't live in a hypohondriac society where everything is a disorder and every disorder has a pill and every pill has an insurance company and a drug conglomerate behind it, I don't care either way. If I feel down, I'll go work out, play a game, watch a comedian. I don't fight the feels, I let them slide off like rain.
This time bro said “F*** it, you can’t be helped. Might as well just vibe.” 😂